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Matern Child Health J (2012) 16:1518–1524

DOI 10.1007/s10995-011-0917-3

Relationship Between Prenatal Lead Exposure and Infant Blood

Lead Levels
Natalie P. Archer • Carrie M. Bradford •
David M. Klein • Jim Barnes • L. J. Smith •

John F. Villanacci

Published online: 8 December 2011

Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

Abstract Recent literature has shown that analyzing that prenatal exposure may not be the only significant
newborn dried blood spots (DBS) may be effective in source of lead exposure for infants B6 months of age.
assessing some prenatal environmental exposures, such as
exposure to lead. The purpose of this study was to evaluate Keywords Dried blood spots  Newborn screening 
the relationship between prenatal exposure to lead (as Prenatal lead exposure  Blood lead levels 
measured by newborn DBS results) and blood lead levels Childhood lead poisoning
(BLLs) in infants 6 months of age or younger, using public
health registry data for infants born in Texas from July 2002
through July 2006. The Texas Child Lead Registry (TCLR) Introduction
was used to identify infants with documented elevated
BLLs of 10 lg/dL or higher as well as infants with docu- Reducing childhood exposure to lead is a top environ-
mented low BLLs. BLLs for these children were compared mental public health priority among state and federal
to their corresponding newborn DBS results using Pearson agencies. Young children exposed to lead can suffer
correlation coefficients and exact logistic regression mod- damage to the brain and other organs and can experience
els. Overall, a significant but weak positive correlation was behavioral problems, developmental delays, and learning
found between infant BLLs and corresponding newborn disabilities [1–4].
DBS lead levels (r = 0.48). However, the odds of an infant The risk of exposure to lead in the environment
with an elevated newborn DBS lead level having an ele- increases as children become more mobile and exhibit
vated BLL at 6 months of age or younger were much more hand-to-mouth behaviors [5, 6], resulting in blood
greater than for an infant with a low newborn DBS lead lead levels (BLLs) peaking around 2 years of age [6–8].
level of \5 lg/dL (adjusted odds ratio 27.95, 95% CI: Consistent with this age-dependent risk, the American
5.52–277.28). Although an association was observed Academy of Pediatrics recommends children be tested at 1
between newborn DBS lead levels and BLLs in infants and 2 years of age [9], and the Texas Department of State
tested between 0 to 6 months of age, our findings suggest Health Services (DSHS) recommends children at higher
risk of exposure be tested as early as 6 months of age [10].
In Texas, all child blood lead results are required by law to
N. P. Archer (&)  C. M. Bradford  L. J. Smith  be reported to DSHS.
J. F. Villanacci Some Texas children below ages included in the rec-
Environmental Epidemiology and Disease Registries Section,
ommendations occasionally receive blood lead tests. From
Texas Department of State Health Services, P.O. Box 149347,
Austin, TX 78714-9347, USA July 2002 through July 2006 Texas received 10,325 blood
e-mail: lead reports for children less than or exactly 6 months of
age, 85 of which were considered elevated (BLL C 10
D. M. Klein  J. Barnes
lg/dL) [11]. The sources of lead for these exposures are not
Chemical Threat Laboratory, Laboratory Services Section,
Texas Department of State Health Services, P.O. Box 149347, known; however, limited mobility at these ages would limit
Austin, TX 78714-9347, USA behaviorally associated environmental exposures.

