Unit 8 Cold War Study Guide

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Name: ______________________________________________ Period: ____


FILL IN THE BLANK USING THE WORD BANK (words are only used once – cross out as you go)

 Ngo Dinh Diem 1. A constitutional issue raised from U.S. involved in Kora and Vietnam was that there was a lack of formal _________________________________
of war from Congress.
 Border
2. President Richard Nixon did not want the Pentagon Papers to be released, but the Supreme Court ruled in favor of its printing under the

 Setbacks ____________________ Amendment.

3. Worldwide reactions to the U.S. involvement in Vietnam grew hostile because the U.S. was viewed as an __________________________________
 First invading an underdeveloped nation.
4. The division of the 38th parallel was a result of negotiations to settle a ______________________________ dispute between North and South
 Marshall

 Containment 5. The Berlin Airlift was used by Harry Truman in 1948 to provide supplies to a ___________________________________________________ city.
6. The U.S. initiative designed to provide financial aid to war-torn European countries was called the ______________________________________
 Blockaded Plan.
7. The primary reason given by U.S. leaders to justify involvement in Vietnam was that it would stop ___________________________________ from
 Conflict
spreading throughout the region.
8. The Domino Theory suggested that in order to help, the U.S. must provide military aid to ____________________________________________’s
 Asia
government (leader of South Vietnam).
 Domestic 9. President Richard Nixon’s “Silent Majority” speech in 1969 called upon the American people who still supported the
____________________________ War.
 Congressional 10. The Vietnam war affected Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society because the U.S. had to divert critical funds away from
______________________________ issues.
 Communism
11. The Domino Theory, which is the reason for involvement in Vietnam, was based on the belief that it would stop communism from spreading
 Blockade across Southeast ___________________.
12. Press coverage during Vietnam affected the U.S. by reporting on military _____________________________ contributing to public disillusionment
 Cuba with the war.
13. President Richard Nixon’s SALT 1 Treaty dealt with opening up diplomatic relations with _______________________________________________.
 Aggressor
14. John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev were involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis – the result was JFK ordering a naval

 China ________________________________ to stop the shipment of missile to ___________.

15. Incidents like the Gulf of Tonkin and the secret bombing of Cambodia made the president have to seek _________________________________
 Vietnam approval of any military action.
16. The Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, and the Korean War would all fall under the category of: _________________________________________.
 Declaration
17. As a result of the Berlin Airlift, the United States was able to bypass a soviet blockade without provoking a military ________________________.

