Maica Fetalino Bsa II A Reflection m2

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Maica Fetalino BSA II-A


I’ve watched one of the video of Brad Cartwright explaining the measurement of economic development.
The measurement consists of Single Indicator and Composite Indicator. Under Single Indicator are: FINANCIAL
MEASURES- (GDP and GNI per capita) (GDP and GDP per capita at PPP), HEALTH MEASURE- (life
expectancy at birth) (infant mortality rate), and EDUCATION MESURE- (adult literacy rate) (net enrolment in
primary education). On the other hand, Composite Indicators are: Human Development Index (HDI), Gender
Development Index (GDI), Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM), and Human Poverty Index (HPI). I think
among the given economic measurement in determining the economic development of our country, the most
important measurement is under the COMPOSITE INDICATORS since composite indicators are the combination
of single indicators.
Human Development Index is important, since it will give statistics for the Longevity (a proxy for health
and nutrition) as measured by life expectancy at birth, Education, as measure by mean years of schooling, and
Standard of living, as measured by per capita GDP purchasing power parity dollar. Gender Development Index has
same variables as HDI; GDI is just the direct measure of the gender gap showing the female HDI as a
percentage of male HDI. On the other hand, Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM) is measuring gender equality
in the dimension of participating in economic and decision making, political participation and power in economic
resources. Knowing the contribution of both genders in economic development of our country will greatly help to
improve our economy. For last, Human Poverty Index (HPI) will also play a great role in measuring the economic
development our country, since it will measure the economic welfare of people in one country. Since we are one of
the countries that facing a big problems when it comes to poverty, it is good to measure whether the poverty rate in
our country is decreasing or not. Weather we admit it or not, it’s one of the big hindrance for our country to move
on for the development of our economy. As long as the poverty rate in our country is increasing, it might not be
possible for us to achieve the economic development in of our country. So, for me it’s really better to use Human
Poverty Index in measuring the economic development of Philippines, so that whoever is in the position may
implement something for the possible solution to decrease the poverty rate in our country.
Although I know that it is better if we should use all economic measurement for economic development,
but we should focus on the area that gives our country a difficult time in achieving economic development .So I
believed that all measurement under composite indicators are really important, because it will help our country to
prepare for the action that will going to implement for the improvement our economy that will lead to economic

“Gender Development Index (GDI) | Human Development Reports.” UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT


“How Do We Measure Development? | IB Development Economics | The Global Economy.” YouTube, uploaded

by Brad Cartwright, 2 Mar. 2016,

“Human Development Index.” World Health Organization, 2021,


“Indicator Metadata Registry Details.” World Health Organization, 2021,


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