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COCHLEA - transform the vibrations of the cochlear liquids and associated structures

into a neural signal.

ROUND WINDOW - allowing communication between the mesotympanum of the middle

ear and the inner ear.

OVAL WINDOW - responsible for the movement of fluid within the cochlea and
activation of receptors for hearing.

VESTIBULE - helps to maintain equilibrium.

SEMICIRCULAR CANAL - help you keep your balance.

COCHLEAR NERVE - primarily responsible for transmitting the electrical impulses

generated for hearing and localization of sound.
AORTIC ARCH - helps distribute blood to the head and upper extremities.

RIGHT PULMONARY ARTERIES - carry blood from the right side of the heart to the

RIGHT ATRIUM - receives blood low in oxygen from the body and then empties the
blood into the right ventricle.

RIGHT VENTRICLE - pumps the oxygen-poor blood to the lungs through the pulmonary

LEFT PULMONARY VEINS - essential role in respiration, by receiving blood that has
been oxygenated in the alveoli and returning it to the left atrium.

PULMONARY TRUNK - carry blood with relatively low oxygen content and high carbon
dioxide content into the lungs.

LEFT ATRIUM - receives blood full of oxygen from the lungs and then empties the
blood into the left ventricle.

LEFT VENTRICLE - pumps the oxygen-rich blood through the aortic valve out to the
rest of the body.
AORTIC SEMILUNAR VALVE - close to prevent blood from flowing back into the atria.

CORONARY SINUS - a large vein that that returns deoxygenated blood from the heart
muscle to the right side of the heart so that it can be replenished with oxygen.

TRICUSPID VALVE - its role is to make sure blood flows in a forward direction from the
right atrium to the ventricle.

PULMONARY SEMILUNAR VALVE - allow blood to be pumped forward into the arteries,
but prevent backflow of blood from the arteries into the ventricles.

BICUSPID VALVE - help prevent blood from flowing backward as it moves through the

PAPILLARY MUSCLES - pull on the chordae tendineae and help to open the cusps when
the ventricles are relaxing and filling with blood.

INTERVENTICULAR SEPTUM - divides the right and left ventricles.

AORTA - large artery that carries oxygen-rich blood from the left ventricle of the heart to
other parts of the body.

PULMONARY TRUNK - carry blood with relatively low oxygen content and high carbon
dioxide content into the lungs.

PULMONARY ARTERY - carry blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs.

PULMONARY VEIN - collects the oxygenated blood and carry it from the lungs back to the

PULMONARY CARPILLARIES - gives off carbon dioxide through the capillary wall into the
AXILLARY ARTERIES - conveys oxygenated blood to the lateral aspect of the thorax.

RADIAL ARTERIES - provides blood supply to the elbow joint, lateral forearm muscles.

ULNAR ARTERIES - supplies the periarticular anastomoses of the elbow via the anterior
and posterior ulnar recurrent arteries.

POPLITEAL ARTERIES - provides numerous branches of blood supply to the structures of

the knee and the lower extremity.

LEFT COMMON CAROTID ARTERIES - carry blood and oxygen to the brain and head and

AORTA - carries oxygen-rich blood from the left ventricle of the heart to other parts of the

COMMON ILIAC ARTERIES - provide the primary blood supply to the lower limbs.

EXTERNAL ILIAC ARTERIES - the chief source of blood supply to the legs.
SKULL - to provide protection and structure.

DURA MATER - supports the large venous channels carrying blood from the brain toward
the heart.

ARACHNOID MATER - helps protect the brain and spinal cord from sudden impact.

PIA MATER - acts as a barrier and aids in the production of cerebrospinal fluid.

CEREBRUM - Initiates and coordinates movement and regulates temperature.

DURAL VENOUS SINUS - drain the brain parenchyma, communicate with extracranial
THALAMUS - relaying sensory and motor signals, as well as regulation of consciousness
and alertness.

MEDIAN SULCUS - separates the posterior portion of the cord into halves.

PONS - the respiratory rhythm of breathing.

MEDULLA OBLONGATA - essential for regulating your cardiovascular and respiratory


PINEAL GLAND - helps regulate sleep and wakefulness.

SUPERIOR COLLICULUS OF MIDBRAIN - integrates visual, auditory, and somatosensory

spatial information to initiate orienting movements of the eyes and head toward salient
objects in space.

CEREBRAL PENDUCLE - refining motor movements, learning of new motor skills, and
converting proprioceptive information into balance and posture maintenance.

MIDDLE CEREBELLAR PEDUNCLE - paired structures (left and right) that connect the
cerebellum to the pons.
ORBICULARIS OCULI MUSCLE - closes the eyelids and assists in pumping the tears from
the eye.

SUPERIOR RECTUS MUSCLE - primary action of elevating the eye, causing the cornea to
move superiorly.

CONJUNCTIVA - provides protection and lubrication of the eye by the production of mucus
and tears.

CORNEA - acts as a structural barrier and protects the eye against infections.

IRIS - controls the amount of light that enters the eye by opening and closing the pupil.

INFERIOR RECTUS MUSCLE - depressing the eye, causing the cornea and pupil to move
OXYTOCIN (HYPOTHALAMUS) – controls key aspects of the reproductive system,
including childbirth and lactation, and aspects of human behavior.


regulation of calcium levels in the blood.

THYMOPOETIN (THYMUS) - stimulates the growth and differentiation of keratinocytes.

GLUCOCORTICOIDS (ADRENAL GLAND) - fight inflammation and work with your

immune system to treat wide range of health problems.

GLUCAGON (PANCREAS) - promotes breakdown of glycogen to glucose.

ESTROGEN (OVARIES) - helps control the menstrual cycle and is important for

TESTOSTERONE (TESTES) - male sex hormone that regulates fertility, muscle mass, fat
distribution, and red blood cell production.

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