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Midterm Exam MEP 504 Advanced Mathematics 1 Page No.: of il Problem no.1 [100 pts.] Solve the following differential Equation (a) (Re® - u) du - 26% (e2 + ku) dv=0 (b) (x - By + 2) dx + 3(x + By - )dy=0 (©) y(x*y* - m) dx + x(x%y? + n) dy =0. (@) 2 ~ by = cre; where cz, bi, and be are constants and bi # by a) (ke*™-u)du - 2%” (e+ kuldv=0 Sol jek os x ave" )= de Che 0) du - (xe kudde? 0 Cequation |) Fitst order Rit dye homycneae difgertal equation ows le w= xy du xdy+ ydx using eqration (3) + Cex-ddu - Goreu)de=0 Chex vy) Cady ty de) ~ (xt xy dx 0 Cex=ny) Cxdy tydd= (ct key Cex-ry) xdy # -y Cex ayes Cat eng dx X (har ag) dy > “pide 4198 der xd 1p a x Ceeyddy = (yD de eepdy = (gta es) ys de Gyo x Thtegiate ‘oth ade: « fia [Gas J tan! Gy) 3 nyt) om G)tC tetan”((4)-2 Wf(2)'si] 6046 In ic] DJJ] university of science and Technology name: shn Mare M fadillo Rating: Of Southern Philippines ing: legcttpneeng ne chee Instructor: Leonel Paiona ‘soomiopae ue Date : November 9, 2021 9:00PM a & X-2y22 ik Gxt aH AD Substitute xe Kal and ys Ye = at ele Be AY | Xb -3Y-9e42 BLS enasV oes => av Xo 3th -3k42 # a (Xan rhea) + equate $e constant erm 4 0 h- 3k42 =0 nts “4F0 nat and kel Sherfve under tte substation x= X41 and ue Yl a the givon diffrent! equation teures | Be. Jey ak 8(x42Y) sles Y-VX av a: vant “tty * Here walucg nin he above eqvartion Vex JV. hav wg 3048) av 2H3V ax ~~ a¢av) ~ a xg: = 14 9V-3V > AN? So Citav, 3 (49%) SUE dy = (wv? -3 x Midterm Exam MEP 504 Advanced Mathematics 1 Page No.:2 I Prien’. Ceontl’) 4 aval. xk = ae b) Ge2yre)da 4 (ray a) 4y70 ot (wr fue gen equation can be written a9. do) y2 dD, ax z oy? On-| * 4 10 (S4 *) gin (aver) ein Gem (6) > integ rating © ja a constant, In Gra ln Cay =i) = to G04 Ine) + (avt-i)= le (xc) ave Ge (avs) = ox Potting V2%/x and sine fy any (avt-x?) = CX? ayeX atys)- Ger | * [soot on} Cosi? Syst) Geri) | ao Xexn and Yeytl | University of Science and Technology Philippines of southern ‘ote of tngnceng ar Arenas Lapaan Capen de Oo Oy ‘5100 Pitppnes lan Hare Ht fadillo Instructor: Leonel Pabllona ‘Due Date : November 9, 2021 9:00 PM) Midterm Exam (MEP 504 Advanced Mathematics 1 Page No.:3 |! Problem Nol Conta) €) ylatge my de + Cg? 1004y = WKY) dx + NOY) dy= 0 2 wowy) = y lym) NUay) # x Gtg*-*) Ton; Mt. axtyé-n ay DN sxt yt vem 2% om 4 at ay” The equation ia nb at fod 0-6. oo giventte equation fo 0 0%" ook ve of He “ype, folag)y de + #2 (ay) xdy #0 tre integrating factor iv: 1 its ——____ sy hog) “9 Oy) tere 4 gps oto fe (ug) x29 4 sey G3) 942 Oy) a9 ey? -m)-ry Yan) 2 sy fi) -19 fe 68) = Co) (ongte@ des Crty = 2) dy 70 a) He (ay) 7 9 AS and Ne Gay x ou 2 -2%y = = => @) jn an track DE and tte tition | Jinses es) de 1 jose in NO6y)) dy -o for gas [3 ay? C ‘yonstant “a + emlog G4) - log * = log (@) we + toy O°) og 4") = 99 CC) 2 waty 4g 2) 4) z wig tg (0) “19 (F) Z wate GF 1 since be