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Adjectives turned into nouns

Patient – patience
Dedicated- dedication
Punctual- punctuality
Confident- confidence
Flexible- flexibility
Creative- creativity
Motivated- motivation
Dependable- dependability
Enthusiastic- enthusiasm
Ambitious- ambition

If you want to say something please say out loud, I will listen to you!
I have worked a lot and now I am feeling one step closer to win it.
I have been working all the day and now I am so tired so keep your mouth shut please, I don’t want to
hear you.
He has been waiting the whole his life to receive all from the others and is less likely to do something.
If you decide to apply for this job we want you to know we prefer to mistake the talking for the doing.

I would rather work in an open space than in a closed office.

I would rather be ten minute late.

My five years old cousin, to whom we gave the birthday cake, was so excited.
My uncle, for whom we purchased this gift, was elated when he opened it.
The ship by which we sailed was wrecked along the shore.
You must complete the course, at which point you will be able to graduate.

To go straight to a point= a trece direct la subiect

Last but not the least= ultimul dar nu cel din urma
If you don’t mind= daca nu te deranjeaza
To have a hard time with = a avea de furca
It’s a piece of cake = e floare la ureche
To go back and forth = e indecis
To have something in the back of the mind = a fi reticent

Upkeep= a intretine
Follow-through = a termina ce a inceput
Ruthless = nemilos
Willpower= vointa

Little and few – negative- they mean no so much/many

A little and a few –positive- they mean “some”
Less-uncountable, fewer-countable- comparative
Least, fewest – superlative
Less and least- used with singular (uncountable nouns)

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