3BTG811796-3036 Functional Description - DIS01

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PPLib800xA 6.2

Functional Description
DIS01 - Digital Input Signal

PPLib800xA 6.2

Functional Description
DIS01 - Digital Input Signal

Document Number: 3BTG811796-3031

Document Revision: A
Release: May 2019

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Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 5
General .............................................................................................................................................. 5

FUNCTION BLOCK & DATA TYPES ................................................................................................ 7

Function Block ................................................................................................................................. 7
Data Types........................................................................................................................................ 7
DIS01_InPar .................................................................................................................................. 7
DIS01_OutPar .............................................................................................................................. 8
DIS01_Opr .................................................................................................................................... 8
Permission ........................................................................................................................................ 8

FUNCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Control Modes ................................................................................................................................. 9
E1 Mode ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Manual Mode ............................................................................................................................... 9
Forced ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Invert Function ................................................................................................................................ 9
Disturbance ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Signal Status .................................................................................................................................. 10
Alarm Blocking ............................................................................................................................... 10
Interaction Window ...................................................................................................................... 10
Text Configuration........................................................................................................................ 12

OPERATOR FUNCTION ................................................................................................................. 13

Process Display.............................................................................................................................. 13
Faceplate ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Aspect Link ................................................................................................................................ 13
Faceplate .................................................................................................................................... 14
Extended Tabs .......................................................................................................................... 14
Object Display................................................................................................................................ 16
Object Trend Display .................................................................................................................... 16
Alarm & Event ................................................................................................................................. 17
Alarm & Event List..................................................................................................................... 17
Alarm & Event Message ........................................................................................................... 17

DIS01 is a functional unit for digital input signal in ControlIT, to be operated from 800xA
System. The signal comes from process in the field. A DIS01 normally performs a complete
function independently.
DIS01 has the following functions and properties:
· Different control modes which can be set by operator
· Disturbance checking
· Alarm & Event detection and handling



Function Block
Name Data Type Direction Initial Value Description
IOSignal BoolIO in_out Signal from I/O-board(s)
Name string in Object name
Description string in Object description
Enable bool in true Enable object
Inverted bool in false Signal inverted
SignalID string in Hardware address, for SOE I/O
AL_P_Blk bool in Block alarm
AlarmAck bool in Acknowledge alarm
InPar DIS01_InPar in In Parameter
Value bool out Value
IO_Value bool out I/O value
Err bool out Error
Err_Type string[20] out Error type
Man bool out Man mode
E1 bool out E1 mode
Forced bool out Channel is forced
Disturb bool out Alarm
OutPar DIS01_OutPar out Out Parameter
Opr DIS01_Opr out Operator order
IOSignal BoolIO in_out Signal from I/O-board(s)

Data Types

DIS01_InPar data type contains all configuration parameter available in DIS01. Configuration
can be entered by writing value to this structured data type and connecting it to input InPar
of DIS01 function block.
Name Data Type Initial Value Description
Class dint cPPInit.Class AE class
Severity dint cPPInit.Severity AE severity
InitMode dint 7 Init mode (5 = Man ; 7 = E1)
ManNorm bool false Man mode is normal mode
E1Norm bool true E1 mode is normal mode
ManEnbl bool false Enable operator order Man mode
E1Enbl bool true Enable operator order E1 mode
AlcBlkEvEnbl bool cPPInit.AlcBlkEvEnbl Enable event for AlcBlk


Name Data Type Initial Value Description

OprModeEvEnbl bool cPPInit.OprModeEvEnbl Enable event for mode change by operator
AEConfigStatus dint 0 AE configuration for Disturbance
NormPos bool false Normal position
AlarmDelay time 0s Alarm delay
AlarmText string 'Alarm' Alarm text
InvertIndication bool false Invert graphic indication
RPCtrl bool false Repeat Fail Control
AEConfigDIErr dint 1 AE configuration for DI Error
AlarmCondText string[15] '||PP_Status' Alarm condition text for Disturbance
NOTE: Connecting a variable to InPar parameter which has been configured previously via
Interaction Window, will reset the values in DIS01_InPar to default value.