Matern Child Health J (2012) 16:1518–1524 1519

Recent advances in analytical methods make it possible infant DBS specimens. Data on all infants identified from
to evaluate prenatal exposures to environmental contami- the TCLR first were linked to birth certificate information
nants, such as lead, using newborn dried blood spots (DBS) to obtain more complete identifiers for associating the
[12–14]. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the study infants with their correct DBS specimens and to
relationship between prenatal exposure to lead (as mea- obtain additional information on possible confounders or
sured by newborn DBS results) and BLLs in infants exactly effect modifiers. The linked TCLR—birth certificate data
6 months of age or younger, using public health registry set was linked to the NBS data records to identify corre-
data for infants born in Texas from July 2002 through July sponding DBS specimens. As there was no unique identi-
2006. This study was approved by the DSHS Institutional fying field common to all datasets, both deterministic and
Review Board. probabilistic linkage methods were performed, using
Microsoft Access 2007 and Link King, version 5.0.
The DSHS Chemical Threat Laboratory (CT Lab)
Methods obtained a dried blood spot sample and a blank sample for
each DBS specimen by punching a 3/16-inch diameter
Selection Criteria circle from the blood spot and white area surrounding the
spot, respectively.
All infant records were selected from the Texas Child Lead
Registry (TCLR), a legislatively-mandated registry main- Dried Blood Spot Laboratory Analysis
tained by the DSHS. The TCLR contains blood lead results
for children who have received a blood lead test in Texas The method used to analyze lead in newborn DBS was
since 1996 [15]. adapted from the Kansas Department of Health Laboratory
Infants from the TCLR who were born in Texas from [16]. This method involves extracting the lead into a
July 5, 2002 through July 31, 2006 and whose BLLs were solution containing acid and an internal standard (terbium)
tested at exactly 6 months of age or younger were eligible followed by analysis with inductively coupled plasma-mass
for inclusion. Storage of newborn DBS in Texas began in spectrometry (ICP-MS). ICP-MS is used in the CT Lab to
July 2002, thus DBS for children born on or after July 5, analyze blood for mercury, lead, and cadmium and to
2002 were the only specimens available for this study. analyze urine for 14 toxic metals using the Centers for
When the study was initiated, data required to link TCLR Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) method.
infant records to the corresponding newborn DBS were Calibration curves were prepared in acidic solutions and
available through the end of 2006. To analyze 4 years of demonstrated linearity of the method from 0.05 to 1 lg/dL.
data, the timeframe of July 2002 through July 2006 was The dilution factor of the blood spots when analyzed then
chosen for this study. Infants with BLL tests taken on or represents a lead concentration of near 0 to 300 lg/dL in
before the day they turned 6 months of age were of interest the original spot. Over this range the coefficient of deter-
based on the hypothesis that at these young ages, lead mination (R2) values for the calibration curves were
exposure would be more likely attributed to prenatal 0.9999, with 1.0 representing perfect linearity.
exposures than environmental exposures. Quality control (QC) samples were prepared at three
Of those infants who met the study criteria, the study levels covering the range of the method (5, 20, and 50 lg/
population consisted of all children with elevated BLLs dL), and were run with each set of specimens. QC samples
(C10 lg/dL) and a subset of those with very low BLL were prepared by spiking sheep’s blood with aqueous
(B2 lg/dL). If a child was reported as having an elevated solutions containing known amounts of lead. These spiked
BLL more than one time during the first 6 months of life, blood pools were spotted onto blood collection cards pro-
the elevated BLL corresponding with the youngest age was vided by the newborn screening laboratory, which were
used in the analyses. Four infants with very low reported then punched and interspersed with the DBS specimens
BLLs were randomly sampled for each infant identified during analysis as quality controls. Accuracy for QC blood
with elevated BLLs (1:4 ratio). Infants identified with very spots was within 28% at the 5 lg/dL level, within 6% at
low BLLs were never reported as having a BLL of more the 20 lg/dL level, and within 9% at the 50 lg/dL level.
than 2 lg/dL in the first 6 months of life. Precision, reported as the standard deviation from expected
values, was 0.78 at the 5 lg/dL level, 0.60 at the 20 lg/dL
Data Linkage level, and 0.68 at the 50 lg/dL level.
During the CT Lab’s development of the blood spot
All study infants’ information was obtained from pre- method, tests were done to ensure the capability and
existing public health data from the TCLR, birth certificate accuracy of the tests. Spiked sheep’s blood pools were also
records, and newborn screening (NBS) data, including analyzed directly by adding 6.7 lL of the blood, which is

