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» TOEFLE ee fod oloToyats io PRACTICE TEST THREE SECTION | LISTENING COMPREHENSION ‘Time—approximately 35 minutes (incluiling the reading of the directions for each part) tn this section of the test, you ill have the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to waderstond ‘conversations snd talks in English There are three pars to this section. Answer all the questions the bass of what is stated or implied by the speakers you hear. Do not take notes or write in your test ‘book at any ime, Do not sur te pages until you ae told todo so, Pare A + Dhiceetionss In Part A jou will hear short conversations between two people, After each conversation, souwill har a question about the conversation. The comersations and questions will not be Tepested, After you heara question, read the four possible answers in your test bookand choose the est answer. Then, on your answer sheet, fad the numberof the question adil nthe space that corresponds tothe Letter of the answer you have chezen, le. Sample Answer QDoe Listen tan ex On the recording, you hear ena That exam was jus ew woman) Oh, could hve Been (romator) What does the we as realy afl st exam she had ever ses dliicul Inyour test book, youread: (4) The exam iB} itwasihe {C)_Atsouldat hsve been me (0) Tease! that hae. ‘You earn from the conversation thatthe man thought the exain was very dificult and that the Nomen disagreed with the man, The best answer to the question, "Wit does the woman mean?” (Dh "te weasat that rd.” Theredore the correct choice (D). ‘ ip we bP ue be a x PRACTICE TEST THREE 67 yolololo1oiolal 1 ® © o 2 Ww o © o 2 Ww ® o ” 40 e © © 5 Ww © oO ry ow @ © ) ® Co) ©) 3 ®) © 0) PRACTICE TEST THREE Ata sporting event. In front ofthe police tation. In front of a movie theater. Ata film developer's. Leave the session Sit down. Mind him. Conduct the session. “The presentation is 5000. ‘She suggests working on the project 31200, ‘Shel like to meet them Tor lunch. Shell present hee work to the man sn tater today “The wornan is always talking about the vest. Sal ight ifthe woman keeps talking. : He would like the woatan to repeat ‘what she said. He agrees that the exam was terible Asaneyon : ‘Anarchitect He's reserved in answering the Can rane fs possi to sit saywhere ‘Some of the seats are being saved for others. J “There's only one section of seats ‘She doesn’t like the Mea of bringing & Using a camera with sound fsa bad dea, ‘she doesn’ like the sound of the She'd lke to take some pictures. He's finished with the dishes.“ He worked on his term paper after Finishing the dishes. He doesn't like doing his term pares ‘The dishes aren't done yet. 9. 2. 13. w @ oO ©) w © © o @ o @ o w ® © o wo ® © © w ® © o w @ © rr) ow @ © ©) 1 0 far 0 0. ‘She would also like to drop a cass She believes that its possiblew is possible to drop classes. “The size ofthe electric bil ‘Aproblem wih the lights ‘Turing ithe wtlty bil Reeping the utility bill high ‘She typed every word of the lecture She needs the tape to Hsten 0 the Tecture again ‘she didnt understand that the lecture ‘would bet . ‘She’ pad thot the lecturer didn tanderstand a word “That she leave New York with Mike; “That abe goto the airport afer work ‘That she ask someone eve to take hes Y “That she leave tommorrow at neon. “They havens finished their work, “The factory will shut down because elate “They arent supposed tb work’ night. “They should shout about how much they have to do He doesn like the Bahamas He cart make time fora trip t0 the ‘Baharnas. He cant ford the wip He wants to spend bis money inthe Bahamas. es been party fixed. Ws unrepaired. Teas left exactly as it had been, Bob left only part of it. Get drinks. Watch the game for now Listen tothe anthem. Finish the game. CR ERY MOTE nAREY waEey Jojaltol JoLet J. (A). He's seen the announcement. (BN He isnt sure what the announcement (C)_ Heb uncertain where the lobby is. (D) He doesn't know what she’ referring to. (A) Its rare for her to work during her time off (B). Her office is vacant when she has time of (©) She almost never takes a break from her job. (D) Her vacations are rately full of work. . (A) She's doubuful about the lecture. (B) Shell go tothe lecture without her watch. (€) ‘The worth of the lecture is uncertain. (D) She believes the talk wil be valuable. 