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BSN 2-Y1-IRR 1 March 28, 2021

Course Task 7
Make a drug study of Drugs for CNS for each drug class using the format below:

Central Nervous System (CNS) Depressants

SEDATIVES AND Pentobarbital Pentobarbital, a barbiturate, is used Half-Life: 15-50 hr A barbiturate mainly used as a sedative Drowsiness, somnolence, dizziness, Pentobarbital has no known - Monitor V/S. report
HYPNOTICS for the treatment of short term and hypnotic. It has been suggested anxiety, insomnia; hypotension, severe interactions with other irregularities
insomnia. It belongs to a group of Onset: 10-15 min (IM); 3-5 min (IV) that its pharmacologic effect is due to apnoea, resp depression, drugs. Severe interactions of - Observe for withdrawal
medicines called central nervous its property to enhance the activity of bronchospasm, laryngospasm, pentobarbital include: symptoms (N and V,
system (CNS) depressants that induce Duration: 3-4 hr GABA by altering GABA receptor- bradycardia, CNS depression, artemether/lumefantrine. weakness, and headache)
drowsiness and relieve tension or mediated inhibitory synaptic physical and psychological - Monitor for side effects
nervousness. Little analgesia is Protein bound: 45-70% transmissions. dependence, psychiatric - Avoid alcohol consumption
conferred by barbiturates; their use in disturbance, confusion, - Advise not to drive and use
the presence of pain may result in Vd: 0.8 L/kg (children); 1 L/kg (adults) hallucinations, nightmares, hazardous equipment when
excitation. thinking abnormality, syncope, experiencing palpitation,
Metabolism: hepatic microsomal hyperkinesias, ataxia, agitation, nervousness, tremors
enzymes, glucuronidation nervousness, nausea, vomiting, - Instruct client not to
constipation, pain at inj site. discontinue the drug abruptly
Excretion: Mostly urine Potentially Fatal: Stevens-Johnson - Advise not to eat foods with
syndrome. caffeine
- Instruct to eat nutritious
food because drug may cause
anorexic effect
- Teach to report drug side
effects such as tachycardia
and palpitations

ANALGESICS Codeine Codeine is a weak narcotic pain Absorption a potent opioid analgesic that increases Reduce pulmonary compliance artemether/lumefantrine - Monitor V/S. report
reliever and cough suppressant that is Onset: 30-60 min (PO); 10-30 min (IM) pain threshold, alters pain reception and/or apnoea, cariprazine irregularities
similar to morphine and hydrocodone. and inhibits ascending pain pathways bronchoconstriction, cobimetinib - Observe for withdrawal
A small amount of ingested codeine is Duration: 4-6 hr by binding to stereospecific receptors laryngospasm; nausea, vomiting; dienogest/estradiol valerate symptoms (N and V,
converted to morphine in the body. w/in the CNS. bradycardia, oedema, CNS doravirine weakness, and headache)
Codeine increases tolerance to pain, Peak plasma time: 0.5-1 hr depression, confusion, dizziness, elbasvir/grazoprevir - Monitor for side effects
reducing existing discomfort. In drowsiness, headache, sedation, fostemsavir - Avoid alcohol consumption
addition to decreasing pain, codeine Distribution hypotension, peripheral lonafarnib - Advise not to drive and use
also causes sedation, drowsiness, and Protein bound: 25% vasodilation, increased intracranial lorlatinib hazardous equipment when
respiratory depression. pressure, itching, rash, erythema, lumacaftor/ivacaftor experiencing palpitation,
Vd: 3.5 L/kg (PO); 2.6 L/kg (IM) papules, pruritus, exfoliative lumefantrine nervousness, tremors
dermatitis, pustules, macular rash; lurasidone - Instruct client not to
Metabolism gum bleeding and irritation, taste naloxegol discontinue the drug abruptly
Prodrug metabolized to morphine by perversion, dental caries, tooth ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir - Advise not to eat foods with
CYP2D6; demethylated/conjugated in loss, gum line erosion; throat & dasabuvir caffeine
liver (undergoes O-demethylation, N- irritation, nasal ulcers, epistaxis, panobinostat - Instruct to eat nutritious
demethylation, and partial rhinorrhoea; coughing; urinary praziquantel food because drug may cause
conjugation with glucuronic acid) retention. regorafenib anorexic effect
Potentially Fatal: Resp depression. roflumilast - Teach to report drug side
Elimination vandetanib effects such as tachycardia
Half-life: 3-4 hr and palpitations

