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Volume 3 • 2015  10.


Review article

Themed Issue Article: Conservation Physiology of Animal Migrations

Toward a mechanistic understanding of

animal migration: incorporating physiological
measurements in the study of animal movement
David S. Jachowski1,2,*, and Navinder J. Singh3

1Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation, Clemson University, 258 Lehotsky Hall, Clemson, SC 29634-0310, USA
2Schoolof Life Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, SA
3Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SE-90183 Umeå, Sweden

*Corresponding author: Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation, Clemson University, 258 Lehotsky Hall, Clemson,
SC 29634-0310, USA. Tel: +1 864 656 2138. Email:

Movements are a consequence of an individual’s motion and navigational capacity, internal state variables and the influence of
external environmental conditions. Although substantial advancements have been made in methods of measuring and quanti-
fying variation in motion capacity, navigational capacity and external environmental parameters in recent decades, the role of
internal state in animal migration (and in movement in general) is comparatively little studied. Recent studies of animal move-
ment in the wild illustrate how direct physiological measurements can improve our understanding of the mechanisms underly-
ing movement decisions. In this review, we synthesize and provide examples of how recent technical advances in the
physiology-related fields of energetics, nutrition, endocrinology, immunology and ecotoxicology provide opportunities for
direct measurements of physiological state in the study of animal movement. We then propose a framework for practitioners to
enable better integration of studies of physiological state into animal movement ecology by assessing the mechanistic role
played by physiology as both a driver and a modulator of movement. Finally, we highlight the current limitations and research
priorities for better integration of direct measurements of animal physiological state into the study of animal movement.

Key words: Endocrinology, energetics, immunology, migration, movement, nutrition

Editor: Steven Cooke
Received 19 March 2015; Revised 15 June 2015; accepted 4 July 2015
Cite as: Jachowski DS, Singh NJ (2015) Toward a mechanistic understanding of animal migration: incorporating physiological measurements in
the study of animal movement. Conserv Physiol 3: doi:10.1093/conphys/cov035.

Introduction ongoing, rapid global change is shifting patterns of species

movements, their interactions and adaptive abilities, thereby
Animals move to fulfil their basic biological goals of gaining affecting their m
­ otivation to move (Lundberg and Moberg,
energy, increasing survival and reproductive advantage 2003; Pulido, 2007; Singh et al., 2010). These changes are
(Nathan et al., 2008). However, their motivation to move is challenging our abilities to understand and predict animal
determined by a combination of internal state and external movements, particularly as they relate to the process of migra-
environmental factors, such as climate, predation risk, compe- tion, which can be defined broadly as the seasonal movement
tition and food availability (Fryxell and Sinclair, 1988). The toward non-overlapping areas (Wilcove and Wikelski, 2008).

© The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press and the Society for Experimental Biology. 1
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Review article Conservation Physiology • Volume 3 2015

