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Motors | Automation | Energy | Transmission & Distribution | Coatings


Programming Manual
Programming Manual

Series: SSW7000
Language: English
Document: 10001038255 / 07
Software Version: 1.7X
Publication date: 03/2019
Revision Description Chapter
01 First edition -
V1.20 new functions:
Voltage Ramp + Current Limit
Direct on Line D.O.L.
02 -
Safe Sectioning Mode
F064 and F145 protections
70A current model
V1.30 new functions:
03 SSW7000C Current models -
New function for digital outputs – Capacitor
04 V1.40. New option for language, P0201 = 4 (French) -
New functions V1.50:
Option 16 – Blocking PFC – for DI1 to DI6
05 Option 14 – The description of Capacitor for Control PFC was changed – for DO1 to DO3
Option 15 – Blocking PFC Output – for DO1 to DO3
Fault 126 – IOE-04 Access Error
New functions V1.60
06 New parameter to discharge the PFC – P0280
D.O.L operation was changed
07 13800 V voltage model
Contents .


1. QUICK PARAMETER REFERENCE ................................................. 10

2. FAULTS AND ALARMS ........................................................................ 28
3. SAFETY NOTICES ............................................................................. 35
3.1. SAFETY NOTICES IN THIS MANUAL .......................................................................................... 35
3.2. SAFETY NOTICES ON THE PRODUCT ....................................................................................... 35
3.3. PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................................... 36

4. ABOUT THIS MANUAL ..................................................................... 37

4.1. TERMINOLOGY AND DEFINITIONS............................................................................................ 37
4.1.1. Terms and Definitions Used in the Manual ......................................................................... 37
4.1.2. Numerical Representation ................................................................................................. 38
4.1.3. Symbols for the Parameter Properties Description ............................................................. 38

5. SOFTWARE VERSION ....................................................................... 39

6. ABOUT THE SSW7000 SOFT-STARTER ......................................... 40
7. HMI ...................................................................................................... 42
8. PROGRAMMING BASIC INSTRUCTIONS ...................................... 43
8.1. PARAMETER STRUCTURE ......................................................................................................... 43
8.2. PASSWORD SETTING IN P0000 .................................................................................................. 44
8.3. HMI [20] ......................................................................................................................................... 44
8.4. DATE AND TIME SETTING........................................................................................................... 48
8.6. IMCOMPATIBILITY BETEWEEN PARAMETERS ....................................................................... 51
8.7. CHANGED PARAMETERS [03] .................................................................................................... 51

9. BACKUP PARAMETERS [04] ........................................................... 52

10. I/O CONFIGURATION [05] ............................................................. 56
10.1. LOCAL/REMOTE CONFIGURATION [21] ................................................................................... 56
10.2. ANALOG INPUTS [23] .................................................................................................................. 58
10.3. ANALOG OUTPUTS [24] .............................................................................................................. 60
10.4. DIGITAL INPUTS [25] ................................................................................................................... 62
10.5. DIGITAL OUTPUTS [26] ............................................................................................................... 65

11. CONTROL TYPE [22] ...................................................................... 68

12. SSW DATA [27] ............................................................................... 81
13. MOTOR DATA [28] .......................................................................... 84
14. SPECIAL FUNCTIONS .................................................................... 86
14.1. ORIENTED START-UP [02] .......................................................................................................... 86
14.2. TEST MODE [09] ........................................................................................................................... 87
14.3. SAFE SECTIONG [10] ................................................................................................................... 88
14.4. BRAKING [29] ............................................................................................................................... 89
14.5. JOG [30] ......................................................................................................................................... 92
14.6. KICK START [31] .......................................................................................................................... 94

15. PROTECTIONS [32] ........................................................................ 96

15.1. VOLTAGE PROTECTIONS [110] .................................................................................................. 96
15.2. CURRENT PROTECTIONS [111] ................................................................................................. 98

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Contents .
15.3. GROUND FAULT PROTECTIONS [112] ................................................................................... 102
15.4. PHASE SEQUENCE [113] .......................................................................................................... 103
15.5. MOTOR THERMAL PROTECTION [114] .................................................................................. 104
15.6. MOTOR THERMAL CLASS PROTECTION [115] ..................................................................... 107
15.7. TORQUE PROTECTIONS [116] ................................................................................................. 116
15.8. POWER PROTECTIONS [117] ................................................................................................... 118
15.9. TIMER PROTECTIONS [118] ..................................................................................................... 119

16. READ ONLY PARAMETERS [08] ................................................. 122

16.1. READ ONLY PARAMETERS...................................................................................................... 122
16.2. FAULT HISTORY [06] ................................................................................................................. 129
16.3. DIAGNOSTICS [07] .................................................................................................................... 133

17. COMMUNICATION [33] ................................................................ 139

17.1. RS-232 AND RS-485 SERIAL INTERFACE [131] ..................................................................... 139
17.2. ANYBUS-CC INTERFACE [132] ................................................................................................ 139
17.3. COMMUNICATION STATUS AND COMMANDS [130]............................................................ 140
17.4. LOCAL/REMOTE CONFIGURATION [133] .............................................................................. 140

18. SOFTPLC [34] ................................................................................ 141

19. TRACE FUNCTION [35] ................................................................ 142
20.1. APPLICATIONS AND PROGRAMMING ................................................................................... 147
20.2. STARTING WITH VOLTAGE RAMP + CURRENT LIMIT (P0202 = 0) ...................................... 149
20.3. STARTING WITH CURRENT LIMIT (P0202 = 1) ....................................................................... 149
20.4. STARTING WITH CURRENT RAMP AND HIGHER INITIAL VALUE (P0202 = 4) ................... 150
20.5. STARTING WITH CURRENT RAMP AND LOWER INITIAL VALUE (P0202 = 4) .................... 152
20.6. STARTING WITH PUMP CONTROL (P0202 = 2) ...................................................................... 152
20.6.1. Constant Torque Loads (P0202 = 3 and P0120 = 1 point) ........................................... 154
20.6.2. Loads with Higher Initial Torque (P0202 = 3 and P0120 = 3 points) ............................. 154
20.6.3. Constant Torque Loads with S Speed Curve (P0202 = 3 and P0120 = 3 points) .......... 155
20.6.4. Quadratic Torque Loads with S Speed Curve (P0202 = 3 and P0120 = 2 points) ......... 155
20.6.5. Quadratic Torque Loads with Linear Speed Curve (P0202 = 3 and P0120 = 3 points) .. 156
20.6.6. Quadratic Loads with Higher Initial Torque (P0202 = 3 and P0120 = 3 points) ............. 156
20.6.7. Hydraulic Pump Type Loads (P0202 = 3) .................................................................... 157
20.7. UNDER- AND OVER- PROTECTIONS ...................................................................................... 160
20.7.1. Undervoltage and Overvoltage Protections .................................................................. 160
20.7.2. Underload Protection .................................................................................................. 160
20.7.3. Overload Protection .................................................................................................... 161

6 | SSW7000
Index .


Figure 6.1: SSW simplified block diagram .......................................................................................................... 41

Figure 7.1: HMI keys .......................................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 8.1: Sequence for parameter modification permission through P0000 ....................................................44
Figure 8.2: Date and time setting ....................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 8.3: Monitoring mode screen with the factory settings ............................................................................ 49
Figure 8.4: Monitoring mode screen with bar graphs ......................................................................................... 49
Figure 8.5: Configuration of bar graph mode monitoring .................................................................................... 50
Figure 8.6: Example of a monitoring mode screen with P0205 programmed for bigger characters ....................50
Figure 9.1: Parameter transfer ........................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 9.2: Parameter copy from “SSW A” to “SSW B” ..................................................................................... 55
Figure 10.1: Motor rotation direction change via contactors .............................................................................. 57
Figure 10.2: Motor rotation direction change only with JOG .............................................................................. 57
Figure 10.3: Analog input block diagram ........................................................................................................... 59
Figure 10.4: Analog output block diagram ......................................................................................................... 61
Figure 10.5: Details on the Load User 1/2 function operation ............................................................................ 64
Figure 11.1: Programming sequence of the control types .................................................................................. 71
Figure 11.2: Initial Voltage .................................................................................................................................. 72
Figure 11.3: Acceleration ramp by Voltage Ramp .............................................................................................. 73
Figure 11.4: Acceleration ramp by Current Limit ................................................................................................ 73
Figure 11.5: Deceleration ramp by voltage ......................................................................................................... 74
Figure 11.6: Current Limit .................................................................................................................................. 75
Figure 11.7: Starting with current ramp and lower initial value............................................................................ 76
Figure 11.8: Starting with current ramp and higher initial value .......................................................................... 76
Figure 11.9: Available starting torque profiles ..................................................................................................... 77
Figure 11.10: Available stopping torque profiles................................................................................................. 79
Figure 11.11: Start and Stop by Pump Control .................................................................................................. 80
Figure 14.1: Oriented start-up programming sequence ..................................................................................... 86
Figure 14.2: Braking torque ............................................................................................................................... 89
Figure 14.3: Reverse braking ............................................................................................................................. 90
Figure 14.4: Optimal braking.............................................................................................................................. 90
Figure 14.5: DC braking..................................................................................................................................... 91
Figure 14.6: Starting torque pulse - kick start - settings ..................................................................................... 95
Figure 15.1: Over- and Undervoltage trip levels ................................................................................................. 97
Figure 15.2: Over- and Undercurrent trip levels ............................................................................................... 100
Figure 15.3: Ground fault detection by current................................................................................................. 103
Figure 15.4: Ground fault detection by voltage ................................................................................................ 103
Figure 15.5: Motor Thermal Class Protection programming sequence............................................................. 109
Figure 15.6: Standard motor thermal classes .................................................................................................. 112
Figure 15.7: Motor temperature regions within the insulation class .................................................................. 113
Figure 15.8: Motor heating .............................................................................................................................. 114
Figure 15.9: Motor heating constant for the nominal current ............................................................................ 115
Figure 15.10: Deenergized motor cooling constant.......................................................................................... 116
Figure 15.11: Motor thermal memory reset ...................................................................................................... 116
Figure 15.12: Over- and Undertorque trip levels .............................................................................................. 118
Figure 15.13: Operation via HMI ...................................................................................................................... 120
Figure 15.14: Operation via three-wire digital inputs (DI1 and DI2) ................................................................... 120
Figure 15.15: Operation via digital input (DI1) ................................................................................................... 121
Figure 18.1: Example of a SoftPLC applicative in the WLP programming software ..........................................141
Figure 20.1: Torque and current characteristic curves of a direct on line start and of a Voltage Ramp start .....147
Figure 20.2: Torque and current characteristic curves of a Current Limit start and of a Torque Control start ...147
Figure 20.3: Starting with voltage ramp ........................................................................................................... 149
Figure 20.4: Starting with current limit .............................................................................................................. 150
Figure 20.5: Starting with current ramp and higher initial value ........................................................................ 150
Figure 20.6: Starting with current ramp and lower initial value.......................................................................... 152
Figure 20.7: Centrifugal hydraulic pump rotation direction ............................................................................... 153
Figure 20.8: Manometer showing the pressure increase .................................................................................. 153
Figure 20.9: Manometer showing the pressure drop........................................................................................ 153
Figure 20.10: Starting with pump control ......................................................................................................... 154

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Index .
Figure 20.11: Starting with constant torque control - 1 point .......................................................................... 154
Figure 20.12: Starting with quadratic torque control, 3 points, higher initial load ............................................. 155
Figure 20.13: Starting with quadratic torque control, 3 points, constant load .................................................. 155
Figure 20.14: Starting with linear torque control, 2 points, quadratic load ....................................................... 156
Figure 20.15: Starting with quadratic torque control, 3 points, quadratic load ................................................. 156
Figure 20.16: Starting with quadratic torque control, 3 points, quadratic load with higher initial torque ........... 157
Figure 20.17: Manometer showing pressure rise with linear torque ................................................................. 157
Figure 20.18: Manometer showing pressure rise with quadratic torque .......................................................... 158
Figure 20.19: Hydraulic pump stopping with constant torque, 1 point ............................................................ 158
Figure 20.20: Hydraulic pump stopping with linear torque, 2 points ................................................................ 159
Figure 20.21: Hydraulic pump stopping with quadratic torque, 3 points ......................................................... 159
Figure 20.22: Manometer showing pressure fall with torque control................................................................ 159

8 | SSW7000
Index .


Table 8.1: SSW parameter groups structure ...................................................................................................... 43

Table 8.2: P0200 options .................................................................................................................................. 46
Table 9.1: P0204 options .................................................................................................................................. 52
Table 9.2: P0318 options .................................................................................................................................. 53
Table 9.3: P0319 options .................................................................................................................................. 54
Table 10.1: DIP Switches related to the analog inputs ....................................................................................... 60
Table 10.2: Configuration of the analog input signals ......................................................................................... 60
Table 10.3: - Full scale....................................................................................................................................... 61
Table 10.4: DIP Switches related to the analog outputs..................................................................................... 62
Table 10.5: Configuration of the analog output signals ...................................................................................... 62
Table 10.6: Digital input status........................................................................................................................... 63
Table 10.7: Digital output status ........................................................................................................................ 65
Table 11.1: Available deceleration methods as a function of the starting technique ...........................................70
Table 11.2: P0121 function according to P0120................................................................................................ 77
Table 11.3: P0122 function according to P0120................................................................................................ 78
Table 11.4: P0123 function according to P0120................................................................................................ 78
Table 11.5: P0124 function according to P0120................................................................................................ 78
Table 11.6: P0126 function according to P0125................................................................................................ 79
Table 11.7: P0127 function according to P0125................................................................................................ 80
Table 11.8: P0128 function according to P0125................................................................................................ 80
Table 12.1: SSW accessory identification code ................................................................................................. 82
Table 12.2: Formation of the two first codes for P0028 ..................................................................................... 82
Table 12.3: Module types .................................................................................................................................. 82
Table 14.1: Jog and motor rotation direction ..................................................................................................... 93
Table 15.1: Ground fault protection tripping mode .......................................................................................... 102
Table 16.1: SSW status description ................................................................................................................. 123
Table 19.1: Full scale of the variables selectable as trigger .............................................................................. 142
Table 19.2: Description of P0552 options ........................................................................................................ 143
Table 20.1: Typical staring torque characteristic curves of some loads, with suggested control types .............148

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Quick Parameter Reference .


Software: V1.6X
Serial number:
Date: / /

Factory User
Param. Function Adjustable Range Propr. Groups Page
Setting Setting
P0000 Access to Parameters 0 to 9999 0 20 44
P0001 SSW Current 0.0 to 999.9 % ro 08 122
P0002 Motor Current (%) 0.0 to 999.9 % ro 08 122
P0003 Motor Current (A) 0.0 to 6553.5 A ro 08 122
P0004 Main Line Voltage 0 to 65535 V ro 08 122
P0005 Main Line Frequency 0.0 to 99.9 Hz ro 08 123
P0006 SSW Status 0 = Ready ro 08 123
1 = Initial Test
2 = Fault
3 = Ramp Up
4 = Full Voltage
5 = Bypass
6 = Not Used
7 = Ramp Down
8 = Braking
10 = Jog
11 = Delay P831
12 = General Disab.
13 = Configuration
14 = Direct on Line D.O.L.
P0007 Output Voltage 0 to 65535 V ro 08 124
P0008 Power Factor 0.00 to 1.00 ro 08 124
P0009 Motor Torque 0.0 to 999.9 % ro 08 124
P0010 Output Power 0 to 65535 kW ro 08 125
P0011 Output Apparent Power 0 to 65535 kVA ro 08 125
P0012 DI6 to DI1 Status 0000h to 003Fh ro 08, 25 125
P0013 DO3 to DO1 Status 0000h to 0007h ro 08, 26 125
P0014 AO1 Value 0.00 to 100.00 % ro 08, 24 125
P0015 AO2 Value 0.00 to 100.00 % ro 08, 24 125
P0018 AI1 Value -100.00 to 100.00 % ro 08, 23 125
P0019 AI2 Value -100.00 to 100.00 % ro 08, 23 126
P0020 Present Fault 0 to 999 ro 08 126
P0021 Present Alarm 0 to 999 ro 08 126
P0023 C1 Software Version 0.00 to 655.35 ro 08, 27 81
P0027 Accessories Config. 1 0000h to FFFFh ro 08, 27 81
P0028 Accessories Config. 2 0000h to FFFFh ro 08, 27 81
P0029 Phase Sequence 0 = Invalid ro 08 126
1 = RST / 123
2 = RTS / 132
P0030 R Phase Current 0.0 to 6553.5 A ro 08 126
P0031 S Phase Current 0.0 to 6553.5 A ro 08 126
P0032 T Phase Current 0.0 to 6553.5 A ro 08 126
P0033 R-S Main Line Voltage 0 to 65535 V ro 08 127

10 | SSW7000
Quick Parameter Reference .
Factory User
Param. Function Adjustable Range Propr. Groups Page
Setting Setting
P0034 S-T Main Line Voltage 0 to 65535 V ro 08 127
P0035 T-R Main Line Voltage 0 to 65535 V ro 08 127
P0042 Powered Time 0 to 65535 h ro 07, 08 133
P0043 Enabled Time 0.0 to 6553.5 h ro 07, 08 133
P0044 kWh Counter 0 to 999 kWh ro 07, 08 134
P0045 MWh Counter 0 to 65535 MWh ro 07, 08 134
P0046 Enabled Fan Time 0 to 65535 h ro 07, 08 134
P0047 Maximum Start Curre. 0.0 to 6553.5 A ro 07, 08 134
P0048 Average Start Curre. 0.0 to 6553.5 A ro 07, 08 135
P0049 Real Start Time 0 to 999 s ro 07, 08 135
P0050 Thermal Class Status 0.0 to 100.0 % ro 07, 08 127
P0053 Max.Curr.Full Voltage 0.0 to 6553.5 A ro 07, 08 135
P0054 Max. Voltage Motor ON 0 to 65535 V ro 07, 08 135
P0055 Min. Voltage Motor ON 0 to 65535 V ro 07, 08 136
P0056 Max.Frequenc.Motor ON 0.0 to 99.9 Hz ro 07, 08 136
P0057 Min.Frequenc.Motor ON 0.0 to 99.9 Hz ro 07, 08 136
P0058 Máx. Number Start/h 0 to 32 ph ro 07, 08 136
P0059 Total Number Start 0 to 65535 ro 07, 08 137
P0060 R-U SCRs Temperature -22 to 100 °C ro 08 128
P0061 S-V SCRs Temperature -22 to 100 °C ro 08 128
P0062 T-W SCRs Temperature -22 to 100 °C ro 08 128
P0063 Ch1 Motor Temperature -20 to 260 °C ro 08 128
P0064 Ch2 Motor Temperature -20 to 260 °C ro 08 128
P0065 Ch3 Motor Temperature -20 to 260 °C ro 08 128
P0066 Ch4 Motor Temperature -20 to 260 °C ro 08 128
P0067 Ch5 Motor Temperature -20 to 260 °C ro 08 128
P0068 Ch6 Motor Temperature -20 to 260 °C ro 08 128
P0069 Ch7 Motor Temperature -20 to 260 °C ro 08 128
P0070 Ch8 Motor Temperature -20 to 260 °C ro 08 128
P0071 Ground Fault Current 0.00 to 9.99 A ro 08 128
P0072 Ground Fault Voltage 0 to 65535 V ro 08 129
P0073 Control 1 Voltage 0 to 999 V ro 08 129
P0074 Control 2 Voltage 0.0 to 99.9 Vcc ro 08 129
P0077 R-U SCRs Max. Temp. -22 to 100 °C ro 07, 08 137
P0078 S-V SCRs Max. Temp. -22 to 100 °C ro 07, 08 137
P0079 T-W SCRs Max. Temp. -22 to 100 °C ro 07, 08 137
P0080 Ch1 Motor Max. Temp. -20 to 260 °C ro 07, 08 137
P0081 Ch2 Motor Max. Temp. -20 to 260 °C ro 07, 08 137
P0082 Ch3 Motor Max. Temp. -20 to 260 °C ro 07, 08 137
P0083 Ch4 Motor Max. Temp. -20 to 260 °C ro 07, 08 137
P0084 Ch5 Motor Max. Temp. -20 to 260 °C ro 07, 08 137
P0085 Ch6 Motor Max. Temp. -20 to 260 °C ro 07, 08 137
P0086 Ch7 Motor Max. Temp. -20 to 260 °C ro 07, 08 137
P0087 Ch8 Motor Max. Temp. -20 to 260 °C ro 07, 08 137
P0099 C2 Software Version 0.00 to 655.35 ro 08, 27 81
P0101 Initial Start Voltage 35 to 90 % 40 % 22 72
P0102 Maximum Start Time 1 to 999 s 20 s 22 72
P0103 Step Down Volt. Stop 60 to 100 % 100 % 22 73
P0104 Stop Time 0 to 999 s 0s 22 74
P0105 End Voltage Stop 35 to 55 % 35 % 22 74
P0106 Start End Detection 0 = Time (P0102) 1 22 74
1 = Automatic
P0110 Current Limit 150 to 600 % 300 % 22 75