Excretion: Urine, feces

ANTI- Phenobarbital Depresses sensory and motor cortex, Absorption A long-acting barbiturate. It depresses Bradycardia, syncope, hypotension; artemether/lumefantrine - Monitor V/S. report
CONVULSANTS cerebellum Bioavailability: 70-90% the sensory cortex, reduces motor anxiety, agitation, ataxia, CNS atazanavir irregularities
activity, changes cerebellar function excitation or depression, cabotegravir - Observe for withdrawal
Antiseizure activity occurs primarily Onset: 5 min (IV) and produces drowsiness, sedation and confusion, dizziness, drowsiness, calcium/magnesium/potassium/s symptoms (N and V,
where GABA mediates hypnosis. Its anticonvulsant property is hallucinations, hangover effect, odium oxybates weakness, and headache)
neurotransmission Duration: 4-6 hr (IV/IM) exhibited at high doses. headache, hyperkinesias; cariprazine - Monitor for side effects
constipation, nausea, vomiting; cobimetinib - Avoid alcohol consumption
Hypnotic effects of barbiturates result Peak plasma time: 8-12 hr agranulocytosis, darunavir - Advise not to drive and use
from activity at GABA receptor in the thrombocytopenia, megaloblastic dienogest/estradiol valerate hazardous equipment when
polysynaptic midbrain reticular Therapeutic plasma concentration: anaemia; oliguria; pain at inj site, doravirine experiencing palpitation,
formation (controls CNS arousal) 10-40 mcg/mL; may require 3-4 weeks thrombophlebitis (w/ IV use); elbasvir/grazoprevir nervousness, tremors
of treatment to achieve therapeutic laryngospasm, resp depression, elvitegravir/cobicistat/emtricitabi - Instruct client not to
Off-label use for hyperbilirubinemia: levels apnoea (esp w/ rapid IV use), ne/tenofovir DF discontinue the drug abruptly
Phenobarbital induces glucuronyl hypoventilation; gangrene (w/ etravirine - Advise not to eat foods with
transferase and hepatic bilirubin- Distribution unintentional intra-arterial inj). fostemsavir caffeine
binding Y-protein to lower serum Protein bound: 20-45% Potentially Fatal: Stevens-Johnson ledipasvir/sofosbuvir - Instruct to eat nutritious
bilirubin concentrations syndrome, toxic epidermal lonafarnib food because drug may cause
Metabolism necrolysis. lorlatinib anorexic effect
Metabolized by hepatic oxidative lumacaftor/ivacaftor - Teach to report drug side
hydroxylation lumefantrine effects such as tachycardia
lurasidone and palpitations
Metabolites: Inactive naloxegol
Enzymes induced: CYP1A2, CYP2B6, & dasabuvir
CYP2C19, CYP2C9/10, CYP3A4 panobinostat
Elimination praziquantel
Half-life: 50-140 hr regorafenib
Excretion: Urine (major) roflumilast
sodium oxybate
ANTI- Chlorpromazine Phenothiazine; antagonizes dopamine Absorption A neuroleptic that acts by blocking the Tardive dyskinesia (on long-term disopyramide - Monitor V/S. report
PSYCHOTICS D2 receptors in brain; depresses Bioavailability: 20%; extensive 1st- postsynaptic dopamine receptor in the therapy). Involuntary movements eliglustat irregularities
release of hypothalamic and pass metabolism mesolimbic dopaminergic system and of extremities may also occur. Dry ibutilide - Observe for withdrawal
hypophyseal hormones; may also inhibits the release of hypothalamic mouth, constipation, urinary indapamide symptoms (N and V,
depress reticular activating system Onset: 30-60 min and hypophyseal hormones. It has retention, mydriasis, agitation, metrizamide weakness, and headache)
antiemetic, serotonin-blocking, and insomnia, depression and pentamidine - Monitor for side effects
Duration: 4-6 hr; extended release, weak antihistaminic properties and convulsions; postural hypotension, pimozide - Avoid alcohol consumption
10-12 hr slight ganglion-blocking activity. ECG changes. Allergic skin reaction, procainamide - Advise not to drive and use
amenorrhoea, gynaecomastia, quinidine hazardous equipment when
Distribution weight gain. Hyperglycaemia and sotalol experiencing palpitation,
Protein bound: 92-97% raised serum cholesterol. nervousness, tremors
Potentially Fatal: Agranulocytosis. - Instruct client not to
Vd: 20 L/kg Instantaneous deaths associated discontinue the drug abruptly
with ventricular tachyarrhythmias. - Advise not to eat foods with
Metabolism Marked elevation of body caffeine
Metabolized by hepatic P450 enzyme temperature with heat stroke. - Instruct to eat nutritious
CYP2D6 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, food because drug may cause
extrapyramidal dysfunction. anorexic effect
Metabolites: 10-12 different - Teach to report drug side
compounds effects such as tachycardia
and palpitations
Half-life: 30 hr

Excretion: Urine
ANTI- Amitriptyline Neurotransmitter (especially Absorption Adibenzocycloheptadiene tricyclic Significant: Serotonin syndrome disopyramide - Monitor V/S. report
DEPRESSANTS norepinephrine and serotonin) Peak serum time: 4 hr antidepressant. It inhibits the neuronal e.g. CNS depression, bone dronedarone irregularities
reuptake inhibitor; anticholinergic reuptake of serotonin (5-HT) and/or fractures, bone marrow ibutilide - Observe for withdrawal
Metabolism norepinephrine by the presynaptic suppression, mild pupillary indapamide symptoms (N and V,
Metabolized by hepatic CYP2C19, neuronal membrane, hence increasing dilation, orthostatic hypotension, iobenguane I 123 weakness, and headache)
CYP3A4 the synaptic concentration in the CNS. QT interval prolongation. isocarboxazid - Monitor for side effects
It also possesses affinity for muscarinic Blood and lymphatic system pentamidine - Avoid alcohol consumption
Metabolites: Nortriptyline and histamine (H1) receptors to varying disorders: Agranulocytosis, phenelzine - Advise not to drive and use
degrees. leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, pimozide hazardous equipment when
Elimination purpura, eosinophilia. procainamide experiencing palpitation,
Half-life: 9-27 hr Cardiac disorders: MI, heart block, procarbazine nervousness, tremors
arrythmias, tachycardia, quinidine - Instruct client not to
Excretion: Urine (18%), small amounts palpitation. safinamide discontinue the drug abruptly
in feces Ear and labyrinth disorders: selegiline - Advise not to eat foods with
Tinnitus. sotalol caffeine
Eye disorders: Mydriasis, blurred tranylcypromine - Instruct to eat nutritious
vision, increased intraocular food because drug may cause
pressure, accommodation disorder. anorexic effect
Gastrointestinal disorders: Dry - Teach to report drug side
mouth, constipation, nausea, effects such as tachycardia
epigastric distress, vomiting, and palpitations
anorexia, stomatitis, peculiar taste,
diarrhoea, parotid swelling, black
General disorders and
administration site conditions:
Fever, hyperthermia, ataxia.
Investigations: Increase or
decrease of blood sugar, weight
gain or loss.
Metabolism and nutrition
disorders: Oedema.
Nervous system disorders:
Headache, seizures,
incoordination, tremors, peripheral
neuropathy, numbness,
paraesthesia, extrapyramidal
symptoms (e.g. speech difficulties),
involuntary movements, tardive
dyskinesia, disturbed
concentration, excitement,
insomnia, stroke, restlessness,
drowsiness, agitation, dysgeusia.
Psychiatric disorders: Confusional
states, hallucinations,
disorientation, delusions,
nightmares, dysarthria, anxiety,
delirium, hypomania, mania.
Renal and urinary disorders:
Urinary retention, frequency.
Reproductive system and breast
disorders: Testicular swelling,
gynecomastia, breast enlargement,
galactorrhea, libido decreased,
Skin and subcutaneous tissue
disorders: Rash, urticaria,
photosensitivity, alopecia.
Vascular disorders: Syncope,
hypertension, hypotension.
Central Nervous System (CNS) Stimulants

