T.E. (Electrical Engineering) : Shivaji University, Kolhapur

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Shivaji UniverSity, KolhapUr

T.E. (Electrical Engineering)

Semester V
Evaluation Scheme
Sr. Category Course Title L T P Contact
No Hours
Theory TW POE Total
Digital Electronics
1 EE 3 2 5 100 25 125
and Microcontroller
2 EE AC Machines 4 2 6 100 25 50 175
3 EE Power Systems II 4 2 6 100 25 50 175
4 EE Control System II 4 2 6 100 25 125

5 EE Signals and Systems 3 1 4 100 25 125

Software tools for
6 EE 2 2 75 75
Electrical Engineers
18 1 10 29 500 200 100 800

Semester VI
Sr. Contact
Category Course Title L T P Marks
No Hours
Theory T W POE Total
1 EE Electrical 4 4 100 25 125
2 EE 3 2 5 100 25 125
Electrical Machine
3 EE 3 1 2 6 100 50 50 200
4 EE Power System III 4 2 6 100 25 125
5 EE Electrical Drives 4 2 6 100 25 50 175
6 EE 2 2 50 50
18 1 10 29 500 200 100 800

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 1

T.E. Electrical Engineering (Odd Semester, Semester – V)

Sr. Contact Course
Course Title L T P Page No
No Hours Code
Theory TW POE Total

1 Digital Electronics 3 2 5 100 25 125 ELE 301 02

2 4 2 6 100 25 50 175 ELE 302 08
AC Machines
3 4 2 6 100 25 50 175 ELE 303 15
Power Systems II
4 4 1 6 100 25 125 ELE 304 26
Control System II
5 3 2 4 100 25 125 ELE 305 34
Signals and
6 Software Tools for 40
2 2 75 75 ELE 306
Electrical Engg.

Course Code ELE 301 Course Title Digital Electronics &

Prepared by Mr.S.V.Patil Date 20/06/2018
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of Number systems and Logic Gate. Application of Gates for
different circuits.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students should be able to:
𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐲 𝟑 Boolean laws/K-Map-method, Quine Mc-Cluskey method to reduce a
given Boolean function.
𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝟔 & realize combinational logic circuits using logic gates for various
practical applications.
C0301.3 𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝟑 The operation of flip-flops, counters and shift registers.
𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝟐 the internal architecture, pin-out, instruction set, addressing
modes and associated circuits of 8051
𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝟏 Configure the peripherals in 8051 using SFR’s, understand the structure
of the peripherals and use the peripherals on 8051 for various applications.
𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝟏 Interface the external peripherals like ADC, DAC, LCD, keyboard etc.,
C0301.6 to 8051 and using this knowledge form a minimum system to measure
temperature using sensors.

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 2

Mapping of COs with POs

COs a b c d e f g h i j k
C0301.1 1
C0301.2 3
C0301.3 3
C0301.4 2
C0301.5 2
C0301.6 2 1
1 Mild correlation 2 Moderato correlation 3 Strong correlation

Course Contents

Chapter Title: Digital Electronics & Microcontrollers

Boolean algebra & logic: Introduction to number system- binary, octal, hexadecimal.
Logic gates and truth tables. Basic theorems and properties of Boolean algebra.
Boolean functions. Canonical and standard forms. Digital logic gates. IC digital logic
Simplification of Boolean functions: The map method. 2 and 3 variable maps. 4
2 variable maps. Product of sums and sum of products simplification. Don’t care
Combinational logic & Sequential logic: Introduction, Design procedure, adders,
subtractors, code conversion. Analysis procedure. Ex-OR and equivalence functions.
3 Binary parallel adder, decimal adder, magnitude comparator, decoders, multiplexers,
ROM. Introduction, Flip Flops, Triggering of Flip Flops, Design of counters. Shift
registers, ripple counters, synchronous counters
8051 Architecture and Instructions: 8051 architecture- features, pins and signals,
program and data memory organization, system clock.SFR, PSW, registers, ports and
4 addressing modes. Instructions. Interrupts, counter/ Timer, Serial communication.
Assembly Programming Examples: Copy block, shift block, count no. of nulls, find
checksum, sum of natural numbers, sum of a series, Fibonacci series, generate a
5 series. Count 1s in a byte, find largest / smallest integers of an array. Bubble sorting,
find sum of factorials. Compare with external array, reverse an array. Sum of a series,
generate prime numbers.
Interfacing: Interfacing- external memory, keyboard, display devices, DAC/ADC, dc
motor, stepper motor, servomotor. Introduction to power management

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 3

Text books & Reference Book:

1. Digital Logic and Computer Design, Morris Mano, PHI publications (Unit 1,2,3)
2. Modern digital electronics, R.P. Jain, TMH Publications
3. Fundamentals of digital circuits, Anand Kumar, PHI
4. The 8051 Microcontroller and embedded systems, Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Pearson:

1. Digital Electronics: Principles & Integrated Circuits, A. K. Maini, Wiley Publications

2. Digital Systems- Principles and Design, Rajkamal, Pearson Education
3. The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture, Programming and Applications, Kenneth
Ayala, Penram International, 2nd Edition

Examination Scheme:

Examination Theory Term Work POE Total

Max. Marks 100 25 -- 125
Contact 4 2 -- 6
Hours/ week

Evaluation Scheme

Section Chapter Instructions

2 Q.No.-1, Q.No.-2,
I Solve any two of three
mixing 1,2,3unit
4 Q.No.-2, Q.No.-3,
II 5 Q.No.-4 Solve any two of three
6 mixing 2,3,4 unit

Scheme of Marks

Section Unit No. Title Marks

1 Boolean algebra & logic 16
I 2 Simplification of Boolean functions 16
3 Combinational logic & Sequential logic 18
4 8051 Architecture and Instructions 16
II 5 Assembly Programming Examples 16
6 Interfacing 18

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 4

Course utilization

No of Questions in
Section Chapter Teaching Hrs
Boolean algebra &

2 Simplification of
Boolean functions 04
3 Combinational logic
Q.1,2&3 are
& Sequential logic

8051 Architecture
4 and Instructions 07
Assembly CAT II
II 5 Programming 08 Q.1,2&3 are
Examples compulsory
6 08

Unit wise Lesson Plan

Section I
Unit 1 Unit Title Boolean algebra & logic Planned 05
No Hrs.

Lesson schedule

Class Details to be covered

1 Introduction to number system- binary, octal, hexadecimal.
2 Basic theorems and properties of Boolean algebra, Digital logic gates
3 Boolean functions. Canonical and standard forms.
4 Problem solving on Boolean functions, Canonical and standard forms.
5 IC digital logic families.
Review Questions
Q1 Explain different characteristics of digital IC C0301.1

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 5

Q2 Compare TTL and CMOS logic family C0301.1

Unit 2 Unit Title Simplification of Boolean functions Planned 04

No Hrs.

Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Introduction to K-map & standard canonical forms.
2 standard forms of K-map
3 2&3 Variable K-maps(SOP-POS)
4 4 Variable K-maps(SOP-POS)
5 K-map with don’t care conditions.

Review Questions
Q1 Obtain minimal POS expression for the following C0301.2
Q2 Obtain simplified expression using K-map F=ĀBD+ĀCD+ABD+ĀBD C0301.2
Q3 Obtain minimal SOP expression for the following f=∑m(0, C0301.2
Unit 3 Unit Title Combinational logic & Sequential logic Planned 10
No Hrs.

Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Adder, Subtractor
2 Code converters (binary to gray & gray to binary.
3 Code converters BCD to Excess 3 and vice versa, BCD to 7 segment display .
4 Analysis procedure. Ex-OR and equivalence functions
5 Design of Binary parallel adder, decimal adder,
6 Design of magnitude comparator, decoders
7 Design of mux, demux, Introduction ROM.
8 Introduction, Flip Flops
9 Design of counters. Shift registers, ripple counters, synchronous counters
10 Design of ripple counters, synchronous counters.
Review Questions
Q1 Design 4:1 multiplexer using logic gates. C0301.3
Q2 Explain different types of flip flop C0301.3
Unit 4 Unit Title 8051 Architecture and Instructions Planned 07
No Hrs.
Lesson schedule

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 6

Class Details to be covered
1 8051 architecture- features.
2 8051 pins and signals.
3 Program and data memory organization
4 Program and data memory organization
5 System clock.SFR, PSW, registers, ports
6 Addressing modes. Instructions.
7 Interrupts, counter/ Timer, Serial communication.
Review Questions
1 Draw and explain memory organization of 8051 C0301.4
2 Explain different addressing modes with suitable examples C0301.4
3 Explain bit oriented and logical instructions C0301.4
4 Draw and explain oscillator and reset circuit of 8051 C0301.4
Unit 5 Unit Title Assembly Programming Examples Planned 08
No Hrs.

Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Copy block, shift block
2 Count no. of nulls, find checksum
3 Sum of natural numbers, sum of a series,
4 Fibonacci series, generate a series
5 Count 1s in a byte, find largest / smallest integers of an array.
6 Bubble sorting, find sum of factorials.
7 Compare with external array, reverse an array.
8 Sum of a series, generate prime numbers.
Review Questions
1 Write a program to shift block C0301.5
2 Write a program to calculate sum of natural numbers C0301.5
3 Write a program to Count 1s in a byte C0301.5
4 Write a program for Bubble sorting C0301.5
Unit 6 Unit Title Interfacing Planned 08
No Hrs.

Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Interfacing- external memory.
2 Interfacing- keyboard.
3 Interfacing- display devices

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 7

4 Interfacing- display devices, DAC/ADC
5 Interfacing- dc motor.
6 Interfacing- stepper motor.
7 Interfacing- servomotor.
8 Introduction to power management.
Review Questions
1 With neat diagram interface 2kx8 bytes of RAM & 2kx8 bytes of ROM to C0301.6
2 Draw diagram and interface stepper motor C0301.6
3 Interface ADC 0808 to 8051 and write steps for ADC conversion C0301.6
4 Write a program to display “SGI, Atigre” on LCD display C0301.6

Course Code ELE 302 Course Title AC Machines

Prepared by Mr. A.B.Kumbhar Date 20/06/2018
Prerequisites Basics concepts of mathematics, basic electrical engineering, dc machines.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students should be able to:
C0302.1 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐲 𝟐 The basics & applications of ac machines.
C0302.2 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝟏 The basics & applications of DC Machines.
C0302.3 𝐄𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝟐 The applications of AC Machines.
C0302.4 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝟐 The Three phase alternator.
C0302.5 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞𝟏 The principle of energy conversion & generation of ac power.
C0302.6 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝟔 Of AC machines in industrial applications.

Mapping of COs with POs

COs a b c d e f g h i j k
C0302.1 1
C0302.2 2
C0302.3 1
C0302.4 3
C0302.5 2 1
C0302.6 3 2
1 Mild correlation 2 Moderato correlation 3 Strong correlation

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 8

Course Contents

Chapter Title: AC Machines.

Construction & types of 3 ph. Induction motors, Rotor quantities (emf ,current, frequency,
pf), torque equation, starting torque, running torque (numerical treatment ) , Factors
affecting torque, condition of maximum torque ,torque slip characteristics, Need of
1 starters for 3 phase. Induction motors, types of starters (DOL, autotransformer, star-delta,
rotor resistance starter, Speed control methods from stator side (Stator voltage control
Stator Frequency control, Pole changing) & rotor side (rotor resistance control),
Applications of 3 ph. Induction motors
Losses & efficiency of 3 phase induction motor, power flow diagram with numerical
treatment No load & blocked rotor test, equivalent circuit of 3 phase induction motor,
Phasor diagram of 3 phase induction motor, performance of 3 phase induction motor
using circle diagram, Concept of operation of 3 phase induction motor as induction
generator, Double cage induction motor along with its characteristics, cogging &
crawling of 3 phase induction motor.
Double field revolving theory, types of single phase induction motor (Split Phase,
capacitor start/run, shaded pole motors)
Construction, principle of operation of three phase alternator, emf equation, parameters of
armature winding. (Resistance & leakage reactance), armature reaction (at unity, lagging
zero and leading zero power factor), concept of synchronous reactance and synchronous
4 impedance. Equivalent circuit of 3 phase alternator, alternator on load (resistive, inductive
& capacitive)
OC test & SC test on 3 Phase alternator, short circuit ratio, voltage regulation methods
(emf, mmf, zero power factor and direct loading method) with numerical treatment,
5 Losses and efficiency, power flow diagram, need of parallel operation, conditions for
parallel operation, synchronizing procedures, hunting and oscillations in alternators
(theoretical treatment)
Principal of operation of three phase synchronous motor, staring methods of three phase
synchronous motors (using prime mover and damper winding, Phasor Diagram of three
6 phase synchronous motor at Unity, lagging and leading power factor, Effect of excitation
on power factor and armature current, V & inverted V Curves, Operation of Synchronous
motor as Synchronous Condenser, Application of three phase synchronous motor

Text/Reference Books:

Sr. No. Title of Book Author Publisher/Edition Topics

Electrical Machines, K. Tata Mc-Graw-Hill 1-6
Bhattacharya, publication III

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 9

Electrical B. L. Theraja S. Chand 1-6
Technology Vol. II Publications

Electrical Machines , I. J. Nagrath, Tata Mc-Graw-Hill 1-5

D. P. Kothari, publication IV

Electric Machinery A. E. Mc-Graw Hill 1-3

Fitzgerald, publications VI
5 edition

Examination Scheme:

Examination Theory Term Work POE Total

Max. Marks 100 25 50 175
Contact 4 -- 02 4
Hours/ week

Evaluation Scheme

Section Chapter Instructions

2 Q.No.-1, Q.No.-2,
I Solve any two of three
mixing 1,2,3unit
4 Q.No.-2, Q.No.-3,
II 5 Q.No.-4 Solve any two of three
6 mixing 2,3,4 unit

Scheme of Marks

Section Unit No. Title Marks

1 Three Phase Induction Motor Construction 24
2 Testing of Three Phase Induction Motor 24

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 10

3 Single Phase induction Motor 16

4 Three Phase Alternator Construction 24

II 5 Three Phase Alternator regulation methods 16
6 Three Phase Synchronous motor 16

Course utilization

No of Questions in
Section Chapter

Three Phase Induction

1 Motor- Construction
Three phase induction (Q. 1 & Q. 2)
motor Losses
3 Single Phase Ind. Motor
Three Phase Alternator
5 Regulation 4
(Q. 1 & Q. 2)
Three Phase Synchronous
6 Motor

Unit wise Lesson Plan

Section I
Unit 1 Unit Title Three Phase Induction Motor Planned 11
No Hrs.