Cay bg ae contents 4) ceryseice™ \ a7: —4— yf (ng) -xyf2 Oy) vs ; and by #b2 * gy Unt) oe ; sare Jee - (FF) de oul miply bon tides given equation Oy oh et iY ‘fate < is » “b3)3 (ety de OAD Aro — yettt ec Jol de sn) tor ee mac “1 Geta dy Ltt) dy. +0 _ ond 4 colt itt Sonn Dy =e 4ce oe >» (Ga) » ae ee ame — : Jan Mate Yl: fadillo Rating: ae eae Instructor : Leonel |. Pabilona . ‘a0 Pipes Due Date : November 9, 2024(9:00 PM) Page No.:4 ef MEP 504 Advanced Mathematics 1 Midterm Exam Problem no.2 [100 pts.] Solve the general solution of the following differential Equation (a) (D* + 2D3 - 6D? — 16D — 8)y = 0 (b) (D3 — 3D? + 4)y = 6 + 80cos2x (solve using undetermined coefficient) (© (0° - 208 + D‘)y = 120x + Be* (solve using variation of parameters) @ (D+ 2°AD- 2) y=e#* cos x (solve using operator techniques) a) (o4+207- G0*-1wD- 8)y 0 re Dus Liary equation is flm)=0 64 2m?- om? -1um +8 =0 (m42) (m?-om-4)=0 Cimt2) Cmyz) Cm*-2m-2)20 Cmt2)? (m*. 2m-2) 20 (mre)? =0 5 (nt. zamz¥o : ms22J ae HOD = (er Caxde4e* [ce coon IO 9 +c, Sin VS x hal University of Sclence and Technology Name + Joo Hore H fadillo ; ‘OfSouthem Philippines Rating: Inetrtor : Leonel Pabion Cotege ot enpmernpans eecre Laps, apn er Cy ue Date : November 9,201 19:0 Mt) ‘000 Papp, Midterm Exam ‘MEP 504 Advanced Mathematics 1 Page No.: 5061) Paiplem No-2 Coont'd) bd (b*-sotea)y et sooen Cathe wing uated ecient) The duxillony equation is m3. 9m7t4 =o (anti) (team +4) #0 (mi) (29° met; 22 are Boks she Complementary Solution 19 ye Ges (CrtaXde™ Using Hetad of undetermined coefficients, Lhd He articular elution Ye lee ype A [Bow ext cs x] ye ov -2Bemeet cut] up’ = [amas 2 -4esin »| av [ ao sin sc wnt | NOY ao tata) 20 2b 422-0 0 = 22 and 4, arte en Yee g-[eomntesnze] we 2e 2[ aman sinax] Rasy Re Goeral SOURTOA Toy Ue OP yo Ge" (Cascade + pro [emnstto) Cotege of trgoeeing an Acai lapaan Cag de Oe ry Due Date : November 9, 2021 9:00PM) 5100 Pipes bead Unter of Ses nt Teco an a ‘saute Pps sha ac Hall Instructor : leone L.Patilona Rating: Midterm Exam MEP 504 Advanced Mathematics 1 Page No.: «¢/ Problem iNo-2-Cont'S) 4) (osz)* (0-2) ys oe x Soution: Homayenetus Equation (0%) *cpaly *0 Quxi llary Fa vation (ez)? (m-2) 20 —— 12) =0 te compbeentay soon 1 9 by ye = OE 7 one “4090 Particular Solvtion: pa (e* cosx) me inay? toa) at eMye eX tiv fio) £(pra) xf (jar Ee) ee os gee ™ (1 cs p (sam) * Appin vse He iesit of ara salction = im so) Te" par eres ) cm pss co (Ord) cy x 4) (44) 2 = LS ex. ote) pox e* rd) = Cay -tw) eC) geo poe ee (ord) a) (0t4) coox 09% pse ad pss 22% (p (coox) 44 005%) 1 poz 2 Caine + 4) 1p = S— (sins cos) iF Tre gereral solution ie giver by gl Yet) #90) yoy=Cie PHCaxXe sc oe Gime tame :_Jan Maic M fadillo Rating: Instructor: Leone Pabilons Due Date : November 9, 2021 (9:00 PM) Midterm Exam MEP 504 Advanced Mathematics 1 Page No.: 341" Problem no.3 [100 pts.] A tank contains 100 gal of brine in which 50 