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Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan

College of Nursing
Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Laboratory Activity No. 1

Pinggang Pinoy

Name: Andrea Colleen R. Glova Score: ______________________

Year and Section: BSN 2 ND Date: September 1, 2021_______

Reliability and validity are measures of evidence-based food research and use of the basic tools. One of the basic nutrition tool
is Pinggang Pinoy. Pinggang Pinoy is a new, easy to understand food guide that uses a familiar food plate model to convey the right
food group proportions on a per-meal basis

 To plan and assemble a Pinggang Pinoy.
 To apply the basic concept nutrition. Moderation, variety and balance diet.

I. Plan and prepare a menu that illustrate the Pinggang Pinoy based on meal served at home. Take a picture of your
own pinggang pinoy. Post it on the box provided below. (Submit a video of you preparing your own Pinggang Pinoy
at yourn own kitchen and explain the compostion of your own Pinggang Pinoy)
II. Questions for Discussion:

1. What are the importance of identifying the basic tool of nutrition?

The major benefits of identifying these instruments include enhanced accuracy of food
and nutrient intake information through the inclusion of pictures of food to aid in portion
size estimation, direct data input, which reduces mistakes and interviewer bias, and
immediate data analysis. Identifying the basic nutrition tools is critical for us to be
guided and live a healthy life as it sets standards for us consumers to consider and be
well aware of. A nutritious diet throughout life promotes normal growth, development,
and aging, it aids in the maintenance of a healthy body weight, and lowers the risk of
chronic illness, all of which contribute to general health and well-being.

2. What are the benefits in following the Pinggang Pinoy?

Pinggang Pinoy is a visual tool that delivers effective nutritional and healthy lifestyle
information to promote Filipinos adopt good eating habits at meal times. It is is an easy-
to-understand food guide that uses a familiar food plate model to convey the right food
group proportions on a per-meal basis to meet the body’s energy needs. It aids Filipinos
to a proper and balanced diet which supplies the nutrients your body needs to work
effectively. It prevents your body to be prone to diseases, infection, fatigue, and low
performance. Pinggang pinoy usually include vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants,
carbohydrates, including starches and fiber, Protein, and healthy fats needed for a
healthy life. Following the pinggang pinoy standard is also good for growth. A balanced
diet is crucial for children and adolescents. As the body grows it is important to receive
the right nutrients so that cells are built and maintained and the body grows at the right

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