Unit Outcomes:
Class Details to be covered
1 Construction & types of 3 ph. Induction motors , (Stator voltage control Stator Frequency
control, Pole changing) &
2 Rotor quantities (emf ,current, frequency, pf),
3 Torque equation, starting torque, running torque (numerical treatment )
4 Factors affecting torque, condition of maximum torque ,torque slip characteristics,
5 Need of starters for 3 phase Induction motors.
6 Types of starters (DOL, autotransformer, star-delta, rotor resistance starter.

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 11

7 Speed control methods from stator side.
8 Speed control methods from stator side.
9 Rotor side (rotor resistance control),
10 Rotor side (rotor resistance control),
11 Applications of 3 ph. Induction motors
Review Questions
Q1 Why starters are necessary for starting Induction motors? Explain any one in C0302.1

Q2 C0302.1
State & explain the different methods of speed control of three phases I.M.

Q3 C0302.1
What are the Applications of three phase SCIM & SRIM?

Unit 2 Unit Title Three phase induction motor Losses Planned 08

No Hrs.

Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Losses & efficiency of 3 phase induction motor, ,

2 Power flow diagram with numerical treatment.

3 No load & blocked rotor test, equivalent circuit of 3 phase induction motor

4 Phasor diagram of 3 phase induction motor, performance of 3 phase induction motor using
circle diagram

5 Concept of operation of 3 phases induction motor as induction generator.

6 Double cage induction motor along with its characteristics

7 Numerical.

8 cogging & crawling of 3 phase induction motor

Review Questions
Q1 Explain the different types of losses in three phase induction motor? C0302.2
Q2 Explain DCIM with its detail characteristics. C0302.2
Unit 3 Unit Title Single Phase Ind. Motor Planned 07
No Hrs.
Lesson schedule
TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 12
Class Details to be covered
1 Double field revolving theory
2 types of single phase induction motor
3 Split Phase, capacitor start/run
4 Shaded pole motors
5 Application of single phase IM
Review Questions
Q1 What are the different types of Single phase IM. C0302.3
Q2 Explain construction & working principle of a capacitor start & capacitor C0302.3
run type single phase induction motor
Unit 4 Unit Title Three Phase Alternator Planned 08
No Hrs.
Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Construction, principle of operation of three phase alternator

2 Emf equation, parameters of armature winding.

3 Armature reaction
4 Concept of synchronous reactance and synchronous impedance.
5 Equivalent circuit of 3 phase alternator, alternator on load

6 resistive, inductive & capacitive

7 Numericals
8 Numericals
Review Questions
1 Define the Short Circuit Ratio (S.C.R.) of Synchronous machine. State the C0302.4
significance of S.C.R.

2 Define coil span factor & distribution factor as applied to alternator armature C3202.4

Unit 5 Unit Title Three Phase Alternator Regulation Planned 8

No Hrs.
Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 OC test & SC test on 3 Phase alternator, short circuit ratio, , ,

2 voltage regulation methods (emf, mmf, zero power factor and direct loading method)
3 Numerical on voltage regulation.

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 13

4 Need of parallel operation, conditions for parallel operation.
5 Numerical on parallel operation.
6 synchronizing procedures
7 Hunting and oscillations in alternators

8 Hunting and oscillations in alternators

Review Questions
1 State and explain two reaction theory of synchronous generator. C0302.5

2 Explain ZPF method to determine regulation of synchronous generator C0302.5

Unit 6 Unit Title Three Phase Synchronous Motor Planned 08
No Hrs.
Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Method of starting of Synchronous motors.

2 Phasor diagram,

3 torque and torque angle equation

4 V –curves and inverted V Curves.

5 Discussion on university questions

6 Hunting & Damping of synchronous motor.
7 Applications of Synchronous motors in industry.
Review Questions
1 What are the starting methods of synchronous motor? C0302.6

2 Explain V and inverted V curves of synchronous motor. C0302.6

Model Question Paper

Subject- A.C.Machines Maximum marks: 100
Note: Answer any three questions from each section.

1. a) Why starters are necessary for starting Induction motors? Explain any one in 8

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 14

b) An 8 pole, 50 Hz, 3-phase, slip ring motor has an effective rotor resistance of
0.07Ω/phase. Its stalling speed is 630 r.p.m. How much resistance must be
inserted per phase to obtain the maximum torque at starting? Ignore the
magnetizing current & stator leakage impedance?
2. a) Explain the equivalent circuit of Double Cage ( DC) Induction motor 8
A 50 Hz, 8 pole induction motor has full load slip of 4%. The rotor resistance
& standstill reactance are 0.01 & 0.1 Ω/phase resp. Find: The speed at which
maximum torque occurs
3. a) Write short notes on types of single phase Induction motor? 8
b) A 4-pole, 3 phase 50 Hz IM motor has a star connected rotor. The rotor has a
4 resistance
a) Explain of 0.1 of
hunting Ω/phase & standstill
Synchronous reactance of 2 Ω/phase. The induced
machine. 8
A 3-phase IM has 4 pole star connected stator winding. The motor runs on a
50 Hz supply
b) Explain MMFwith 200 of
method volts between lines.
determining The rotor
the voltage resistance
regulation & standstill
Of Alternator 8
6 a) State & explain the different methods of speed control of three phase I.M. 8
b) What is armature reaction? Explain the effect of armature reaction on terminal 8
7 voltage at
a) Explain the(i)operation
Unity P.F.
of (ii) Zero laggingmotor
a synchronous P.F. under constant Load varying 8
b) Explain thewith neat phasor
equivalent circuitdiagrams
of Single Phase Induction motor at standstill & 8
8 running conditions?
a) Derive e.m.f. equation of an Alternator? 8
b) Explain coil span Factor & Distribution factor in connection with alternator 8
armature winding

Course code ELE303 Course Name Power System II

Prepared by Mr. V. S. bhandare & Mr. Devendra Date 20/06/2018
Prerequisites This course requires the student to know about the basic concepts of power
system, elements of power system, power flow and types of faults
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students should be able to:
CO 303.1 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐳𝐞𝟐 with Representation of Power System in P.U.