Therefore, to provide better prediction of how migratory ani- Finally, we describe limitations of the ­physiological data
mals will respond to global change, it is vital to develop a ­currently being obtained and used to answer questions on ani-
more complete understanding of the relative role of internal mal movements, and identify future research opportunities.
vs. external drivers of animal movement (Bowlin et al., 2010; Throughout our review, because migration is composed of a
Lennox et al., 2015). diversity of movement behaviours, such as nomadic move-
ments within seasonal ranges or restricted movement at a spe-
The internal state of an animal is recognized as a central cific feeding patch (Sawyer and Kauffman, 2011; Singh and
component of movement ecology in addressing the question Ericsson, 2014), we use the terms movements and migration
of why animals move (Nathan et al., 2008). However, only simultaneously because most of our arguments apply to all
recently have movement ecologists begun to clarify and types of movements in general and not only migration.
emphasize the role of internal state in observed movement
behaviours (Patterson et al., 2008). Recent rapid technical and
analytical advances in the monitoring of moving animals and Review of techniques for measure-
quantification of their movements have resulted in a variety of
movement models inferring behavioural responses to internal
ment of the physiological state of
state based on the location of successive locational fixes moving animals
(Morales et  al., 2004; Schick et  al., 2008). However, such
inferential models are indirect, and the causal mechanisms When attempted, the incorporation of multiple subdisciplines
behind these observed movement paths remain relatively of physiology has informed our understanding of animal
unknown (Getz and Saltz, 2008; Holyoak et al., 2008). To movement ecology. These subdisciplines primarily include
date, a majority of the work describing how directly observed studies of animal energetics, nutrition, endocrinology, immu-
changes in the internal state of animals influence movements nology and ecotoxicology. Each of these fields has been exten-
is restricted to captive animals exposed to different controlled, sively investigated in a laboratory setting, and concepts and
experimental manipulations (Meier et  al., 1965; Wingfield methods are increasingly being applied to free-living animals
et al., 1990; Ward et al., 2002). in a field setting. Our purpose here is briefly to review how
measures derived from each of these fields have informed our
Recent studies that have attempted to directly measure the study of animal movement.
internal state of moving, free-ranging vertebrate animals in the
wild have revealed intricate linkages between an individual’s Energetics
internal physiological state and movement. For example, the
The study of energetics is fundamental to understanding pro-
use of biologging techniques has greatly advanced our under-
cesses such as reproduction, behavioural interactions and
standing of animal movement over the last two decades by pro-
movement behaviour (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1997; Isaac et  al.,
viding the opportunity to link expenditure and conservation of
2012). The rapidly advancing field of ecological energetics is of
energy with movement behaviour (Urban et al., 2007; Shepard
particular relevance to movement ecologists because of its focus
et al., 2009; Bogard et al., 2010; Louzao et al., 2014). Likewise,
on free-ranging organisms and its aim to integrate physiological
integration of endocrine system function with animal tracking
limits of an organism with the external, environmental con-
through non-invasive stress hormone measurements has
straints surrounding it (Tomlinson et al., 2014). Within a move-
resulted in an improved understanding of complex movement
ment ecology context, attention is typically focused on the
behaviours, such as refuge use and corridor streaking
energetic costs or benefits of various movement decisions; for
(Jachowski et al., 2012, 2013a). Collectively, there is a growing
example, tracking studies of invertebrate and avian movement
body of evidence illustrating how internal state interacts with,
have revealed correlations between migratory movements and
and sometimes overrides, the more commonly assessed role of
periods of favourable wind speed and direction that are prob-
external factors used to explain observed movement behav-
ably based on derived energetic benefits (Wikelski et al., 2006).
iours. Perhaps most importantly, through measurements of
Also, a number of direct measures are available to assess meta-
internal state, we are beginning to access the mechanisms
bolic rates during movement, including changes in isotope lev-
underlying animal movement (Cooke et al., 2012).
els and direct measurements of body temperature and heart rate
As technical developments progress and more studies through biotelemetry (Nagy and Costa, 1980; Speakman,
attempt to address questions about internal state and its role in 1997), both of which are discussed below in further detail.
animal movement, it becomes important to review the status of
the field and identify future directions. In this special issue,
Lennox et al., 2015 discuss how physiology has improved our The isotope method measures energy expenditure and water
understanding of animal migration and can inform conserva- turnover rate through the technique of doubly labelled water
tion. In our review, we focus on providing a synthetic summary (DLW). The technique relies on the extent to which an organ-
of the tools and techniques that can be used to measure the ism loses heavy oxygen isotopes (18O) in the form of carbon
physiological state of moving animals. We also provide a con- dioxide and water, in relationship to the loss of heavy hydro-
ceptual framework for how measures of physiological state gen isotopes (2H or 3H) in the form of water. The resulting
can be better integrated into studies of animal movement. difference between the hydrogen and oxygen isotope turnover

