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Name: Nguyễn Trung Nguyên

Week: 6

Listening diary
Topic: Technology
Listening’s name: Computer virus
Link video:
Computer virus is a software program that has been created by a human programmer with the
single intention of corrupting and destroying useful programs. Put in simple terms, it’s a way of
causing lots of trouble for ordinary people! It’s known as a virus because it functions in a similar
way in that it looks for a host. Virus programs are often intentionally placed within useful
programs such as commercial websites, or they are included in software that you might have
got from friends or downloaded from somewhere without knowing its real source. There is
some advice for combating them: be very careful, avoid trouble, understand the viruses, be well
prepared. If you follow these basic rules, you really shouldn’t have any problems.
Corrupt (v): to change information on a computer so that it is wrong and cannot be used.
Intellectual entertainment (nf): món ăn tinh thần
Mainframe (n): a very large powerful computer that many people can use at the same time
Literally (adv): using the real or original meaning of a word or phrase/ used for emphasizing
how large or great an amount is.
Postage (n): the money that you pay for sending letters and packages by mail
Legitimate (adj): allowed by law
Suspicious looking
Plague (n): many things that are unpleasant or likely to cause damage
List FOUR ways of combating viruses.

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