Weather Effect On Thermal and Energy Performance of An Extensive Tropical Gree Roof

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Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 11 (2012) 73–85

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Weather effect on thermal and energy performance of an extensive tropical

green roof
C.Y. Jim ∗ , Lilliana L.H. Peng
Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: This study investigated the weather effect on thermal performance of a retrofitted extensive green roof on
Cooling load a railway station in humid-subtropical Hong Kong. Absolute and relative (reduction magnitude) ambient
Energy conservation and surface temperatures recorded for two years were compared amongst antecedent bare roof, green
Extensive green roof
roof, and control bare roof. The impacts of solar radiation, relative humidity, soil moisture and wind
Heat flux
speed were explored. The holistic green-roof effect reduced daily maximum tile surface temperature
Passive cooling
Thermal performance by 5.2 ◦ C and air temperature at 10 cm height by 0.7 ◦ C, with no significant effect at 160 cm. Green-roof
passive cooling was enhanced by high solar radiation and low relative humidity typical of sunny summer
days. High soil moisture supplemented by irrigation lowered air and vegetation surface temperature, and
dampened diurnal temperature fluctuations. High wind speed increased evapotranspiration cooling of
green roof, but concurrently cooled bare roof. Heat flux through green roof was also weather-dependent,
with less heat gain and more heat loss on sunny days, but notable decline in both attributes on cloudy
days. On rainy days, green roof assumed the energy conservation role with slight increase instead of
reduction in cooling load. Daily cooling load was 0.9 kWh m−2 and 0.57 kWh m−2 , respectively for sunny
and cloudy summer days, with negligible effect on rainy days. The 484 m2 green roof brought potential
air-conditioning energy saving of 2.80 × 104 kWh each summer, equivalent to electricity tariff saving of
HK$2.56 × 104 and upstream avoidance of CO2 emission of 27.02 t at the power plant. The long-term
environmental and energy benefits could justify the cost of green roof installation on public buildings.
© 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Introduction (Takakura et al., 2000; Papadakis et al., 2001; Akbari, 2002; Wong
et al., 2003a,b,c; Sonne, 2006; Santamouris et al., 2007; Wong et al.,
Green roofs can serve as surrogate green spaces in urban 2007a,b; Spala et al., 2008; Eumorfopoulou and Kontoleon, 2009;
areas dominated by artificial structures and surfaces (Arnold and Teemusk and Mander, 2009; He and Jim, 2010; Jim and He, 2010;
Gibbons, 1996). Many cities, especially the compact ones, have Williams et al., 2010). Cooling is attributed to the combined effect of
adopted this innovative way of extending urban greening into oth- evaporation from soil, transpiration from plants, shading by plants
erwise bare rooftops. Green roofs are well known for their wide and substrate, and insulation by the soil and drainage layers with
range of environmental, ecological, social and economic benefits constituent moisture (Harazono, 1990/91). Summer cooling could
(Emilsson, 2006; Mentens et al., 2006; Oberndorfer et al., 2007). range from 15 to 45 ◦ C in daily peak surface temperature and 2–5 ◦ C
With rapid urbanization and aggravation of the urban heat island in peak air temperatures. Energy saving in air-conditioning elec-
(UHI) effect in recent years, the thermal and energy performance of tricity in summer could amount to 10–80% for individual buildings
green roofs has attracted the attention of researchers, professionals, (Getter and Rowe, 2006).
civil servants and citizens. Besides cooling, green roofs can bring environmental and social
Many empirical and modelling studies of green roofs have benefits. The living vegetation can filter or absorb air pollutants
been conducted in different climatic zones and cities of different to improve air quality. The soft vegetation cushion, in conjunc-
sizes and development modes. The findings demonstrate notable tion with soil, can serve as a noise barrier. The soil and vegetation
green-roof contribution to lowering roof surface and ambient layers can clean and reduce stormwater discharged from build-
air temperature, reducing transmission of solar heat through the ings to improve water quality and abate flood hazard (DeNardo
roof slab into indoor space, and trimming building cooling load et al., 2003; Villarreal and Bengtsson, 2004; VanWoert et al., 2005).
The vegetated roofs attract wildlife and flora to the above-ground
habitats and stepping stone sites to enhance urban biodiversity
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +852 2859 7020; fax: +852 2559 8994. (Brenneisen, 2004; Burgess, 2004). Buildings with well-designed
E-mail address: (C.Y. Jim). and maintained green roofs can fetch higher rental and sale values.

1618-8667/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
74 C.Y. Jim, L.L.H. Peng / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 11 (2012) 73–85

Fig. 1. Locations of the green roof experimental plot (A) and the bare control plot (Z) on the top of the Tai Po Railway Station.

