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Why can the family environment be a killing field for the development of the children’s
psychological condition?
 It is because the family who has many problems, less harmonious, and have high
toxicity environment can make the children’s psychological condition less stable, so
that it can trigger a suicide in children.

2. What is the definition of education according to John Dewey?

 Education is a basic necessity of life, social function, direction, controller and
guidance, conservative which means inheriting and maintaining the ideals of a group,
and progressive which means providing and developing knowledge of values and
skills, so that they are able to face life’s challenges.

3. According to Soemadi Tjiptoyuwono in his book entitled Mengungkap Keberhasilan

Pendidikan dalam Keluarga, what is the definition of education there?
 Education is a conscious effort to develop personality and abilities inside and outside
school, and it lasts a lifetime.

4. What are the 5 main requirements in choosing a life partner according to Nasih Ulwan?
 (1) Based on Al-Din, which means has true understanding of Islam and applied it in
daily life; (2) Based on lineage and glory, which means comes from a good family,
and have honorable morals; (3) Prioritizing the people that away from the kinship; (4)
Prioritizing the virgins, which means keeping the family from things that will
complicate the life, plunge into various disputes, and spread pollution of trouble and
hostility; and (5) Prioritizing marriage with fertile and healthy woman to give birth.

5. What are the Tri Pusat Pendidikan according to Ki Hajar Dewantara?

 (1) Family; (2) School; (3) Teenager Organizations

6. What are the purposes of Family Education?

 (1) To provide the basis of tauhid education; (2) To provide the basis of devotion,
worship, and mu’amalah education; (3) To provide the basis of behavior education;
(4) To provide the basis of norms education; (5) To provide the basis of anti-
corruption education; (6) To provide the basis of social education; (7) To provide the
basis of intellectual education; (8) To provide the basis of habit formation education;
and (9) To provide the basis of civic political education.
7. What is the meaning of “Providing the basis of anti-corruption education” in the purposes
of Family Education?
 The meaning of providing the basis of anti-corruption education is instilling values
and habiting to live in simple way, have an honest behavior, and love the nation.

8. In educating the children, there are several methods. Mention those methods!
 (1) Prayer Method; (2) Exemplary Method; (3) Discipline Method; (4) Punishment
Methods; and (5) Reward Method

9. There are several kinds of Punishment Methods. Mention it!

 (1) Cue Punishment; (2) Utterance Punishment; (3) Action Punishment; and (4) Body

10. What do you think about punishing the children by spanking his body?
 I think it is too harsh, and can make the children’s physical and psychological
condition being worse. It can lead to increased aggression, antisocial behavior,
physical injury, and mental health problems for children.

11. Mention several forms of reward!

 (1) Symbolic Reward; (2) Compliment Reward; (3) Honor Reward; and (4) Gift

12. What are the aspects in Family Education?

 (1) Aqidah Education; (2) Worship Education; (3) Reading Al-Qur’an Education; and
(4) Behavior Education.

13. Education and Teaching Al-Qur’an is mentioned in the Prophet’s Hadith. Write the
Hadith in English!
 “The best of you are those who learn Al-Qur’an and then teach it” (Hadith Narrated
by Al-Baihaqi)

14. What are the functions of Family Education?

 (1) Solidarity Function; (2) Educative Function; (3) Rescue Function; (4) Social-
Control Function; (5) Creative Function; (6) Transformative Function; (7)
Conciliatory Function; and (8) Sublimative Function.
15. What will you do if you have a different opinion with your parents in judging something?
 If I have a different opinion with my parents in judging something, I will keep being
honest to them, and softly ask them to be respectful of my opinion. I also will make it
clear that I’m not trying to change their minds. The main is I will acknowledge the
fact that my opinion could change over time.

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