Matern Child Health J (2012) 16:1518–1524 1519

Recent advances in analytical methods make it possible infant DBS specimens. Data on all infants identified from
to evaluate prenatal exposures to environmental contami- the TCLR first were linked to birth certificate information
nants, such as lead, using newborn dried blood spots (DBS) to obtain more complete identifiers for associating the
[12–14]. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the study infants with their correct DBS specimens and to
relationship between prenatal exposure to lead (as mea- obtain additional information on possible confounders or
sured by newborn DBS results) and BLLs in infants exactly effect modifiers. The linked TCLR—birth certificate data
6 months of age or younger, using public health registry set was linked to the NBS data records to identify corre-
data for infants born in Texas from July 2002 through July sponding DBS specimens. As there was no unique identi-
2006. This study was approved by the DSHS Institutional fying field common to all datasets, both deterministic and
Review Board. probabilistic linkage methods were performed, using
Microsoft Access 2007 and Link King, version 5.0.
The DSHS Chemical Threat Laboratory (CT Lab)
Methods obtained a dried blood spot sample and a blank sample for
each DBS specimen by punching a 3/16-inch diameter
Selection Criteria circle from the blood spot and white area surrounding the
spot, respectively.
All infant records were selected from the Texas Child Lead
Registry (TCLR), a legislatively-mandated registry main- Dried Blood Spot Laboratory Analysis
tained by the DSHS. The TCLR contains blood lead results
for children who have received a blood lead test in Texas The method used to analyze lead in newborn DBS was
since 1996 [15]. adapted from the Kansas Department of Health Laboratory
Infants from the TCLR who were born in Texas from [16]. This method involves extracting the lead into a
July 5, 2002 through July 31, 2006 and whose BLLs were solution containing acid and an internal standard (terbium)
tested at exactly 6 months of age or younger were eligible followed by analysis with inductively coupled plasma-mass
for inclusion. Storage of newborn DBS in Texas began in spectrometry (ICP-MS). ICP-MS is used in the CT Lab to
July 2002, thus DBS for children born on or after July 5, analyze blood for mercury, lead, and cadmium and to
2002 were the only specimens available for this study. analyze urine for 14 toxic metals using the Centers for
When the study was initiated, data required to link TCLR Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) method.
infant records to the corresponding newborn DBS were Calibration curves were prepared in acidic solutions and
available through the end of 2006. To analyze 4 years of demonstrated linearity of the method from 0.05 to 1 lg/dL.
data, the timeframe of July 2002 through July 2006 was The dilution factor of the blood spots when analyzed then
chosen for this study. Infants with BLL tests taken on or represents a lead concentration of near 0 to 300 lg/dL in
before the day they turned 6 months of age were of interest the original spot. Over this range the coefficient of deter-
based on the hypothesis that at these young ages, lead mination (R2) values for the calibration curves were
exposure would be more likely attributed to prenatal 0.9999, with 1.0 representing perfect linearity.
exposures than environmental exposures. Quality control (QC) samples were prepared at three
Of those infants who met the study criteria, the study levels covering the range of the method (5, 20, and 50 lg/
population consisted of all children with elevated BLLs dL), and were run with each set of specimens. QC samples
(C10 lg/dL) and a subset of those with very low BLL were prepared by spiking sheep’s blood with aqueous
(B2 lg/dL). If a child was reported as having an elevated solutions containing known amounts of lead. These spiked
BLL more than one time during the first 6 months of life, blood pools were spotted onto blood collection cards pro-
the elevated BLL corresponding with the youngest age was vided by the newborn screening laboratory, which were
used in the analyses. Four infants with very low reported then punched and interspersed with the DBS specimens
BLLs were randomly sampled for each infant identified during analysis as quality controls. Accuracy for QC blood
with elevated BLLs (1:4 ratio). Infants identified with very spots was within 28% at the 5 lg/dL level, within 6% at
low BLLs were never reported as having a BLL of more the 20 lg/dL level, and within 9% at the 50 lg/dL level.
than 2 lg/dL in the first 6 months of life. Precision, reported as the standard deviation from expected
values, was 0.78 at the 5 lg/dL level, 0.60 at the 20 lg/dL
Data Linkage level, and 0.68 at the 50 lg/dL level.
During the CT Lab’s development of the blood spot
All study infants’ information was obtained from pre- method, tests were done to ensure the capability and
existing public health data from the TCLR, birth certificate accuracy of the tests. Spiked sheep’s blood pools were also
records, and newborn screening (NBS) data, including analyzed directly by adding 6.7 lL of the blood, which is