ANALEPTICS Doxapram Produces respiratory stimulation in Onset: 20-40 sec Doxapram stimulates respiration Significant: Dysrrhythmias, seizure, benzphetamine - Monitor V/S. report
medulla (which propagates through action on peripheral carotid HTN or hypotension, dyspnoea. desflurane irregularities
stimulation to other parts of brain & Duration: 5-12 min (single IV chemoreceptors. It also directly Nervous: Confusion, convulsions, dexfenfluramine - Observe for withdrawal
spinal cord) through peripheral injection) stimulates the central respiratory dizziness, hallucinations, headache, dexmethylphenidate symptoms (N and V,
carotid chemoreceptors center in medulla w/ progressive hyperactivity. dextroamphetamine weakness, and headache)
Peak Plasma Time: 1-2 min stimulation of other parts of the brain GI: Diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting. diethylpropion - Monitor for side effects
and spinal cord at higher doses. Resp: Bronchospasm, cough, dobutamine - Avoid alcohol consumption
Half-life: 3.4 hr (2.4-4.1 hr) hiccup, laryngospasm, dopamine - Advise not to drive and use
hyperventilation, rebound ephedrine hazardous equipment when
hypoventilation. epinephrine experiencing palpitation,
Genitourinary: Urinary retention, etomidate nervousness, tremors
urinary bladder stimulation w/ fenfluramine - Instruct client not to
spontaneous voiding. isocarboxazid discontinue the drug abruptly
Musculoskeletal: Muscle isoproterenol - Advise not to eat foods with
fasciculation or spasticity. ketamine caffeine
Dermatologic: Flushing, sweating, linezolid - Instruct to eat nutritious
warm sensation. lisdexamfetamine food because drug may cause
Others: Fever. methamphetamine anorexic effect
methylenedioxymethamphetami - Teach to report drug side
ne effects such as tachycardia
methylphenidate and palpitations
phenylephrine PO
PSYCHOMOTOR amphetamine Sympathomimetic amine that Absorption This combination medication is used to Loss of appetite amphetamine and - Monitor V/S. report
STIMULANTS and promotes release of dopamine and Well absorbed treat attention deficit hyperactivity Headache dextroamphetamine has no irregularities
dextroampheta norepinephrine from their storage disorder - ADHD. It works by changing Insomnia known severe interactions with - Observe for withdrawal
mine sites in the presynaptic nerve Onset of action: 30-60 min the amounts of certain natural Abdominal pain other drugs symptoms (N and V,
terminals; may also block reuptake of substances in the brain. Weight loss weakness, and headache)
catecholamines by competitive Duration: 4-6 hr Anxiety - Monitor for side effects
inhibition Vomiting Nervousness - Avoid alcohol consumption
Vd: 3.5-4.6 L/kg (distributes into CNS; Tachycardia - Advise not to drive and use
mean CSF concentrations are 80% of Fever hazardous equipment when
plasma) Nausea experiencing palpitation,
Infection nervousness, tremors
Peak plasma time: 3 hr (Adderall); 7 hr Emotional lability - Instruct client not to
(Adderall XR) Dizziness discontinue the drug abruptly
Diarrhea - Advise not to eat foods with
Metabolism Fatigue caffeine
Hepatic via glucuronidation and Dry mouth - Instruct to eat nutritious
CYP450 mono-oxygenase Dyspepsia food because drug may cause
anorexic effect
Elimination - Teach to report drug side
Half-life elimination (children) effects such as tachycardia
6-12 years: 9 hr (d-amphetamine); 11 and palpitations
hr (l-amphetamine)
12-18 years: 11 hr (d-amphetamine);
13-14 hr (l-amphetamine)
Half-life elimination (adults)
d-amphetamine: 10 hr
l-amphetamine: 13 hr
Urine; dependent on urinary pH
METHYLXANTHI theophylline Theophylline relaxes smooth muscles Absorption Theophylline is indicated for the Peak serum concentration <20 dipyridamole - Monitor V/S. report
NES of respiratory tract and suppresses Onset: Variable treatment of the symptoms and mcg/mL febuxostat irregularities
STIMULANTS the response of the airways to stimuli reversible airflow obstruction Central nervous system riociguat - Observe for withdrawal
Duration: Variable associated with chronic asthma and excitement, headache, insomnia, symptoms (N and V,
May increase tissue concentration of other chronic lung diseases, e.g., irritability, restlessness, seizure weakness, and headache)
cyclic adenine monophosphate Peak plasma time: 1-2 hr emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting - Monitor for side effects
(cAMP) by inhibiting 2 isoenzymes of Diuresis (transient) - Avoid alcohol consumption
phosphodiesterase (PDE III and, to a Peak plasma concentration: 10 Exfoliative dermatitis - Advise not to drive and use
lesser extent, PDE IV), which mcg/mL Skeletal muscle tremors hazardous equipment when
ultimately induces release of Tachycardia, flutter experiencing palpitation,
epinephrine from the adrenal medulla Distribution Hypercalcemia (with concomitant nervousness, tremors
cells Protein bound: 40-55% hyperthyroid disease) - Instruct client not to
Difficulty urinating (elderly males discontinue the drug abruptly
Vd: 0.3-0.7 L/kg with prostatism) - Advise not to eat foods with
Peak serum concentration >30 caffeine
Metabolism mcg/mL - Instruct to eat nutritious
Metabolized in liver by CYP1A2 and Acute myocardial infarction food because drug may cause
CYP3A4 Seizures (resistant to anorexic effect
anticonvulsants) - Teach to report drug side
Metabolites: 1,3-Dimethyluric acid, 1- Urinary retention effects such as tachycardia
methyluric acid, 3-methylxanthine and palpitations

Half-life: Nonsmoker, 8 hr; smoker, 4-5

Clearance: 1.45 mL/min/kg

Excretion: Urine

DELIRIANTS. Diphenhydrami Histamine H1-receptor antagonist of Absorption Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine Frequency Not Defined eliglustat Assessment
ne effector cells in respiratory tract, Bioavailability: PO, 42-62% (drug is used to relieve symptoms of allergy, hay Sedation History: Allergy to any
blood vessels, and GI smooth muscle well absorbed but undergoes first- fever, and the common cold. These antihistamines, narrow-angle
pass metabolism) symptoms include rash, itching, watery Confusion glaucoma, stenosing peptic
Moderate to high anticholinergic and eyes, itchy eyes/nose/throat, cough, ulcer, symptomatic prostatic
antiemetic properties Onset: 15-30 min runny nose, and sneezing. It is also used Anticholinergic effects hypertrophy, asthmatic
to prevent and treat nausea, vomiting attack, bladder neck
Duration: ≤12 hr (histamine-induced and dizziness caused by motion May decrease cognitive function in obstruction, pyloroduodenal
flare suppression); ≤10 hr (histamine- sickness. geriatric patients obstruction, third trimester
induced wheal suppression) of pregnancy, lactation
Xerostomia Physical: Skin color, lesions,
Peak serum time: 2 hr (PO) texture; orientation, reflexes,
Dry nasal mucosa affect; vision examination; P,
Distribution BP; R, adventitious sounds;
Protein bound: 98.5% Pharyngeal dryness bowel sounds; prostate
palpation; CBC with
Vd: 22 L/kg (Children); 17 L/kg Thick bronchial sputum differential
(adults); 14 L/kg (elderly)
Agranulocytosis Interventions
Metabolism Administer with food if GI
Metabolized by liver (first-pass) Hemolytic anemia upset occurs.
Administer syrup form if
Elimination Thrombocytopenia patient is unable to take
Half-life: 5 hr (children); 9 hr (adults); tablets.
13.5 hr (elderly) Convulsions Monitor patient response,
and arrange for adjustment
Excretion: Urine (50-75%), mainly as Tachycardia of dosage to lowest possible
metabolites effective dose.
Teaching points
Nervousness Take as prescribed; avoid
excessive dosage.
Restlessness Take with food if GI upset
Blurred vision Avoid alcohol; serious
sedation could occur.
Palpitations These side effects may occur:
Dizziness, sedation,
Constipation drowsiness (use caution
driving or performing tasks
Vertigo requiring alertness);
epigastric distress, diarrhea
Menstrual irregularities or constipation (take drug
with meals); dry mouth (use
Euphoria frequent mouth care, suck
sugarless lozenges);
Anorexia thickening of bronchial
secretions, dryness of nasal
Urinary retention mucosa (use a humidifier).
Report difficulty breathing,
Neuritis hallucinations, tremors, loss
of coordination, unusual
Diplopia bleeding or bruising, visual
disturbances, irregular
Tinnitus heartbeat.
DISSOCIATIVES ketamine Produces dissociative anesthesia Absorption Anesthesia-induction and maintenance Emergence rxns ketamine has no known severe Monitor patient response to
Onset: 30 sec (IV); 3-4 min (IM) Analgesic for procedure interactions with other drugs therapy (analgesia, loss of
Blocks NMDA receptor HTN consciousness).
Duration: 5-10 min (IV); 12-25 min Monitor for adverse effects
Overdose may lead to panic attacks (IM): dissociative state may last >20 Increased cardiac output (e.g. respiratory depression,
and aggressive behavior; rarely min hypotension, bronchospasm,
seizures, increased ICP, and cardiac Increased ICP skin breakdown, etc).
arrest Peak plasma concentration: 0.75 Evaluate patient
mcg/mL Tachycardia understanding on drug
Very similar in chemical makeup to therapy by asking patient to
PCP (phencyclidine), but it is shorter Metabolism Tonic-clonic movements name the drug, its indication,
acting and less toxic Liver and adverse effects to watch
Visual hallucinations for.
Elimination Monitor patient compliance
Excretion: Urine (91%), feces (3%) Vivid dreams to drug therapy.