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Quick Parameter Reference .
Factory User
Param. Function Adjustable Range Propr. Groups Page
Setting Setting
P0111 Initial Current Ramp 150 to 600 % 150 % 22 75
P0112 Current Ramp Time 1 to 99 % 20 % 22 76
P0120 Start Torque Chara. 1 = Constant 1 cfg 22 76
2 = Linear
3 = Square
P0121 Initial Start Torque 10 to 400 % 30 % 22 77
P0122 End Start Torque 10 to 400 % 110 % 22 77
P0123 Minimun Start Torque 10 to 400 % 27 % 22 78
P0124 Min.Start Torq. Time 1 to 99 % 20 % 22 78
P0125 Stop Torque Characte. 1 = Constant 1 cfg 22 78
2 = Linear
3 = Square
P0126 End Stop Torque 10 to 100 % 20 % 22 79
P0127 Minimum Stop Torque 10 to 100 % 50 % 22 79
P0128 Min. Stop Torque Time 1 to 99 % 50 % 22 80
P0130 Pump Control 0 to 0 0 cfg 80
P0193 Day of the Week 0 = Sunday 00 20 44
1 = Monday
2 = Tuesday
3 = Wednesday
4 = Thursday
5 = Friday
6 = Saturday
P0194 Day 01 to 31 01 20 45
P0195 Month 01 to 12 01 20 45
P0196 Year 00 to 99 06 20 45
P0197 Hour 00 to 23 00 20 45
P0198 Minutes 00 to 59 00 20 45
P0199 Seconds 00 to 59 00 20 45
P0200 Password 0 = Off 1 20 45
1 = On
2 = Change Pass.
P0201 Language 0 = Português 1 20 46
1 = English
2 = Español
3 = Deutsch
4 = Français
P0202 Types of Control 0 = Voltage Ramp + C. Lim. 0 cfg 22 68
1 = Current Limit
2 = Pump Control
3 = Torque Control
4 = Current Ramp
5 = Direct on Line D.O.L.
P0203 Fan Configuration 0 = Always Off 2 cfg 27 82
1 = Always On
2 = Controlled
P0204 Load/Save Parameters 0 = Not Used 0 cfg 04 52
1 = Not Used
2 = Not Used
3 = P0043..P0050=0
4 = P0053..P0058=0
5 = Ld.Default
6 = P0077..P0087=0
7 = Load User 1
12 | SSW7000
Quick Parameter Reference .
Factory User
Param. Function Adjustable Range Propr. Groups Page
Setting Setting
8 = Load User 2
9 = Load User 3
10 = Save User 1
11 = Save User 2
12 = Save User 3
P0205 Read Parameter Sel. 1 0 = Not selected 2 20 46
1 = SSW Current #
2 = Motor Curr.% #
3 = Motor Curr.A #
4 = Line Voltage #
5 = Output Volt. #
6 = Power Factor #
7 = Motor Torque #
8 = Output Power #
9 = ReactivePower#
10 = R Phase Curr.#
11 = S Phase Curr.#
12 = T Phase Curr.#
13 = RS Line Volt.#
14 = ST Line Volt.#
15 = TR Line Volt.#
16 = RU SCR Temper.#
17 = SV SCR Temper.#
18 = TW SCR Temper.#
19 = Ch1 Mot.Tempe.#
20 = Ch2 Mot.Tempe.#
21 = Ch3 Mot.Tempe.#
22 = Ch4 Mot.Tempe.#
23 = Ch5 Mot.Tempe.#
24 = Ch6 Mot.Tempe.#
25 = Ch7 Mot.Tempe.#
26 = Ch8 Mot.Tempe.#
27 = Ther.Clas.Sta#
28 = SSW Current -
29 = Motor Curr.% -
30 = Motor Curr.A -
31 = Line Voltage -
32 = Output Volt. -
33 = Power Factor -
34 = Motor Torque -
35 = Output Power -
36 = ReactivePower-
37 = R Phase Curr.-
38 = S Phase Curr.-
39 = T Phase Curr.-
40 = RS Line Volt.-
41 = ST Line Volt.-
42 = TR Line Volt.-
43 = RU SCR Temper.-
44 = SV SCR Temper.-
45 = TW SCR Temper.-
46 = Ch1 Mot.Tempe.-
47 = Ch2 Mot.Tempe.-

SSW7000 | 13
Quick Parameter Reference .
Factory User
Param. Function Adjustable Range Propr. Groups Page
Setting Setting
48 = Ch3 Mot.Tempe.-
49 = Ch4 Mot.Tempe.-
50 = Ch5 Mot.Tempe.-
51 = Ch6 Mot.Tempe.-
52 = Ch7 Mot.Tempe.-
53 = Ch8 Mot.Tempe.-
54 = Ther.Clas.Sta-
P0206 Read Parameter Sel. 2 See options in P0205 4 20 46
P0207 Read Parameter Sel. 3 See options in P0205 5 20 46
P0208 Auto-Reset Time 0 to 600 s 0s 118 119
P0213 Read Par.1 Full Scale 0.0 to 600.0 % 100.0 % cfg 20 47
P0214 Read Par.2 Full Scale 0.0 to 600.0 % 100.0 % cfg 20 47
P0215 Read Par.3 Full Scale 0.0 to 600.0 % 100.0 % cfg 20 47
P0216 LCD Contrast 0 to 37 27 20 48
P0220 LOC/REM Mode Selection 0 = Always LOC 3 cfg 21 56
1 = Always REM
2 = HMI LR Key LOC
3 = HMI LR Key REM
4 = DIx
5 = Serial/USB LOC
6 = Serial/USB REM
7 = Anybus-CC LOC
8 = Anybus-CC REM
9 = SoftPLC LOC
10 = SoftPLC REM
P0228 FWD/REV Selection 0 = Inactive 0 21, 30 56
1 = By Contactor
2 = Only for JOG
P0229 LOC Command Selection 0 = I,O Keys 0 cfg 21 57
1 = DIx
2 = Serial/USB
3 = Anybus-CC
4 = SoftPLC
P0230 REM Command Selection 0 = I,O Keys 1 cfg 21 57
1 = DIx
2 = Serial/USB
3 = Anybus-CC
4 = SoftPLC
P0231 AI1 Signal Function 0 = Not Used 0 cfg 23 58
P0232 AI1 Gain 0.000 to 9.999 1.000 23 58
P0233 AI1 Signal Type 0 = 0 to 10V/20mA 0 cfg 23 59
1 = 4 to 20 mA
2 = 10V/20mA to 0
3 = 20 to 4 mA
P0234 AI1 Offset -100.00 to 100.00 % 0.00 % 23 58
P0235 AI1 Filter 0.00 to 16.00 s 0.00 s 23 59
P0236 AI2 Signal Function 0 = Not Used 0 cfg 23 58
P0237 AI2 Gain 0.000 to 9.999 1.000 23 58
P0238 AI2 Signal Type 0 = 0 to 10V/20mA 0 cfg 23 59
1 = 4 to 20 mA
2 = 10V/20mA to 0
3 = 20 to 4 mA
4 = -10 to +10V

14 | SSW7000
Quick Parameter Reference .
Factory User
Param. Function Adjustable Range Propr. Groups Page
Setting Setting
P0239 AI2 Offset -100.00 to 100.00 % 0.00 % 23 58
P0240 AI2 Filter 0.00 to 16.00 s 0.00 s 23 59
P0251 AO1 Function 0 = Not Used 0 24 60
1 = SSW Current %
2 = Line Voltage
3 = Output Voltage
4 = Power Factor
5 = Ther.Clas.Pro.
6 = Output Power W
7 = Output Power VA
8 = Motor Torque %
9 = P0696 Value
10 = P0697 Value
11 = R-U SCRs Temp.
12 = S-V SCRs Temp.
13 = T-W SCRs Temp.
14 = SoftPLC
P0252 AO1 Gain 0.000 to 9.999 1.000 24 61
P0253 AO1 Signal Type 0 = 0 to 10V/20mA 0 cfg 24 62
1 = 4 to 20 mA
2 = 10V/20mA to 0
3 = 20 to 4 mA
P0254 AO2 Function See options in P0251 0 24 60
P0255 AO2 Gain 0.000 to 9.999 1.000 24 61
P0256 AO2 Signal Type 0 = 0 to 10V/20mA 0 cfg 24 62
1 = 4 to 20 mA
2 = 10V/20mA to 0
3 = 20 to 4 mA
P0263 DI1 Function 0 = Not Used 2 cfg 25 63
1 = Start/Stop
2 = Start(3 Wires)
3 = Stop (3 Wires)
4 = General Enable
7 = No Ext. Fault
8 = JOG
9 = Brake Off
10 = Reset
11 = No Ext. Alarm
12 = Load User 1/2
13 = Load User 3
14 = Trace Function
15 = Fuse Ok
16 = Blocking PFC
P0264 DI2 Function See options in P0263 3 cfg 25 63
P0265 DI3 Function See options in P0263 0 cfg 25 63
P0266 DI4 Function See options in P0263 0 cfg 25 63
P0267 DI5 Function See options in P0263 0 cfg 25 63
P0268 DI6 Function See options in P0263 0 cfg 25 63
P0275 DO1 Function 0 = Not Used 1 cfg 26 65
1 = Running
2 = Full Voltage
3 = Bypass

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Setting Setting
4 = Foward
5 = DC Braking
6 = Without Fault
7 = With Fault
8 = Without Alarm
9 = With Alarm
10 = No Fault/Alarm
11 = SoftPLC
12 = P0695 Content
13 = Not Used
14 = Control PFC
15 = Blocking PFC
P0276 DO2 Function 0 = Not Used 3 cfg 26 66
1 = Running
2 = Full Voltage
3 = Bypass
4 = Reverse
5 = DC Braking
6 = Without Fault
7 = With Fault
8 = Without Alarm
9 = With Alarm
10 = No Fault/Alarm
11 = SoftPLC
12 = P0695 Content
13 = Not Used
14 = Control PFC
15 = Blocking PFC
P0277 DO3 Function 0 = Not Used 7 cfg 26 66
1 = Running
2 = Full Voltage
3 = Bypass
4 = Not Used
5 = DC Braking
6 = Without Fault
7 = With Fault
8 = Without Alarm
9 = With Alarm
10 = No Fault/Alarm
11 = SoftPLC
12 = P0695 Content
13 = Arc Detection
14 = Control PFC
15 = Blocking PFC
P0280 PFC Discharge Time 60 to 600 s 300 s cfg 67
P0295 Nominal SSW Current 0 = 10 A 1 cfg 27 83
1 = 70 A SSW7000C
2 = 70 A SSW7000
3 = 125 A SSW7000C
4 = 180 A SSW7000
5 = 250 A SSW7000C
6 = 300 A SSW7000
7 = 359 A SSW7000C

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Setting Setting
8 = 360 A SSW7000
9 = Reserved
10 = 400 A SSW7000
11 = Reserved
12 = 500 A SSW7000
13 = Reserved
14 = 600 A SSW7000
P0296 Nominal SSW Voltage 0 = 220/500 V 0 cfg 27 83
1 = 2300 V
2 = 4160 V
3 = 6900 V
4 = 13800 V
P0308 SSW Serial Address 1 to 247 1 cfg 139
P0310 Serial Baud Rate 0 = 9600 bits/s 0 cfg 139
1 = 19200 bits/s
2 = 38400 bits/s
3 = 57600 bits/s
P0311 Serial Bytes Config. 0 = 8 bits, no, 1 3 cfg 139
1 = 8 bits, even,1
2 = 8 bits, odd, 1
3 = 8 bits, no, 2
4 = 8 bits, even,2
5 = 8 bits, odd, 2
P0313 Comm. Error Action 0 = Off 0 140
1 = Ramp Stop
2 = General Disab.
3 = Goes to LOC
4 = Off
5 = Causes Fault
P0314 Serial Com. Watchdog 0.0 to 999.0 s 0.0 s cfg 139
P0316 Serial Interf. Status 0 = Off ro 08 139
1 = On
2 = Watchdog Error
P0317 Oriented Start-up 0 = No 0 cfg 02 86
1 = Yes
P0318 Copy Function MemCard 0 = Off 0 cfg 04 53
1 = SSW -> MemCard
2 = MemCard -> SSW
P0319 Copy Function HMI 0 = Off 0 cfg 04, 20 54
1 = SSW -> HMI
2 = HMI -> SSW
P0320 Test Mode 0 = No 0 cfg 09 87
1 = Yes
P0321 Test Mode Sequence 0 = Not Used 0 cfg 87
1 = R_U SCR On
2 = S_V SCR On
3 = T_W SCR On
4 = Fan On
5 = Bypass C. On
6 = Main C. On
7 = R_U CT Test
8 = S_V CT Test
9 = T_W CT Test
P0330 Safe Sectioning 0 = No 0 cfg 10 88

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Setting Setting
1 = Yes
P0331 Safe Sectioning Sequence 0 = Power Off? 0 ro 10 88
1 = Main Contactor On
2 = Bypass Contactor On
3 = Bypass Contactor Off
4 = Main Contactor Off
5 = End
P0400 Nominal Motor Voltage 0 to 13800 V 3300 V cfg 22, 28 84
P0401 Nominal Motor Current 0.0 to 1200.0 A 100.0 A cfg 22, 28 84
P0402 Nominal Motor Speed 0 to 3600 rpm 1780 rpm cfg 22, 28 84
P0404 Nominal Motor Power 1 to 9999 kW 570 kW cfg 22, 28 85
P0405 Nomi. Mot. Power Fac. 0.00 to 1.00 0.89 cfg 22, 28 85
P0500 Braking Methods 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 29 89
1 = Reverse Braki.
2 = Optimal Braki.
3 = DC Braking
P0501 Braking Time 1 to 299 s 10 s cfg 29 91
P0502 Braking Voltage Level 30 to 70 % 30 % 29 92
P0503 Braking End Detection 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 29 92
1 = Automatic
P0510 JOG 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 30 93
1 = Active
P0511 Jog Level 10 to 100 % 30 % 30 93
P0520 Kick Start 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 31 94
1 = Active
P0521 Kick Start Time 0.1 to 2.0 s 0.1 s 31 94
P0522 Kick Start Voltage 70 to 90 % 70 % 31 94
P0523 Kick Start Current 300 to 700 % 500 % 31 94
P0550 Trace Trigger Signal 0 = Inactive 0 35 142
1 = SSW Current %
2 = Line Voltage
3 = Output Voltage
4 = Power Factor
5 = Ther.Clas.Pro.
6 = Output Power W
7 = React.Power VA
8 = Motor Torque %
P0551 Trigger Level 0.0 to 600.0 % 0.0 % 35 142
P0552 Trigger Condition 0 = P0550* = P0551 5 35 143
1 = P0550* <>P0551
2 = P0550* > P0551
3 = P0550* < P0551
4 = Alarm
5 = Fault
6 = DIx
P0553 Trace Sampling Period 1 to 1300 1 35 143
P0554 Trace Pre-Trigger 0 to 100 % 0% 35 143
P0559 Trace Max. Memory 0 to 100 % 0% 35 144
P0560 Trace Avail. Memory 0 to 100 % ro 08, 35 144
P0561 Trace Channel 1 (CH1) See options in P0550 1 35 145
P0562 Trace Channel 2 (CH2) See options in P0550 2 35 145
P0563 Trace Channel 3 (CH3) See options in P0550 3 35 145
P0564 Trace Channel 4 (CH4) See options in P0550 0 35 145

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Setting Setting
P0571 Start Trace Function 0 = Inactive 0 35 145
1 = Active
P0572 Trace Trig. Day/Month 00/00 to 31/12 ro 08, 35 145
P0573 Trace Trigger Year 00 to 99 ro 08, 35 145
P0574 Trace Trigger Time 00:00 to 23:59 ro 08, 35 146
P0575 Trace Trigger Seconds 00 to 59 ro 08, 35 146
P0576 Trace Function Status 0 = Inactive ro 08, 35 146
1 = Waiting
2 = Triggered
3 = Concluded
P0680 SSW Status Word Bit 0 = Running ro 08 140
Bit 1 = Gener. Enabled
Bit 2 = JOG
Bit 3 = Ramp Up
Bit 4 = Delay P831
Bit 5 = Full Voltage
Bit 6 = Alarm
Bit 7 = Ramp Down
Bit 8 = Remote
Bit 9 = Braking
Bit 10 = FWD/REV
Bit 11 = Reverse
Bit 12 = Bypass
Bit 13 = Config. Mode
Bit 14 = Power Supply
Bit 15 = Fault
P0682 Serial/USB Control Bit 0 = Run/Stop ro 08 139
Bit 1 = Gener. Enabled
Bit 2 = JOG
Bit 3 = FWD/REV
Bit 4 = LOC/REM
Bit 5...6 = Reserved
Bit 7 = Reset
Bit 8....15 = Reserved
P0686 Anybus-CC Control See options in P0682 ro 08 139
P0692 Config. Mode Status Bit 0 = Orie. Start-Up ro 08 140
Bit 1 = C1-C2 WaitCom.
Bit 2 = Test Mode
Bit 3 = Copy Mem.Card
Bit 4 = Copy HMI
Bit 5 = Copy Firmware
Bit 6 = Reset Needs
Bit 7 = Types Control
Bit 8 = Incompatible
Bit 9 = Safe Sectioning
Bit 10 ....15 = Reserved
P0693 Config. Mode Control Bit 0 = Abort Startup ro 08 140
Bit 1 = Reserved
Bit 2 = Abort T. Mode
Bit 3 = Abort Safe Sectioning
Bit 4 ....6 = Reserved
Bit 7 = Abort Control
Bit 8....15 = Reserved
P0695 DOx Value 0000h to FFFFh ro 08 140

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P0696 AOx Value 1 -32768 to 32767 ro 08 140
P0697 AOx Value 2 -32768 to 32767 ro 08 140
P0723 Anybus Identification 0 = Disabled ro 08 139
1 = RS232
2 = RS422
3 = USB
4 = Serial Server
5 = Bluetooth
6 = Zigbee
7 = Reserved
8 = Reserved
9 = Reserved
10 = RS485
11 = Reserved
12 = Reserved
13 = Reserved
14 = Reserved
15 = Reserved
16 = Profibus DP
17 = DeviceNet
18 = CANopen
19 = EtherNet/IP
20 = CC-Link
21 = Modbus-TCP
22 = Modbus-RTU
23 = Profinet IO
24 = Reserved
25 = Reserved
P0724 Anybus Comm. Status 0 = Disabled ro 08 139
1 = Not Supported
2 = Access Error
3 = Offline
4 = Online
P0725 Anybus Address 0 to 255 0 cfg 139
P0726 Anybus Baud Rate 0 to 3 0 cfg 139
P0728 Anybus Read Word #2 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0729 Anybus Read Word #3 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0730 Anybus Read Word #4 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0731 Anybus Read Word #5 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0732 Anybus Read Word #6 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0733 Anybus Read Word #7 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0734 Anybus Read Word #8 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0735 Anybus Read Word #9 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0736 Anybus Read Word #10 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0737 Anybus Read Word #11 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0738 Anybus Read Word #12 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0739 Anybus Read Word #13 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0740 Anybus Read Word #14 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0741 Anybus Read Word #15 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0742 Anybus Read Word #16 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0743 Anybus Read Word #17 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0744 Anybus Read Word #18 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0745 Anybus Read Word #19 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139

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P0746 Anybus Read Word #20 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0747 Anybus Read Word #21 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0748 Anybus Read Word #22 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0749 Anybus Read Word #23 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0750 Anybus Read Word #24 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0751 Anybus Write Word #2 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0752 Anybus Write Word #3 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0753 Anybus Write Word #4 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0754 Anybus Write Word #5 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0755 Anybus Write Word #6 0 to 1059 0 cfg 139
P0800 Motor Undervoltage 0 = Inactive 1 cfg 110 96
1 = Fault F002
2 = Alarm A002
P0801 Undervoltage Level 0 to 30 %Vn 20 %Vn cfg 110 96
P0802 Undervoltage Time 0.1 to 10.0 s 0.5 s cfg 110 96
P0803 Motor Overvoltage 0 = Inactive 1 cfg 110 96
1 = Fault F016
2 = Alarm A016
P0804 Overvoltage Level 0 to 20 %Vn 15 %Vn cfg 110 96
P0805 Overvoltage Time 0.1 to 10.0 s 0.5 s cfg 110 96
P0806 Motor Volt. Imbalance 0 = Inactive 1 cfg 110 97
1 = Fault F001
2 = Alarm A001
P0807 Volt. Inbalance Level 0 to 30 %Vn 15 %Vn cfg 110 97
P0808 Voltage Inbal. Time 0.1 to 10.0 s 0.5 s cfg 110 98
P0809 Eletric Arc Detection 0 = Inactive 0 110 98
1 = On
P0810 Motor Undercurrent 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 111 99
1 = Fault F065
2 = Alarm A065
P0811 Undercurrent Level 0 to 99 %In 20 %In cfg 111 99
P0812 Undercurrent Time 1 to 99 s 1s cfg 111 99
P0813 Motor Overcurrent 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 111 99
1 = Fault F066
2 = Alarm A066
P0814 Overcurrent Level 0 to 99 %In 20 %In cfg 111 99
P0815 Overcurrent Time 1 to 99 s 1s cfg 111 99
P0816 Current Inbalance 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 111 100
1 = Fault F074
2 = Alarm A074
P0817 Curr. Inbalance Level 0 to 30 %In 15 %In cfg 111 100
P0818 Curr. Inbalance Time 1 to 99 s 1s cfg 111 100
P0819 Bypass Undercurrent 0 = Inactive 1 cfg 111 101
1 = Fault F076
P0820 Loked Rotor Start End 0 = Inactive 1 cfg 111 101
1 = Fault F063
P0825 Ground Fault 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 112 102
1 = Indicates (A)
2 = Indicates (V)
3 = Fault F011 (A)
4 = Fault F012 (V)
P0826 Ground Fault Level(A) 0.01 to 5.00 A 0.30 A cfg 112 102
P0827 Ground Fault Level(V) 1 to 65535 V 100 V cfg 112 102