1. (A). This isthe second largest football ‘crowd ever, (B) This isthe only time that a large ‘crowd has attended a football game. (©) This is only the second football game this ye (0) There have never before been so ‘many people ata football game (A) They should look at some property {B)_ They should find out about buying skis, (©) They should get some more information. < (D) They should make a deal withthe wavelagent 2. (A) He doesait like to meet most people. (8) He doesn’t look like he participates in ‘sports, (©) itt occurred to him that most people aventt athletes. (®) He satan athlete. (A). She couldat have said anything (B) She must have said al that she could a (©) She coulda' haves: (©) She must haves 24. (A) Allof herexams are over, too (B)_ Shes happy for him that his exams are over (C) The manis wrong about what he believes. (D) She still has more exasns to take. 25, (A) She and the man are in agreement. (B) She'd like to go to the Moon, (©). She thinks the airplane’ Qying reasonably high. (D) She finds the prices ressonatle. 26, (A) The amount that he prepared was ‘unbelievable. (B) She was surprised that he wasn't ready. (©) Twas impossible to prepare for his presentation. (D) What he preseated was unbelievable, 27. (A). She did Brished. (B) The report never got finished. (C)_ She was unable to leave because it never got done. (D) Ofcourse she completed the work. save when the report was 28 (A) He never gives them any help. (B) He enjoys working in the garden. {C) He never gives direct answers. (D) He always beats them when they play. 29. (A). The man was not interested inthe ticket (8) The man wanted to buy the tickets. (©) The man really wanted to attend the (D) The man was able to afford the tickets. 39. (A) He had something important to show the womai at the meeting. (B) He thought the woinan was not going to come. (©) He wgedo ty toshow he woman {D) He thought he would have to show the woman where the meeting was, EOOrE acs PRACTICE TEST THREE 69 Gal Part B J od Directions: In this part ofthe test, you will hear ‘ill hear several questions. The conversations and questions wil Afier you hear a question, read the fo ‘nswer Then, on your answer shect, Corresponds to the etter ofthe answer you have chosei Remember, you are not 31, (A) Tourite his paper 3. (B) To help him decide om a topic. @ (C)_ Toteach him about history © (D) To discuss history with him o 32. (A). Atthe beginning ofthe semester. (B) Before the start ofthe semester. 36. (4) (C)_ Near the end of the semesict. (D) One week after the semester @ Binished © 33. (A). The topie’s too genera. 4 (B) He isnt interested in technology. o {C) He doesn't have enough time. (D) Technology has nothing t9 do with ‘American history, 3) @) 34 (A) Amonth. « © (B) The semester. (C) Seven day (D) Aday or two. o 3 @) fo) m) 10. PRACTICE TEST THREE longer conversation ur possible answers in your ind the number of the question and fil in odes 1. After each conversation, You not be repeated. test book and choose the best thespace that allowed to take notes or write in your test book. Fire damage to sore apartments-~ How to prevent fires. Am apartment fire and wh Team from It An early morning news ston hat onecaa One as damaged more severely thant the others All the aparimeats were completely destroyed. “There was one thousand dollars of damage, All twenty apartments sul damage {fered some ‘They were killed. They were taken to the hospital ‘The damage io the apartments was more serious thaa the harm to the residents ‘They werent frightened. Call the fire department. Rush tothe hospital Listen for a smoke alarm. Have an alarm and extinguisher in ‘good condition, Retiueese q I | oo oF oA ooo, Bl 39, (A). Aprofessional dancee 45. (A) Very spicy. {B) A student in the dance department, (®) Fallof supa (C)_ The head ofthe dance deparument (©) Salty (D) A choreographer (b)_ Fullof tobacco. 