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Shear strength of unsaturated soil interfaces

Tariq B. Hamid and Gerald A. Miller

Abstract: Unsaturated soil interfaces exist where unsaturated soil is in contact with structures such as foundations, retain-
ing walls, and buried pipes. The unsaturated soil interface can be defined as a layer of unsaturated soil through which
stresses are transferred from soil to structure and vice versa. In this paper, the shearing behavior of unsaturated soil interfa-
ces is examined using results of interface direct shear tests conducted on a low-plasticity fine-grained soil. A conventional
direct shear test device was modified to conduct direct shear interface tests using matric suction control. Further, the re-
sults were used to define failure envelopes for unsaturated soil interfaces having smooth and rough counterfaces. Results
of this study indicate that matric suction contributes to the peak shear strength of unsaturated interfaces; however, postpeak
shear strength did not appear to vary with changes in matric suction. Variations in net normal stress affected both peak
and postpeak shear strength. Failure envelopes developed using the soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) appeared to
capture the nonlinear influence of matric suction on shear strength of soil and interfaces.
Key words: soil, unsaturated, interface, shear strength.
Résumé : Les interfaces de sol non saturés existent lorsque le sol non saturé est en contact avec des structures comme les
fondations, les murs de soutènement et les tuyaux enfouis. L’interface de sol saturé peut être définie comme une couche
de sol non saturé à travers laquelle les contraintes sont transférées du sol à la structure, et vice versa. Dans cet article, le
comportement en cisaillement des interfaces de sol non saturé est examiné à partir de résultats d’essais en cisaillement di-
rect sur des interfaces d’un sol fin à faible plasticité. Un appareil conventionnel d’essais de cisaillement direct a été modi-
fié afin d’effectuer des essais de cisaillement direct sur des interfaces en contrôlant la succion matricielle. De plus, les
résultats ont été utilisés pour définir l’enveloppe de fracture pour des interfaces de sol non saturé ayant des surfaces corres-
pondantes lisses et rugueuses. Les résultats de cette étude démontrent que la succion matricielle contribue à la résistance
au cisaillement de pic des interfaces non saturée; cependant la résistance au cisaillement dépassé le pic ne semblait pas va-
rier selon la succion matricielle. Les variations des contraintes normales nettes affectent autant la résistance au cisaillement
de pic et post-pic. Les enveloppes de fractures développées avec les courbes de rétention d’eau capturent l’influence non
linéaire de la succion matricielle sur la résistance au cisaillement des sols et des interfaces.
Mots-clés : sol, non saturé, interface, résistance au cisaillement.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Introduction 1992). For this reason, among others, the mechanics of in-
terface behavior are complicated and difficult to model
When structural elements are in contact with unsaturated mathematically. Thus, experimental observations of interface
soil, there is transfer of stress between the two materials behavior play a crucial role in advancing understanding of
through a contact zone referred to herein as an ‘‘unsaturated this complex behavior. Several researchers have studied the
interface.’’ The interaction of unsaturated soils with different behavior of interfaces in sand (e.g., Yoshimi and Kishida
structures gives rise to many unsaturated interface problems 1981; Evgin and Fakharian 1996) and fine-grained soil
in civil engineering (e.g., unsaturated retaining wall backfill, (e.g., Tsubakihara et al. 1993). However, the role of matric
foundations in unsaturated soil). Analysis of some of these suction in the behavior of interfaces in unsaturated soil has
problems is dominated by interface behavior, such as skin received little attention. To design reliable and efficient geo-
friction along a pile or a retaining wall. Thus, proper charac- technical structures, it is important to understand the me-
terization of the interface behavior is crucial for accurate chanical behavior of unsaturated interfaces.
performance predictions in these cases. This is especially Research results presented and discussed in this paper
true with regard to interface strength properties used in represent the first phase of ongoing research to address the
stability analyses. unsaturated interface problem. In particular, results of
During shearing to failure, the interface acts as a stress- suction-controlled direct shear tests conducted on interfaces
concentration zone subject to large strain variations due to between an unsaturated low-plasticity fine-grained soil and
extreme displacement gradients (Navayogarajah et al. two stainless steel counterfaces, one rough and one smooth,

Received 20 September 2006. Accepted 6 January 2009. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on 7 May 2009.
T.B. Hamid1,2 and G.A. Miller. School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019,
1Corresponding author (e-mail:
2Present address: GeoConcepts Engineering, Inc., 19955 Highland Vista Dr., Ste. 170, Ashburn, VA 20147, USA.

