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Microsoft's operations headquarters are in Redmond, Washington, the home of the

world's largest technology multinational. When Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded the company,

it was formally launched on April 4th, 1975. Over the years, the company has developed a

strategic specialty in the development of cutting-edge computer software and eye-catching

designs despite having many branches which in turkey. It has also expanded its product line via

licensing and the creation of critical consumer electronics, video game, and computer products.

In terms of revenue creation, the business has proven to be a key rival of Apple Inc. The

company's strategy and competitive character have earned it inherent favors from customers who

have adopted its main products. Every year, the income of the business has grown on its own.

International laws and regulations are intertwined with the company's activities, which

have a worldwide footprint. All of the company's endeavors, including marketing, sourcing, and

production, are compliant with international legislation in various foreign places. As a result of

the reasoning for globalization, regulations have evolved to be more business-friendly, and most

companies are now allowed to establish international corporate entities. The expansion of

communication and transportation networks has made it more easier to move across borders in

pursuit of new possibilities. Microsoft has long outgrown its local markets, necessitating the

operation and management of its corporate entities on a global scale.

Microsoft has complied with all applicable laws and regulations while doing business on

a global scale. There have been a number of difficulties encountered during the procedure. The

difficulties, on the other hand, have been aggressively handled in order to guarantee long-term

success. Music, religion, and romantic relationships are only a few examples of cultural

differences that need to be addressed. The rest of the rules are based on the jurisdiction's primary

needs (Ibarra, Rattan & Johnston, 2018). Economic blocs have been formed in certain nations to

develop the strategy. In order to comply with the laws set out by various businesses, it is

necessary to lessen the responsibilities that are now present.

A method is not adequate since it is necessary to comprehend all covered components

and their resulting disparities. Microsoft's main business processes have been substantially

transformed as a result of the effective use of new technologies. There has been a significant

decrease in production costs due to better process integration and lower operating expenses. The

strategy has helped them adapt quickly to changing market conditions while also reducing

expenses. As a result of the strategies, long-term competitive advantages have been created.

The crucial approach is based on the need that multinational corporations comprehend

and dominate the settings in which they operate. In order to make important choices on whether

to localize or standardize operations, the company needs a comprehensive knowledge. In the end,

the main goal is to make sure consumers can receive the finest goods. The main reason for this is

to make sure that consumers who live far away may receive high-quality goods and quick

service. There are inherent risk mitigation measures in place at Microsoft to reduce the

ramifications of any emerging threats. Using these methods in conjunction with effective change

management techniques has allowed the business to gain a competitive advantage.

Microsoft has made use of a number of different methods in order to improve its

technical innovation. For businesses today, survival means integrating a variety of technology-

oriented tactics in order to keep up with the ever-changing operating conditions. Technology

enhances the productivity of a company, resulting in lower costs and higher levels of customer


As a worldwide leader in innovation, Microsoft has made use of design thinking methods

to lead the way. The business uses an internal soul-searching approach to create emotional

attachments with its consumers through designing goods. Additionally, the business has made

use of the five key phases to ensure the design thinking strategy has been a success. Empathic

consideration is an important part of the process, as are definition, idealization, and developing

prototypes and testing them out at the end. Its video games and analytics tools are intertwined

with the company's design thinking methodology. The integration of AI affirmations has also

had a beneficial worldwide effect on the corporate organization. Microsoft's innovation

initiatives have had a beneficial effect on the company's performance in light of current global

challenges. From the standpoint of the global economy, these tendencies have shown to be

dependable and viable. By performing thorough testing with important clients, the company's

unique methods have been shown to be dependable. The approach has improved the knowledge

of design thinking in the company and has led to the solution of various customer requirements

on a worldwide scale.

Identifying a company's strengths or internal strategic elements that support growth and

resilience is a component of the SWOT Analysis methodology. The following qualities at

Microsoft contribute to the company's ongoing success:

 a strong, well-known brand

 Alignment of the product with beneficial externalities

 a strong network of business partners


Microsoft is a well-known name in the computer hardware and software industries for a

reason. Customers, particularly those who associate brand strength with dependability, benefit

from this strength. Microsoft also reaps the advantages of its current products' positive

externalities. Third-party software developers are increasingly creating applications for IBM PC-

compatible operating systems, increasing the popularity of Microsoft's Windows operating

system. Additionally, Microsoft's ability to influence the market is bolstered by the strength of its

partnerships with other companies. In order to develop hardware devices that run on Windows

OS, the business may, for example, form an alliance with a hardware manufacturer to create such

goods. As a result of Microsoft's SWOT analysis's strengths in this sector, the company is well-

positioned to compete with other global giants in the business.