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P0828 Ground Fault Time 0.1 to 10.0 s 1.0 s cfg 112 102
P0830 123 Phase Sequence 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 113 103
1 = Fault F067
P0831 Restart Delay 2 to 999 s 240 s cfg 118 120
P0835 Thermal Class Protec. 0 = Inactive 1 cfg 115 110
1 = Fault F005
2 = Alarm A005
3 = F005 and A005
P0836 Ther.Cla.Alarm Level 0 to 100 % 90 % cfg 115 110
P0837 Ther.Cla.Alarm Reset 0 to 100 % 84 % cfg 115 110
P0838 Thermal Class Mode 0 = T.C. + IOE 1 cfg 115 110
1 = T.C. + Th.Im.
P0839 Thermal Class 0 = Automatic 5 cfg 115 111
1 = Class 10
2 = Class 15
3 = Class 20
4 = Class 25
5 = Class 30
6 = Class 35
7 = Class 40
8 = Class 45
9 = Class 50
10 = Class 55
11 = Class 60
12 = Class 65
P0840 Insulation Class 0 = Class A 105°C 3 cfg 115 112
1 = Class E 120°C
2 = Class B 130°C
3 = Class F 155°C
4 = Class H 180°C
5 = Class N 200°C
6 = Class R 220°C
7 = Class S 240°C
8 = Class 250°C
P0841 Ambient Temperature 0 to 200 °C 40 °C cfg 115 112
P0842 Temperature Rise 0 to 200 °C 60 °C cfg 115 113
P0843 Locked Rotor Time 1 to 100 s 10 s cfg 115 113
P0844 Locked Rotor Current 2.0 to 10.0 x 6.0 x cfg 115 114
P0845 Heating Time Constant 1 to 2880 min 33 min cfg 115 115
P0846 Cooling Time Constant 1 to 8640 min 99 min cfg 115 115
P0847 Thermal Image Reset 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 115 115
1 to 8640 min
P0850 Undertorque 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 116 116
1 = Fault F078
2 = Alarm A078
P0851 Undertorque Level 0 to 99 %Tn 30 %Tn cfg 116 117
P0852 Undertorque Time 1 to 99 s 1s cfg 116 117
P0853 Overtorque 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 116 117
1 = Fault F079
2 = Alarm A079
P0854 Overtorque Level 0 to 99 %Tn 30 %Tn cfg 116 117
P0855 Overtorque Time 1 to 99 s 1s cfg 116 117
P0860 Underpower 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 117 118
1 = Fault F080
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2 = Alarm A080
P0861 Underpower Level 0 to 99 %Pn 30 %Pn cfg 117 118
P0862 Underpower Time 1 to 99 s 1s cfg 117 118
P0863 Overpower 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 117 118
1 = Fault F081
2 = Alarm A081
P0864 Overpower Level 0 to 99 %Pn 30 %Pn cfg 117 119
P0865 Overpower Time 1 to 99 s 1s cfg 117 119
P0866 Ch1 Overtemperature 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 114 104
1 = Fault F101
2 = Alarm A101
3 = F101 and A101
P0867 Ch1 Overte.FaultLevel 0 to 250 °C 139 °C cfg 114 105
P0868 Ch1 Overte.AlarmLevel 0 to 250 °C 124 °C cfg 114 106
P0869 Ch1 Overte.AlarmReset 0 to 250 °C 108 °C cfg 114 106
P0870 Ch2 Overtemperature 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 114 104
1 = Fault F102
2 = Alarm A102
3 = F102 and A102
P0871 Ch2 Overte.FaultLevel 0 to 250 °C 139 °C cfg 114 105
P0872 Ch2 Overte.AlarmLevel 0 to 250 °C 124 °C cfg 114 106
P0873 Ch2 Overte.AlarmReset 0 to 250 °C 108 °C cfg 114 106
P0874 Ch3 Overtemperature 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 114 104
1 = Fault F103
2 = Alarm A103
3 = F103 and A103
P0875 Ch3 Overte.FaultLevel 0 to 250 °C 139 °C cfg 114 105
P0876 Ch3 Overte.AlarmLevel 0 to 250 °C 124 °C cfg 114 106
P0877 Ch3 Overte.AlarmReset 0 to 250 °C 108 °C cfg 114 106
P0878 Ch4 Overtemperature 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 114 104
1 = Fault F104
2 = Alarm A104
3 = F104 and A104
P0879 Ch4 Overte.FaultLevel 0 to 250 °C 139 °C cfg 114 105
P0880 Ch4 Overte.AlarmLevel 0 to 250 °C 124 °C cfg 114 106
P0881 Ch4 Overte.AlarmReset 0 to 250 °C 108 °C cfg 114 106
P0882 Ch5 Overtemperature 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 114 104
1 = Fault F105
2 = Alarm A105
3 = F105 and A105
P0883 Ch5 Overte.FaultLevel 0 to 250 °C 139 °C cfg 114 105
P0884 Ch5 Overte.AlarmLevel 0 to 250 °C 124 °C cfg 114 106
P0885 Ch5 Overte.AlarmReset 0 to 250 °C 108 °C cfg 114 107
P0886 Ch6 Overtemperature 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 114 105
1 = Fault F106
2 = Alarm A106
3 = F106 and A106
P0887 Ch6 Overte.FaultLevel 0 to 250 °C 139 °C cfg 114 105
P0888 Ch6 Overte.AlarmLevel 0 to 250 °C 124 °C cfg 114 106
P0889 Ch6 Overte.AlarmReset 0 to 250 °C 108 °C cfg 114 107
P0890 Ch7 Overtemperature 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 114 105
1 = Fault F107
2 = Alarm A107

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Setting Setting
3 = F107 and A107
P0891 Ch7 Overte.FaultLevel 0 to 250 °C 139 °C cfg 114 105
P0892 Ch7 Overte.AlarmLevel 0 to 250 °C 124 °C cfg 114 106
P0893 Ch7 Overte.AlarmReset 0 to 250 °C 108 °C cfg 114 107
P0894 Ch8 Overtemperature 0 = Inactive 0 cfg 114 105
1 = Fault F108
2 = Alarm A108
3 = F108 and A108
P0895 Ch8 Overte.FaultLevel 0 to 250 °C 139 °C cfg 114 106
P0896 Ch8 Overte.AlarmLevel 0 to 250 °C 124 °C cfg 114 106
P0897 Ch8 Overte.AlarmReset 0 to 250 °C 108 °C cfg 114 107
P0898 Ch1-8 Sensors Fault 0 = Inactive 1 cfg 114 107
1 = Fault F109-124
2 = Alarm A109-124
P0900 Last Fault 0 to 999 ro 90 129
P0901 Last Fault Day/Month 00/00 to 31/12 ro 90 130
P0902 Last Fault Year 00 to 99 ro 90 130
P0903 Last Fault Time 00:00 to 23:59 ro 90 131
P0904 Current At Last Fault 0.0 to 6553.5 A ro 90 131
P0905 Line Volt. Last Fault 0 to 65535 V ro 90 132
P0906 SSW Status Last Fault 0 = Ready ro 90 132
1 = Initial Test
2 = Fault
3 = Ramp Up
4 = Full Voltage
5 = Bypass
6 = Not Used
7 = Ramp Down
8 = Braking
10 = Jog
11 = Delay P0831
12 = General Disab.
13 = Configuration
14 = Direct on Line D.O.L.
P0910 Second Fault 0 to 999 ro 91 129
P0911 Second Flt. Day/Month 00/00 to 31/12 ro 91 130
P0912 Second Fault Year 00 to 99 ro 91 130
P0913 Second Fault Time 00:00 to 23:59 ro 91 131
P0914 Current At 2nd Fault 0.0 to 6553.5 A ro 91 131
P0915 Line Volt. 2nd Fault 0 to 65535 V ro 91 132
P0916 SSW Status 2nd Fault See options in P0906 ro 91 132
P0920 Third Fault 0 to 999 ro 92 129
P0921 Third Fault Day/Month 00/00 to 31/12 ro 92 130
P0922 Third Fault Year 00 to 99 ro 92 130
P0923 Third Fault Time 00:00 to 23:59 ro 92 131
P0924 Current At 3rd Fault 0.0 to 6553.5 A ro 92 131
P0925 Line Volt. 3rd Fault 0 to 65535 V ro 92 132
P0926 SSW Status 3rd Fault See options in P0906 ro 92 132
P0930 Fourth Fault 0 to 999 ro 93 129
P0931 Fourth Flt. Day/Month 00/00 to 31/12 ro 93 130
P0932 Fourth Fault Year 00 to 99 ro 93 130
P0933 Fourth Fault Time 00:00 to 23:59 ro 93 131

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P0934 Current At 4rd Fault 0.0 to 6553.5 A ro 93 131
P0935 Line Volt. 4rd Fault 0 to 65535 V ro 93 132
P0936 SSW Status 4rd Fault See options in P0906 ro 93 132
P0940 Fifth Fault 0 to 999 ro 94 130
P0941 Fifth Fault Day/Month 00/00 to 31/12 ro 94 130
P0942 Fifth Fault Year 00 to 99 ro 94 131
P0943 Fifth Fault Time 00:00 to 23:59 ro 94 131
P0944 Current At 5rd Fault 0.0 to 6553.5 A ro 94 131
P0945 Line Volt. 5rd Fault 0 to 65535 V ro 94 132
P0946 SSW Status 5rd Fault See options in P0906 ro 94 132
P0950 Sixth Fault 0 to 999 ro 95 130
P0951 Sixth Fault Day/Month 00/00 to 31/12 ro 95 130
P0952 Sixth Fault Year 00 to 99 ro 95 131
P0953 Sixth Fault Time 00:00 to 23:59 ro 95 131
P0954 Current At 6rd Fault 0.0 to 6553.5 A ro 95 132
P0955 Line Volt. 6rd Fault 0 to 65535 V ro 95 132
P0956 SSW Status 6rd Fault See options in P0906 ro 95 132
P0960 Seventh Fault 0 to 999 ro 96 130
P0961 Seventh Flt.Day/Month 00/00 to 31/12 ro 96 130
P0962 Seventh Fault Year 00 to 99 ro 96 131
P0963 Seventh Fault Time 00:00 to 23:59 ro 96 131
P0964 Current At 7rd Fault 0.0 to 6553.5 A ro 96 132
P0965 Line Volt. 7rd Fault 0 to 65535 V ro 96 132
P0966 SSW Status 7rd Fault See options in P0906 ro 96 132
P0970 Eighth Fault 0 to 999 ro 97 130
P0971 Eighth Flt. Day/Month 00/00 to 31/12 ro 97 130
P0972 Eighth Fault Year 00 to 99 ro 97 131
P0973 Eighth Fault Time 00:00 to 23:59 ro 97 131
P0974 Current At 8rd Fault 0.0 to 6553.5 A ro 97 132
P0975 Line Volt. 8rd Fault 0 to 65535 V ro 97 132
P0976 SSW Status 8rd Fault See options in P0906 ro 97 133
P0980 Ninth Fault 0 to 999 ro 98 130
P0981 Ninth Fault Day/Month 00/00 to 31/12 ro 98 130
P0982 Ninth Fault Year 00 to 99 ro 98 131
P0983 Ninth Fault Time 00:00 to 23:59 ro 98 131
P0984 Current At 9rd Fault 0.0 to 6553.5 A ro 98 132
P0985 Line Volt. 9rd Fault 0 to 65535 V ro 98 132
P0986 SSW Status 9rd Fault See options in P0906 ro 98 133
P0990 Tenth Fault 0 to 999 ro 99 130
P0991 Tenth Fault Day/Month 00/00 to 31/12 ro 99 130
P0992 Tenth Fault Year 00 to 99 ro 99 131
P0993 Tenth Fault Time 00:00 to 23:59 ro 99 131
P0994 Current At 10rd Fault 0.0 to 6553.5 A ro 99 132
P0995 Line Volt. 10rd Fault 0 to 65535 V ro 99 132
P0996 SSW Status 10rd Fault See options in P0906 ro 99 133
P1000 SoftPLC Status 0 = No Application ro 08, 34 141
1 = Install. App.
2 = Incompat. App.
3 = App. Stopped
4 = App. Running
P1001 SoftPLC Command 0 = Stop Program 0 cfg 34 141
1 = Run Program
2 = Delete Program

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P1002 Scan Cycle Time 0 to 65535 ms ro 08, 34 141
P1010 SoftPLC Parameter 1 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1011 SoftPLC Parameter 2 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1012 SoftPLC Parameter 3 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1013 SoftPLC Parameter 4 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1014 SoftPLC Parameter 5 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1015 SoftPLC Parameter 6 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1016 SoftPLC Parameter 7 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1017 SoftPLC Parameter 8 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1018 SoftPLC Parameter 9 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1019 SoftPLC Parameter 10 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1020 SoftPLC Parameter 11 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1021 SoftPLC Parameter 12 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1022 SoftPLC Parameter 13 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1023 SoftPLC Parameter 14 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1024 SoftPLC Parameter 15 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1025 SoftPLC Parameter 16 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1026 SoftPLC Parameter 17 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1027 SoftPLC Parameter 18 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1028 SoftPLC Parameter 19 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1029 SoftPLC Parameter 20 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1030 SoftPLC Parameter 21 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1031 SoftPLC Parameter 22 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1032 SoftPLC Parameter 23 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1033 SoftPLC Parameter 24 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1034 SoftPLC Parameter 25 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1035 SoftPLC Parameter 26 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1036 SoftPLC Parameter 27 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1037 SoftPLC Parameter 28 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1038 SoftPLC Parameter 29 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1039 SoftPLC Parameter 30 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1040 SoftPLC Parameter 31 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1041 SoftPLC Parameter 32 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1042 SoftPLC Parameter 33 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1043 SoftPLC Parameter 34 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1044 SoftPLC Parameter 35 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1045 SoftPLC Parameter 36 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1046 SoftPLC Parameter 37 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1047 SoftPLC Parameter 38 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1048 SoftPLC Parameter 39 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1049 SoftPLC Parameter 40 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1050 SoftPLC Parameter 41 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1051 SoftPLC Parameter 42 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1052 SoftPLC Parameter 43 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1053 SoftPLC Parameter 44 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1054 SoftPLC Parameter 45 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1055 SoftPLC Parameter 46 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1056 SoftPLC Parameter 47 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1057 SoftPLC Parameter 48 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1058 SoftPLC Parameter 49 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141
P1059 SoftPLC Parameter 50 -32768 to 32767 0 34 141


26 | SSW7000
Quick Parameter Reference .
Factory User
Param. Function Adjustable Range Propr. Groups Page
Setting Setting
ro = Read-only parameter
cfg = Configuration parameter, value can be programmed only with motor stopped

SSW7000 | 27
Faults and Alarms .


Fault/Alarm Description Possible Causes
F001 / A001: ■ When the difference between P0033, P0034 and ■ The power supply line voltage imbalance is greater
Motor Supply Line Voltage P0035 line voltage values (as a percentage of than the programmed value.
Imbalance P0400) is greater then the value programmed in ■ Unbalanced system.
P0807, longer than the period programmed in ■ One phase loss at the supply voltage.

volt.imbalance(%) =
(P004 x − P004 y ) ⋅100%

F002 / A002: ■ When the undervoltage value (as a percentage of ■ The power supply line undervoltage is greater than
Motor Supply Line P0400) remains greater then the value programmed the programmed value.
Undervoltage in P0801, longer than the period programmed in ■ A voltage drop while starting.
P0802. ■ Undersized input transformer.
■ Phase loss at the supply voltage.
undervoltage(%) =
(P0400 − P0004) ⋅ 100%
P 0400

F003: ■ When any of the voltage synchronization pulses is ■ Phase loss at the supply voltage.
Phase Loss at Start missing at the initial starting moment. ■ Problems with the actuation of the input contactor;
■ Open input fuses.
■ Bad conact problems at the supply line
■ Incorrect motor connection.

F005 / A005: ■ When the time determined by the triping thermal ■ Starting cycles beyond the allowed.
Motor Overload Thermal class curve is exceeded (P0835 to P0847). ■ Programmed tripping class lower than the allowed
Class motor duty cycle.
■ The period between stopping and restarting is
shorter than the time necessary for cooling down
■ Incorrect programming (P0835 to P0847).

F010: ■ It is used in the communication between control 1 ■ Reserved.

Control Board C1 Fault and control 2.

F011: ■ When the ground fault current (P0071) remains ■ Short circuit to the ground at the motor supply or in
Ground Fault (A) greater than the value programmed in P0826, longer the motor.
than the period programmed in P0828. ■ Too high ground leakage current.
■ Cable shields mounted incorrectly inside the
ground fault CT.

F012: ■ When the ground fault voltage (P0072) remains ■ Short circuit to the ground at power supply system,
Ground Fault (V) greater than the value programmed in P0827, longer since the transformer until the motor..
than the period programmed in P0828. ■ Improper use of this protection in a system with a
grounded phase.
■ Too high ground leakage current.

F013: ■ When a digital input programmed for fuse ok is ■ Open wiring at DI1 to DI6 inputs, when
Fuse Opned (Blown) opened. DI1 to DI6 can be programmed for that programmed for fuse ok.
function through P0263 to P0268. ■ Medium voltage fuses opened or blown.

F015: ■ When any of the current synchronization pulses is ■ Bad conact problems at the motor connections.
Motor not Connected missing at the initial starting moment. ■ SCR or bypass contactor short-circuit.

F016 / A016: ■ When the overvoltage value (as a percentage of ■ The motor supply line overvoltage is greater than
Motor Supply Line P0400) remains greater then the value programmed the programmed value.
Overvoltage in P0804, longer than the period programmed in ■ Transformer tap selected with too high voltage.
P0805. ■ Capacitive supply line with too low inductive load.

overvoltage(%) =
(P0004 − P0400) ⋅ 100%

F040: ■ When the communication between the control ■ Control board 2 without power supply.
Serial Communication board 1 and the control board 2 is interrupted. ■ Problems with the communication fiber optic
Fault between C1 and C2 cables between the two control boards.
■ Bent, damaged or badly fitted fiber optic cable.

F042: ■ Microcontroller watchdog fault. ■ Electrical noise.

CPU Fault (Watchdog)

28 | SSW7000
Faults and Alarms .
Fault/Alarm Description Possible Causes
F044: ■ When the optical sensor inside the medium ■ Electrical arc inside the medium voltage
Arc Detection voltage compartment actuates. compartment.

F051: ■ The R-U arm SCRs temperature is below the ■ Lower than allowed ambient temperature.
R-U Arm SCRs allowed value (P0060 ≤ -20 °C). ■ Bent, damaged or badly fitted fiber optic cables.
Undertemperature ■ No power supply at the firing boards.
■ Defective firing boards.
F052: ■ The S-V arm SCRs temperature is below the ■ Bad contact at the NTC cable in the indicated arm.
S-V Arm SCRs allowed value (P0061 ≤ -20 °C).

F053: ■ The T-W arm SCRs temperature is below the

T-W Arm SCRs allowed value (P0062 ≤ -20 °C).

F054: ■ The R-U arm SCRs temperature is above the ■ Starting cycles severer than the tolerated by the
R-U Arm SCRs allowed value. SSW model.
Overtemperature ■ Disabled or defective fan, if present in that SSW
F055: ■ The S-V arm SCRs temperature is above the ■ SCR mounting problems.
S-V Arm SCRs allowed value.

F056: ■ The T-W arm SCRs temperature is above the

T-W Arm SCRs allowed value.