Increased IOP

Injection-site pain


Cardiac arrhythmia

Depressed cough reflex



Increased IOP

Increased metabolic rate



Respiratory depression or apnea

with large doses or rapid infusions
DISSOCIATIVE Dextromethorp Nonnarcotic derivative of levorphanol. Dextromethorphan is used to Nausea High risk of excitation,
ANESTHETICS han (DXM) Chemically related to morphine but temporarily relieve cough caused by the Vomiting hypotension, and hyperpyrexia Monitor for dizziness and
without central hypnotic or analgesic Onset: 15-30 min common cold, the flu, or other Constipation with MAO INHIBITORS. drowsiness, especially when
effect or capacity to cause tolerance Duration: ≤6 hr conditions. Dextromethorphan will Drowsiness concurrent therapy with CNS
or addiction. Antitussive activity Time to peak: 2-3hr relieve a cough but will not treat the Dizziness depressant is used.
comparable to that of codeine but is cause of the cough or speed recovery. Sedation
less likely than codeine to cause Dextromethorphan is in a class of Confusion
constipation, drowsiness, or GI Hepatic P450 enzyme CYP2D6 medications called antitussives. It works Nervousness
disturbances. by decreasing activity in the part of the
brain that causes coughing.
Half-life: 2-4hr (extensive
metabolizers); 24 hr (poor
Excretion: Urine

DISSOCIATIVE Phencyclidine Phencyclidine works primarily as an The N-methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) PCP is also known as a dissociative Avoid taking with
ANESTHETICS (PCP) NMDA receptor antagonist, which receptor, a type of ionotropic drug. It causes you to feel separated  euphoria apraclonidine ophthalmic, Monitor for dizziness and
blocks the activity of the NMDA receptor, is found on the dendrites of from your body and surroundings. brexanolone drowsiness, especially when
Receptor. neurons and receives signals in the  sound, image and body concurrent therapy with CNS
form of neurotransmitters. It is a , brimonidine ophthalmic depressant is used.
major excitatory receptor in the brain. brimonidine topical
Normal physiological function  depersonalization or esketamine
requires that the activated receptor flibanserin
feelings of detachment
fluxes positive ions through the ioflupane I 123
channel part of the receptor. PCP  loss of balance and lasmiditan
enters the ion channel from the
outside of the neuron and binds,
reversibly, to a site in the channel  loss of sensation and
pore, blocking the flux of positive ions
inability to feel pain
into the cell. PCP therefore inhibits
depolarization of neurons and  acute anxiety, agitation,
interferes with cognitive and other
functions of the nervous system. and mood swings
 feelings of impending doom

 numbness in the arms and



NARCOTIC Opium Description: Opium, obtained from Adverse Reactions
Hypersensitivity. Convulsion (e.g. status epilepticus, Maydiarrhoea
tetanus, strychnine poisoning), cause increased CNS or
ANALGESICS dried latex of unripe Papaver caused by poisoning. Concomitant or within Significant:
14 days ofDrug
use. respiratory depression with  Assess for
somniferum capsules, contains apnoea, hypotension. other narcotic analgesics, general mentioned
morphine, codeine, thebaine and Eye disorders:Miosis. anaesthetics, sedative/hypnotics, cautions and
other alkaloids (e.g. noscapine, Gastrointestinal disorders: Nausea, antihistamines, phenothiazines, contraindications
papaverine). The pharmacologic effect vomiting, constipation, dry mouth. or other CNS depressants. May (e.g. drug allergy,
of opium is mainly due to the General disorders and cause decreased effect or respiratory
morphine content. As an administration site increased withdrawal symptoms dysfunction,
antidiarrhoeal, morphine increases conditions: Asthenia. with other morphine myocardial
gastrointestinal muscle tone and Immune system agonists/antagonist (e.g. infarction and
decreases peristalsis, thereby disorders: Urticaria. buprenorphine, nalbuphine, CAD, hepatorenal
decreasing gastrointestinal Metabolism and nutrition pentazocine). Decreased effect dysfunction, etc.)
propulsion. Morphine is used in disorders: Anorexia. with CYP3A4 inducer (e.g. to prevent
combination with belladonna in Nervous system rifampicin). Increased toxicity of untoward
suppositories for its analgesic effect. It disorders: Lightheadedness, squill with concomitant diuretics. complications.
is also used in combination with squill dizziness, drowsiness, sedation. Potentially Fatal: May cause
 Conduct pain
in cough preparations as it directly Psychiatric disorders:Confusion, serotonin syndrome if used with
assessment with
depresses the cough reflex. euphoria, dysphoria. MAOIs.
patient to establish
Duration: Antidiarrhoeal effect: 3-4 Renal and urinary
baseline and
hours. disorders:Urinary retention.
Pharmacokinetics: Respiratory, thoracic and
effectiveness of
Absorption: Variably absorbed from mediastinal
drug therapy.
the gastrointestinal tract. disorders: Bronchospasms.
Distribution: Crosses the placenta and Skin and subcutaneous tissue  Perform thorough
enters breast milk. disorders: Pruritus. physical (CNS, vital
Metabolism: Morphine is metabolised Vascular disorders: Flushing. signs, bowel
in the liver via glucuronidation at the Potentially Fatal:Severe respiratory sounds, urine
3-hydroxyl group; further metabolised depression; increased intracranial output) to
via glucuronidation at the 6-hydroxyl pressure. establish baseline
group into morphine-3,6- status before
diglucuronide. beginning therapy,
Excretion: Via urine (approx 75%; determine drug
mainly as morphine-3-glucuronide, effectiveness and
morphine-3,6-diglucuronide and evaluate for any
unchanged drug). potential adverse
 Monitor laboratory
results (liver
function, kidney
function) to
determine need
for possible dose
adjustment and
identify toxic drug