Ib of salt is dissolved. Brine containing 2 Ib/gal of salt runs into the tank at the rate of 8 gal/min; and the mixture, assumed to be kept uniform by stirring, runs out the rate of 2 gal/min. Assuming that the tank is sufficiently large to avoid overflow, find the amount of salt in the tank as a function of the time t. When will the concentration of salt in the tank reach 3/2 Ib/gal? How much salt is in the tank at the end of 30 min? Given: 2100 gal: oe 7 trivia) ancurl of brine =10 ga jn-fre amount of sits 2 Peso fav iecehed inte txire> Bolle Rote if change GO ie + bare calainng ablepl of cate wa Woe of ange inthe amunkg Sats Kate at which tae ot te ile of > lin galt ont the tank Rate at which satt +The michwe Tune out the vate oft gal/min alte the tank Ustooun aie amunt of sale inte tank 06 & fusction of tire, 6) when will the cancentvation of satt in the danke veach > fe WWlgat? Hew rch salt, jo in to tank of tHe end 308100? Sehuttong: . . Sat A toh te Ko Cte amount ef eaten He Untegrating foo ne ‘brine after tine t) spe ” ee change inte amount of Salk oe niin ome BH eta ab e otate of sa entering inde tan «2x92 bier prs Got)” ac ation | esrbe he wishes ute ad eae ola. ap He inegreting fire fy the ey Vaume of mixtre at Hine 2 poor (2-2)ty ae oan Gat? ; ie He initial volume of the 1 . va 4)* (de +20) =u lnt. ve at tne be 14 tga! Cm) (SE ath =) Volume of inte a a lume of se = MOM 2 OC (+t fs CoH) @ dant) “= Velame of Mint (ot ene uation Hf Go jn Since toe wictue rans ark He vale of gaijin stale ab which eat lous fe tank = 22 a a4 [x const) Jeol (ims) oe talinst)ar ont as at which salt enters the tanks elo [min 2% ak atch salt leavee He tank we : ott University of Science and Technology ame: lon Hate BY fadiflo aa (Of Southem Phippines : (ge of enencermg ae trchecre instructor : * omar ‘Due Date : November 92023 9:00 PM) ‘Midterm Exam MEP 504 Advanced Mathematics 1 Page No.: a4 |! ravlern No.2 Cont'd) Talegiating bot video with rope & Jefe 147 ]ab = fltioro at gases o ST te x Ga rts # ae 6, t)+ —, @ ye Cintt) fa ass the ivitial amount of cat disedved Sect inthe bring = 60lb> ahen tro then XF HD Substitute he above valte® tn equation @ (im 40)” = 2 (m046)” 46 srotno = 2,000,000 4 © Ge 7158016 ation 2 becomes: xe 26et ) re (3, hl i equation Wot weprsento the a $ salt m the tank a a function “ip tre Jo) Wren il he concertsation of SoH in he anle veodh ae Velgal? amount of soit at tne tle glee To $id tte re ¢ at wich concentration yeates 2B laa use econ of equation joie ane * sins 2. 