Conservation Physiology • Volume 3 2015 Review article

rate indicates CO2 production and therefore metabolic rate when assessing the movement ecology of species. Overall,
and energetic requirements (Speakman, 1997). However, there with the development of smaller and longer-lasting biologger
are several assumptions behind the DLW technique that are and biotelemetry devices (allowing for their implementation
not always met, thus restricting its use in some taxa, such as across a wide range of taxa) that can record multiple variables
amphibians, diving birds and mammals, and organisms of simultaneously and transmit remotely, this area offers one of
small body size (Speakman, 2005; Hambly and Voigt, 2011; the most exciting and rapidly growing techniques in the study
Shaffer, 2011). Furthermore, the 18O isotope is expensive to of animal movement physiology (Cooke et al., 2004; Bolen
procure, and the cost of this analysis has proved prohibitive et al., 2005; Bogard et al., 2010; Wilson et al., 2015).
for widespread general application in ecological studies.
Other radioactive alternatives besides water, such as rubid- Nutrition
ium, have also been tested, but their use has been contested
Meeting dietary and nutritional needs can also be an internal
due to ethical reasons (Tomlinson et al., 2014). Regardless of
physiological factor driving animal movement behaviours.
the technique used, isotope measurements require repeated
Water is a key limiting compound for almost all terrestrial ver-
capture of individuals, which is a factor that risks disturbing
tebrates, influencing their movement path decisions and lon-
movement behaviours of targeted individuals.
ger-term patterns in animal spatial ecology (Redfern et  al.,
2003). In addition, demand for other key limiting nutrients
Biologgers and biotelemetry
often drives movement decisions in complex and interactive
With the advent of internal temperature and heart rate log- ways. For example, Ortiz-Maciel et al. (2010) observed that
gers, it is possible to correlate changes in observed movement variation in movement and space use patterns by maroon-
behaviours with an animal’s metabolic rate (Cooke et  al., fronted parrots (Rhynchopsitta terrisi) was likely to be a com-
2004; Green et al., 2009). By inserting a sensor device within plex interaction of reproductive state, food availability and the
an animal at a location close to the heart or a blood vessel, location of clay licks that contain salt and other key nutrients
both body temperature and heart rate can be recorded con- (Emmons and Stark, 1979; Powell et al., 2009). Further­more,
tinuously at high frequencies (Bolen et  al., 2005; Ropert- once key limiting nutrients are identified, resource managers
Coudert and Wilson, 2005; Wilson et al., 2006; Signer et al., can manipulate their availability to modify animal movement
2010). The data are recorded continuously by an on-board and migration (Sahlsten et al., 2010; Jones et al., 2014).
logger (biologger) or transmitted (biotelemetry), without a
Investigation of the relationship between animal nutrition
need for short-term recapture of the individual.
and movement is most easily accomplished by simultaneous
The rapid growth of biologger and biotelemetry technology monitoring of foraging and movement behaviour or by retro-
over the past several decades has improved our ability to evalu- spective analyses of nutrition combined with tracking data
ate the physiological cost of different movement behaviours. (Giroux et al., 2012). At a fine spatial scale, focal monitoring
Progress in biotelemetry and the development of biologgers of movement and foraging activity can be combined to relate
began mostly in marine systems, where it has been difficult to movement to nutritional intake. Likewise, forage intake and
obtain information about the animals in other ways (Ropert- behaviour can be estimated retroactively from evidence at a
Coudert and Wilson, 2005). For example, Bevan et al. (1995), in kill or foraging site (Sand et al., 2005), analysis of faecal sam-
a study of black-browed albatrosses (Diomedea melanophris), ple content (Munro et al., 2006) or measurement of stable
measured both abdominal temperature and heart rate and isotopes in blood or faecal samples (Vogel, 1978). Once these
reported significant variations in energy expenditure during dif- types of data are collected, they can be linked retrospectively
ferent behaviours and stages of the reproductive cycle. Likewise, with tracking data to provide information on the likely
biotelemetry tags implanted into the swimming musculature of energy expenditure and nutritional status of tracked individ-
migratory Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) uals during specific time periods (Hebblewhite et al., 2008).
cannot only provide a measure of locomotor activity, but once Further­more, stable isotopes can be used to monitor for poten-
calibrated, can be used to estimate the energetic cost of migra- tially important carry-over effects of diet and nutrition
tion (Cooke et al., 2008; Wilson et al., 2015). between life-history periods that are likely to influence vari-
ous processes, including movement behaviour (O’Connor
Biologgers have also proved particularly useful for moni-
et al., 2014).
toring energetic costs of behaviours that were otherwise dif-
ficult to detect through movement data alone. For example, Measurements of body fat provide another important indi-
although Cocherell et al. (2011) observed minimal upstream cation of an individual’s nutritional status. Body fat indices
or downstream movements by rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus offer a method of quantifying past energetic accumulation as
mykiss) in response to pulsed water flows from a hydroelectric well as energy reserve potential (Robbins, 1983). For inverte-
dam, use of biosensor tags revealed that they generally exhibit brates, this is most easily achieved through molecular tech-
increased energetic output and decreased foraging opportuni- niques, such as the extraction and quantification of lipids
ties. While additional investigations into the potential longer- from migratory individuals sampled along their route (Brower
term consequences and conservation implications are needed, et al., 2006). For vertebrates, in addition to molecular tools,
this study illustrates the value of accounting for physiology ultrasonography and manual palpation can be used to