CO 303.2 𝐄𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐞𝟓 Symmetrical Fault Analysis.

𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐞𝟔 Sequence Components and To Draw Sequence Network of

CO 303.3
Different Power System Components.

CO 303.4 𝐄𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐞𝟓 Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis.

CO 303.5 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐳𝐞𝟏 Power flow and Network Model Formulation

CO 303.6 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝟐 Need of Substation and Substation Layout

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 15

Mapping of COs with POs

a b c d e f g h i j k
CO 303.1 2 1 3

CO 303.2 1

CO 303.3 1 2 3

CO 303.4 3 1 2 1 1

CO 303.5 2 3 1 1

CO 303.6 2 3

1 Mild correlation 2 Moderato correlation 3 Strong correlation

Course Contents

Unit No. Power System II No. of

Section I
Representation of Power system Components: Single phase
representation of Balanced 3 phase Networks, OLD & Impedance &
Reactance Diagram, Per Unit System- P.U. Representation of
1. 4
Transformer, P.U. Impedance Diagram of Power system, Steady State
Model of Synchronous Machine, Representation of Loads,

Symmetrical Fault Analysis: Short circuit transients on transmission

line Short Circuit on Unloaded Synchronous machine, Short Circuit
on loaded Synchronous machine Selection Checklist for circuit 8
breaker, Short circuit MVA, Algorithm for Short circuit studies , Z-

Symmetrical Components: Phase Shift In Transformers, Sequence

Impedances of Transmission line, Sequence Impedances Synchronous
3. 08
machine. Sequence Impedances Transformer, Construction of
Sequence N/W of Power Systems, NUMERICALS EXPECTED.

Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis: Symmetrical component analysis of 10

Unsymmetrical Faults, Analysis of Single Line to Ground (LG) fault,

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 16

Line-To-Line (LL) fault, Double-Line-To-Ground (LLG) fault, One
conductor open fault, Bus Impedance Matrix for analysis of
Unsymmetrical shunt faults. NUMERICALS EXPECTED

Load Flow Analysis: Network Model Formulation, Formation of Y-

Bus by singular Transformation, Load flow problem, Gauss-Seidel
5. Method, Newton-Raphson Method, Decoupled Load Flow studies, 12
Fast Decoupled Load Flow studies. Comparison of Load Flow

Substation Engineering: How Substation Happens?, Gas Insulated

Sub-stations, Air Insulated Sub-stations, H.V. Switching Equipments,
6 H.V. Power electronics sub-stations, Substation Grounding, Direct 06
Lightning stroke shielding of substations, Role of Substations in
Smart Grids.

Reference Books:

Sr. No. Title of Book Author Publisher/Edition

Modern Power System Analysis. I. J. Nagrath, D. P. Tata McGraw
1 Kothari, Hill Publishing
Co. Ltd., 2003

Electrical power System. Ashfaq Husain,, CBS Publishers

and Distributors,
Fifth Edition

Power System Analysis. Grainger John J and McGraw,Hill,

W D Stevenson 1994

John D. McDonald, CRC Press ,

4 Electric Power substations Engineering
Third Editions

Examination Scheme

Examination Theory Term Work POE Total


TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 17

Max. Marks 100 25 50 175
Contact 4 2 6
Hours/ week

Scheme of Marks

Section Unit No. Title Marks

Representation of Power system Component 16
I 2 Symmetrical Fault Analysis 18

3 Symmetrical Components 16

Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis 16

II Load Flow Analysis 18

6 Substation Engineering 16

Course Unitization

Section Unit Course No. of Questions in

No. Title CAT-I CAT-II
1 Representation of Power
system Component CO 303.1
I 6
2 Symmetrical Fault
CO 303.2

3 Symmetrical Components CO 303.3

4 Unsymmetrical Fault
II CO 303.4
5 Load Flow Analysis CO 303.5

6 Substation Engineering CO 303.6

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 18

Unit wise Lesson Plan
Section I
Unit No 1 Unit Title Representation of Power system Planned 4
components Hrs.
Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Single phase representation of Balanced 3 phase Networks, OLD & Impedance &
Reactance Diagram,

2 Per Unit System- P.U. Representation of Transformer, P.U. Impedance Diagram of

Power system.

3 Steady State Model of Synchronous Machine, Representation of Loads.

4 Numerical expected.

Review Questions
Q1 1. Explain PU representation of transformer. CO303.1
Q2 2. Explain steady state model Synchronous Machine CO303.1
Unit No 2 Unit Title Symmetrical Fault Analysis Planned 8
Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Introduction to topic.

2 Short circuit transients on transmission line,

3 Short Circuit on Unloaded Synchronous machine,

4 Short Circuit on loaded Synchronous machine

5 Selection Checklist for circuit breaker, Short circuit MVA.

6 Algorithm for Short circuit studies.

7 Z- Bus Formulation.

8 Numerical expected.

Review Questions
Q1 Explain Short circuit transients on transmission line. CO303.2

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 19

Q2 Explain short circuit currents and reactance of a Synchronous Machine CO303.2

Unit No 3 Unit Title Symmetrical Components Planned 8

Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Introduction to Fundamentals of Symmetrical Components.

2 Symmetrical component.

3 Sequence impedances.

4 Sequence networks of Synchronous machine.

5 Sequence networks of star connected loads.

6 Sequence networks of trans mission lines.

7 Construction of Sequence N/W of Power Systems,


Review Questions
Define symmetrical components. Resolve an unbalanced three phase CO303.3
Q1 voltages of a power system into the symmetrical components and also in
vice versa.
Show that the zero sequence impedance of the neutral impedance is CO303.3
equal to thrice that of the neutral impedance.
Following data given the series impedance and line charging admittance CO303.3
Q3 in p.u. on a common base for each line of a four bus power system.
Obtain Y-bus of the system
Draw the single phase zero sequence equivalent circuit of 3-phase CO303.3
Q4 transformer bank along with connection diagrams and symbols for the
following types of connections.
Prove that the only in power systems having balanced impedances, CO303.3
Q5 currents of a given sequence produce voltage drops of the same
Explain the phase shift of symmetrical components in star-delta CO303.3
transformer bank with respect to voltage relations and current relations.

