All About Me - Progress

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PROGRESS – Tuesday, September 21st

• Introduction: Hello my name is Monserrat Martínez, I am a student at

UTCJ, and this is my video of the project #1 for my English class, I am in
the A2-1 immersion group. Today I will be talking to you all about me.
• Content: Okey, as I already mentioned, my name is Monserrat Martinez
Cabanillas, I am of Mexican nationality, I was born in Ciudad Juarez and
I am eighteen years old, my phone number is 6565727829, my personal
email is, my birthday was two weeks ago,
it's September 6th, I am a student of the UTCJ, my group is the TDM13,
and my immersion group is the A2-1, normally my daily routine is to get
up at 6:50 in the morning, get ready for my online classes, brush my teeth
and go to the desk to turn on my laptop, do my class activities and at 8
o'clock I have breakfast, finish and go back to classes, I finish my online
classes at 2 pm, I rest for a while; I see if I have pending jobs and then I
start playing video games, at 3 or 4 in the afternoon I start cleaning the
house, after cleaning I eat something and I have free time and I start
watching TV for a while and that's what I do daily every day.
Now I'm going to talk to you about my family, in my family we are four
people; my parents, my brother and me.

First, I'll tell you about my dad. My dad's name is Héctor Martinez
Martinez, my dad was born in the state of Durango, He's 54 years old, my
dad's birthday is August 20th, my dad has brown eyes, black hair, he has a
lot of eyelashes and he's a little chubby. He's very tall, he measures 6’4”
tall approximately. my dad's routine starts at 6 in the morning, he goes to
take a bath and gets ready to go to work, at 7:30 in the morning he prepares
breakfast for my mom and me, at 8:20 he goes to work, he comes home
with my mom at 6:00 in the afternoon, he and my mom prepare dinner or
lunch the next day and finish at about 8:30 at night, and they go to bed.
Now I'm going to tell you about my mom, my mom's name is Lorena
Cabanillas Felix and she was born in the state of Sinaloa, She´s 50 years
old, my mom's birthday is December 28th, my mom has brown eyes, her
hair is dyed blonde, she has short hair, my mom’s a normal height, she
measures 5'7" tall, my mom's routine is similar to my dad's routine, they
do almost the same, my mom gets up at 6 in the morning at 6:40 she goes
to bathe and gets ready to go to work, at 8 in the morning she has breakfast
with my dad and with me, she goes to work together with my dad and they
return home together and at the same time; at 6 pm. they get home and
make dinner or lunch of the next day, and they end up at about 8 p.m. and
go and go to bed.
Now I'm going to tell you about my brother my brother's name is Héctor
Martinez Cabanillas and he was born in Ciudad Juarez, He’s 24 years old,
my brother birthday is January 30th. He has brown eyes, dark brown hair
and populated eyebrows, has many eyelashes just like me, he´s 5'8" tall.
My brother's routine starts at 5 in the morning, goes to bathe to go to work,
sometimes he has breakfast at home and other times he has breakfast at
work, then at 6 in the morning he would already be leaving the house and
returns home at 5:30 in the afternoon, sometimes we go out for a coffee
my brother and I, other times we stay at home helping to make dinner,
and in truth my brother does not have many responsibilities to do at home
more than going to work, already at night he starts watching television
and goes to bed at 10:30 of the night.

• Conclusion: We have reached the end of my project I hope you enjoyed

and thank you for your attention<3

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