Human Suffering in Response To Religion

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Human suffering in response to religion

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Human suffering, which has many aspects, falls under the wide category of evil. Some

people think that pain happens when one transgresses against one's spirit or God. Physical evil is

external to the actor; as humans, we are exposed to painful occurrences. The problem of

suffering explains why there is a God and why humans suffer in the universe. Concerning

psychological issues, it's all about soothing the suffering and avoiding a dislike for God.

Theological catastrophes question why Christians suffer and why they are Christians.

Having been in a service learning in Dominican republic helping kids in the

neighborhood in playing baseball and showing them how to hit the ball as well as giving them

clothes and gloves I have taught myself a lot on the theological suffering for the human race.

Christians understand that suffering is centered on Jesus Christ's cross. At his crucifixion,

Jesus fulfilled his Father's purpose by rescuing his church and putting an end to all suffering.

While Christians face challenges on their journey to paradise on this miserable earth, they will

only succeed if they hold fast to their faith. "How long, O Lord?" they ask, in addition to praying

with the Lord to rescue them. When Jesus returns, they will follow him to the crucifixion.

We can never forget what Adam and Eve went through in Eden. Back in the day, there

were no coronaviruses, malignancies, or HIV/AIDS "Wow!" When sin and death entered the

universe and formed themselves, everything changed. The curse of creation and humanity's

words "dust to dust" brought a scourge of illness, grief, and suffering upon mankind. Sin brought

death and suffering to everyone; Jesus came to provide life and restore order. Amazingly, the

almighty Son "became a curse for us" on the cross. God, as the creator of the universe, wanted

the best for mankind to save those who sinned.


Why do bad things happen if God is all-knowing and good? has long been a theological

dispute. Theodicy states that attempts to explain how God could be all-powerful but let suffering

and evils exist stem from this problem. We're also surrounded by mystery. A demonstration may

set your mind at rest regarding discomfort. Today's theologians consider suffering shameful. We

must also allow ourselves to be scandalized regularly. Suffering is part of existence for humans

and makes them seek God more fervently. However, African etiological spiritual forces are

among the major culprits. When humans insult divine powers, they get enraged and create

misery, including natural catastrophes like droughts, feminine, floods, and illnesses, which must

be appeased to end the calamities. After determining the diviner, it is customary to offer sacrifice

to the gods or deities. Gods or deities inflicting pain and suffering is regarded as a punishment

intended to teach humans a lesson about morality.

Many Muslims think that suffering is just enduring pain or loss to obey Allah's will.

When someone goes through a lot of trouble, it may teach them humility and faith because of

what Satan or his spirit partner accomplished. Some Muslims believe that adversity develops

character, which leads to repentance and good deeds. other The Adventist church's fundamental

doctrine is at odds with the problem of human suffering. So all life is involved in a cosmic battle.

A distinct battle between good and evil, Satan and God, is shown throughout Job. Jesus, the

supreme leader of the heavenly army, has always won this war. A new fundamental concept of

the church developing in Jesus Christ. Reminding members of Christ's victory over sin and death

empowers them to manage those forces and overcome the evil spirit's fear. As a consequence,

Adventists have a scriptural, eschatological, and other evident explanations for spiritual

problems that arise in the universe.


The reality of human pain owing to transgression has perplexed many intellectual eras. A

tornado, earthquake, or flood is difficult to describe, as are diseases like cholera, HIV, cancer or

leukemia. Here are a couple more. As unjustifiable human suffering increased throughout both

World Wars, so did religious thinking. An advocate of the dispute, philosopher Peter Taylor

Forsyth, tried to defend God in the setting of WWI by rejecting traditional distance thinking and

proposing a Christocentric perspective where "the only theodicy is one which redeems.

Sufficiency should be met with solidarity rather than passivity linguistic rupture and belief or

disbelieving requirement.

our connection to worldly things causes our sorrow. Without reduction, this link

manifests as hatred, greed, and ignorance in present and past lives. You are responsible for your

own sin; therefore, you must face the consequences. The goal is to let up of material things and

relationships rather than suffering from God. Positive karma is created when you vow not to

repeat heinous acts. Truth be told, bad things happen to decent people all the time. It is said that

several karmic causes combine to bring about certain events, which cause further suffering for

others. To understand why a peacock's tail feather is colored the way it is, one does not need to

be omniscient, says Buddha. But not to obtain something that's hard to acquire. Knowing the

universal karmic principle of causation and its ethical consequences for all humans benefits

ourselves and others.



Gibbs, R., & Wolfson, E. R. (Eds.). (2003). Suffering religion. Routledge.

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