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SULIT 4551/1

1 Diagram 1 shows an animal cell.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan satu sel haiwan.

Diagram 1 / Rajah 1

Organelle X is
Organel X ialah

A Chloroplast / Kloroplas

B Golgi apparatus / Jasad Golgi

C Lysosome / Lisosom

D Smooth endoplasmic reticulum / Jalinan endoplasma licin

2 The organelle that found abundantly in muscle tissue is

Organ yang terdapat dengan banyak dalam tisu otot ialah

A Mitochondrion / Mitokondrion

B Ribosome / Ribosom

C Lysosome / Lisosom

D Chloroplast / Kloroplas

1 [Lihat halaman sebelah]

3 Diagram 2 shows a typical animal cell.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan satu sel haiwan tipikal.

Diagram 2 / Rajah 2

Which of the following is correct about the functions of organelles P and Q?

Antara yang berikut, yang manakah betul mengenai fungsi organel P dan Q?

Function of organelle P Function of organelle Q

Fungsi organel P Fungsi organel Q
A Site of cellular respiration Digest or break down complex organic
Tapak respirasi sel molecules
Mencernakan atau memecahkan
molekul organik yang kompleks
B Site of cellular respiration A medium for biochemical reaction in
Tapak respirasi sel the cell
Medium bagi tindak balas biokimia
dalam sel
C Digest or break down complex A medium for biochemical reaction in
organic molecules the cell
Mencernakan atau Medium bagi tindak balas biokimia
memecahkan dalam sel
molekul organik yang kompleks
D Digest or break down complex Processes, modifies and packages
organic molecules protein
Mencernakan atau Memproses, mengubahsuai dan
memecahkan membungkus protein
molekul organik yang kompleks
4 Diagram 3 shows a plant cell in a particular solution.
Rajah 3 menunjukkan suatu sel tumbuhan dalam larutan tertentu.

Diagram 3 / Rajah 3

The plant cell experiences

Sel tumbuhan tersebut mengalami

A Plasmolysis / Plasmolisis B Deplasmolysis / Deplasmolisis

C Haemolysis / Hemolisis D Crenation / Krenasi

5 Diagram 4 shows the initial level of 10% sucrose solution in a capillary tube for an
Rajah 4 menunjukkan aras awal bagi larutan sukrosa 10% dalam tiub kapilari bagi
satu eksperimen.

Diagram 4 / Rajah 4

Which of the following graphs shows the changes of the level of sucrose solution in
capillary tube during the experiment?

Antara graf yang berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan perubahan aras larutan
sukrosa dalam tiub kapilari semasa eksperimen tersebut?


6 A stalk of green mustard is cut longitudinally into four equal size and length. All the
strips were immersed for 30 minutes in sucrose solution of different concentrations.
Which strip was immersed in hypotonic solutions?
Batang sawi telah dipotong memanjang kepada empat keratan yang sama saiz dan
panjang. Semua keratan tersebut direndam dalam larutan sukrosa yang berbeza
kepekatan selama 30 minit. Keratan manakah yang direndam dalam larutan

Before After 30 minutes

Sebelum Selepas 30 minits

Before After 30 minutes

Sebelum Selepas 30 minits

Before After 30 minutes

Sebelum Selepas 30 minits

Before After 30 minutes

Sebelum Selepas 30 minits
7 Which of the following is correct?
Antara berikut, yang manakah betul?

Enzyme Function
Enzim Fungsi

A Erepsin Hydrolyses fat

Erepsin Menghidrolisis lemak

B Rennin Coagulates milk

Renin Menggumpalkan susu

C Pepsin Emulsifies milk

Pepsin Mengemulsikan susu

D Trypsin Digests fat

Tripsin Mencernakan lemak

Diagram 6 / Rajah 6

Which of the following statements are not the enzyme properties as shown in Diagram 6?
Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah bukan sifat enzim seperti yang ditunjukkan
dalam Rajah 6?

A Enzyme action is specific.

