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Solar Energy Vol. 69, No. 4, pp.

331–341, 2000
 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd
Pergamon PII: S 0 0 3 8 – 0 9 2 X ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 8 1 – 5 All rights reserved. Printed in Great Britain
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Energy Program, Asian Institute of Technology, G.P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand

Received 15 March 1999; revised version accepted 17 April 2000

Communicated by M. G. HUTCHINS

Abstract—Daylighting possesses good potential for application in the tropics, where the sky is luminous. But
the depth of penetration of skylight through side windows is limited and can be complemented by sunlighting
for illumination of the deeper interior space of a building through light pipes in the ceiling plenum. Modeling
of the mechanisms of light delivery and heat transfer will enable trading off between light gain, increased
air-conditioning load, and overall system performance and cost. This paper reports the development of such a
model based on a general configuration of a plenum in a test room and a comparison of the calculation results
with results from physical measurements.  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


It has been demonstrated that daylighting using
skylight (diffuse light from the sky which ex- In Bangkok, as in other cities in Southeast
cludes direct sunlight) illumination through win- Asia, commercial buildings are multi-storied and
dows, or sidelighting, has good potential for fully air-conditioned. Use of post-tensioned floor-
application in the tropics where the sky is lumin- ing eliminates beams used to support floors and
ous and overcast sky conditions occur infrequent- now affords a flexibility in the use of the plenum
ly. Substantial electric energy and power savings formed between the floor of the next storey and
potential (at over 50%) and occupant acceptance the ceiling of a given storey. Fig. 1 illustrates how
of daylight-integrated electric lighting have been light pipes can be placed in the plenum above the
reported (Chirarattananon and Limmechokchai, ceiling of a floor. Ducts for cool-air are also
1996; Pornnimitra, 1996). However, the present placed in the plenum. The plenum itself is often
trend in building design results in use of glazings used as a return air path or to house a return air
with visible transmittivity as low as 7% (see duct. Accumulation of heat in the light pipe can
Appendix A). Radiant heat gain and glare prob- raise its temperature which can cause heat transfer
lems have led to avoidance of use of daylight in to the return air or the cool air duct. The
air-conditioned buildings. On the other hand, configuration of a storey in Fig. 1 forms part of a
efficient lighting is heavily promoted in Thailand facade of a square-shaped model building in Fig.
through a Demand-Side-Management Program 2.
and through programs conducted under the
Energy Conservation Promotion Act (ECP Act) 2.1. Sidelighting
(Chirarattananon and Limmechokchai, 1994). Skylight entering a side window can be used to
The present work aims to develop a technique illuminate the area close to the window. For a
for the use of sunlight (the light from the sun typical building in Bangkok, the wall comprises
beam) for the deeper interior space in multi- plastered brick (of 80 mm width and with the
storied buildings. The technique also models heat overall thermal transfer coefficient or U-value of
gain into the light pipe and adjacent space. 3.0 W m 22 K 21 ) and the window comprises
single glazings (of 6 mm thickness and with a
U-value of 5.9 W m 22 K 21 ) with reflective-grey

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: coating (rendering a shading coefficient of 0.6).
166-2-524-5437; fax: 166-2-524-5439; e-mail: The ratio of the area of glazed window to total wall area (WWR) is 0.3. The ECP Act requires

332 Surapong Chirarattananon et al.

Fig. 1. The configuration of a light pipe in the plenum above the ceiling of a storey in a multi-storied building.