WHAT AM I? This was a US policy of containment

WHO AM I? This is what the Vietnam War had that gave aid to Greece & Turkey
I am the leader of the Soviet Union
 Ngo Dinh Diem who was directly involved in the which made it different from both
Cuban Missile Crisis: World Wars (how people showed their WHAT AM I?
 Ho Chi Minh
_______________________________ disapproval) This is what press coverage showed to
 Roy Benavidez _______________________________ the American people (contributed to
 Richard Nixon I am the leader of South Vietnam WHAT AM I? disillusionment with the war)
This was passed by George C. Marshall _______________________________
 John F. Kennedy during the Vietnam War (the US sent
aid to me to help during the war) to give financial assistance to help WHAT AM I?
 Nikita Khrushchev rebuild war-torn European countries
_______________________________ This is what North Korea wanted to
WHAT AM I? _______________________________ unify in order to make the entire
 Anti-War protests WHAT AM I? country communist
I am the president who secretly
Richard Nixon did not want the _______________________________
 Different Ideologies bombed Cambodia and didn’t want
the Pentagon Papers released Pentagon Papers to be released; what WHAT AM I?
 Cuban Missile Crisis amendment ensured its printing? This is what John F. Kennedy put
 Military Conflict _______________________________ around Cuba to stop them from
WHAT AM I? getting missiles in 1962
 First Amendment I am the Mexican American Medal of
US policy of stopping Communism _______________________________
Honor winner during the Vietnam War
 Military Setbacks
_______________________________ from spreading WHAT AM I?
 Peninsula _______________________________ This event happened in 1948 and
WHAT AM I? provided aid to a blockaded city
 Containment I am the US President who was
This event happened in 1962 and was _______________________________
involved in the Bay of Pigs and the
 Marshall Plan
Cuban Missile Crisis the closest the world has ever come to WHAT AM I?
 Truman Doctrine _______________________________ nuclear warfare This is the treaty that opened up
_______________________________ diplomatic relations with China
 Blockade WHO AM I?
WHAT AM I? _______________________________
 Berlin Airlift I am the leader of North Vietnam who
wanted the make all of South Vietnam This was a major reason why the US WHAT AM I?
 th
38 Parallel and Soviet Union were fighting during This is what the US was seen as in an
 SALT 1 Treaty _______________________________ the Cold War underdeveloped nation
_______________________________ _______________________________
 Southeast Asia WHAT AM I ?
This is where the border dispute was WHAT AM I? WHAT AM I?
 Aggressor This is what the US could bypass with This is where the US was trying to stop
settled after the Korean War
_______________________________ the Berlin Airlift the spread of Communism
_______________________________ _______________________________
😊 Multiple choice questions – make sure to double check your answers 😊
1. The main reason for providing aid to Europe under 9. The domino theory, which provided the basis for
5. President John F. Kennedy responded to reports that
the Marshall Plan was to – U.S. entry into the Vietnam War, was the belief
the Soviet Union was constructing missiles in Cuba by -
A. Rebuild the economics of devastated European that intervention was necessary to prevent -
A. Asking Congress to declare war on Cuba
nations A. The expansion of communism across
B. Seeking United Nations approval for economic
B. Encourage Soviet withdrawal from the United Southeast Asia
sanctions against Cuba
Nations B. The inclusion of Taiwan in the Warsaw Pact
C. Authorizing military strikes on strategic targets in
C. Create disagreements between western C. The loss of UN military bases in Asia
European nations D. Ordering a naval blockade of Cuba D. The rise of China as a dominant economic
D. Guarantee American factories a supply of cheap power
raw materials
10. What prompted Congress to pass the War Powers
2. Truman Doctrine was originally designed to - 6. The Korean War was an effort by the United States to - Resolution?
A. Stop the international proliferation of nuclear A. Carry out its policy of containing the spread of A. Rulings issued by the Supreme Court that
weapons communism banned deployment of U.S. combat forces
B. Use the United Nations to eliminate Soviet B. Keep its economy strong by maintaining wartime without a declaration of war
threats activities B. Fears that renewed conflict in the Middle East
C. Rebuild Southeast Asia by extending economic C. Secure additional Asian trading partners would require the United States to defend
aid D. Extend the principles of the Marshall Plan to Asia Israel
D. Contain Communism by giving aid to Greece and C. Decisions made by the executive branch
Turkey during the Korean and Vietnam Wars
D. Limits on the authority of the chief executive
7. During the Korean War, what prevented the southern imposed by an international tribunal
3. What was the main goal of the United States part of the peninsula from falling permanently to
containment policy? invading forces?
A. To become more technologically advanced 11. As part of the Nixon administration’s policy of
A. The threat of a Soviet naval blockade
than the Soviet Union Vietnamization, the U.S. military -
B. The assistance of the Chinese military
B. To prevent the spread of Communism around A. Trained South Vietnamese forces to take over
the world C. The use of atomic weapons on northern cities
combat responsibilities from U.S. troops
C. To provide more support for science and math D. The involvement of UN forces under the command B. Shared military technology with North
education of the United States Vietnam
D. To support the establishment of the Warsaw C. Imposed martial law in North Vietnam
Pact in Eastern Europe D. Installed a puppet government in South
8. Which of the following is most characteristic of the Vietnam
Cold War?
4. As a result of the Berlin Airlift, the United States was A. The growth of nuclear arsenals in the United
able to - States and the Soviet Union 12. During the mid-1960s, U.S. participation in the
A. Bypass a Soviet blockade without provoking a B. The expansion of national borders by imperialistic Vietnam War resulted in -
military conflict European countries A. Public support for an expanded military draft
B. Transport Polish refugees to safety C. The implementation of isolationist foreign policies B. Mandatory rationing of consumer goods
C. Prevent the Nazi Party from reorganizing in Great Britain and China C. Mass demonstrations by groups protesting the
D. Intimidate Soviet leaders by demonstrating D. The rapid industrialization of many Southeast war
superior military power Asian countries D. National attention for a third-party
presidential candidate
Match the date with the
1898 1939 1945 1955-
1914 1941 1947-
1991 1969
1917 Dec. 7,
1941 1948
1918 13. The event described in this headline resulted in -
June 6, 1950- A. Decreased federal funding of student loans
1944 1953 B. Increased support for the antiwar movement
C. The reinstatement of the draft
1. D-Day; opened up a new allied front; Normandy: D. An end to federal investigations of student 16. What was the primary goal of discussions
organizations between these two leaders?
________________________________________ A. To recognize the independence of former
2. Spanish American War: _____________________ satellite states
3. US puts a man on the moon: _________________ B. To reach a formal agreement on weapons
4. The Korean War: ___________________________ C. To negotiate the reunification of Germany
5. World War 1 begins with the assassination of D. To develop a global environmental-
Archduke Franz Ferdinand: ___________________ protection policy
14. Which of the following provided a legal basis for this
6. The Japanese bomb a US military base: _________
Supreme Court decision?
7. Germany invades Poland; WW2 begins: _________ A. The Thirteenth Amendment
8. The Vietnam War: __________________________ B. The decision in Brown v. Board of Education
C. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
9. The stock market crashed; the Great Depression
D. The First Amendment
begins: ___________________________________
10. World War 1 ends; Treaty of Versailles signed:
11. The Cold War: _____________________________
12. The Lend Lease Act is passed during WW2 by
17. What happened as a direct result of these
Franklin D. Roosevelt: _______________________ 15. Which action did the federal government take to recognize recommendations?
13. The US abandons neutrality and joins WW1: these soldiers? A. North Vietnamese leaders appealed for a
A. Passing the GI Bill to give them education benefits ceasefire
B. Awarding them the Congressional Medal of Honor for B. U.S. military involvement in Vietnam
14. The atomic bombs are dropped by Truman; WW2 actions above the call of duty escalated
ends with Japan surrendering: ________________ C. Providing them with monetary bonuses for C. South Vietnamese leaders rejected military
Name: ______________________________________________ Period: ____
demonstrating courage under fire assistance
15. The Berlin Airlift provides supplies to a blockaded
D. Awarding them battlefield promotions from enlisted to D. Soviet ground troops were deployed to
city: _____________________________________ officer Vietnam
FILL IN THE BLANK USING THE WORD BANK (words are only used once – cross out as you go)