Tindakan enzim adalah spesifik.
B Enzyme remains unchanged at the end of the reaction.
Enzim kekal tidak berubah di akhir tindak balas.
C The enzyme reaction is affected by the substrate concentration.
Tindak balas enzim dipengaruhi oleh kepekatan substrat.
D Enzymes can be used to catalyze other similar substrate.
Enzim boleh digunakan untuk memangkinkan substrat lain yang serupa.

9 Diagram 7 shows a baby cloth with a baby food stains before and after being washed
with detergent containing enzyme.
Rajah 7 menunjukkan baju bayi dengan kesan kotoran makanan bayi sebelum
dan selepas dibasuh dengan pencuci mengandungi enzim.

Diagram 7 / Rajah 7

Which are the most suitable enzyme and temperature to give the result shown?
Yang manakah enzim dan suhu yang paling sesuai untuk menghasilkan
keputusan seperti di atas?

Enzyme / Enzim Temperature / Suhu

A Lipase / Lipase 37°C
B Protease / Protease 18°C
C Lipase / Lipase 18°C
D Protease / Protease 37°C
12 Which of the following is the correct comparison between Meiosis I and Meiosis II?
Manakah antara berikut perbandingan yang betul antara Meiosis I dan Meiosis II?

Meiosis I Meiosis II
A Synapsis does not occur Prophase Synapsis occurs
Sinapsis tidak berlaku Profasa Sinapsis berlaku

B Chromosomes line up at Homologous chromosomes line

metaphase plate. Metaphase up at metaphase plate.
Kromosom beratur di satah Metafasa Kromosom homolog beratur di
khatulistiwa. satah khatulistiwa.
Homologous chromosomes Centromeres separate and
separate and pulled to the chromatids are pulled to the
opposite poles. Anaphase opposite poles.
Kromosom homolog Anafasa Sentromer berpisah dan
berpisah dan tertarik ke kromatid tertarik ke kutub
kutub yang yang
bertentangan. bertentangan.
Two daughter cells are produced. Two daughter cells are
Dua sel anak terhasil. produced.
Dua sel anak terhasil.

11 Diagram 8 shows a phase during meiosis.

Rajah 8 menunjukkan satu fasa semasa meiosis.

Diagram 8 / Rajah 8

What is the significance of the phase shown?

Apakah kepentingan fasa tersebut?
A Produce daughter cell with equal number of chromosome as the parent cell.
Menghasilkan sel anak yang mempunyai bilangan kromosom yang sama
dengan sel induk.
B Cause crossing over occurs between homologous chromosomes.
Menyebabkan pindah silang berlaku antara kromosom homolog.
C Halved the number of chromosome in each daughter cell.
Bilangan kromosom dalam sel anak menjadi separuh.
D Produce variation in gamate.
Menghasilkan variasi pada gamet.

13 Diagram 9 shows the chromosomes in the liver cell of organisms X.

Rajah 9 menunjukkan kromosom dalam sel hati organisma X.

Diagram 9 / Rajah 9

How many chromosomes are in a gamete of organism X?

Berapakah bilangan kromosom dalam gamet organisma X?
A 10
B 20
C 40
D 80
14 Diagram 10.1 shows 2 classes of foods.
Rajah 10.1 menunjukkan 2 kelas makanan.

Classes of food Classes of food B

Kelas makanan B
Kelas makanan

Diagram 10.1 / Rajah 10.1

Diagram 10.2 shows the human digestive system.

Rajah 10.2 menunjukkan sistem pencernaan manusia.

