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Name : Abdul Rozak Hakiki

NPM : 1810302094
Class : 04
Subject : Profesional Writing


1. Effectiveness of Using Short Story as Material in Reading Comprehension for senior

high school student

2. English has become integral part on globalization. With the recent development,

communication barrier is thinner than before making easier for anyone to access

information from anywhere. English become the bridge this development allowing

people to connect and communicate across the world. This role is critical therefore

student are required to master English in order to access wider information. Therefore

effective teaching are needed student in order to prepare them for globalization world.

English has four critical basic skill : Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing.

Reading is the fundamental aspect of English for this is the main process to acquire

information through various mean. Student need to improve reading proficiency in

order to receive information in non live contact or communication. Reading skill also

required on this globalization which where social media appearing there and there.

Senior high school are the critical point in learning English for student. Student are

taught English extensively on this level. Effective and efficient method are required to

prepare student better. Short story appear to be an interesting media to learn English

on this level. Student may learn English while enjoy the story making learning

English easier. With this point as the basis, researcher conduct this research in order
to find out whether using short story as material in senior high school can improve

their reading comprehension or not.

3. Is using short story as teaching material improve learner reading skill development?

How short story improve student reading skill development?

4. Previous study mentioned favorable results such as, Nuray (2016) that stated short

story provides better understanding and help student develop better empathy with a

better understanding for people in different situations and behaviors. Yustina (2020)

also support this method based on her finding : short stories are also interesting

because the stories are very diverse and it enriches students’ vocabulary. Finally, short

stories also make students think critically through what is conveyed by the stories.

Not only that, Dwi (2020) also stated that short stories are a good media to motivate

students to improve their reading abilities because they can be seen from the found

results. In addition that short stories can increase students’ motivation in reading

because short stories are very interesting to read.

5. Short story will keep student entertained while avoid being bored as one can finish

short story in one sitting. Short story also have easier and shorter point, perfect for

building reading comprehension bit by bit.

6. This research use quantitative design. Quantitative is a research that process data in

the form of numerical and process into data that can be used as result of the research.

This study use two classes of senior high school with total of 48 student as participant.

This study use quasi-experiment using two group for subjects. Only one group will be
taught using short story. Student are given pre-test to determine their initial level, then

researcher will teach one group with short story as the material. The result are

determined two group performances on post-test. Data will be analyzed using SPSS

for calculation. This research require a room for teaching, PC/Laptop with SPSS

installed and teaching material.

7. Reference :

Adyana, R. 2016. Using short stories to enhance students’ vocabulary mastery in writing

narrative texts. Sebelas Maret University in Surakarta.

Ceylan, N.O. 2016. Using short Stories in Reading Skills Class. Bulent Ecevit University,


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Hidayanti, and Novita. 2017. “Teaching Reading Comprehension by Using Short Mapping

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Jeni, and Yustina. 2020. The Using of Short Stories to Enhance Students’ Reading

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Pratiwi, Dwi, P. Juita, and S. Agung. Short Story as a Media for Motivating Students

Improvement in Reading

Kreutz, J and Rhodi. 2016. The influence of ICT on learners’ motivation towards learning

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Lubis,S. 2016. Teaching Technique for Developing Reading comprehension. Proceedings of

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Pransiska, T. Eka. 2018. “The Use of Short Story as Materials in Reading Comprehension in

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