Organizationandmanagement Mod1 MANAGEMENT v1MEDINA

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A Joint Project of


and the
Organization and Management- Grade11
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1- Module 1 : Management Concept
First Edition, 2020

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Organization and
First Quarter- Module 1
Management Concept

Dear Boys and Girls,

This Organization and Management module was written in response to
the world health pandemic in order to continue schooling in a safe way at
home. You will learn how to solve problems involving fractions that you will
meet in your daily life activities.
Every lesson is presented through a problem situation where you will
find the need to learn a particular skill.
Varied practices are found in this module to help you master the
number skills needed to be good problem solver. There is a test at the end of
every lesson to let you know how you will have learned the concept, facts, and
skills develop in the lesson.
This module has the following parts that you need to understand such

What I need to know In this part ,it contains learning

objectives to be developed in a
material. It introduces the
topic/content of the module

What I know In this test item, we will see how

much you know in this module.if
you get a perfect score (100%),
you can skip the next parts of this
module and proceed to the next

What’s In It connects the current lesson

with the previous lesson by going
over concepts that were learned
What’s New In this part new lesson is
introduce through a story, a
poem, song, situation or an

What is it In this section, you are given a

short discussion about the topic.
It aims to help you understand
the new concept and skills.

What’s More It has activities to strengthen the

understanding and skills about
the topic.

What I have Learned This part may contain a question,

fill in the blank
sentence/paragraph to process
what the learner learned from the

What I can Do An activity that shall transfer the

skills/knowledge gained or
learned into real life

Assessment A 15 item test is given to measure

the knowledge earned in the
lesson being introduced.

Additional Activities In this part, more activities are

given to improve/enhance the
learning and understanding in
the topic.

Answer Key It contains answer to all activities

in the material.
In the last part of this module, you can also see the:
References It is the list of all sources in
developing the material.

Learning the fundamentals of Business is the keyway to understand

the business world concept. Enjoy the basic foundation for a better
conceptual and technical skills as business student.

The Author

What I Need to Know

In this module you will learn how to analyze and solve problems on
important factors in understanding the business concept.
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. Explain the meaning of management
2. Describe and differentiate the types and theories of management
What I know
Part I. Encircle the correct letter.
1. Juran’s Fitness to Quality. Which does not belong?
a. Quality of Design c. Quality of Conformance
b. Availability d. Minimal Service
2. Weber’s Bureaucracy. Which does not belong?
a. division of labor c. detailed rules and regulations
b. hierarchical identification d. impractical connections
3. The uniform application of rightful behavior.
a. discipline b. order c. authority d. scalar chain
4. The proper placing of human and non-human resources.
a. discipline b. order c. authority d. scalar chain
5. The right given to a person.
a. discipline b. order c. authority d. scalar chain
6. The flow of command must be followed.
a. discipline b. order c. authority d. scalar chain
7. It is a management function that deals with the motivation and
guidance of people.
a. Planning b. organizing c. staffing d. leading
8. It is a characteristic of organizations where everyone has a role or
a. Division of labor b. coordination c. command goal d. command level
9. It is a characteristic of organizations where authority is recognized.
a. Division of labor b. coordination c. command goal d. command level
10. It is a characteristic of organizations where harmony is considered as
a. Division of labor b. coordination c. command goal d. command level
11. Which of the following is a type of organization.
a. Corporate b. non-corporate c. profit-seeking d. all of the above
12. It is a management function where the regulation of results of the
implemented plans are analyzed and evaluated.
a. Planning b. staffing c. controlling d. all of the above
13. The author of 14 Principles of Management.
a. Fayol b. Weber c. Deming d.Owen
14. The Father of Scientific Management.
a. Taylor b. Deming c. Owen D. Follet
15. Which country first adapted the TQM Philosophy?
a. Japan b. USA c. France d. China
Lesson One

What’s In
The process of supervising, running and conducting a situation or


Any profit seeking activity.