Diagram 10.2 / Rajah 10.2

Choose the correct match between classes of food with the correct part of the
digestive system.
Pilih padanan yang betul antara kelas makanan dengan bahagian pada
sistem pencernaan yang mencerna makanan tersebut.
Classes of food Part of human digestive system
Kelas makanan Bahagian pada sistem pencernaan manusia
I Classes of food A I
II Classes of food A II
III Classes of food B III
IV Classes of food B IV

A I and III only

I dan III sahaja
B I and IV only
I dan IV sahaja
C II and IV only
II dan IV sahaja
D III and IV only
III dan IV sahaja

15 Which of the following food groups prevents constipation?

Antara kumpulan makanan yang berikut, yang manakah mencegah sembelit?
A Apple, corn cereals, spinach
Epal, bijirin jagung, bayam
B Chicken burger, low fat milk, wholemeal bread
Burger ayam, susu rendah lemak, roti berserat
C Mushroom soup, cheese, orange juice
Sup cendawan, keju, jus oren
D Seafood sup, chocolate cake, fish
Sup makanan laut, kek coklat, ikan
16 Diagram 16 shows the pathway of nutrients to body cell.
Rajah 16 menunjukkan laluan nutrien ke sel badan.

ia gram D 11 / Rajah 11

Process P is
Proses P ialah
A Assimilation / Asimilasi
B Deamination / Pendeaminaan
C Detoxification / Detoksifikasi
D Hydrolysis / Hidrolisis
18 Diagram 12 shows the cross section of the ileum.
Rajah 12 menunjukkan keratan rentas ileum.
Anaerobic Respiration
Respirasi anaerob
Lactic acid
Asid laktik
Carbon dioxide and water
Diagram 12 / Karbon dioksida dan air

Which parts labelled A, B, C or D contributes to the effectiveness of nutrient absorption?

Bahagian berlabel A, B, C atau D yang manakah membantu dalam
keberkesanan penyerapan nutrient?
20 Diagram 14 shows the pathway of inhaled and exhaled air in the lungs.
Rajah 14 menunjukkan aliran udara sedutan dan udara hembusan di dalam peparu.

Diagram 14 / Rajah 14

Which of the following statements are true when a person inhales?

Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar apabila seseorang individu menarik
I More oxyhaemoglobin will be formed.
Lebih banyak oksihemoglobin terbentuk.
II Oxygen diffuses from X into the blood capillary.
Oksigen meresap dari X ke dalam kapilari darah.
III The partial pressure of oxygen in X is higher than the partial pressure of
oxygen in the blood capillary.
Tekanan separa oksigen di X adalah lebih tinggi daripada tekanan separa
oksigen di dalam kapilari darah.
IV The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in blood capillary is lower than the
partial pressure of carbon dioxide in X.
Tekanan separa karbon dioksida di dalam kapilari darah adalah lebih
rendah dari tekanan separa karbon dioksida di X.
A I and II only / I dan II sahaja
B III and IV only / III dan IV sahaja

C I, II, and III only / I, II dan III sahaja

D I, II, III, and IV / I, II, III dan IV
27 Which of the following description is true about blood cells?
Antara keterangan berikut, yang manakah benar tentang sel-sel darah?

Blood Cell Description

Sel darah Huraian
A Erythrocyte Biconcave in shape to enable the exchange of shape while
Eritrosit passing the blood capillary.
Berbentuk dwicekung supaya boleh berubah bentuk semasa
melalui kapilari darah.

B Platelet Without nucleus and involved in the blood clotting mechanism

Platlet Tanpa nuklues dan terlibat dalam mekanisma pembekuan darah

C Monocytes Produced in the bone marrow and produce antibodies to destroy

Monosit pathogens.
Dihasilkan di sumsum tulang dan menghasilkan antibodi.
D Neutrophil Without granules and destroy pathogens by phagocytosis
Neutrofil Tanpa granul dan memusnahkan patogen secara fagositosis.

28 Which types of leucocytes are capable of carrying out phagocytosis?

Antara leukosit berikut, manakah boleh menjalankan proses fagositosis?

A I and III only / I dan III sahaja
B III and IV only / III dan IV sahaja
C I, II and IV only / I, II dan IV sahaja
D II, III and IV only / II, III dan IV sahaja

Root pressure / Tekanan akar Transpiration pull / Tarikan transpirasi

32 A gardener experiences non-stop bleeding after hurting his foot while gardening.
What will happen if his blood is unable to clot?
Seorang pekebun mengalami pendarahan tidak henti setelah kakinya tercedera
semasa berkebun. Apakah akan terjadi jika darahnya tidak dapat membeku?