F057: ■ When no SCRs is fired for a period longer than 50 ■ Bent, damaged or badly fitted fiber optic cables.
R-U Arm SCRs Failure ms. ■ No power supply at the firing boards.
■ Defective firing boards.
■ Bad contact at the SCR firing cables in the
F058: indicated arm.
S-V Arm SCRs Failure ■ One of the SCRs of the indicated arm has a
defective gate.
F059: ■ The motor current is insufficient to assure SCR
T-W Arm SCRs Failure conduction. The motor must have at least an 8 A
rated current.

F062: ■ When the maximum starting time programmed in ■ The motor has not developed the necessary
Exceeded Starting Time P0102 is exceeded during current limit, current ramp starting torque.
or torque control starting. ■ The time programmed in P0102 is less than the
■ The current limit programmed in P0110 is too low.
■ Current limit values at any of the points used with
the current ramp, are too low.
■ Torque limit values at any of the points used with
torque control, are too low.
■ Stalled motor, locked rotor.

F063: ■ When at the end of the acceleration ramp the ■ Incorrect motor rated current programmed in
Locked Rotor current is not lower than 2x the rated motor current P0401.
at the Start End (P0401 x 2) before the bypass relay closing. ■ The time programmed in P0102 is shorter than the
required to start the motor with voltage ramp.
■ The transformer that supplies the motor may be
saturated and requiring too much time to recover
from the starting current.
■ Stalled motor, locked rotor.
■ P0820 = 0 can be used with special motors that
withstand this operation condition.

F064: ■ When the time limits given by the time x ■ Starting cycles severer than the tolerated by the
SCRs Overload temperature curves of SCR protection are SSW model.
exceeded. ■ Starting current too high.
■ Starting time too long.
■ The period between stopping and restarting is
shorter than the time necessary.
■ Disabled or defective fan, if present in that SSW

SSW7000 | 29
Faults and Alarms .
Fault/Alarm Description Possible Causes
F065 / A065: ■ When the undercurrent value (as a percentage of ■ The motor undercurrent is greater than the
Motor Undercurrent at P0401) remains greater then the value programmed programmed value.
full Voltage Operation in P0811, longer than the period programmed in ■ In hydraulic pump applications, the pump may be
P0812. rotating without load.

undercurrent (%) =
(P0401 − P0003) ⋅ 100%

F066 / A066: ■ When the overcurrent value (as a percentage of ■ The motor overcurrent is greater than the
Motor Overcurrent at P0401) remains greater then the value programmed programmed value.
full Voltage Operation in P0814, longer than the period programmed in ■ A momentary excess of motor load.
P0815. ■ Stalled motor, locked rotor.

overcurrent (%) =
(P0003 − P0401) ⋅ 100%

F067: ■ When the synchronism signals do not follow the ■ Unnecessary activation via the parameter P0830;
Inverted Phase R/1L1, S/3L2, T/5L3 sequence. ■ Incorrect line phase sequence.
Sequence at Start ■ The phase sequence could have been changed in
another point of the supply line.

F070: ■ When the control board power supply feeding ■ Phase loss at the control supply.
Control Power Supply voltage is below 93.5 Vac. ■ Bad contact at the control board power supply.
Undervoltage ■ Open fuse in the control board power supply. It is a
5 x 20 mm glass slow blow fuse.

F071: ■ When a failure in the bypass contacts is detected ■ Bad contact in the bypass contactor control
Open Bypass Contact at full voltage after starting. cables.
■ Defective contactor control board.
■ Defective contactor coil.
■ Defective contacts due to an overload.
■ Phase loss at the contactor coil supply.

F074: ■ When the difference between P0031, P0032 and ■ The current imbalance is greater than the
Current Imbalance at Full P0033 phase current values (as a percentage of programmed value;
Voltage P0401) is greater then the value programmed in ■ A voltage drop in one or more phases of the supply
P0817, longer than the period programmed in line;
P0818. ■ Phase loss in the supply line;
■ Undersized input transformer;
curr.imbalance(%) =
(P003x − P003 y ) ⋅ 100% ■ Open input fuses;
P0401 ■ Bad contacts in the line supply and/or motor

F075: ■ When the line frequency remains outside the limits ■ The SSW being fed by a generator that is not
Frequency out of Range from 42.5Hz to 69Hz, longer than 0.5 s with the withstanding the full load operation or the motor
motor on. starting.

F076: ■ When at the end of the acceleration ramp, before ■ A failure in the supply line voltage, or of an SCR,
Undercurrent before the the bypass closing, the current is lower than 0.1 x before closing the bypass contactor.
Bypass Closing the SSW rated current (P0295 x 0.1). ■ Incorrect programming of the SSW rated current in
■ Rated motor current below the minimum current
(P0295 x 0.1).
■ It can be disabled for test purposes by setting
P0819 = 0.

F077: ■ When the bypass contactor opening does not ■ Short-circuit in the bypass contactor control
Closed Bypass Contactor occur. cables.
■ Defective contacts due to an overload.
■ Short-circuit in parallel with the bypass contactor:
Shorted SCRs, external short-circuit, external bypass.
■ Phase loss at the bypass or main contactor coil

F078 / A078: ■ When the undertorque value (in percentage) ■ The motor undertorque is greater than the
Motor Undertorque remains greater then the value programmed in programmed value.
P0851, longer than the period programmed in ■ In hydraulic pump applications, the pump may be
P0852. rotating without load.

undertorque(%) = (100% − P0009 )

30 | SSW7000
Faults and Alarms .
Fault/Alarm Description Possible Causes
F079 / A079: ■ When the overtorque value (in percentage) ■ The motor overtorque is greater than the
Motor Overtorque remains greater then the value programmed in programmed value.
P0854, longer than the period programmed in ■ A momentary excess of motor load.
P0855. ■ Stalled motor, locked rotor.

overtorque(%) = (P0009 − 100% )

F080 / A080: ■ When the underpower value (in percentage) ■ The motor underpower is greater than the
Motor Underpower remains greater then the value programmed in programmed value.
P0861, longer than the period programmed in ■ In hydraulic pump applications, the pump may be
P0862. rotating without load.

underpower (%) =
(P0404 − P0010) ⋅ 100%

F081 / A081: ■ When the overpower value (in percentage) remains ■ The motor overpower is greter than the
Motor Overpower greater then the value programmed in P0864, longer programmed value.
than the period programmed in P0865. ■ A momentary excess of motor load.
■ Stalled motor, locked rotor.
overpower (%) =
(P0010 − P0404) ⋅ 100%

F082: ■ Failure in the copy of parameters. ■ An attempt to copy incompatible parameters from
Copy Function Fault the HMI to the SSW.

F084: ■ Auto-diagnosis Fault. ■ SSW internal circuitry defect.

Auto-diagnosis Fault ■ Accessory badly connected or fitted in improperly.
■ A used accessory module is not available for the
SSW. The accessories available for the SSW are
presented in the Table 12.1.

A088: ■ A failure in the communication between the HMI ■ Bad contact in the HMI cable or electric noise in
HMI Communication Fault and the control board 1. the installation.

A090: ■ When a digital input programmed for No External ■ Open wiring at DI1 to DI6 inputs, when
External Alarm (DI) Alarm is opened. DI1 to DI6 can be programmed for programmed for no external alarm.
that function through P0263 to P0268.

F091: ■ When a digital input programmed for No External ■ Open wiring at DI1 to DI6 inputs, when
External Fault (DI) Fault is opened. DI1 to DI6 can be programmed for programmed for no external fault.
that function through P0263 to P0268.

F099: ■ When the reading of a current input is out of the ■ Bad contact in the cables that connect the current
Invalid Current Offset acceptable range of 2.5 V ± 3%. transformers to the control boards.
■ Shorted SCR or bypass contactor.
■ Defective control board.

F101 / A101: ■ Fault trip and alarm activation levels: ■ Motor overtemperature.
Ch 1 Motor P0063 ≥ P0867 = F101 ■ Motor overload.
Overtemperature P0063 ≥ P0868 = A101 ■ Starting cycles severer than the tolerated by the
F102 / A102: ■ Fault trip and alarm activation levels: ■ The motor does not produce enough torque for the
Ch 2 Motor P0064 ≥ P0871 = F102, starting.
Overtemperature P0064 ≥ P0872 = A102 ■ Fault trip and alarm activation levels lower than the
tolerated by the motor (motor insulation class).
F103 / A103: ■ Fault trip and alarm activation levels:
Ch 3 Motor P0065 ≥ P0875 = F103
Overtemperature P0065 ≥ P0876 = A103

F104 / A104: ■ Fault trip and alarm activation levels:

Ch 4 Motor P0066 ≥ P0879 = F104
Overtemperature P0066 ≥ P0880 = A104

F105 / A105: ■ Fault trip and alarm activation levels:

Ch 5 Motor P0067 ≥ P0883 = F105
Overtemperature P0067 ≥ P0884 = A105

F106 / A106: ■ Fault trip and alarm activation levels:

Ch 6 Motor P0068 ≥ P0887 = F106
Overtemperature P0068 ≥ P0888 = A106

SSW7000 | 31
Faults and Alarms .
Fault/Alarm Description Possible Causes
F107 / A107: ■ Fault trip and alarm activation levels:
Ch 7 Motor P0069 ≥ P0891 = F107
Overtemperature P0069 ≥ P0892 = A107

F108 / A108: ■ Fault trip and alarm activation levels:

Ch 8 Motor P0069 ≥ P0895 = F108
Overtemperature P0069 ≥ P0896 = A108

F109 / A109: ■ It detects the opening of the temperature ■ Motor temperature sensor broken cable.
Ch1 Motor Temperature measurement channels due to the rupture of any of ■ Temperature channel programmed for fault or
Broken Cable the three sensor cables. alarm without a sensor connected to it at the IOE4
F110 / A110: ■ Disconnected IOE4 terminal strips.
Ch2 Motor Temperature Note:
Broken Cable The selection between fault and alarm for broken
cable is done at P0898.
F111 / A111:
Ch3 Motor Temperature
Broken Cable

F112 / A112:
Ch4 Motor Temperature
Broken Cable

F113 / A113:
Ch5 Motor Temperature
Broken Cable

F114 / A114:
Ch6 Motor Temperature
Broken Cable

F115 / A115:
Ch7 Motor Temperature
Broken Cable

F116 / A116:
Ch8 Motor Temperature
Broken Cable

F117 / A117: ■ It detects temperature measurement channel ■ Short-circuit at the motor temperature sensor
Ch 1 Motor Temperature short-circuits, through short-circuit between the cables.
Short-circuit three cables of each sensor. Note:
The selection between fault and alarm for short-
F118 / A118: circuit is done at P0898.
Ch 2 Motor Temperature

F119 / A119:
Ch 3 Motor Temperature

F120 / A120:
Ch 4 Motor Temperature

F121 / A121:
Ch 5 Motor Temperature

F122 / A122:
Ch 6 Motor Temperature

F123 / A123:
Ch 7 Motor Temperature

F124 / A124:
Ch 8 Motor Temperature

F126: ■ Fault that indicates error of access to the input ■ IOE-04 module defective, not recognized or
IOE-04 Access Error module for PT100 IOE-04 sensors. incorrectly installed.

32 | SSW7000
Faults and Alarms .
Fault/Alarm Description Possible Causes
A128: ■ It indicates that the SSW stopped receiving valid ■ Verify the installation of the cables and the ground
Serial Communication telegrams within a certain period. connection.
Timeout ■ Make sure that the master sent a new telegram
within the period programmed in P0314.
It can be disabled by setting P0314 = 0.0 s.

A129: ■ It is the alarm that indicates interruption in the ■ The master PLC went to the idle or programming
Anybus Offline Anybus-CC communication. state.
■ Programming error, the number of programmed I/O
words in the slave differs from the number adjusted in
the master.
■ Loose of communication with the master (broken
cable, disconnected connector etc.).

A130: ■ It is the alarm that indicates access error to the ■ Defective, not recognized or incorrectly installed
Anybus Access Error Anybus-CC communication module. Anybus-CC module.
■ Conflict with a WEG optional board.

F140: ■ When any of the voltage synchronism pulses is ■ Phase loss at the supply line.
Phase Loss During the CT missing during the current transformer tests (test ■ Input contactor control problems.
Test mode). ■ Open input fuses.
■ Bad contacts in the supply line connections.
■ Incorrect motor connection.

F141: ■ When any of the current synchronism pulses is ■ Bad contacts in the motor connections.
Motor not Connected missing during the current transformer tests (test ■ Shorted SCR or bypass contactor.
During the CT Test mode).

F142: ■ When the R-U current transformer indicates a ■ Bad contact in the connection of the current
R-U CT Test Fault current that is not in phase with the R-S voltage (test transformer to the C2 control board.
mode). ■ Current transformer in inverted position. The arrow
on the current transformer must be pointing towards
F143: ■ When the S-V current transformer indicates a the supply line.
S-V CT Test Fault current that is not in phase with the S-T voltage (test ■ Current transformers inverted between phases.

F144: ■ When the T-W current transformer indicates a

T-W CT Test Fault current that is not in phase with the T-R voltage (test

F145: ■ When voltages above 35V are present on the R-S- ■ The disconnecting switch remains closed.
Safe Sectioning Fault T outputs of the SSW after the opening of the
disconnecting switch.

F151: ■ Fault in the FLASH memory module (MMF-01). ■ Defective FLASH memory module.
Flash Memory Module ■ The FLASH memory module is not properly fitted
Fault into its slot.

F161: ■ The firmware programmed in the control board 1 ■ The PLD has not been programmed.
Incompatible PLD PLD is not compatible with the SSW firmware. ■ PLD with the firmware of another product.

F162: ■ Control board 1 and control board 2 with ■ Control board 2 firmware has not been
Incompatible C1-C2 incompatible software versions. programmed, or it has been programmed with one
Firmware incompatible with the control board 1.

A163: ■ It indicates that the AI1 current (4-20 mA or 20-4 ■ Broken AI1 cable.
AI1 Broken Cable mA) reference is out of the 4 to 20 mA range. ■ Bad contact at the connection of the signal to the
terminal strip.

A164: ■ It indicates that the AI2 current (4-20 mA or 20-4 ■ Broken AI2 cable.
AI2 Broken Cable mA) reference is out of the 4 to 20 mA range. ■ Bad contact at the connection of the signal to the
terminal strip.

A177: ■ Fan replacement alarm (P0046 > 40000 hours). ■ The heatsink fan maximum number of operating
Fan Replacement hours has been reached.
After replacing the fan P0046 counter can be reset by
setting P0204 = 3.

A182: ■ Invalid clock value alarm. ■ It is necessary to set date and time at parameters
Invalid Clock Value P0194 to P0199;
■ Discharged, defective or not installed battery.

SSW7000 | 33
Faults and Alarms .
Fault/Alarm Description Possible Causes
F228: ■ It indicates that the SSW stopped receiving valid ■ Verify the installation of the cables and the ground
Serial Communication telegrams within a certain period. connection.
Timeout ■ Make sure that the master sent a new telegram
within the period programmed in P0314.
It can be disabled by setting P0314 = 0.0 s.

F229: ■ It is the fault that indicates interruption in the ■ The master PLC went to the idle or programming
Anybus Offline Anybus-CC communication. state.
■ Programming error, the number of programmed I/O
words in the slave differs from the number adjusted in
the master.
■ Loose of communication with the master (broken
cable, disconnected connector etc.).

F230: ■ It is the fault that indicates access error to the ■ Defective, not recognized or incorrectly installed
Anybus Access Error Anybus-CC communication module. Anybus-CC module.
■ Conflict with a WEG optional board.

A700: ■ Refer to the SSW7000 SoftPLC User’s Manual.

Disconnected HMI

Disconnected HMI

F750 / A750 to
F799 / A799:
SoftPLC Faults and Alarms

Fault and alarm operation

■ Faults operate by indicating their occurrence on the HMI, in the present fault parameter, P0020, in the status
word, P0680, and disabling the motor. They can only be reset with a reset command or de-energizing the
control boards.

■ Alarms operate by indicating their occurrence on the HMI, in the present alarm parameter, P0021, in the
status word, P0680. They are automatically reset when the alarm condition ceases existing.

34 | SSW7000
Safety Notices .

This manual contains the information necessary for the correct SSW programming.

It has been written to be used by qualified personnel with suitable training or technical qualification for operating
this type of equipment.


The following safety notices are used in this manual:

The nonobservance of the procedures recommended in this warning can lead to death, serious
injuries and considerable material damage.

The nonobservance of the procedures recommended in this warning can lead to material damage.

The text intents to supply important information for the correct understanding and good operation
of the product.


The following symbols are attached to the product, serving as safety notices:

High voltages are present.

Components sensitive to electrostatic discharge.

Do not touch them.

Mandatory connection to the protective earth (PE).

Connection of the shield to the ground.

SSW7000 | 35
Safety Notices .

Only qualified personnel familiar with the SSW and associated equipment should plan or
implement the installation, start-up and subsequent maintenance of this equipment.
These personnel must follow all the safety instructions included in this manual and/or defined by
local regulations.
Failure to comply with these instructions may result in life threatening and/or equipment damage.

For the purposes of this manual, qualified personnel are those trained to be able to:
1. Install, ground, energize and operate the SSW according to this manual and the effective legal
safety procedures.
2. Use protective equipment according to the established standards.
3. Give first aid services.

Always disconnect the input power before touching any electrical component associated to the
High voltages and rotating parts (fans) may be present even after disconnecting the power supply.
Wait at least 3 minutes for the complete discharge of the capacitors and the stopping of the fans.
Always connect the equipment frame to the protective earth (PE) at the suitable connection point.

Electronic boards have components sensitive to electrostatic discharges. Do not touch directly on
components or connectors. If necessary, touch the grounded metallic frame before or use an
adequate grounded wrist strap.

Do not perform any high pot tests with the SSW!

If it is necessary, consult the manufector.

SSWs may interfere with other electronic equipments. In order to minimize these effects, take the
precautions recommended in the installation and connection chapter of this manual.

Read the Soft-Starter SSW7000 User’s Manual completely before installing or operating the SSW.

36 | SSW7000
About this Manual .


This manual presents the necessary information for the configuration of all of the functions and parameters of
the SSW7000 soft-starter. This manual must be used together with the Soft-Starter SSW7000 User’s Manual.

Because of the variety of functions of this product, it is possible to apply it in ways different from those
presented hereby. It is not the purpose of this manual to exhaust all the SSW application possibilities, neither
can the manufacturer assume any responsibility for the use of the SSW not based in this manual.

Reproduction of this manual content is prohibited, as a whole or in parts, without written permission from WEG.


4.1.1. Terms and Definitions Used in the Manual

AC: Alternating Current.

Amp, A: Ampere.

°C: Degrees Celsius.

clrt: cold locked rotor time.

CV: “Cavalo Vapor” = 736 Watts (power measurement unit, normally used to indicate the mechanical power of
electric motors).

DC: Direct Current.

hlrt: hot locked rotor time.

HMI: Human-Machine Interface; It is the device that allows the control of the motor, the visualization and the
modification of the SSW parameters. It presents keys for commanding the motor, navigation keys and a graphic
LCD display.

hp: “Horse Power” = 746 Watts (power measurement unit, normally used to indicate the mechanical power of
electric motors).

Hz: Hertz.

kg: kilogram = 1000 gram.

kHz: kilohertz = 1000 Hertz.

mA: milliamp = 0.001 amp.

min: minute.

ms: millisecond = 0.001 second.

Nm: Newton meter; torque measurement unit.

MMF (Flash Memory Module): It is the nonvolatile memory that can be electrically written and erased.

RAM Memory: Random Access Memory

PE: Protective Earth

rms: “Root mean square”; effective value.

rpm: revolutions per minute: speed measurement unit.

SSW7000 | 37
About this Manual .

s: second

USB: “Universal Serial Bus”; it is a type of connection in the perspective of the “Plug and Play” concept.

V: Volt

Ω: Ohm

4.1.2. Numerical Representation

Decimal numbers are represented by means of digits without suffix. Hexadecimal numbers are represented with
the letter “h” after the number.

4.1.3. Symbols for the Parameter Properties Description

RO: Read-only parameter.

CFG: Parameter that can be changed only with a stopped motor.

38 | SSW7000
Software Version .

It is important to note the software version installed in the SSW, since it defines the functions and the
programming parameters of the SSW.

This manual refers to the software version indicated on its first page. The version V1.0x, for instance, applies to
versions 1.00 to 1.09, the “x” represents evolutions in the software that do not affect the contents of the

The control board 1 software version must be the same of the control board 2, and can be read at the
parameter P0023. The versions of software of the controls must be the same ones for the digits above of the
last decimal house. Example: P0023 (A.Bx) = P0099 (A.By).

SSW7000 | 39
About the SSW7000 Soft-Starter .


The Medium Voltage Soft-Starter series SSW7000” is a high performance product that allows the
starting/stopping control and protection of medium voltage three-phase induction motors, thus preventing
mechanical shocks at the load, current peaks in the supply line and damage to the motor.