1520 Matern Child Health J (2012) 16:1518–1524

the amount contained in a 3/16 inch blood spot [17], to the (C10 lg/dL) was chosen to be consistent with the outcome
diluent solution. To further test the method’s accuracy, variable’s elevated BLL category. We divided the non-
whole human blood containing known levels of lead (from elevated lead levels into 2 separate categories (\5 lg/dL
an earlier CDC-sponsored blood lead test) were analyzed and 5 to \10 lg/dL) to compare results for infants with
as whole blood directly and were spotted onto cards for elevated newborn DBS lead levels with those with low
analysis as blood spots. The method was accurate within DBS lead levels. Possible covariates adjusted for in the
10–15% of the known values for whole blood analyzed model included infant’s age in months, maternal race/eth-
directly, and was accurate within 10% when the samples nicity, infant race/ethnicity, infant sex, maternal age,
were analyzed as blood spots. maternal education and paternal education, maternal
The DBS samples used in this study were analyzed tobacco use, gestational age at birth, and whether infant
between October 30, 2009 and November 24, 2009. Total resided in a metropolitan or nonmetropolitan area. These
DBS lead level and DBS lead level with the background variables were added to the model only if a univariable
amount of lead found on the card (or filter paper) sub- regression analysis yielded a P-value of 0.25 or less [18].
tracted out were obtained for each specimen. The DBS lead Infant age and gestational age at birth were modeled as
results with the amount of lead found on the cards sub- continuous variables; all other potential covariates were
tracted out were used in the analyses and reported in the modeled as categorical variables. A manual backwards
same units as BLLs reported in the TCLR (lg/dL). elimination method was used to determine the final model.
Subgroup analyses also were performed, stratified by
Statistical Analysis age. Infants reported in the TCLR as being tested at 0
through 3 months and 4 to 6 months were analyzed as two
Both descriptive statistical calculations (crosstabs) and separate subgroups to see if there were different associa-
correlation analyses were performed. Pearson’s correlation tions for these two age groups. The same statistical anal-
coefficient (q) was calculated to assess the relationship yses described above were used for these subgroups.
between TCLR infant BLL results and newborn DBS lead Statistical analyses were performed using SAS, version
levels. This parametric measure was chosen because the 9.1.3, and Stata/IC, version 10.1.
sample size was large and scatterplots showed that the
relationship between these two variables was reasonably
linear. Results
Unconditional logistic regression models were used to
further examine the association between BLL status (ele- A total of 85 infant records meeting our selection criteria
vated or non-elevated) in infants 6 months of age or were identified from the TCLR as having elevated BLLs.
younger and their prenatal exposure to lead (as measured For each of these 85 records, four records of infants with
by newborn DBS lead level), and to adjust for other very low reported BLLs were randomly sampled from the
potential covariates. Odds ratios and corresponding 95% TCLR (340 records), for a total of 425 study infants.
confidence intervals (CI) were calculated. Because the use Of the 85 infant records with an elevated BLL, 51 were
of categorical variables resulted in a high level of stratifi- linked to corresponding newborn screening records (a 60%
cation, exact logistic regression analyses were performed success rate), and DBS were obtained for 50 of these
instead of standard logistic regression methods. infants. Likewise, 204 of the 340 infant records with very
In the logistic regression analyses, the outcome variable low reported BLLs were linked to their newborn screening
was infant BLL results, with 2 levels: elevated BLLs records (also a success rate of 60%), and DBS were pulled
(C10 lg/dL) and very low BLLs (B2 lg/dL). The CDC for 199 of these infants. A total of 249 infant records (50
considers BLLs C10 lg/dL to be elevated [11]; the same with elevated BLLs, 199 with very low BLLs) were used in
criterion for elevated BLLs was used in this study. Infants the analyses. Of these 249 DBS specimens, 12 had elevated
with very low BLLs were chosen in order to compare newborn DBS lead levels. Ten of these were infants with
elevated infants’ DBS levels with those of infants who had elevated BLLs (20%), and two were infants with very low
little to no lead exposure. Newborn DBS lead values were BLLs (1%) (Table 1).
modeled as a categorical independent variable, with the A correlation analysis of all study infants yielded a
following three categories: \5 lg/dL, 5 to \10 lg/dL, and Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.48 (P \ .0001), which
C10 lg/dL. The \5 lg/dL category was the reference is indicative of a weak positive relationship between infant
category. Newborn DBS lead levels were modeled as a BLLs and their corresponding newborn DBS lead levels
categorical rather than a continuous variable to evaluate the (Table 2).
association between elevated infant BLLs and elevated The final exact logistic regression model consisted only
newborn DBS lead levels. The highest DBS level category of the newborn DBS lead results (our variable of interest)