A Blood pressure decreases / Tekanan darah menurun

B Blood capillaries enlarge / Kapilari darah membesar
C The rate of heart beat increases / Kadar denyutan jantung bertambah
D The rate of respiration increases / Kadar respirasi bertambah

33 Diagram 20 is a graph that shows the concentration of antibody in the blood.

Rajah 20 ialah graf yang menunjukkan kepekatan antibodi di dalam darah.

Diagram 20 / Rajah 20

What has been injected into the blood based on the graph?
Apakah yang telah disuntik ke dalam darah berdasarkan graf tersebut?
A Colostrum / Kolostrum

B Vaccine / Vaksin

C Horse antiserum / Antiserum kuda

D Blood plasma / Plasma darah

34 Carbon dioxide is a product of cellular respiration that needs to be eliminated from the
body. In what form does carbon dioxide transport in the blood?
Karbon dioksida adalah hasil respirasi sel yang perlu disingkirkan dari
badan. Dalam bentuk apakah karbon dioksida diangkut dalam darah?

I Hydrogen carbonate ions / Ion hidrogen karbonat

II Sodium carbonate compound / Sebatian natrium karbonat
III Carbaminohaemoglobin / Karbaminohemoglobin
IV Oxyhaemoglobin / Oksihemoglobin

A I and II only / I dan II sahaja

B I and III only / I dan III sahaja
C II and IV only / II dan IV sahaja
D III and IV only / III dan IV sahaja
34 Which of the following conditions is not a problem related to the muscle skeletal
Antara keadaan berikut, yang manakah bukan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
sistem otot rangka?

A Osteoporosis
B Osteomalacia
C Rickets
D Xeroftalmia

35 Diagram 21 shows three types of vertebrae on the human backbone.

Rajah 21 menunjukkan tiga jenis vertebra pada tulang belakang manusia.

Diagram 21 / Rajah 21

Which of the following is the correct sequence of the vertebrae arrangement?

Manakah antara berikut merupakan urutan yang betul tentang susunan vertebra ini?

A Y, Z , X
B X, Y , Z
C Y, X, Z
D Z, X, Y
36 Diagram 22 shows part of the human arm.
Rajah 22 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada lengan manusia.

Diagram 22 / Rajah 22
Name structure X. What happen to Y and Z when the arm pulled downward?
Namakan struktur X. Apakah yang berlaku kepada Y dan Z apabila lengan di tarik
ke bawah?

A Tendon Contract Relaxed
Tendon Meregang Mengendur
B Ligament Contract Relaxed
Ligamen Meregang Mengendur

C Tendon Relaxed Contract

Tendon Mengendu Meregang
D Ligament Relaxed Contract
Ligamen Mengendu Meregang
35 Which of the following conditions is not a problem related to the muscle skeletal
Antara keadaan berikut, yang manakah bukan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
sistem otot rangka?

A Osteoporosis
B Osteomalacia
C Rickets
D Xeroftalmia

36 Diagram 21 shows three types of vertebrae on the human backbone.

Rajah 21 menunjukkan tiga jenis vertebra pada tulang belakang manusia.

Diagram 21 / Rajah 21

Which of the following is the correct sequence of the vertebrae arrangement?

Manakah antara berikut merupakan urutan yang betul tentang susunan vertebra ini?

A Y, Z , X
B X, Y , Z
C Y, X, Z
D Z, X, Y
37 Diagram 22 shows part of the human arm.
Rajah 22 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada lengan manusia.

Diagram 22 / Rajah 22
Name structure X. What happen to Y and Z when the arm pulled downward?
Namakan struktur X. Apakah yang berlaku kepada Y dan Z apabila lengan di tarik
ke bawah?

