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Electric Field Strength


Charge on electron: e =− 1.6x10−19C Acceleration due to Gravity: g = 9.81m s −2

Permittivity of Free Space: ϵ0 = 8.85x10−12 m −3kg −1s 4 A 2 Charge on proton: e = 1.6x10−19C

1. The Bohr radius is a physical constant, which is approximately equal to the most probable distance between the
proton and electron in a hydrogen atom in its ground state. The Bohr Radius is 5.29x10−11m. Calculate the electric
field strength due to the proton, experienced by the electron in it’s ground state.

2. An electron (of mass me and charge, e ) is placed in a uniform electric field, between two charged parallel plates. The
field has an electric field strength, E . The electron experiences a force and accelerates towards to positive electrode.
Determine an expression for the acceleration of the electron in terms of E, me a n d e.

3. A diagram of a proton and electron are shown below. Draw field lines to represent the electric field pattern
surrounding this arrangement.

4. The proton and electron above are 1.5x10−10 m apart. Determine the electric field strength at the mid point, labelled x,
between the proton and electron.
Questions Continued
5. An LCD calculator works using a uniform electric field. Liquid crystal molecules are placed between charged glass
parallel plates, where they sit parallel to the plates. When the calculator is switched on, a uniform electric field is
created between the plates.

a) On the diagram above, draw the electric field pattern produced when the switch is closed.

b) Define Electric Field strength

c) Calculate the electric field strength between the plates when the switch is closed.

d) Explain what happens to the liquid crystal molecules when the switch is closed.

6. The electric field strength surrounding an ion with unknown charge was measured to be 2.0x1011NC −1 at a distance of
1.2x10−10 m. Using the relationship E α 2 , find the electric field strength at a distance of 1.6x10−10 m.

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