10 All Natural DIYEye Masks Under$5 That Really Work

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Introduction ................................................................................................ 4
10 All-Natural Eye Masks ...................................................................... 5
1. Milk and Honey Mask .................................................................... 6
2. Cool as a Cucumber Eye Mask ...................................................... 8
3. Sunny Side Up Mask .................................................................... 10
4. Golden Milk Dark Circle Eraser.................................................... 12
5. Calming Chamomile Mask ........................................................... 14
6. Alive Alert Eye Mask .................................................................... 16
7. Parsley Eye Mask ......................................................................... 18
8. Wrinkle-Erasing Vitamin E Mask ................................................. 20
9. Green Goddess Mask .................................................................. 22
10. Potato Eye Mask ........................................................................ 24
Conclusion ................................................................................................ 26

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As you age, collagen production slows down, and your
skin has a reduced ability to renew itself. It loses that
bounce-back quality and starts to develop fine lines
that deepen into wrinkles and creases over time. The
skin on your face has the potential to give away your
age or, even worse, make you look older than you
really are.

Though many women develop frown lines and creases

around the mouth as they get older, the skin around
the eyes is often the first to show the signs of aging.

This skin is very thin and contains fewer oil glands

than the skin on other parts of the body which makes
it more prone to dryness and damage. Issues like
crow’s feet, dark circles, and dry skin can make even
the most beautiful of women look older than they
actually are.

While makeup may be a simple solution for covering

up these common signs of age, what you should really
be doing is taking care of the skin around your eyes.

In this book, you’ll find 10 all-natural eye mask recipes

designed to hydrate, firm, and smooth the skin. These
eye masks can be made with simple household
ingredients for under $5.

You’ll also learn a celebrity skincare secret, that

teaches you HOW to rebuild the tender skin around
your eyes, from the inside out.

It works by smoothing away fine lines, wrinkles,

sagging, and crow's feet around the eyes…

...which means your skin can look smooth, fresh,

rejuvenated, and radiant.

Click here to get the details.

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10 All-Natural Eye Masks
Whether you’re recovering from a late-night out or a stressful week at work, an eye
mask can help you regain your youthful glow. The skin around the eyes tends to
betray your age more than other areas of skin, so it needs a little bit of extra
attention if you want to look your best.

Eye masks deliver targeted hydration and a healthy dose of nutrients to the skin
around the eyes. Depending on the ingredients from which the mask is made, it can
tackle common problems like dull skin tone, puffiness, dark circles, and fine lines.
Some of the most powerful ingredients for eye masks include cucumber, hyaluronic
acid, collagen, retinol, and caffeine.

Though eye masks can be great for your skin, there are a few dos and don’ts you
should keep in mind. Here are some quick tips for applying eye masks correctly:

 Perform a patch test when using a new recipe to make sure your skin doesn’t
have a negative reaction.
 Follow the instructions carefully and avoid leaving the mask on your skin
longer than recommended.
 Apply eye masks gently because the skin around the eyes is delicate and thin.
 Use cool or lukewarm water to rinse off your eye mask, not hot water that can
dry out your skin.

Your skin is unique, so you may find that some eye masks work better than others
depending on what issues you’re trying to correct. Apply eye masks two to three
times a week as part of your daily skincare routine for the best results.

Now, the moment you’ve been waiting for. Check out our collection of 10 all-natural
eye masks that can be made for under $5.

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1. Milk and Honey Mask
This moisturizing eye mask is made with two simple ingredients and delivers
firming and smoothing benefits to the skin around the eyes. Because it is gentle on
the skin, you can also use it as a face mask to deliver a healthy dose of hydration to
dull, dry skin.

 1 tablespoon milk
 1 tablespoon honey

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1. Spoon the milk and honey into a small bowl and
stir well until fully combined.
2. Apply the mask gently to the skin around your
eyes and let it sit for 10 minutes.
3. Carefully remove the mask with a damp towel
then follow with your preferred moisturizer.
4. Double the recipe to use as a hydrating mask for
the whole face.


Milk and honey are a match made in heaven when it

comes to skincare. Milk contains lactic acid, an alpha-
hydroxy acid that offers natural exfoliation benefits.
Honey offers natural antibacterial properties and acts
as a humectant, drawing moisture into the skin.
Together, these ingredients cleanse the skin, open the
pores, and deliver hydration.