Review article Conservation Physiology • Volume 3 2015

e­ stimate percentage body fat (Cooke et al., 2004; Cooke and s­ampling technique, all approaches must be validated, and
O’Connor, 2010), which can then be related to different life- some sort of physiological baseline or basal physiological state
history parameters and to individual- and population-level must be established with which to compare subsequent sam-
performance. These methods resemble the isotope method in ples (Millspaugh and Washburn, 2004). Finally, in order to
that the same individual needs to be recaptured to estimate the integrate data on circulating stress hormone concentrations
relative gain or loss of body fat in a given time interval. For with movement data effectively, it is important to determine
example, Monteith et  al. (2011) related the tendency to what is causing the stress response so that appropriate external
migrate in mule deer to the nutritional condition of the factors are considered in building models of animal movement.
females by measuring the ingesta-free body fat, which showed
A second important use of hormonal monitoring in animal
that females in poorer condition were more likely to migrate.
movement is to discern the reproductive state of an individ-
Studies of birds also demonstrated distinct patterns, where
ual. At the population level, many animal species undertake
individuals in better condition after migration, as indicated by
seasonal migrations to areas that serve as breeding or natal
fat reserves, were more likely to survive harsh weather periods
areas, the timing of which is known to vary based on physi-
(Morrison et al., 2007). Finally, in addition to simultaneous
ological conditions (Newton, 2010). Even for species that do
monitoring of movement behaviour and nutritional metrics,
not exhibit such distinct migration periods, differences in
the most promising area of research is in integrating these
movement exist based on reproductive state. For example, in
metrics with monitoring of extrinsic or environmental condi-
male African elephants (Loxodonta africana), the sampling
tions. Findings that integrate across these data streams (e.g.
of testosterone provides valuable insight into when individu-
McWilliams et  al., 2004; Brower et  al., 2006; Middleton
als are in musth and can be expected to vary in their move-
et al., 2013) have transformed our understanding of a popula-
ment behaviours (Poole, 1987; Whitehouse and Schoeman,
tion or species′ movement behaviour and will continue to
2003). Movement behaviours can also vary in females based
guide conservation.
on their reproductive state (Singh and Ericsson, 2014). For
example, female moose exhibit restricted movements and
Endocrinology select areas of dense cover during parturition (Bowyer et al.,
The endocrine system and its associated hormones control or 1999). Unfor­tunately, there are few direct studies addressing
modulate physiological functions within the body. The rapidly the role of oestrogen hormone concentrations on animal
growing subject of field endocrinology is likely to be of particu- movement in a field setting and those that do exist show less
lar interest to movement ecologists because of its focus on the clear correlative trends with movement behaviour in com-
hormonal drivers that often serve as mechanisms underlying parison to testosterone (Cooke et al., 2006). However, lim-
observed behavioural responses to environmental challenges ited information from observational field studies suggests
(Walker et al., 2005). For instance, it is widely apprec­iated that that elevated concentrations of oestrogens are likely to play a
release of stress hormones is the physiological mechanism that mechanistic role in animal behaviour and spatial ecology. For
facilitates an adaptive response by an individual following example, Wasserman et al. (2012) found that the consump-
exposure to a stressor. Resultant movement behaviours include tion of plants that produce oestrogen-mimicking compounds
long-distance dispersal or restricted movements that are indica- was correlated with increased copulation and territoriality in
tive of refuge behaviour (Wingfield and Romenofsky, 1997; red colobus monkeys (Procolobus rufomitratus). The poten-
Jachowski et al., 2012, 2013a). Thus, knowledge of hormonal tial hormonal mechanisms underlying dispersal decisions by
control mechanisms is important not only for correct identifica- individual animals, which can be highly variable and not
tion of the baseline physiological state of an organism, but based solely on external factors, are in need of further
also  for understanding how it responds to variation in its research (Paradis et al., 1998). Thus, while further research
­environment. into the role of androgens and oestrogens in movement
behaviour of free-ranging animals is needed, it is clear that
Three specific types of hormones and their associated func-
these hormones are not only associated with reproductive
tions are currently of most interest to movement ecologists.
state, but that they are also likely to have a mechanistic role
First, as mentioned above, measurement of glucocorticoid
in movement behaviour.
stress hormones (cortisol and corticosterone) is often used to
quantify the effect of chronic or acute stressors on an individ- Melatonin, produced by the pineal gland, represents a third
ual or population (Millspaugh and Washburn, 2004). major type of hormone of potential importance to movement
Glucocorticoids released by the hypothalamic–pituitary–adre- ecologists owing to its role in control of circadian rhythms
nal axis after exposure to a stressor interact with internal (Cassone and Menaker, 1984). A majority of research on the
receptors to facilitate the direction and prioritization of energy role of melatonin in movement decisions has focused on pas-
to different processes within the organism (McEwen and serine birds, in which melatonin concentrations have been
Wingfield, 2003; Romero and Butler, 2007). Concentrations of shown to differ seasonally based on changes in day length
these hormones can be monitored by invasive sampling (by (Gwinner et al., 1993; Fusani and Gwinner, 2005). Increases
blood, saliva or urine collection) or by non-invasive extraction in melatonin concentrations during migration have been
of hormones from hair, feathers or faeces (Millspaugh and linked to the timing of migration (Schneider et  al., 1994;
Washburn, 2004; Walker et  al., 2005). Regardless of the Fusani and Gwinner, 2004), as well as the increased ability to

