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Name: ______________________________________ Grade & Section: ________________

Subject: Journalism 8 Guro: _______________________________ Score: ______________

Lesson : Quarter 2 Week 6 LAS 1

Activity Title : Designing the feature page
Learning Target : Discuss the different styles in designing the feature page SPJ8MP-II2f-35
Reference(s) :
designing, Juanico, R., Carisma, K. & Alix, Abigail. Colllaborative and Desktop
Writer : Cristine A. Hapulas-Ansa

How to design the feature page?

1. These pages must have a literary and feminine appearance.
2. All of the columns may be wider than the rest of the paper. Often, columns are set in one and
one-half columns wide.
3. Roman and italic types are used for text, except for poetry.
4. Different styles of titles in different font types may be used for feature stories.
5. Usually, fewer articles appear on these pages than on the news page. Pictures are used to
capture interest and highlight the story.
How to style the feature page?
1. Feminine in appearance
2. Fonts can be artistic
3. Some designs use pictures as the backdrop
4. Columns are creative
5. Infographics
What is inside the feature page?
1. Personality Sketch
2. How to Feature
3. Feature of any interesting subject

Sample of Feature Page Design

Directions: Write T if the statement tells fact about designing the feature page and F if the statement
tells opposite idea in designing the feature page.

____1. Unlike news and opinion page, feature page is feminine in appearance.
____2. Fonts can be artistic in styling the feature page.
____3. Italicized texts can also be used in the feature page.
____4. Usually, there are fewer articles in the feature page than in a news page.
____5. Personality sketch can be put in the feature page.
____6. Columns are also creative in the feature page.
____7. Different styles of titles in different font types may be used for feature stories
____8. Pictures in the feature page cannot be designed as backdrop.
____9. Editorial Cartoon can be included in the feature page.
____10. Feature page can also be called as literary page.

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