A Tendon Contract Relaxed
Tendon Meregang Mengendur
B Ligament Contract Relaxed
Ligamen Meregang Mengendur

C Tendon Relaxed Contract

Tendon Mengendu Meregang
D Ligament Relaxed Contract
Ligamen Mengendu Meregang
38 What causes the shoot of a plant to grow towards light?
Apakah sebab pucuk tumbuhan tumbuh ke arah cahaya?

A The shoot needs light for photosynthesis

Pucuk memerlukan cahaya untuk berfotosintesis
B The shoot needs to grow longer to avoid competition for light
Pucuk perlu tumbuh lebih panjang untuk mengelakkan persaingan
mendapatkan cahaya.
C The cells shaded from light elongate faster
Sel-sel terlindung dari cahaya memanjang lebih cepat.
D The concentration of auxin is higher in cells exposed to light
Kepekatan auksin lebih tinggi dalam sel yang terdedah pada cahaya.

39 Diagram 23 shows the structure of a synaptic knob.

Rajah 23 menunjukkanstruktur bonggol sinaps.

Diagram 23 / Rajah 23
What is structure P and its function?
Apakah struktur P dan fungsinya?

Structure Function
Struktur Fungsi
A Mitochondrion Generates energy to transmit impulses across synapse
Mitokondrion Menghasilkan tenaga untuk pemindahan impuls merentasi sinaps
B Mitochondrion Transfers impulses to cell body
Mitokondrion Memindahkan impuls ke badan sel
C Vesicle Secretes neurotransmitter
Vesikel Merembeskan neurotransmiter
D Vesicle Transfers impulses to synaptic knob
Vesikel Memindahkan impuls ke bonggol sinaps

40 Diagram 24 show a process undergoes by an insect.

Rajah 24 menunjukkan suatu proses yang dijalankan oleh seekor serangga.

Diagram 24 / Rajah 24

What is the importance of this process to the insect?

Apakah kepentingan proses tersebut kepada serangga?
A For reproduction / Untuk pembiakan

B For respiration / Untuk respirasi

C For nutrition / Untuk nutrisi

D For growth / Untuk pertumbuhan

41 Diagram 25 shows the sequence of spermatogenesis.

Rajah 25 menunjukkan urutan spermatogenesis.

Diagram 25 / Rajah 25

Which of the groups of cells have a haploid number of chromosomes?

Kumpulan sel manakah yang mempunyai bilangan kromosom haploid?

A W and Z / W dan Z
B X and Y / X dan Y
C Y and Z / Y dan Z
D W and X / W dan X
42 Diagram 26 shows the foetus in the mother’s womb.
Rajah 26 menunjukkan fetus di dalam rahim ibu.

Diagram 26 / Rajah 26

Name W and state the role of V?

Namakan W dan nyatakan fungsi V?

Name of W Function of V
Nama W Fungsi V
A Umbilical cord Secretes progesterone and oestrogen after three months.
Tali pusat Merembeskan progestron dan oestrogen selepas tiga bulan.

B Umbilical cord Allow removal of carbon dioxide from foetus to the mother
Tali pusat Membenarkan penyingkiran karbon dioksida daripada fetus
kepada ibu
C Placenta Transport blood from mother to the foetus.
Uri Mengangkut darah daripada ibu kepada fetus.
D Placenta Secretes the amniotic fluids
Uri Merembeskan bendalir amnion
43 Diagram 27 is a graph that shows the growth of an insect.

Rajah 27 ialah satu graf yang menunjukkan pertumbuhan seekor serangga.

Diagram 27 / Rajah 27

Which of the following statement is true?

Antara pernyataan

A The body length of the insect does not increase at XY because the body tissue does
not develop.
Panjang badan serangga tidak bertambah di XY kerana tisu badan tidak
B The body length of the insect increases at YZ because the body mass increases.
Panjang badan serangga bertambah di YZ kerana jisim badan bertambah.
C The body length of the insect does not increase at XY because the body mass does not
Panjang badan serangga tidak bertambah di XY kerana jisim badan tidak
D The body length of the insect increases at YZ because of the soft exoskeleton.
Panjang badan serangga bertambah di YZ kerana rangka luar lembut.
35 Which of the following hormones repairs the endometrium of the uterus after
menstruation occur?
Hormon yang manakah membaiki lapisan endometrium uterus selepas haid berlaku?

