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Chapter 11: Psychotherapies I

1. Nadine’s mother asks her to pick up milk on the way home from school but she
forgets. Freud would argue that this is a goal-directed behavior, and perhaps she is
being passive aggressive as she is mad at her mother. This is an example of:
a. Psychodynamic therapy
b. Psychoanalysis.
c. Psychic determinism.
d. Ego-dynamic therapy.
Answer: C
Page: 230
Type: Applied

2. Many Freudian terms have been renamed and reconceptualized as of late. For
example, today, repression may be viewed as:
a. Spreading activation.
b. Reintegration.
c. Retrieval error.
d. Cognitive avoidance.
Answer: D
Page: 231
Type: Conceptual

3. In the theory of topography, or the notion that there are layers to cognition, the
layer that would be things the person is unaware of but of which they could be
made aware is the:
a. Unconscious.
b. Preconscious.
c. Conscious.
d. Preattentive.
Answer: B
Page: 232
Type: Factual

4. If you think of Freud’s concept of the theory of topography as an iceberg, the bulk
of thinking would be under the water, representing the:
a. Unconscious.
b. Preconscious.
c. Conscious.
d. Preattentive.
Answer: A
Page: 232
Type: Conceptual

5. Leopold has been seeing his therapist for quite some time but he reminds her of
her ex-husband and sometimes she feels hostile towards him. This bias is known
a. Transference.
b. Countertransference.
c. Projection.
d. Reaction formation.
Answer: B
Page: 233
Type: Applied

6. According to Freud, the part of personality ruled by the reality principal is the:
a. Id.
b. Ego.
c. Superego.
d. Identification.
Answer: B
Page: 234
Type: Factual

7. According to Freud, the part of personality that is the moral governor is the:
a. Id.
b. Ego.
c. Superego.
d. Identification.
Answer: C
Page: 234
Type: Factual

8. Pavi reports that his boss dislikes him. His therapist says that he is using a defense
mechanism called ______ and that, actually, Pavi he most likely dislikes his boss.
a. Projection
b. Introjection
c. Displacement
d. Reaction formation
Answer: A
Page: 238
Type: Applied

9. Yasmine was aggressed against but she “identifies with her aggressor” and, in
fact, may become an aggressor herself. Freud would argue this is due to which
defense mechanism?
a. Projection
b. Introjection
c. Displacement
d. Reaction formation

Answer: B
Page: 238
Type: Applied

10. Moira had a bad day at work and comes home and yells at her significant other.
Freud would argue this is an example of which defense mechanism?
a. Projection
b. Introjection
c. Displacement
d. Reaction formation
Answer: C
Page: 239
Type: Applied

11. Dangelo doesn’t like his new girlfriend’s best friend at all but he is actually
friendlier to her than almost any of his girlfriend’s other friends. This is an
example of which defense mechanism?
a. Projection
b. Introjection
c. Displacement
d. Reaction formation
Answer: D
Page: 239
Type: Applied

12. Kelton is feeling very aggressive so he goes to the gym and boxes with others.
This is an example of which defense mechanism?
a. Projection
b. Sublimation
c. Displacement
d. Reaction formation
Answer: B
Page: 240
Type: Applied

13. When a therapist points out that a patient seems to be having issues expressing
ideas it is a component of _____ in psychoanalytic theory.
a. Observation
b. Interpretation
c. Confrontation
d. Actualizing tendency
Answer: C
Page: 247
Type: Conceptual

14. An innate drive that moves people and involves ideas about what is good and bad
for them is:
a. Observation.
b. Interpretation.
c. Confrontation.
d. Actualizing tendency.
Answer: D
Page: 251
Type: Conceptual

15. The idea that the therapist should accept the patient as they are and view them as a
worthwhile person no matter what is known as:
a. Unconditional positive regard.
b. Evocative empathy.
c. Genuineness.
d. Metacommunication.
Answer: A
Page: 252
Type: Factual

16. A therapist that does not hide behind a mask of professionalism is considered to
be showing:
a. Unconditional positive regard.
b. Evocative empathy.
c. Genuineness.
d. Metacommunication.
Answer: C
Page: 253
Type: Factual

17. An example of the input output model is:

a. Axiom.
b. Verbal paradox.
c. Metacommunication.
d. Feedback loops.
Answer: D
Page: 252
Type: Applied

18. Latrell tends not to take situations seriously and doesn’t actively participate in
dealing with critical issues. According to Satir’s work he shows which interaction
a. Irrelevant
b. Congruent
c. Blaming
d. Placating

Answer: C
Page: 265
Type: Applied

19. Tamar seems unable to be self-criticizing, generally does not constructively

participate, and tends to diffuse responsibility. According to Satir’s work he
shows which interaction style?
a. Irrelevant
b. Congruent
c. Blaming
d. Placating
Answer: C
Page: 265
Type: Applied

20. Moshe tends to be the kind of person that understands his own and other’s
emotions and tries to arrive at solutions that are good for everyone. According to
Satir’s work he shows which interaction style?
a. Irrelevant
b. Congruent
c. Blaming
d. Placating
Answer: B
Page: 265
Type: Applied

Essay Questions

1. Briefly discuss the primary assumptions and principals of psychoanalytic


2. Briefly list and describe the three parts of personality according to Freud.

3. List and describe at least six defense mechanisms. Include an example of each.

4. Briefly describe person-centered therapy and how it differs from a more

traditional psychodynamic psychotherapy.

5. Briefly describe systems therapy. When would systems therapy be appropriate?

Provide an example in your answer.


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