Can. Geotech. J. 46: 595–606 (2009) doi:10.1139/T09-002 Published by NRC Research Press
596 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 46, 2009

are presented and discussed. Results are used to define fail- posed an equation to account for the variation of interfacial
ure envelopes for the soil and interfaces, and possible ex- area in the soil phases as matric suction is changed:
planations for differences observed in the failure envelopes
are presented. Although the discussion focuses on strength, ½4 t f ¼ c0 þ ðs nf  uaf Þtan f0
shear-displacement and volume change behavior are pre- q  qr
sented and discussed to provide a complete description of þ ðuaf  uwf Þtan f0
qs  qr
the shearing behavior.
where q is the current volumetric water content, qr is the re-
sidual volumetric water content from a soil-water character-
Background istic curve (SWCC), and qs is the saturated volumetric water
Modeling shear strength of interfaces in unsaturated soils content from an SWCC.
The strength of an interface in saturated soil under Comparing eqs. [3] and [4], one can see that
drained shearing conditions, e.g., skin friction along a pile, tan fb ¼ tan f0 ½ðq  qr Þ=ðqs  qr Þ. One very useful aspect of
can be modeled using an equation of the following form eq. [4] is that, if the SWCC is available, the variation of shear-
(e.g., Chandler 1968): ing resistance with matric suction can be predicted when f0
and c’ are known. Considerable experimental evidence (e.g.,
½1 t f ¼ s nf tan d0 þ ca0 Fredlund and Rahardjo 1993) suggests that for many soils the
values of f0 and c’ are the same for both saturated and unsatu-
where tf is the shear stress on the failure plane at failure or rated conditions. Thus, results from a saturated drained shear
shear strength, s nf is the normal effective stress to the failure test to determine f0 and c’ and from the SWCC test can be
plane at failure (= snf – uwf, where snf is the total normal used to predict the unsaturated shear strength without resort-
stress to the failure plane at failure and uwf is the pore-water ing to the complex and time-consuming unsaturated shearing
pressure on the failure plane at failure), d’ is the interface tests. Of course, the predictions based on the SWCC will have
friction angle, and ca0 is the effective adhesion intercept for more uncertainty than direct determinations by unsaturated
the interface. shear strength testing. Furthermore, the SWCC selected will
One way to estimate the strength parameters in eq. [1] is have to account for the matric suction path followed in the
using drained interface direct shear tests. Equation [1] is of field (e.g., primary drainage, primary wetting).
the same form as the effective stress – strength equation for Shear strength parameters in eqs. [3] and [4] have been
saturated soil: obtained using both direct shear and triaxial shear testing
0 equipment capable of controlling matric suction (e.g., Fred-
½2 t f ¼ s nf tan f0 þ c0 lund and Rahardjo 1993). It stands to reason, given eqs. [1]
where f0 and c’ represent the effective stress friction angle and [2] are of a similar form, that the interface strength in
and cohesion intercept, respectively, such as might be ob- an unsaturated soil can be modeled using an equation simi-
tained from direct shear tests under drained loading condi- lar to eqs. [3] and [4] and further that the interface shear
tions on saturated soil. strength parameters can be defined using unsaturated inter-
For unsaturated soil, the constitutive behavior can be face direct shear test results and the SWCC. For the current
modeled using two stress-state variables such as the net nor- study, the interface shear strength for an unsaturated soil is
mal stress and matric suction. The following equation pre- modeled using the following two equations:
sented by Fredlund et al. (1978) is widely used (e.g., ½5 t f ¼ ca0 þ ðs nf  uaf Þtan d0 þ ðuaf  uwf Þtan db
Escario and Saez 1986; Gan and Fredlund 1988; Oloo and
Fredlund 1996; Vanapalli et al. 1996) to model the shear
strength of unsaturated soil has the form: ½6 t f ¼ ca0 þ ðs nf  uaf Þtan d0
q  qr
½3 0 0
t f ¼ c þ ðs nf  uaf Þtan f þ ðuaf  uwf Þtan f b þ ðuaf  uwf Þtan d
qs  qr
where uaf is the pore-air pressure on the failure plane at where d’ is the interface friction angle with respect to net
failure, fb is the angle of friction with respect to matric normal stress, and db is the interface friction angle with re-
suction, snf – uaf is the net normal stress on the failure spect to matric suction.
plane at failure, and uaf – uwf is the matric suction on the The logical extension of eqs. [3] and [4] to eqs. [5] and
failure plane at failure. [6] is intuitive but, to the authors’ knowledge, its validity
The angle fb is approximately equal to f0 while the soil is has not been explored and, as mentioned previously, interfa-
saturated; however, once the air-entry value is exceeded, fb ces in unsaturated soil have been investigated very little
tends to decrease with an increase in matric suction. This is be- (e.g., Gachet et al. 2003). Validation of eqs. [5] and [6]
cause the influence of matric suction on the intergranular through laboratory experimentation is the first step in ex-
stress, and hence shear strength, depends on the interfacial tending their use to practical problems, such as the predic-
area among the air, water, and solid particles and the interfa- tion of skin friction along piles in unsaturated soils and
cial area changes as matric suction is increased beyond the retaining walls with unsaturated backfill. This paper ex-
air-entry value. The result is that the relationship between ma- plores the use of eqs. [5] and [6] to model the shear strength
tric suction and shear stress becomes nonlinear, i.e., the angle from a series of unsaturated direct shear tests and interface
fb decreases as matric suction increases beyond the air-entry direct shear tests conducted while controlling matric suction
value. To capture this behavior, Vanapalli et al. (1996) pro- and from the SWCC. Twenty seven unsaturated drained

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Table 1. Typical properties of Minco Silt.

