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My present is

this fantastic

lesson description
You will be able to classify adjectives and
identify opposites, and use the present
tense form of the verbs “feel” and “guess.”

• Identify opposites
• Use adjectives
• Practice present tense verbs

Lesson ID: #0390 page 1


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

T W T W 3 4
S M 3 4 S M
1 2 1 2
11 11
9 10 9 10
7 8 7 8 18
5 6 16 17
18 5 6 16 17
14 15 25 14 15 25
12 13 23 24 12 13 23 24
21 22 21 22
19 20 30 31 19 20 30 31
28 29 28 29
26 27 26 27

14 15
10 11 12 13 16 17


24 25

21 23
22 34

30 31
26 27 28 29 32 33

1 The man is comfortable. 13 The office is dark. 25 The boy is sad.

2 The cat is fat. 14 The arrow is straight. / The ground is smooth. 26 The man is tall.
3 The cat is skinny. 15 The ground is bumpy. 27 The boy is short.
4 The dog is cute. 16 The man is calm. 28 The ball is clean.
5 The dog is ugly. 17 The man is angry. 29 The ball is dirty.
6 The doctor is young. 18 The man is strong. 30 The shape is square.
7 The doctor is old. 19 The man is weak. 31 The shape is circular.
8 The toy is new. 20 The ball is on the top shelf. 32 The floor is flat.
9 The toy is old. 21 The ball is on the bottom shelf. 33 The ball is round.
10 The road is narrow. 22 The angel is good. 34 The lamp is bright.
11 The road is wide. 23 The devil is bad.
12 The office is light. 24 The boy is happy.

to feel to guess
I feel I guess
you feel you guess
she/he/it feels she/he/it guesses
they/we feel they/we guess

Lesson ID: #0390 page 2

Read the following conversation
out loud five times.

Peter: Can you guess what your

present is?
Sara: What, there is more? My present
is this fantastic dinner.
Jeff: Well, you have another present.
Kim: Give her some clues.
Peter: It’s square.
Sara: And? Give me another clue.
Jeff: Ok, it’s flat.
Kim: It’s small.
Peter: It’s black and white.

Bonus Feature: Watch the English Highway video to follow along! (Lesson ID: #0330)

key phrases your turn

Cheers! Fill in the blank with the correct “to feel” or “to guess” verb.
How do you feel?
I don’t feel well. For example: He guesses what I will make for dinner.
I don’t know.
I give up.
1. I ________ sad today.
Is this clean?
Thank you. 2. Kim ________that her cat is happy.
What is it?
3. He ________ happy about the new couch.

4. Peter ________ good after yoga class.

5. At the supermarket, we ________ how much spaghetti Kim needs.

6. They ________ terrific on their birthdays.

7. We haven’t been there, but we ________ that Argentina is beautiful.

8. She ________ bad about breaking the plate.

9. Sara ________ that Peter is at the park.

10. She does not ________ angry.

Lesson ID: #0390 page 3

Adjectives describe nouns. They often describe the size, shape, color, and other Usually, adjectives are placed before
characteristics of the nouns to which they refer. the nouns they describe. However,
this is not always true.
In order to use adjectives correctly, you should remember two things:
We put adjectives after the nouns
1. Adjectives are invariable. This means they do not change their form with regard they modify when using the follow-
to gender or number. In the following examples, notice that it doesn’t matter how ing verbs:
many offices there are; the adjective remains in the same format. • be
• become
For example: • seem
• A new office • look
• Many new offices • taste

2. Adjectives are usually placed before the noun they are describing. In the examples As you can see, the adjective tired
below the words man and book are the nouns being described. comes after “the boy,” the noun it
For example:
• He is a tall man. For example:
• It is a red book. The boy looks tired.

your turn Now that you understand adjectives, match each word in the
left column with the word in the right column that has the op-
Look at the pictures, then fill in each blank with
posite meaning.
the correct adjective.

1. pretty a. happy
1. The the red ball is ___________. 2. sad b. clean
3. dirty c. short
2. The man in the green shirt is ___________. 4. light d. ugly
3. The road is ___________. 5. tall e. bad
6. wide f. angry
4. The man in the blue shirt is very ___________.
7. strong g. weak
5. The brown cat is ___________. 8. old h. narrow
9. happy i. sad
6. The lamp is very ___________.
10. fat j. young
7. The boy in the purple shirt is ___________. 11. calm k. thin
12. top l. dark
13. good m. bottom

Lesson ID: #0390 page 4

putting it all together… cultural tip
For each sentence, please circle the adjective, then write your own opposite adjective In English, it is not polite to refer to
next to it. There may be more than one! people by their physical appearance.
People don’t like nicknames that point
For example: out physical characteristics, like their
Let’s eat dinner at the circular table. square size or hair color.

1. The ugly princess married a frog.

2. Her new puppy is thin.

3. The small windows make my apartment very dark.

4. Michael seems sad.

5. Tommy played in the mud. He is dirty.

6. My young grandfather plays tennis everyday.

7. Melanie’s boyfriend is tall.

8. This dinner tastes great!

9. The kid plays with the flat ball.

10. Waldo has a weak father.

11. Let’s drive on the bumpy road.

12. The angry clown has a small nose.

13. The river is narrow.

14. Fifi is a tall, bad kitten.

15. The new car is dirty.

Lesson ID: #0390 page 5

Answer Key

your turn - exercise 1 your turn - exercise 2

1. feel 1. large
2. guesses 2. short
3. feels 3. narrow
4. feels 4. strong
5. guess 5. fat
6. feel 6. bright
7. guess 7. happy
8. feels
9. guesses
10. feel

your turn - exercise 3 putting it together - exercise 4

1. d adjective opposite
2. a 1. ugly beautiful/pretty
3. b 2. new, thin old, fat
4. l 3. small, dark large, bright/sunny
5. c 4. sad happy
6. h 5. dirty clean
7. g 6. young old
8. j 7. tall short
9. i 8. great bad/terrible
10. k 9. flat round
11. f 10. weak strong
12. m 11. bumpy smooth
13. e 12. angry, small happy, large/big
13. narrow wide
14. tall, bad short, good
15. new, dirty old, clean

Lesson ID: #0390 page 6

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