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Message – ideas or thoughts; result
Communication - Transmission and
of the interpretation of symbols;
reception a human source (encoder)
SCHEMA – Culture plus experience
and receiver (decoder) using a signaling
system – Perry Blackburn.; human
activity; is a complex process.
Symbols – can be verbal or non-verbal;
observable signs that can be HEARD,
READ, SEEN, FELT. “Symbols do not
Verbal Communication – involves
have meaning themselves”
listening and speaking skills.

Channel – the MEDIUM where

Non-Verbal Communication – not
message is sent; Usually, it is the air
using words.
around the sender and receiver; The
quality of a channel depends on how it
is of NOISE.
Written Communication – through
written symbols, such as language.
Feedback – the message transmitted
by the receiver; the response to the
Audio Communication – using
speaker. Important in producing
sounds or transmission based on
understanding between sense and
receivers.; enables sender to make
Visual Communication – aids such as adjustment.
pictures, drawings, illustrations and
graphic organizers.
LINEAR MODELS– one-way nature;
moves toward only a single direction.
Sender - Converting thoughts into
symbols or signals such as words
(Codification). Aristotelian Model – composed of 3
elements; speaker-centered;

Receiver - Hears signals and convert

symbols into their thoughts MODES OF PERSUASION
(deciphering, decoding, interpreting)
1. Ethos – personal character of
2. Logos – logical appeal based on TRANSACTIONAL MODELS –
reasoning. dynamic and simultaneous in nature;
3. Pathos – emotions of audience. sending and receiving information at the
same time.

Lawswell Model – transmission of info

from one person to another; use of Wood’s Model - Dynamic process
channel which continually changes over time
depending on previous interactions;
Communicator simultaneously receives
Shannon and Weaver Model - initially information; Overlapping of
designed for telephone and radio communicator’s field of experience
communication; transmits information to
passive listener
- “Involves interaction between people
Noise – interference; Physical/ whose cultural perceptions and symbol
Psychological; Physiological/ Semantic system are distinct enough to alter the
communication event” ; Knowledge
about intercultural com. helps to adjust
Berlo’s Model - human dimension by communication style and language
representing channel as a method of
decoding messages through five
senses. Relationship between culture and
communication - better to know the
concept of culture to better understand
INTERACTIVE MODELS – two-way intercultural communication
nature; Receiver may convey
information by giving feedback
Selected social and cultural identities
– gender, age, class, religious, and
Schramm’s Model - FIELD OF national identity
EXPERIENCE in order to understand
each other; takes on roles; process is
interactive and cyclical Barriers to intercultural –
Ethnocentric, stereotyping and
White’s Model – process is sequential
and cyclical; interaction of sender and
receiver but…

- Hearing is physiological whilst Regulation - functions to control one’s

listening requires meaning behavior.

- Listening is a skill Social Interaction – to produce

relationships; express oneself to others
- Listening requires conscious
Motivation - functions to motivate or
- Listening doesn’t guarantee encourage people to live better
receiving the same message

PURPOSES OF LISTENING Information – functions to convey


Informational – to acquire information;

understanding the speaker Emotional Expression – facilitates
people’s expression of their feelings and
Critical – both listening for information
and listening to evaluate the content of

Emphatic – to provide help, advice or

emotional support

Appreciative – for pleasure or

enjoyment; Doesn’t need to organize,
evaluate, remember, or retain

Discriminative - to discriminate sounds

and other paralinguistic symbols such
as pitch, intonation, and volume.

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