Percent passing
Unified soil classification LL (%) PI (%) gdmax (kN/m3) wopt (%) No. 200 sieve (%) G D50 (mm)
Lean clay, CL 28 8 17.7 12.8 73 2.674 0.05
Note: G, specific gravity; LL, liquid limit; PI, plasticity index; wopt, optimum moisture content from standard Proctor compaction test; gdmax,
maximum dry density.

shear tests were conducted for soil, with rough and smooth about 20%, giving a degree of compaction of about 89%
interface conditions, and using three magnitudes of net nor- (based on standard Proctor energy) and degree of saturation
mal stress and matric suction. In addition, one series of three of approximately 80%.
saturated tests was conducted for the rough interface for In this study, 27 unsaturated test samples were prepared
comparison, and SWCC data were obtained. Although inves- using the same procedure. The initial dry unit weight of
tigating a broader range of stress conditions would have these samples was in the range of 15.4–16.0 kN/m3, and the
been desirable, as discussed at various points in this paper, initial moisture content was in the range of 19.3%–21.6%.
it was not possible given the duration of the project. How- The maximum variations (percent difference) from the
ever, as shown in this paper, sufficient results were obtained mean values were 2.0% and 5.0% for the density and water
to reasonably define the failure envelopes given by eqs. [3]– content, respectively. The three additional specimens for sa-
[6] and gain valuable insight into the shear strength of inter- turated rough interface testing fell within these ranges as
faces. well.
The analysis of shear strength data would not be complete
without observations of the volume change behavior during Soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) for Minco Silt
testing. Throughout the testing, the total volume change and An SWCC for Minco Silt during primary drainage was
water volume change were determined and are presented in obtained in an oedometer cell equipped with pore-air and
this paper. Since the determination of volume change is pore-water pressure control. The sample was prepared at an
based on measurements at the top and bottom of the sam- initial void ratio (eo) of 0.67, which is similar to the initial
ples, there is some uncertainty regarding whether these void ratio of the shear test samples, and was tested under
measurements are indicative of the localized behavior in the zero net normal stress. The Fredlund and Xing (1994) equa-
zone of shearing. Nevertheless, these volume change deter- tion was used to model the resulting behavior shown in
minations lend valuable insight into the shearing mecha- Fig. 1:
nisms occurring in the zone of shearing. It is postulated in   
this study that, in the direct shear testing of soil and interfa- lnð1 þ j=jr Þ 1
ces, the volumetric behavior observed during shearing repre- ½7 q ¼ qs 1 
lnð1 þ 106 =jr Þ fln½e þ ðj=aÞn gm
sents primarily the behavior of soil in the zone of shearing.
Consider, for example, that vertical deformation was meas- where j is the matric suction; jr is the matric suction at
ured at the top of the specimen (i.e., not at the interface) residual water content; e is the base of natural logarithm
and used to assess total volume change. It is possible that (= 2.71828. . .); and a, m, and n are the fitting parameters
volume change in the soil above the shearing zone will also that describe the shape of the SWCC.
cause vertical deformation; however, it is assumed that vol- Also superimposed in Fig. 1 are the volumetric water con-
ume changes above the shearing zone are small relative to tent and corresponding matric suction for direct shear and
that in the shearing zone. interface direct shear specimens prior to shearing. A primary
In this study, no attempt was made to directly measure the drainage curve was also fitted through the average of these
thickness of the interface. However, a review of the litera- data using the Fredlund and Xing (1994) equation, as shown
ture (e.g., Hu and Pu 2003) indicates that the thickness of in Fig. 1, and was used in conjunction with eqs. [4] and [6]
the interface may be assumed as five times the diameter of to model the influence of matric suction on shear strength.
soil corresponding to 50% finer (i.e., 5D50), which is consis- The parameters for the Fredlund and Xing (1994) equations
tent with the findings of Uesugi et al. (1988). In this study, are given in Table 2. Note there is some scatter of water
the test soil has a D50 of 0.05 mm, which would give an in- content data about the best-fit SWCC (curve 2) in Fig. 1.
terface thickness of approximately 0.25 mm according to the This is attributed to experimental variations in water content
Hu and Pu (2003) definition. A detailed discussion about the determinations and variations in net normal stress and inter-
thickness of interfaces can also be found in Desai et al. face conditions during various tests. It is expected that dif-
(1985). ferences in the net normal stress and different interface
conditions would have some effect on the position of the
SWCC. However, for the purpose of this paper, the average
Unsaturated interface direct shear testing curve shown in Fig. 1 (curve 2) provided reasonable esti-
Test soil mates of shearing resistance when used in combination with
Direct shear and interface tests were performed using a eqs. [4] and [6], as discussed later in the paper, so no at-
locally available soil from central Oklahoma known as tempt was made to delineate separate SWCCs for different
Minco Silt. The properties of Minco Silt are presented in net normal stresses and interface conditions.
Table 1. The specimens were compacted to an initial target Looking at the shear test data in Fig. 1, the range of ma-
dry unit weight of about 15.7 kN/m3 at a moisture content of tric suction used during testing appears around the air-entry