A person who manages a group of people.


What’s New
 Henry Sy – the owner of SM Malls and BDO.
 Tony Caktiong – the owner of Jollibee Foods Corporation including
Mang Inasal, Chowking, Greenwhich, and Red Ribbon.
 Lucio Tan – the owner of PNB, Philippine Airlines and other industries.

They are some of the Filipino Business Tycoons who are successful in
leading the Philippine Business Sector.

1. What do you think is their secret to achieve such status?

What is it
Overview of Organization and Management
Business – a general term which includes all profit seeking activities of an
enterprise that ultimately provides goods and services that satisfies the
human wants and needs.
The main reason for business to operate is the profit or income received. The
philosophy of the business is the render of comfort in the form of products
and services to customers.
Management is the process of harmonizing and administration of people,
task and functions within an organization to work effectively and efficiently.
Effective – meeting the desired result of an objective.
Efficient – meeting the desired result within or less than the prescribed time
and resources.
Example, A person finished the tasks within the day as instructed to him. If
he has done the task within the day or lesser then he is considered as
efficient. If he finished the task more than a day, he is effective but not
efficient. Time element and resources are mostly consideration for efficiency.
Management Features:
1. Process – a systematic way of doing things
2. It utilizes the resources efficiently
3. Achieves stated goal

7 M’s of Management
1. Man
4. Materials 7. Marketing
2. Money
5. Method
3. Machine
6. Measurement

Management Functions
Management functions are needed in order the business or organization to
operate. Technically we have five basic management functions.
1. Planning – it involves the process of visualizing the goals the
organization would like to achieve. It starts with a Vision and followed
by a Mission.
2. Organizing – the process of sorting and assigning of human and non-
human resources within an organization.
3. Staffing – the process of selecting and hiring people best suited to be
part of an organization. They are responsible for monitoring people,
their functions and contributions to the organization. They are also
responsible for the growth or any human concerns that affects the
4. Leading – the process of motivating and guiding people within the
organization. It includes the process of making people work towards the
goal of the organization.
5. Controlling- it involves evaluating the human and non-human
resources if they follow or meet the standards set during the planning

The five basic management function will be the whole content or cycle of
this subject.
Organization – is a group of people bonded together with common goals and
objectives. Typically, it is formed due to the reason of human satisfaction and

Characteristics of Organization:
1. Coordination – all people who serves within the group must be
harmonized and synchronized to have the continuous flow of the
direction the organization wishes to pursue.
2. Common goal – every member of the organization has a common
ground for joining or staying within the group.
3. Division of labor – every member of the organization has a role or
responsibility to be portrayed and executed.
4. Command level – the organization has a hierarchy of people that leads
the other members.
What’s More
Activity 1
Answer the concept map below. Write the concept on
the box provided.

What is Planning? What is Organizing?


What is Staffing? What is Controlling?

What is Leading?

Activity 2
Create a graphic organizer regarding organization below.

What makes it as a

How efficiency is What is the

valued? relevance of goals?

Answer: Answer:

Activity 3

Write True if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is


1. Management is an organization of people having unified goals.

2. Management is a non-systematic approach in conducting a business or
activities for the people.
3. Planning is the last step in the management functions.
4. Organizations have command level and different goals.
5. Organizations could be public or private.
What I have Learned
● Good management is being EFFECTIVE and .
 Management has functions namely, ,
, staffing, and controlling.
 Organizations is an association of people who has
 Organizations could be government or .

What I can Do

Activity 4

In the new normal of learning we are now on the remote

learning. Using the concept of management functions, create a
management action plan that suits you. Below is the sample format,
you may create your own format.