that thermal performance of the envelope of a formation on the weather of Bangkok is given in
building as represented by its overall thermal Table 2.
transfer value (OTTV) must meet specific require- The Lumen method for calculation of daylight
ments. For an existing building, the OTTV must illuminance for building interior (IES Committee
not exceed 55 W m 22 and for a new building it is on Calculation Procedure, 1989) is under evalua-
45 W m 22 . The OTTV for a typical building with tion for promotion in the present project. Assum-
a WWR of 0.3 is 58 W m 22 (Chirarattananon and ing a uniform sky and using a value of visible
Limmechokchai,1994).Forbuildingsusingthesame transmittance for the glazing of 39%, the values
type of wall and glazing, those with a WWR of of the interior daylight illuminance from skylight
0.15 possess an OTTVof 45 W m 22 , and those with for the peripheral zone of the building in Fig. 2
a WWR of 0.26 possess an OTTV of 55 W m 22 . are calculated using the Lumen method and
From the 1985 record of solar radiation for results are as shown in Table 1. For the given
Bangkok, the horizontal illuminance from hours on 21 December, daylight illuminance is
skylight is highest and concurrently the normal inadequate for half of the area in the interior of
illuminance from sunlight is lowest for 21 June our model building, specially for those cases with
among the 4 reference days of 21 March, 21 June, OTTV below 58 W m 22 . Increasing the value of
21 September and 21 December. Inversely, the WWR beyond 0.15 significantly increases heat
horizontal illuminance from skylight is lowest and gain through the building envelope (as indicated
concurrently the normal illuminance from sunlight by the OTTV), but marginally increases interior
is highest for 21 December. For 21 March and 21 daylight illuminance. For 21 June, the interior
September, the relative illuminance of skylight illuminance values for half of the space near
and sunlight fall between the two extremes. The windows are excessive and glare may be a
values of exterior skylight and sunlight illumi- problem.
nance for certain hours of 21 June and 21
December are shown in Table 1. Sample in-
2.2. Sunlighting through light pipe
Light pipes guide light which enters to the
intended exit in the ceiling at the interior of the
building. Illuminance from sunlight (and co-
incidental skylight) through the light pipe can
complement that from sidelighting especially for
the space in the deep interior of a building. Light
pipes are effective for a facade which faces the
sun all year round and has been presented as an
effective means to complement sidelighting (Bel-
Fig. 2. Floor plan for the building model. tran et al., 1997). For a tropical location, the sun
Daylighting through light pipes in the tropics 333

Table 1. Exterior sun and sky illuminance values and interior illuminance values calculated using the Lumen method. The
exterior illuminance values are obtained from solar radiation records for Bangkok using an efficacy value of 100 lm / W
Item of interest 21 June 21 December
10:00 h 12:00 h 08:00 h 10:00 h
Exterior illuminance parameters
Cloud cover (decimal) 0.9 0.9 0.2 0.3
Sun altitude angle (degree) 55.6 79.2 17.1 40.0
Horizontal sky illuminance (klux) 37.8 44.8 6.72 14.9
Horizontal sun and sky illuminance (klux) 47.1 57.9 14.9 54.3
Normal sun illuminance (klux) 11.3 13.3 27.7 61.4
Building and interior illuminance parameters
Distance Interior illuminance (lux) at work
from plane for given value of WWR
window a
0.75 m WWR 0.15 (and OTTV 45 W m 22 ) 5.53 k 6.57 k 1.05 k 2.50 k
WWR 0.26 (and OTTV 55 W m 22 ) 5.87 k 6.98 k 1.11 k 2.69 k
WWR 0.3 (and OTTV 58 W m 22 ) 5.92 k 7.03 k 1.12 k 2.72 k
2.25 m WWR 0.15 1.45 k 1.73 k 291 754
WWR 0.26 1.82 k 2.17 k 366 947
WWR 0.3 1.91 k 2.27 k 382 990
3.75 m WWR 0.15 805 675 137 359
WWR 0.26 865 1.03 k 175 456
WWR 0.3 914 1.09 k 184 481
6.75 m WWR 0.15 407 485 83 218
WWR 0.26 514 615 104 272
WWR 0.3 542 647 109 285
As percentage of room width.

may traverse in the northern or southern hemi- through a light pipe, first consider the value of
sphere depending on the day of the year. It is illuminance from sunlight for 08:00 h of 21
proposed in this paper that the aperture of our December in Table 1. If the light pipe system is
light pipe faces either East or West to utilize the 25% effective, an amount of 27.7 klumen of light
sunlight in the morning or in the afternoon. For flux will enter 1 m 2 of the aperture area of the
such a situation, sunlight will be utilized only for light pipe to provide (0.25)(27.7 k) 5 6.93
a few hours for a facade each day, and for the rest klumens at the exit for illuminating the interior
of the time electric lighting will be used to space. This supplementary illuminance is signifi-
supplement sidelighting. cant for 21 December when skylight illuminance
To grasp the extent of contribution of sunlight from the side window is low.