2 Gmtt)? s hem ta a nie 2 saan tm > (Io04t)° Hovee ot Hime tae ne concentration of will eZ 3 Tall C) Amount of cate fh incke tank: afer ao mine. Using the uation), x=2,avt)-OU suet Drath te mi te pton >) ) ane (int) we 264) - OD Cin 40> Substitute xe 2Gnrt ibe, He amount of satt lft after gowine ip JFi-aalb ‘gince the iy te equalon sro xe 2 litt) - Te atuno of wichan at fire 4 = met bel ymtt) - $3 “scocencatlen of eas 200) Gee (im) Cast)? siya Tesh Chepeorengeconeeen Name + san Marc Mt Billo tam tigeen coe an Rating: one + one Pak butte: Howmbera Midterm Exam MEP 504 Advanced Mathematics 1 Page No.: 2°! Problem no.4 [100 pts.] At 10 A.M. a woman took a cup of hot instant coffee from her microwave oven and placed it on a nearby kitchen counter to cool. At this instant the temperature of the coffee was 180°F, and 10 minutes later it was 160°F. Assume the constant temperature of the kitchen was 70°F. 1. What was the temperature of the coffee at 10:15 A.M.? 2. The woman of this problem likes to drink coffee when its temperature is between 130°F and 140°F. Between what times should she have drunk the coffee of this problem? Solution Ob tHe Hime tb, lek T be the temperature Of coffees Te is the domperatore, of he leche + By Newtons Law of Cooling, 8h. k (TT) at at eK (T# a KC) oy eearatien of vaables Bt ake Iog(1-99 = 44401 For k, apply he cordition rte minutes To wo'F ke {eos For 0 gaze 4-e* 7 log > 0 kevo-0e Iebotion between she temperature ofste cose and a. guon tie To 04 noe ne 16 rinwies a. Tempalatne of ctfee, after, T= ornoe Time that woman likes 4 den he cup f cf Ta0 eM ye oe Tame ie “ Foz hoe T= mO4Ge log 2 = 0-08 For Cy apply initial conditions , ak Lo years Te 10°F TATU ae Yoo # 704 Noe isos Ft Co” ert eo =o yy 8 Dome ame alan Move Hallo Rating: Cotee of romerngans wehtecve Instructor: sont Pablona sorter ue Date : November 9,202 (9:00 ‘Midterm Exam MEP 504 Advanced Mathematics 1 Page No.: jo Problem no. 5[100 pts.] An electric circuit contains an 8 ohm resistor in series with an inductor of 0.50 henries and a battery of E volts. At ¢=0 the current is zero. Find the current at any time t > 0 and the maximum current if (a) E = 64, (b) E = 8te!#, (c) B= 32e, (@) E= 64 sin 8. peer By Laplace TiaMsfinen id): 22. Rrok fr E204 eG)> 4 i@= 2 pes S(g055) 9 (st'4) fy Martial Fraction Teg he en ite A +2 stil @ * Bix os dO Te TG) *% (ap) a - 4 i) Sos By iments laplace iW-e- se 5 CmNlosasay 21] Urwenity of science and Technology name ;_slan More H faillo : ‘Of Southern Phiippines Rating: (ote of rinering ard Arcitectire Instructor : gone! L.Pabilona {Spon Conon aero 9000 Philippines ae ‘Due Date : Ne 121 (9:00 PM} Midterm Exam MEP 504 Advanced Mathematics 1 Page No.: of Price 9 Cont'd) 22 te A. 4 8 Grosse) Ste cn 32, (ossts) Eid a. 48 A> =? 2% n 4 oj ~ set we ths, «4°? esse 5 4 a wt Ws Foe ae Srl _——— Ja@=se%- ee A ae d) €= usin Be we 2 fe feg8 th TRL = WL 2 dC8(05) She 27 Tie ys int 34 ae Foon oid, a Vee a Tras va Trae? 70185 A f- Tox 50 (<4 9) qe e'CE) betan" (4) 50" JA)= 7199 sin ab = Bem')A) University of Sconce and Technology (OF Southern Philppines Cee of tnpneerng and Architecture \apasen, apayan de Or cy 500 Pipes name: Jan Hote H-fadilo Instructor : gone! LPablona ue Date : November 9,20219:00 PM

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