Matern Child Health J (2012) 16:1518–1524 1521

Table 1 Texas Child Lead Registry BLL status (elevated vs. low) by newborn DBS lead levels
Texas Child Lead Registry BLL at 0 to 6 months old Newborn DBS lead level Total
C10 lg/dL 5 to \10 lg/dL \5 lg/dL

Elevated BLL (C10 lg/dL) 10 (20%) 4 (8%) 36 (72%) 50

Low BLL (B2 lg/dL) 2 (1%) 4 (2%) 193 (97%) 199
Total 12 (5%) 8 (3%) 229 (92%) 249 (100%)

Table 2 Pearson product moment correlations between infant BLL DBS lead levels, compared to less than 1% of infants with
results and newborn DBS lead levels, stratified by infant age group very low BLLs (Table 4).
Infant age group Pearson correlation P-value Pearson’s test of correlation showed a slightly stronger
coefficient positive relationship between infant BLLs and their cor-
responding newborn DBS lead levels in the younger infant
All study infants (0 to 6 months) 0.48 \0.0001
subgroup (correlation coefficient = 0.65, P \ 0.0001) than
0 through 3 months 0.65 \0.0001
for all study infants combined (correlation coeffi-
4 to 6 months 0.31 \0.0001
cient = 0.48, P \ .0001), while infants in the older infant
subgroup showed a slightly weaker correlation between
infant BLLs and newborn DBS lead levels (correlation
and maternal age, modeled as a categorical variable with 2 coefficient = 0.31, P \ 0.0001) (Table 2). Exact logistic
levels (\25 years of age, C25 years of age). Maternal age regression analyses of the two infant age subgroups showed
was positively associated with infant BLL status, although a strong association between elevated DBS lead level and
this association was not statistically significant (P = 0.10). elevated infant BLLs in both subgroups (Table 3). Again,
We considered maternal age to be a biologically relevant only maternal age was adjusted for in the final model.
variable, and as it had a relatively small P-value, we left it
in the model. In the final model, the odds of an infant with
an elevated newborn DBS lead level having an elevated Discussion
BLL at 0 to 6 months of age were almost 28 times greater
than for an infant with a low newborn DBS lead level of In this study, a weak positive linear correlation was
\5 lg/dL (95% CI 5.5–277.3) (Table 3). A test for trend observed between BLLs in TCLR infants tested between 0
showed that overall, newborn DBS lead levels were sig- to 6 months of age and newborn DBS lead levels. This
nificantly associated with infant BLLs (P \ .0001). relationship also held true both for infants tested at 0
Of the 249 study infants, 44 infants were tested at 0 through 3 months and infants tested at 4 to 6 months,
through 3 months of age. Approximately 43% of these although the correlation seemed to be stronger for the
younger infants with elevated BLLs had elevated newborn younger infant subgroup.
DBS lead levels, compared to 3.3% of infants with very A significant association between elevated DBS lead
low BLLs (Table 4). The remaining 205 study infants were levels and elevated infant BLLs was also observed using
tested at 4 to 6 months of age. Approximately 11% of these exact logistic regression models. Even though odds ratios
older infants with elevated BLLs had elevated newborn were quite large, because of small cell counts and the

Table 3 Adjusted odds ratios

Infant age group Newborn DBS N Adjusted odds
of elevated infant BLLs for
lead level ratio* (95% CI)
newborn DBS lead levels
relative to referent DBS lead All study infants (0 to 6 months) C10 lg/dL 12 27.95 (5.52–277.28)
level (\5 lg/dL), stratified by
infant age group 5 to \10 lg/dL 8 4.86 (0.85–27.73)
\5 lg/dL 229 1.00 (referent)
0 through 3 months C10 lg/dL 7 32.20 (2.53–2,152.83)
5 to \10 lg/dL 2 2.47 (0.03–215.69)
\5 lg/dL 35 1.00 (referent)
4 to 6 months C10 lg/dL 5 22.53 (2.12–1,151.99)
5 to \10 lg/dL 6 5.43 (0.69–42.71)
\5 lg/dL 194 1.00 (referent)
* Adjusted for maternal age