One of the main characteristics of this product is the great robustness in the fault and alarm detection
techniques used to monitor the supply line and the connections. It makes it possible for the customer to choose
the best form of protecting the motor:

■ Programmable protections for supply line overvoltage, undervoltage, and voltage imbalance between phases.
■ Programmable motor no load and heavy load condition protections.
■ Motor thermal protections.
■ Programmable selection between fault trip or alarm indication for the protections.

Special functions like:

■ Indication of:
- motor current per phase; Motor current in amperes, as a percentage of the SSW rated current and as a
percentage of the motor rated current;
- supply line voltage per phase and output voltage;
- supply line frequency in Hz;
- motor torque;
- motor active and apparent power in kW and kVA;
- analog input values;
- digital input and output status;
- overload protection status;
- SCR arm temperatures;
- motor temperature, by using the IOE temperature measurement accessory module;
- powered time, enabled time and enabled fan time;
- current or voltage ground fault;
■ Fault and alarm indications.
■ Fault history:
- storage of the 10 last faults;
- date and time of the fault trip;
- current at the fault trip;
- motor voltage at the fault trip;
- SSW status at the fault trip.
■ Starting and full voltage diagnoses:
- maximum starting current;
- average starting current;
- maximum current at full voltage;
- maximum and minimum line voltage with the motor running;
- maximum and minimum line frequency with the motor running;
- maximum number of starts per hour;
- total number of starts;
- maximum motor temperatures, by using the IOE temperature measurement accessory module.
■ Totally flexible selection of starting and stopping control types, allowing: Voltage Ramp, Current Limit, Current
Ramp, Pump Control, and Constant, Linear or Quadratic Torque Control.
■ Totally flexible Torque Control with very high performance for the most demanding applications.
■ Monitoring of the supply line voltages with a supervisory program through serial or Fieldbus communication.
■ Graphic monitoring and programming through the SuperDrive G2 software.
■ SoftPLC, which allows the implementation of a PLC software or special SSW operation modes.

40 | SSW7000
About the SSW7000 Soft-Starter .

Figure 6.1: SSW simplified block diagram

SSW7000 | 41
About the SSW7000 Soft-Starter .

7. HMI
Through the HMI it is possible to command the SSW, visualize and adjust all the parameters. It presents a
navigation manner similar to the one used in cell phones, with options to access the parameters sequentially or
by means of groups (menu).

Left soft key: Function defined by the Right soft key: Function defined by the
text directly above on the display. text directly above on the display.

Increases the parameter contents. Decreases the parameter contents.

Selects the previous group of the Selects the next group of the
Parameter Group list. Parameter Group list.

Starts the motor

Controls the motor rotation direction.
Active when:
P0229 = 0 in LOC or
P0230 = 0 in REM.

Selects between LOCAL or REMOTE

Stops the motor
Active when:
P0220 = 2 or 3. Active when:
P0229 = 0 in LOC or
P0230 = 0 in REM.

Enabled when P0510 = (Active).
The JOG function is performed as long the JOG key is pressed.
JOG is possible only if the SSW is disabled and with General Enable Active.

Figure 7.1: HMI keys

42 | SSW7000
Programming Basic Instructions .



When the right soft key in the monitoring mode (“Menu”) is pressed, the first 4 parameter groups are showed on the display.
An example of the parameter group structure is presented in the table 8.1. The number and the name of the groups may
change depending on the used software version.

Table 8.1: SSW parameter groups structure

Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Monitoring 00 ALL PARAMETERS
21 Local/Remote Config.
22 Control Type
23 Analog Inputs
24 Analog Outputs
25 Digital Inputs
26 Digital Outputs
27 SSW Data
28 Motor Data
29 Braking
30 Jog
31 Kick Start
32 PROTECTIONS 110 Voltage Protections
111 Current Protections
112 Ground Fault
113 Phase Sequence
114 Motor Thermal Protec.
115 Motor Thermal Class
116 Torque Protections
117 Power Protections
118 Timer Protections
33 COMMUNICATION 130 Status/Commands
131 RS232/485 Serial
132 Anybus
133 Local/Remote Config.
34 SoftPLC
35 Trace Function
05 I/O CONFIGURATION 23 Analog Inputs
24 Analog Outputs
25 Digital Inputs
26 Digital Outputs
06 FAULT HISTORY 90 Last Fault
91 Second Fault
92 Third Fault
93 Fourth Fault
94 Fifth Fault
95 Sixth Fault
96 Seventh Fault
97 Eighth Fault
98 Ninth Fault
99 Tenth Fault

SSW7000 | 43
Programming Basic Instructions .


In order to be able to change the content of the parameters, it is necessary to set the correct password in
P0000, as indicated below. Otherwise, the content of the parameters can only be visualized.

It is possible to customize the password by means of P0200. Refer to the P0200 detailed description in this

Seq. Action/Result Display Indication Seq. Action/Result Display Indication

- If the setting was
performed correctly, the
Monitoring Mode display must show
1 Press “ Menu” 5 “Access to Parameters
(right soft key) P0000: 5”.
- Press “Return”
(left soft key)

- The group “00 ALL

2 6 - Press “Return”
already selected
- Press “Select”

- The parameter
“Access to
- The display returns to
3 Parameters P0000: 7
the Monitoring Mode.
0” is already selected.
- Press “Select”

- In order to set the

password, press “up”
until the number 5
appears on the
- When the number 5
appears, press

Figure 8.1: Sequence for parameter modification permission through P0000

8.3. HMI [20]

In the group “20 HMI” are the parameters related to the presentation of information on the HMI display. See next
the detailed description of the possible settings for those parameters.

P0193 – Day of the Week

Adjustable 0 = Sunday Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Monday
2 = Tuesday
3 = Wednesday
4 = Thursday
5 = Friday
6 = Saturday
Properties: CFG

44 | SSW7000
Programming Basic Instructions .
P0194 – Day

Adjustable 01 to 31 Factory Setting: 01

Properties: CFG

P0195 – Month

Adjustable 01 to 12 Factory Setting: 01

Properties: CFG

P0196 – Year

Adjustable 00 to 99 Factory Setting: 06

Properties: CFG

P0197 – Hour

Adjustable 00 to 23 Factory Setting: 00

Properties: CFG

P0198 – Minutes

Adjustable 00 to 60 Factory Setting: 00

Properties: CFG

P0199 – Seconds

Adjustable 00 to 59 Factory Setting: 00

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS...
∟ 20 HMI...... ...... ..... . . ......

These parameters set the date and time of the SSW real time clock. It is important to configure them with the
correct date and time so that the fault and alarm record occurs with actual date and time information.

P0200 – Password

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 1

Range: 1 = Active
2 = Change Password
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS .
∟ 20 HMI.... . . . ..... .. .... .

It allows changing the password and/or setting its status, configuring it as active or inactive. For more details on
each option, consult the Table 8.2 described next.

SSW7000 | 45
Programming Basic Instructions .
Table 8.2: P0200 options
P0200 Kind of Action
0 (Inactive) It allows parameter changes regardless of P0000.
1 (Active) It does only allow parameter changes when the content of P0000 is equal to the password.
2 (Chnage password) It opens a window for changing the password.

When the option 2 is selected (Change password), the SSW opens a window for changing the password,
allowing the selection of a new value for it.

P0201 – Language

Adjustable 0 = Português Factory Setting: 1

Range: 1 = English
2 = Español
3 = Deutsch
4 = Français
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 20 HMI... ...... ...... ..............

It determines the language in which information will be presented on the HMI.

P0205 – Reading Parameter 1 Selection

P0206 – Reading Parameter 2 Selection

P0207 – Reading Parameter 3 Selection

Adjustable 0 = Not selected Factory Setting: P0205 = 2

Range: 1 = SSW Current (%) # P0206 = 4
2 = Motor Current (%) # P0207 = 5
3 = Motor Current (A) #
4 = Line Voltage #
5 = Output Voltage #
6 = Power Factor #
7 = Motor Torque #
8 = Output Power (W) #
9 = Reactive Output Power (VA) #
10 = R Phase Current #
11 = S Phase Current #
12 = T Phase Current #
13 = RS Line Voltage #
14 = ST Line Voltage #
15 = TR Line Voltage #
16 = RU SCR Temperature #
17 = SV SCR Temperature #
18 = TW SCR Temperature #
19 = Ch1 Motor Temperature #
20 = Ch2 Motor Temperature #
21 = Ch3 Motor Temperature #
22 = Ch4 Motor Temperapture #
23 = Ch5 Motor Temperature #
24 = Ch6 Motor Temperature #
25 = Ch7 Motor Temperature #
26 = Ch8 Motor Temperature.#
27 = Motor Thermal Class Protection Status #
28 = SSW Current -
29 = Motor Current (%) -
46 | SSW7000
Programming Basic Instructions .
30 = Motor Current (A) -
31 = Line Voltage -
32 = Output Voltage -
33 = Power Factor -
34 = Motor Torque -
35 = Output Power (W) -
36 = Reactive Output Power (VA) -
37 = R Phase Current -
38 = S Phase Current -
39 = T Phase Current -
40 = RS Line Voltage -
41 = ST Line Voltage -
42 = TR Line Voltage -
43 = RU SCR Temperature -
44 = SV SCR Temperature.-
45 = TW SCR Temperature.-
46 = Ch1 Mot.Temperature.-
47 = Ch2 Mot.Temperature.-
48 = Ch3 Mot.Temperature.-
49 = Ch4 Mot.Temperature.-
50 = Ch5 Mot.Temperature.-
51 = Ch6 Mot.Temperature.-
52 = Ch7 Mot.Temperature.-
53 = Ch8 Mot.Temperature.-
54 = Motor Thermal Class Protection Status -
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 20 HMI... .... .... .... .... .. .....

These parameters define which variables, and in what manner they will be shown on the HMI display in the
monitoring mode.

The options that present the symbol “#” at the end indicate that the variable will be displayed in absolute
numerical values. The options ended with the symbol “ – “, configure the variable to be displayed as a bar
graph, in percentage values. More details on this programming can be seen next.

P0213 – Reading Parameter 1 Full Scale

P0214 – Reading Parameter 2 Full Scale

P0215 – Reading Parameter 3 Full Scale

Adjustable 0 to 600.0 % Factory Setting: 100.0 %

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 20 HMI... .... .... .... .... .. .....

These parameters configure the full scale of the reading variables 1, 2 and 3 (selected through P0205, P0206
and P0207), when they were programmed to be presented as bar graphs.

SSW7000 | 47
Programming Basic Instructions .
P0216 – HMI LCD Contrast

Adjustable 0 to 37 Factory Setting: 27

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 20 HMI... .... .... .... .... ........

It allows setting the HMI display contrast level. Higher values configure a higher contrast level.


Seq. Action/Result Display Indication Seq. Action/Result Display Indication

- If necessary, set
P0193 according to the
- Monitoring
present day. Therefore,
- Mode
1 6 press “Select”.
- Press “ Menu”
- To change P0193
(right soft key)
content press “up” or

- Proceed in a similar
- The group “00 ALL
way until setting also the
2 parameters
already selected
“Day P0194” to
- Press “down”
“Seconds P0199”.

- The group “01 - When the setting is

PARAMETER finished, the Real Time
3 GROUPS” is 8 Clock will be adjusted.
selected. - Press “Return” (left
- Press “Select” soft key).

- The group “20 HMI”

4 is selected. 9 - Press “Return”.
- Press “Select”.

- Press “down” until

the parameter “Day of - The display returns to
5 10
the Week P0193” the Monitoring Mode.

Figure 8.2: Date and time setting


Every time the SSW is powered up the display goes to the Monitoring Mode. In order to make the reading of the
main motor parameters easier, the HMI display can be configured to show them in 3 different modes.

Content of the 3 parameters in numerical form:

Selection of the parameters via P0205, P0206 and P0207. That mode can be seen in the Figure 8.3.

48 | SSW7000
Programming Basic Instructions .

Motor rotation Loc./Remote indication

direction indication - LOC: Local situation
- REM: Remote situation Motor current
indication in amperes

SSW status:
- Ready
- Initial Test Monitoring parameters:
- Fault - Motor current in %;
- Ramp Up - Line voltage in Volts;
- Full Voltage - Output voltage in Volts.
- Bypass
- Ramp Down P0205, P0206 and P0207: selection of
- Braking the parameters to be shown in the
- FWD/REV Monitoring Mode.
- Jog
- Delay P0831
- General Disabled
- Configuration
Left soft key function Right soft key

Indication of the time.

Adjusted in:
P0197, P0198 and P0199

Figure 8.3: Monitoring mode screen with the factory settings

Content of the 3 parameters in form of a bar graph:

Selection of the parameters via P0205, P0206 and/or P0207. The values are showed in percentage by means
of horizontal bars. This mode is illustrated in the Figure 8.4.

Monitoring parameters:
- Motor current in %;
- Line voltage in Volts;
- Output voltage in Volts.

P0205, P0206 and P0207: selection

of the parameters to be shown in the
Monitoring Mode.

Figure 8.4: Monitoring mode screen with bar graphs

In order to configure the bar graph monitoring mode, access the parameters P0205, P0206 and/or P0207 and
select the options ended with the symbol "-" (values in the range from 28 to 54). Thus, the respective variable is
configured to be shown as a bar graph.

The Figure 8.5 demonstrates the procedure to change the exhibition of one of the variables into the bar graph

SSW7000 | 49
Programming Basic Instructions .
Seq. Action/Result Display Indication Seq. Action/Result Display Indication

- Press “up” until

- Monitoring Mode selecting the option
1 - Press “ Menu” 7 “[29] = Motor
(right soft key) Current (%) -“.

- The group “00 ALL

2 8 - Press “Save”.
already selected.
- Press “down”.

- The group “01

3 GROUPS” is 9 - Press “Return”.
- Press “Select”.

- The group “20 HMI”

4 ” is already selected. 10 - Press “Return”.
- Press “Select”.

- Press “down” until

the parameter
5 11 - Press “Return”.
Parameter 1
Selection P0205”
shows up.

- The parameter
Parameter 1 - The display returns to
6 12
Selection P0205” the Monitoring Mode.
is selected.
- Press “Select”.

Figure 8.5: Configuration of bar graph mode monitoring

In order to return to the Standard Monitoring Mode (numerical), you only have to select the options ended with
“#” (values from 1 to 27) in the parameters P0205, P0206 and/or P0207.

Content of the parameter P0205 in numerical form with bigger characters:

Program the reading parameters (P0206 and P0207) in zero (inactive) and P0205 as a numerical value (one
option ended with “#”). Thus, P0205 starts being exhibited in bigger characters. The Figure 8.6 ilustrates this
monitoring mode.

Figure 8.6: Example of a monitoring mode screen with P0205 programmed for bigger characters

50 | SSW7000
Programming Basic Instructions .


If any of the combinations listed below occurs, the SSW goes to the “Config” state.

■ two or more Dix (P0263...P0268) programmed for (1 = Start/Stop);

■ two or more Dix (P0263...P0268) programmed for (2 = Start (3-Wires));
■ two or more Dix (P0263...P0268) programmed for (3 = Stop (3-Wires));
■ Dix (P0263...P0268) programmed for (2 = Start (3-Wires)) without DIx (P0263...P0268) programmed for (3 =
Stop (3-Wires));
■ Dix (P0263...P0268) programmed for (3 = Stop (3-Wires)) without DIx (P0263...P0268) programmed for (2 =
Start (3-Wires));
■ Dix (P0263...P0268) programmed for (1 = Start/Stop) with DIx (P0263...P0268) programmed for (2 = Start (3
■ two or more Dix (P0263...P0268) programmed for (6 = Local/Remote);
■ two or more Dix (P0263...P0268) programmed for (5 = FWD/REV);
■ two or more Dix (P0263...P0268) programmed for (12 = Load User 1/2);
■ two or more Dix (P0263...P0268) programmed for (12 = Load User 3);
■ Kick Start P0520 programmed as (1 = Active) with P0202 programmed for (2 = Pump Control);
■ Kick Start P0520 programmed as (1 = Active) with P0202 programmed for (3 = Torque Control);
■ thermal class protection alarm reset level, P0837, programmed with a value higher than the alarm level,
■ overtemperature alarm reset, P0869, programmed with a value higher than the overtemperature alarm level,
■ overtemperature alarm reset, P0873, programmed with a value higher than the overtemperature alarm level,
■ overtemperature alarm reset, P0877, programmed with a value higher than the overtemperature alarm level,
■ overtemperature alarm reset, P0881, programmed with a value higher than the overtemperature alarm level,
■ overtemperature alarm reset, P0885, programmed with a value higher than the overtemperature alarm level,
■ overtemperature alarm reset, P0889, programmed with a value higher than the overtemperature alarm level,
■ overtemperature alarm reset, P0893, programmed with a value higher than the overtemperature alarm level,
■ overtemperature alarm reset, P0897, programmed with a value higher than the overtemperature alarm level,
■ thermal class protection operation mode programmed for (P0838 = 0 = Thermal Class + IOE) without having
an IOE temperature measurement board installed.


Access groups via HMI: 03 CHANGED PARAMETERS....

This menu allows visualizing sequentially all the parameters with contents different from the factory settings.

SSW7000 | 51
Backup Parameters .


The SSW BACKUP functions allow saving the content of the current SSW parameters in a specific memory, or
vice-versa (overwrite the current parameters with the memory contents). Besides, there is a function exclusive
for software update by means of the FLASH Memory Module.

P0204 – Load/Save Parameters

Adjustable 0 = Not Used Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Not Used
2 = Not Used
3 = Reset P0043 to P0050
4 = Reset P0053 to P0058
5 = Load Factory Settings
6 = Reset P0077 to P0087
7 = Load User 1
8 = Load User 2
9 = Load User 3
10 = Save User 1
11 = Save User 2
12 = Save User 3
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 04 BACKUP PARAMETERS....

It makes it possible to save the current SSW parameters in an area of the control module EEPROM memory or
the other way around, to load the contents of that area into the parameters. It also allows reseting some
diagnosis parameters. The Table 9.1 describes the actions performed by each option.

Table 9.1: P0204 options

P0204 Action
0, 1 e 2 Not Used: no action
3 Reset P0043 to P0050: it resets parameters P0043 to P0050
4 Reset P0053 to P0058: it resets parameters P0053 to P0058
5 Load Factory Settings: it loads the factory settings into the SSW active parameters
6 Reset P0077 to P0087: resets parameters P0077 to P0087
7 Load User 1: it loads the user memory 1 settings into the SSW active parameters
8 Load User 2: it loads the user memory 2 settings into the SSW active parameters
9 Load User 3: it loads the user memory 3 settings into the SSW active parameters
10 Save User 1: it transfers the contents of the active parameters into the user memory 1
11 Save User 2: it transfers the contents of the active parameters into the user memory 2
12 Save User 3: it transfers the contents of the active parameters into the user memory 3

Figure 9.1: Parameter transfer

In order to load parameters from User 1, User 2 and/or User 3 into the SSW operation area (P0204 = 7, 8 or 9),
it is necessary that these parameter sets had been previously saved.
52 | SSW7000
Backup Parameters .

The operation of loading one of those memories can also be performed via digital inputs (Dix). Refer to the
section 10.4 for more details regarding this programming (P0204 = 10, 11 or 12).

By loading factory settings with P0204 = 5, the parameters P0295 (SSW rated current), P0296
(SSW rated voltage), P0308 (Serial Address) and P0201 (Language), will not be affected.

P0318 – Copy Function MemCard

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = SSW → Memory Card
2 = Memory Card → SSW
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 04 BACKUP PARAMETERS....

This function allows saving the contents of the SSW writing parameters in the FLASH Memory Module (MMF), or
vice-versa, and can be used to transfer the parameter contents from one SSW to another.

Table 9.2: P0318 options

P0318 Action
0 Inactive: no action
1 SSW → Memory Card: it transfers the SSW active parameters to the MMF.
2 Memory Card → SSW: It transfers the parameters stored in the MMF to the SSW control board.

After storing the parameters of the SSW in a FLASH memory module, it is possible to pass them to another
SSW with this function. However, if the SSWs have incompatible software versions, the HMI will exhibit the
message “FLASH Memory Module with invalid parameters” and will not allow the copy.

The modified parameters are saved in the FLASH memory module when P0318=1.

When the SSW is powered up, with P318=1 and the memory module is present, the current
parameter contents are compared with the contents of the parameters saved in the MMF and, in
case they are different, the HMI will exhibit the message “Flash Memory Module with different
parameters”. After 3 seconds the message is replaced by the parameter P0318 menu. The user
has the option to overwrite the contents of the memory module (choosing P0318 = 1), or overwrite
the SSW parameters (choosing P0318 = 2), or even ignore the message by programming P0318 =

It is recommended to set the parameter P0318 = 0 when using the network communication board
or the SoftPLC function.

SSW7000 | 53
Backup Parameters .
P0319 – HMI Copy Function

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = SSW → HMI
2 = HMI → SSW
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 04 BACKUP PARAMETERS....