The elevated green spaces provide recreational and amenity venues (1) Evaluate green-roof thermal effect with reference to a compre-
in semi-private or private grounds. Home-owners can enjoy out- hensive range of summer weather conditions covering sunny,
door life in a safe, clean, secluded and serene setting. Offices and cloudy and rainy days; in contrast, most studies concentrate on
factories with pleasant green roofs can attract and retain workers, sunny days; and
who tend to be happy, healthy, productive and loyal. Due to multi- (2) Acquire antecedent environmental monitoring of the experi-
ple environmental, economic and social benefits, green roofs offer a mental site for one year before green roof installation to permit
promising, welcomed and cost-effective contemporary technology longitudinal comparisons between before and after scenarios.
for buildings.
A modern green roof is composed of multiple layers of syn- Study area and method
thetic and natural materials installed in sequence from the bottom
upwards: root barrier, drainage, filter, substrate, and vegetation. Study area
The first three layers are synthetic, manufactured and durable
materials; the last two are natural. Two major types of green roofs, Hong Kong is situated at the south coast of China, at 22◦ N
extensive and intensive, are distinguished by vegetation height and latitude and 114◦ E longitude with a typical humid-subtropical cli-
biomass structural complexity, which require different soil depth. mate influenced by the dominating Asian monsoon climatic system.
The more common extensive green roof is usually covered by herbs, The summer is hot and humid with frequent showers and thun-
grasses or drought-tolerant succulent plants such as Sedum species. derstorms and occasional typhoons. It extends from late April to
The intensive green roof embraces trees and shrubs often planted September, with August the hottest month often exceeding 33 ◦ C.
closely. The extensive green roof usually has 2–20 cm of substrate, The rainy season largely covers summer with annual rainfall over
and the intensive, over 20 cm (Oberndorfer et al., 2007). 2000 mm. The winter is relatively short and mild, running from
Characterized by an exceptionally compact urban morphology, January to February with average temperature above 10 ◦ C. The
Hong Kong suffers from severe shortage of ground-level green long-hot period vis-a-vis the relatively short-cool period indicate
spaces and intense UHI effect. The green-space deficit has degraded summer cooling as a priority in sustainable urban design to usher
the quality of the urban environment and associated quality of environment and human health.
life (Jim, 2004, 2008). Most of the 40,000 odd high-rise buildings An extensive green roof was retrofitted in July 2009 on the Tai Po
mainly with flat reinforced-concrete rooftops have adequate load- railway station situated in a suburban new town in Hong Kong. The
bearing capacity to receive green roofs. Thus urban Hong Kong has station is a one-to-two storey low-rise structure facing the platform
a huge potential to embrace the green-roof innovation (Tsang and and tracks. The large flat rooftop is composed of several parcels with
Jim, 2010). Empirical studies of thermal performance could throw different elevation and area (Figs. 1 and 2). This study enlists the
light on underlying factors and processes, furnish hints to optimize largest plot (the experimental site with green roof) which is square
design, and offer an objective basis to promote green roofs (Niachou in shape with 484 m2 . A nearby plot (the control site with original
et al., 2001; Köhler et al., 2002; Köhler, 2004). More local or regional bare roof), with 106 m2 , provides a baseline for comparison.
studies in the humid-subtropical context could be attempted, as the
results from other climatic zones may not be directly applicable.
Experimental design and environmental monitoring
The railway station at Tai Po covers a large area with significant
demand on air-conditioning energy to cool the indoor space in sum-
The modern extensive green roof (Figs. 3 and 4) was installed
mer. Installing a green roof could bring thermal and energy benefits,
on the reinforced-concrete flat-roof protected by a waterproofing
reduce cooling load and improve landscape and amenity values.
membrane, screed and cement tiles. A proprietary multiple-layer
This study focuses on the weather effect on green roof thermal and
green-roof system (Nophadrain, Kirkrade, the Netherlands) was
energy benefits with three specific objectives:
laid directly on the tile surface with a 2% gradient to shed drainage
(1) Explore the impacts of the green roof on summer daily surface water. From bottom to top, it contains five layers: plastic (polyethy-
and air temperature; lene) root barrier, plastic (high impact polystyrene) drainage
(2) Evaluate the influence of meteorological variables on green- (2.5 cm), geotextile filter, rockwool water retention (5 cm), and
roof thermal behaviour; and growing medium (5 cm). The soil mix is composed of mineral soil
(3) Analyse green-roof thermal performance on the days represen- (locally derived completely decomposed granite) mixed with 20%
tative of typical summer weather conditions. (v/v) mature compost. It has a sandy loam texture (with around 78%
sand, 10% silt and 12% clay) and granular structure (Soil Survey Staff,
Comparing with the literature, this study is different in two 1999) to facilitate free drainage and aeration, with a water holding
aspects: capacity of about 20% (v/v), and pH range of 5.5–5.8. It has been
C.Y. Jim, L.L.H. Peng / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 11 (2012) 73–85 75

formulated to emulate the topsoil of the local red earth (Oxisol soil
order) commonly found in the humid-tropical area. This soil com-
position is widely used as a growing medium for landscape planting
in Hong Kong and the south China region (Jim, 1996). The soil mix
has been tested at other green roof sites prior to our experimental
study, and has been found to be a suitable material that is readily
available from local sources, relatively inexpensive, and rather free
from inherited weed seeds.
A perennial, herbaceous and evergreen vine, Arachis pintoi
(Perennial Peanut), was chosen for its vigorous growth and forma-
tion of a tight and complete green cover. It is a tropical low-growing
(about 20 cm thick), ground-hugging, non-twining and nitrogen-
fixing legume. The species has high-temperature tolerance, and
rather good resistance to weed, pest and disease invasion (CTAHR,
2010). Its ornamental value is attributed to the continuously
verdant green foliage and many dainty golden-yellow flowers pre-
Fig. 2. Location of the green roof study site on the rooftop of the taller structure sented for seven warm months in a year. Vigorous stem cuttings
(indicated by red arrow) of Tai Po Railway Station. (For interpretation of the refer- were spread at a high density on the prepared soil surface. The
ences to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the vigorous plant was able to achieve 100% site coverage in three
months of growth in the warm season. Thereafter, a continu-
ous green mantle has been maintained with gradual addition of
new stems and foliage to enhance the thermal insulation effect.
An automatic sprinkler irrigation system provided supplementary
water supply at 5 L/m2 /day, sustaining an average soil moisture
content of about 0.3 m3 /m3 . Watering was regulated by a rain-
fall detector to stop the pump when antecedent rainfall exceeded
10 mm.
Environmental sensors were placed at the centre of both sites
(Figs. 4 and 5) to minimize the edge effect for long-term monitoring
of meteorological and soil parameters. The sensors were located at
a spot free from the influence of shadows or reflected radiation
from adjacent buildings or trees (Fig. 3). Readings were taken at
15-min interval and stored in Hobo (Onset, Cape Cod, MA, USA)
data loggers. The types and positions of sensors are given in Table 1
and Fig. 4, and the measured parameters in Table 2. The following
notations are used to denote the site terminology:

• Site B: Experimental plot before green-roof installation;

Fig. 3. The experimental green roof well covered by vigorous herbaceous ground-
cover vegetation Perennial Peanut (Arachis pintoi).
• Site A: Experimental plot after green-roof installation;
• Site Z: Control plot (bare baseline roof).

Fig. 4. Position and height of environmental monitoring sensors at green roof experimental plot (site A) and bare roof control plot (site Z).
76 C.Y. Jim, L.L.H. Peng / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 11 (2012) 73–85

Table 1
Environmental sensors and installation positions on the experimental and control roof sites.