 Ngo Dinh Diem 1. A constitutional issue raised from U.S. involved in Kora and Vietnam was that there was a lack of formal DECLARATION of war from Congress.

2. President Richard Nixon did not want the Pentagon Papers to be released, but the Supreme Court ruled in favor of its printing under the FIRST
 Border
 Setbacks
3. Worldwide reactions to the U.S. involvement in Vietnam grew hostile because the U.S. was viewed as an AGGRESSOR invading an underdeveloped

 First nation.

4. The division of the 38th parallel was a result of negotiations to settle a BORDER dispute between North and South Korea.
 Marshall
5. The Berlin Airlift was used by Harry Truman in 1948 to provide supplies to a BLOCKADED city.
 Containment 6. The U.S. initiative designed to provide financial aid to war-torn European countries was called the MARSHALL Plan.

7. The primary reason given by U.S. leaders to justify involvement in Vietnam was that it would stop COMMUNISM from spreading throughout the
 Blockaded
 Conflict 8. The Domino Theory suggested that in order to help, the U.S. must provide military aid to NGO DINH DIEM’S government (leader of South

 Asia Vietnam).

9. President Richard Nixon’s “Silent Majority” speech in 1969 called upon the American people who still supported the VIETNAM War.
 Domestic
10. The Vietnam war affected Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society because the U.S. had to divert critical funds away from DOMESTIC issues.