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Table 2. Fitting parameters for the Fredlund and Xing (1994) SWCCs for Minco Silt shown in Fig. 1.

Curvea sn–uab (kPa) eo qs qr jrc (kPa) a (kPa) m n

1 0 0.67 0.400 0.129 300 52 0.7 2.5
2 105–210 0.41 0.290 0.157 700 70 0.45 1.3
Note: eo is the initial void ratio of the soil at saturation prior to drainage, and qr is the residual volumetric water content
used in eqs. [4] and [6] (for curve 2 only).
Curve numbers given in Fig. 1.
Net normal stress during testing; range of values for curve 2 corresponds to values used during the soil and interface direct
shear testing.
jr was estimated; for the range of matric suction of interest, the shape of the curve was relatively insensitive to this value.

Fig. 1. Primary drainage SWCC data for Minco Silt modeled using 0.05 mm), Rn is approximately 7.6 and 0.05 for rough and
the Fredlund and Xing (1994) equation. eo, initial void ratio; ua, smooth steel counterfaces, respectively.
pore-air pressure; uw, pore-water pressure; sn – ua, net normal stress
during testing; q, saturated volumetric water content. Unsaturated interface direct shear apparatus
To determine the shearing behavior of unsaturated interfa-
ces, a conventional direct shear device was modified to con-
duct the unsaturated soil and interface direct shear tests.
This included the addition of an air-pressure chamber, new
testing cells, high air-entry porous disc (HAEPD), and a
pore-water pressure control system and other modifications.
The apparatus enables application of constant matric suction
and net normal stress and can be used to test both unsatu-
rated soils and interfaces.
The axis translation technique was used to control and
(or) apply the matric suction in the soil. An HAEPD was
used to control the water pressure in the soil specimen. For
unsaturated soil testing, the HAEPD was fixed in the bottom
half of the shear box (Fig. 2). The HAEPD was glued in a
value, which is estimated at 20–30 kPa. It would be desir- brass ring, and an O-ring was placed around the brass ring
able to have additional tests at matric suctions greater than to seal it in the lower half of the shear box. Soil samples
100 kPa; but this was not possible given the project dura- were prepared in the direct shear box with the HAEPD be-
tion. Based on the SWCC test at zero net normal stress low the soil. For interface testing, the HAEPD was fixed in
(curve 1 in Fig. 1), the range of matric suction selected for the top platen and placed on the top of the soil (Fig. 3).
the shear testing appears reasonable and covers a significant To control the pore-water pressure and pore-air pressure
range of water contents. However, the large reduction in for unsaturated direct shear testing of soil, water ports were
void ratio and saturated volumetric water content that ac- provided in the lower half of the direct shear box, as shown
companied compression during application of net normal in Fig. 2. For interface direct shear testing, two ports were
stress during shear testing had the effect of flattening out provided in the top platen that holds the HAEPD, as shown
the SWCC (curve 2 in Fig. 1), and thus the range of volu- in Fig. 3. One port was connected to the water pressure vol-
metric water content is not so great. Nevertheless, as shown ume controller, and the other port to a pore pressure trans-
in subsequent discussions, the range of matric suction used ducer or diffused air volume indicator (DAVI). During the
for direct shear testing did reveal a significant influence on flushing of air from the pore-water control system, this port
the shearing behavior. can be connected to the DAVI. The pore-water pressure
controller can be used to control the volume of water (i.e.,
Counterfaces within ±1 mm3) or pore-water pressure (i.e., within ±1 kPa).
Two stainless steel plates (counterfaces) were fabricated All drainage lines consist of 3 mm diameter high-pressure
for this study. One steel plate was 25.5 mm thick and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) tubing with a wall thickness
102 mm in diameter with rough surface geometry. Another of 0.8 mm.
steel plate with a polished surface was prepared with the Pore air diffuses through water if the axis translation tech-
same height and diameter as that of the rough steel plate. Sur- nique is used for a long time. In this the study, axis transla-
face roughness was defined based on the roughness profile. tion was used to apply and (or) control the matric suction in
The maximum peak-to-valley height (Rmax) was 0.38 mm for the soil. The DAVI was used for collecting accumulated air
the rough counterface and was estimated at 0.0025 mm for flushed from the back of the HAEPD. The function of the
the smooth counterface. Normalized surface roughness (Rn) DAVI is explained in detail by Fredlund and Rahardjo
as proposed by Kishida and Uesugi (1987) is defined as (1993). Matric suction used during testing (20, 50, and
100 kPa) was considerably lower than the air-entry value
½8 Rn ¼ Rmax =D50 (300 kPa) of the HAEPD. To achieve the desired matric suc-
where D50 is the grain-size diameter corresponding to 50% tion, air pressure in the range of 70–120 kPa and water pres-
finer. Based on the grain-size analysis of Minco Silt (D50 = sure in the range of 20–50 kPa were used. Little to no