NARCOTIC Morphine As morphine sulfate: Dosage is Pharmacokinetics: Indications and Dosage Adverse Reactions Drug Interactions
ANALGESICS individualised based on the severity of Absorption: Well absorbed from the Intraspinal Significant: CNS depression, Increased depressant effects  Assess for
pain, patient response and prior gastrointestinal tract (oral) and into Moderate to severe pain orthostatic hypotension, severe with other CNS depressants (e.g. mentioned
analgesic experience. Initially, 5 mg the blood (SC/IM). Increased hypotension,
Adult: As morphine sulfate: Dosage is individualised syncope
based on theconstipation. sedatives,
severity of pain, patient hypnotics, general cautions and
epidural inj, if desired pain relief is not bioavailability with food. response and prior analgesic experience. Initially, 5 mg epidural inj, if desired pain relief is notphenothiazines,
Blood and lymphatic system anaesthesia, contraindications
achieved within 1 hour, incremental Bioavailability: 17-33 % (oral). Time to achieved within 1 hour, incremental doses disorders:
of 1-2 mg Anaemia.
may be given up to 10 mg/24 tranquilisers).
hour. May enhance the
doses of 1-2 mg may be given up to 10 peak plasma concentration: 1 hour Cardiac disorders: Bradycardia, neuromuscular blocking action of (e.g. drug allergy,
mg/24 hour. (conventional tab, epidural); 3-4 hours Intraspinal palpitation, tachycardia. skeletal muscle relaxants. respiratory
(extended-release tab); 20-60 minutes Postoperative pain Eye disorder: Blurred or double Reduced analgesic effect with dysfunction,
(supp); 50-90 minutes (SC); 30-60 vision, miosis.
Adult: As morphine sulfate liposomal inj: Dosage mixed agonist/antagonist
is individualised based on the severity of pain, opioid myocardial
minutes (IM); 20 minutes (IV). Gastrointestinal
patient response and prior analgesic experience. 10-20 mg for lumbar administration analgesics
only (e.g. buprenorphine, infarction and
Distribution: Widely distributed disorders: Abdominal
depending on the type of surgery. Dose adjustments pain, according nalbuphine,
may be required to individualpentazocine). CAD, hepatorenal
throughout the body mainly in the response. constipation, delayed gastric Increased plasma concentrations dysfunction, etc.)
kidneys, liver, lungs and spleen, with emptying, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, with cimetidine. Reduced plasma to prevent
lower concentrations in the brain and Intrathecal flatulence, nausea, vomiting, concentration with rifampicin, untoward
muscles. Crosses the blood-brain Moderate to severe pain xerostomia, dry mouth, anorexia. ritonavir. Decreased therapeutic complications.
barrier and placenta; enters breast General
Adult: As morphine sulfate: 0.2-1 mg as single dosedisorders
for up toand
24 hours. Dosage iseffect of diuretics. Increased
 Conduct pain
milk. Volume of distribution: 1-6 L/kg. administration
based on the severity of pain, patient response site
and prior analgesic experience. plasma concentration with
assessment with
Plasma protein binding: Approx 35%. conditions: Asthenic conditions, cisapride. Increased risk of
patient to establish
Metabolism: Metabolised in the liver Intravenous hyperhidrosis, withdrawal orthostatic hypotension with
baseline and
and gut via glucuronidation to syndrome.
Moderate to severe pain, Pain associated with myocardial infarction, Postoperative antihypertensive
pain, agents.
produce morphine-3-glucoronide and Severe cancer pain Hepatobiliary disorders: Biliary Increased risk of severe
effectiveness of
morphine-6-glucoronide; undergoes colic, hypoesthesia,
Adult: As morphine sulfate: Dosage is individualised hypokalemia.
based on the constipation
severity of pain, patient and CNS depression
drug therapy.
extensive first-pass metabolism. Metabolism and nutrition
response and prior analgesic experience. As Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA): Loadingwith antidiarrhoeal
dose: agents
Excretion: Via urine [approx 60% disorders:
1-10 mg (Max 15 mg) via IV infusion over 4-5 minutes, Anorexia.
then 1 mg on demand with Potentially Fatal: Enhanced
5-10 minutes  Perform thorough
(oral); approx 90% (parenteral)]; lockout time. Musculoskeletal and connective depressant effect with MAOIs. physical (CNS, vital
faeces (10%, as conjugates). Elderly: Dose reduction needed. tissue disorders: Back pain. signs, bowel
Elimination half-life: Approx 2 hours Nervous system sounds, urine
(morphine); 2.4-6.7 hours (morphine- Oral disorders: Dizziness, headache, output) to
3-glucoronide). Moderate to severe pain paresthesia, paralytic ileus, establish baseline
Adult: As morphine sulfate: Dosage is individualised based on the severity of pain, patient status before
response and prior analgesic experience. AsPsychiatric
conventionaldisorders: Anxiety,5-20 mg 4 hourly. As
preparation: beginning therapy,
confusion, dependence,
extended-release tab/cap: Recommended initial dose: 1 or 2 (10 mg) insomnia
tab 12-24 hourly. determine drug
Child: As morphine sulfate: Dosage is individualised basedeuphoria, agitation,
on the severity of pain, patient effectiveness and
response and prior analgesic experience. Asmood altered. preparation:
conventional evaluate for any
Renal and
(Max: 30 mg daily); 6-12 years 5-10 mg 4 hourly (Max: urinary
60 mg daily); potential adverse
dose. disorders: Bladder spasm, oliguria, effects.
urinary retention.
 Monitor laboratory
Parenteral Reproductive system and breast
results (liver
Severe pain disorders: Decreased libido or
function, kidney
potency (long
Adult: As morphine sulfate: Dosage is individualised term
based on use).
the severity of pain, patient
function) to
Respiratory, thoracic
response and prior analgesic experience. Recommended dose: 10-20 and mg 4-6 hourly (dose may
determine need
vary from 5-20 mg) via SC, IM or IV inj. mediastinal disorders: Dyspnea,
for possible dose
Elderly: Dose reduction needed. hypoxia, rigors, bronchospasm,
adjustment and
pulmonary oedema.
identify toxic drug
Parenteral Skin and subcutaneous tissue
Acute pulmonary oedema, Premedicationdisorders:
in surgeryPruritus, skin rash,
Adult: As morphine sulfate: Dosage is individualisedsweating.
urticaria, based on the severity of pain, patient
Vascular disorders:
response and prior analgesic experience. Recommended dose:Hypertension,
10 mg 4 hourly if necessary
(dose may vary from 5-20 mg) via SC or IMfacial flushing.
inj. May also be given via IV infusion at a dose
corresponding to ¼ - ½ of the IM dose not more than 4Fatal:
Potentially Hypersensitivity.
Elderly: Dose reduction needed. Respiratory depression.