Swot analysis takes into account the shortcomings of the organization and internal

strategic variables that impede or decrease company growth. Managers at Microsoft have the

following issues to address:

 Cybercrime susceptibility.

 a product's capacity to be copied

 The absence of a single dominating piece of computer hardware

Microsoft's products may be exploited by cybercriminals. Numerous cybercrime attacks,

for example, continue to target the Windows operating system all around the globe. This is a

problem since it makes Microsoft's products less appealing. The competition between computer

hardware and software firms has resulted in an increase in cyber security. Imitability of certain

products, on the other hand, is a disadvantage since it threatens Microsoft's brand and the value

of its name. As a result, the firm's product line is susceptible to competitors that have strong

hardware and software solutions. With the SWOT strengths highlighted in this section, Microsoft

must improve its product features and boost hardware development efforts to stay competitive.

The company's ability to innovate has been connected to the efficient utilization of

existing resources in order to provide efficient process knowledge. The business has been able to

have a significant effect on software development and data analytics platforms because of the

essential knowledge of design thinking methods. A fundamental knowledge of operating settings

has also gone into the price of the company's goods. As a result of the active technology, the

businesses' customers now have a stronger platform on which to evaluate the pricing ranges of

different goods. Microsoft is devoted to developing innovative platforms and capitalizing on

market needs in the technology sector. In order to get the necessary resources for value

development, important trends include innovation as well as value creation methods. In order to

provide critical solutions, the company's creative and strategic alignment has proven to be

crucial. As a result of venture capital investments, Microsoft has seen significant growth. With

important concepts such as augmented reality innovation criteria, Artificial Intelligence adoption

and critical design thinking methods fundamental to business technology asset management. An

enormous and strategic alignment has been established by the business to make sure that its

methods are in line with global venture capital investment and stakeholder expectations.

The accusations of commercial monopoly leveled against Microsoft were recently

confirmed by the courts, which ruled that Microsoft's customers had no viable alternatives.

Company was tasked with preventing entrance into the market by keeping customers away and

charging more than suggested for a long period of time. Apple and IBM, two of Microsoft's

biggest rivals, have led the charge in arguing that the software giant has destroyed the worldwide

market. The Mac and OS/2 operating systems were developed by competitors, but Microsoft's

competitive implications have prevented them from entering the market. It's been difficult for the

business to keep up with all of the various government requirements and stay in compliance.

Microsoft, for example, has had to deal with a number of difficulties as a result of the new rule

governing grantee levels. There have been significant consequences for grant recipients, but

these rules have also proposed new ways to grant administration from the very top down. Using

Microsoft cloud technologies, the grant vantage management system streamlines grant

administration while reducing administrative costs. The technology has been effective in

reducing the company's reporting requirements. Government policies, according to the firm, have

served as a market accelerator in the modern era.

The business has also had to deal with a lot of backlash over the company's malware

blunders. As a result, the business was severely criticized in 2004 for allegedly violating rules set

out in current software development standards. Several countries have also accused the business

of excluding prospective suppliers of its goods. A number of governments and other businesses

have filed lawsuits against the firm, alleging it has engaged in illegal and dominating

monopolistic methods and activities in its business. For example, the European Union scrutinized

the business closely in 2004 and assessed it an 899 million euro punishment for its competition

case. The company's main shop in New York City was recently burglarized in September of this

year. The businesses' reaction to the contract inked with the U.S. Department of Immigration

highlighted the action in their answer. The company's connection with the immigration

department was found to be unlawful, as shown by the findings.


There have been reports that the majority of the company's permanent employees get

preferential treatment, but workers are not included in this category. The business has come

under fire for allegedly violating several labor laws and government rules by using forced labor

and other labor-intensive practices. The strategy is to sue departing workers in an attempt to keep

them from leaving. Aside from reducing medical coverage, the business has been accused of

using conventional cost-saving methods including exploiting workers. For many years, the

practice of using temporary employees has been the subject of intense scrutiny across a wide

range of media outlets. In addition, the business has been accused of using a variety of deceptive

strategies to place an undue burden on its employees. Long-term workloads have been shown to

have many negative health effects on employees, which has led to much media coverage of the

problem. The deeds went against a variety of official policies in various locations.

