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D-Pad: Move, select item on menu
A: Enter menu screen, select menu choices
B: Exit menu screen
L/R: Bring characters out onto screen. Run away from battles
Y: (With characters on screen) Change which character you're controlling
X: (With characters on screen) Choose whether or not other characters will
follow you into another room
Start/Select: View map

Top-Left icon: Character statistics, change equipment
Top-Middle icon: Talk to another character in the room (if possible)
Top-Right icon: Help
Middle-Left icon: Take an item on the screen
Middle-Middle icon: Set automatic attack mode for characters
Middle-Right icon: Press/Push/Activate an item on the screen
Bottom-Left icon: Get a detailed description of the room you're in
Bottom-Middle icon: Exit a castle
Bottom-Right icon: Save your game (can't save in castles)

Super character 1:
When you make a character, name it "31415927" (Pi-Greco). Then type "SUPERVISOR".
During the game, with F10 you'll get Hits e Magic Points. With F8 and clicking in
the lower right corner of the dialog window you'll get more power and you'll jump
to level 14.

Super character II:

Enter 31415927 as a character name at the character generation screen. Enter SUPERVISOR
as your name. Begin game play and press [Ctrl].

A good weapon for the mage and cleric is the bow.

Entering the castles:

 To enter Castle 2 use the unlock spell.
 To enter Castle 3, wait until the shark in the moat swims to the right of the drawbridge, then
 To get into Castle 4 wait until dawn.
 You can not get into Castle 8 until dusk.
 To build up experience points find the room in Castle 2 with a coffin standing up. Approach it
and a ghost will appear. Keep doing this to build them up.
 In Castle 6 you will come to a door that cannot be opened with a key or magic. There are four
switches, two on the left side and two on the right side on the door you came in. Picture them as
4-3-door-2-1. To open the door push the switches in this order 1, 2, 1, 4. You will hear a click.
 When you talk to Princess Haaggkha she will give you the Dragon Sword and Dragon Armor.
When you go to see her, get rid of old items to make room for them.

Game Genie Codes

Unlimited Health: 7EA028:FF

First Character
Unlimited Health: 7EA128:FF
Second Character
Unlimited Health: 7EA228:FF
Third Character
Unlimited Health: 7EA328:FF
Fourth Character
Unlimited Magic: 7EA02A:FF
First Character
Unlimited Magic: 7EA12A:FF
Second Character
Unlimited Magic: 7EA22A:FF
Third Character
Unlimited Magic: 7EA32A:FF
Fourth Character
10 Magic Points restored while player is on screen: 02EEE40A
50 Magic Points restored while player is on screen: 02EEE432
Magic Points only decrease in battle: 06DE33BF
Max Created Character Fortune Value: 7E1C67:FF
Created Character Max HP Value: 7E1C68:FF
Protection from most attacks
Always Have 9,999,999 Jades
Higher Created Character Stat Values
Max Coin On Created Character

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