Optional Add-Ins:
Take this eye mask up a notch by added dried lavender
to soothe dry, irritated skin. In addition to soothing the
skin, lavender also contains antioxidants that help fight
the visible signs of aging. Start by blending 1
tablespoon dried lavender buds in a blender until it
forms a fine powder. Stir the powder into the milk and
honey mixture then apply as directed.

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2. Cool as a Cucumber Eye Mask
Cucumber slices placed over the eyes aren’t just a cliché you see in movies and spa
advertisements - they actually help soothe and tighten the skin. This eye mask
soothes and hydrates dry irritated skin and helps reduce undereye puffiness.

 ½ seedless cucumber
 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel
 Cotton rounds

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1. Chop the cucumber and place it in a blender or food processor
– do not peel it.
2. Blend the cucumber into a smooth, watery mixture.
3. Strain the cucumber juice into a bowl then stir in the aloe vera gel.
4. Cut the cotton rounds in half and place them in a clean pint jar.
5. Pour the cucumber aloe mixture into the jar and cover it with the lid.
6. Shake the jar a few times to soak the cotton rounds in the cucumber mixture.
7. Remove two cotton rounds and place them under your eyes for 20 minutes.
8. For a cooling mask, place the jar in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before use.


Cucumber is primarily made up of water, so it’s an excellent ingredient for

hydrating the skin. In addition to plenty of water, cucumber has natural anti-
inflammatory properties and is packed with antioxidants and other skin-supporting
nutrients like folic acid and vitamin C. When applied to the skin, cucumber can help
reduce swelling and puffiness. Because cucumber is also a mild astringent, it may
help cleanse the skin and tighten pores to prevent breakouts.

Optional Add-Ins:
To customize this recipe with added benefits for acne-prone skin, add oatmeal and
honey. After straining the cucumber juice, stir in 1 tablespoon oatmeal and 1
tablespoon honey until well blended. Apply the mixture directly to the skin under
your eyes.

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3. Sunny Side Up Mask
In addition to being a healthy source of protein for your body, eggs are great for
your skin. This simple recipe features egg white as the main ingredient and help
fight free-radical damage and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

 1 egg white

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1. Place the egg white in a small bowl and whisk
until frothy.
2. Beat the egg white with a hand mixer until it
forms stiff peaks.
3. Apply the beaten egg white under the eyes and
let sit for 15 minutes.
4. Gently rinse away the mask with lukewarm water.
5. Follow with your preferred moisturizer.


Egg whites are an all-natural ingredient that can help

lower inflammation, firm the skin, and reduce the
appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Because they are
rich in protein, egg whites may also help repair and
regenerate the skin. Egg whites can be used as an all-
natural toner as well, helping remove dirt, oil, and
dead skin cells while also firming the skin and
shrinking pores.

Optional Add-Ins:
Along with fine lines and wrinkles, aging can also
contribute to the formation of dark spots and uneven
skin tone. By adding orange juice and turmeric to this
egg white mask, you can address discoloration and
brighten the skin. Simply add 1 teaspoon orange juice
and ½ teaspoon turmeric to the egg white before
beating and applying to your skin.

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4. Golden Milk Dark Circle Eraser
Golden milk is simply milk blended with turmeric, a combination that has a rich
history in Indian culture. Though typically consumed as a beverage, golden milk can
also be applied to the skin to brighten the skin and erase dark circles.

 1 tablespoon buttermilk
 1 tablespoon ground turmeric

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1. Measure the buttermilk and turmeric into a
small bowl.
2. Using a whisk, blend the ingredients until
smooth and well combined.
3. Apply the mask under the eyes using a brush so
you don’t stain your hands.
4. Let the mask sit for 15 minutes then wipe it away
with a damp cloth.


Turmeric is often touted as a superfood, known for its

anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. In this DIY
eye mask, turmeric provides a variety of skin-
supporting benefits. The curcumin in turmeric, for
example, may help brighten pigmentation, minimize
UV damage, and reduce breakouts. Buttermilk contains
lactic acid which acts as a natural exfoliant while also
soothing sensitive skin.

