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By: The Swiss Association for Nutrition (SAN)



The increased demand for minerals and vitamins during pregnancy can be satisfied by an
adequate, varied, and balanced diet. Attention should be paid to folic acid, calcium, and iron in
particular, since these are often deficient.


A substantial transfer of calcium occurs between the mother and the fetus throughout pregnancy,
allowing the baby's bone and teeth formation. In the first six months, the mother stores up
calcium in her own bones. When its skeletal growth reaches its peak in the last three months, the
fetus draws on the mother's store. This is when the consumption of high calcium-containing
foods such as milk and milk products must be increased, since a calcium deficiency will damage
the mother's teeth and make her bones brittle.

The demand for iron, essential for blood formation, is also increased during pregnancy because
the mother's blood volume increases, and the fetal red blood cells have to be developed. Iron is
available in meat, fish, egg yolk, whole-grain products, and vegetables. Iron of plant origin is not
as well assimilated as iron of animal origin. However, if you ingest vitamin C from raw food
during the same meal, iron is more easily absorbed.

This vitamin promotes the development of the fetal central nervous system and prevents
developmental defects of the neural tube (   ). Folic acid is contained in vegetables,
wheat germ, tropical fruits, and in eggs. However, routine nutrition does not always supply
enough folic acid (vitamin B9) to meet the requirements of a pregnant woman. Additional folic
acid intake is necessary in the months before pregnancy and during the first trimester.

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These symptoms are common, especially at the beginning of pregnancy.

uÊ ›lan light and more frequent meals.

uÊ ºo not eat solid and liquid foods at the same time. ºrinks should be taken a half-hour
before or after the meal.
uÊ Avoid fatty foods, fried foods, sauces, and hot spices.
uÊ Have breakfast 15 minutes before getting up to offset morning sickness.
This symptom often occurs toward the end of pregnancy. It is caused by the pressure of the baby
against the mother's stomach.

uÊ ÿat light and more frequent meals.

uÊ ÿat in the evening, at least 2 hours before going to bed.
uÊ Avoid fatty foods, coffee and cola drinks.

uÊ Avoid foods with a fermentative effect, such as cabbage, leeks, garlic, onions, and
uÊ ºrink tap water or non-carbonated mineral water.
uÊ ÿat slowly and in peace and quiet.
Intestinal movement is slowed during pregnancy, and this may result in, or worsen, digestive

uÊ ºrink at least 1.5 liters (3¼ pints) of fluids per day (water, herbal tea, fruit juice, milk).
uÊ ÿat fiber-rich food: whole-grain bread, vegetables, fruit, legumes.
uÊ ºrink a glass of cold water when you get up in the morning, and eat dried fruits (prunes).

This swelling of the legs, arms, and sometimes the face are due to water retention.
ºo not go without salt except in special cases.

uʺrink 1.5 liters (3¼ pints) daily


uÊ ëaintain a regular schedule of meals.

uÊ Take small snacks between meals consisting of fruit, milk, yogurt, bread with cottage
cheese, or whey.
Some infections have serious effects on the embryo, but they can be prevented by observing the
rules of hygiene.
uÊ Always carefully peel and wash raw vegetables, fruit, and herbs (parsley, basil).
uÊ Always wash your hands carefully before cooking, eating, after you have handled raw
meat, or have touched sand or soil.
uÊ ÿat only well-cooked meat. Avoid tartar steak, fried sausage, meat fondue, rare steak,
uÊ Avoid cats and their litter, as toxoplasmosis pathogens propagate in the cats' intestines.
uÊ ºo not eat uncooked fish, meat, milk, and eggs.
uÊ ºo not eat cheese rind.
Consumption of alcohol during pregnancy should be avoided if possible, as it affects the physical
and mental development of the fetus. The risk of injury is particularly high in the early months.

Caffeine is found in coffee, black tea, cola drinks, energy drinks, and cocoa (chocolate) as well
as other foods. It has a stimulating effect and therefore speeds up the heart rate. Caffeine in the
blood of a pregnant woman affects the heartbeat of the baby, which almost doubles. ›regnant
women may take two cups of coffee or four cups of tea a day without endangering the fetus.

With each inhalation from a cigarette, nicotine enters the mother's circulatory system and also
that of the fetus through the placenta. The blood vessels contract and the oxygen supply of the
fetus is compromised. For this reason, tobacco is contraindicated during pregnancy (and this
includes secondhand smoke).

ÿat three meals daily plus small snacks. ºon't skip breakfast.
Consume 3 or 4 portions of milk products daily.
Avoid weight-loss diets.
Avoid alcohol and tobacco, take coffee in moderation.

Reference: ` ` `

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