Table 2. Monthly mean values of weather and solar radiation parameters for the year 1985, Bangkok, latitude 14.08 N, longitude
100.63 E
Quantity Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Solar radiation, W/ m 2 (1985)
Global 416 482 515 486 450 391 423 460 397 335 379 423
Diffuse horizontal 133 144 182 200 222 276 243 275 237 202 150 119
Direct horizontal 283 338 333 286 228 115 180 185 160 133 229 304
Temperature, 8C
Mean 25.6 27.2 28.6 29.6 29.3 28.7 28.1 27.9 27.6 27.5 26.7 25.5
Mean max. 31.9 32.8 33.9 34.9 34.2 33.1 32.6 32.4 32.0 31.8 31.5 31.4
Mean min. 20.6 23.1 24.8 25.9 25.6 25.3 24.9 24.8 24.5 24.3 23.0 20.9
Relative humidity, %
Mean 72.1 75.7 76.0 76.0 78.4 78.5 79.3 80.2 82.8 82.2 77.5 72.5
Mean max. 90.6 92.2 91.6 90.7 92.2 91.5 91.8 93.2 94.8 94.3 92.5 90.0
Mean min. 48.6 53.4 55.2 55.8 60.1 62.3 63.5 63.9 66.0 65.6 59.4 52.1
Cloudiness, (0–10)
Mean 5.9 6.5 6.8 7.0 8.2 8.5 8.6 8.9 9.0 8.2 6.2 5.9

Rainfall, mm
Mean 9.3 29.1 26.2 66.4 139.9 156.1 158.7 204.6 339.4 239.3 48.3 9.7
Wind, m / s
Mean 1.34 2.11 2.57 2.37 1.96 1.96 1.80 1.85 1.39 1.18 1.18 1.24
334 Surapong Chirarattananon et al.



Fig. 1 illustrates a mode of application of light

pipes in multi-storied buildings. In such a case,
the temperature of each of the surfaces of the
plenum, excluding those of the light pipe, is likely
to be uniform and to differ insignificantly from
Fig. 4. Configuration of the test room.
each other. But in case the light pipe is situated
above the top floor and under a roof as in Fig. 3,
the configuration of heat transfer becomes more
ceiling height is 2.5 m. A rectangular plenum is
complicated. No ventilation or low ventilation is
formed beneath the ridge roof and above the
usually provided for the plenum chamber under
ceiling. The east façade of the plenum is covered
the roof and radiation heat transfer becomes
by 5-mm clear glazings. Fig. 4 shows the configu-
significant. The temperature of the surfaces of the
ration of the test room. The interior surfaces of
roof sections a and b in Fig. 3, and of the wall
the plenum were painted white. Fiber glass insula-
sections could be distinct and must be individual-
tion was placed on the lower surface of the
ly accounted for in the consideration of radiation
plenum, i.e. on the ceiling of the room. The
heat transfer.
illuminance due to skylight entering the plenum
This study utilizes an available test room where
was measured by a luxmeter with a shading band
a plenum is created between the roof and the
placed at the glazing. Luxmeters were used to
ceiling. The whole plenum forms a large light-
measure the illuminance on different portions of
pipe. The methodology for modeling heat gain
the surfaces of the plenum and the openings on
and light delivery developed for the present study
the ceiling. The temperature on each surface of
will be applied to the cases illustrated by Figs. 1
the plenum was measured using thermocouples.
and 3 in a subsequent study.
Heat flux through the ceiling was measured
directly using a heat flux meter.
3.1. A description of the experimental set-up Fig. 5 shows the size and placement of the
The test room used is cooled by a unitary translucent sheets at the openings on the ceiling
air-conditioner and is located in the Energy Park and is shaded in the figure. Translucent sheets
(an open space reserved for outdoor research) in were used to diffuse all light rays from the
AIT. The square room measures 6 m 3 6 m. The chamber entering the room below. The positions

Fig. 3. The configuration of a light pipe under the roof of a building.

