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1. Development of leukocyte (bone marrow, gmn cara berubah, komponen yang

mempengaruhi, colony forming unit, stimulating factors yang bekerja di fase apa and bgmn,
interleukin; utama syp, chemokines, describe characteristics of each wbc and why)

2. Penggolongan onset demam (acute, subacute, chronic)

3. Pathophysiology of fever

4. Yang ngatur appetite. Saat kondisi” tertentu mekanismnya gmn smpe bsa loss of appetite

Some cancer cells may produce substances that change the way the
body creates energy from food that is eaten (metabolism) and these
toxins may make a person have a lack of appetite. Some blood cancers
also cause the spleen to become enlarged, and an enlarged spleen can
press on the stomach, making a person feel full
5. Sedikit ttg epistaksis: etiology, anatominya dmn, hubungan sm case
Nosebleeds can occur due to a variety of reasons. Some of the most common causes include
trauma from nose picking, blunt trauma (such as a motor vehicle accident), or insertion of a
foreign object (more likely in children).[4] Relative humidity (including centrally heated
buildings), respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis, rhinitis or environmental irritants can
cause inflammation and thinning of the tissue in the nose, leading to a greater likelihood of
bleeding from the nose.
The vast majority of nosebleeds occur in the anterior (front) part of the nose from the nasal
septum. This area is richly endowed with blood vessels (Kiesselbach's plexus). This region is
also known as Little's area. Bleeding farther back in the nose is known as a posterior bleed and
is usually due to bleeding from Woodruff's plexus, a venous plexus situated in the posterior part
of inferior meatus.[16] Posterior bleeds are often prolonged and difficult to control. They can be
associated with bleeding from both nostrils and with a greater flow of blood into the mouth.

6. Apa itu petechie and purpura, etiology, bedanya, tanda pendarahan lain (ecchymosis)
Petechia refers to one of the three descriptive types of hematoma differentiated by size, the other
two being ecchymosis and purpura. Ecchymosis is defined as hematomas larger than 1
centimetre[1] and purpura as 1–5 millimetres.[

7. Kondisi apa yg bsa menyebabkan hepatomegaly and splenomegaly, kondisi apa yg keduanya,
relate sm casenya

8. Pas panas harus kompres air apa dingin ato hangat?

Air dingin,

9. ALL ABOUT LEUKEMIA, classification, symptoms, classification ALL (low risk ato high risk,
efek ke treatment)

10. Treatment pengobatan leukemia

11. Education, apakah ada yang perlu dicegah?

12. Prognosis
13. Immunoglobulin, terbentuk dari apa, utk apa dll

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