1522 Matern Child Health J (2012) 16:1518–1524

Table 4 Texas Child Lead Registry BLL status (elevated vs. low) by newborn DBS lead levels, stratified by infant age group
Infant age group Texas Child Lead Registry BLL Newborn DBS lead level Total
C10 lg/dL 5 to \10 lg/dL \5 lg/dL

0 through 3 months Elevated BLL (C10 lg/dL) 6 (42.90%) 1 (7.10%) 7 (50.00%) 14

Low BLL (B2 lg/dL) 1 (3.33%) 1 (3.33%) 28 (93.33%) 30
Subgroup total 7 (15.90%) 2 (4.55%) 35 (79.55%) 44 (100%)
4 to 6 months Elevated BLL (C10 lg/dL) 4 (11.10%) 3 (8.30%) 29 (80.60%) 36
Low BLL (B2 lg/dL) 1 (0.60%) 3 (1.80%) 165 (97.60%) 169
Subgroup total 5 (2.50%) 6 (2.90%) 194 (94.60%) 205 (100%)

method of analysis used (exact logistic regression), confi- children under the age of 6 are tested for lead. Also, to the
dence intervals around odds ratios were very wide, reduc- best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first to look
ing the reliability of these estimates. at the relationship between BLLs in the first few months of
Although an association was seen between elevated life and corresponding lead levels in newborn DBS.
infant BLLs and elevated newborn DBS lead levels DBS offer a number of benefits for exposure analysis in
(Table 1), the majority of infants with elevated BLLs newborns; they are required to be collected from all new-
(80%) did not have elevated newborn DBS lead levels, borns by law and techniques exist to screen them for
suggesting that these infants were somehow being exposed environmental contaminants such as lead. Early detection
to lead after birth. This observation held true for the 0 of exposure could allow the implementation of actions to
through 3 month subgroup, in which 57% of infants with reduce the potential for adverse health effects. Collection
reported elevated BLLs did not have elevated newborn of DBS also is less invasive than venous blood draws.
DBS lead levels. While lead levels in the mother’s blood are strongly cor-
The half-life of lead in blood is approximately 1 month related with levels in the child [27, 28], DBS provide more
[19, 20]; thus, we would expect that lead in a child’s blood precise information on the actual levels in the children.
resulting from prenatal exposure would continue to be Others have noted potential problems with using DBS to
present in the blood for at least 1 to 2 months after birth. assess environmental exposures. The inability to exactly
Infants with elevated newborn DBS lead levels who also quantify the volume of blood within a DBS punch [13]
had elevated BLLs at 4 to 6 months of age could have had hinders a precise determination of the contaminant con-
continued exposure to lead in addition to prenatal lead centration in the blood. A single DBS punch contains a very
exposure [21]. Potential sources for continued exposure to small amount of blood, making analytical detection difficult
lead could include dietary sources such as formula pre- [14]. The filter paper itself could contain some level of the
pared with lead-contaminated water or lead in breast milk contaminant of interest, and may contain an uneven distri-
as well as environmental sources such as lead dust in the air bution of the contaminant throughout the filter paper, mak-
from household renovations [22–24]. ing determination of background lead levels difficult [25].
Study infants with elevated BLLs and those randomly A large percentage (41%) of the infant records from the
selected with very low BLLs were comparable to each TCLR could not be linked to their NBS record or matched
other based on demographic characteristics. Infants with with their corresponding DBS, due largely to missing
elevated BLLs tended to be younger than those with very information in the databases. These infants, who were
low BLLs. However, no significant differences were noted excluded from analysis, were comparable to infants who
between the two groups in terms of maternal age, metro- were matched with their DBS specimens in terms of sex,
politan versus nonmetropolitan residence, sex, infant race/ race/ethnicity, metro/nonmetro residence, blood sample
ethnicity, and mother’s Medicaid status. type (capillary vs. venous), year of test, and age of test in
Some studies debate the practice of subtracting back- months. Infants excluded from the analysis did have higher
ground levels of contaminants from DBS results [25, 26]. reported BLLs than infants who were able to be analyzed.
While results using background-subtracted data were used The association seen between newborn DBS lead levels
in this study, analyses conducted without removing the and BLLs in infants 0 to 6 months of age might not hold
background levels produced similar results. for infants excluded from analyses.
One of the strengths of this study was the relatively large Vital statistics data indicated that mothers of 52.2% of
number of infants available with known blood lead levels. the infants in this study were enrolled in Medicaid at the
The TCLR data are the most complete source of blood lead time of delivery, whereas mothers of only 36.7% of all
information for the state; each year, approximately 250,000 infants born in Texas from 2002 through 2006 were