Conservation Physiology • Volume 3 2015 Review article

orient during migration (Cooke et al., 2008). There has been A framework for better linking animal
little further work on the role played by melatonin in move-
ment decisions by other migratory species. movement and physiology
As discussed in the preceding sections, there are multiple
Immunology and ecotoxicology examples that illustrate how researchers have successfully
Disease and toxic agents can have direct impacts on the fitness integrated physiology into studies of animal movement.
and movement behaviour of animals. Diseases are known not Inclusion of physiological measurements not only comple-
only to impact overall fitness of an individual and limit its abil- ments field studies of animal movement, but in some cases
ity to move, but also to alter the movements and behaviour of reveals hidden costs or consequences not apparent by assess-
infected individuals (Moore, 1995; Poulin, 2000, 2010; Klein ment of spatial movement data alone (e.g. Walker et al., 2005;
et al., 2004). One of the more interesting examples comes from Cocherell et al., 2011). Furthermore, as discussed by Lennox
the protozoan parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, which reverses the et al., 2015, such findings have greatly advanced our under-
innate aversion of rats (Rattus spp.) to cat (Felis catus) odour, standing of migration. However, we feel that broader integra-
causing cat odour to be an attractant to rats and allowing the tion of physiological metrics to develop a greater
parasite to reach its definitive host, the cat (Berdoy et  al., understanding of animal movement has been limited up to
2000). Furthermore, even the risk of encountering parasites this point, owing in part to the lack of a conceptual frame-
and infectious agents can influence animal movement behav- work governing how to integrate these measures in practice.
iours, such as the bunching of herd animals and selection of Nathan et al. (2008), in their initial description of a concep-
habitats based on avoidance of insect pests (Rutberg, 1987; tual framework for the field of movement ecology (which they
Mooring and Hart, 1992). describe as being composed of external factors, internal state,
Exposure to toxicants also can contribute to observed navigation capacity and motion capacity), define internal state
variation in movement patterns in obvious and subtle ways. as a term that accounts for the physiological (and perhaps psy-
The exposure to external contaminants, such as oils and chological) state ‘driving the organism to fulfill one or more
detergents, can impact thermoregulation and movement goals’. They go on to describe various goals of gaining energy,
capacity of birds and terrestrial animals (Stephenson, 1997). seeking safety, reproduction and other phenomena as exam-
Internally, contaminants not only provide a potential limit to ples of how, as a field, ‘internal state consists of a multidimen-
fitness, leading to disease-related concerns, but also can influ- sional vector of many states’. Clearly, ‘internal state’ has been
ence physiological processes important to animal movement. used as an umbrella term for a number of internal characteris-
For example, elevated concentrations of mercury in fish and tics. However, we feel that internal state requires a more
wildlife can impair neurological and endocrine functions nuanced redefinition based on recent advances and the need
(Eisler, 2006; Franceschini et al., 2008; Wada et al., 2009), for more pragmatic guidance on how to quantify and integrate
probably influencing hormone-modulated movement behav- measurements of internal state into movement ecology.
iours as well as cognitive processes, such as navigational The mechanisms that drive the movement of an individual
capacity. or population are best viewed in an evolutionary context, in
which species have evolved life-history strategies that include
While some indices of epidemiological state and toxico-
physiological adjustments that are a key element of animal
logical burden can be detected by external features (e.g. facial
plasticity. Physiological control mechanisms dictate how an
tumours, oiling, etc.), physiological measures provide a more
animal exhibits sufficient phenotypic plasticity during its life
robust assessment that can often be integrated simultane-
to maintain fitness (Ricklefs and Wikelski, 2002). Thus, in
ously with other physiological measures. Disease surveillance
order to understand variation in movement patterns and
is primarily accomplished through blood-based assays for
address the question of why animals move the way they do,
blood-borne pathogens or titres produced as part of the
we need to understand how physiological control mechanisms
immune response (Artois et al., 2009). Likewise, toxicologi-
constrain and dictate variation in how an individual responds
cal burdens can often be quantified through the blood, and in
to its surrounding environment (Cooke et al., 2008, 2012).
some cases non-invasively through faeces, saliva and epider-
mis (skin, nails, etc.; Elliott et al., 2011). Beyond what can be Accordingly, within the conceptual framework of move-
inferred by measuring only the presence or absence of a dis- ment ecology, we suggest that the term ‘internal state’ be aban-
ease or amount of a toxicological burden, we encourage doned in favour of the more accurate term ‘physiological state’.
researchers to evaluate energetic and endocrine system func- Similar to the movement ecology paradigm put forth by
tions simultaneously in order to maximize the potential infer- Nathan et al. (2008) involving internal state, we propose that
ence gained from invasive and non-invasive sampling. For physiological state should be one of the primary fields of inves-
example, the use of biotelemetry simultaneously to assess tigation in movement ecology, where observed movement
energetic state, disease status and movement behaviour offers behaviours operate at the intersection of physiological state,
particularly exciting opportunities to gain new insights into navigational capacity, motion capacity and external factors
observed movement behaviour and disease ecology (Adelman (Fig. 1). However, in contrast to previous frameworks, we pro-
et al., 2014). pose that physiological state plays an important mechanistic