 Congressional 11. The Domino Theory, which is the reason for involvement in Vietnam, was based on the belief that it would stop communism from spreading

across Southeast ASIA

 Communism
12. Press coverage during Vietnam affected the U.S. by reporting on military SETBACKS contributing to public disillusionment with the war.
 Blockade 13. President Richard Nixon’s SALT 1 Treaty dealt with opening up diplomatic relations with CHINA .

14. John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev were involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis – the result was JFK ordering a naval BLOCKADE to stop the
 Cuba
shipment of missile to CUBA
 Aggressor
15. Incidents like the Gulf of Tonkin and the secret bombing of Cambodia made the president have to seek CONGRESSIONAL approval of any military

 China action.

16. The Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, and the Korean War would all fall under the category of: CONTAINMENT.
 Vietnam

 Declaration
17. As a result of the Berlin Airlift, the United States was able to bypass a soviet blockade without provoking a military CONFLICT

WHAT AM I? This was a US policy of containment

WHO AM I? This is what the Vietnam War had that gave aid to Greece & Turkey
I am the leader of the Soviet Union
 Ngo Dinh Diem who was directly involved in the which made it different from both
This is what press coverage showed to
the American people (contributed to
WHAT AM I? disillusionment with the war)
I am the leader of South Vietnam
This was passed by George C. Marshall MILITARY SETBACKS
during the Vietnam War (the US sent
aid to me to help during the war) NGO to give financial assistance to help WHAT AM I?
DINH DIEM rebuild war-torn European countries This is what North Korea wanted to
MARSHALL PLAN unify in order to make the entire
WHAT AM I? country communist PENINSULA
I am the president who secretly
bombed Cambodia and didn’t want Richard Nixon did not want the
the Pentagon Papers released Pentagon Papers to be released; what WHAT AM I?
RICHARD NIXON amendment ensured its printing? This is what John F. Kennedy put
FIRST AMENDMENT around Cuba to stop them from
WHAT AM I? getting missiles in 1962 BLOCKADE
I am the Mexican American Medal of
Honor winner during the Vietnam War US policy of stopping Communism
This event happened in 1948 and
WHAT AM I? provided aid to a blockaded city
I am the US President who was
This event happened in 1962 and was BERLIN AIRLIFT
involved in the Bay of Pigs and the
Cuban Missile Crisis JOHN F. KENNEDY the closest the world has ever come to WHAT AM I?
nuclear warfare CUBAN MISSILE This is the treaty that opened up
CRISIS diplomatic relations with China SALT 1
I am the leader of North Vietnam who WHAT AM I?
wanted the make all of South Vietnam This was a major reason why the US WHAT AM I?

Communist HO CHI MINH and Soviet Union were fighting during This is what the US was seen as in an
the Cold War DIFFERENT IDEOLOGIES underdeveloped nation AGGRESSOR

This is where the border dispute was WHAT AM I? WHAT AM I?