40, (A) Which dance degree to take. 46. (A) An Acadian will givea tale (8). Whether oF not t9 major in dance. (B)Thebus ride will continue. (©) Whether to bea professional dancer (©). They will stop in Lafayette ‘or choreographer (D) They wil see the exhibition at ‘Acadian Vilage (D) Whether to specialire in dance therapy oF dance history 41, (A) The purpose ofthe FCC. ‘The telatively rapid development of 41. (A) Physical therapy. ®) (W) Dance histone radio. (©) Choreography. (©) Interference from competing radio (D) Dance administration. stations. | . (D) ‘Thelirst US. radio station (A) They are both intended for ‘professional dancers. 48, (A) Introduction to Engineering. (B). They involve mosly the same (B) Popular Radio Programs courses. (©) Ethics in Journalism, (©) They do not need tobe selected unt (0) The History of Communication, tater (D) Thay are both fouryear programs 49. (A). The many radio stations were highly ' regulated: 43. (A) Cajun. (B) 1 1930 there was only ene radio (B) Atourit sation in the US. E (©) AnAcadiany (©) Theexisting radio stations were E (D) Atour guider totally uncontrolled. (D) The FCC was unable to contol the 44. (A) They went to Acadia inthe eighteenth radio stations. « cent (B) They came from France inthe 50. (A) First Communications Committee. E eighteenth centang (B)_ First Control Committe. I (©) They maintained characteristics of (©) Federal Control of Communications» ‘heir old culture. (©). Federal Communications» (0) They assimilated completely into the Commission. new culture ‘ This Is the end of Section 1. f ‘Stop work on Section 1. ‘Tum off your cassette player. QHEOCHMOOO Read the directions for Section 2 and begin work. ‘Do NOT reed or work on any other section ‘ofthe test during the next 25 minutes. 72 PRACTICE TEST THREE E 2020202020207 0e2 SECTION 2 ‘STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION Time25 minutes cluding the reading of the directions) Now set your elock for 28 minutes, This scetion is designed to measure your abil ‘written English, There are two types of question tw recognize language that is appropriate for standard sim this section, with special directions for each (ype. Structure “ctlons: These questions are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four words oF phrases, marked (A), (B) (C), and (D), Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence, Then, on your answer sheet, find the nurnber of the question and fl inthe space that ‘corresponds tothe letter ofthe answer you have chosen, Look atthe folowing examples. Example 1 ‘The president ___ the election by a landslide A) won {B) he won (C) yesterday (D) fortunately ‘The sentence should read, “The| president won the election by a landslide “ Therefore, you shout choose answer (), Example tt Sample Answer fer ? g When the conference 2 (A) the doctor attended © (B) did the doctor attend ® (©) the doctor will atend (D) the doctors attendance ‘The sentence should read, ‘When did the doctor attend the conference?” Therefore, you should choose answer (B). ‘SOON TO THENENT PAGE: TEs i eppeghageeelncte Meserpes eta Ee + ebwuere nest Tinee—roer. even 299 2@202026 ‘oi the fest Saturday in May at chill Doss. vf oe (A) For the running of the Ker wt ea ky (©) Torun the Kentucky Derby (D) When the Kentucky Derby is rin 2. According to quantum mechinies, it 's normaly impossible to pinpoint the ‘orbit of an election bond fo an atom, (A) the related laws ane nour B)the laws are related LES the laws of — () she laws are related to 3. Chicago is home to more than 4 million fople as many as $4 anguags and A) speate (B) they speak iB. 4. When Mexico ceded California tothe ‘United States i 1843, signers of the treaty ‘did not know had been discovered there. (A) olden (B), that with gold yun ee to ate te JH 8" Bile waa Ss BE) 5 Radbercamero the atenion of Eropeans eB found Native Arericons using i it (A) explorers e Balter explorers. (©) when explored 7 ~() alicrexplorers they -p 9 6. Most asteroids are located in —_eled he asteroid acer “ gy Pissed abaya LA onat is what is in| (©) is what ©) isi COMPLETE TEST ThReE—TOEFL LEVEL {PF than about se fab COT earn eas ght 2020202! 