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Fig. 2. Cutaway cross-section view of the soil shear box (raising screws not shown).

Fig. 3. Cutaway cross-section view of the interface shear box (rough counterface shown).

measurable air volume diffused into the water volume meas- became nearly constant. This step was necessary to generate
uring system for a typical test duration of about 5 days. the lateral stress needed to maintain the position of the
upper half of the shear box when it was raised. When com-
Testing procedure pression under the initial vertical load was completed, the
A brief description of the test procedure is described in screws holding the halves of the shear box together were
the following section. Additional details of the apparatus, loosened and removed from the air pressure chamber using
sample preparation, and testing procedure are given in Ha- a magnetic pick-up tool. The top half of the shear box was
mid (2005) and Miller and Hamid (2005). raised by turning the four raising screws, which were then
reversed to eliminate contact between the screws and the
Application of target stresses prior to shearing box. In this way, there was no contact between the upper
The interface direct shear box was assembled by placing half and lower half of the shear box. A gap of approxi-
the upper half of the shear box on the counterface. Two mately 0.6 mm was used, which is in the range of 10–20
screws were used to hold the counterface against the upper times the median diameter of Minco Silt (D50 = 0.05 mm).
half of the shear box. Soil was mixed to the desired water After initial soil compression and separation of the shear
content, stored in a humid chamber for 24 h, and then com- box, the air chamber was sealed.
pacted in the shear box to the required density. The compac- The target net normal stress was achieved by applying ad-
tion was accomplished by tamping the soil in two layers. In ditional air pressure and vertical load in increments of
this study, all the samples were prepared at nominally the 35 kPa. Vertical strain associated with an increase in net
same initial moisture content (about 20%) and dry density normal stress occurred fairly rapidly, with about 90% of the
(15.7 kN/m3). This is important to avoid differences in the vertical strain occurring within 5 min after application of the
compacted sample fabric that can result from different com- net normal stress. Once the target net normal stress was
paction moisture contents. achieved, target matric suction (i.e., difference between the
Prior to applying target matric suction and net normal target pore-water pressure and pore-air pressure) was applied
stress, the specimen was compressed under a vertical stress to the specimen by increasing the air and water pressures.
of 35 kPa, and the vertical deformation was recorded for ap- Note that since air pressure acts above and below the top
proximately 60 min, during which time the specimen height cap, an increase in air pressure does not affect the net nor-

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Fig. 4. Evolution of water content (w) and degree of saturation (S) Fig. 5. Typical behavior observed during shearing of the soil for a
during direct shear testing. ANS, apply additional net normal stress matric suction of 50 kPa. u, displacement; v/H0, vertical or volu-
and suction; BS, begin shearing; BT, beginning of test; ET, end of metric strain; t, shear stress; tmax, peak shear stress; tpp, postpeak
test. shear stress; Dw, change in gravimetric water content.