Site Sensor Measured environmental parameter and position Brand and model

Experimental Infrared temperature sensor Surface temperature of ceiling and vegetation canopy Apogee SI-111 (Logan, UT, USA)
(B or A) Air temperature sensor Air temperature at 10 cm and 160 cm above the ground Onset Hobo S-THB-M002 (Bourne, MA, USA)
Relative humidity sensor Relative humidity at 10 cm and 160 cm above the ground Onset Hobo S-THB-M002 (Bourne, MA, USA)
Tile temperature sensor Surface temperature of concrete slab (below green roof) Onset Hobo S-THB-M017 (Bourne, MA, USA)
Soil moisture sensor Soil moisture at 35 mm depth Onset Hobo S-SMC-M005 (Bourne, MA, USA)
Pyranometer Intensity of solar radiation Onset Hobo S-LIB-M003 (Bourne, MA, USA)
Anemometer Wind speed and wind direction at 160 cm above the ground Onset Hobo S-WCA-M003 (Bourne, MA, USA)
Control Infrared temperature sensor Surface temperature of ceiling and bare concrete slab Apogee SI-111 (Logan, UT, USA)
(Z) Air temperature sensor Air temperature at 10 cm and 160 cm above the ground Onset Hobo S-THB-M002 (Bourne, MA, USA)
Relative humidity sensor Relative humidity at 10 cm and 160 cm above the ground Onset Hobo S-THB-M002 (Bourne, MA, USA)

Data analysis Table 2

Symbols and measurement units used in this study.

The monitoring data in August 7–September 17, 2008 before Symbol Unit Explanation
green-roof installation represent the “before session” (site B). The Study site:
data acquired after roof greening in August 7–September 17, 2009 A na Experimental plot after green roof installation
represent the “after” session (site A). Thus the study collected B na Experimental plot before green roof installation
antecedent data of the experimental plot before green-roof instal- Z na Control (bare roof) plot
Surface temperature:
lation to serve as an in situ baseline. Table 3 presents the summary ◦
Tc C Ceiling surface temperature
weather statistics of a nearby station in the study period. One- Tt ◦
C Concrete tile surface temperature
way ANOVA test confirmed no significant difference in background ◦
Ttb C Concrete tile surface temperature of site B

weather condition between the before and after sessions to render Tta C Concrete tile surface temperature of site A

Ttz C Concrete tile surface temperature of site Z
the comparison valid. ◦
Tv C Vegetation canopy surface temperature
Four temperature variables were derived as indicators of green- Air temperature:
roof thermal effect: U10 ◦
C Air temperature at 10 cm height

U160 C Air temperature at 160 cm height

U10b C Air temperature at 10 cm height of site B
• Daily maximum temperature (DM) of Tv , Tt , U10 , U160 ; U160b ◦
C Air temperature at 160 cm height of site B
• Average daily maximum (ADM) of Tv , Tt , U10 and U160 ; U10a ◦
C Air temperature at 10 cm height of site A
• Daily heat flux; U160a ◦
C Air temperature at 160 cm height of site A
• Cooling load. Derived temperature attribute:

DM C Daily maximum temperature

DA C Daily average temperature

ADM C Average daily maximum temperature (monthly

DMR C Daily maximum temperature reduction

DAR C Daily average temperature reduction
Thermal attribute:
k W m−1 K−1 Thermal conductivity
V W m−2 Heat flux
Other weather parameter:
RH10 % Relative humidity at 10 cm height
RH160 % Relative humidity at 160 cm height
SR W m−2 Solar radiation
WS m s−1 Wind speed
SM m3 /m3 Soil moisture

Heat flux through the concrete slab was calculated based on the
temperature difference between roof tile surface (Tt ) and ceiling
surface (Tc ):

k(Tt − Tc )
Heat flux through the roof slab, V = (1)

where k is the thermal conductivity of the roof slab (W m−1 K−1 );

Tt is the roof tile surface temperature (K); Tc is the ceiling surface
temperature (K); and d (m) is the thickness of the roof deck. A
positive V value indicates incoming heat flux to the interior space
(heat gain), whereas a negative value denotes outgoing heat flux
(heat loss).
Daily cooling load change of the roof slab was calculated by
accumulating heat fluxes over 24 h in a day:

Cooling load = 0.25 × Vi × S (2)
Fig. 5. The instrument stand situated at the centre of the experimental green roof
supporting the environmental sensors and data loggers. i=1
C.Y. Jim, L.L.H. Peng / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 11 (2012) 73–85 77

Table 3
Comparison of background weather parameters between the before and after sessions.

Air temperature (◦ C) Relative humidity (%)

Mean Stan. error F Sig. Mean Stan. error F Sig.

Before 31.20 0.35 3.77 0.06 82.20 1.49 1.22 0.27

After 32.20 0.31 84.30 1.16

Fig. 6. Daily maximum (DM) surface temperature in August and September for: (a) before session in 2008 between Ttb and Ttz ; and (b) after session in 2009 amongst Tta , Tv
and Ttz .

where Vi is the ith heat flux over a day, with V1 meaning heat flux daily variations in green-roof thermal performance. The weather
at 0000 h, V2 heat flux at 0015 h, and so on; and S is the roof area influence is evident. On relatively cool days, the thermal reduction
(m2 ). is subdued; on hot days, the contrast widens.
Data analysis was implemented in three stages: The control tile temperature Ttz and green-roof vegetation
canopy temperature Tv are compared (Fig. 6b). Contrary to expecta-
(1) Compare surface and air temperature between site A and sites tion, DM at Tv is higher than Ttz on most days, with a few exceptions
B and Z to detect green-roof thermal effects in summer; in late August and early September. This vegetation canopy anomaly
(2) Explore the effects of key meteorological variables on green- might be explained by: (1) higher net solar radiation on green roof
roof thermal performance; due to lower albedo of vegetation leaves; (2) trapping of heat in the
(3) Analyse green-roof thermal performance on selected summer canopy when evapotranspiration rate declines in early afternoon
days with typical weather conditions. due to exhaustion of stored soil moisture; and (3) the incomplete
coverage of the groundcover herb resulting in a notable proportion
of exposed soils.
Green-roof thermal performance
Table 4 presents the average daily maximum (ADM) surface
temperature of sites B, A and Z. Comparing sites A and B, green
Surface temperature
roof reduces the tile ADM by 5.2 ◦ C (Tta − Ttb ), which denotes the
holistic green-roof effect. The vegetation canopy ADM is raised by
Roof surface temperature critically affects sensible heat flux and
3.4 ◦ C (Tv − Ttb ), indicating the vegetation canopy anomaly. Com-
longwave radiation to the air, and downward heat flux to the inte-
paring sites A and Z, green roof lowers tile ADM by a notable 8.1 ◦ C
rior space. Fig. 6 compares the daily maximum DM of tile surface
(Tta − Ttz) . The vegetation canopy suppresses the tile ADM by 0.5 ◦ C
(Tt ) at sites B, A and Z. In the before session, site Z has consistently
(Ttz – Tv ).
higher DM than site B (Fig. 6a). The temperature peaks and troughs
of the two sites are synchronous, but the amplitude at site Z exceeds
site B. Air temperature
In the after session, DM at Ttz remains high, with 58% (19 out of
33) of the days exceeding 40 ◦ C (Fig. 6b). In contrast, DM at Tta drops In the before session, summer DM air temperature at site Z is
notably with only three days exceeding 30 ◦ C. Such drastic temper- warmer than site A at U10 by 2.4 ◦ C, and at U160 by 2.5 ◦ C (Fig. 7a and
ature reduction at the green-roof bottom is attributed to passive b). At site Z, DM at the low level U10 is warmer than the high level
shading and insulation in tandem with active evapotranspiration. U160 by about 1 ◦ C, but less so at site A. After roof greening, site A is
The difference in DM between sites Z and A (Ttz − Tta ) ranges from notably cooler than site Z at U10 by 4.4 ◦ C (September 5) (Fig. 7c).
0.48 ◦ C (on August 12) to 12.5 ◦ C (on August 23), indicating notable At U160 , site A is cooler than Z by a maximum of 2.3 ◦ C (Fig. 7d),

