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I. Opportunities and challenges for the labor force in Vietnam
1. Opportunities
Vietnam has an abundant labor force and a young labor structure.
(According to a report by the General Statistics Office, in 2018, Vietnam had
about 94 million workers, of which the labor force aged 15 and over accounted
for about 55 million people. The rate of employed workers aged 15 and over in
2018 was 54 million people, including 20.9 million people working in
agriculture, forestry and fishery; industrial and construction sector 14.4 million
people; service sector 18.7 million people).
Vietnam's labor productivity has improved significantly over the years and is a
country with a high labor productivity growth rate in the ASEAN region.
Labor quality has been improved, trained workers have partly met the
requirements of enterprises and the market. The technical workforce has
basically mastered science and technology, taking on most of the complex work
positions in production and business that previously had to hire foreign experts.
2. Challenges
The competitiveness in the human resource market is increasingly high, while
the readiness level of Vietnamese vocational education institutions is still slow.
Competition between our country and other countries in the world in supplying
high-quality labor force is increasing, requiring the quality of vocational
education to be improved in the direction of approaching regional and world
standards. strengthen the ability to recognize diplomas and certificates between
Vietnam and other countries.
Vietnam will face the problem of population aging; along with that, the
economy will be heavily affected by climate change, causing some industries to
lose their competitive advantage.
The quality of labor resources in Vietnam is still limited. The percentage of
trained workers is still low, there is a shortage of skilled workers, the quality of
labor has not yet met the needs of the market and integration.
Competition for high-quality human resources will take place strongly on the
world, regional and national levels. Opening up the possibility of labor
mobility between countries requires workers to have high vocational skills and
the ability to work in an international environment with standards and criteria
determined by the labor market.
Labor productivity in Vietnam is still low. The quality of domestic labor
resources compared to other countries in the region is still uneven, especially in
terms of vocational skills. Science and technology in our country has not really
become a driving force to improve labor productivity, competitiveness, and
promote socio-economic development. Vietnam also does not have a strong
enough solution to encourage businesses and attract private investment for
research, innovation and application of science and technology.
Job quality is still low, resources to support job creation are low, not guaranteed
to implement programs and projects to support job creation. Labor restructuring
is still slow, labor in the agricultural sector still accounts for a high proportion;
low quality labor.
II. Methods to improve the quality of the labor force in Vietnam
Continue to innovate state management. Focus on perfecting the human
resource development management apparatus, renewing management policies
and methods, improving the capacity, effectiveness and efficiency of the human
resource development management apparatus.
Secure financial resources. Allocate and rationally use the State budget for
national human resource development. Promote socialization to increase
mobilization of capital sources for human development. The State has
mechanisms and policies to mobilize capital from the people to invest and
contribute to human resource development in the following forms: building
educational and training institutions, medical and cultural facilities, sports;
Forming human resource development support funds; Promote and create
appropriate mechanisms to attract foreign capital sources for human resource
development in Vietnam. Effectively use foreign capital sources to support
human development (ODA); Attract foreign direct investment for human
Promote education reform. This is the leading solution to develop the
Vietnamese workforce. Complete the education system in the direction of
openness and integration, encouraging lifelong learning and building a learning
society. Strongly develop and improve the quality of vocational and
professional training schools. Strongly renovate contents, curricula and
vocational education, teaching and learning methods at all levels in the direction
of promoting creative thinking, capacity for self-study, self-research, increasing
practice time, focus on the contents, improve the quality of foreign language
training; Innovating teaching and learning methods at all levels. Accreditation
of education and training quality at all educational levels. Reform the
objectives, contents and forms of examination, examination and evaluation of
education and training results, and step up the application of information
technology; Renovating policies for teachers and educational administrators;
improve the quality of research and application of science and technology in
education and training.
Active integration. We need to actively integrate with countries around the
world. Establish a national qualification framework relevant to the region and
the world. Formulate a roadmap of contents, programs and methods of
education and training to achieve the established national qualification
framework, in line with international standards and Vietnamese characteristics;
Participate in international accreditation of training programs. Conduct quality
assessment and management according to international standards, link and
exchange undergraduate and graduate education and training, and scientific and
technological research topics and projects between institutions. higher education
in Vietnam and the world; Create a favorable environment and conditions to
attract talented and experienced foreign teachers and scientists and overseas
Vietnamese to participate in university human resource training and scientific
research. , technology at Vietnamese higher education institutions; Continue to
implement support policies from the state budget and mobilize social resources,
call for foreign investment, and attract world-class universities and vocational
schools to operate in Vietnam.

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