The HMI Copy Function is similar to the previous, and it is also used to transfer the contents of the parameters
from one SSW to another (others). The SSWs must have the same software version.

Table 9.3: P0319 options

P0319 Action
0 Inactive: no action
1 SSW → HMI: it transfers the SSW current parameters and the user memories 1, 2 and 3 contents to the HMI nonvolatile
memory (EEPROM). The SSW current parameters remain unchanged.
2 HMI → SSW: it transfers the content of the HMI nonvolatile memory (EEPROM) to the current SSW parameters and to
the user memories 1, 2 and 3.

In case the HMI had been previously loaded with parameters from a version “different” from that of
the SSW to which one is trying to copy the parameters, the operation will not be carried out and
the HMI will indicate the fault F082 (Copy Function Fault). It is understood as “different” versions,
those that differ in the “x” and “y” digits, assuming that the software version numbers be described
as Vx.yz.

E.g., version V1.60 → (x = 1, y = 6 and z = 0) previously stored in the HMI.

SSW version: V1.75 → (x’ = 1, y’ = 7 and z’ =5)
P0319 = 2 → F082 [(y = 6) → (y’ = 7)]

SSW version: V1.62 → (x’ = 1, y’ = 6 and z’ =2)

P0319 = 2 → normal copy [(y = 6) = (y’ = 6)] and [(x = 1) = (x’ = 1)]

In order to copy parameters from one SSW to another, one must proceed in the following manner:

1. Connect the HMI to the SSW from which one wants to copy the parameters (SSW A).
2. Set P0319 = 1 (SSW → HMI) to transfer the parameters from the SSW A to the HMI.
3. Press the right soft key “Save”. P0319 returns automatically to 0 (inactive) as soon as the transfer is finished.
4. Disconnect the HMI from the SSW.
5. Connect the same HMI to the SSW to which one wants to transfer the parameters (SSW B).
6. Set P0319 = 2 (HMI → SSW) to transfer the contents of the HMI nonvolatile memory (EEPROM with the
SSW A parameters) to the SSW B.
7. Press the right soft key “Save”. When P0319 returns to 0 the transfer of the parameters has been finished.

From that moment on, the SSWs A and B will have the same parameter contents.

In order to copy the SSW A parameters to other SSWs, repeat the procedures 5 to 7 described previously.

54 | SSW7000
Backup Parameters .

Figure 9.2: Parameter copy from “SSW A” to “SSW B”

As long as the HMI is performing the reading or the writing procedure, it will not be possible to
operate it.

SSW7000 | 55
I/O Configuration .



P0220 – LOC/REM Mode Selection

Adjustable 0 = Always LOCAL Factory Setting: 2

Range: 1 = Always REMOTE
4 = DIx
5 = Serial or USB (LOCAL)
6 = Serial or USB (REMOTE)
7 = Anybus-CC (LOCAL)
8 = Anybus-CC (REMOTE)
9 = SoftPLC (LOCAL)
10 = SoftPLC (REMOTE)
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 21 Local/Remote Config.. .

It defines the origin of the command that will select between the LOCAL mode and the REMOTE mode, where:

■ Local: It means local default mode upon SSW energization.

■ Remoto: It means remote default mode upon SSW energization.
■ Dix: It depends on the digital input state. Refer to the section 10.4.

With the factory settings, the LOC/REM key will select between LOCAL and REMOTE mode. The SSW will
initiate in LOCAL mode (Default LOCAL) upon energization.

P0228 – FWD/REV Selection

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = By Contator
2 = Only for JOG
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 21 Local/Remote Config... .

■ P0228 = 1 - By Contator

This option allows the rotation direction reversion through contactors connected at the line supply.

The method implemented in SSW allows the use of only two contactors for simultaneously alternating the
rotation direction and isolating the power section from the supply line.

When the motor is stopped, both contactors stay open. When the motor is started, the respective contactor is

56 | SSW7000
I/O Configuration .

Figure 10.1: Motor rotation direction change via contactors

The method used to restart the motor is the same used to start it in the other rotation direction.

The motor will only start again after the time programmed in P0831 has elapsed (Time Interval after
Motor Stopping).

■ P0228 = 2 - Only JOG

This option allows the activation of the motor at low speed in both rotation directions without the need of using

For more information, refer to the parameters P510 and P511.

Figure 10.2: Motor rotation direction change only with JOG

P0229 – Source Command Selection in Local Mode

P0230 – Source Command Selection in Remote Mode

Adjustable 0 = HMI I/O keys Factory Setting: P0229 = 0

Range: 1 = Dix Digital Inputs P0230 = 1
2 = Serial or USB Communication
3 = Anybus-CC
4 = SoftPLC
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 21 Local/Remote Config.. . ...

They define the origin of the SSW start and stop commands.

SSW7000 | 57
I/O Configuration .

10.2. ANALOG INPUTS [23]

P0018 – AI1 Value

P0019 – AI2 Value

Adjustable -100.00 to 100.00 % Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 05 I/O CONFIGURATION.... or 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 23 Analog Inputs... ....... . .. ∟ 23 Analog Inputs... .... ... .......

These read-only parameters indicate the value of the AI1 and AI2 analog inputs, as a percentage of their
full-scale value. The indicated values are those obtained after the offset action and the multiplication by the gain.

P0231 – AI1 Signal Function

P0236 – AI2 Signal Function

Adjustable 0 = Not Used Factory Setting: 0

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 05 I/O CONFIGURATION.... or 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 23 Analog Inputs... .... . ... . ∟ 23 Analog Inputs... .... .... .....

In the SSW, the analog inputs have functions only when the SoftPLC is used.

P0232 – AI1 Gain

P0237 – AI2 Gain

Adjustable 0.000 to 9.999 Factory Setting: 1.000

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 05 I/O CONFIGURATION.... or 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 23 Analog Inputs... .... ....... ∟ 23 Analog Inputs.... .... .... ....

P0234 – AI1 Offset

P0239 – AI2 Offset

Adjustable -100.00 to 100.00 % Factory Setting: 0.00 %


Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 05 I/O CONFIGURATION.... or 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 23 Analog Inputs... .... . ..... ∟ 23 Analog Inputs... .... .... .....

58 | SSW7000
I/O Configuration .
P0235 – AI1 Filter

P0240 – AI2 Filter

Adjustable 0.00 to 16.00 s Factory Setting: 0.00 s

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 05 I/O CONFIGURATION.... or 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 23 Analog Inputs.... .... .. ... ∟ 23 Analog Inputs.... .... .... ....

Figure 10.3: Analog input block diagram

The AIx’ internal value is the result of the following equation:

P0233 – AI1 Signal Type

Adjustable 0 = 0 to 10V/20mA Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = 4 to 20mA
2 = 10 V/20mA to 0
3 = 20 to 4 mA
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 05 I/O CONFIGURATION.... or 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 23 Analog Inputs.... .... ... .. ∟ 23 Analog Inputs.... .... .... ....

P0238 – AI2 Signal Type

Adjustable 0 = 0 to 10V/20mA Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = 4 to 20mA
2 = 10 V/20mA to 0
3 = 20 to 4 mA
4 = -10 V to +10 V
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 05 I/O CONFIGURATION.... or 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 23 Analog Inputs... .... .... .. ∟ 23 Analog Inputs.... .... .... . ..

These parameters configure the signal type (if it is current or voltage) that will be read at each analog input, as
well as its range. Refer to the Table 10.1 and Table 10.2 for more details on this configuration.

SSW7000 | 59
I/O Configuration .
Table 10.1: DIP Switches related to the analog inputs
Parameter Input Switch Location
P0233 AI1 S1.4
Control board
P0238 AI2 S1.3

Table 10.2: Configuration of the analog input signals

P0233 P0238 Input Signal Switch Position
0 0 (0 to 10) V / (0 to 20) mA Off / On
1 1 (4 to 20) mA On
2 2 (10 to 0) V / (20 to 0) mA Off / On
3 3 (20 to 4) mA On
- 4 (-10 to +10) V Off


P0014 – AO1 Value

P0015 – AO2 Value

Adjustable 0.00 to 100.00 % Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 05 I/O CONFIGURATION.... or 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 24 Analog Outputs.... ........ ∟ 24 Analog Outputs.... .... ... .

These read-only parameters indicate the value of the AO1 and AO2 analog outputs, as a percentage of their
full-scale value. The indicated values are those obtained after the multiplication by the gain.

P0251 – AO1 Function

P0254 – AO2 Function

Adjustable 0 = No Function Factory Setting: P0251 = 0
Range: 1 = SSW Current (%)– P0001 P0254 = 0
2 = Line Main Voltage – P0004
3 = Output Voltage – P0007
4 = Power Factor – P0008
5 = Motor Thermal Class Protection Status % – P0050
6 = Output Power (W) – P0010
7 = Output Apparent Power (VA) – P0011
8 = Motor Torque % – P0009
9 = P0696 Value
10 = P0697 Value
11 = R-U Arm SCR Temperature – P0060
12 = S-V Arm SCR Temperature – P0061
13 = T-W Arm SCR Temperature – P0062
14 = SoftPLC
Access groups via HMI: 05 I/O CONFIGURATION.... or 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 24 Analog Outputs.... .... ... ∟ 24 Analog Outputs.... .... ... ..

These parameters set the functions of the analog outputs.

60 | SSW7000
I/O Configuration .
P0252 – AO1 Gain

P0255 – AO2 Gain

Adjustable 0.000 to 9.999 Factory Setting: 1.000
Access groups via HMI: 05 I/O CONFIGURATION.... or 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 24 Analog Outputs... ......... ∟ 24 Analog Outputs.... .... ... ...

They adjust the analog output gains.

Figure 10.4: Analog output block diagram

Table 10.3: - Full scale

Variable Full Scale (*)
SSW Current (%) 5 x P0295
Line Voltage
1.5 x P0296 (max.)
Output Voltage
Power Factor P0008 = 1.00
Motor Thermal Class Protection Status P0050 = 100 %
Output Power (W)
1.5 x √3 x P0295 x P0296 (max.)
Output Apparent Power (VA)
Motor Torque % 2.5 x P0009 = 100%
P0696 Value
P0697 Value
R-U Arm SCR Temperature
S-V Arm SCR Temperature 200 oC
T-W Arm SCR Temperature
SoftPLC 32767
(*) When the signal is inverse (10 to 0 V, 20 to 0 mA ou 20 to 4 mA) the values in the table become the beginning of the scale.

SSW7000 | 61
I/O Configuration .
P0253 – AO1 Signal Type

P0256 – AO2 Signal Type

Adjustable 0 = 0 to 10V/20mA Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = 4 to 20mA
2 = 10 V/20mA to 0
3 = 20 to 4 mA
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 05 I/O CONFIGURATION.... or 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 24 Analog Outputs... .... .... ∟ 24 Analog Outputs.... .... .......


These parameters configure whether the analog output signal will be in current or voltage, and with direct or
inverse reference.

In order to adjust these parameters, it is also necessary to set the “DIP switches” of the control board according
to the tables Table 10.4 and Table 10.5.

Table 10.4: DIP Switches related to the analog outputs

Parameter Output Switch Location
P0253 AO1 S1.1
Control board
P0256 AO2 S1.2

Table 10.5: Configuration of the analog output signals

P0253, P0256 Output Signal Switch Position
0 (0 to 10) V / (0 to 20) mA On / Off
1 (4 to 20) mA Off
2 (10 to 0) V / (20 to 0) mA On / Off
3 (20 to 4) mA Off

For AO1 and AO2, when current signals are used, the switch corresponding to the desired output must be set
in the “Off” position.


P0012 – DI6 to DI1 Status

Adjustable Bit 0 = DI1 Factory Setting:

Range: Bit 1 = DI2
Bit 2 = DI3
Bit 3 = DI4
Bit 4 = DI5
Bit 5 = DI6
Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 05 I/O CONFIGURATION.... or 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 25 Digital Inputs.... ..... . .... ∟ 25 Digital Inputs.... .... ...........

By means of this parameter, it is possible to visualize the status of the 6 control board digital inputs (DI1 to DI6).

The indication is done by means of the numbers 1 and 0, representing respectively the “Active” and “Inactive”
states of the inputs. The state of each input is considered as one digit in the sequence where DI1 represents the
least significant digit.

62 | SSW7000
I/O Configuration .
E.g.: In case the sequence 100010 is presented on the HMI, it will correspond to the following status of the DIs:

Table 10.6: Digital input status

Active Inactive Inactive Inactive Active Inactive
(+24V) (0V) (0V) (0V) (+24V) (0V)

P0263 – DI1 Function

P0264 – DI2 Function

P0265 – DI3 Function

P0266 – DI4 Function

P0267 – DI5 Function

P0268 – DI6 Function

Adjustable 0 = Not Used Factory Setting: P0263 = 2

Range: 1 = Start/Stop P0264 = 3
2 = Start (3-Wires) P0265 = 0
3 = Stop (3-Wires) P0266 = 0
4 = General Enable P0267 = 0
5 = FWD / REV P0268 = 0
7 = No External Fault
8 = JOG
9 = Braking Off
10 = Reset
11 = No External Alarm
12 = Load User 1/2
13 = Load User 3
14 = Trace Function
15 = Fuse Ok
16 = Blocking PFC
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 05 I/O CONFIGURATION.... or 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 25 Digital Inputs.... .... ... ... ∟ 25 Digital Inputs.... .... .... . ....

Those parameters make it possible to configure the functions of the digital inputs, according to the listed

Some notes regarding the Digital Input functions are presented next:

■ Start/Stop = Closed/open digital input, respectively. In order to assure the correct operation of this function, it
is necessary to program P0229 = 1 and/or P0230 = 1. Do not program more than one input for the Start/Stop

■ Start (3-Wire) = When one digital input is programmed for Start (3-Wire), it is mandatory to program another
one digital input for Stop (3-Wire). Use pushbuttons.

■ Stop (3-Wire) = When one digital input is programmed for Stop (3-Wire), it is mandatory to program another
one digital input for Start (3-Wire). Use pushbuttons.

■ General Enable/General Disable = Closed/open digital input, respectively. This function allows starting the
motor when General Enable is active, as well as stopping it without deceleration ramp when a General Disable
command is given. There is no need to program a General Enable to be able to start the motor. If programmed,

SSW7000 | 63
I/O Configuration .
however, the input must be closed so that starting the motor becomes possible even if the commands are not
via digital inputs.

■ Forward/Reverse = It makes possible the control of the rotation direction change. Do not program more than
one input for this function.

■ Local/Remote = Closed/open digital input, respectively. Do not program more than one input for this

■ No External Fault = There is no external fault if the input is closed.

■ JOG = It makes it possible to enable slow speed via a digital input. JOG is activated when the input is closed.
Use only pushbuttons for this function. If more than one digital input is programmed for this function, any one
that is closed enables JOG.

■ Braking Off = It allows disabling the braking functions when the digital input is open. In case of safety issues,
it makes it possible to use a stopping sensor to disable the braking immediately. If more than one input is
programmed for this function, if only one is opened, it will immediately disable the braking. In order to allow the
braking activation the digital input must be closed.

■ Reset = It resets the faults when the digital input is closed. A pushbutton must be used, because if the input
remains closed no further reset will occur.

■ No External Alarm = This function will indicate “External Alarm” (A090) on the HMI display when the digital
input programmed for this function is open (0 V). If +24 V is applied to the input, the alarm message will
desapear automatically from the HMI display. The motor keeps oerating normally, regardless of the state of this

■ Load User 1/2 = This function allows the selection of the user memory 1 or 2, in a similar process than
P0204 = 7 or 8, with the difference that the user memory is loaded from a transition of the DIx programmed for
this function.

When the state of the DIx changes from low level to high level (transition from 0V to 24V), the user memory 1 is
loaded, provided that the contents of the SSW actual parameters had been previously transferred to the
parameter memory 1 (P0204 = 10).

When the sate of the DIx changes from high level to low level (transition from 24V to 0V), the user memory 2 is
loaded, provided that the contents of the SSW actual parameters had been previously transferred to the
parameter memory 2 (P0204 = 11).

Figure 10.5: Details on the Load User 1/2 function operation

■ Load User 3 = This function allows the selection of the user memory 3, in a similar process than P0204 = 9,
with the difference that the user memory is loaded from a transition of the DIx programmed for this function.

When the DIx state changes from low level to high level (transition from 0V to 24V), the user memory 3 is
loaded, provided that the contents of the SSW actual parameters had been previously transferred to the
parameter memory 3 (P0204 = 12).

64 | SSW7000
I/O Configuration .

It will not be possible to load a user memory with enabled motor.

■ Função Trace = It triggers the data acquisition at the channels selected with that function, when the three
following conditions were fulfilled:
- if the DIx is with 24V;
- trigger condition set in P0552 = 6 “DIx”;
- function waiting for the trigger, P0576 = 1 “Waiting”.

For more details, refer to the section 19.

■ Fuse Ok = This function is used to detect medium voltage fuses opened.There is no fuse fault "Fuse Opened
(Blown)" (F013) if the input is closed.

■ Blocking PFC = This function is used to block the power-factor correction capacitors via digital input when
controlled by the SSW.


P0013 – DO3 to DO1 Status

Adjustable Bit 0 = DO1 Factory Setting:

Range: Bit 1 = DO2
Bit 2 = DO3
Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 05 I/O CONFIGURATION.... or 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 26 Digital Outputs.... .... .. .. ∟ 26 Digital Outputs.... .... .... .

By means of this parameter, it is possible to visualize the status of the control board 3 relay digital outputs (DO1
to DO3).

The indication is done by means of the numbers 1 and 0, representing respectively the “Active” and “Inactive”
states of the outputs. The state of each output is considered as one digit in the sequence where DO1
represents the least significant digit.

E.g.: In case the sequence 110 is presented on the HMI, it will correspond to the following status of the DOs:

Table 10.7: Digital output status


Active Active Inactive
(+24V) (+24V) (0V)

P0275 – DO1 Function

Adjustable 0 = Not Used Factory Setting: 1

Range: 1 = Running
2 = Full Voltage
3 = Bypass
4 = Forward Direction
5 = DC Braking
6 = Without Fault
7 = With Fault
8 = Without Alarm
SSW7000 | 65
I/O Configuration .
9 = With Alarm
10 = No Fault and No Alarm
11 = SoftPLC
12 = P0695 Content
13 = Not Used
14 = Control PFC or Capacitor
15 = Blocking PFC

P0276 – DO2 Function

Adjustable 0 = Not Used Factory Setting: 3

Range: 1 = Running
2 = Full Voltage
3 = Bypass
4 = Reverse Direction
5 = DC Braking
6 = Without Fault
7 = With Fault
8 = Without Alarm
9 = With Alarm
10 = No Fault and No Alarm
11 = SoftPLC
12 = P0695 Content
13 = Not Used
14 = Control PFC or Capacitor
15 = Blocking PFC

P0277 – DO3 Function

Adjustable 0 = Not Used Factory Setting: 7

Range: 1 = Running
2 = Full Voltage
3 = Bypass
4 = Not Used
5 = DC Braking
6 = Without Fault
7 = With Fault
8 = Without Alarm
9 = With Alarm
10 = No Fault and No Alarm
11 = SoftPLC
12 = P0695 Content
13 = Arc Detection
14 = Control PFC or Capacitor
15 = Blocking PFC
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 05 I/O CONFIGURATION.... or 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 26 Digital Outputs... .... ... . ∟ 26 Digital Outputs... ... .... .....

They program the functions of the digital outputs, according to the options presented previously. When the
condition declared by the function is true, the digital output will be activated.

Next, some additional notes on the relay digital output functions are presented:

■ Not Used: it means that the digital outputs will remain always in a resting state, i.e., DOx = relay with the coil
not energized.

■ Running = the output will be enabled instantlywith the SSW Start command, and will only be disabled when
the SSW receives the command Stop, or when the end of the deceleration ramp is reached, if programmed.

66 | SSW7000
I/O Configuration .
■ Full Voltage: the output will be activated when the SSW reaches 100 % Un, and it will be deactivated when
the SSW receives a disabling command.

■ Bypass: operation with features like "Full Voltage", but the output is activated when the bypass contactor is

■ DC Braking: the output is activated during the DC braking.

■ Without Fault: the output will stay activated as long as the SSW remains with no fault, i.e., if the SSW is not
disabled by any type of fault.

■ With Fault: the output will stay activated as long as the SSW remains a fault, i.e., if the SSW is disabled by
some type of fault.

■ Without Alarm: it means that the SSW is not in the alarm condition.

■ With Alarm: it means that the SSW is in the alarm condition.

■ No Fault and No Alarm: it means that the SSW is not disabled by any type of fault and it is not in the alarm

■ SoftPLC: it menas that the digital output state will be controlled by the programming done in the memory
area reserved to the SoftPLC function. For more details, refer to the SSW7000 SoftPLC User’s Manual.