Severe cancer pain, Severe pain
Adult: As morphine tartrate: 5-20 mg 4-6 hourly via SC/IM inj. If rapid onset of action is desired,
may give 2.5-15 mg via slow IV inj over 4-5 minutes. As IV Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA): 1
mg/hour administered with a lockout interval of 6-10 minutes and 0.5 (Max of 1.5 mg) demand
Child: As morphine tartrate: 0.1-0.2 mg/kg 4-6 hourly via SC/IM inj. Max dose: 15 mg. If rapid of
onset is desired, 0.05-0.1 mg/kg via slow IV inj, may titrate dose incrementally over 5-15
Severe pain
Adult: As morphine sulfate: Dosage is individualised based on the severity of pain, patient
response and prior analgesic experience. 10-20 mg 4 hourly.
Renal Impairment
Moderate to severe pain: Dose reduction needed.

Acute pulmonary oedema; Premedication in surgery; Severe pain; Severe cancer pain:
reduction needed.

Moderate to severe pain; Pain associated with myocardial infarction; Postoperative pain;
Severe cancer pain: Dose reduction needed.
Hepatic Impairment
Moderate to severe pain: Dose reduction needed.

Acute pulmonary oedema; Premedication in surgery; Severe pain; Severe cancer pain:
reduction needed.

Moderate to severe pain; Pain associated with myocardial infarction; Postoperative pain;
Severe cancer pain: Dose reduction needed.

INHALANTS Atrovent Adult (including elderly) & Bronchodilator for maintenance Adverse Reactions Not recommended for chronic
adolescent >12 yr Maintenance Following administration by oral treatment of bronchospasm associated Headache, throat irritation, cough, co-administration w/ other anti- Contraindicated in patients
treatment 40 drops tds-qds. Acute inhalation from a metered-dose w/ COPD including chronic bronchitis & dry mouth, GI motility disorders cholinergics. Bronchodilatory with renal and hepatic
attacks 40 drops/dose, repeat inhaler, the majority of the delivered emphysema. Acute bronchospasm (including constipation, diarrhoea effect may be intensified by β- insufficiency
administration until the patient is dose is deposited in the associated w/ COPD including & vomiting), nausea & dizziness. adrenergics & xanthine prep.
stable. Childn 6-12 yr Maintenance gastrointestinal tract and, to a lesser bronchitis & asthma, in combination w/ Precipitation may occur in Antidote for anticholinergic
treatment 20 drops tds-qds. Acute extent, in the lung, the intended site inhaled β-agonists. concurrent administration w/ poisoning: physostigmine
attacks 20 drops/dose, repeat of action. Ipratropium bromide is a diNa cromoglycate nebuliser
administration until the patient is quaternary amine and hence is not soln. May increase risk of acute
stable. <6 yr Maintenance readily absorbed into the systemic glaucoma in patients w/ narrow-
treatment 8-20 drops tds-qds. Acute circulation either from the surface of angle glaucoma history.
attacks 8-20 drops/dose, repeat the lung or from the gastrointestinal Absorption: The therapeutic
administration until the patient is tract as confirmed by blood level and effect of ATROVENT is produced
stable. renal excretion studies. by a local action in the airways.
Time courses of bronchodilation
The half-life of elimination is about 2 and systemic pharmacokinetics
hours after inhalation or intravenous do not run in parallel.
administration. Ipratropium bromide Following inhalation 10 to 30% of
is minimally bound (0% to 9% in vitro) a dose is generally deposited in
to plasma albumin and α1-acid the lungs, depending on the
glycoprotein. It is partially formulation and inhalation
metabolized to inactive ester technique. The major part of the
hydrolysis products. Following dose is swallowed and passes the
intravenous administration, gastro-intestinal tract.
approximately one-half of the dose is The portion of the dose
excreted unchanged in the urine. deposited in the lungs reaches
the circulation rapidly (within
minutes). Cumulative renal
excretion (0-24 hrs) of the parent
compound is approximated to
46% of an intravenously
administered dose, below 1% of
an oral dose and approximately 3
to 13% of an inhaled dose. Based
on these data the total systemic
bioavailability of oral and inhaled
doses of ipratropium bromide is
estimated at 2% and 7 to 28%
Taking this into account,
swallowed dose portions of
ipratropium bromide do not
relevantly contribute to systemic
Distribution: The drug is
minimally (less than 20%) bound
to plasma proteins. Nonclinical
data indicate that quaternary
amine ipratropium does not
cross the placental or the blood-
brain barrier. The known
metabolites show very little or
no affinity for the muscarinic
receptor and have to be
regarded as ineffective.
Biotransformation: After
intravenous administration
approximately 60% of a dose is
metabolised, mainly by
conjugation (40%), whereas after
inhalation about 70% of the
systemically available dose is
metabolised by ester hydrolysis
(41%) and conjugation (36%).
The known metabolites, are
formed by hydrolysis,
dehydration or elimination of the
hydroxy-methyl group in the
tropic acid moiety.
Elimination: Ipratropium has a
total clearance of 2.3 L/min and
a renal clearance of 0.9 L/min.
In an excretion balance study
cumulative renal excretion (6
days) of drug-related
radioactivity (including parent
compound and all metabolites)
accounted for 72.1% after
intravenous administration, 9.3%
after oral administration and
3.2% after inhalation. Total
radioactivity excreted via the
faeces was 6.3% following
intravenous application, 88.5%
following oral dosing and 69.4%
after inhalation. Regarding the
excretion of drug-related
radioactivity after intravenous
administration, the main
excretion occurs via the kidneys.
The half-life for elimination of
drug-related radioactivity (parent
compound and metabolites) is
3.6 hours.