Table 4
Comparison of average daily maximum (ADM) surface temperature (◦ C) in the before and after sessions and between experimental and control sites.

Baseline to assess green roof effect

Site A before or after green roof installation Control roof Site Z before or after green roof installation

Holistic green roof effect Vegetation canopy effect Holistic green roof effect Vegetation canopy effect

ADM timing Tta − Ttb Tv − Ttb Ttz Tta − Ttz Ttz − Tv

After state, Y 30.20 38.80 38.3 30.20 38.30
Before state, X 35.40 35.40 40.5 38.30 38.80
Y−X −5.20 3.40 na −8.10 −0.50
78 C.Y. Jim, L.L.H. Peng / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 11 (2012) 73–85

Fig. 7. Daily maximum (DM) air temperature in August and September between: (a) sites B and Z in 2008 at U10 ; (b) sites B and Z in 2008 at U160 ; (c) sites A and Z in 2009 at
U10 ; and (d) sites A and Z in 2009 at U160 .

Table 5 with bare roof, respectively DM reduction (DMR) and DA reduction

Comparison of average daily maximum air temperature (ADM, in ◦ C) of the control
(Z) and experimental (B or A) sites in the before and after sessions.
Overall, the weather parameters exert more influence on two
Sensor Before session (Z – B) After session (Z − A) sensors that are contiguous (Tta ) or close to the green-roof stra-
Mean Std. error Mean Std. error tum (U10 ) than the somewhat elevated (Tv ) and the significantly
elevated (U160 ). Of the four sensor positions, Tv has the smallest
U10 1.37 0.1 2.1 0.25
U160 1.28 0.1 1.1 0.12 number of significant correlations and relatively weaker corre-
lation coefficients. For weather parameters, SR and RH have the
largest number of significant correlations and relatively stronger
indicating more effective vegetative cooling near the ground and coefficients. WS has a smaller number of significant correlations
its notable reduction with height. However, within each site (A and and weaker coefficients. Within a given weather parameter, the
Z), U10 remains warmer than U160 . sign of significant correlation coefficients is consistently either pos-
In the before session, summer ADM air temperature at U10 at itive or negative, except WS which has both.
site A is cooler than site Z by 1.37 ◦ C; after roof greening, it increases
to 2.10 ◦ C, indicating vegetative cooling by around 0.7 ◦ C (Table 5). Solar radiation
At U160 , the corresponding temperature reductions are 1.28 ◦ C and
SR is positively correlated (p < 0.01) with all thermal-effect indi-
1.1 ◦ C for the before and after sessions. Before roof greening, the
cators at all sensor positions except DA at Tv (Table 6). High SR
inter-site temperature differences at the two levels are similar. The
can induce high temperature at vegetation surface Tv and at green-
green-roof cooling effect, however, is notably subdued (0.1 ◦ C) at
roof bottom Tta , and high air temperature at U10 and U160 . More
the higher level.
SR can sustain evapotranspiration to bring cooling by latent heat at
green roof in comparison with bare roof. The cooling effect is more
Effect of weather parameters on green-roof cooling pronounced on hot days with high SR.
Comparing the four sensor positions, more DMR and DAR at Tta
General observations as indicated by stronger correlation coefficients, curtail downward
heat flux to the indoor space. For air temperature, the SR effect is
This section explores underlying weather factors on thermal stronger on DM and DA but less so for DMR and DAR. SR is not
effects of green roof. Pearson correlation analyses identified the correlated with DA at Tv , suggesting that living foliage has different
key meteorological variables, including daily average values of solar response to SR in comparison with abiotic materials.
radiation (SR), relative humidity (RH), soil moisture (SM), and wind
speed (WS) (Table 6). At the four sensor positions of the green Relative humidity
roof, namely Tta , Tv , U10 and U160 , four thermal-effect indicators
were computed: daily maximum (DM) and daily average (DA) tem- Similar to SR, RH is significantly correlated with all thermal-
perature, and temperature reduction of green roof in comparison effect indicators (p < 0.05 or p < 0.01) again except DA at Tv , but
C.Y. Jim, L.L.H. Peng / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 11 (2012) 73–85 79

Table 6
Pearson correlation coefficients between weather parameters and thermal-effect indicators of the green roof.

Sensor position Thermal-effect indicatora Weather parameter

Solar radiation Relative humidity Soil moisture Wind speed


Surface temperature of vegetation canopy, Tv DM .523** −.473** −0.33 0.00

DA 0.00 0.22 0.04 −0.31
DMR .529** −.517** −0.19 0.29
DAR .498** −.644** −.382* .711**
Surface temperature of roof tile, Tta DM .597** −.700** −.478** .440**
DA .465** −.663** −.561** .493**
DMR .701** −.644** −0.32 0.11
DAR .855** −.916** −569** .594**
Air temperature at 10 cm height, U10 DM .702** −.452** −.425** −.683**
DA .860** −.814** −.755** −.453**
DMR .571** −.611* −.505** 0.19
DAR .599** −.553* −.502** 0.01
Air temperature at 160 cm height, U160 DM .788** −.581** −.515** −.578**
DA .704** −.816** −.726** −.411**
DMR .608** −.555** −0.36 −0.06
DAR .535** −.426** −.420* −\0.06
DM: daily maximum, DA: daily average, DMR: daily maximum reduction, DAR: daily average reduction; reduction refers to the lowering of green roof temperature in
comparison with bare roof.
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