Daylighting through light pipes in the tropics 335

Fig. 5. The ceiling layout in the experiment.

of the luxmeters, probe of the heat flux meter, and reflected fluxes as shown in Fig. 6. Component
sensors of surface temperature are also shown. R M is in the same plane formed by the incident
Measurements were recorded on a data logger. flux and the plane normal n. Its reflection angle is
The experiment for each case lasted from 08:00 to equal to the incident angle. Components RA1 to
12:00 h for a number of days in February, March, RA4 are equal in magnitude and are all at an angle
May and June, a period when the sun was high in j from R M . In addition RA1 and RA3 are in the
the sky (in Bangkok). same plane formed by I, n and R M , while RA2
and RA4 are in the plane perpendicular to it.
3.2. Modeling daylight illuminance Component R L is the Lambertian component
Sunlight and diffuse skylight enters the plenum which produces equal luminance for the surface
through transparent glazings. The ray tracing when viewed from any direction (and the intensity
technique is used for analytical treatment of in any direction is subject to the cosine law). A
sunlight, while the flux transfer (Reas, 1993) part of the incident flux is absorbed, but R M ,
method is used for analysis of the diffuse light RA1 , . . . , RA4 and R L sums to a quantity equal to
component. The light pipe configuration of Fig. 3 the rest of the incident flux.
is used in the following discussion. The meth- For the present study, RA1 , . . . , RA4 are as-
odology developed was actually applied to the test sumed zero. But I, R M , R L and the absorption
room of Fig. 4. A rectangular coordinate is set up coefficient were measured for each surface.
as shown. Each plane surface of the light pipe is For a given time, the solar time and the position
represented by its corner point. These points also of the sun relative to the coordinate in Fig. 3 is
define the boundary of that plane. calculated by geometrical relationships given in
For beam sunlight, a flux I incident on a Reas (1993, chapter 8). A number of sun rays is
surface in the light pipe is assumed to produce six assumed to be distributed evenly across the glazed
entrance of the light pipe. The total light flux from
these rays equals the measured incident flux from
sunlight on the entrance of the light pipe. Each
ray is traced individually. The incidence of a ray
on a plane is treated as a conjunction between a
vector and the plane. Each of the reflection
components R M and RA1 , . . . , RA4 is traced to its
incidence on another plane. Tracing ends when
the magnitude of a ray is smaller than a given
value, or when the ray reaches the opening(s) of
the light pipe.
Fig. 6. The components of reflected flux. The diffuse component from the reflection of
336 Surapong Chirarattananon et al.

the present study the light pipe is divided by two

to form an eastern half and a western half, as
illustrated in Fig. 7.
The flux balance principle is used to calculate
the exitance from each surface segment Mi ,
i 5 1, . . . , n via the following flux transfer equa-
Mi 5 Mid
1 ri (Fi →1 M1 1 ? ? ? 1 Fi →i Mi 1 ? ? ?
1 Fi →n Mn ), i 5 1, . . . , n

Fig. 7. The division of the plenum into two portions for flux where n is the total number of surface segments in
transfer calculation and the positions of the points for which the light pipe; Mi is the exitance of surface i; Mid
illuminance were calculated and measured. is the direct exitance from segment i, ri is the
(diffuse) reflectance coefficient of segment i, Fi → j
each ray on a given surface segment sums with is the view factor from segment i to segment j.
those from all other rays incident on the same For each surface segment, the sum of the
surface segment. For each surface segment, this diffuse components of all reflected rays origina-
summary flux is treated as direct exitance in the ting from sunlight is treated as the direct exitance
flux transfer calculation. of the given segment. Analytical expressions exist
The absorbed flux on each surface will be for calculation of view factors between segments
summed with the corresponding value calculated for geometrically simple cases. But for more
from diffuse skylight. The total absorbed flux on complex cases such as a light pipe with a tapering
the surface is used in the subsequent heat transfer end, numerical methods are used.
For diffuse skylight, the flux transmitted across 3.3. Modeling heat gain
the glazing is treated as the direct exitance of the Fig. 8 shows an analogous network model of
interior surface of the glazing in the flux transfer heat transfer for the configuration of the ex-
calculation. To improve accuracy of calculation of perimental room. Each exterior surface absorbs
the diffuse light flux, each surface in the light pipe incident solar radiation proportionate to its ab-
should be divided into small segments since the sorption coefficient. The roof also exchanges
exitance is assumed uniform in each segment. In thermal radiation with the sky, while each side