Matern Child Health J (2012) 16:1518–1524 1523

enrolled in Medicaid. Medicaid children are considered to third trimester of pregnancy or obtaining capillary blood
be at high risk for blood lead poisoning [29], and are dis- lead tests of infants at birth.
proportionately represented in the TCLR database. Also, a
larger percentage of study infants were born to younger Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Taren Land and
Lisa Marengo for their help with record linking, Dr. Peter Langlois
mothers. This study had a higher percentage of Hispanic and Dr. Lucina Suarez for their epidemiological and statistical advice,
infants and a lower percentage of non-Hispanic white and Dr. Susan Tanksley, Dr. Grace Kubin, Teresa Willis, and Gene
infants when compared to all live births in 2002 through Willard for their support. Lab work for this project was funded in part
2006. The demographic differences between infants in this by the Texas Environmental Health Institute.
study and infants in the Texas population may indicate that
these results might not be generalizable to all Texas
infants. References
Lastly, the TCLR includes BLL results for both capil-
lary and venous lead tests. In this study, 91% of infants 1. Lyngbye, T., Hansen, O. N., Trillingsgaard, A., Beese, I., &
Grandjean, P. (1990). Learning disabilities in children: signifi-
with reported elevated BLLs and 74% of infants with cance of low-level lead-exposure and confounding factors. Acta
reported very low BLLs had capillary tests. While capillary Paediatrica Scandinavica, 79, 352–360.
tests themselves are accurate, improper cleaning of the skin 2. Mendelsohn, A. L., Dreyer, B. P., Fierman, A. H., Rosen, C. M.,
surface prior to the test can lead to false-positive results. Legano, L. A., Kruger, H. A., et al. (1998). Low-level lead
exposure and behavior in early childhood. Pediatrics, 101, E10.
However, because there is limited mobility in infants of the 3. Ruff, H. A., Markowitz, M. E., Bijur, P. E., & Rosen, J. F. (1996).
young ages used in this study, and because it is recom- Relationships among blood lead levels, iron deficiency, and
mended that a heel stick rather than a finger stick be per- cognitive development in two-year-old children. Environmental
formed for infants of these ages, contamination of capillary Health Perspectives, 104, 180–185.
4. Sciarillo, W. G., Alexander, G., & Farrell, K. P. (1992). Lead
specimens may not be as much of a concern as it is in older exposure and child behavior. American Journal of Public Health,
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5. Dietrich, K. N., Krafft, K. M., Pearson, D. T., Harris, L. C.,
Bornschein, R. L., Hammond, P. B., et al. (1985). Contribution of
social and developmental factors to lead exposure during the first
Conclusions year of life. Pediatrics, 75, 1114–1119.
6. Dietrich, K. N., Berger, O. G., & Succop, P. A. (1993). Lead
Although infant BLLs were statistically significantly cor- exposure and the motor developmental status of urban six-year-
related with prenatal lead exposure (measured by newborn old children in the Cincinnati Prospective Study. Pediatrics, 91,
DBS lead results), they were only weakly positively cor- 7. Baghurst, P. A., Robertson, E. F., McMichael, A. J., Vimpani, G.
related, and evidence of prenatal lead exposure was not V., Wigg, N. R., & Roberts, R. R. (1987). The Port Pirie cohort
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