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Standard 6: Professional Responsibility

Physical education candidates demonstrate behaviors essential to becoming effective

professionals. They exhibit professional ethics and culturally competent practices; seek
opportunities for continued professional development; and demonstrate knowledge of
promotion/advocacy strategies for physical education and expanded physical activity
opportunities that support the development of physically literate individuals.

Component 6.b: Engage in continued professional growth and collaboration in schools and/or
professional organizations.

Artifact: PED 382

Date: 2021 Spring


I was able to get the chance to create a way that students can get more physical activity
fit outside the PE classroom. I created a newsletter for weekend activities that consisted of
Zumba, basketball for families, middle schoolers and cook shop. Cook shop consisted of created
easy and healthy meals with families. During this project I learned how to come up with a
weekend program and figure out ways students and families can come together in physical
activity on the weekend. Throughout this assignment I was able to understand how to properly
put together a weekend program and make it stand out for people to see. I got this idea from a
program that I was apart of as well in middle school.

This assignment is essential for teacher development because it helps development a plan
to create more opportunities for students and parents/guardians to be physically active and eat
healthy. Teachers are life time learners and you must be able to have people assist and create
opportunities for their students being more active and how to eat healthier. There are many
positives for creating student involvement outside of the physical ed classroom and creating
opportunities on weekends for quality family time. I would look to incorporate a weekend
program similar to one I created in PED 382.

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