Fig. 8. Analogous network model of heat transfer.

Daylighting through light pipes in the tropics 337

wall (of the plenum) exchanges thermal radiation across the glazed entrance. The additional heat
with its surroundings. In the present study the sky contribution at each node due to absorbed solar
temperature has been found experimentally to be radiation can be obtained from the result of
related to the ambient air temperature T a and the daylight calculation described earlier.
cloud cover index CC (which ranges from 0.0 to The resulting set of equations are nonlinear and
1.0) as simultaneous. The temperatures of the interior and
exterior surfaces, the radiosity of each surface,
T sky 5 0.05477T a1.5 1 14.2CC, and the air temperature (if the convection term is
included) form the set of unknown variables. The
with a correlation coefficient of 0.96. Newton–Raphson method is used to obtain solu-
Each exterior surface exchanges convective tions to the equations.
heat with the surrounding air. The energy balance
equation is written at each node with which a
temperature variable is associated. In the final 4. EXPERIMENTAL AND CALCULATION
model development, the roof and other walls may RESULTS
possess finite mass and finite heat capacitance. A
modified network model similar to Fig. 8 but with 4.1. Illuminance results
capacitive elements is obtained. The equations Fig. 7 shows the points marked E 1 to E 6, E 15
will render dynamic heat transfer solution. But in and E 16 at the center of each interior surface
this study, all the wall masses are assumed segment of the light pipe. The values for these,
negligible. each of which represents the illuminance of the
All the interior surfaces are in conduction and surface segment, were obtained directly from the
convection heat exchanges through air. The air solution of the set of simultaneous equations. The
mass is represented by a capacitive node, one in values for E 9 to E 14 were obtained indirectly from
the attic under the roof and one in the light pipe. the values of adjacent points. Luxmeters were also
If the rate of air flow through the attic is known, a physically placed at most of these points except
heat balance equation using the enthalpy of the for the positions E 10 , E 11 , E 12 and E 14 . The letter
interior and that of the ambient air with the rate of in the bracket indicates if the point is on the wall
change of the energy of the air mass in the attic (W), the translucent opening (O), the roof (R), or
can be added. But for the present study the the ceiling (C). Fig. 9 shows two comparative sets
convection heat transfer component is assumed of results of measurement and calculation, one set
negligible during daytime, in which the upper for the 09:00 h and the other set for the 12:00 h.
surfaces are perceived to be at higher tempera- The measurement results agree with those from
tures. calculation generally. At point E 1 the calculation
Heat transfer through thermal radiation between result seems consistently lower than that from
surfaces is the major mechanism here. However, measurement, while at E 3 the opposite is ob-
it suffices to allocate one temperature variable to served. It is suspected that there is a higher level
each internal surface. For the attic space beneath of uniform reflection than that assumed, which
the roof there are five surfaces, while in the light results in what is observed at E 1 . At E 3 , the
pipe there are six. middle of the surface at which the sensor was
The net thermal flux leaving a surface i at placed probably received light flux at a level
temperature T i (K) is the so-called radiosity Ji which was less than average for that surface. The
(American Society of Heating Refrigerating and calculation results would improve and less dis-
Air-conditioning Engineers, 1997). For an enclo- crepancy be observed if each surface is divided
sure with n surfaces, the radiosity is calculable into smaller segments than those used in this
from study (where the surfaces were simply divided
into two halves as in Fig. 7). The illuminance
O (r F