INHALANTS Clenbuterol Clenbuterol is a direct-acting The pharmacokinetics of clenbuterol Inhalation/Respiratory Adverse Reactions Drug Interactions
sympathomimetic with predominantly (CLB) following a single intravenous Bronchodilator Fine tremor of skeletal muscle, Increased risk of cardiac  Assess for
β-adrenergic activity and has selective (i.v.) and oral (p.o.) administration Adult: 20 mcg tid. palpitations, tachycardia, nervous arrhythmias when used with mentioned
action on β2-receptors. twice daily for 7 days were tension, headaches, peripheral potassium-depleting drugs e.g. cautions and
investigated in thoroughbred horses. vasodilatation, muscle cramps thiazide or loop diuretics, contraindications
The plasma concentrations of CLB (rare), hypokalaemia (large doses), amphotericin B, corticosteroids. (e.g. drug allergy,
following i.v. administration declined hypersensitivity reactions. Increased risk of hypokalaemia respiratory
mono-exponentially with a median and tachycardia when used with dysfunction,
elimination half-life (t(1/2k)) of 9.2 h, high-dose theophylline. myocardial
area under the time-concentration infarction and
curve (AUC) of 12.4 ng.h/mL, and a CAD, hepatorenal
zero-time concentration of 1.04 dysfunction, etc.)
ng/mL. Volume of distribution (V(d)) to prevent
was 1616.0 mL/kg and plasma untoward
clearance (Cl) was 120.0 mL/h/kg. The complications.
terminal portion of the plasma curve
 Conduct pain
following multiple p.o.
assessment with
administrations also declined mono-
patient to establish
exponentially with a median
baseline and
elimination half-life (t(1/2k)) of 12.9 h,
a Cl of 94.0 mL/h/kg and V(d) of
effectiveness of
1574.7 mL/kg. Following the last p.o.
drug therapy.
administration the baseline plasma
concentration was 537.5 +/- 268.4  Perform thorough
and increased to 1302.6 +/- 925.0 physical (CNS, vital
pg/mL at 0.25 h, and declined to 18.9 signs, bowel
+/- 7.4 pg/mL at 96 h. CLB was still sounds, urine
quantifiable in urine at 288 h output) to
following the last administration establish baseline
(210.0 +/- 110 pg/mL). The difference status before
between plasma and urinary beginning therapy,
concentrations of CLB was 100-fold determine drug
irrespective of the route of effectiveness and
administration. This 100-fold evaluate for any
urine/plasma difference should be potential adverse
considered when the presence of CLB effects.
in urine is reported by equine forensic
 Monitor laboratory
results (liver
function, kidney
function) to
determine need
for possible dose
adjustment and
identify toxic drug


CANNABIS Marijuana Cannabis is an herbal drug that is made The pharmacokinetics of THC vary as a Pregnancy: Cannabis is UNSAFE when When taken by mouth: Cannabis Major InteractionDo not take The National Council of State
from the Cannabis plant. It contains function of its route of administration. taken by mouth or smoked during is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by this combination Boards of Nursing has
chemicals called cannabinoids. Pulmonary assimilation of inhaled pregnancy. Cannabis passes through mouth in large amounts or for a identified six principles of
Cannabinoids affect the central THC causes a maximum plasma the placenta and can slow the growth long time. Cannabis containing large Sedative medications essential knowledge about
nervous system, which includes concentration within minutes, of the fetus and increase the risk for amounts of THC (50 mg or more) (Barbiturates) interacts with cannabis for nurses, advance
the brain and nerves. Cannabinoids are psychotropic effects start within premature birth. Cannabis use during has been linked with anxiety, CANNABISMarijuana might practice nurses, and nursing
found in the highest levels in the leaves seconds to a few minutes, reach a pregnancy is also associated with psychosis, heart attack, and cause sleepiness and drowsiness. students.
and flowers of cannabis. These are the maximum after 15-30 minutes, and stillbirth, childhood leukemia, irregular heart rhythm. Regularly Medications that cause
parts of the herb that are used to make taper off within 2-3 hours. Following abnormalities in the fetus, and the taking large amounts of cannabis sleepiness are called sedatives. 1 The nurse shall have a
medicine. oral ingestion, psychotropic effects set need for intensive care after birth. over a long period of time might Taking marijuana along with working knowledge of the
in with a delay of 30-90 minutes, Cannabis use during pregnancy has also cause a disorder called cannabinoid sedative medications might current state of legalization
reach their maximum after 2-3 hours been linked with lower intelligence and hyperemesis syndrome, or CHS. CHS cause too much sleepiness. of medical and recreational
and last for about 4-12 hours, increased emotional problems in leads to severe, repeated bouts of Sedative medications (CNS cannabis use.
depending on dose and specific effect. children when they grow up. Also, nausea and vomiting that don't depressants) interacts with
At doses exceeding the psychotropic cannabis use is associated with an respond to typical anti-nausea CANNABISMarijuana might
threshold, ingestion of cannabis increased risk for anemia and high medicine. In a few reports, CHS has cause sleepiness and drowsiness. 2 The nurse shall have a
usually causes enhanced well-being blood pressure in the mother. been linked to severe complications Medications that cause working knowledge of the
and relaxation with an intensification that caused death. sleepiness are called sedatives. jurisdiction’s medical
of ordinary sensory experiences. Breast-feeding: Using cannabis, either Taking marijuana along with marijuana program.
by mouth or by inhalation is LIKELY Using cannabis for at least 1-2 sedative medications might
UNSAFE during breast-feeding. The weeks can also lead to dependence. cause too much sleepiness.Some 3 The nurse shall have an
chemicals in cannabis pass into breast People with cannabis dependence sedative medications include understanding of the
milk. Too much of these chemicals might experience withdrawal after clonazepam (Klonopin), endocannabinoid system,
might slow down the development of stopping cannabis use. Symptoms of lorazepam (Ativan), cannabinoid receptors,
the baby. withdrawal include nervousness, phenobarbital (Donnatal), cannabinoids, and the
shaking, trouble sleeping, decreased zolpidem (Ambien), and others. interactions between them.
Bipolar disorder: Using cannabis might appetite, sweating, headache, and Theophylline interacts with
make manic symptoms worse in people depressed mood. There isn't CANNABISTaking marijuana 4 The nurse shall have an
with bipolar disorder. enough information to know if might decrease the effects of understanding of cannabis
cannabis is safe to use in theophylline. But there isn't pharmacology and the
Heart disease: Cannabis might cause moderation for short periods of enough information to know if research associated with the
fast heartbeat and high blood pressure. time. this is a big concern. medical use of cannabis.
It might also increase the risk of a Moderate InteractionBe cautious
having heart attack. However, in many When sprayed into the mouth: A with this combination
cases, people who experienced these specific cannabis extract spray 5 The nurse shall be able to
events after smoking cannabis had (Sativex, GW Pharmaceuticals) Disulfiram (Antabuse) interacts identify the safety
other risk factors for heart-related is POSSIBLY SAFE when applied with CANNABISDisulfiram considerations for patient use
events such as smoking cigarettes or under the tongue. Side effects may (Antabuse) might interact with ofcannabis.
being overweight. include headache, dizziness, marijuana. Taking marijuana
drowsiness, dry mouth, nausea, and along with Disulfiram can cause 6 The nurse shall approach
paranoid thinking. This cannabis agitation, trouble sleeping, and the patient without judgment
A weakened immune system: Certain extract spray is available as a irritability. regarding the patient’s choice
chemicals in cannabis can weaken the prescription-only product in the U.K. Fluoxetine (Prozac) interacts of treatment or preferences
immune system. This might make it and Canada. It has not been with CANNABISTaking marijuana in managing pain and other
more difficult for the body to fight approved as a prescription product with fluoxetine (Prozac) might distressing symptoms.
infections. in the U.S. cause you to feel irritated,
nervous, jittery, and excited.
Allergies to fruits and vegetables: When inhaled: Cannabis Doctors call this hypomania.
Cannabis might increase the risk of an is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when inhaled. Minor InteractionBe watchful
allergic reaction in people with allergies Smoking or vaping cannabis can with this combination
to foods like tomatoes, bananas, and cause various breathing problems
citrus fruit. such as wheezing and coughing. Warfarin (Coumadin) interacts
Some reports suggest that smoking with CANNABISUsing marijuana
Depression: Cannabis use, especially cannabis might cause air-filled might increase the effects of
frequent use, might increase the cavities in the lungs. These air-filled warfarin (Coumadin). Smoking
chance of getting depression. It can also cavities can cause symptoms such as marijuana while taking warfarin
worsen symptoms of depression and chest pressure, soreness, and (Coumadin) might increase the
increase thoughts about suicide in difficulty breathing. Use of e- chance of bruising and bleeding.
those that already have depression. cigarettes and other vaping
products containing THC has been
Diabetes: Cannabis use might make it linked to serious lung injury in some
harder to control blood sugar levels. It people. Smoking cannabis can also
might also increase the risk for long- cause headache, dizziness,
term complications from diabetes. Until drowsiness, dry mouth, nausea, and
more is known, be cautious using paranoid thinking. Smoking
cannabis. cannabis might also increase
appetite, increase heart rate,
Liver disease: It is unclear if cannabis change blood pressure, and impair
worsens chronic liver disease. While mental functioning. Some reports
some weak evidence suggests that suggest that smoking cannabis may
there might be a link, other evidence also increase the risk of heart
has not found a link. Until more is problems such as heart attack and
known, be cautious using cannabis. abnormal heart rhythm. Regularly
smoking large amounts of cannabis
Multiple sclerosis: Taking cannabis by for a long time may cause CHS. It
mouth might make symptoms of might also lead to dependence.
multiple sclerosis worse. People with cannabis dependence
might experience withdrawal after
Lung diseases: Cannabis can make lung stopping cannabis use. Symptoms of
problems worse. Regular use over a withdrawal include nervousness,
period of years might increase the risk shaking, trouble sleeping, decreased
of lung cancer. Some people develop a appetite, sweating, headache, and
type of lung disease called emphysema. depressed mood.