Review article Conservation Physiology • Volume 3 2015

Figure 1:  A proposed revised conceptual framework for investigations into animal movement ecology (adapted from Nathan et al. 2008), which
depicts how movement behaviour of an individual is a function of two distinct phases. First (A), we propose that an animal is motivated or driven
to move as a result of its internal physiological state as well as proximate external cues. Second (B), the movement path taken by an individual is
modulated or influenced by a complex interaction of physiological state and external environment, as well as by motion and navigational

role in movement behaviour that can best be investigated in to inform our understanding of movement behaviour. For
two phases or stages. First, we propose that physiological mea- example, real-time GPS tracking of African elephants has been
sures be investigated and considered along with external cues combined with non-invasive sampling of stress hormones to
as proximate drivers of an individual’s decision to move reveal complex movement path decisions related to glucocor-
(Fig. 1). The driving role played by physiology and external ticoid concentrations and refugia or stopover use, corridor use
conditions in the decision to move is a relatively well-estab- and streaking behaviour (i.e. rapid unidirectional movement
lished relationship in ectothermic animals for thermoregula- along a corridor; Jachowski et al., 2012, 2013a, b). Thus, the
tion (Angilletta et  al., 2009; Sears and Angilletta, 2015). extent to which an animal revisits or avoids a particular site
Similar patterns are evident in some endotherms, where Signer along a movement track is based on its past experiences with
et al. (2010) have demonstrated that alpine ibex (Capra ibex) external factors at that site and its ability to navigate toward
migrate across an elevational gradient to facilitate digestion by or away from it and is modulated by physiological condition.
increasing their rumen temperature (i.e. hypermetabolism).
Better integration of physiological measures within our
Furthermore, across a range of vertebrate and invertebrate
framework can also improve our understanding of complex
­species, physiology is more broadly documented as a key driver
phenomena that modulate movement patterns, such as mem-
in the timing of migratory movements (Lennox et al., 2015).
ory and learning. For example, toxic concentrations of mer-
Second, in addition to driving the decision to move, physi- cury have been shown to impair hormone-modulated
ological state clearly interacts in complex ways with external movement behaviours and navigational capacity (Stephenson,
environmental conditions to modulate animal movement 1997; Eisler, 2006). Thus, while the concepts of memory and
behaviour along a movement track (Fig. 1). While less com- learning in movement ecology have been difficult to quantify
monly studied in comparison to the driving role played by and somewhat controversial (such as the topic of cognitive
physiology in movement, this area of work has great potential maps; Bennett, 1996; Mueller and Fagan, 2008), under our