■ P0695 Content: it menas that the digital output state will be controlled by the parameter P0695, which is
written via network. For more details regarding this parameter, refer to the SSW7000 Modbus-RTU User’s

■ Arc Detection: the output will be activated when an electric arc is detected inside of the compartment of
medium voltage and when the protection of detection of electric arc is enable, P0809=1. More details referring
to this protection consult the description of the P0809 parameter, page 98.

■ Control PFC or Capacitor: operation with features like "Bypass", but the output can be used to control the
power factor capacitors.

■ Blocking PFC: It indicates, via digital output, when the power-factor correction capacitors of other SSWs
connected to the same power supply must be disabled. This digital output, when used, must be connected to
the Blocking PFC digital inputs of the other SSWs. For further details, refer to the User Manual of the SSW7000.

P0280 – PFC Discharge Time

Adjustable 60 to 600 s Factory Setting: 300 s

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 05 I/O CONFIGURATION.... or 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 26 Digital Outputs... .... ... . ∟ 26 Digital Outputs... ... .... .....

It sets the discharge time of the power factor correction capacitors (PFC) in seconds. This time is specified by
the capacitor bank manufacturer. The capacitors must be discharged in order to be connected again to the
supply line

SSW7000 | 67
Control Type .


P0202 – Control Type

Adjustable 0 = Voltage Ramp + Current Limit Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Current Limit
2 = Pump Control
3 = Torque Control
4 = Current Ramp
5 = Direct on Line D.O.L.
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 22 Control Type.... .... ..........

The SSW has five starting control types, in order to better match all application requirements.

Starting with voltage ramp + current limit (2):

This is usually the most used method.

The SSW imposes the voltage to the motor, initially without any kind of voltage or current feedback applied to
the motor, until reaching the current limit set in P0110, remaining so until the end of the motor start.

It is applied to loads with lower initial torque or with quadratic torque.

This control type can be used as an initial operation test.

As of software version V1.20, the start with Voltage Ramp changed in relation to the previous
software versions to Voltage Ramp + Current Limit.

Starting with current limit (2):

The maximum current is limited during the starting, being adjusted according to the aplication needs. It is aplied
to loads with higher initial torque or with constant torque.

This type of control is used to adapt the starting to the supply line capacity limits.

Starting with current ramp (3):

The maximum current is also limited during the starting, however, lower or higher current linits can be adjusted
for the starting beginning.

It is applied to loads with lower or higher initial torque. It can replace the kick start function for loads with higher
initial torque.

It can fully replace the voltage ramp, with lower initial current and higher strt end current, when used with
quadratic load, with the advantage of controlled current throughout the starting.

This type of control is used to adapt the starting to the supply line capacity limits.

Starting with pump control (4):

It is optimized to provide the torque necessary to smoothly start and stop centrifugal hydraulic pumps.

It has a special algorithm for centrifugal pumps, which are loads with quadratic torque. This special algorithm is
designed to minimize water hammer and pressure overshoots that could break or wear out excessively the
hydraulic pipes.

Starting with torque control:

68 | SSW7000
Control Type .
The SSW has a high performance and very flexible torque control algorithm to meet the needs of any
application, for starting as well as stopping the load smoothly.

The Torque Control and Torque Indication can be used with motors of up to eight poles.

Torque control with 1 setting point (2):

It allows adjusting a constant starting torque limit.

Torque control with 2 setting points (3):

It allows adjusting the starting torque limit in a linear ramp.

Torque control with 3 setting points (4):

It allows adjusting a starting torque limit curve with 3 points, initial, intermediate and end. It makes it possible to
start quadratic loads, among others.

Direct on Line Start D.O.L. (1):

The direct on line start D.O.L. is performed by means of the main and by-pass contactors, without using the
power arms of the SSW.

The Direct On Line Start can be used as an emergency when the power arms of the SSW present
a fault.

D.O.L - Software version V1.60 and later:
1. It is not necessary to remove the power arms from the SSW before using Direct On-line Start.
2. It is advisable a visual inspection inside the panel before using Direct On-line Start.
3. The maximum starting time, P0102, is used as protection for the Direct On-line Start. It will be
considered that the motor started when the current is smaller than 120% of the motor rated

Degree of difficulty of the control types:

Very easy to adjust and program.
Easy to adjust and program.
It requires some knowledge of the load for adjusting and programming.
It requires requires extensive knowledge of the load for adjusting and programming.

The control types are disposed according to the using and programming degree of
difficulty.Therefore, begin using the easier control modes.

The next table presents the relationship between the adopted type of starting control and the automatically
selected stopping control.

SSW7000 | 69
Control Type .
Table 11.1: Available deceleration methods as a function of the starting technique

Torque Control
Pump Comtrol
Voltage Ramp

Current Ramp
Current Limit

Direct Stop
Voltage Ramp X
+ Current Limit
Current Limit X
Current Ramp X
Pump Control X
Torque Control X
Direct on Line D.O.L. X

When there is the need of limiting the starting current, then the current limit or the current ramp
must be used.

The Figure 11.1 shows the programming sequence necessary for each control type.

Whenever the content of P0202 is changed, the SSW enters the routine of minimum settings for
each selected type of control. All the parameters of this sequence must be covered and adjusted
(when necessary), a reset must be performed, and only then the motor can be operated.

70 | SSW7000
Control Type .

Figure 11.1: Programming sequence of the control types

SSW7000 | 71
Control Type .
P0101 – Initial Starting Voltage

Adjustable 35 to 90 % Factory Setting: 40 %

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 22 Control Type.... ... .... .... ..

It is used with the control types Voltage Ramp and Pump Control, P0202 = 0 or 2.

It adjusts the initial start voltage as a percentage of the nominal voltage (%Un) that will be applied to the motor,
according to the Figure 11.2.

Figure 11.2: Initial Voltage

When a control type different from Pump Control is selected, then the initial start voltage will be
attenuated depending on the limit imposed by that control.

When Voltage Ramp + Current Limit is selected, the value of the initial voltage will be attenuated
considering the Current Limit. However, with high initial voltage values and low current limit values,
current “over shoots” may occur at the initial moment of the start.

P0102 – Maximun Starting Time

Adjustable 1 to 999 s Factory Setting: 20 s

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 22 Control Type.... ... .... .... ..

When the SSW is programmed for the control types Voltage Ramp +Current Limit or Pump Control, this
becomes the time for the voltage increase, according to the Figure 11.3.

72 | SSW7000
Control Type .

Figure 11.3: Acceleration ramp by Voltage Ramp

When the SSW is programmed for the control types Voltage Ramp + Current Limit, Current Limit, Torque
Control or Current Ramp, D.O.L., this parameter sets the maximum start time, working as a protection against
locked rotor.

Figure 11.4: Acceleration ramp by Current Limit

The time programmed in P0102 is not the exact motor acceleration time, but the voltage ramp time
or the maximum allowed start time. The motor acceleration time depends on the motor
characteristics, as well as on the load characteristics.

P0103 – Step Down Voltage at Stop

Adjustable 99 to 60 % Motor Un Factory Setting: 100 %

Range: 100% = Inactive
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 22 Control Type.... .... .. ... . ..

It is used with hydraulic pump applications. It adjusts the percentage of the nominal voltage (% Un) that will be
applied to the motor instantaneously when the SSW receives the command to decelerate by voltage ramp.

A deceleration ramp time, stopping time, must be programmed, so that this function operates.

SSW7000 | 73
Control Type .
P0104 – Stopping Time

Adjustable 1 to 999 s Factory Setting: 0

Range: 0 = Inactive
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 22 Control Type.... .. .... .......

It is used with hydraulic pump applications. It makes it possible to perform a controlled deceleration, by enabling
and adjusting the voltage decrease ramp time.

For more details on how to program and to apply it, refer to the Pump Control. It can be used with the control
types: Voltage Ramp, Pump Control, Current Limit and Current Ramp.

This function is used to extend the normal deceleration time of the load, and not to force a time
shorter than the required by the load itself.

P0105 – End Voltage at Stop

Adjustable 35 to 55 % Motor Un Factory Setting: 35 %

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 22 Control Type.... .... .... ......

It is used with hydraulic pump applications. It adjusts the percentage of the nominal voltage (% Un) that will be
applied to the motor at the end of the deceleration ramp.

Figure 11.5: Deceleration ramp by voltage

P0106 – Automatic Starting End Detection with Voltage Ramp

Adjustable 0 = Timed (P0102) Factory Setting: 1

Range: 1 = Automatic
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 22 Control Type.... ........ .... .

It allows applying full voltage to the motor as soon as it reaches its rated speed, before the end of the period
programmed in P0102, when starting with voltage ramp.

74 | SSW7000
Control Type .
The acceleration end is detected when P0007 reaches 95 % of the supply line voltage, P0004. This function is
used to prevent the motor from operating at rated speed with voltage lower than the nominal, thus avoiding
possible SCR burning due to synchronism loss in this condition.

P0110 – Current Limit

Adjustable 150 to 600 % Motor In Factory Setting: 300 %

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 22 Control Type... .... .. .... ...

Used in control types: Voltage Ramp + Current Limit, Current Limit and Current Ramp.

It defines the maximum current during the motor starting, as a percentage of the motor rated current adjusted in

If the current limit is reached during the motor starting, the SSW maintains the current in that limit until the motor
achieves the starting end.

If the current limit is not reached, the motor will start immediately.

Figure 11.6: Current Limit

P0111 – Initial Value to Current Ramp

Adjustable 150 to 600 % Motor In Factory Setting: 150 %

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 22 Control Type... .

It is used by the Current Ramp control, P0204 = 4. It makes it possible to program a current limit ramp to allow
starting loads with higher or lower starting torque, or quadratic loads, replacing the voltage ramp.

The current limit initial value is given by P0111, the end value by P0110 and the time by P0112, according to the
Figure 11.7.

SSW7000 | 75
Control Type .
P0112 – Current Ramp Time

Adjustable 1 to 99 % of P0102 Factory Setting: 20 %

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 22 Control Type.... .... .. .......

It is used by the Current Ramp control, P0204 = 4. It makes it possible to program the time until the end of the
current ramp, as a percentage of P0102.

After the time programmed in P0112 has elapsed, the current limit is set by P0110.

Figure 11.7: Starting with current ramp and lower initial value

Small P0112 values in the Figure 11.7 allow smoothening the starting initial moments. Longer times allow the
starting of quadratic loads.

Figure 11.8: Starting with current ramp and higher initial value

The initial P0111 current value programmed in the Figure 11.8 is used to provide a higher initial torque, in order
to overcome loads with resistant torque.

P0120 – Starting Torque Characteristic

Adjustable 1 = Constant (1 setting point) Factory Setting: 1

Range: 2 = Linear (2 setting points)
3 = Quadratic (3 setting points)
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 22 Control Type.... .. .... .......

76 | SSW7000
Control Type .
It allows choosing which torque profile the SSW will follow during the motor starting.

Three torque limit profiles are available, which make it possible to start any type of load, constant or 1 point,
linear or 2 points and quadratic or 3 points.

Figure 11.9: Available starting torque profiles

Choose the torque control type easier to program and to adjust, and according to your knowledge
of the used load characteristics.

P0121 – Initial Starting Torque

Adjustable 10 to 400 % MotorTn Factory Setting: 30 %

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 22 Control Type... .. .... .... ...

It allows programming an initial or constant starting torque, according to the starting torque characteristic
selected in P0120.

Table 11.2: P0121 function according to P0120

P0120 Action
1 (Constant) P0121 limits the maximum torque throughout the starting
2 (Linear) P0121 limits the initial starting torque
3 (Quadratic) P0121 limits the initial starting torque

P0122 – End Starting Torque

Adjustable 10 to 400 % MotorTn Factory Setting: 110 %

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 22 Control Type....... .... . ... ..

SSW7000 | 77
Control Type .
It makes possible the programming of an end starting torque limit if either linear or quadratic torque is selected
in P0120.

Table 11.3: P0122 function according to P0120

P0120 Action
1 (Constant) P0122 has no function
2 (Linear) P0122 limits the end starting torque
3 (Quadratic) P0122 limits the end starting torque

P0123 – Minimum Starting Torque

Adjustable 10 to 400 % MotorTn Factory Setting: 27 %

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 22 Control Type.... .. .. . .... ..

It makes possible the programming of an intermediate starting torque limit if quadratic torque has been selected
in P0120.

Table 11.4: P0123 function according to P0120

P0120 Action
1 (Constant) P0123 has no function
2 (Linear) P0123 has no function
3 (Quadratic) P0123 limits the intermediate starting torque

P0124 – Minimum Starting Torque Time

Adjustable 1 to 99 % of P0102 Factory Setting: 20 %

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 22 Control Type.... .... .. . ... ..

It makes possible the programming of the intermediate starting torque limit time, as a percentage of the
maximum time defined in P0102, if quadratic torque characterisitic has been selected in P0120.

Table 11.5: P0124 function according to P0120

P0120 Action
1 (Constant) P0124 has no function
2 (Linear) P0124 has no function
3 (Quadratic) P0124 sets the time for the intermediate starting torque

P0125 – Stopping Torque Characterisitic

Adjustable 1 = Constant (1 setting point) Factory Setting: 1

Range: 2 = Linear (2 setting points)
3 = Quadratic (3 setting points)
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 22 Control Type.... .. .... ... ....

It allows choosing which torque profile the SSW will follow during the motor stopping.

78 | SSW7000
Control Type .
Three torque limit profiles are available, which make it possible to improve the speed performance during the
stoppng process.

Figure 11.10: Available stopping torque profiles

Choose the torque control type easier to program and to adjust, and according to your knowledge
of the used load characteristics.

P0126 – End Stopping Torque

Adjustable 10 to 100 % MotorTn Factory Setting: 20 %

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 22 Control Type.... ... .... .......

It allows programming a final or constant stopping torque, according to the torque characteristic selected in

Table 11.6: P0126 function according to P0125

P0120 Action
1 (Constant) P0126 limits the maximum torque throughout the stopping
2 (Linear) P0126 limits the final stopping torque
3 (Quadratic) P0126 limits the final stopping torque

P0127 – Minimum Stopping Torque

Adjustable 10 to 100 % MotorTn Factory Setting: 50 %

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 22 Control Type.... .. .... .... ..


SSW7000 | 79
Control Type .
It allows programming an initial or intermidiate stopping torque, if linear or quadratic torque has been selected in

Table 11.7: P0127 function according to P0125

P0120 Action
1 (Constant) P0127 has no function
2 (Linear) P0127 limits the torque soon after a stop command
3 (Quadratic) P0127 limits the intermidiate stopping torque

P0128 – Minimum Stopping Torque Time

Adjustable 1 to 99 % of P0104 Factory Setting: 50 %

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 22 Control Type.... .... .. .... ..

It makes possible the programming of the intermediate stopping torque limit time, as a percentage of the
maximum time defined in P0104, if quadratic torque characterisitic has been selected in P0125.

Table 11.8: P0128 function according to P0125

P0120 Action
1 (Constant) P0128 has no function
2 (Linear) P0128 has no function (time = 0)
3 (Quadratic) P0128 sets the time for the intermediate stopping torque

P0130 – Pump Control

Adjustable 0 = Pump I Factory Setting: 0

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 22 Control Type.... .... .. .... . .

This parameter is reserved for the next software versions, to select the type of hydraulic pump. The current
version is dedicated to centrifugal hydraulic pumps, presenting quadratic loads to the motor.

Figure 11.11: Start and Stop by Pump Control

80 | SSW7000
SSW Data .

12. SSW DATA [27]

In this group are the parameters related to the SSW information and characteristics.

P0023 – C1 Software Version

Adjustable 0.00 to 655.35 Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 27 SSW Data.... ...... .... ...... .

It indicates the software version contained in the FLASH memory of the microcontroller located on the control
board 1. This control board has the function of making the interface with the user.

P0099 – C2 Software Version

Adjustable 0.00 to 655.35 Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 27 SSW Data.... .. .... .... ......

It indicates the software version contained in the FLASH memory of the microcontroller located on the control
board 1. This control board has the function of performing the motor control.

P0027 – Accessories Configuration 1

P0028 – Accessories Configuration 2

Adjustable 0000h to FFFFh Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 27 SSW Data.. .... .... .... ... ...

Those parameters identify by means of a hexadecimal code the accessories that were found installed on the
control module.

For the accessories installed in the slots 1 and 2 the identification code is informed at the parameter P0027. In
case of modules connected in the slots 3, 4 or 5, the code is informed through the parameter P0028.

The next table shows the codes presented in those parameters, regarding the main SSW accessories.

SSW7000 | 81
SSW Data .
Table 12.1: SSW accessory identification code

Name Description Slot Code
P0027 P0028
IOE-04 Module for 8 PT100 temperature sensors 1 and 2 28-- ----
RS-485-01 RS-485 serial communication module 3 ---- CE--
RS-232-01 RS-232C serial communication module 3 ---- CC--
RS-232C serial communication module with switches for programming the
RS-232-02 3 ---- CC--
microcontroller FLASH memory
PROFIBUS DP-05 Profibus-DP interface module 4 ---- ----(2)
DEVICENET-05 DeviceNet interface module 4 ---- ----(2)
ETHERNET IP-05 Ethernet/IP interface module 4 ---- ----(2)
MODBUSTCP-05 Modbus TCP interface module 4 ---- ----(2)
PROFINETIO-05 PROFINET IO interface module 4 ---- ----(2)
RS-232-05 RS-232 interface module 4 ---- ----(2)
RS-485-05 RS-485 interface module 4 ---- ----(2)
MMF-01 FLASH Memory Module 5 ---- ----(1)

For Anybus-CC communication modules (slot 4), PLC11 module and for the FLASH memory module, the P028
identification code will depend on the combination of these accessories, as presented in the next table.

Table 12.2: Formation of the two first codes for P0028

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
FLASH Anybus-CC modules
0 Memory 01 = Active Module 0 0 0 0
Module 10 = Passive Module
2nd Hexadecimal Code 1st Hexadecimal Code

Bit 6: indicates the presence of the FLASH memory module (0 = without memory module, 1 = with memory
Bit 5 and 4: indicate the presence of active or passive Anybus-CC module, as follows.

Table 12.3: Module types

Bit 5 Bit 4 Type of Module Name
1 0 Passive RS-232-05, RS-485-05

Bits 3, 2, 1 and 0 are fixed in 0000, and form always the code “0” in hexadecimal.

P0203 – Fan Control Configuration

Adjustable 0 = Always Off Factory Setting: 2

Range: 1 = Always On
2 = Software Controlled
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 27 SSW Data.... .... .... .. .... .

It defines the operation of the fan control.

82 | SSW7000
SSW Data .
P0295 – Nominal SSW Current

Adjustable 0 = 10 A Factory Setting: 1

Range: 1 = 70 A SSW7000C
2 = 70 A SSW7000
3 = 125 SSW7000C
4 = 180 A SSW7000
5 = 250 A SSW7000C
6 = 300 A SSW7000
7 = 359 A SSW7000C
8 = 360A SSW7000
9 = Reserved
10 = 400 A SSW7000
11 = Reservado
12 = 500 A SSW7000
13 = Reservado
14 = 600 A SSW7000
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 27 SSW Data.... .. .... .... .... .

Protections and thermal capabilities of the SSW7000 and SSW7000C are different, therefore, set
exactly as the model of the SSW.

P0296 – Nominal SSW Voltage

Adjustable 0 = 220/500 V Factory Setting: 1

Range: 1 = 2300 V
2 = 4160 V
3 = 6900 V
4 = 13800 V
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 27 SSW Data.... .... .. .... .... .

The SSW data programmed in P0295 and P0296 must be exactly those presented in the SSW
identification label.

SSW7000 | 83
Motor Data .

13. MOTOR DATA [28]

In this group are the parameters related to the motor information and characteristics.

The motor data programmed in P0400 to P0405 must be exactly those presented on the motor

P0400 – Nominal Motor Voltage

Adjustable 0 to 13800 V Factory Setting: 3300 V

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 28 Motor Data.... .. .... .... ....

Adjust this parameter according to the motor nameplate data.

All the voltage protections are based on the content of this parameter.

P0401 – Nominal Motor Current

Adjustable 0.0 to 1200.0 A Factory Setting: 100.0 A

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 28 Motor Data.... .... ... .... ....

Adjust this parameter according to the motor nameplate data.

The current protections and limit are based on the content of this parameter.

4. In order that the protections based on the current reading and indication operate properly, the
motor rated current must not be less than 20 % of the SSW rated current.
5. We do not recommend the use of motors that operate in steady state with less than 50 % of
their rated load.
6. Program the motor nominal current according to the line voltage.

P0402 – Nominal Motor Speed

Adjustable 400 to 3600 rpm Factory Setting: 1780 rpm

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 28 Motor Data.... ... .... .... ....

Adjust this parameter according to the motor nameplate data.

The programmed speed must be exactly what is written on the motor nameplate, already considering the slip.

84 | SSW7000
Motor Data .