A Oestrogen hormone
B Progesterone hormone
C Luteinizing hormone(LH)
D Follicle stimulating hormone(FSH)

36 Which of the following is not true about the formation of identical twins and fraternal twins?
Antara berikut yang manakah tidak benar tentang pembentukan kembar seiras dan tidak

Diagram 4 shows theIdentical

of progesterone level in a Fraternal
seiras woman. twins/kembar tidak seiras
Rajah 4 menunjukkan
A Produced perubahan arassperm
from a single progesteron
cell seorang
from two sperm cells which
which fertilized one ovum fertilized two different ovums
Terhasil dari sel sperma tunggal Terhasil dari dua sel sperma yang
yang disenyawakan oleh satu ovum disenyawakan oeh dua ovum berbeza

Produce two different zygotes Produce two similar zygotes

Hasilkan dua zigot berbeza Hasilkan dua zigot sama
Share the same placenta Have two separate placentas
Berkongsi plasenta yang sama Ada dua plasenta berasingan

Produce two identical individuals Produce two different individuals

D Hasilkan dua individu seiras Hasilkan dua individu berbeza
Diagram 4

Which of the following occurs at point Y?

Yang manakah antara berikut berlaku di titik Y?
A. The embryo continues to grow
Embrio terus mengalami pertumbuhan
B. The growth of the embryo slows down
Pertumbuhan embrio semakin lambat
C. The woman has a miscarriage
Wanita itu mengalami keguguran
D. The woman has an ectopic pregnancy
Wanita itu mengalami kehamilan ektopik

Which of the following correctly shows an endocrine gland and its hormone?
Antara berikut yang manakah benar tentang kelenjar endokrin dan hormonnya?

Endocrine gland Hormone

38 Kelenjar Endokrin Hormon
A Follicle cells Follicle stimulating hormone(FSH)
B Ovary Luteinizing hormone(LH)

C Pituitary gland Oestrogen

D Corpus luteum Progesterone

40 What is the main cause of menopause in female human?
A wanita?
Apakah sebab berlaku putus haid pada

A. Ovary secretes less oestrogen
Ovari rembeskan kurang estrogen
B. Ovary secretes less progesterone
Ovari rembeskan kurang progesteron
C. Pituitary secretes less luteinising
D hormone(LH)
Pituitari rembeskan kurang hormon peluteinan(LH)
D. Pituitary secretes less follicle stimulating hormone(FSH)
Pituitari rembeskan kurang hormon perangsang folikel(FSH)

Diagram 7 shows the female reproductive system. Which of the parts A, B, C or D is

the place where fertilization occurs?
Rajah 7 menunjukkan sistem pembiakan seorang wanita. Yang manakah antara
A,B,C atau D adalah tempat persenyawaan berlaku?

of the
g are

h antara
berikut Diagram 7
n luar

Riding a bicycle
II Heart beat
III Blinking eye
IV Peristalsis

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and IV
D. III and IV

42 Which of the following is a characteristic of a reflex action?

Yang manakah antara berikut adalah ciri tindakan reflex?

A Response is controlled by hormones

Respon dikawal oleh hormon
B Response is fast
Respon adalah cepat
C Response is initiated under the control of the brain
Respon dicetuskan di bawah kawalan otak
D Nerve impulse takes a longer path
Impuls saraf mengambil laluan lebih panjang

43 Diagram 1 shows the structure of a synaptic knob.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan struktur bonggol sinaps.

Diagram 1

What are the structure P and its function?

Apakah struktur P dan fungsinya?