Optional Add-Ins:
Maximize the benefits of this golden milk mask by
adding honey for its skin-tightening benefits. Honey
also helps soothe the skin which may help reduce any
redness or irritation caused by the turmeric. Simply
add 1 teaspoon of honey to the mixture and stir smooth
before applying it to the skin around your eyes. Let sit
for 15 minutes and remove as directed.

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5. Calming Chamomile Mask
Chamomile is known for its calming benefits, especially when consumed in tea or
inhaled via aromatherapy. What you may not know is that this herb can also have a
calming effect on your skin. All you need is two chamomile tea bags for this simple

 2 chamomile tea bags
 1 cup hot water

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1. Place the chamomile tea bags in a mug.
2. Pour in the hot water and let the tea steep for 3 to 4 minutes.
3. Remove the tea bags to a plate and let cool to room temperature.
4. Lie back and apply the cooled tea bags over your closed eyes.
5. Cover your face with a damp cloth to keep the tea bags wet.
6. Let sit for 15 minutes then remove and follow with your preferred moisturizer.


Chamomile offers a variety of skin-supporting benefits due to its antibacterial,

antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties. This herb also offers antioxidant
properties and can be very soothing for the skin. It is particularly rich in an
antioxidant called apigenin which delivers healing, calming and soothing benefits.

Optional Add-Ins:
Upgrade this soothing eye mask with exfoliating benefits by adding oatmeal. Simply
brew the chamomile tea as directed then set it aside. Combine ½ cup oats (ground
into powder) with 1 teaspoon baking soda and one tablespoon honey in a small
bowl then add the tea a tablespoon or two at a time until it achieves a spreadable
consistency. Apply the mask under your eyes and let sit for 5 minutes before rinsing
it off.

If you want to supercharge your results, apply a pea-sized amount of this

breakthrough cream after the eye mask.

It gives you an instant at home eye lift, for sagging lids, crow’s feet, thinning skin, or
droopy eye bags.

Many women say this cream gives them botox-like results, in just 6-weeks.

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6. Alive Alert Eye Mask
A strong cup of coffee is what you need to wake up in the morning, but it could do
more than that – it could also wake up your skin. The next time you are grinding
coffee, make a little extra and save the grounds for this easy DIY eye mask.

 1 egg white
 2 teaspoons coffee grounds, unused

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1. Place the egg white in a small bowl and add the coffee grounds.
2. Whisk the mixture until it becomes frothy, about 1 minute.
3. Apply the mixture to the skin under and around the eyes.
4. Let sit for 10 minutes then remove with a damp cloth.


Though most widely consumed as a beverage, coffee

can be used as a natural remedy for the skin as well.
Coffee is rich in antioxidants which may help fight free-
radical damage and it may help decrease the
appearance of sunspots and fine lines. Though coffee
has a stimulant effect on the body, it may have a
calming effect when applied to the skin. Most
importantly, however, the caffeine in coffee may help
dilate the blood vessels that contribute to dark circles.

Optional Add-Ins:
To maximize the brightening benefits of this coffee
mask, consider adding honey. In addition to
brightening your complexion, honey acts as a natural
humectant to draw moisture into the skin. The result is
hydrated, glowing skin. Simply combine two
tablespoons of ground coffee with one tablespoon of
honey and apply to the skin around the eyes for 15

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7. Parsley Eye Mask
Banish dark circles with a leafy green herb you can easily find at the grocery store.
Though most commonly used in culinary applications, parsley can also be used to
benefit the skin. It is loaded with vitamin C, vitamin K, and chlorophyll which can
brighten the skin and reduce puffiness.

 1 cup fresh parsley
 1 tablespoon plain yogurt

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1. Chop the parsley then place it in a bowl.
2. Use a wooden spoon to grind the parsley until it releases its juices.
3. Stir in the yogurt until the mixture is well combined.
4. Apply the mark to the skin under and around the eyes.
5. Let sit for 10 to 15 minutes then wipe away with a damp cloth.


Parsley is rich in essential nutrients, including many that can benefit your skin. It is
packed with vitamin C which supports the skin’s natural regenerative properties.
Parsley also contains nutrients that can help balance the skin’s sebum production to
reduce breakouts. Most importantly, however, it can reduce puffiness and diminish
under-eye circles.