Schizophrenia: Using cannabis might

make symptoms of schizophrenia

Quitting smoking: Using cannabis might

make it harder to quit smoking. Early
research suggests that people who use
cannabis and want to quit smoking
cigarettes are less likely to quit smoking
after 6 months than people who don't
use cannabis.

Stroke: Using cannabis after having a

stroke might increase the risk of having
a second stroke.

Surgery: Cannabis affects the central

nervous system or the brain and nerves.
It might slow the central nervous
system too much when combined with
anesthesia and other medications
during and after surgery. Stop using
cannabis at least 2 weeks before a
scheduled surgery.

CANNABIS Cannabidiol The CB1 receptor is present at a high Absorption: Extent of absorption CNS: SUICIDAL Drug-Drug  Assess location,
density on the presynaptic level of the unknown. High fat/high calorie meals Seizures associated with Lennox- THOUGHTS/BEHAVIORS, drowsines  Concurrent use of duration, and
neuronal synapses, where its increase extent of absorption. Gastaut syndrome or Dravet syndrome. s, fatigue, insomnia, aggressive valproic acid or characteristics of seizure
stimulation activates potassium Distribution: Extensively distributed behavior, agitation clobazam ↑ risk of activity. Institute seizure
channels and on the contrary, inhibits to tissues. Derm: rash hepatotoxicity. precautions.
calcium-dependent channels, what Protein Binding: >94%. EENT: dry mouth  Moderate or strong  Monitor closely for
results in inhibition of the Metabolism and Excretion: Primarily GI: HEPATOTOXICITY, ↓ CYP2C9 or CYP3A4 notable changes in
neurotransmitter release. Concerning metabolized in the liver by the appetite, diarrhea, ↑ liver
inhibitors may ↑ levels and behavior that could
this mechanism of action mentioned, CYP2C9 and CYP3A4 isoenzymes to an enzymes, abdominal pain, ↓
risk of toxicity; consider ↓ indicate the emergence or
endocannabinoids are also called as active metabolite (7-OH-CBD). weight cannabidiol dose. worsening of suicidal
the “Retrograde Synaptic Primarily excreted in feces. GU: ↑ serum creatinine  Strong CYP2C9 or thoughts or behavior or
Messengers” Half-life: 56–61 hr. Hemat: anemia CYP3A4 inducers may ↓ depression.
TIME/ACTION PROFILE (plasma Neuro: ataxia levels and effectiveness;  Monitor for signs and
concentrations) Misc: hypersensitivity reactions consider ↑ cannabidiol dose. symptom of
ROUTE ONSET PEAK DURATION (angioedema, pruritus), infection,  May ↑ levels and risk of hepatotoxicity
physical dependence, psychological
PO unknow 2.5–5 unknown toxicity of CYP2C8, CYP2C9, (unexplained nausea,
dependence (high doses or
n hr or CYP2C19 substrates ; vomiting, right upper
prolonged therapy)
consider ↓ dose of CYP2C8, quadrant abdominal pain,
* CAPITALS indicate life-
threatening. CYP2C9, or CYP2C19 fatigue, anorexia, jaundice
Underline indicate most frequent. substrate. and/or dark urine). If signs
 May ↑ or ↓ levels of and symptoms occur,
CYP1A2 or CYP2B6 promptly measure serum
substrates ; consider ↓ dose transaminases and total
of CYP1A2 or CYP2B6 bilirubin and interrupt or
substrate. discontinue treatment
 Additive CNS depression with cannabidiol.
with alcohol, antihistamines,  Monitor for signs and
barbiturates, benzodiazepine symptoms of
s, muscle relaxants, opioid hypersensitivity reactions
analgesics, (pruritus, erythema, and
tricyclic antidepressants, angioedema) during
and sedative/hypnotics. therapy. Discontinue
cannabidiol if symptoms
Lab Test Considerations:
Obtain serum transaminases
(ALT, AST) and total bilirubin
levels before starting therapy.
Elevations usually respond to
decreased dose or
discontinuation of therapy.
Monitor levels at 1, 3, and 6
mo after starting therapy,
within 1 mo following dose
changes, and as needed
thereafter. Discontinue
cannabidiol if transaminase
levels >3 times upper limit of
normal (ULN) and bilirubin
levels >2 times ULN. Also
discontinue therapy if
transaminase persistently >5
times ULN.

• An article from IACP website entitled: 7 Drug Category/Classification of CNS
 Medscape by WebMD LLC.

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