mal stress except for a small correction needed to account

for the difference in air pressure above (outside the cham-
ber) and below (inside the chamber) the vertical load piston.
A period of equalization followed the application of target
suction prior to shearing. Application of the initial net nor-
mal stress increment of 35 kPa created significant compres-
sion of the sample, causing the degree of saturation to
increase to approximately 100%. During equalization, the
water content decreased due to an increase in matric suction,
starting from a nearly saturated condition. Thus, for the pur- compression under the initial application of vertical load
pose of analyzing results, the matric suction stress path was (i.e., prior to application of target matric suction). Following
assumed to follow the primary drainage path given by the application of target net normal stress and matric suc-
SWCC curve 2 shown in Fig. 1. A separate specimen was tion, w and S both decreased at the end of equalization con-
prepared for each combination of matric suction and net sistent with an increase in the target matric suction values.
normal stress used during the test program. Figure 4 also illustrates that w and S of specimens decreased
further during the drained shearing stage.
Prior to shearing, each sample was allowed to come to
equilibrium at the required net normal stress and matric suc- Shearing procedure
tion. Equalization of the specimen was considered complete Shearing for both soil and interface testing was achieved
when there was no appreciable change in the water content using a horizontal displacement rate of 0.005 mm/min.
or vertical strain. An appreciable change in water content Shearing was accomplished during a period of approxi-
was defined as a change in water content greater than ap- mately 36 h. A slow rate was selected to avoid changes in
proximately 0.2% in about 24 h (i.e., Dw ‡ 0.2%, where w pore pressures during shearing. The shearing rate selected
is the water content). During equalization, the change in vol- falls within the range of rates used by other researchers for
ume of water and the change in specimen height were re- soil types having greater plasticity. For example, Gan and
corded. Fredlund (1988) reported that the value of peak shear stress
Figure 4 shows the variation of w and degree of saturation of a glacial till (liquid limit (LL) = 35.5; plasticity index
(S) at different stages of testing and that all specimens were (PI) = 18.7%) was unaffected for a displacement rate less
prepared at approximately the same water content. During than 0.0132 mm/min. For Madrid Clay (LL = 71%; PI =
initial compression under 35 kPa net normal stress, water 35%), Escario (1980) and Escario and Saez (1986) used a
drained from the specimen through open pore-water drain- displacement rate of 0.0084 and 0.0017 mm/min, respec-
age lines, and the thickness of the specimen decreased. It is tively. Although no testing was performed to assess the in-
observed that computed value of S increased to about 100% fluence of displacement rate on soil behavior, the value
(Fig. 4) in almost all cases, and w decreased (Fig. 4) during selected is reasonable in light of previous research, espe-

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Fig. 6. Typical behavior observed during shearing of the soil for a Fig. 7. Typical behavior observed during shearing of the rough in-
net normal stress of 105 kPa. terface for a matric suction of 50 kPa.

cially given that the test soil (Minco Silt) contains about from the soil tests for a net normal stress of 105 kPa for
27% sand and has low plasticity (LL = 28%; PI = 8%). Dur- three levels of matric suction. Data from the rough and
ing shearing, the horizontal load, horizontal displacement, smooth interface direct shear tests are presented in Figs. 7–
and vertical displacement were measured and recorded at 10. Based on Figs. 5–10, which are fairly typical of soil and
1 min intervals. interface behavior for all levels of matric suction and net
normal stress, some important observations are noted.
Consistent with drained testing, the pore-water pressure
was controlled and maintained constant during shearing, (1) During shearing of the rough interface and soil, a peak
and pore-water volume change was permitted. That pore shear stress (tmax) is achieved followed by a reduction
water flowed out of the specimens during shearing is an in- to a postpeak shear stress (tpp). For the smooth interface,
dication that drainage was occurring and supports the pre- peak and postpeak shear strength are nearly the same.
sumption of fully drained tests. Air pressure was also (2) Peak shear stress increases with an increase in net nor-
controlled and maintained constant during shearing. Shear- mal stress and matric suction for soil and smooth and
ing generally continued to a displacement of about 10 mm rough interfaces.
or until the post-peak behavior was clearly observed. (3) Postpeak shear strength of soil, and particularly for the
rough interface, appears to be little affected by matric
suction at a given net normal stress. However, postpeak
Results of shearing shear stress does increase with an increase in net normal
Load–displacement and volume-change behavior during stress at a given level of matric suction. This observation
shearing has practical implications where postpeak shearing con-
Examples of typical shear stress (t) – displacement (u) ditions exist in the field.
curves from soil direct shear tests are shown in Fig. 5 for a (4) The curves for smooth interface exhibit a stick-slip phe-
matric suction of 50 kPa and three different net normal nomenon as evidenced by the jagged nature of the
stresses. Also shown in Fig. 5 are the vertical or volumetric curves following yielding. This is typical of laboratory
strain (v/H0, where v is the vertical displacement and H0 is shearing along smooth interfaces (e.g., Fakharian 1996).
the specimen height) and change in gravimetric water con- (5) Total volume change during shearing of rough interfaces
tent (Dw) during shearing. Similar data are shown in Fig. 6 and soil shows similar behavior. As shearing begins,

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Fig. 8. Typical behavior observed during shearing of the rough in- Fig. 9. Typical behavior observed during shearing of the smooth
terface for a net normal stress of 105 kPa. interface for a matric suction of 50 kPa.