Conservation Physiology • Volume 3 2015 Review article

framework we encourage further research on how memory in It is for this reason that most physiological studies of wildlife
free-ranging animals can be investigated as a separate cogni- are based on comparisons of measurements collected before
tive process based on the intersection of physiological state, and after experimental treatment or exposure to a discrete
external factors and navigational capacity. environmental stressor (Wingfield et al., 1997). In this way,
researchers can establish a baseline with which to compare the
physiological response of an individual or set of individuals
Current limitations and recommenda- post-treatment. Likewise, in the study of wild animals, where
tions for future research experimental manipulation might not be possible, it is critical
to establish a physiological baseline with which to compare
Despite progress and developments in the measurement of the subsequent measurements. This can be accomplished by com-
physiological state of free-ranging animals, and a framework parisons with captive populations or other wild populations,
for incorporating those measures as summarized above, it is but it is ideally based on individual physiological metrics prior
important to acknowledge current limitations and areas in to a movement activity or exposure to a stressor, taking into
need of further research. A number of concerns remain about account seasonal and daily rhythms that are often inherent in
the assumptions, applicability, scale, technical capability, ani- physiological state metrics (Millspaugh and Washburn, 2004).
mal welfare and cost issues associated with current methods
used to measure physiological state in animals. Furthermore, Following on the issue of what a specific physiological met-
in addition to the need for methodological advancements, ric represents, there is the question of how representative it is
theoretical advancements will be needed to provide better of the individual, population or species. Similar to other fields
integration of measures of physiological state into studies of of ecological inquiry, researchers must think critically about
animal movement. In this section, we discuss these issues and issues of spatial and temporal scale when sampling physiolog-
attempt to lay the path of future progress in the field. ical state. A spatially balanced sampling design should be
devised to enable accounting for individual, population or
Limitations and assumptions of current species-specific variability. Temporally, because most direct
techniques measures of physiological state require repeated capturing of
individuals, most physiological measures are limited to peri-
One of the first issues that should be addressed when attempt- ods of time between or immediately preceding sampling
ing to monitor physiological state is the reliability of these events. For many free-ranging animals, the difficulty of reli-
methods in what they measure. Each technique comes with ably capturing them and the limitation of inference to a spe-
unique assumptions, costs and benefits and is subject to criti- cific window of time might make direct measurement of
cism. For example, Butler et al. (2004) reviewed the advan- physiological state unsuitable as a method. While repeated
tages and disadvantages of DLW and heart rate methods and captures or attached biologgers can assist in expanding the
found that the biotelemetry methods have a great potential, temporal period of inference, the benefits of such techniques
especially due to their accuracy and versatility. Furthermore, should be balanced with concerns about the resulting distur-
DLW techniques typically make several common assumptions bance to the animal (White et al., 2013).
that deserve additional evaluation, such as the following:
(i) rate of flow of materials and size of the body are constant Animal welfare and non-invasive sampling
throughout the temporal scale of measurement; (ii) all materi-
The rapid proliferation of techniques to monitor the physio-
als leaving the body take isotopes with them at a similar rate
logical state of animals involves both invasive and non-­
to body water; and (iii) hydrogen and oxygen atoms only take
invasive techniques that bring up important animal welfare
part in reactions that involve water and CO2, and spent iso-
concerns. Historically, most techniques required repeated cap-
topes do not re-enter the body (Nagy and Costa, 1980;
ture and handling that, at a minimum, momentarily influence
Speakman, 1997; Tomlinson et al., 2014). Measures of heart
animal movement and, in some cases, can have prolonged
rate, respiratory rate and body temperature also involve
negative impacts. For example, the recent use of radioactive
assumptions because they assess only some of the many phys-
isotopes, such as rubidium, has been shown to track field met-
iological factors that influence metabolic rate (Cooke et al.,
abolic rate reliably, but it has clear animal welfare and toxico-
2004; Green, 2011). Thus, while logistical constraints often
logical implications (Tomlinson et al., 2013). Biologgers offer
drive sampling methodologies in field-based studies, it is also
a tremendous tool for intensively monitoring the physiologi-
important to be aware of the assumptions and biases inherent
cal state of an organism over an extended period of time, but
in each technique.
similar to other attached tracking devices, they must be evalu-
A second critical issue is to establish what the physiological ated carefully so as not to impact movement behaviours or
metrics being collected genuinely represent. Physiological otherwise negatively affect marked individuals (Authier et al.,
state metrics can vary greatly among techniques, as well as 2013; Thomson and Heithaus, 2014). These concerns high-
among individual animals, populations and species (Sheriff light the value of non-invasive sampling of faeces, hair and
et al., 2011). Thus, it is necessary to consider not only the other materials for certain direct and indirect physiological
logistical constraints and the validity of measurements, but measures. Rapid advances in such techniques make them
also what those values mean to the individual or population. increasingly valuable tools for gathering reliable metrics of


