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La Salle University

Ozamiz City
College of Teacher Education

Field Study 2 – Participating and Teaching Assistantship

Content Standard The learner recognizes that communicative

competence requires an understanding of
speech context, speech style, speech act, and
communicative strategy.

Performance Standard The learner demonstrates effective use of

communicative strategies in a variety of
speech situations.
Learning Competency and Code (EN11/12OC-Ifj-17) - (EN11/12OC-Ifj-18)
The learner distinguishes types of speech
style and identifies social situations in which
each speech style is appropriate to use.

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

a. distinguished types of speech style and identify social situations in which each
speech style is appropriate to use
b. created short conversations in which they act out all the different types of speech
styles in various situations;
c. discussed the value of tactfulness in communication.

II. Subject Matter: Types of Speech Style

A. References: WordPress (2016). Types of Speech Styles.

B. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop,

C. Additional Materials: 1. Quizizz
Code -750942

2. Jamboard

III. Procedure: 4As Instructional Model

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity


Let us start our class with a prayer, may I

call Pop Yvonne to lead the prayer.

Good afternoon class.

Good afternoon, Miss.
Before anything else, I would like to
formally introduce myself. I am Miss
Novamie Lumacad, your English
teacher this afternoon. For your
convenience, you can call me Miss

Just like your teachers in the other

subjects, I too have my class rules for
you to strictly follow. First, you have to
mute your microphone unless if you
want to say something or when your
name is being called you need to turn on
your microphone to be recognized.
Second, you can on your Camera so I can
see your adorable faces. Lastly, respect
me as your teacher and your classmates
if you want to be respected too.

Are my class rules clear, class?

Yes, Miss.

By the way, who is absent for today?

None, Miss.
Very good all are present. Kindly give
yourselves 3 big claps, begin!
(Students do as told)

1. Review

Before we proceed to our lesson for

this afternoon let us have a recap of
our last topic.

Anyone, who can tell in the class,

what was our last topic all about?
In the last meeting, we discussed the
functions of communication.
Very good! Our last topic was all
about the functions of

So, what are those functions of

The functions of communication are control,
social interaction, motivation, emotional
expression, and information dissemination.

You got it right!

Are there any questions about our

previous topic?

Alright! For me to validate your

understanding about it, let us have an

Directions: Identity what functions

of communication each sentence is
given. Say C if it is Control, SI if it is
social interaction, M if it is
Motivation, EE if it is Emotional
expression, and ID if it is in the
Information dissemination.

Are the directions clear class? Yes, Miss.


1. The Barangay Chairman is

announcing to the people in the
community shall follow the
required health protocols.
2. Liza shares her frustration with
3. President Rodrigo Duterte
delivers the State of the Nation
4. Karen shares her insights on how
to do better during online classes.
5. It is so nice to see you!

In the first sentence, what do you

think is the function of
communication being used? The function of communication in the first
sentence being used is C or Control.


How about the second sentence, what

function of communication? The function of communication in the second
sentence is EE or Emotional expression.


Let us proceed to the third sentence,

what function of communication? The function of communication in the third
sentence is ID or Information Dissemination.


For the fourth sentence, what

function of communication? The function of communication of the fourth
sentence is M or Motivation.

Very Good!

For the last sentence, what function

of communication? The function of communication for the last
sentence is SI or Social Interaction.

Good job everyone! You all got the

correct answers. You understood our
previous topic.

2. Motivation

Before we unravel our new topic this

afternoon, I have here some sentences
extracted from dialogues and pictures. Let us
try to analyze the pictures. What is the best
sentence for picture 1, how about picture 2,
picture 3, 4, and 5?
Oh guys I could still
The right time has recall our high school
finally come. Will you crushes. How’s Kevin?
marry me, Babe?

Today is my last
State of the Nation
Calling all Address, but this is
officer. Please by no means my
come forward swan song.
for our

You need to practice

more on dribbling.

