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Institution University of Nicosia

Programme of Study MA Greek Civilization
Course GCIV-520 Journey through Greek History
Level Undergraduate Postgraduate (Master)
Language of Instruction English
Mode of Delivery Distance Learning Conventional
Type of Course Required Elective
Number of Group Advising
With Physical
Number of assignments 2
Assessment • Assignments 40%
• Final Assessment 60%*

*The Final Assessment can be either a Final

Exam or Final Assignment(s) with viva
Number of ECTS credits 10 ECTS

Preparation of Study Guide by:

Dr Konstantinos Mantas, Dr Marios Hatzopoulos

Review and approval of Study
Guide by: Department of Languages & Literature 169

i. Teaching Faculty
Dr. Marios Hatzopoulos (
Office hours: TBA
ii. Module / Course
The main objectives of the course are to:
• Present a general and intertemporal view of Greek history.
• Examine the importance of great historical figures in the
process of history-
• Examine the impact of political factors, e.g., the influence of
Rome since
the 2nd century BC, and religious ones, i.e. Christianity since
the 4th
century AD, upon the history of Hellenism.
• Explore the interdependence of politics and economy in the
frame of Greek
• Investigate the role of women in Greek history.
• Scrutinize the transformations that Gree k civilization has
in its long historical continuity.

Main Topic/Thematic Areas:

1. The archaic period (750-489 BC)
2. The emergence of democracy in Athens
3. The unification of the Greek world and the Oikumene
4. Struggling to keep autonomy in a world threatened by Rome

5. The emergence of a Christianized world

6. Last images of paganism
7. The codification of Roman law and the short-lived re-
unification of the
Eastern and Western parts of the Roman Empire
8. Iconoclasm and the Arab threat
9. Decline and renewal
10. Ioannis Vatatzis. The fall of Byzantium: Constantine Palaelogos
11. Keeping the Christian faith alive
12. Leaders-architects of the Greek State 170

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