😊 Multiple choice questions

settled after the Korean War 38
– make sure to TH
double check
This is what the US could bypass with
the Berlin Airlift MILITARY CONFLICT
your answers 😊
This is where the US was trying to stop
the spread of Communism
_______________________________ SOUTHEAST ASIA
1. The main reason for providing aid to Europe under 9. The domino theory, which provided the basis for
5. President John F. Kennedy responded to reports that
the Marshall Plan was to – U.S. entry into the Vietnam War, was the belief
the Soviet Union was constructing missiles in Cuba by -
A. Rebuild the economics of devastated European that intervention was necessary to prevent -
A. Asking Congress to declare war on Cuba
10. What prompted Congress to pass the War Powers
2. Truman Doctrine was originally designed to - 6. The Korean War was an effort by the United States to - Resolution?
A. Stop the international proliferation of nuclear A. Carry out its policy of containing the spread of A. Rulings issued by the Supreme Court that
weapons communism banned deployment of U.S. combat forces
B. Use the United Nations to eliminate Soviet B. Keep its economy strong by maintaining wartime without a declaration of war
threats activities B. Fears that renewed conflict in the Middle East
C. Rebuild Southeast Asia by extending economic C. Secure additional Asian trading partners would require the United States to defend
aid D. Extend the principles of the Marshall Plan to Asia Israel
D. Contain Communism by giving aid to Greece and C. Decisions made by the executive branch
Turkey during the Korean and Vietnam Wars
D. Limits on the authority of the chief executive
7. During the Korean War, what prevented the southern imposed by an international tribunal
3. What was the main goal of the United States part of the peninsula from falling permanently to
containment policy? invading forces?
A. To become more technologically advanced 11. As part of the Nixon administration’s policy of
A. The threat of a Soviet naval blockade
than the Soviet Union Vietnamization, the U.S. military -
B. The assistance of the Chinese military
B. To prevent the spread of Communism around A. Trained South Vietnamese forces to take over
the world C. The use of atomic weapons on northern cities
combat responsibilities from U.S. troops
C. To provide more support for science and math D. The involvement of UN forces under the command B. Shared military technology with North
education of the United States Vietnam
D. To support the establishment of the Warsaw C. Imposed martial law in North Vietnam
Pact in Eastern Europe D. Installed a puppet government in South
8. Which of the following is most characteristic of the Vietnam
Cold War?
4. As a result of the Berlin Airlift, the United States was A. The growth of nuclear arsenals in the United
able to - States and the Soviet Union 12. During the mid-1960s, U.S. participation in the
A. Bypass a Soviet blockade without provoking a B. The expansion of national borders by imperialistic Vietnam War resulted in -
military conflict European countries A. Public support for an expanded military draft
B. Transport Polish refugees to safety C. The implementation of isolationist foreign policies B. Mandatory rationing of consumer goods
C. Prevent the Nazi Party from reorganizing in Great Britain and China C. Mass demonstrations by groups protesting the
D. Intimidate Soviet leaders by demonstrating D. The rapid industrialization of many Southeast war
D. National attention for a third-party
Match the date with the
superior military power Asian countries
presidential candidate

1898 1939 1945 1955-
1914 1941 1947-
1991 1969
1917 Dec. 7,
1941 1948
1918 13. The event described in this headline resulted in -
June 6, 1950- A. Decreased federal funding of student loans
1944 1953 B. Increased support for the antiwar movement
C. The reinstatement of the draft
1. D-Day; opened up a new allied front; Normandy: D. An end to federal investigations of student 16. What was the primary goal of discussions
organizations between these two leaders?
1944 A. To recognize the independence of former
2. Spanish American War: 1898 satellite states
3. US puts a man on the moon: 1969 B. To reach a formal agreement on weapons
4. The Korean War: 1950-1953 C. To negotiate the reunification of Germany
5. World War 1 begins with the assassination of D. To develop a global environmental-
Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1914 protection policy
14. Which of the following provided a legal basis for this
6. The Japanese bomb a US military base: 1941
Supreme Court decision?
7. Germany invades Poland; WW2 begins: 1939 A. The Thirteenth Amendment
8. The Vietnam War: 1955-1975 B. The decision in Brown v. Board of Education
C. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
9. The stock market crashed; the Great Depression
D. The First Amendment
begins: 1929
10. World War 2 ends; Treaty of Versailles signed: 1918
11. The Cold War: 1947-1991
12. The Lend Lease Act is passed during WW2 by
Franklin D. Roosevelt: 1941
17. What happened as a direct result of these
13. The US abandons neutrality and joins WW1: 1917 recommendations?
15. Which action did the federal government take to recognize
14. The atomic bombs are dropped by Truman; WW2 these soldiers? A. North Vietnamese leaders appealed for a
A. Passing the GI Bill to give them education benefits ceasefire
ends with Japan surrendering: 1945
B. Awarding them the Congressional Medal of Honor for B. U.S. military involvement in Vietnam
15. The Berlin Airlift provides supplies to a blockaded escalated
actions above the call of duty
city: 1948 C. Providing them with monetary bonuses for C. South Vietnamese leaders rejected military
demonstrating courage under fire assistance
D. Awarding them battlefield promotions from enlisted to D. Soviet ground troops were deployed to
officer Vietnam

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