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 20

Unit No 4 Unit Title Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis: Planned 10
Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Symmetrical component analysis of Unsymmetrical Faults

2 Analysis of Single Line to Ground (LG) fault,

3 Line-To-Line (LL) fault.

4 Double-Line-To- Ground (LLG) fault.

5 One conductor open fault.

6 Two conductors open fault.

7 Numerical expected.

Review Questions
1 Derive the expression for the fault current in terms of the sequence CO303.4
impedances and hence obtain the connection diagram of the sequence
networks for a LL fault through the fault impedance at the terminals of
star connected alternator.
2 Why do we prefer to analyze unsymmetrical faults by symmetrical CO303.4
components method?
3 Derive the expression for fault current in line to line fault on unloaded CO303.4
generator. Draw an equivalent network showing the inter connection of
networks to simulate double line to line fault.
4 Derive the expression for fault current in double line to ground fault on CO303.4
unloaded generator. Draw an equivalent network showing the inter
connection of networks to simulate double line to ground fault
5 Derive the expression for fault current in single line to ground fault on CO303.4
unloaded generator. Draw an equivalent network showing the inter
connection of networks to simulate single line to ground fault
6 Develop the sequence network for a double line to ground (LLG) fault. CO303.4

Unit No 5 Unit Title Load Flow Analysis Planned Hrs. 12

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 21

Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Network Model Formulation,

2 Formation of Y-Bus by singular Transformation,

3 Load flow problem,

4 Gauss-Seidel Method,

5 Gauss-Seidel Method,

6 Newton-Raphson Method,

7 Newton-Raphson Method,

8 Decoupled Load Flow studies

9 Fast Decoupled Load Flow studies

10 Comparison of Load Flow methods


Review Questions
1 Explain Gauss sidel load flow method in detail CO303.5

2 Explain N-R method of load flow in detail CO303.5

3 Explain FD method of load flow in detail CO303.5

Unit No 6 Unit Title Substation Grounding Planned Hrs. 06

Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Introduction to Substation

2 Gas Insulated Sub-stations&Air Insulated Sub-stations

3 H.V. Switching Equipments, H.V. Power electronics sub-stations

4 Substation Grounding,

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 22

5 Direct Lightning stroke shielding of substations

6 Role of Substations in Smart Grids.

Review Questions
1 Explain Gas Insulated Sub-stations CO303.6

2 Explain H.V. Switching Equipments CO303.6

3 Explain in detail Direct Lightning stroke shielding of substations CO303.6

Model Question Paper

Course Title : Power system II

Duration 3 Hours Marks:
1] Attempt any three questions from each section.
2] Figure to right indicates full marks.
3] Assume necessary data if required.
Section-I Marks
A Explain Short circuit transients on Unloaded transmission line. 8

A 3- phase, 37.5MVA, 33 KV alternator having X1=0.18pu and 8

1 X0=0.10, based on its rating is connected to a 33KV overhead line
B having X1=63ohms, X2=6.3 ohms and X0 =12.6 ohms per phase. A
single line to ground fault occur at the remote end of the line. The
alternator neutral solidly grounded. Calculate fault current

A generating station ‘A’ has a short circuit capacity of 1000 MVA, 8

another station ‘B’ has a short circuit capacity of 650MVA. They are
2 operating at 11KV. Find short circuit MVA if they are interconnected by a
cable of 0.5ohm reactance per phase.

B Explain Representation of Transformer, P.U. 8

A 30 MVA, 11KV generator has z1=z2=j0.2 pu and z0=j0.05 pu. 8

3 A A line to ground fault occurs on the generator terminals. Find the fault
current and line to line voltage during fault conditions.

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 23

Find the line current for three phase fault.

B Explain Sequence Impedances of Transmission line 8

4 A Draw zero sequence Network for different connection of transformer 10

Section-II Marks
Derive Generalized Network in case of Double-Line-To-Ground (LLG) 8
5 fault,

B Explain One conductor open fault, 8

A Explain different type of bus 8

Derive equation for LOAD flow formation 8
7 A Explain Steps regarding to GuassSeidel method 8

B Comparison of Different Load Flow methods 8

8 A Explain in detail Gas Insulated Sub-stations 10

B Explain the Role of Substations in Smart Grids. 8


Assignment No. 1
Explain Short circuit transients on transmission line.
Explain short circuit currents and reactance of a Synchronous Machine
Explain internal voltages of loaded Synchronous machine.
CO303.1 & CO Explain transient studies.
303.2 Define symmetrical components. Resolve an unbalanced three phase
voltages of a power system into the symmetrical components and also in
vice versa.
Prove that a balanced three phase voltages of a power system will have
only positive sequence components.
Show that the zero sequence impedance of the neutral impedance is equal
CO303.1 & CO
to thrice that of the neutral impedance.
Following data given the series impedance and line charging admittance in

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 24

p.u. on a common base for each line of a four bus power system. Obtain
Y-bus of the system.
Assignment No. 2
Draw the single phase zero sequence equivalent circuit of 3-phase
transformer bank along with connection diagrams and symbols for the
following types of connections.
Show that the power in a three phase circuit can be computed from
symmetrical components.
Write a note on the importance of short circuit calculations.
Derive the expression for three phase power in terms of symmetrical
CO303.1 & CO
303.2CO303.3 & Prove that the only in power systems having balanced impedances,
CO 303.4 currents of a given sequence produce voltage drops of the same sequence.
Explain the phase shift of symmetrical components in star-delta
transformer bank with respect to voltage relations and current relations.
Show that the power in a three phase circuit can be computed from
symmetrical components Explain the phase shift of symmetrical
components in star-delta transformer bank with respect to voltage
relations and current relations.
Prove that the only in power systems having balanced impedances,
currents of a given sequence produce voltage drops of the same sequence.
Assignment No. 3

CO303.1 & CO What is a three unsymmetrical fault? Discuss the different types of
303.3CO303.5 unsymmetrical faults that can occur on a three phase system.
Why do we prefer to analyze unsymmetrical faults by symmetrical
components method?
A LL-G fault occurs at the terminals of an unloaded generator. Derive the
expression for the fault currents. Draw the connection of sequence
A synchronous motor is receiving 60MW at 0.8pf lag at 6KV. A LG fault
occurs at the midpoint F of the transmission line through a fault
impedance of 0.05ohm as shown. Determine the fault current. Choose
base values of 100MVA and 11KV on generator circuit.
Derive an expression for fault current for LLG fault by symmetrical
CO303.1 & CO components method.
303.3 CO303.5 Derive the expression for the fault current in terms of the sequence

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 25

impedances and hence obtain the connection diagram of the sequence
networks for a LL fault through the fault impedance at the terminals of
star connected alternator.
Develop the sequence network for a double line to ground (LLG) fault.
Derive the expression for fault current in single line to ground fault on
unloaded generator. Draw an equivalent network showing the inter
connection of networks to simulate single line to ground fault

Course Code ELE 304 Course Title Control System -II

Prepared by Mr.A.N.Shinde & P.M.Maskar Date 20/06/2018
Prerequisites Students should know the basic concepts of sketching and analysis of closed
loop system using time domain and frequency domain methods.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students should be able to:
C0304.1 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝟒 the mode of controller according to the types of the system
C0304.2 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝟒 a cascade compensator or feedback compensator using root locus to
meet transient response and steady state error specifications
C0304.3 𝐔𝐬𝐞𝟑 Bode Plot to design a gain to meet transient response specification for a
given system and to design a cascade compensator to meet both transient and
steady state error specifications.
C0304.4 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐲 𝟔 All closed loop poles & then design a state feedback controller to
meet transient response specifications of given control system.
C0304.5 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝟒 An observer to estimates the states.
C0304.6 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝟒 between analog and digital design method of closed loop

