Maica Fetalino Bsa II A m3

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Answer and solve the following questions and activity.

1. How is linear programming used in real world applications?

 Let’s define first what linear programming is. Linear Programming is a method
that is used in attaining the best optimal solution for a problem with the given
 Linear Programming is used in real world application like in business; this
method is used to determine the best way to use the available resources. The
manager used this method to help in making good decision about the best
efficient use of limited resources-like money, time, materials, and machinery.
 Additionally, linear programming is also applicable in business, especially if the
business needs to make an important decision within the company. Let’s say for
example the company want to minimize the cost of the production of a product or
maximize the profit of a certain product, the company will use linear programming
to analyse the situation and get the better solution using the given available
constraints that will help in attaining the desire or the objective of the company.

2. Linear programming has no real - life applications. Do you agree with this
statement? Discuss.

 No, because I believed that we apply linear programming every day, maybe we
are not aware of it but we are already doing it. Let’s say we are facing a problem,
and we need to make a decision to solve that problem, there’s a lot of way to
solve that problem but we are choosing the best solution out of the options that is
available. Doing that is like using linear programming; we are choosing the best
optimal solution for a problem.
 In addition, like what I said in question number one, linear programming is also
use in business, and this method really help the business in making the right
decision regarding to the problem that they need to solve. Without this method,
the business might face difficulties in making right decision, especially if the
problem needs a decision with the help of reliable and accurate resources of
 So, for me linear programing has a real life application. It’s not just only a
mathematical model or just a computation, prediction and approximation but can
be used in real life situation.

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