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September 2015.

9.9.number 9.1900 hours was a success!

Thanks to all who braved the weather and came
out! We had a blast. The social committee
Board Notices
Board Meeting
The only item on the agenda for the next board meeting is contract renewals.
The meeting will be held on 28 September. If you'd like to attend to discuss
contract renewals, please let us know by 15 September so we may schedule a
space to fit everyone.

Front Desk
Our NFC lead, Luel, is moving to the City Center location with a promotion next
month. Congrats Luel! The board is interviewing potential candidates to replace
him. NFC is dedicated to providing us someone with the same experience level
of customer service. Luel, you will be missed and thank you for your time with


EJF Points of Contact

Our EJF points of contact are as follows:

Manny Avalos - onsite manager and engineer -

Tyler Hawes - portfolio manager at EJF -


As of June 30th, 2015, the reserves are $850,973.98.

Please refer to the attached financial summary for additional information.
Variances for the period ending July 31, 2015
We are working with Tyler to bring him up to date on those variances, but most
have been previously explained. Nothing new is standing out this month and in
fact, and we operated at a surplus for June.

Property Management Minute

Dog Walking

The P4 level has recently had a number of instances of residents “walking” their
dog down to P4 and allowing them to go to the bathroom inside the garage. This
is an obvious issue that needs to stop. As much as we’ve asked you to not allow
your dogs to urinate on the tree boxes for the health of the trees, using P4 as
their potty point is also a no go. The stench and smell is lingering on P4. Please
walk your dog outside and away from the building.

Washer and Dryers

A question recently arose about washer and dryers. A brief reminder that we
have condensation dryers and not vented dryers. We have no traditional venting
for a dryer, only a vent meant to take out the humidity from the condensation.
Hooking up a dryer to that vent and flooding it with lint could cause a building fire
and your unit insurance would be responsible to repair the entire building. There
are a number of sellers of condensation dryers on the market - Bosch isn't the
only player in that game. Consider the size of the space before you purchase.
While the space may fit a washer/dryer that is larger, the door isn't that big.

A Copy of Insurance

The Board will be requesting a copy of everyone's insurance policy for their unit
to keep on file. We will do this on an annual basis on the first of January. More
details to come in the October Newsletter.

Kitchen Drains

As the building ages, we have been noticing an increase of back-ups on the main
drain line throughout the building. The main culprit is food scraps, which may
hinder proper draining, and lead to a back-up in your unit.

In order prolong the health of our building’s plumbing system, please try not to
put the flowing items down the regular drains:

 Food scraps
 Grains (e.g., lentils, rice, beans, oatmeal)
 Grease
Oven Cleaning

We also wanted to touch base on the cleaning of the ovens. In order to prevent
smoke and smells from occurring and moving into the common areas, we kindly
ask that you utilize the self-cleaning option on your oven. If you have any
questions on how to perform this cleaning, please don’t hesitate to contact the
front desk.

Parking of Non-registered Cars

There is now a form at the front desk should you need to park an unregistered
car in your spot, rather than take off your sticker. It asks for the parking spot
number, the unit number and name and dates inclusive of the projected parking.
The option is yours.

New to the Building - Put Your Home on the Tour

If you're new to our building, be it resident or owner, welcome. The front desk can
assist you with a myriad of tasks. Our annual meeting is held in the first two
weeks of December. We traditionally end that meeting with a tour of four homes
at about 20 minutes each. We pull our party bell cart from place to place and you
get a chance to see one of our 37 different floor plans. If you'd like to be on the
tour this year, please don't hesitate to shoot us a note.

Building Maintenance and Operations

Metropole Management

1. Replace cooling tower sub-meter

2. Finish cleaning out all mechanical rooms
3. Cooling tower Pm (check belts, motors etc.)
4. Roof check
5. Clean out and flush P4 garage drains
6. Meet with contractor to try to sold soot issue from generator stack
7. Finish Fire alarm test deficiencies found I’m waiting for report
8. Finish Sprinkler test 2 deficiencies found I’m getting second bid on one of
the deficiencies
9. Exterminate all storage space throughout the building
10. Repair broken drain pipe anchors in P1 coming from sump pump
11. Awning installation in church St. entrance and Retail elevator lobby
12. Replace Repair and install a bypass on the sub meter in penthouse
13. Power wash and put two coats of wood stain in trash enclosure in the
loading dock and retail trash enclosure
14. Supervise repairs on water leak on units affected
15. Replace lights in common area hallways to the right color light
16. Paint courtyard door
17. Replace A/C compressor in main lobby
18. Recharge R22 Refrigerant in common hallway AAON

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