Different companies have shown a lot of interest in the area of corporate social

responsibility. To minimize social problems, corporations must raise their societal investments,

as shown by the location. When it comes to corporate social responsibility (CSR), Microsoft is

aligned with the company's purpose, which focuses on meeting the needs of communities across

the world. To make sure that the Carrols Pyramid's four elements are adhered to fully, Microsoft

maintains a staff dedicated to corporate social responsibility. We want to collaborate with

management to keep consumers, the general public, workers and other partners trusting in our

company's products and services. At Microsoft, corporate social responsibility (CSR) strives to

ensure that the business maintains legal, economic, charitable, and ethical ties with the

surrounding community. As a result, the company made further steps to comply with its social

responsibilities and offer data that would eventually become worldwide standards.. CSR also

relies on the report provided by UN Global Compact, which recognizes the Global Reporting

Initiative. To help the United Nations achieve its Sustainable Development Goals, the Microsoft

foundation donates millions of dollars each year.

To top it all off, by giving back to the community, the company's workers earn nearly

$158 million in total compensation. As an example, the Lagos solar project illustrates how the

company has invested more money in attracting new entrepreneurs by providing them with

financial stability. Similarly, Microsoft Africa offers many chances for young developers,

citizens, and business leaders to discover and develop their skills via education,

entrepreneurship, and employment. The business was able to comply with laws that promote

carbon neutrality and its global operations that seek to reduce carbon footprint ethically and

legally. Despite these efforts, the business continues to sustain the employment of over 6 million

individuals on a worldwide scale, either directly or indirectly. Studies revealed that the business

had over 23 suppliers who presented no danger to the company's reputation in any of these areas.

The senior management’s role is to improve the employees’ morale; Microsoft sets aside

a certain amount of budget for every group as a morale budget. The team receives the money

from the company and is at liberty to use the money as it pleases. For instance, some of the

group members have been observed to go on skiing, having a cookout, bowling, buying movie

theater system and even popcorn choppers. They do some incredible things such as renting a

whole movie theater for a screening of own movies of their choices.


The company can cope and adapt to the changes in demand from the customers and

market environment. Other motivational strategies and open communications channels that

Microsoft Company has adopted include non-financial rewarding of the employees by giving

products such as T-shirts and regularly taking workers out for dinner for their exemplary work.

Microsoft Company also encourages a culture of personal motivation. We find Microsoft’s

model as the operating system on the computers such as desktop and laptops productivity

software used worldwide by is round 95%. This is their major line of strength of Microsoft in the

operating systems market. Upon, taking a project with Microsoft Company, the company does

not expect to keep following all its workers. The company believes that the employees are

competent and can a successful project within the stipulated schedule without close monitoring.

Microsoft can achieve digital transformation in its management system more quickly by

developing new incentives for innovative ideas from within the firms. The ideas and their

implementation of the Directorate strategies could be beneficial to the company because they

will not be as expensive as the external thoughts

Creating a dependable worldwide change in corporate culture may be a difficult task. For

the initial complexity, Microsoft used the components of behavior modification and memory to

break it down and imply permanent effects on the daily operations of the employees. This

strategy worked. It was difficult at first to work with people from various cultural backgrounds.

Microsoft, on the other hand, emphasized the need of establishing unique routines that all

workers could remember and readily adjust to. Because of the company's focus on growth and

development while also creating a learning culture, Microsoft was able to leverage on its

workforce's desire to enhance their abilities. The reasoning was based on the fact that employees

should be seen as highly adaptable when it comes to the company's strategic goals. Now that the

dominant culture has taken hold, everyone in the business is behaving in ways that are in

accordance with the company's cultural objectives. The cultural elements have been expanded to

worldwide platforms, necessitating the creation of clarity, the generation of much-needed

vitality, and the provision of services in accordance with the established cultural gaps.

As a result of matching its policies and procedures to deal with a wide range of complex

global problems, Microsoft has achieved its present market position. Different accumulating

problems from a global viewpoint are clearly outlined in the company's policy guidelines.

However, to clear its reputation, the business must resolve its outstanding legal challenges and

examine its internal ethical and cultural concerns in order to establish a win-win situation for all

employee groups.


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