DIS01_OutPar data type contains all information on the object which not available on the
output parameter of the function block.
Name Data Type Initial Value Description
AlarmBlk bool Alarm blocked
Mode dint Active mode
NormalMode bool Normal mode (Active mode = Init mode)
Status AlarmInd Alarm indication for Status
HWStatus HwStatus Hardware status
SubStatus dint Hardware substatus
IOStatus dint Hardware I/O status quality
AU_DIErr bool UnAcknowledge alarm for DI Error
AEError bool Error configuration for Disturbance alarm

DIS01_Opr data type contains all operator order.
Name Data Type Initial Value Description
BlockAlarm bool Operator block alarms
Man bool Operator order Manual mode
E1 bool Operator order E1 mode
Ord_On bool Operator order ON command
Ord_Off bool Operator order OFF command

All variables in DIS01_InPar data type are set with Configure permission in 800xA system. All
variables in DIS01_Opr data type are set with Operate permission.
The variable permission can be configured according to the plant requirement. This can be
done by adding Property Attribute Override aspect for the object in Control Structure or for
the object type in Object Type Structure.


Control Modes
Two control modes are available: E1 and Man. Active mode is indicated on the faceplate and
object display. These modes can also be blocked individually from operator access.

E1 Mode
E1 mode is the default init mode of the DIS01. In E1 mode, output Value is obtained from input
IOSignal. E1 mode can be activated from the E1 button on the faceplate.

Manual Mode
In Manual mode, operator directly sets the output Value from the On or Off button on the
faceplate. Manual mode can be activated from the Man button on the faceplate.

Forced is a condition where the operator blocks the I/O module input and writes directly to
the I/O module input variable. Forced condition can be obtained by enabling the Forced check
box in the I/O hardware of the controller.

Invert Function
When DIS01 is in E1, value from input IOSignal can be inverted by setting the input parameter
Inverted to True. Invert function has no effect when the DIS01 is in Manual mode.

When enabled, DIS01 will supervise the Value status. If the Value is not in the normal position,
it will activate the output parameter Disturb. Alarm will be generated if Value stays in
abnormal position longer than the alarm delay time. Disturb will remain active when Value is
already in normal position, but alarm is not acknowledged.

Signal Status

Signal Status
DIS01 monitor the IOSignal status which connected to IO module. Error occurs if the IO
module function is deemed nonfunctional. Typical caused of errors are missing or faulty
hardware and out of range values.
Errors generated from IO module are passed to DIS01. The output parameter Err is set to True
when there is error and Err_Type will display the error code as described in Control Builder
help file. Faceplate element Status gives detail information about the error code.

Alarm Blocking
Alarm can be blocked using input parameter Al_P_Blk.
Project constant cPPCustom.AlcBlkBlockAll determines the behavior of alarm blocking. If
cPPCustom.AlcBlkBlockAll is set to True, it will automatically acknowledge existing alarms
and prevent new alarm. If set to False, it will only block new alarm. Existing active alarm will
remain in the alarm list and need to be acknowledged manually.
If blocking is released while object is in alarm condition, alarm will then be generated.

Interaction Window
Interaction Window is used to configure the object’s parameter
in the Control Builder. It is only accessible when Control Builder is
in Online mode by right clicking the function block.
The main Interaction Window shows the name and description of
the function block. The buttons are links to open the sub-window.

General Par
Name and Description can be entered from interaction window
or from the function block parameters directly. After performing
Name Uploader, these values will be used as Object Name and
Description and shown in faceplate.
Class defines the process section or area in which alarms are grouped. By utilizing Class, the
alarms can be filtered. Valid values are 1 - 9999. Severity defines the alarm priority for general
alarms. Valid values are 1 - 1000 where 1000 is the highest priority.

Control Mode & Event

Enable Order is used to allow operator to give an order of certain activity. The faceplate
button will be enabled if it is activated (set to 1).