My Study Management Plan


Additional Activities
Research for examples of types of organization according to its
classification as government and private sector. Provide five
examples each.
Direction: Encircle the correct letter of your choice.
1. Management has how many basic functions?
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6
2. Which of the following is not considered as a feature of management?
a. a systematic way of doing things
b. It utilizes the resources efficiently
c. Achieves stated goal
d. Waste of time and effort
3. It is a management function that aims to visualize with the help of
vision and mission.
a. Planning b. organizing c. staffing d. leading
4. It is a management function that unify that human and non-human
resources in the organization.
b. Planning b. organizing c. staffing d. leading
5. It is a management function that deals with the motivation and
guidance of people.
c. Planning b. organizing c. staffing d. leading
6. It is a characteristic of organizations where everyone has a role or
a. Division of labor c. command goal
b. coordination d. command level
7. It is a characteristic of organizations where authority is recognized.
a.Division of labor c. command goal
b.coordination d. command level
8. It is a characteristic of organizations where harmony is considered as
a. Division of labor c. command goal
b. coordination d. command level
9. Which of the following is a type of organization.
a. Corporate b. non-corporate c. profit-seeking d. all of the above
10. It is a management function where the regulation of results of the
implemented plans are analyzed and evaluated.
a. Planning b. staffing c. controlling d. all of the above
Part II. True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the
statement is incorrect.
11. Managers are people who managed an organization.
12. Management has no universal formula to achieve success.
13. Organizations should admit people regardless they have a different
views or goals.
14. It only requires one person to considered to be an organization.
15. Government is an example of organization.
Lesson Two

What’s In
Management is the process of harmonizing and administration of
people, task and functions within an organization to work effectively
and efficiently.
Management Functions refers to the various purpose regarding
the jobs and roles of people in various stages. Each function has a
designated responsibility in the organization.
Effectiveness and Efficiency equals to GOOD MANAGEMENT.

What’s New
Search for three successful business entrepreneurs in the
country. Make a comparison on the management style.

Name of Name of Name of

Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur
1 2 3

Company they

Guide Question:
1. Which do you think has the best management style?
2. How did this entrepreneur learned their management style?

What is it
Management Theories
An organization management style is a result from theories they
learned from various period. Such evolution is a result of trial and
error with an urge to identify which theory is the most applicable. After
the countless tries, there is no universal theory that could guarantee
rightful and successful decisions in the field of business.
The understanding of the various management theories will able
to help business students to have a basis for the decision-making as
future managers. The theories that will be discussed in this module are
the most popular and widely used.
Management Theories – theories that helped the decision-maker to
have legal grounds or basis for soundful decisions.
Management Process – the process of managing and supervision of
work performance of people working in an organization.
Scientific Management Theory
The advocate of the theory is Frederick W. Taylor (1865 – 1915)
and known as the Father of Scientific Management. His theory cites the
inefficiencies and mistakes of employees during a routine work. He also
observed lack of enthusiasm, discrepancy of abilities and aptitude as a
contributory factor to low productivity.
Taylor’s Scientific Management Principles
1. Use scientific approach in developing an element for each worker
not just a mere rule of thumb.
2. make the employees grow by training, teaching and developing
workers for efficiency.
3. Cooperation and not individualism
4. division of labor accordingly

General Administrative Theory

The General Administrative Theory emphasizes departmentalization of
functions or activities to be performed for achieving a common
purpose. It also focuses on the good management practice or
implementation. Henri Fayol (1841-1925) and Max Weber (1864-1920)
are the people associated with such theory.
14 Management Principles of Henri Fayol
1. Division of labor – breaking of job into specialized tasks for efficiency
of productivity.
2. Authority – right given to a person to influence by giving orders or
command to a person.
3. Discipline – the uniform application of rightful behavior.
4. Unity of Command – employees must have only one supervisor.
5. Unity of Direction – efforts of every employee must be aligned to
organizational objectives.
6. Subordination of the individual interest to the general interest –
employees must prioritize the welfare of the organization rather than
7. Remuneration – employees should be paid fairly and accordingly
with the prescribed labor laws.
8. Centralization – the concentration of control of an activity or
organization under a single authority. Decentralization is the
empowerment of sub-groups in organization due to complexity or
9. Scalar chain – employees should follow the official chain of
command and must not by-pass the authorities found in
organizational charts.
10. Order – human and non-human resources should be in proper places.
11. Equity – result of kindliness and justice in every decision.
12. Stability of tenure – employees must be assured of permanency of job
13. Initiative – management must let employees to act own their own free-
will or volition.
14. Esprit de Corps – teamwork by having harmony and sense of unity.

