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Speaking Project (script)

Title: Talk Show

USB English 3 (3-4 hrs.)
Students’ names: Evelyn Daniela Ospina López, Rossy Tatiana Grueso, José
David Londoño

● Use this script to organize the sections and topics of your video.
● Write what you are going to say in each section of the video.
● Consider including time frames for each section.

● Be sure to follow the structures and recommendations listed in the project’s

script instructions on Moodle – Self-Study Activity: Final Project (Script)

Comedy talk show
Say hello using a common expression.
José David: good evening ladies and
gentlemen welcome once again a new
edition of this program.

Liz Pereira: Welcome everyone, what a

pleasure to see you here.

Alejandra Azcarate: Good evening my

dear friends, thanks to Juan David for
inviting me and I hope we have fun
Introduce yourself (mention your name,
last name and role in the video). I am Jose David, and I am going to be
an interviewer for the two beautiful
Colombian friends

My name is Liz Pereira; I am a guest

who will talk about her journey in

My name is Alejandra Azcárate, and I

will have come to tell you a bit about
my time in comedy and theaters.
Mention what you are going to talk
about in the video. (“In this video, I’m My name is José David and I'm going
going to talk about...”) to do the interviewer and I ask
questions of all kinds openly

My name is Evelyn Daniela and I am

going to be Liz Pereira. In the video, I
going to talk about some trips,
experiences in shows, and funny
situations that I have had with my work

My name is Rossy Tatiana and I am

going to be Alejandra Azcarate. In the
video, I will talk about of experience in
comedy and in my personal life,
vacations, embarrassing situations,
and among other things.

Welcome viewers to your talk show. José David: How are you my people?
Introduce yourself as the host and Welcome to the comedy talk show. My
introduce your guest(s). name is Juan David, and it's a pleasure
to have you on my show tonight.
Tonight we will have two essential
comedians and very controversial
women from the Colombian showbiz;
they are Liz Pereira and Andrea
Azcarate, our guests.
José David: please welcome my
Prepare interview questions and beautiful colleagues.
answers. This can be based on
imaginary situations depending on the Liz Pereira: Good evening everyone;
guests or about any of these topics: thank you for your applause and
thanks to you, Juan David, for the
▪ Entertainment at home
(movies and games)
Alejandra Azcarate: Good afternoon
dear, thank you Juan for the invitation,
▪ Trips and Celebrations and also beautiful audience!
▪ Sports and leisure activities José David: Who would like to start?
How about you Liz.

Liz Pereira: ¡suspenseful face! Okay,

Describe any of the discussed topics
let’s get started.
during your talk show in a thorough
manner. Discussion should include: José David: Liz, what would be the
▪ Information about the movie craziest thing you would like to happen
genre, and games you’ll talk to you during a presentation?
about. Liz Pereira: I would like a fan to tell me
▪ Information about cities, their that they want to have a prank duel
celebrations and dates. with me; I Say: why not? and that we
begin to laugh and enjoy the moment;
▪ A description of the leisure And finally come with me to a party
activities and sports to do after the show

Alejandra Azcarate: The craziest thing,

Give detailed explanations in answers that I forget everything I prepare for the
whenever possible. show and have to impose and that it
comes out better than expected, it
would be great
These questions should include the
Juan David: Ohh it would be great!
grammar topics worked in class.
What movies do you like to see in your
▪ Future Simple (will / going to) free time?
▪ Present Simple (do - does) (am / Liz Pereira: My favorite movie genre is
is / are) suspense; I like to wait for what may
happen with the protagonists, wait to
▪ Modal Verbs (could – should –
see the revelation of the murderer, or
must – would – have to)
run out of breath in the chase scenes;
EXAMPLE: where will you go? what it is a bit masochistic, I know
do you do? What should you play?
Alejandra Azcarate: I like comedy
movies; I find them interesting, and I
quite like Colombian movies. Her name
is God, it unites them, and they
separate; it makes me laugh every time
I see her.

José David: Interesting!! Where would

you like to go on vacation?

Liz Pereira: Due to my quarantine, I

prefer to go camping and breathe the
fresh air away from all the crowds.

Alejandra Azcarate: I like going to the

island of San Andrés in our beautiful
Colombia; I always feel at home.
People are friendly and I always feel

Conclusion José David: Well, Liz and Alejandra,

we have reached the end of the show. I
Make recommendations related to the
would like to know how you feel during
topics discussed during the interview.
the show, do you like me?

Liz Pereira: Well José I really like the

invitation to this spectacular program,
laugh with the audience and enjoy this
incredible night.

Alejandra Azcárate: I really enjoy these

invitations and this special moment and
I would love to return because these
experiences are never to be forgotten.

José David: What do you like the most

about this show?

Liz Pereira: What I like the most about

this show is having the opportunity to
meet you, talk a little about myself and
share with such pleasant company.

Alejandra Azcárate: I really love this

show, I like to laugh with all of you, and
enjoy a night of entertainment like
never before.

José David: Well girls, thank you for

being part of this program and
accepting my invitation. And to the
guests in particular for being part of it.
Thank you all. We will see again.


José David: Well, we have reached the
Say goodbye to your celebrity guest(s) end of the show; thank you to our
and to the viewers watching at home.
guests for tonight, and to you my dear
audience. See you soon at another

Liz Pereira: Thanks to you Jose for the

invitation; and to all of you for tonight.

Alejandra Azcarate: Thank you very

much for inviting me; I love it tonight.
Thanks to this spectacular public ¡I
love them, kisses!

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