Mapping of COs with POs

COs a b c d e f g h i j k
C0304.1 2
C0304.2 3
C0304.3 3
C0304.4 3
C0304.5 3
C0304.6 1
1 Mild correlation 2 Moderato correlation 3 Strong correlation

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 26

Course Contents

Chapter Title: Control System -II

Basics of Control Systems: Feedback control system characteristics, Objectives,
Different types of controllers, P,I,D, PI, PD and PID Controllers, Effects of these
controllers on system performance, Tuning of controllers, Ziegler-Nichols methods
for controller tuning, Modifications of PID control scheme.
Control System Design & Analysis by Root Locus:
us method: Review of Root Locus, Cascade Lead compensation, cascade Lag
compensation, cascade Lead- Lag compensation, Series and parallel compensation,
2 Effect of addition of poles and zeros, Design of Lead compensation based on Root
Locus approach, Design of Lag compensation based on Root Locus approach, Design
of Lead-Lag compensation based on Root Locus approach, Root Locus of system with
dead time.
Control System Design & Analysis by Bode Plot method:
Review of Bode Plot, Stability of system from Bode Plot, Cascade Lead
3 compensation, cascade Lag compensation, cascade Lead-Lag compensation, Design
of Lead compensation based on Bode Plot, Design of Lag compensation based on
Bode Plot, Design of Lead-Lag compensation based on Bode
State Space Design using pole placement: Review of State Space, Controllability,
Observability (Kalmans’s test & Gilbert's test), Pole placement technique for
4 controller design, State Feedback Law, Pole placement technique by Transformation
method, Direct Substitution Method and by Ackermann’s formula.
State Space Design using State Observer: State Observers, Full Order State Observer,
Transformation Approach to Obtain Observer gain Matrix, Direct Substitution
5 Approach to Obtain Observer gain Matrix, Ackermann’s formula to Obtain Observer
gain Matrix, Effect of addition of Observer on a Closed Loop System, transfer
function of Observer based Controller, Design of Control System with Observer.
Digital and Advanced Control Systems:Introduction, Spectrum Analysis of Sampling
Process , Signal Reconstruction, Difference Equation, The Z-transform, The Z-
Transfer Function , The Z-transform Analysis of Sampled Data Control System, Z
and S domain Relationship.

Text books:
1. Control system: Principles and Design, M. Gopal, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Pblication
2. Modern Control Engineering, K. Ogata, Eastern Economy, 5 th edition 2011.
3. Control System Engineering, I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, New Age publication, 5 th edition.

Reference books:
1. Automatic Control System, B. C.Kuo, Wiley Publication 8 th edition.
2. Control System Engineering, Norman S. Nise, John wiley and Sons, 6 th edition, 2014.
3. Digital Control and State Variable Methods, M.Gopal, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 3 rd edition

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 27

4. Control System Engineering, Gupta, Wiley Publications
5. Control Engineering, K. P. Ramchandran, Wiley Publications
6. Automatic Control Systems, Shridhar, Wiley Publications

Examination Scheme:

Examination Theory Term Work POE Total

Max. Marks 100 25 -- 125
Contact 4 -- -- 4
Hours/ week

Evaluation Scheme

Section Chapter Instructions

2 Q.No.-1, Q.No.-2,
I Solve any two of three
mixing 1,2,3unit
4 Q.No.-2, Q.No.-3,
II 5 Q.No.-4 Solve any two of three
6 mixing 2,3,4 unit

Scheme of Marks

Section Unit No. Title Marks

1 Basics of Control Systems 8
2 Control System Design & Analysis by Root Locus 14
3 Control System Design & Analysis by Bode Plot 16

4 State Space Design using pole placement 20

II 5 State Space Design using State Observer 20
6 Digital and Advanced Control Systems 10

Course utilization

No of Questions in
Section Chapter Teaching Hrs

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 28

Basics of Control
1 Systems

Control System
Design & Analysis by
I 12 CAT I
Root Locus
Q.1,2&3 are
Control System
Design & Analysis by 08
Bode Plot method

State Space Design

4 08
using pole placement
State Space Design
II 5 08 Q.1,2&3 are
using State Observer
Digital and Advanced
6 08
Control Systems

Unit wise Lesson Plan

Section I
Unit 1 Unit Title Basics of Control Systems Planned 08
No Hrs.

Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Review of CS-I subject
2 Different types of objectives & characteristics of control system
3 Study of different modes of control system-P,I &D mode
4 Study of alternative configurations of modes-PI, PD,PID
5 Numerical to solve
6 Study of PID mode controller
7 Advantages and disadvantages of each mode
8 Numerical to solve
Review Questions
Q1 With suitable example explain the principles of proportional, Integral & C0304.1
derivative controller.

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 29

Q2 Show with the help of example that introduction of derivative mode of C0304.1
control in a feedback system with proportional control, makes the system
less oscillatory. What is its effect on steady state accuracy?

Unit 2 Unit Title Control System Design & Analysis by Root Planned 12
No Locus: Hrs.

Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Review of root locus.
2 Types of compensator-cascade, feedback
3 Electronic lead compensator using operational amplifier
4 Lead compensation techniques based on root locus
5 Design procedure
6 Example for practice.
7 Realization of lag compensators.
8 lag compensation techniques based on root locus approach &design procedure
9 Example for practice.
10 Electronic lag –lead compensator using operational amplifier
11 Electronic lag –lead compensator based on root locus approach
Review Questions
Q1 The feed forward transfer function of a feedback system is G(S) C0304.2
=4/S(S+2).Design compensator so that an under damped frequency Wn=4
rad/sec is obtained without changing the values of damping ratio.
Q2 Design a lead compensator for the system with open loop transfer function C0304.2
G(s)=K(S+2)(S+8) to meet the following specifications, Damping ratio
ξ=0.5, Undamped natural frequency Wn=4rad/sec.
Unit 3 Unit Title Control System Design & Analysis by Planned 08
No Bode Plot method: Hrs.

Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Review of Bode plot
2 Lag compensation –Design procedure
3 Design procedure continued
4 Ex. for practice.

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 30

5 Lead compensation –Design procedure
6 Ex. for practice.
7 Lag- lead compensation –Design procedure
8 Ex. for practice.
Review Questions
Q1 Que.3) Design a suitable lag compensator for the system with open loop C0304.3
transfer function G(S)=2/S(S+1)(S+2) to meet the following system
i) Static velocity error constant Kv=5sec-1
ii) Phase margin 400
iii) Gain margin at least 10 db.