Weber’s Bureaucracy
1. division of labor
2. hierarchical identification
3. detailed rules and regulations
4. impersonal connections with one another
– is a management philosophy developed by W. Edwards
Deming and Joseph M. Juran regarding the quality imposition to
products or services. It was introduced in 1950’s but the idea was
not accepted immediately by the United States due to market
dominance. The country of Japan developed and crafted to produce
quality products which became successful making the Western
Countries to adjust and consider the TQM Philosophy.
Today, TQM is highly valued by customers and businesses
since it produces more quality in the products. Customers are
assured of the quality and satisfaction is a result of it. It should be
quality over quantity some of the companies today shift to quantity
over quality due to lesser cost since quality means more expense on
their products.
Deming 14 Points for Top Management
1. Create constancy of purpose for improving products and services.
2. Adopt the new philosophy.
3. Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality.
4. End the practice of awarding business on price alone; instead,
minimize total cost by working with a single supplier.
5. Improve constantly and forever every process for planning,
production and service.
6. Institute training on the job.
7. Adopt and institute leadership.
8. Drive out fear.
9. Break down barriers between staff areas.
10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations and targets for the workforce.
11. Eliminate numerical quotas for the workforce and numerical
goals for management.
12. Remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship, and
eliminate the annual rating or merit system.
13. Institute a vigorous program of education and self-
improvement for everyone.
14. Put everybody in the company to work accomplishing the

Juran’s Fitness to Quality

1. Quality of Design – design must be in relevance to the usage or
purpose of the product.
2. Quality of Conformance – must conform with the standards set.
3. Availability – continuous supply of products to customers
4. Full service – promptness, integrity, and competence of products.

Organizational Behavior
the process of studying on how to understand and adjust to the
different people that comprises an organization. With the
understanding of it, people who have different behavior and attitude
could able to understand and harmonize the actions within the group.
This behavior theory helps manager to carry out functions in the
leading, conflict resolution and other instances in the organization. It
was supported by Robert Owen, Mary Parker Follet, Hugo
Munsterberg and Chester Barnard.
It started when Robert lamentable conditions in the workplace in
the 1700’s where he proposed ways to improved working conditions.
Follet in the 1900’s proposed about individual or group behavior must
be considered in management. Munsterberg suggested in the early
1900’s to use psychological tests for the selection of employees and
Barnard in the 1930’s suggested to use cooperation in organizations
since it is a social system in structure.
What’s More
Activity 1

Summarize and Compare the theories in management.

Write three statements that best describes the theories.
Scientific Management General Administrative

 
 

TQM Philosophy Organizational Behavior
 
 
 

Activity 2

Identify the statements being described.

1. The father of scientific management.

2. The theory that studies the behavior of employees or people within
the organization.
3. The theory that emphasizes the quality of products.
4. The author of 14 Principles of Management.
5. The author of 14 Points in TQM.

Activity 3

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if incorrect.

1. Division of labor is necessary for the organization to function

wherein all jobs will be given to certain people.
2. Remuneration deals with the stability of the company to retain
in service.
3. The USA did not respond to TQM at-first it was introduced by
the country of France.
4. The working conditions improvement are under the theory of
Max Weber.
5. Robert Owen advocated the Juran’s Quality.

What I have Learned

I realized that:

I resolved that:

What I can Do

Activity 4
As a manager of your personal life, identify situations where the
management principles or theories are applied. Kindly cite and explain.