Ji 2 i i→ j )Jj 5 ´i s T i4 , i 5 1, . . . ,n, values on the rows of translucent openings closest

j 51
j ±i
to the plenum opening (E 13 and E 14 ) seem to be
much larger than those for the two other rows
where ri is the thermal reflectivity of surface i; deeper into the interior. The rectangular plenum
Fi → j is the view factor from surface i to surface j; was simply painted white. Without enhancement
´i is the thermal emissivity of surface i, and s is for more light to be reflected on the rows of
the Stefan–Boltzmann constant. translucent openings deep into the interior space
In the light pipe, solar radiation is transmitted (such as the use of a reflective sheet for direction
338 Surapong Chirarattananon et al.

Fig. 9. A comparison of the illuminance levels on plenum surfaces.

of the light flux), the transmitted light makes little The daylight calculation technique was applied
contribution to lighting in the interior space. The to two additional hypothetical cases pertaining to
total illuminance of exterior sunlight and skylight the test room. In both cases, an opening 2 m wide
on a horizontal plane, and the interior illuminance and 6 m long where daylight exited into the room
at points at workplanes of distance 30% and 70% was assumed to be at the end of the light pipe,
of room depth into the interior are shown in Table opposite to the glazed entrance.
3. In the base case which was the first of the two
The beam sunlight seems to contribute sig- cases, the optical properties of the glazings, of the
nificantly to the interior illuminance early in the interior surfaces of the light pipe and of the
morning. But near noon only the skylight contri- translucent sheets were identical to those used in
butes to the interior illuminance, here at a lower the experiment. Incident light and radiation fluxes
but still significant level. used are identical to that for 10:00 h of 21
December of Table 1. The resultant light flux
through the opening and the total solar radiation
Table 3. Exterior-horizontal and interior illuminance values absorbed by the interior surfaces of the light pipe
Time Exterior-horizontal Interior illuminance are shown in Table 4. The illuminance values in
illuminance (klux) (klux) the room at varying distance from the windows
Sun Sky Total 30% Depth 70% Depth contributed by daylight from the light pipe are
09:00 39.2 12.5 51.7 1.27 0.6 also given in Table 4.
09:30 46.1 12.8 58.9 1.19 0.49 The corresponding results for the improved
10:00 56.9 12.2 69.1 1.04 0.39 case are also shown in Table 3, where the optical
10:30 63.1 14.6 77.7 0.82 0.31
11:00 69.5 18.9 88.4 0.72 0.34 properties of the opaque surfaces were assumed to
11:30 47.1 28.2 75.3 0.57 0.24 render more specular reflection. In this improved
12:00 23.4 27.1 50.5 0.46 0.13 case, the transmitted light flux into the room
Daylighting through light pipes in the tropics 339

Table 4. Incident and resultant daylight and radiation fluxes in the light pipe and in the test room for two cases on 21 December.
The symbols a, rb , rd and t represent optical absorptivity, specular reflectivity for beam component, diffuse reflectivity and
transitivity of a surface, respectively
Item of interest Values
Base case Improved case
Optical properties of surfaces a rb rd t a rb rd t
Glazing 0.1 0.168 0.092 0.64 0.1 0.168 0.092 0.64
Opaque surfaces 0.3 0.042 0.0658 0 0.1 0.8 0.1 0
Translucent opening 0.15 0.12 0.105 0.625 0.15 0.12 0.105 0.625
Incident and resultant fluxes at
10:00 h on 21 December Base case Improved case
10.00 10.00
Incident light flux at glazing, klumens 234.45 234.45
Light flux through (klumens) 2.14 37.66
translucent opening (as % of incident flux) 0.9 16.1
Illuminance in room
0.5 m from window 76.4 410.2
1.5 m from window 92.1 479.8
2.5 m from window 124.3 746.6
3.5 m from window 174.4 1229.8
4.5 m from window 219.7 2149.3
5.5 m from window 218.8 1417.2
Incident radiation (kW) 2.34 2.34
Radiation absorbed in light pipe, kW 1.55 1.30
Radiation absorbed in light pipe, % 66.4 55.4