the relationships are all negative (Table 6). High RH induces lower to rainfall and its attendant influence on energy dynamics on both
temperature and limited temperature reduction. This is related to green and bare roofs. Rainfall triggers almost immediate temper-
the frequent association between high RH and low SR in the local ature drop on bare roof, whereas green roof shows a delayed and
summer weather to bring lower surface and air temperature. The subdued drop due to stored heat mainly in soil water, and inter-
restrained green-roof cooling could be attributed to elevated RH ception and shielding effect of plants. Thus higher SM is associated
incurring a reduced vapour pressure gradient between the sur- with less green-roof cooling.
face and air, and leading to suppression of evapotranspiration. The
dampening effect of RH is expressed by its strong negative cor- Wind speed
relation with DAR at Tta (r = −0.916), indicating the notably stifled
cooling effect during high RH periods often associated with overcast WS is correlated with only half of the thermal-effect indicators
or rainy days. (Table 6). Unlike the previous three weather attributes which have
consistent negative or positive significant coefficients, WS has four
Soil moisture positive contrasting with four negative coefficients. Tv is the least
correlated, whereas Tta the most correlated. High WS incurs lower
On sunny or cloudy days, the soil moisture could reach DM and DA at U10 and U160 on green roof. DMR and DAR are not cor-
0.35 m3 /m3 after the irrigation, and drop to around 0.25 m3 /m3 related with WS at U10 and U160 , but DAR is significantly correlated
later in the afternoon. On rainy days, it can rise to 0.45 m3 /m3 with WS at Tv and Tta . Wind can augment evapotranspiration cool-
depending on the intensity and duration of the rain event. SM effect ing on green roof, and carry away heat from both bare and green
is similar to RH, with negative significant (p < 0.05 or p < 0.01) cor- roofs to cool surface and air temperature. WS does not bring DMR
relations with all except five thermal-effect indicators associated or DAR of air temperature at both heights, but it can enhance DAR at
with Tv , Tta and U160 (Table 6). Tv is particularly detached from Tv and Tta . Thus WS effect on green roof is largely exercised through
SM effect, except DAR. The SM correlation coefficients are weaker intermediary effect of evapotranspiration.
than SR and RH. The correlations with DM and DA at U10 and U160
demonstrate the enhancement of evapotranspiration cooling by Overall assessment
SM. SM also has negative effect on DM and DA at Tta , reflecting
enhancement of thermal insulation and reduction of heat flux into SR and RH present the key weather determinants of green-roof
the indoor space. SM plays a dual and complex role in green-roof cooling effect. SM exerts as a multiple and interactive factor, with
heat budget and thermal performance. The high thermal capac- important influence on cooling by evapotranspiration, heat stor-
ity of soil water can subdue temperature rise, but the stored heat age and associated dampening of temperature fluctuations, and
can retard temperature drop and maintain the elevated temper- thermal insulation to accentuate green-roof thermal performance.
ature for a longer period. The overall result is a lower maximum WS can reduce air temperature, but its effect on green roof is not
temperature coupled with a higher minimum temperature, and a notably better than bare roof. The cooling effect of weather parame-
contracted diurnal temperature range. The supply of SM is required ters on green roof at Tta and Tv is partly offset by concurrent cooling
to sustain the evapotranspiration cooling effect. of bare roof.
The correlations between SM and DMR and DAR are negative. Of Comparing the sensor positions, Tv has the weakest correla-
the four thermal-effect indicators, DMR is only statistically signifi- tion with weather parameters. Tv is somewhat elevated above the
cant at U10 . DAR, however, is significant for all four sensor positions. soil surface by a three-dimensional lattice of interwoven stems of
This is related to the superposition of artificial (irrigation) on the Perennial Peanut. The foliage surface temperature is largely regu-
natural (rainfall) regulation of SM. The green roof was irrigated lated internally by plant thermal properties and operational state of
daily to nourish the newly planted vegetation. On days without physiological functions. The external weather influence has limited
rainfall, the daily water supply matches the SM pattern with limited influence on the four thermal-effect indicators of living foliage with
amplitude of fluctuation. The main variations in SM are attributed an estimated leaf area index of about 1.2. Other plant growth forms
80 C.Y. Jim, L.L.H. Peng / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 11 (2012) 73–85

Table 7
Key weather conditions of three sets of typical summer days in 2008 and 2009.

Typical weather Date Sunshine Maximum air Minimum air Cloud cover Mean relative Rainfall
duration (h) temperature (◦ C) temperature (◦ C) (%) humidity (%) (mm)

Sunny summer August 14, 2008 11.2 33.5 26.0 21.0 74.0 0.0
August 21, 2009 11.3 33.4 26.1 21.0 70.0 0.0
Cloudy summer August 19, 2008 5.8 31.2 27.9 47.0 78.0 0.0
August 25, 2009 6.7 31.1 27.6 80.0 78.0 0.0
Rainy summer August 08, 2008 0.1 27.1 24.8 90.0 93.0 108.0
August 13, 2009 0.2 27.4 24.8 90.0 96.0 70.0