Direction: Encircle the correct letter of your choice.
1. It is a management principle where equal partition of work shall be
a. division of labor b. remuneration c. order d. authority
2. It is a management principle where salary shall be equitable in
relation to job.
a. division of labor b. remuneration c. order d. authority
3. Which of the following is not part of Deming’s 14 points?
a. Create constancy of purpose for improving products and services.
b. Adopt the new philosophy.
c. Cease independence on inspection to achieve quality
d. Institute training on the job.
4. Which of the following is not a supporter of Organizational Behavior?
a. Robert Owen c. Mary Parker Follet
b. Hugo Munsterberg d. Chester Bernard
5. Juran’s Fitness to Quality. Which does not belong?
c. Quality of Design c. Quality of Conformance
d. Availability d. Minimal Service
6. Weber’s Bureaucracy. Which does not belong?
c. division of labor c. detailed rules and regulations
d. hierarchical identification d. impractical connections
7. The uniform application of rightful behavior.
b. discipline b. order c. authority d. scalar chain
8. The proper placing of human and non-human resources.
a. discipline b. order c. authority d. scalar chain
9. The right given to a person.
a. discipline b. order c. authority d. scalar chain
10. The flow of command must be followed.
a. discipline b. order c. authority d. scalar chain

Part II. Identification.

11. The father of Scientific Management.
12. The author of 14 Points of Management.
13. The first country who used TQM Philosophy.
14. Theories that helped the decision-maker to have legal grounds or
basis for soundful decisions.
15. The process of managing and supervision of work performance of
people working in an organization.
Weekly Test
1. Management has how many basic functions?
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6
2. It is a management principle where equal partition of work shall be
a. division of labor b. remuneration c. order d. authority
3. Juran’s Fitness to Quality. Which does not belong?
a. Quality of Design c. Quality of Conformance
b. Availability d. Minimal Service
4. It is a management function that aims to visualize with the help of
vision and mission.
a. Planning b. organizing c. staffing d. leading
5. It is a management function that unify that human and non-human
resources in the organization.
a. Planning b. organizing c. staffing d. leading
6. Which of the following is not considered as a feature of management?
a. a systematic way of doing things
b. It utilizes the resources efficiently
c. Achieves stated goal
d. Waste of time and effort
7. It is a management function that deals with the motivation and
guidance of people.
a. Planning b. organizing c. staffing d. leading
8. It is a management principle where salary shall be equitable in
relation to job.
a. division of labor b. remuneration c. order d. authority
9. Which of the following is not part of Deming’s 14 points?
a. Create constancy of purpose for improving products and services.
b. Adopt the new philosophy.
c. Cease independence on inspection to achieve quality
d. Institute training on the job.
10. Which of the following is not a supporter of Organizational Behavior?
a. Robert Owen c. Mary Parker Follet
b. Hugo Munsterberg d. Chester Bernard

Part II. Identification. For 11-15, Illustrate the Management Functions.

Answer Key


What I know

1. D 6. D 11. D
2. D 7. D 12. C
3. C 8. B 13. A
4. B 9. D 14. A
5. C 10. B 15. A

What’s In Activity 3 Assessment

4. FALSE 4. B
5. TRUE 5. D
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. C
11. TRUE
12. TRUE
13. TRUE
15. TRUE
Activity 2 Activity 3 Assessment
5. W. EDWARD'S 8. B
10. D
Weekly Assessment

D Controlling Organizing
possible Leading Staffing
illustrationontheright side.


Business Organization and Management

2016 Edition
Roberto G. Medina
Copyright © 2016 by Rex Publishing, Inc.

Management: Theory and

Practice Carlos C. Lorenzana,
M.A. Revised Edition 2003
ISBN 978-971-23-3700-0
Published and Distributed by Rex Publishing Inc.

Organization and Management

Helena Ma. F. Cabrera, PhD.
Anthony DC Altaheros, PhD
Riaz Benjamin
ISBN 978-971-07-3860-1
2016 Edition
Published by Vibal Group Inc.

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