Matrix of Sample Action Research Conducted by Teac

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List of completed Authors/ Author What do you think What do you think
action research tittles is/are the problem/s to did the author/s do
be solved based on the with the identified
tittle of the AR? problem as presented
in their tittle?
1. Instructional  The researcher used
Strategies for Teaching student growth, which
Pre-Algebra to a was determined by the
Diverse Group of difference observed
Learners What are the effective between a student's
Robert Ojeda strategies in teaching pre-test percentage
pre algebra? score and their final
unit test percentage
score, as the metric by
which to evaluate each
strategies efficacy.
2. Effect of The author use media
Technology on and technology as her
Enthusiasm for support, In this study
Learning Science the students had an
What are the impact of opportunity to use
Jane L. Hollis technology to the assorted multimedia
students during technology as they
pandemic? explored a segment of a
middle school science

The intervention used

by the author in this
study was a SMART
goal guide. Data
3. The Impact of Self- sources included
Set Educational Goals weekly student self-
on Increasing How does self set assessments, focus
Academic Performance Erin Brown education affect the group discussions, and
in a Middle School performance of middle field notes. Based on
Environment school learners this study’s findings,
having students set
SMART goals
increased their
academic performance
and attitudes towards

For this study,

researchers collected
4. data through a pre and
The Impacts of Peer to Erin Wilmes (Kaus) Does the peer to peer post-intervention
Peer Collaboration on and Elizabeth Bohnert collaboration is science self-efficacy
Science Self-Efficacy effective to the questionnaire and
Among 8th-Grade students? digital journal, and
Students twice-weekly exit
The data was collected
5. using student
A Study of Kristina Bauleke and The effect and cost assessment scores,
Personalized Learning Rebecca Momany benefits of personalize student surveys, and
and its Impact on learning in middle teacher reflection
Middle School school teachers journals. The data
Teachers and Students. collected was
triangulated to
determine if the
implementation of a
personalized learning
method known as The
GRID Method was
beneficial for both the
teacher and students

1. What is action research and its important to your development as a teacher?

= Action research enables teachers to reflect on their practice to improve it, become more
autonomous in professional judg- ment, develop a more energetic and dynamic environment for
teaching and learning, articulate and build their craft knowledge, and recognize and appreciate their
own expertise. Doing action research helps teachers to grow professionally, and to show how they are
extending their own professional knowledge. ... In addition to this, teachers can identify the criteria, or
standards, that they and others are using to judge the quality of what they are doing.

2. How will you use action research to improve different aspects of your professions?

= I can use action research to improve my professions by simply looking what are the things
need to improve when it come to teaching. I can also reflect to my self in creating an action by listing
the factors that I need to improve like the way I teach my students, the way I communicate to them,
how I handle my students and more. Action research is for the betterment of the learners and teachers
and for me the best way to improve our professions is by reflecting on our selves a teachers.

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