such as shrubs and trees with taller and more complex biomass The green-roof cooling effect on cloudy summer day is notably
structure could provide better thermal insulation and transpiration suppressed (Fig. 8b) in comparison with sunny day, mainly due to
cooling. cooler Ttb than warmer Tta . Ttb ranges from 27.1 to 36.1 ◦ C, whereas
Tta is similar to sunny day and fluctuates within merely 2 ◦ C. The
green roof can reduce peak Tta by 6.3 ◦ C, and the widest difference
Temperature and heat flux of typical weather scenarios between Tta and Ttb of 7.2 ◦ C occurs at around 1300 h. The nighttime
scenarios display a reversed pattern similar to sunny day, with Tta
This section explores the green-roof thermal effects under three slightly warmer than Ttb .
typical summer weather conditions, namely sunny, cloudy (over- The cloudy day Tv trend deviates from sunny day (Fig. 8b). Tv
cast) and rainy days. Green roof is compared with bare roof in terms remains warmer than Ttb in both daytime and especially in night-
of diurnal variations in surface and air temperature and heat flux. time. This situation could be attributed to the combined effect of
The marked differences in weather conditions of the sampled sum- evapotranspiration suppression at green roof under overcast con-
mer days, for the before and after sessions, are listed in Table 7. The dition, and reduced radiative cooling at night.
surface temperature at Ttb , Tta and Tv are plotted in Fig. 8. On rainy day, the surface temperature contrasts with sunny and
cloudy days (Fig. 8c). The energy conservation role of green roof is
mobilized, with Tv notably warmer than Ttb by >5 ◦ C throughout
Surface temperature daytime and nighttime. The widest difference between Tv and Ttb of
5.7 ◦ C occurs in the early afternoon. Tta is warmer than Ttb through-
On sunny summer day, green roof at Tta demonstrates drastic out the 24-h cycle except a short period from 1600 to 1800 h, and
suppression of surface temperature and fluctuation amplitude than with the widest difference of 3.8 ◦ C occurring at around midnight.
the antecedent bare roof at Ttb due to the holistic thermal effect Rainfall could cause a rapid and dramatic drop in surface temper-
of the vegetated roof system (Fig. 8a). Tta experiences a limited ature of bare roof, whereas the effect on green roof is subdued in
range of 28.2–30.3 ◦ C, whereas Ttb a wide range of 25.3–39.4 ◦ C. terms of both speed and magnitude. This could be explained by
The largest difference (11 ◦ C) between Ttb and Tta occurs at 1200 h vegetation interception of rainfall, and soil heat reservoir of soil
when Ttb temperature peaks. In the 24-h cycle, Ttb exceeds Tta dur- moisture. The moisture in the living foliage can also trap heat and
ing the day, but drops below Tta after sunset at 1800 h until sunrise keep the green surface relatively warm.
at 0600 h. This nighttime reversed temperature difference, how-
ever, is limited to 1–2 ◦ C only. Thus green roof displays a nocturnal Air temperature
inhibition of heat release. It affords a heat sink to store solar energy
acquired in daytime, largely due to thermal capacity of soil mois- On sunny summer day, the green-roof diurnal air temperature
ture, which is released slowly in nighttime to sustain the elevated pattern could be demarcated into two episodes (Fig. 9a). At U10 , the
nocturnal temperature. short first episode from 0700 to 1130 h records a slightly warmer
Still on sunny day, the diurnal temperature trend of Tv is simi- green roof. The long second episode from 1130 h to 0700 h entails
lar to Ttb (Fig. 8a). Tv is slightly cooler in the afternoon from 1100 prominent and continuous cooling of the vegetated roof. At U10 ,
to 1800 h due to high evapotranspiration rate. However, Tv has the peak temperature of 36 ◦ C is attained at around 1400 h, which
slightly warmer nighttime and morning temperature than Ttb due is 1.4 ◦ C lower than bare roof. The widest difference of 4.5 ◦ C occurs
to retained heat in the foliage water and rapid nocturnal radiative at 1545 h when U10 reaches its maximum at bare roof. At U160 ,
cooling at bare roof. the duration and magnitude of green-roof cooling are restrained

Fig. 8. Diurnal surface temperature variations between the green and the bare roof: (a) on a typical sunny summer day; (b) cloudy summer day; and (c) rainy summer day.
Ttb denotes surface temperature of the bare roof tile at site B before green roof installation; Tta denotes surface temperature of roof tile beneath the green roof at site A; and
Tv denotes surface temperature of vegetation canopy on the green roof at site A.
C.Y. Jim, L.L.H. Peng / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 11 (2012) 73–85 81

Fig. 9. Diurnal air temperature variations on typical sunny summer days: (a) at U10 for before and after sessions; (b) at U160 for before and after sessions; (c) at U10 and U160
for before session; and (d) at U10 and U160 for after session. The before session was recorded on August 14, 2008 and after session on August 21, 2009.

in comparison with U10 (Fig. 9b). The cooling episode runs from air and contributes to a slightly warmer U10 compared with U160
1200 to 1800 h, with maximum cooling of 3.4 ◦ C occurring around throughout the day (Fig. 11c). The green roof shows little differ-
1330 h. Overall, the cooling effect is more effective at U10 than U160 , ence between U10 and U160 in daytime, but slightly cooler U10 in
indicating a height-decay function. nighttime, corroborating the nocturnal near-ground cooling effect
U10 and U160 on sunny day are plotted for before and after ses- (Fig. 11d).
sions (Figs. 9c and 6d). They display a similar diurnal temperature
pattern in daytime, with U10 slightly warmer than U160 . In daytime, Daily heat flux pattern
the warmed ground surface, with or without green roof, serves as a
heat source to warm the near-ground air by conduction and convec- On sunny summer day, the heat flux of the antecedent bare roof
tion. In nighttime, the two levels diverge, with U10 slightly warmer increases from zero from around 0600 h to peak value of 84 W m−2
than U160 on bare roof, but slightly cooler than U160 on green roof. at 1130 h (Fig. 12a). It then drops to zero at 1800 h, and continues
In nighttime, bare roof surface continues to warm the air by releas- to slide into negative values until 0600 h. The heat flux profile indi-
ing longwave radiation, whereas green roof cools the air due to cates pronounced heat gain by the building in daytime and small
subdued but continuous evaporation. Thus green-roof cooling of heat loss in nighttime.
ambient air on sunny summer day is characterized by warming in In contrast, green roof shows consistent heat loss throughout
daytime and cooling in nighttime. the day, being higher in daytime and approaching zero in night-
On cloudy day, the green-roof cooling effect is smaller than time (Fig. 12a). Even on hot summer days, the solar heat received
sunny day due to solar screening by clouds. No decrease in peak by green roof cannot penetrate into the building indoor space. Neg-
U10 is observed, and some cooling continues from 1500 to 0600 h, ative heat flux begins to intensify from 0600 h in the morning,
with maximum difference of 2.3 ◦ C occurring at 1730 h (Fig. 10a). At peaking at 50.5 W m−2 around 1200 h, which corresponds with the
U160 , the limited difference between green and bare roofs through- maximum heat gain at bare roof. It then declines to near-zero at
out the day reflects less effective cooling (Fig. 10b). The vertical around 2100 h, and remains nearly constant from 2100 to 0600 h.
comparisons between U10 and U160 also indicate green-roof cooling Compared with daytime data, the nocturnal heat loss from green
in nighttime on cloudy day (Fig. 10c and d). roof is marginal, and it is even lower than bare roof. This is due to
More air temperature variations occur on rainy summer day and the insulation effect of soil and vegetation which can retard heat
they deviate notably from sunny and cloudy days. At U10 , green transmission both downwards and upwards. Thus the cooling effect
roof is warmer in daytime but cooler in nighttime than bare roof of green roof on hot sunny summer days occurs mainly in day-
(Fig. 11a). The antecedent heat retained by green roof and the solar time, and that it is propelled mainly by evapotranspiration cooling
radiation absorption in daytime, albeit subdued, provide sufficient fuelled by solar energy.
energy to continue warming the air in daytime. The green-roof Heat flux on cloudy summer day follows a similar pattern as
nocturnal cooling effect has not been suppressed by rainfall. At the sunny situation, but it demonstrates markedly reduced magni-
U160 , green roof is consistently warmer than bare roof except for a tude and amplitude on both green and bare roofs (Fig. 12b). The
brief period before dawn, showing limited influence of nighttime curves have been compressed in the y-axis orientation towards
cooling (Fig. 11b). The bare roof continually warms the surrounding the zero heat flux line. On bare roof, the maximum positive heat
82 C.Y. Jim, L.L.H. Peng / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 11 (2012) 73–85

