Written Task in English

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Read carefully and understand the fun facts and trivia below. Write T
if the statement is TRUE and F if it is FALSE.Use the space before
each number

_____1. The Philippine Independence Day is celebrated every 12th

of June.
_____2. The Philippines has a bird named the Philippine Eagle.
_____3. Human trafficking is a legal business in the Philippines.
_____4. Former president Benigno Aquino III is the first president
of thePhilippines to be a bachelor and he is the son of
former president CorazonAquino, making him the second
president to be a child of a former president.
_____5. The world’s biggest pair of shoes was made in Marikina
City,Philippines, in 2002.
_____6. Tarlac is known for its beautiful beaches.
_____7. Covid-19 was the first ever corona virus discovered by
_____8. The Philippines is found in the Southeast part of Asia.
_____9 There are also beautiful falls in Tarlac.
_____10. Mayor Cristy Angeles is the first-ever lady mayor in
Tarlac city.

Write F if the given statement below states a fact and NF if non-fact.

Use the spaces before each number.
1. Taking a hot bath can prevent the new coronavirus
2. Our battle against Covid-19 is still far from over.
3 The new coronavirus affects only older people.
4 Drinking water can flush the virus out from our
5. Going in a crowded place during this time of pandemic
is dangerous.
Write R if the given statement is real and MB if it is just a make-
6. You are the King and your house is your kingdom.
7. Covid-19 is one kind of a Coronavirus.
8. Just imagine that your food is delicious once you are
fed up with it.
9. June begins the rainy seas in the Philippines.
10. If you are lonely during Valentine’s, just imagine your
best friend is yourspecial someone.

VI Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1.This is an element of a narrative/ story which describes the time and

place where the events take place.
a. theme
b.. setting
c. characters
d. values
2.This element refers to the hero and the villain in the story.
a. characters
b. setting
c. values
d. theme

3.It tells about the main idea or central topic of the story.
a. values
b. setting
c. theme
d. characters

4.A series of events that make up a story.

a. plot
b. theme
c. characters
d. setting

5..It is a literary element that tells who is narrating the story.

a. plot
b. theme
c. setting
d. point of view

Read and understand the short story then answer what is being asked by
encircling the letter of the correct answer.
I had wanted to buy a handkerchief, which all girls around me seemed to
have. So one day, I stole 50 pesos from my father’s drawer. Father
discovered about the stolen money right away. “Who stole the money?” he
asked my brother and me. I was stunned, too afraid to talk. Neither of us
admitted to the fault, so he said, “Fine. If nobody wants to admit, both of
you should be punished!” Suddenly, my younger brother gripped Father’s
hand and said, “Father, I was the one who did it!” He took the blame and
punishment for me.

6.The father’s character is shown through ________.

a. his speech
b. his actions
c. his thoughts
d. the thoughts and comments of other character
7..The brother’s character is shown through _______.
a. his speech
b. his actions
c. his thoughts
d. the thoughts and comments of other characters
8.Which of the following describes the sister?
a. A guilty person
b. A great sister
c. A social climber
d. A cry baby
9.Why did the she stole the money? Write the reason why.

10. Why do you think that her brother admitted the mistake of her sister?
Write the reason why..

Look for an image from a magazine, a newspaper, or a brochure showing

framing as a visual element. Cut it and post it in the box. Then, write a
paragraph to interpret what you think about the cut-out image.



Read the selection below.

The Three Wishes
by Margot Zemach

Once there lived a woodcutter with his wife. He used to cut wood in
the forest and sold them in the market. This was the only means of his
One day, he went to cut wood in the forest. On the way, he was
singing a song and enjoying the nature and its beauty. There he saw a
very big tree in front of him. He thought of cutting the whole tree to get
more wood. As the tree was very big, the wood obtained from it would be
enough for his whole life.
As the woodcutter picked up his axe to cut the tree, he heard a
voice, "Please do not cut this tree." The woodcutter stopped and looked
here and there but found none. He thought it to be an illusion. He again
picked his axe and aimed at the tree, but he heard the same words
again, "Please be kind to me.

Do not cut this tree." The woodcutter again stopped and looked all
around. But he could not see anyone. He was quite perplexed. Then a
fairy spoke from the tree, "I am a fairy and live in this tree. During the
winter, I live in the trunk and for rest of the year I live on its branches. If
you cut this tree, I will be homeless, the winter is approaching fast and I
will die of cold. Do not destroy my home. I will fulfill your three desires

The woodcutter was very happy. Now he could be rich without

doing any work. He accepted the fairy’s offer and ran to his house to tell
his wife about this. His wife was waiting for him as usual. She was
surprised to see the woodcutter back so early and said, "Why did you
return so early today? You are looking very happy. What is the matter?
Please let me know."
The woodcutter replied, "I got a big treasure today. Though it is yet
to come. I will get the treasure soon." And he started dancing. His wife
could not understand anything and said, "What is the matter? Tell me
clearly. I cannot hold my patience anymore.”
The woodcutter narrated the whole incident to his wife. His wife
jumped out of joy. The woodcutter said, "I am hungry. Give me
something to eat." His wife said, "Since you used to come late, I have not
prepared anything till now. Wait, I will just prepare something for you."
The woodcutter said, "No, do not cook anything. I can fulfill any three
desires. Now as the first one, I want sweets and hot pudding." As soon
as he uttered these words, a plate of hot pudding came before him. He
ate to his satisfaction and the plate continued to fill again and again.
Then he asked his wife also to eat the tasty pudding. But she was very
angry and said, "You have wasted one boon, and now I wish that the
pudding should be pasted on your nose!" The pudding immediately stuck
to his nose. The woodcutter got annoyed and said, "Oh, what a fool you
are! What have you done?" He tried to clear the pudding from his nose,
but the pudding remained stuck. He scolded his wife and said, "You have
wasted the second boon and we can ask for lots of money." The
woodcutter got irritated and said, "Oh! You are a big fool. There is hot
pudding stuck to my nose and you are asking for money! I wish that the
pudding on my nose should vanish immediately!" The pudding vanished.
The woodcutter heaved a sigh of relief.
This way, the woodcutter and his wife lost the golden opportunity
of becoming rich. Their luck had knocked at their door, but they failed to
avail the opportunity and remained as poor as they were before.
D. Based on the story read, construct a T-Graph to list and to establish
statements that are based on reality or facts and statements that are
make-believe or non-factual.
1. There was a woodcutter who lived with his wife.





1. The pudding vanished.





1. There was a woodcutter who lived with his wife.




1. The pudding vanished.





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