compression behavior is observed, followed by dilation water pressure and decreasing suction. Due to the ten-
until the peak shear stress is reached. Generally, the dency for increasing pore-water pressure, the water flo-
amount of compression increases and dilation decreases wed from the sample and water volume decreased while
as the net normal stress increases. The opposite effect is the specimen was shearing.
observed when matric suction increases.
(6) For the smooth interface, only compression behavior is Failure envelopes for peak shear strength
observed during shearing. It is difficult to discern the in- Peak shear stress (tmax) from soil and rough and smooth
fluence of net normal stress and matric suction on the to- interface tests, respectively, is plotted against net normal
tal volume change behavior during shearing of the stress in Figs. 11, 12, and 13 and against matric suction in
smooth interface, since the differences in volume change Figs. 14, 15, and 16. The solid lines in Figs. 11, 12, and 13
behavior are small. It appears that a slightly greater represent the best-fit parallel lines and were used to deter-
amount of compression may occur during shearing at mine values of f0 and d’. It was assumed that the change in
the lowest net normal stress and matric suction, which is shear strength with respect to net normal stress was inde-
opposite to the results of soil and rough interface tests. pendent of matric suction (i.e., f0 and d’ are constant). This
(7) Overall, trends in water content changes are less obvious assumption is consistent with many published observations
from test to test as compared with trends in total volume with respect to f0 , as discussed previously, and seems appro-
change. In all cases, some water drained out of the speci- priate based on the test data obtained. Also shown in Fig. 12
men during shear. Changes in water content were in the are the results of saturated tests (ua – uw = 0) for the rough
range of –0.1% to –1.4% (range of Dw). The amount of interface. These results are consistent with those from tests
drainage was greatest for the soil and least for the at increasing matric suction and generally support the as-
smooth interface. Based on the observation of changes sumption that d’ is constant.
in water content during shearing, it is postulated that re- Results from some of the tests shown in Figs. 14–16
arrangement and the sliding of soil grains resulted in the exhibit a nonlinear relationship between matric suction and
disruption and possibly the rupture of menisci between shear strength. Therefore, the Vanapalli et al. (1996) model
soil grains and between soil and steel plates. The disrup- (eqs. [4] and [6]) was used to develop the nonlinear failure
tion of menisci caused a tendency for increasing pore- envelopes shown in Figs. 14–16. This was done using the f0

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Fig. 10. Typical behavior observed during shearing of the smooth Fig. 12. Peak failure envelope projections in the net normal stress –
interface for a net normal stress of 105 kPa. shear stress plane from unsaturated interface direct shear tests with
a rough counterface. d’, interface friction angle.

Fig. 13. Peak failure envelope projections in the net normal stress –
shear stress plane from unsaturated interface direct shear tests with
a smooth counterface.

Fig. 11. Peak failure envelope projections in the net normal stress –
shear stress plane from unsaturated soil direct shear tests. f0 , effec-
tive stress friction angle.

model (eqs. [3] and [5]), i.e., assuming fb is constant for

the range of matric suction used during the testing.
Based on the failure envelopes and the interpreted
strength parameters, several noteworthy observations are
(1) The peak friction angle with respect to net normal stress
is similar for the soil and rough interface; however, the
corresponding friction angle for the smooth interface is
considerably lower. As in the case of soil, it appears
that the failure plane in the rough interface is dominated
by soil-to-soil shearing and gains significant strength
through dilation. In the case of the smooth interface, it
and d’ values obtained from Figs. 11–13 in combination with appears that the failure plane develops between the metal
the SWCC (curve 2 in Fig. 1) and adjusting the values of c’ counterface and soil, which has significantly lower
and ca0 to achieve the best fit. Values of strength parameters shearing resistance.
determined in this way are shown in Table 3. Also shown (2) Based on the linear model (eqs. [3] and [5]), the friction
for comparison are values obtained from using a linear angle with respect to matric suction is greatest for the

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604 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 46, 2009

Fig. 14. Peak failure envelope projections in the matric suction – Fig. 16. Peak failure envelope projections in the matric suction –
shear stress plane from unsaturated soil direct shear tests. Open shear stress plane from unsaturated interface direct shear tests with
diamonds represent intercepts at zero net normal stress in Fig. 11. a smooth counterface. Open diamonds represent intercepts at zero
fb , angle of friction with respect to matric suction. net normal stress in Fig. 13.