increases to 16.1% from 0.9% of the base case. from sidelighting drops off for the area further
Contribution to illuminance in the room becomes from the window, but that from the light pipe
substantial. increases towards the interior of the room.
In both cases, radiation absorbed by opaque
surfaces of the light pipe is substantial. This
would tend to raise temperature of the interior of 4.2. Results of heat flux and temperature
the light pipe. measurement
The numerical values of contribution of illumi- Fig. 11 shows graphical results of the measure-
nance from the light pipe from Table 3 are added ment and calculation of heat flux gained across
to the corresponding values of illuminance from the opaque ceiling into the air-conditioned room
sidelighting calculated from the Lumen method for a day in February. The calculation results
for WWR of 0.26, and light transmittance of 0.39 agree quite well with the experimental results.
for the same test room where now skylight is The values of the heat flux range between 7 and
assumed to enter the window. The results are 18 W m 22 and are comparable to those across the
shown in Fig. 10. The results exhibit the com- ceilings under the roof of a building but can be
plementary feature of the contributions from the reduced even further with higher level of ceiling
light pipe and from the side windows. Illuminance insulation.


The comparison of measurement and calcula-

tion results presented show clearly that the analy-
sis methodology developed is suitable and suffi-
ciently accurate, although this still will be further
improved by removing the assumptions of negli-
gible mass and zero convection heat transfer.
Also, the thermal model described and verified in
Fig. 10. Pattern of daylight illuminance from side window, this paper is suitable for the case of a plenum
from light pipe and from both sources in the test room. under an external roof of Fig. 3, another model
340 Surapong Chirarattananon et al.

Fig. 11. Heat flux through opaque ceiling from measurement and calculation.

suitable for the case if Fig. 1 shall be developed The issue of benefit in terms of light gain and cost
and verified in a future paper. The additional of the light pipe will also need to be addressed in
calculation results for two hypothetical cases each case.
exhibits usefulness of the technique and shows the
complementary nature of light pipe and side
Acknowledgements—The paper reports a part of the work in a
window in contributing to daylight illuminance in project set up to conduct research on daylighting. The project
the building interior. The model is useful in is supported by the National Energy Conservation Promotion
evaluating the results in cases where trading off Fund and is administered by the National Energy Policy Office
of the Royal Thai Government.
and optimizing are desired. Technology for day-
lighting has not been well disseminated and
widespread application remains to be seen. The
methodology developed is hoped to contribute
eventually to the promotion of daylighting. The Table A.1 lists optical and thermal performance
geometry of multi-storied buildings proliferating information of some glazings and window films
in cities allow a limited number of configurations of low visible transmission. The glazings are
for sunlighting. The proposed use of a light pipe manufactured in Thailand under the standards of
in the plenum above the ceiling in multi-storied the United States of America (USA) and Japan.
buildings for transmission of sunlight is one such The films are manufactured in USA and widely
viable configuration. However, it is envisaged that used in Thailand. The properties for the films
such light pipes may compete for space with ducts pertain to the use of each film on a single layer of
carrying cool-conditioned air in some situations. clear glazing of 6 mm thickness.

Table A.1. Optical and thermal information of some coated glazings and films
Series Thickness Visible Visible U-value Shading
mm transmission reflection W m 22 K 21 coefficient
% %
Single glazing
Solartag SS-208 6 7 31 5.12 0.25
8 7 30 5.08 0.25
Solartag SS-210 6 7 13 5.19 0.29
8 7 12 5.15 0.28
Solartag SS-508 6 6 21 5.15 0.26
8 4 17 5.12 0.26
Solartag TE-510 6 6 12 5.21 0.29
8 6 11 5.16 0.28
NR5SMARL 0.0508 7 5 6.189 0.59
NR20SMARL 0.0254 16 5 6.189 0.63
Daylighting through light pipes in the tropics 341

REFERENCES building energy efficiency law in Thailand: impact on new

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