Q2 Design a lead compensator using bode plot for a system whose open loop C0304.3
transfer function is,
G(S) =
S(1 + 0.1S)(1 + 0.001S)
to meet the following specifications
1) Phase Margin, P.M.≥450
2) Kv=1000sec-1
Unit 4 Unit Title State Space Design using pole placement Planned 08
No Hrs.
Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Review of State Space
2 Controllability, Observability (Kalmans’s test & Gilbert's test)
3 Pole placement technique for controller design
4 Ex. for practice
5 Pole placement technique by Transformation method
6 Pole placement technique by Direct Substitution Method
7 Pole placement technique by Ackermann’s formul
8 Ex. for practice.
Review Questions
1 Derive the necessary and sufficient condition for pole placement. C0304.4
2 A system is given by C0304.4

𝑥̇ = 𝐴𝑥 + 𝐵𝑢
0 1 0 0
A= 0 0 1 , B= 0
−1 −5 −6 1

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 31

By using state feedback control u=-Kx, it is desired to have closed loop
poles at S= -2± j4,
S= -10.Deterimine the state feedback gain matrix K using Ackermann’s
Unit 5 Unit Title State Space Design using State Planned 08
No Observer Hrs.
Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Concept of State Observers, Full Order State Observer,
2 Transformation Approach to Obtain Observer gain Matrix
3 Ex. for practice
4 Direct Substitution Approach to Obtain Observer gain Matrix
5 Ackermann’s formula to Obtain Observer gain Matrix
6 . Ex. for practice
7 Transfer function of Observer based Controller, Design of Control System with
8 Ex. for practice
Review Questions
1 Consider the system 𝑥̇ = 𝐴𝑥 + 𝐵𝑢 and Y=Cx, where C0304.5

0 1 0 0
A= 0 0 1 , B= 0 ,C= [1 0 0 ]
−6 −11 −6 1
Determine observer gain matrix by use of Ackermann’s formula. Assume
that the desired eigen values of observer gain matrix are µ 1 = -2+3.464j,µ2
=-2-3.464j, µ3= -5
2 Derive the transfer function of observer based controller. C0304.5
Unit 6 Unit Title Digital and Advanced Control Planned 08
No Systems Hrs.
Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Introduction of digital control system
2 Spectrum Analysis of Sampling Process
3 Z transform and different Z transform functions
4 Ex. for practice
5 The Z-transform Analysis of Sampled Data Control System
6 Ex. for practice
7 Z and S domain Relationship.
8 Ex. for practice
Review Questions
1 Solve the following difference equation by use of Z transform method C0304.6

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 32

x(k+1)+3x(k+1)+2x(k)=0, x(0)=0, x(1)=1

2 Derive closed loop transfer function for digital closed loop system C0304.6

Lab Plan

Experiment Title
1 Creation of transfer function
Study the effect of P, PI & PID controller on system response using MATLAB
Design of lead compensator using root locus techniques & verification of step
response using MATLAB
Design of lag compensator using root locus techniques & verification of step
response using MATLAB
Design of lead compensator using Bode plot & verification of step response in
Design of lag compensator using Bode plot & verification of step response in

7 Controller design for the plants in phase variable form

Course Code ELE 305 Course Title Signals and Systems

Prepared by Ms. Menka M. Havagondi Date 20/06/2018
PrerequisitesStudents should know the basic concepts of signals and systems and analysis of
system using Laplace transform z-transform and Fourier method.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students should be able to:
C0305.1 𝐈𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐲 𝟏 The different types of the signals and system.
𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝟒 Continuous and discrete systems using zero state response and zero
input response.
𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐳𝐞𝟒 system using Laplace Transform ,its properties and inverse Laplace
C0305.4 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐳𝐞𝟒 System using Z- Transform, its properties and inverse z-transform.
C0305.5 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐬 𝟐 Fourier analysis of continuous signals
C0305.6 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐬 𝟐 Fourier analysis of discrete signals.

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 33

C0305.7 𝐈𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝟒 Sampling, correlation and spectral density.

Mapping of COs with POs

COs a b c d e f g h i j k
C0305.1 2
C0305.2 3
C0305.3 2
C0305.4 3 1
C0305.6 3 1
C0305.7 2
1 Mild correlation 2 Moderato correlation 3 Strong correlation

Course Contents

Chapter Title: Signals and Systems

Introduction to signals & systems: Continuous and discrete signal: size of signal,
signal operations, classification of signals, standard test signals, and singularity
functions, continuous and discrete systems: classification of systems, system models
of electrical systems.
Description and analysis of system: Continuous & discrete systems: zero state
response, zero input response, and convolution sum and convolution integral,
graphical representation of convolution, and block diagram representation of
differential and difference equation, FIR and IIR systems.
System Analysis using Laplace transform : Laplace transform: A brief introduction to
3 Laplace transform its properties and inverse
Laplace transform, transfer function analysis, solution of LTI differential equation.
System Analysis using Z- transform: A brief introduction to z-transform , its
properties and inverse z-transform, connection between Laplace transform and z-
4 transform, transfer function analysis, solution of LTI difference equation and stability
in z-domain.
Fourier Analysis of continuous signals: Periodic representation by trigonometric
Fourier series, Fourier spectrum, Dirichlet’s condition, exponential Fourier series,
5 exponential Fourier spectra. Parseval’stheorem , Fourier transform and its properties,
Relation between Fourier and Laplace transform , Fourier spectrum.
Fourier Analysis of discrete signals: A brief introduction to discrete Fourier series,
6 D.T.F.T., properties of D.T.F.T., relation between DTFT and z-transform, DTFT

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 34

Sampling, Correlation and spectral density: Sampling methods, representing CT
7 signals by samples, sampling DT signals, correlation and Fourier series, energy and
power spectral density of signals.

Text books:
1. Linear systems and signals, B.P.Lathi, Oxford University Press, 2nd edition, 2005.
2. Signals and systems, Simon Haykin, Wiley Publications.

Reference books:
1. Signals and systems, M. J. Roberts, Tata McGraw Hill publications.
2. Signals and systems, C. T. Chen, Oxford Publications, 3 rd edition, 2004.
3. Analog Signal Processing: Analysis & Synthesis, Alok Barua, Wiley Publications.
4. Signals & Linear Systems, Gabel, Wiley Publications, 3rd edition.
5. Signals and Systems, Krishnaveni, Wiley Publications

Examination Scheme:

Examination Theory Term Work POE Total

Max. Marks 100 25 -- 125
Contact 4 -- -- 4
Hours/ week

Evaluation Scheme

Section Chapter Instructions

2 Q.No.-1, Q.No.-2,
I Solve any two of three
4 Q.No.-4, Q.No.-5,
II 5 Q.No.-6 Solve any two of three
6 mixing 5,6,7 unit

Scheme of Marks

Section Unit No. Title Marks

1 Basics of Signals and Systems. 10
I Analysis of continuous and discrete systems. 12

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 35

3 System analysis using Laplace transforms.
System analysis using Z- transform. 14
5 Fourier analysis of continuous signals 20
II 6 Fourier analysis of discrete signals 20
7 Sampling, correlation and spectral density 10

Course utilization

No of Questions in
Section Chapter Teaching Hrs

Basics of Signals and

1 Systems

Analysis of
continuous and
discrete systems

System analysis using Q.1,2,3&4 are
Laplace transform 04 compulsory
and Z- transform.