I think this picture and this statement are

suitable for each other because from what I
can see in the picture, it is relatable with the
Why do you think this picture and that
statement are suitable for each other?
The language being used in their conversation
vary based on the person and the situation.

What do you observe to the language being

used in their conversation?

Yes, we can observe that the way they

No, Miss.
communicate vary depending on the person to
whom they are talking and on the situation
that they are in.
This is what we called speech styles. Have
you heard about speech styles class?

3. Statement of Subject Matter and


Alright! This afternoon, we are going to

discuss Speech Styles. I want you to listen
carefully throughout our discussion because at
the end of the lesson you must have:

a. distinguished types of speech

style and identify social
situations in which each
speech style is appropriate to
b. created short conversations in
which they act out all the
different types of speech styles
in various situations; Yes, Miss.
c. discussed the value of
tactfulness in communication.

Are my objectives clear?

A. Activity

Alright, class, I have here some

dialogues. Please identify the
situation or setting and the
speakers that each dialogue

I will call two students to read

each dialogue.

Now, let us go over the dialogues and analyze

the language used in the given situations.
Let us start with the first dialogue.

A. Eduardo, do you accept Amor as your Eduardo and his wife Amor are people talking
in the dialogue.
lawful wife?
Yes, I do.

Who are the people talking in the dialogue? I think the situation is a wedding ceremony.

Certainly. What do you think is the situation.

Very good!

Let us proceed to the second dialogue.

The speakers in the dialogue are Pope Francis
B. Good morning. Please take a seat, and the President.
Your Holiness Pope Francis.
Thank you, Mr. President.
Yes, Miss.
Who are the speakers in the dialogue?

They speak formally.

Are they in high-rank positions?

Correct. How about their manner of speaking?

Excellent answer!

We will come now to the third dialogue.

The speakers in the dialogue are the doctor
B. Good Morning, Doctor, may I ask you and a patient.
a question?
Certainly, how can I help you?

Who are the speakers in the dialogue?

The purpose of the patient is for consultation.

Great. What do you think is the purpose of the


Yes, Miss.
Wonderful. There might be an important
matter she needs to know.

Do you think the doctor is the right person to


Yes exactly.

Please read the fourth dialogue.

D. Hi Baby Jane, What’s up? How’s your They are Baby Jane and Janice.
I’m great, Janice.
They are friends because of the way they talk
Who is conversing in the dialogue? I can sense that they are comfortable with
each other.

Definitely. What do you think is their

I am impressed. Very Good!

Kindly read the last dialogue. I think they are a couple.

E. Hello honey, how was your day? Great. They are so sweet in conversing with each
We got a lot done, Hon. And yours?

What do you think is the relationship of the

two persons in the dialogue?

How do you know that they are so?


B. Analysis

Now class, going back to the first dialogue,

the vow of marriage has been the same in the The first type of Speech style is Frozen.
past until the present. The language has a
pattern and it is frozen or cannot be changed.

This is what we called Frozen Speech Style.

Again, what is the first type of speech style?


When we say Frozen Speech Style, also

known as “fixed speech” it is the most formal
communicative style that is often used in a
respectful situation or formal ceremony.


 wedding vows
 The Preamble
 God’s Prayer

For the second dialogue, they talk formally.

This is our next speech Style, which is what
we call Formal.

So what is Formal Speech style?

Formal Speech Style

- used in single hearers- strangers, older

persons, and professionals. Speaker must
frame whole sentences ahead before they are
delivered. Avoids using slang terminologies
and language is comparatively rigid and has a
set, agreed-upon vocabulary that is well
documented; is often of a standard variety.

Yes, Miss.

 speeches
 meetings
 school lessons
Am I understood, class?


The third dialogue, showing a scenario of a

patient consulting with a doctor. This scenario
is an example of a Consultative Speech style.

Consultative Speech Style

-used in semi-formal communication

and happens in two-way participation.
(One student answer)

 Teacher-student
 Doctor-patient

Anyone from the class, who can give me

another example of consultative Speech Style.