21. About three-fourths of the books published tn the United States are put out by. publishers indlew York City eT cated = por tobe 1) they ete (©) they are located (A) locates (A) plants have rvots (8), that plant roots ‘that plan roots oy Bee eet wbot .. i 9..Mote books have heen written about the ‘Civil War any other war in history. (A) thot there is () about (O,er 10. A sheet of clear glass metal, results ina Iuaninowsly (A) shen tacked (ce taced sg yam wer Pet SIE is backed “packed (D) ‘shen ist backed net wards U1. Thadbery Beye ics oxen fadependence Maal, ung for n century at Independence Hall (8) Gatfow has 7? Sore! (3) now has (©) when does it have BR as ay ‘exhorts yg peti © (oom tusjbgeh p20e2e2e2e20e20202 12, Not unl sour &00 years ago Soe tno sn x (A), bronze tos for weapons Y La bronze tools for weapons bate (©) bronze tools for weapons were to {D) did bronze tok or wespons hufully lain basa 13, The state of Michigan can. to be a “Water Wonderland 3,12 Lanile shoreline JF tat} Pe PoSiten generod 14, alacial sediment, the moister, the jar soll becomes, (A) Wis thicker a ~ VG) tnihetiick er banding eT ict Te . Seti (D) The thick + 15, __ cut away, the wheel could be Strengthened with struts or crossbars, (A) Were large sections of a wheel (B)_ Large sections of a wheel WEF Lorge sections of a wheel wers, {(D) Large sections of a wheel 0 .G0.0N TOHE NEXT PAG COMPLETE TEST THREE—TOEFL LEVEL 301 2°2¢2e2e20e202072 Written Expression Directions: In these questions, each sentence has four underlined worl or phrases. The four underlined parts af the sentence are marked (A) (B), (C) and (D). Identify the one underlined word. ‘gr phrase that must be changed in order forthe sentence to be correct. Then, on your ansiter sheet, Find the number of the question and fill n the space that corresponds tothe letter ofthe answer you hhave chosen Look atthe following examples Example Sample Answer | he for sting on icin i . ow 8 | filth / oD ‘he sentence should read, “The four strings on a violin are tunedin ths." Therefore, you should choose answer (8), viene tee g ing “ 8 : ~The sentence should read, “The research for the book Roots took Ales Hley twelve yeas.” Thevefore, {You should choose answer (C) Gees OEE die ad la piney esi, “COMPLETE TEST THREE—TOEPL LEVEL iene ytd yaa ania 20202¢0202020202 Jena for ore tha prrsunga 2 lemedt + 5" amine ml eg fake ‘vario! wtinys ‘bevonynt - Pagans ‘ 17, Top management must took abard look at ts cuneate ines to see if resources can be ut reallocated, Takes (verb) buy. 16. Van 18, st : a tet Oba {for hunting in the eoely Neolithic Period fake voting ‘Yoey ¢ Be Ky arent sunih ly" sibleawaae als! 2 2%. Only a ew mineral can sexist weathering by © Ghanem pubi rie aber’ 1 dat have} enice 8° “The Stanley brothers built Usir ft srall teary car in 1897, and 200 were ell by the end of the B aE CORTE fat tome paras es: ra 2 athe United Sates nd Cons excep Lake Michigan, whichis entiey Ge ees Fla tor (une tH a ea wore 25. Kangaros sometimes rest les whilethey at siting ha ind legs o B oD ante 26, Despite the turmoil ofthe Civil War, the relative new game of “baseball” tracted great numbers 4° gat S ' “ce tet of spectator, 1 as ‘27. Anyone who takes the Rorschach test for personality waits are asked to interpreta series off inks (ot done syn ame “COMPLETE TEST THREE—TOEFL LEVEL 303 202¢20202020202 28, Alexander Hatilton’ financial program included a central bank to serve the Treasury provide a i

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