Fig. 10. Diurnal air temperature variations on typical cloudy summer days: (a) at U10 for before and after sessions; (b) at U160 for before and after sessions; (c) at U10 and
U160 for before session; and (d) at U10 and U160 for after session. The before session was recorded on August 19, 2008 and after session on August 25, 2009.

Fig. 11. Diurnal air temperature variations on typical rainy summer days: (a) at U10 for before and after sessions; (b) at U160 for before and after sessions; (c) at U10 and U160
for before session; and (d) at U10 and U160 for after session. The before session was recorded on August 08, 2008 and after session on August 13, 2009.
C.Y. Jim, L.L.H. Peng / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 11 (2012) 73–85 83

Fig. 12. Diurnal heat flux profile under typical weather conditions for before and after sessions: (a) sunny summer day; (b) cloudy summer day; and (c) rainy summer day.

Table 8
Daily heat flux pattern, cooling load reduction and estimated electricity energy cost of the green-roof cooling effect.

Typical weather Roof type Heat flux Cooling load reduction Electricity cost savinga

Heat gain Heat loss Unit area Whole roof b Whole Unit area Whole roofb Whole
(kJ m−2 day−1 ) (kJ m−2 day−1 ) (kWh m−2 day−1 ) (kWh day−1 ) summerc (HK$ m−2 day−1 ) (HK$ day−1 ) summerc
(kWh) (HK$)

Sunny summer Bare roof 2055.00 608.00

Green roof 0.00 1789.00 0.90 435.60 17,424.00 0.82 398.57 15,942.96
Cloudy summer Bare roof 899.00 565.00
Green roof 0.00 1714.00 0.57 275.88 11,035.20 0.52 252.43 10,097.21
Rainy summer Bare roof 0.00 1504.00
Green roof 0.00 1414.00 −0.03 −12.10 −484.00 −0.02 −11.07 −442.86
Total 699.38 27,975.20 639.93 25,597.31
The local electricity tariff is HK$0.915 per kWh in March 2011.
The green roof covers an area of 484 m2 .
The summer season in Hong Kong lasts about 120 days, and each typical weather condition is assigned 40 days.
The average CO2 emission from a coal-fire power plant is 966 g per kWh (Currie et al., 2002), hence the green roof could reduce 27.02 t of CO2 emission per summer based
on cooling load reduction alone.

flux of 46.7 W m−2 occurs at 1130 h, and the maximum nega- cooling load reduction of 0.57 kWh m−2 . The rainy day has no heat
tive heat flux of 22.6 W m−2 occurs at 2115 h. Heat gain starts gain on both bare and green roofs. There is a tiny cooling load
from 0700 to 1845 h, and heat loss from 1845 to 0700 h. The reduction of −0.03 kJ m−2 on green roof.
green roof exhibits all-day heat loss, with more in daytime and Assuming that the summer weather conditions last on average
less in nighttime. Compared with sunny day, cloudy day experi- four months (120 days) in Hong Kong, which is equivalent to the
ences more heat loss in nighttime especially from sunset to around days that normally require air-conditioning, and the partitioning of
midnight. sunny, rainy, and cloudy days is 1:1:1, the potential energy saving in
On rainy summer day, the diurnal heat flux pattern departs summer due to installation of the 484 m2 green roof is estimated to
prominently from sunny and cloudy days (Fig. 12c). Both bare and be equivalent to 2.80 × 104 kWh (Table 8). Translated into monetary
green roofs show consistent heat loss throughout the day and with units, with electricity tariff at the site of HK$0.915 per kWh unit in
subdued fluctuations. The heat flux of bare and green roofs dif- 2010, the total energy cost saving is HK$2.56 × 104 for each summer
fers by small margins in the whole day. Even on bare roof, no heat season. This is equivalent to an avoidance of 27.02 t per summer
is gained by the building indoor space throughout the day. From of carbon dioxide emission from a coal-fired power plant (Currie
about 1100 to 2300 h, slightly more heat is lost from green roof et al., 2002). The research findings could inform the building service
than bare roof. From about 2300 to 1100 h, a reversed pattern is engineering team to adjust the cooling system on hot summer days
observed. This is largely attributed to the cooler wet concrete sur- to realize the environmental benefits.
face during a continuous rainfall event. In contrast, heat loss from
green roof on rainy day is considerably less than sunny and cloudy
days due to suppression of evapotranspiration. Conclusion
Daily heat gain and loss were calculated to compare cooling load
reduction under different weather conditions (Table 8). On sunny Based on monitoring data of the railway station extensive green
day, heat gain of bare roof is 2055 kJ m−2 and heat loss 608 kJ m−2 , roof, we investigated green-roof impacts on summer temperature
whereas green roof has no heat gain but accompanied by heat loss and heat flux in the humid-subtropical context. Compared with
of 1789 kJ m−2 . Overall, green roof can reduce the building’s cool- previous field experiments which focused on a few sunny summer
ing load by 0.90 kWh m−2 . On cloudy day, heat gain of bare roof is days, we evaluated thermal performance in relation to key meteo-
reduced to 899 kJ m−2 and heat loss is 565 kJ m−2 . The green roof rological parameters and three main weather scenarios. The main
has no heat gain and heat loss of 1714 kJ m−2 , resulting in a daily findings are summarized as follows:
84 C.Y. Jim, L.L.H. Peng / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 11 (2012) 73–85