Very Good!

The fourth dialogue showed two friends

having a casual conversation. This speech
style is what we called Casual.

Casual Speech Style

- style is common among peers and

- free and easy participation of both
speaker and listener

It belongs to the Casual Speech Style.
 Casual conversations with friends
 family members
 chats
 phone calls and messages

Again, to what type of Speech Style

are these examples belong?

Very good!

Lastly, the fifth dialogue showed intimacy in

their conversation and this is what we called
Intimate Speech Style.

Intimate Speech Style

- Completely private language used

- Uses personal language codes
- Grammar is unnecessary
- Does not need complete language

- Private language used within the
family, very close friend, couple or
I have learned about the different types of
Speech Styles in communication.

C. Abstraction

Do you have any questions? Frozen Speech style is the most formal
communicative style that is often used in a
If that is so, then I have my questions. respectful situation or formal ceremony.

What have you learned about the lesson?

Formal Speech Style is used in formal

situations and the communication is one way
or no feedback from the audience.
Very Good!

What is Frozen Speech Style?

Consultative Speech Style is used in semi-

formal communication and happens in two-
way participation.

What is Formal Speech Style?

Casual Speech Style is the communication

that is commonly used among peers and
Magnificent answer! friends.

What is Consultative Speech Style?

Intimate Speech Style is used in conversations
between people who are very close.


What is Casual Speech Style?

The five types of speech styles are Frozen,
Formal, Consultative, Casual, and Intimate
Speech Styles.
Very Good!

What is Intimate Speech Style?

That is right!

Again, what are the five types of speech


Perfectly said!

D. Application

I. Compose Me!

Directions: Compose a sentence

based on your chosen type of
speech style.

1 2

3 4

I choose number four.

(Answer may vary)
I have here five boxes, I want you to choose a
number from one to five.
I choose number two.

Who wants to try first?

Yes, Pop? What number would you choose?

(Answer may vary)

Okay, the box you have chosen contains an

intimate speech style. Now, compose a
I choose number 5.
sentence showing intimate speech style.

Next, yes, Aleeza. What number would you

choose? (Answer may vary)

The box you have chosen contains a frozen

speech style. Now, compose a sentence
I choose number three.
showing the frozen speech style.

Another, yes Beverly. What number would

you choose? (Answer may vary)

The box you have chosen contains a casual

speech style. Now, compose a sentence
showing a casual speech style. (Answer may vary)

Next, yes Leah. What number would you


The box you have chosen contains a

consultative speech style. Now, compose a
sentence showing a consultative speech style.
Okay, we are now in the last box and this box
contains a formal speech style. Melgen, give
us an example of a formal speech style.

Very good everyone!

Values Integration
(Answer may vary)
Alright, class. I am happy that you were able
to make your conversation skits correctly. (Answer may vary)

You were able to use appropriate speech

styles in certain situations.
This means that you know what to say and
when to say things.

Do you think you should always be tactful or

careful about what you will say? Why?

Perfect. Another.

Bravo. Your values are truly developed.

We must not be tactless but we must be

tactful or we must say the right word, to the
right person at the right place so that we could
not hurt other people.
IV. Evaluation

I. Identify Me!

For me to find out whether you understood our lesson, let’s have an activity entitled, “Identify

Directions: Identify the speech style appropriate to use in the social situation shown in the given

Now, I will send a link in our chatbox and join me in my quiz.

1. Between childhood best friends

2. Between a priest and parishioners (Mass)

3. Between fiancés
4. Between employer and an applicant
5. Between a couple
6. Between a pediatrician and a baby’s mother
7. Between groom and bride exchanging vows in marriage ceremony
8. Between a teacher and a student
9. Between teammates
10. Between Senator and President

V. Assignment

For your assignment, you find a partner and choose one speech style that employs in
your dialogue. You will present it next meeting. Your dialogue must be at least 2

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