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Frame of Reference – This shall based on a careful view of the matters relating to the situation for which plans are
being developed. Opinions or ideas of persons who may speak with authority of the subjects and views of the police
commanders, other government officials, and other professionals shall be considered.Clarifying the Problems – This
calls for the identification of the problems, understanding both its records and its possible solution. A situation must
exist for which something must and can be done. For example, an area in a city or municipality is victimized by a
series of robbers. There is a need for reaching the preliminary decision that robberies may be reduced in the area,
and that the pattern of operation, in general, is one by which the police can reduce them.

2. Collecting all Pertinent Facts – No attempt shall be made to develop a plan until all facts relating to it have been
carefully reviewed to determine the modus operandi, suspects, types of victims, and such other information as may
be necessary. Facts relating to such matters as availability, deployment, and the use of present personnel shall be
gathered.Developing the Facts – After all data have been gathered, a careful analysis and evaluation shall be made.
These provide the basis from which a plan or plans are evolved. Only such facts as any have relevance shall be

3. Developing Alternative Plans – In the initial phases of plan development, several alternative measures shall
appear to be logically comparable to the needs of a situation. As the alternative solutions are evaluated, one of the
proposed plans shall usually prove more logical than the others.Selecting the Most Appropriate Alternative – A
careful consideration of all facts usually leads to the selection of the best alternative proposal.Selling the Plans – A
plan, to be effectively carried out, must be accepted by persons concerned at the appropriate level of the plan’s
development. For example, in a robbery case, the patrol division head may be preparing the plan. At the outset, the
detective chief is concerned and shall be consulted. As the planning develops, there may be a need it involve the
head of the personnel, records and communication units and all patrol officers.

4. Arranging for the Execution of the Plan – the execution of a plan requires the issuance of orders and directives to
units and personnel concern, the establishment of a schedule, and the provision of manpower and the equipment for
carrying out the plan. Briefing shall be held and assurance shall be received that all involved personnel understood
when, how, and what is to be done.Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Plan – The results of the plan shall be
determined. This is necessary in order to know whether a correct alternative was chosen, whether the plan was
correct, which phase was poorly implemented, and whether additional planning may be necessary. Also, the effects
of the executed plan or other operations and on total police operations shall be determined. Follow-up is the control
factor essential for effective command management.

5. How Operational plans are executed in the PNP?

The plans are made, same shall be put into operation and the result thereof evaluated accordingly. Operations in
the PNP shall be directed by the police commander to attain the following objectives: (1) protection of persons and
property; (2) preservation of peace and order; (3) prevention of crimes; (4) repression of suppression of criminal
activities; (5) apprehension of criminals; (6) enforcement of laws and ordinances and regulations of conduct; (8)
prompt execution of criminal writs and processes of the courts; and (9) coordination and cooperation with other law
enforcement agencies.Prevention of Crimes – This activity requires the members of the PNP to mingle with the
members of the community where criminal activities originate and bred and criminalistic tendencies of individuals
are motivated to indulge in anti-social behavior; and seek to minimize the causes of crime. This activity or mission
also requires the individual members of the PNP to understand the people and the environment in which they live.

6. Repression or Suppression of Criminal Activities – This activity or mission emphasizes the presence of an
adequate patrol system including the continuous effort toward eliminating or reducing hazards as the principal
means of reducing the opportunities for criminal action. The saying “the mouse will play while the cat is away” is
equally true in law enforcement and in public safety. The presence of a policeman in uniform would be deterred or

discouraged the would-be criminal or would-be offender-regulations. Crime repression means the elimination of the
opportunity that exists on the part of the would-be criminal to commit a crime.Preservation of Peace and Order –
This activity or mission requires the individual members of the PNP to gain the sympathy of the community to close
ranks in combating crimes and any other anti-social behavior of the non-conformists of the law and order. The
community, therefore, should be informed through proper education, of their share and involvement in law
enforcement and public safety.

7 Protection of Lives Properties – The responsibilities of the members of the PNP in providing for the safety and
convenience of the public are analogous with those of the doctor. The doctor protects life by combating diseases
while the PNP promotes public safety of accidents and in guarding the citizens public safety by the elimination of
hazards of accidents and in guarding the citizens against the attacks of the bad elements of the society. The
policeman though, has a collateral responsibility in his obligation to protect life and property – a responsibility that is
fundamental to every duty he performs. The police have the obligation to preserve the citizen’s constitutional
guarantees of liberty and the pursuit of happiness.Enforcement of Laws and Ordinances - these activities and
mission requires the members of the PNP to constructively integrate or enforce and implement the laws of the land
and city/municipal ordinances without regard to the personal circumstances of the individual citizens and any other
persons sojourning in the Philippines. This is to provide tranquility among members of society. These also include
the regulations of non-criminal conduct, specifically to obtain compliance through education of the public in the
dangers inherent in the disobedience of regulations. This makes use of warnings, either oral or written, which
informs the citizen but not to personalize.

8. Apprehension of Criminals – this activity defines specifically the power of the police as possessed by every
member of the integrated police, as a means to discourage the would-be offender. The consequence of arrest and
prosecution has a deterrent effect intended to make crime or any unlawful act less worthwhile. Consequently,
apprehension and the imposition of punishment for the corresponding unlawful act are committed, lessens repetition
by causing suspects to be incarcerated, and provides an opportunity for reformation of those convicted by final
judgment. This activity also includes the recovery of stolen property in order to restrain those who are accessories to
the crime and thereby benefiting from the gains of crime.Coordination and Cooperation with other Agencies – This
activity requires the duty of a commander of any unit of the PNP and its unit subordinates to establish report or good
relationship with other law enforcement agencies of the government. Through rapport, a police station commander
and his subordinates ma be able to maintain a harmonious working relationship with other law enforcement
agencies of the government whereby coordination and cooperation between them maybe established. Coordination
is an essential conduct of command.

9. Safeguard Public Health and Morals – This involves many activities or mission peripheral to basic law
enforcement and public safety. Such as for instance, sanitation, search and rescue operations, licensing, inspection
of buildings in order to determine whether or not the Presidential Decree on fire prevention is strictly obeyed. This
also includes supervising elections, escorts duties, civic actions, and many other activities or missions related to
law-enforcement and public safety.

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