Interaction Window

Normal Mode defines the mode(s) where object shall be operated

normally. More than 1 mode can be assigned as normal mode
depending on how the object is used. By default, the normal
mode for DIS01 is E1.
Init Mode defines the initial mode of the object when cold
download is performed. Default init mode for DIS01 is E1.
Enable Event is used to allow the event message generated due
to changes in status. External Mode refers to mode changes by
application while Operator Mode refers to mode changes by operator from faceplate button.
To enable event for selected message, press the button to set the value to 1.
Graphic Indication can be inverted on the faceplate and graphic element. Without inverted, a
full green indication is shown when Value is True. When inverted, a full indication is shown
when Value is False.

Alarm Setting
Alarm Setting is used to configure how to present status changes
of Value parameter.
AE Config can be set in 3 different ways:
0 = No Alarm or Event
1 = Alarm and Event
2 = Event only
If AE Config is set to 1, alarm will be generated if the Value stays
in abnormal position longer than alarm delay time. Otherwise, alarm will not be generated.
When alarm is generated, Alarm Condition will be shown as Condition in the Alarm List and
Alarm Message as Message.
Unless necessary, it’s recommended to keep the default value of Alarm Condition
(||PP_Status). The maximum length of Alarm Condition is 15 characters and should not contain
space. Only use characters which are allowed in Control Builder. When changing the Alarm
Condition value, it is important to monitor the alarm error OutPar.AEError. Any error in Alarm
Condition value will set OutPar.AEError to True. Changes in Alarm Condition and Alarm
Message value requires warm download for the new value to take effect.
If Repeat Control is enabled (set to 1) and AEConfig = 1, the number alarm on and off
repetitions without acknowledge is limited to 3. The max limit can be adjusted from project
constant cRPCtrl. Note that changing this value will affect Repeat Control limit for all objects
in the project.

Text Configuration

Text Configuration
Text Configuration aspect is used to define the text properties of the object, such as on/off
status and info texts. It is accessible in the Control Structure. The length of each text should
not exceed more than 50 characters, except for E1Name which is limited to 10 characters only.


Process Display
DIS01 has the following graphic elements which can be inserted into graphic displays.


Aspect Link
Icon Aspect View
Faceplate Documentation
Operator Note
Object Display
Object Trend Display


Reduced Faceplate and Faceplate give basic information about the object. Extended
Faceplate gives more detailed information in tabs. Reduced Faceplate is the default view.

Reduced Faceplate Faceplate Extended Faceplate

Extended Tabs
T Curve
Trim Curve is used to present value in the last 4 minutes period. It
contains 1 trace only: Value.

Operator can block the disturbance alarm by ticking on the checkbox
Block Alarm. Normal Position checkbox and Alarm Delay input can be
configured from this tab when AEConfig > 0. Repeat Control is only
available when AEConfig = 1.
Un-ticking checkbox Enable Object will bring the object to Out of
Service mode.


Status of the IO Signal is shown in this tab. It also shows the type of
the device where the IO Signal is connected to.

Relevant information about the object can be entered here.

Max Dialog
This tab is only accessible for user with Application Engineer Role to
limit the operator access to different control modes. When checkbox
Block Man mode is checked, the faceplate button Man will be dimmed.
Operator will not be possible to change the object to Manual mode.
The same way goes to Block E1 mode.
It’s also possible to force the I/O signal directly from this tab. When
Forced check box is set, then Forced Value input will be shown and

Object Display

Object Display
Object Display can be used to get the complete overview of the object. It has detailed
information of the measured value, alarm status and available control modes.

Object Trend Display

Values stored can be presented graphically in the form of curves in Object Trend Display
aspect. By default, DIS01 presents 1 trace only: Value. It uses the trend template PP Library
Standard Object Trend in Library Structure.

Alarm & Event

Alarm & Event

Alarm & Event List

All alarm & event list aspect is configured to follow the templates defined in PP Library Alarm
& Event List Configurations in Library Structure.

Alarm & Event Message

The Condition and Message Description text is stored in PPLib800xA AE aspect which has
NLS support. It can be found in Library Structure > Preferences & Customizations > Pulp and
Paper Library.
For Status alarm, the Message Description is linked to InPar.AlarmText variable and Condition
is linked to InPar.AlarmCondText in the function block and can be modified via interaction


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