Structure and function

A Mitochondrion - Generates energy to transmit impulses across synapse
Menghasilkan tenaga untuk pemindahan impuls merentasi sinaps
B Mitochondrion - Transfers impulses to cell body
Memindahkan impuls ke badan sel
C Vesicle - Secretes neurotransmitter
Merembeskan neurotransmiter
D Vesicle - Transfers impulses to synaptic knob
Memindahkan impuls ke bonggol sinaps

44 Diagram 3 shows three types of nerve cells,P,Q and R.

Rajah 3 menunjukkan tiga jenis sel saraf P,Q dan R.
Which of the following is the correct sequence of impulses transfer?
Antara berikut yang manakah urutan pemindahan impuls yang betul?


45 Diagram 4 shows the pathway of an impulse in a reflex arc.

Rajah 4 menunjukkan laluan impuls dalam arka reflex.

Diagram 4 3

Which statement is true in Figure 4?

Pernyataan manakah benar dalam rajah 4?

A J receives an impulse direct from L and carries it to N

J menerima impuls terus dari L dan membawanya ke N
B L transmits the impulse to M from the central nervous system
L memindahkan impuls ke M dari sistem saraf pusat
C The rate of impulse transmission through K increases
Kadar pengaliran impuls melalui K meningkat
D N causes the finger to react
N menyebabkan jari dapat bertindak

46 Diagram 10 shows the functions of hormones P and Q in regulating the glucose blood
Rajah 10 menunjukkan fungsi hormone P dan Q dalam kawal atur aras glukos darah.

Hormone P

Glucose Glycogen
Hormone Q

Diagram 10

What are hormone P and hormone Q?

Apakah hormon P dan hormon Q?

Hormone P Hormone Q
A. Thyroxine Insulin
B. Glucagon Thyroxine
C. Insulin Glucagon
D. Adrenaline Aldosterone

47 Diagram 11 shows the human endocrine system.

Rajah 11 menunjukkan sistem endokrin manusia.

Diagram 11

Which of the glands A, B, C or D, is involved when an individual faces a moment of panic?

Antara kelenjar A, B, C dan D, yang manakah terlibat semasa seseorang individu
menghadapi situasi yang cemas?

48 The diagram 12 shows parts of the human brain.

Rajah 12 menunjukkan bahagian otak manusia.

Diagram 12
Which of the following pairs of part of brain and its function is correct?
Yang manakah antara pasangan berikut adalah betul?

Part of brain/bahagian otak Function/fungsi

A P Controls peristalsis movement
Mengawal pergerakan peristalsis
B Q Controls balancing of movement
Mengawal keseimbangan pergerakan
C R Controls thinking
Mengawal pemikiran
D S Controls rate of heart beat
Mengawal kadar denyutan jantung

49 Diagram 13 shows ultrafiltration in the Bowman’s capsule. Which of the followinG

substances enter into the capsular space?
Rajah 13 menunjukkan ultraturasan dalam kapsul Bowman. Manakah antara bahan
berikut memasuki ke dalam kapsul Bowman?

Diagram 13

A water, glucose, amino acid, urea, mineral salt, red blood cell
Air, glukosa, asid amino, urea, garam mineral, sel darah merah
B water, glucose, amino acid, urea, mineral salt
Air, glukosa, asid amino, urea, garam mineral
C water, glucose, amino acid, urea, plasma protein
Air, glukosa, asid amino, urea, protein plasma
D water, glucose, amino acid, glycerol, mineral salt
Air, glukosa, asid amino, gliserol, garam mineral

50 Which of the following substance transports oxygen?

Antara bahan berikut. yang manakah mengangkut oksigen?

A Haemolymph
B Haemoglobin
C Fibrinogen
D Plasma
51 The diagram shows a longitudinal section of the human heart.
Rajah menunjukkan suatu keratan membujur jantung manusia.

Which of the labeled parts, A, B, C or D, pumps blood to the lung?

Antara bahagian berlabel A, B, C dan D, yang manakah mengepam darah ke peparu?

52 The diagram shows the concentration of antibody in the blood after two injections of
Rajah menunjukkan kepekatan antibody dalam darah selepas dua suntikan antiserum

What type of immunity is shown in the diagram?

