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PROFESSIONAL ROLE I Evidence-Based Practice

Basic Review Check List for

Use With Qualitative Studies
Yes No
Purpose of the Study
Clarity Purpose of study is easy to understand. 0 0
Practical significance The study yields results that will affect practice. 0 0
Conceptual definitions A word picture or mental image of problem. 0 0
Operational definitions A description of how people or things will be measured. 0 CI
Literature Review
Inclusion of current citations Works published within the past 5 years. 0 0
Inclusion of classic studies Important older works. 0 Cl
Citation of primary sources Works by original investigators. Cl CI
Relevance Works pertain to subject being investigated. Cl 0
Methodology and Procedures
Population identified Subjects or objects studied are defined. 0 0
Clarity of procedures Research design is identified. CI 0
Replicability of procedures Study could be duplicated in your area. 0 0
Data collection Data are recorded carefully; tools are reliable and valid. 0 0
Data analysis Appropriate tests or statistics are used. Cl 0
Results and Conclusions
Data interpretation is consistent with study results. 0 0
Addressed study purpose Conclusions address research questions. Cl 0
Significance to nursing Implications for nursing practice are addressed. 0 0
Clarity Results are understood easily and presented clearly. 0 0
Limitations Shortcomings of study are identified. 0 CI
Overall Concern
Objectivity Biases are recognized and stated in report. Cl 0
Ethical considerations Informed consent was obtained; study was confidential and safe. 0 0
Readability Study makes sense/could be valuable in your practice. 0 0


Name (print): Data

Signature: Employee Number:

Adapted from the 1995 Nursing Research Committee, St. Luke's Hospital, Kansas City, Mo.

trt 2007 University HealthSystem Consortium V§A; Nurse Residency Program Guide Alir

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