Fig. 15. Peak failure envelope projections in the matric suction – by local variations in moisture content and fabric that re-
shear stress plane from unsaturated interface direct shear tests with sulted when the soil was compacted for the soil and
a rough counterface. Open diamonds represent intercepts at zero net rough interface tests.
normal stress in Fig. 12.
(3) The nonlinear representation of the failure envelopes de-
veloped using eqs. [4] and [6] and the SWCC (curve 2)
shown in Fig. 1 seems to fit the data well. Additional
data at greater matric suction would help to validate the
model even further. For the range of matric suctions
used in the testing (20–100 kPa), either the linear model
or the nonlinear model would be reasonable for predict-
ing shear strength. The real advantage of the nonlinear
model would become apparent at matric suctions much
greater than the air-entry value, which appears to be in
the range of 20–30 kPa. The influence of matric suction
on shearing resistance was least pronounced for the
smooth interface. Assuming the failure plane developed
between the metal surface and soil particles, the contri-
bution of matric suction would result from menisci
formed between the smooth counterface and soil parti-
cles immediately above. It is possible that the smooth,
flat counterface allowed for menisci with larger radii to
develop, relative to menisci between particles. This may
have resulted in lower local matric suction along the in-
terface relative to internal soil.
(4) The value of c’ of soil is greater than ca0 of the rough and
soil, followed by that for the rough interface and then by smooth interfaces. However, ca0 is greater for the smooth
that for the smooth interface, as shown in Table 3. For interface than for the rough interface. That c’ of soil is
the soil and rough interface, the shearing largely takes greater than ca0 of the rough interface, even though the
place along a soil-to-soil shear plane. As shearing takes friction angles (f0 and d’) are the same for both, indi-
place, the air–water menisci along the failure plane are cates the presence of the interface causes a constant re-
distorted and may reduce the effectiveness of the matric duction in shearing resistance independent of stress
suction contribution to strength. It appears that, at fail- state. This might be partly explained by differences in
ure, this distortion and resulting change in local matric volume change behavior; soil shows consistently more
suction along the failure plane are more severe in the dilation than the rough interface during shearing under
case of the rough interface, thus resulting in a lower fb similar stress conditions. That ca0 of the smooth interface
value. Another possibility is that strength was affected is greater than that of the rough interface may also be

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Table 3. Failure envelope peak strength parameters for soil and rough and smooth interfaces.

Linear fit eqs. [3] and [5] Nonlinear fit eqs. [4] and [6]
Test type f , d’ (8) b
f , (8) c’, ca0 (kPa) c’, ca0 (kPa)
Soil 34.5 26.6 12 12
Rough interface 34.5 18.6 3 0
Smooth interface 15.0 8.9 11 9

Fig. 17. Postpeak failure envelope projections in the net normal Fig. 18. Postpeak failure envelope projections in the net normal
stress – shear stress plane from unsaturated soil direct shear tests. stress – shear stress plane from unsaturated interface direct shear
tests with a rough counterface.

due to the fact that yielding and failure occur nearly si-
multaneously for the smooth interface at a much lower peak shear strength does not change with a change in matric
shear displacement than that for the rough interface. It suction at a given net normal stress (at least for the range of
is possible some physical–chemical bonding is present matric suction investigated). A possible explanation for this
between the smooth steel counterface and soil and that phenomenon is that, following the peak shear strength dur-
this component of shearing resistance is largely undis- ing continued shearing, there is a complete disruption to the
turbed at yielding, since displacements are relatively air-water menisci along the failure surface. This disruption,
small. Such bonding may be largely destroyed along the which may include the breaking of menisci, reduces the
failure plane in the rough interface due to slippage and influence of matric suction to a negligible level along the
grain rearrangement that occurs after yielding before the failure plane. Hence, the postpeak strength is primarily de-
peak shear stress is reached. These explanations are pendent on the frictional resistance resulting from the net
speculative and leave room for additional interpretation; normal stress. This behavior has significant implications for
additional research is needed to look further into this be- the stability of sliding soil masses under post-peak stress
havior. conditions.

Failure envelopes for postpeak shear strength Conclusions

The effect of matric suction on postpeak shear strength of
soil and rough interfaces is demonstrated in Figs. 17 and 18, Based on direct shear testing of soil and rough and
respectively. In the case of the smooth interface, there was smooth interfaces using compacted, low-plasticity clayey
not much difference observed in peak and postpeak strength. silt, the following conclusions are presented:
For the soil, the matric suction appeared to have some effect (1) Matric suction and net normal stress influence the peak
on postpeak strength in some tests, whereas in others it did shearing resistance of both smooth and rough interfaces.
not. This can be seen by the scatter in data points plotted in For the range of matric suction investigated, both linear
Fig. 17. The scatter is random and suggests that matric suc- and nonlinear failure envelopes provide a reasonable
tion, on average, does not impact postpeak strength. Further- model for peak shear strength of unsaturated soil and in-
more, the rough interface data were most conclusive in terfaces.
showing that matric suction had little or no effect on the (2) The angle of friction with respect to net normal stress
postpeak shear strength for a given net normal stress. This was similar for the soil and rough interface. Both of
is evidenced by the tight cluster of data points at each nor- these were considerably larger than the corresponding
mal stress in Fig. 18 and by the postpeak behavior observed friction angle for the smooth interface.
in Fig. 6. (3) Using the linear strength model, the angle of friction
Collectively, the failure envelopes for postpeak shear with respect to matric suction was greatest for the soil,
strength suggest that, unlike maximum shear strength, post- followed by those for the rough and smooth interfaces.

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