Apakah jenis keimunan yang ditunjukkan oleh graf dalam rajah ?

A Acquired active immunity

Keimunan aktif buatan
B Acquired passive immunity
Keimunan pasif buatan

C Natural active immunity

Keimunan aktif semulajadi
D Natural passive immunity
Keimunan pasif semulajadi

53 The graph in the diagram shows several types of immunities

Graf dalam rajah menunjukkan beberapa jenis keimunan.

Which one best represents passive immunity?

Yang mana satukah yang paling baik mewakili keimunan pasif?
Level of immunity
Paras keimunan


54 Which hereditary disease occurs due to lack of certain clotting factors in the
Penyakit keturunan yang manakah yang berlaku akibat kekurangan faktor
pembekuan darah tertentu di dalam darah?

A Embolism
B Thrombosis
C Haemophilia
D Arteriosclerosis

55 Diagram shows a knee joint.

Rajah menunjukkan sendi di lutut.

Which of the following tissues joins X to Y?

Manakah antara berikut menghubungkan antara X dan Y?

A Ligament C Adipose
Ligamen Adipos

B Tendon D Cartilage
Tendon Rawan

56 Diagram shows the structure of a human forearm.

Rajah menunjukkan struktur lengan manusia.

What happen to P, Q, R and S in the above condition?

Apa berlaku kepada P, Q, R dan S dalam keadaan di atas?

A Relaxes Contracts Pushed Pushed
Mengendur Mengecut downwards downwards
Di tolak ke bawah Di tolak ke bawah
B Contracts Relaxes Pushed Pushed
Mengecut Mengendur downwards downwards
Di tolak ke bawah Di tolak ke bawah
C Relaxes Contracts Pulled upwards Pulled upwards
Mengendur Mengecut Ditarik ke atas Ditarik ke atas

D Contracts Relaxes Pulled upwards Pulled upwards

Mengecut Mengendur Ditarik ke atas Ditarik ke atas

57 Diagram below shows part of the human skeletal system.

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sebahagian dari sistem rangka manusia

What is X?

Apakah X?

A Ulna C Humerus
Ulna Humerus

B Scapula D Clavicle
Skapula Klavikel

58 A students take part in a 200 m spring event. Which equation represents his respiration
process after he has run the first 100 m?
Seorang murid mengambil bahagian dalam acara pecut 200m. Antara persamaan berikut yang
manakah mewakili proses respirasi semasa ia lari 100 m yang pertama?

A Glucose Lactic acid + energy

Gukosa Asid laktik + tenaga

B Glucose + Oxygen Lactic acid + energy

Glukosa + oksigen Asid laktik + tenaga

C Glucose Ethanol + carbon dioxide + energy

Glukosa Etanol + karbon dioksida + tenaga

D Glucose + Oxygen Water + carbon dioxide + energy

Glukosa + Oksigen Air + Karbon dioksida + tenaga

59 Diagram 4 shows two organisms P and Q.

Rajah 4 menunjukkan dua organisma P dan Q.


Diagram 4 / Rajah 4

A Tracheole Lungs
Trakeol Peparu

B Tracheole Gills
Trakeol Insang

C Lungs Tracheole
Peparu Trakeol

D Lungs Gills
Peparu Insang

60 Diagram 6 shows an equation for aerobic respiration.

Rajah 6 menunjukkan persamaan untuk respirasi aerob.

Diagram 6 / Rajah 6

What are P, Q, R, S and T?

Apakah P, Q, R, S dan T?

A Glucose Carbon Oxygen Water ATP
Glukosa dioxide Oksigen Air ATP
B ATP Glucose Oxygen Carbon Water
ATP Glukosa Oksigen dioxide Air
C Carbon ATP Glucose Oxygen Water
dioxide ATP Glukosa Oksigen Air
D Glucose Oxygen Carbon Water ATP
Glukosa Oksigen dioxide Air ATP

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