(1) The green roof demonstrates great variations in diurnal ther- Compared with findings of similar studies in tropical Singapore
mal performance. On average, the holistic green-roof effect could (Wong et al., 2007a), the reduction in maximum surface temper-
reduce daily maximum temperature at the bottom tile sur- ature at Tta on sunny summer day in our study is lower by 9 ◦ C,
face (Tta ) by 5.2 ◦ C, air temperature at 10 cm height (U10 ) by indicating a subdued thermal insulation and cooling effect. This
around 0.7 ◦ C, but little effect at 160 cm (U160 ). The vegetation could be attributed to the relatively moderate bare-roof surface
surface temperature (Tv ) is even higher than bare roof tile sur- temperature (a relatively cooler baseline) in humid-subtropical
face (Ttz ) by 3.4 ◦ C, imparting the vegetation canopy anomaly due Hong Kong in comparison with equatorial Singapore with stronger
to limited solar protection by plants that have not achieved a insolation and a longer-hotter summer. The cooling of ambient air
complete coverage. above the extensive green roof in our study is notable, whereas
(2) Solar radiation and relative humidity are the key meteoro- the Singapore study found higher air temperature above green roof
logical factors of the green-roof thermal effect. High solar than bare roof. This could be associated with the relatively moist
radiation combined with low relative humidity could opti- soil in our experiment.
mize green-roof thermal performance. Soil moisture enhances The regular daily irrigation could maintain average soil moisture
green-roof passive cooling by storing heat, dampening diurnal content at about 0.3 m3 /m3 to facilitate and sustain effective evap-
temperature fluctuations, and sustaining evapotranspiration otranspiration cooling. This finding substantiates the crucial role of
and associated cooling. Rainfall can offset the relative cooling soil moisture in the passive cooling of tropical green roof. However,
contribution of green roof due to rapid cooling of bare roof. this study does not aim at establishing a quantitative relationship
Wind can reduce surface and air temperature of green roof by between soil moisture and green-roof cooling effect due to lim-
enhancing evapotranspiration, but it is not correlated with tem- ited variations in moisture level and unpredictable precipitation
perature reduction due to effective dissipation of the stored input. Future studies could investigate temperature responses to
heat at bare roof. different rainfall (heavy, medium and light) and moisture regimes
(3) The green-roof thermal effect displays considerable variations (wet, moist and dry) to identify an optimal irrigation strategy under
under different weather scenarios. It attains an optimal state different weather scenarios.
on sunny summer day, declines on cloudy day, and becomes The sunny summer days selected in our study represent the fine
negligible on rainy day. On sunny summer day, the maxi- weather scenario in Hong Kong with high solar radiation and low
mum temperature reduction by green roof at different heights, relative humidity. The summer weather tends to oscillate amongst
namely tile surface (Tta ), vegetation surface (Tv ), and air at 10 cm sunny, cloudy and rainy episodes. A study of green-roof thermal
(U10 ) and 160 cm (U160 ), reaches respectively 11 ◦ C, 3.2 ◦ C, effect should encompass the main weather scenarios. The findings
4.5 ◦ C and 3.4 ◦ C. On cloudy day, the values decline to 7.2 ◦ C of this study on cloudy and rainy summer days with moderate air
at Tta , 2.3 ◦ C at U10 , with little reduction at U160 and an increase temperature and less insolation, in conjunction with sunny days,
at Tv . On rainy day, green roof assumes the energy conservation offer a comprehensive coverage of weather conditions to assess the
role with minor temperature reduction except slight nocturnal weather-dependent thermal performance of humid-subtropical
cooling. green roofs.
(4) The green roof reduces cooling load of the railway station build- Due to practical and resource limitations, we were not able
ing by 0.9 kWh m−2 on sunny summer day, 0.57 kWh m−2 on to replicate the sensors. The sensors are placed at the centre of
cloudy day, but adds a slight cooling load on rainy day. Over- both the experimental and control sites to minimize the edge and
all, the 484 m2 green roof offers a potential energy saving for shading effects, so as to obtain environmental data that are repre-
summer air-conditioning equivalent to 2.80 × 104 kWh of elec- sentative of the green roof. The relatively large site with a square
tricity or HK$2.56 × 104 of electricity tariff in each summer (the shape helps to reduce the edge effect. The similar results obtained at
officially pegged exchange rate is US$1.00 = HK7.80). This can be different times with comparable weather conditions could provide
translated into an upstream avoidance of 27.02 t of CO2 emis- a check on the validity of the sensor readings. The homogene-
sion at the power plant. ity of the groundcover vegetation in terms of species, vigour and
(5) Especially on fine sunny days and to a lesser extent on cloudy coverage throughout the green roof could eliminate internal spa-
days, the solar energy heats up bare roof considerably to incur tial variations in the measured parameters. Thus we believe that
heat flux into the building indoor space, demanding a con- the findings to a notable extent reflect the macroclimatic and soil
siderable amount of air-conditioning energy. The same solar moisture conditions of an extensive green roof with humid-tropical
energy works in the opposite direction on green roof to propel conditions.
evapotranspiration and to cool the roof and ambient air mainly Besides weather parameters, green-roof thermal effects are sen-
during daytime. The green roof can transform the otherwise sitive to other factors, such as roof size, plant growth form and
consumptive solar energy impact into productive and beneficial biomass structure, soil composition and related thermal proper-
ecosystem services in a clean and free-of-charge mode. ties, building types and urban morphology in the environs. These
(6) Shading and insulation by the physical materials of the green factors could be evaluated in other green roof studies to ascer-
roof system accounts for most of the cooling load reduction tain their contributions to cooling performance. Our experimental
in the building interior space below the roof slab, whereas site represents a typical extensive green roof established on a low-
evapotranspiration from vegetation and soil with sufficient rise structure in a new town setting. The results could be applied
water supply (rainfall supplemented by irrigation) contributes to other green roofs increasingly established on government and
significantly to cooing of the rooftop near-surface ambient school buildings which are mainly low-rise in Hong Kong and other
air. tropical cities. A deep understanding of green-roof thermal perfor-
(7) The holistic economic benefits (Banting et al., 2005; Carter mance in subtropical areas demands more empirical studies of a
and Keeler, 2008) of ameliorating the urban heat island effect, wide variety of green roof systems.
avoidance of CO2 emission, improvement in air quality, and
reduction in stormwater discharge and pollutants, in conjunc-
tion with the direct monetary savings in electricity tariff due Acknowledgements
to reduction of cooling load, could justify the capital and recur-
rent costs of establishing green roofs in public buildings in the We acknowledge with gratitude the research grant support
humid-tropical context. kindly provided by the railway company KCRC (recently merged
C.Y. Jim, L.L.H. Peng / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 11 (2012) 73–85 85

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