Alice ch3&4

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Fatima Zohra Sarhan


Independent Listening Notes

Main Idea
Alice lose her way to a garden, and she started to think for a plan to find the garden.

Characters Details about the characters

Chershir cat
Boy with face like a fish
Baby and duchess

Events (what happened) Vocab Words

Alice thought to plan how she find the garden
and she walk around to find something.
And then She saw a large mushroom, it was as
tall as she was and on top of a mushroom was a
large caterpillar smoking a pipe.
The caterpillar asked Alice by a slow and sleepy
voice " how are you?" and she tell Alice about the
way to be smaller or larger.
Alice lesson to her and did what she said to be
taller she broke off a piece in each hand from
opposite side of the mushroom, and she ate
some of the piece in her left hand, after a minute
later her head was a highest as the tallest tree in
the wood.
Bird come to her and saw "egg thief!".
Alice said "I'm not an egg thief" but the bird
didn't believe her, so Alice brought up her right
hand and ate a little from the other pieces of
mushroom and her body started to be smaller.
Alice started to walk around the wood and she,
after while she come to a little house there was a
boy outside the door with a strong face, it's like a
fish face, he has a letter for the duchess, he bush
the letter under the door and went away.
Alice lesson to a noise inside the house she
opened the and walk on, there was a kitchen with
angry cock by fire, and holding screaming a baby,
there was also a large cat.
The douches bush the baby to Alice and she go to
out the got ready for the queen invitation, Alice
The baby has a strong face, Alice took him to
outside and when she walk the baby turned into
Ms. Fatima Zohra Sarhan

Independent Listening Notes

a big she leave hem and walk away, and she saw
the cat.

 As you are listening to the chapters, take notes for each track/chapter you listen to
 Upload them on LMS
 You will use the notes for the quiz
 Chapter Title:ch3: conversation with a catepillar ,ch4:the cheshire cat

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