System analysis using

4 04
Z- transform.

Fourier analysis of
5 05
continuous signals.
Fourier analysis of
II 6 06 Q.5,6&7 are
discrete signals.
Sampling, correlation
7 05
and spectral density.

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 36

Unit wise Lesson Plan

Section I
Unit 1 Unit Title Introduction of Signals and Systems Planned 06
No Hrs.

Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Introduction to signals and systems: continuous and discrete signals.
2 Size of signal, signal operations.
3 Classification of signals.
4 Standard test signal, singularity systems.
5 Continuous and discrete systems: classification of systems.
6 System models of electrical systems.
Review Questions
Q1 With suitable examples explain following type of systems: C0305.1
a) Static and dynamic system.
b) Time Invariant and Time variant system
Q2 Sketch the following signals: C0305.1
a) 𝑢(𝑡) − 𝑢(𝑡 − 2)
b) 𝑟(𝑡) − 2𝑟(𝑡 − 1) + 𝑟(𝑡 − 2)
Unit 2 Unit Title Description and analysis of system : Planned 06
No Hrs.

Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Continuous and discrete systems: zero state response, zero input response
2 Convolution sum and convolution integral
3 Graphical representation of convolution
4 Block diagram representation of differential and difference equation
5 FIR systems
6 IIR systems
Review Questions
Q1 Find the convolution of the sequences C0305.2
𝑥 (𝑛) = {1, −1,2,3}
𝑥 (𝑛) = {1, −2, 3, −1}
Q2 Explain FIR and IIR system. C0305.2
Unit 3 Unit Title System analysis using Laplace transforms. Planned 04

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 37

No Hrs.

Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Laplace transform: A brief introduction to Laplace transforms.
2 Laplace transforms properties and its inverse.
3 Transfer function analysis.
4 Solution of LTI differential equation.
Review Questions
Q1 Find the Laplace transform of the following signal. C0305.3
𝑥 (𝑡) = 𝑒 𝑢(𝑡)
𝑥 (𝑡) = 𝑒 𝑢(𝑡)

Q2 Explain any five Laplace Transform Properties. C0305.3

Unit 4 Unit Title System analysis using Z- transform Planned 04
No Hrs.
Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 A brief introduction to Z transform
2 Z transforms properties and inverse.
3 Connection between Laplace transform ad z- transform, transfer function analysis
4 Solution of LTI difference equation and stability in z-domain
Review Questions
1 Find the Z transform of the following signal. C0305.4
𝑥[𝑛] = 𝑟 (sin 𝑤 𝑛)𝑢(𝑛)
2 Explain any five ZTransform Properties. C0305.4
Unit 5 Unit Title Fourier analysis of continuous Planned 05
No signals Hrs.
Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Periodic representation by trigonometric Fourier series
2 Fourier spectrum, Dirichlet’s condition
3 Exponential Fourier series, exponential Fourier spectra, parseval’s theorem
4 Fourier transform and its properties
5 Relation between Fourier and Laplace transform, Fourier spectrum
Review Questions

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 38

1 Find the Fourier coefficient for the continuous time periodic signal. C0305.5
𝑥(𝑡) = 1.5 𝑓𝑜𝑟 0 ≤ 𝑡 < 1
= −1.5 𝑓𝑜𝑟 1 ≤ 𝑡 < 2
With fundamental frequency Ω = 𝜋 .

2 Find the Fourier transform of the following time functiom: C0305.5

𝑥(𝑡) = 𝑒 [𝑢(𝑡 − 2) − 𝑢(𝑡 − 3)]
Unit 6 Unit Title Fourier analysis of discrete signals Planned 06
No Hrs.
Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 A brief introduction to discrete Fourier series
2 D.T.F.T.
3 Properties of D.T.F.T.
4 Relation between DTFT and Z transform
5 DTFT spectrum
6 Problems
Review Questions
1 Explain any five properties of D.T.F.T. C0305.6
2 State and explain five properties of ROC in Z Transform. C0305.6
Unit 7 Unit Title Sampling, correlation and spectral Planned 05
No. density Hrs.
Lesson schedule
Class Details to be covered
1 Sampling methods
2 Representing CT signals by samples
3 Sampling DT signals
4 Correlation and Fourier series
5 Energy and power spectral density of signals
Review Questions
1 Explain in brief : C0305.7
a) Sampling process
b) Sampling techniques
c) Aliasing
2 Find ℎ(𝑛) . C0305.7
( ) /
Where =
( / )

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 39

Software Tools for Electrical
Course Code EE 306 Course Title
Prepared by Mr. V.S.Bhandare & Mr. P.M. Maskar Date 20/06/2018
Prerequisites Students should know the basic knowledge of computer and operation of MS
word, Excel and Power Point.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students should be able to:
Draw the diagram of Electrical machine such as Transformers, AC/DC machines
and will simulate it on computer using software.
Draw the diagram of R-L-C and filter circuits and will simulate it on computer
using software.
Draw the power system network on computer and its simulation for performance
Draw the different converter circuits and their simulation to check performance
in terms of waveform
Design the control panel circuit diagram according to specifications on computer
with the help of software

Mapping of COs with POs

b c d e f g h i j k
C0304.1 2
C0304.2 3
C0304.3 3
C0304.4 3
C0304.5 1
1 Mild correlation 2 Moderato correlation 3 Strong correlation

Course Contents

Chapter Title: Software Tools for Electrical Engineers

Students are expected to solve Electrical Engineering problems using any available
software tools such as MATLAB/Simulink, C, C++, PSIM, ETAP, PSCAD,
MIPOWER, Power World Simulator, SKM Power Tools, VISIO, AUTOCAD,
PSPICE, LABVIEW etc. Sample tasks are enlisted below

Text books:
1. Let Us “C” by Yashwant Kanetkar 10th Edition, BPB Publication.
2. All software user manual

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 40

Examination Scheme:

Theory Term Work POE Total
Max. Marks 100 75 -- 175
--- 02 -- 02
Hours/ week
Evaluation Scheme: Term work marks will based on students involvement at the time practical,
continuous submission of practical’s, their aesthetics and final practical examination.

Lab Plan

Experiment Title CO
Programming of at least 3 numerical methods for solving nonlinear
1 306.1
Simulation of Electrical Machines such as transformers, DC machines
2 306.1
and AC machines and evaluation of their performance parameters
Simulation of electrical R-L-C networks, resonant circuits, filter
3 306.2
circuits and plotting their input-output waveforms
Simulation of power system networks and its performance analysis
4 (load flow analysis, short circuit analysis, transient analysis, stability 306.3
analysis, relay coordination etc)
Simulation of DC-DC, DC-AC, AC-DC and AC-AC converter circuits,
5 306.4
plotting their input output waveforms and performing their analysis.
Measurement techniques for electrical engineering parameters using
6 306.5
suitable software.
7 Design of typical control panel for industrial applications. 306.5

TE Electrical (Semester-V) Page 41

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