Optional Add-Ins:
To speed up the regenerative benefits of this parsley mask, consider adding apple
cider vinegar as a natural exfoliant. Simply add a tablespoon or two of apple cider
vinegar to your mixture – you may need to increase the ratio of parsley to yogurt to
achieve the desired consistency. Apply the mask to the skin around the eyes and let
sit for 10 minutes before removing.

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8. Wrinkle-Erasing Vitamin E Mask
Coconut oil is often considered a superfood, but it is a powerhouse ingredient for
your skin as well. Loaded with healthy fatty acids, coconut oil can moisturize the
skin and help reduce the visible signs of aging. In this recipe, it’s supercharged with
skin-supporting vitamin E.

 2 tablespoons coconut oil
 1 vitamin E oil capsule

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1. Place the coconut oil in a microwave-safe bowl.
2. Melt the coconut oil for a few seconds in the microwave.
3. Open the vitamin E oil capsule and pour it into the coconut oil.
4. Stir until smooth and well combined.
5. Apply the mixture to the skin around the eyes.
6. Let sit for 15 minutes then remove with a damp cloth.


This eye mask helps reduce visible wrinkles by hydrating the skin. Coconut oil has
been shown to improve skin hydration and may help with skin conditions such as
eczema and psoriasis as well. Vitamin E is a powerful ingredient for skin as well,
helping minimize the appearance of scars and sun damage while protecting
against the signs of aging.

Optional Add-Ins:
Double up on hydration by adding avocado to this anti-aging coconut oil face
mask. Simply mash ¼ of an avocado in a bowl then stir in the coconut oil and
vitamin E oil. Apply the mask to the entire face and let sit for 15 minutes before
rinsing with cool water.

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9. Green Goddess Mask
Avocado, honey, and oats may sound like the ingredients in a healthy breakfast
recipe, but they are actually the ingredients in this hydrating face mask. Not only
does this eye mask deliver a hefty dose of hydration, but it helps soften the skin and
reduce dark circles and age spots.

 ½ ripe avocado
 ¼ cup oats
 1 tablespoon honey
 1 teaspoon lemon juice (optional)

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1. Mash the avocado in a small bowl until smooth.
2. Stir in the oats and honey until well combined.
3. If the mixture is too thick, add the lemon juice.
4. Apply the mixture to the entire face and let sit for 10 minutes.
5. Rinse with lukewarm water and follow with moisturizer.


Avocado is packed with healthy fats and antioxidants which can help hydrate and
brighten the skin. Oatmeal offers antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
and can also soak up excess oil to reduce breakouts. In addition to giving this mask
a smooth texture, honey is a humectant that helps draw moisture into the skin and
it may help open the pores as well.

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10. Potato Eye Mask
If you’re struggling with dark spots or uneven skin tone, the solution may be as
close as your kitchen pantry. Potatoes probably aren’t the first thing that comes to
mind when you think about skincare, but they contain an enzyme that offers
powerful brightening benefits.

 1 raw potato

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1. Cut the potato into thin slices and place them on a plate.
2. Refrigerate the slices until cold.
3. Place whole slices of potato over the eyes or cut them in half and place
under the eyes.
4. Let sit for 20 minutes then remove the slices.


In addition to being rich in vitamin C, potatoes contain an enzyme called

catecholase which helps brighten the skin to diminish dark circles and age spots.
Potato can also help reduce skin inflammation and may help protect against
breakouts as well.

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It’s never too early or too late to start taking better care of your skin. A simple
skincare routine is all it takes to keep your skin clean and healthy – it may also help
minimize the signs of aging.

Daily cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing goes a long way toward improving the
tone and texture of your skin, but the skin around your eyes craves hydration and it
may need some specialized attention. That’s where these DIY eye masks come in.

Using an eye mask two to three times a week could help control common issues
like dark under eye circles, puffiness, and fine lines around the eyes. All you need is
a few simple ingredients and about 15 minutes of your time.

And remember, if you are looking for more instant or dramatic results, consider
using this eye cream…

It’s highly recommended by celebrity facialist, Cecilia Wong.

And it’s easy to use.

All you need to do is add a pea-sized amount of this revolutionary cream right after
using these DIY masks. We suggest putting it on problem areas like your crow’s
feet, saggy lids or droopy eye bags…

Within six-weeks many women said they had botox-like results.

Today, if you would like to try it we’ll give you 44% off.

Best of luck!

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