Statement:: PROBLEM 2-32

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Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery SOLUTION MANUAL 2-32-1

Statement: Find the mobility, the Grashof condition, and the Barker classifications of the mechanism in Figure
Solution: See Figure P2-13 and Mathcad file P0232.

1. Use equation 2.1c (Kutzbach's modification) to calculate the mobility.

When there is no cable in the jaw or before the cable is crimped this is a basic fourbar mechanism with with 4
full pin joints:
Number of links L
Number of full joints J1 
Number of half joints J2 
0 M
 3
( L 1) 2 
J1 J 2 M 1

When there is a cable in the jaw this is a threebar mechanism with with 3 full pin joints. While the cable is
clamped the jaws are stationary with respect to each other so that link 4 is grounded along with link 1, leaving
only three operational links.
Number of links L
Number of full joints J1 
Number of half joints J2 
0 M
 3
( L 1) 2 
J1 J 2 M 0

2. Use inequality 2.8 to determine the Grashof condition and Table 2-4 to determine the Barker classification.

Condition( a 
d) 
 S  min ( a 
L  max (a 
SL  S L
PQ  a b c d SL
return "Grashof" if SL PQ
return "Special Grashof" if SL = PQ
return "non-Grashof" otherwise

L1 
23.4 L2 
L3 
12.7 L4 

L1 
L 2 L 4"non-Grashof"
L3 

The Barker classification is II-1 (Type 5) RRR1 (non-Grashof, longest link grounded).

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