Review article Conservation Physiology • Volume 3 2015

animal physiology with little or no disturbance to the animal. field setting, it might be possible to discern physiological state
However, this benefit must be weighed against the difficulty of indirectly through movement behaviours.
discerning the period of time represented by the sample, as
well as the identity of the individual sampled, both of which
can be critical to interpretation of results and subsequent Conclusion
inference (Goyman, 2012; Jachowski et  al., 2013a). Thus,
Collectively, it is evident that studies of animal movement can
while certain measures of animal physiology will continue to
be advanced greatly by better integration of measures of physi-
require animal capture, less invasive (such as self-detaching
ological state. Rapid advances over the past several decades
collars) and non-invasive technologies are rapidly advancing
have made a wide variety of tools available to measure the phys-
that minimize animal welfare concerns.
iological state of free-ranging animals. Conceptually, we pro-
pose that these physiological measures should be investigated as
Establishment of indirect measures of both drivers and modulators of movement (Fig. 1). To achieve
physiological state this in practice, researchers must proceed on two key fronts.
First, research should be directed at discerning basic, predictable
In general, the monitoring of physiological state in a field set-
biorhythms of a species (e.g. energetic needs, reproductive tim-
ting is likely to take one of the following two forms: (i) fine-
ing). This can be viewed as a type of physiological baseline or
scale simultaneous tracking of individual animal movements
envelope within which an individual typically operates. Second,
and physiological state that allows for comparisons in move-
research is needed to evaluate how physiological control mech-
ment and physiological correlates over time and across geo-
anisms can influence an individual’s response to disturbances or
graphical gradients; or (ii) comparative studies of movement
change and to enable a distinction to be made between the
behaviours between animals or populations categorized as
responses generated by different extrinsic conditions.
being in different physiological states. Across both approaches,
as mentioned above, a key limitation of many techniques is the A major theme from our review is the need to integrate
need to capture individuals repeatedly in order to measure and multiple measures or streams of data (e.g. reproductive status,
assess physiological state. However, once a basic understand- energy expenditure, ambient temperature) to improve our
ing of physiological state is developed, more easily detected understanding of relatively complex movement behaviours,
indirect measures of physiological state can be used in some such as migration. Undertaking such interdisciplinary investi-
scenarios. For example, once a fundamental understanding of gations will not only help lead to a more mechanistic under-
the hormonal rhythms of males and females during reproduc- standing of animal movement behaviour, but also allow us to
tive periods is understood, physiological state can sometimes improve our ability to predict how species are likely
be generalized for specific individuals, populations or species to respond to perturbations in a rapidly changing world and
based on time of year or visual observation (Jainudeen et al., to develop appropriate conservation strategies.
1972). Likewise, visual observation of diseased individuals or
those carrying a toxic burden can be integrated into studies of
movement ecology once direct physiological monitoring is Acknowledgements
undertaken to validate such gross categorizations.
We thank R. Jachowski, R. Nathan, S. Cooke and two anony-
Inference of physiological state based on movement path mous reviewers for helpful comments that improved this
or body accelerometry is increasingly common in movement manuscript.
ecology (Brown et al., 2013). In the emerging field of dynamic
accelerometry, the assumption that movement requires energy
serves as a basis for the modelling of energy expenditure based
on movement behaviours (Green et al., 2009; Wilson et al., Adelman JS, Moyers SC, Hawley DM (2014) Using remote biomonitoring
2011). Developing a more nuanced and broader understand- to understand heterogeneity in immune-responses and disease-
ing of energy flow across space and time allows for the devel- dynamics in small, free-living animals. Integr Comp Biol 54: 377–386.
opment of ‘energy landscape’ models in the study of animal
movement (Shepard et al., 2013). However, we again caution Angilletta MJ, Sears MW, Pringle RM (2009) Spatial dynamics of nesting
that such assumptions must first be evaluated through rigor- behavior: lizards shift microhabitats to construct nests with benefi-
ous direct sampling of physiological state to obtain corrobo- cial thermal properties. Ecology 90: 2933–2939.
rative evidence that such an energetic relationship exists for a
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contribute to energetic state (Halsey et al., 2011). Likewise, a
veillance and monitoring. In Delehay RJ, Smith GC, Hutchings MR, eds,
ripe area for further research is the correlation between move-
Management of Disease in Wild Mammals. Springer, Japan, pp 187–213.
ment path characteristics or body accelerometry and endo-
crine system functions (Jachowski et  al., 2013a). Once Authier M, Péron C, Mante A, Vidal P, Grémille D (2013) Designing obser-
hormone sampling and assay techniques (such as faecal radio- vational biologging studies to assess the causal effect of instrumen-
immunoassays) are validated and measured for a species in a tation. Methods Ecol Evol 4: 802–810.

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