P0404 – Nominal Motor Power

Adjustable 1 to 9999 kW Factory Setting: 570 kW

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 28 Motor Data.... ... .... .... ....

Adjust this parameter according to the motor nameplate data.

If the power is expressed in CV or HP, just multiply the value by 0.74 to convert in kW.

P0405 – Nominal Motor Power Factor

Adjustable 0.00 to 1.00 Factory Setting: 0.89

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 28 Motor Data.... ........ .... ....

Adjust this parameter according to the motor nameplate data.

SSW7000 | 85
Special Functions .



P0317 – Oriented Start-up

Adjustable 0 = No Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Yes
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 02 ORIENTED START-UP....

The function of the oriented start-up is to present a minimum programming sequence, necessary to put the
motor in operation.

Figure 14.1: Oriented start-up programming sequence

The control types and the necessary setting sequence for each one are presented in the section Control Type
[22] on the page 68.

The exit from the oriented start-up routine is done through the reset key.

The motor data programmed in P0400 to P0405 must be exactly those presented on the motor

86 | SSW7000
Special Functions .
14.2. TEST MODE [09]

P0320 – Test Mode

Adjustable 0 = No Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Yes
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 09 TEST MODE....

The test mode function has the purpose of making the hardware operation verification easier.

Program P0320 = 1 to enter the test mode. In order to leave the test mode, press the reset key.

The test mode is executed only if there is no fault indication at the SSW.

P0321– Test Mode Sequence

Adjustable 0 = Not Used Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = R_U Arm SCR On
2 = S_V Arm SCR On
3 = T_W Arm SCR On
4 = Fan On
5 = Bypass Contator On
6 = Main Contator On
7 = R_U Arm Currente Transformer Test
8 = S_V Arm Currente Transformer Test
9 = T_W Arm Currente Transformer Test
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 09 TEST MODE....

It is recommended to follow the next steps in the first energização:

The tests, from P0321 = 1 to P0321 = 5, are performed with the medium voltage compartment
front door open, with the low voltage power supply turned on and the medium voltage power
supply turned off (open disconnect switch).

■ program P0320 = 1 to enter the test mode;

■ program P0321 = 1, the R-U arm SCRs are fired continuously. The white LED that indicates R-U arm SCR
firing must turn on;
■ program P0321 = 2, the S-V arm SCRs are fired continuously. The white LED that indicates S-V arm SCR
firing must turn on;
■ program P0321 = 3, the T-W arm SCRs are fired continuously. The white LED that indicates T-W arm SCR
firing must turn on;
■ program P0321 = 4, the fan operation relay closes. The fan, if installed, must turn on;
■ program P0321 = 5, the bypass operation relay closes. The bypass contactor must close.

SSW7000 | 87
Special Functions .

During the next tests, close all the panel doors, because the medium voltage components will be

■ switch on the SSW medium voltage power supply;

■ close the input disconnect switch;
■ program P0321 = 6, the main contactor operation relay closes. The main contactor must close, thus
energizing the SSW power section components. Verify by means of the parameters P0004, P0005, P0033,
P0034 and P0035 whether the voltage and frequency readings are correct. Check the phase sequence at
P0029. Check the ground fault in P0071 or P0072 according P0825 setings;
■ program P0321 = 7, the main contactor operation relay closes or remains closed. The R-U and the S-V arm
SCRs are shortly fired, thus testing the R-U current transformer;
■ program P0321 = 8, the main contactor operation relay closes or remains closed. The S-V and the T-W arm
SCRs are shortly fired, thus testing the S-V current transformer;
■ program P0321 = 9, the main contactor operation relay closes or remains closed. The T-W and the R-U arm
SCRs are shortly fired thus testing the T-W current transformer;
If the currents measured by the CTs are correct, a test OK message is presented on the HMI display. If any fault
occurs during the test, its respective message is indicated on the HMI.
■ press the reset key to exit the test mode.

1. In order to perform the current transformer tests it is necessary to connect a motor at the
SSW output, with a rated current of at least 10 % and a maximum of 100% of the SSW rated
current. Otherwise, you may damage the SSW.
2. After the test of one current transformer, the main contactor remains closed until a new test is
performed or the test mode is aborted.
3. The current transformer test checks the connections with the control board, the polarity and
the respective position.
4. The current transformer test does not verify if the CT rate is correct.

14.3. SAFE SECTIONG [10]

P0330 – Safe Sectioning

Adjustable 0 = No Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Yes
Properties: CFG

P0331 – Safe Sectioning Sequence

Adjustable 0 = Power Supply Switc is Off? Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Main Contactor On
2 = Bypass Contactor On
3 = Bypass Contactor Off
4 = Main Contactor Off
5 = End
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 SAFE SECCIONING....

The Safe Disconnection function performs an opening and closing sequence of the disconnecting switch and
contactors of the SSW so as to eliminate possible medium voltages presents within the product.

88 | SSW7000
Special Functions .
Set P0330 = 1 in order to enter the safe disconnection mode. In order to exit the test mode, press the reset key.

The safe disconnection mode is only executed if no faults are indicated in the SSW.

It is recommended the following steps in the disconnection:

■ set P0330 = 1 in order to enter the safe disconnection mode;

■ P331 will display the sequence in which the safe disconnection will be executed;
■ P331 = 0, is asking if the medium voltage power supply is deactivated;
■ manually open the disconnecting switch of the SSW panel;
■ after manually opening the disconnecting switch, select P0331 and respond “OK”;
■ then, the main and bypass contactors will be automatically closed and opened so as to eliminate possible
medium voltages present within the product;
■ all along the procedure, messages will be displayed on the HMI.

Close all the panel doors, because the medium voltage components will be energized

14.4. BRAKING [29]

P0500 – Braking Methods

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Reverse Braking
2 = Optimal Braking
3 = DC Braking
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 29 Braking.... .... .... .... .. .....

The SSW has three different braking methods. These methods are used where there is the need to reduce the
motor stopping time.

Figure 14.2: Braking torque

■ P0500 = 1 - Reverse Braking

This is an efficient braking method, capable of stopping high inertia loads.

SSW7000 | 89
Special Functions .
The motor will stop due to an AV voltage level, opposite to the rotation direction, applied to the motor until
reaching approximately 20 % of its rated speed, when the optimal braking is activated to stop the motor.

P0502 programs the AC voltage level and the optimal braking level, which will be applied to the motor.

Two contactors are necessary to invert the motor rotation direction.

Figure 14.3: Reverse braking

1. Both contactors must be of the same model and they must withstand the motor starting
current. For safety reasons, the auxiliary contacts must be used to prevent the two contactors
to close simultaneously.
2. Use a digital input programmed for General Enable to stop the motor without the braking.
3. For safety reasons, use a digital input programmed for Braking Off in order to make it possible
to use a motor stopping sensor, which disables the motor preventing it from rotating in the
opposite direction.
4. The SSW does not protect the motor during the braking process without using temperature
sensors together with the IOE4 board.

■ P0500 = 2 - Optimal Braking

This is an efficient method to stop medium inertia loads.

A DC voltage is applied only as long as it is able to produce a braking effect.

There is no need for contactors.

Figure 14.4: Optimal braking

90 | SSW7000
Special Functions .

1. Use a digital input programmed for General Enable to stop the motor without the braking.
2. For safety reasons, use a digital input programmed for Braking Off in order to make it possible
to use a motor stopping sensor, which disables the motor immediately.
3. Optimal braking is not recommended for two and eight pole motors.
4. The SSW does not protect the motor during the braking process without using temperature
sensors together with the IOE4 board.

■ P0500 = 3 - DC Braking

This is an old and efficient method, able to stop high inertia loads rapidly.

A DC current is applied continuously to the motor until it stops.

A contactor to short-circuit the U and V output phases is necessary.

The current needed to stop the motor is high and is applied continuously.

Figure 14.5: DC braking

1. Use a digital input programmed for General Enable to stop the motor without the braking.
2. Use a digital input programmed for Braking Off in order to make it possible to use a motor
stopping sensor and disable the braking immediately.
3. The SSW does not protect the motor during the braking process without using temperature
sensors together with the IOE4 board.

P0501 – Braking Time

Adjustable 1 to 299 Factory Setting: 10

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 29 Braking.... .... ........ .... . ...

P0501 adjusts the maximum time that the braking is applied.

SSW7000 | 91
Special Functions .

1. This is the main protection of all of the braking methods. Program it according to the
application needs, if the motor and the SSW are able to withstand it.
2. The parameters P0001, P0002, P0003, P0008, P0009, P0010 and P0011 are zeroed
(indicate zero) during the optimal braking and the DC braking.
3. The current transformers do not work with DC due to their saturation.
4. The SSW does not protect the motor during the braking process without using temperature
sensors together with the IOE4 board.

P0502 – Braking Voltage Level

Adjustable 30 to 70 Factory Setting: 30

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 29 Braking.... .... ... .... .... .....

P0502 adjusts the DC voltage level that will be applied to the motor.

This level is based in the AC voltage that will be converter into DC.

This parameter does also adjust the level of the AC voltage that will be applied during the reverse braking.

1. Be careful with this braking voltage level. Program it according to the application needs, if the
motor and the SSW are able to withstand it.
2. Begin with a low value and increase it until reaching the necessary level.
3. The current transformers do not work with DC due to their saturation.
4. The SSW does not protect the motor during the braking process without using temperature
sensors together with the IOE4 board.
5. In order to use high braking levels, the SSW must be oversized.
6. To perform correct current measurements during the braking, it is necessary to use Hall effect
current transformers.

P0503 – Braking End Detection

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Automatic
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 29 Braking... .... .... ... .... .... .

This functions makes possible the motor standstill detection.

1. This detection does not work with two pole or eight pole motors.
2. The motor standstill detection may vary according to the motor temperature.
3. Always use the maximum braking time, P0501, as the main protection.

14.5. JOG [30]

92 | SSW7000
Special Functions .

P0510 – JOG

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Active
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 30 JOG.... ... .... .... .... .... ....

This parameter enables the low speed Jog.

Low speed with Jog in the forward rotation direction is approximately 1/7 of the nominal speed.

Low speed with Jog in the reverse rotation direction is approximately 1/11 of the nominal speed.

Table 14.1: Jog and motor rotation direction

P0510 P0228 Operation
0 (Inactive) - Without Jog.
1 (Active) 0 (Inactive) It makes the low speed Jog possible only in forward rotation direction.
It makes the low speed Jog, in the same rotation direction of the line, possible.
1 (Active) 1 (By Contactor)
Rotaion direction contactors allow the rotation reversion.
1 (Active) 2 (Only for JOG) It makes the low speed Jog in both directions possible, without using contactors.

P0511– JOG Level

Adjustable 10 to 100 % Factory Setting: 30 %

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 30 JOG.... .... ........ .... .... ....

This parameter adjusts the Jog voltage level that will be applied to the motor.

1. Be careful with this Jog voltage level. Program it according to the application needs, if the
motor and the SSW are able to withstand it.
2. The motor can only be operated during a limited period with Jog, use a pushbutton.
3. The SSW does not protect the motor during the Jog function without using temperature
sensors together with the IOE4 board.

1. The parameter P0102 is the Jog time limit protection. If this time is exceeded, then E62
2. The parameters P0001, P0002, P0003, P0008, P0009, P0010 and P0011 are zeroed (indicate
zero) during the Jog function.
3. The current transformers do not work with Jog currents because they saturate due to the low
Jog frequencies.
4. In order to use high Jog levels, the SSW must be oversized.
5. To perform correct current measurements during the Jog, it is necessary to use Hall effect
current transformers.

SSW7000 | 93
Special Functions .
14.6. KICK START [31]

P0520 – Kick Start

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Active
Properties: CFG

P0521 – Kick Start Time

Adjustable 0.1 to 2.0 s Factory Setting: 0.1 s

Properties: CFG

P0522 – Kick Start Voltage Level

Adjustable 70 to 90 % Factory Setting: 70 %

Properties: CFG

P0523 – Kick Start Current Level

Adjustable 300 to 700 % Factory Setting: 500 %

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 31 Kick Start... .... .... .. .... ...

The SSW makes possible the use of a torque pulse for starting-up loads that present high initial resistance to
the movement.

It is enabled by setting P0520 = 1, and during a period adjustable at P0521. This pulse will be applied according
to the control type selected in P0202:
■ Voltage Ramp: with a voltage level adjustable at P0522.
■ Current Limit: with a current level adjustable at P0523.
■ Current Ramp: with a current level adjustable at P0523.

94 | SSW7000
Special Functions .

Figure 14.6: Starting torque pulse - kick start - settings

1. Use this function only in specific applications where it is necessary.
2. This function is not necessary with torque control.

SSW7000 | 95
Protections .



P0800 – Motor Undervoltage

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 1

Range: 1 = Fault F002
2 = Alarm A002
Properties: CFG

P0801 – Motor Undervoltage Level

Adjustable 0 to 30 % Vn Factory Setting: 20 % Vn

Properties: CFG

P0802 – Motor Undervoltage Time

Adjustable 0.1 to 10.0 s Factory Setting: 0.5 s

Properties: CFG

P0803 – Motor Overvoltage

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 1

Range: 1 = Fault F016
2 = Alarm A016
Properties: CFG

P0804 – Motor Overvoltage Level

Adjustable 0 to 20 % Vn Factory Setting: 15 % Vn

Properties: CFG

P0805 – Motor Overvoltage Time

Adjustable 0.1 to 10.0 s Factory Setting: 0.5 s

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... .......
∟ 110 Voltage Protections.... . ....

The over- and undervoltage values are adjusted as a percentage of the motor rated voltage (P0400).

Undervoltage(%) =
(P0400 − P0004) ⋅ 100% (P0004 − P0400) ⋅ 100%
Overvoltage(%) =
P0400 P0400

P0803 and P0800 program the over- and undervoltage protections operation. If it is programmed for fault, the
motor is deactivated and the fault message is presented on the HMI. If it is programmed for alarm, the motor
keeps running and the alarm message is presented on the HMI display.

96 | SSW7000
Protections .

P0801 adjusts the undervoltage level of the power supply that the motor can withstand during the period
adjusted in P0802, after which the SSW executes the action programmed in P0800.

P0804 adjusts the overvoltage level of the power supply that the motor can withstand during the period
adjusted in P0805, after which the SSW executes the action programmed in P0803.

These functions are active all the way through the motor operation.

Refer to the section 20.7 for programming examples.

Figure 15.1: Over- and Undervoltage trip levels

P0806 – Motor Voltage Imbalance

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 1

Range: 1 = Fault F001
2 = Alarm A001
Properties: CFG

P0807 – Motor Voltage Imbalance Level

Adjustable 0 to 30 % Vn Factory Setting: 15 % Vn

Properties: CFG

SSW7000 | 97
Protections .
P0808 – Motor Voltage Imbalance Time

Adjustable 0.1 to 10.0 s Factory Setting: 0.5 s

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... ... ..
∟ 110 Voltage Protections..... ....

The voltage imbalance values are adjusted as a percentage of the motor rated voltage (P0400).

RS − ST (%) =
(P0033 − P0034) ⋅ 100% ; ST − TR(%) = (P0034 − P0035) ⋅ 100% ; TR − RS (%) = (P0035 − P0033) ⋅ 100%
P0400 P0400 P0400

P0806 programs the voltage imbalance protection operation. If it is programmed for fault, the motor is
deactivated and the fault message is presented on the HMI. If it is programmed for alarm, the motor keeps
running and the alarm message is presented on the HMI display.

P0807 adjusts the maximum voltage imbalance between the three lines of the power supply that the motor can
withstand during the period adjusted in P0808, after which the SSW executes the action programmed in P0806.

Phase loss, during the starting as well as during full voltage, is detected through those settings.

This function is active all the way through the motor operation.

P0809 – Electric Arc Detection

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Active
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... .. ...
∟ 110 Voltage Protections..... ....

An optical sensor positioned inside the medium voltage compartment, which is connected to the C1 control
board, does the electric arc detection protection.

This protection works indicating the alarm on the HMI and enabling the difgital output DO3, when programeded
for Arc Detection: P0277=13. This output can be connected to a device that interrupts the supply of energy to
the panel of the SSW. This device must support the capacity of short circuit of the power supply sistem.

The tripping time of this protection is of approximately 5ms until enabling the digital output DO3. Enabling
means relay with energized bobbin. Refer the page 66 for programming the digital output (P0277 parameter).


98 | SSW7000
Protections .
P0810 – Motor Undercurrent

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Fault F065
2 = Alarm A065
Properties: CFG

P0811 – Motor Undercurrent Level

Adjustable 0 to 99 %In Factory Setting: 20 %In

Properties: CFG

P0812 – Motor Undercurrent Time

Adjustable 1 to 99 s Factory Setting: 1s

Properties: CFG

P0813 – Motor Overcurrent

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Fault F066
2 = Alarm A066
Properties: CFG

P0814 – Motor Overcurrent Level

Adjustable 0 to 99 %In Factory Setting: 20 %In

Properties: CFG

P0815 – Motor Overcurrent Time

Adjustable 1 to 99 s Factory Setting: 1s

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... ... ..
∟ 111 Current Protections ...

The over- and undercurrent values are adjusted as a percentage of the motor rated current (P0401).

Undercurrent (%) =
(P0401 − P0003) ⋅ 100% Overcurrent (%) =
(P0003 − P0401) ⋅ 100%
P0401 P0401

P0813 and P0810 program the over- and undercurrent protections operation. If it is programmed for fault, the
motor is deactivated and the fault message is presented on the HMI. If it is programmed for alarm, the motor
keeps running and the alarm message is presented on the HMI display.

P0811 adjusts the undercurrent level that the motor can withstand during the period adjusted in P0812, after
which the SSW executes the action programmed in P0810. It is used with hydraulic pump applications, where
the pump cannot operate without load.

SSW7000 | 99
Protections .
P0814 adjusts the overcurrent level that allows the motor operation during the period adjusted in P0815, after
which the SSW executes the action programmed in P0813.

These functions are active only with full voltage, after the motor starting.

Refer to the section 20.7 for programming examples.

Figure 15.2: Over- and Undercurrent trip levels

P0816 – Current Imbalance

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Fault F074
2 = Alarm A074
Properties: CFG

P0817 – Current Imbalance Level

Adjustable 0 to 30 % In Factory Setting: 15 % In

Properties: CFG

P0818 – Current Imbalance Time

Adjustable 1 to 99 s Factory Setting: 1s

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... ... ........
∟ 111 Current Protections ... ....

The current imbalance values are adjusted as a percentage of the motor rated current (P0401).
100 | SSW7000
Protections .

RS − ST (%) =
(P0030 − P0031) ⋅ 100% ; ST − TR(%) = (P0031 − P0032) ⋅ 100% ; TR − RS (%) = (P0033 − P0031) ⋅ 100%
P0401 P0401 P0401

P0816 programs the current imbalance protection operation. If it is programmed for fault, the motor is
deactivated and the fault message is presented on the HMI. If it is programmed for alarm, the motor keeps
running and the alarm message is presented on the HMI display.

P0817 adjusts the maximum current imbalance between the three phases that the motor can withstand during
the period adjusted in P0818, after which the SSW executes the action programmed in P0816.

Phase loss at full voltage operation is detected through those settings.

This function is active only with full voltage, after the motor starting.

P0819 – Undercurrent Byfore the Bypass Closing

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 1

Range: 1 = Fault F076
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... .... ..
∟ 111 Current Protections..... ....

When enabled, this function allows the protection against undercurrent before the bypass closing, in other
words, it prevents the bypass from closing during a supply line failure or a thyristor fault.

When disabled, it allows starting motors with rated current lower than 10 % of the SSW rated current.

Disable this function only in case of tests with low current motors.

P0820 – Locked Rotor at Starting End

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 1

Range: 1 = Fault F063

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... .... ...
∟ 111 Current Protections.... .......

When enabled, this function allows the protection against locked rotor at the starting end, in other words, it
prevents the bypass from closing with an overcurrent of two times the motor rated current.

SSW7000 | 101
Protections .

Disable this function only in cases where the motor is able to withstand high current duty cycles.


P0825 – Ground Fault

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Indicates Current (A)
2 = Indicates Voltage (V)
3 = Fault F011 (Current)
4 = Fault F012 (Voltage)
Properties: CFG

P0826 – Ground Fault Current Level

Adjustable 0.01 to 5.00 A Factory Setting: 0.30 A

Properties: CFG

P0827 – Ground Fault Voltage Level

Adjustable 1 to 65535 V Factory Setting: 100 V

Properties: CFG

P0828 – Ground Fault Time

Adjustable 0.1 to 10.0 s Factory Setting: 0.1 s

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... .... ..
∟ 112 Ground Fault.... .... .... ... .

The SSW has two ground fault detection methods, by current or by neutral to ground voltage measurement,
which can be selected and programmed according to the needs of each application.

Table 15.1: Ground fault protection tripping mode

P0825 Operation
0 (Inactive) The protection is disabled and 0 is indicated in P0071 and P0072
1 (Indicates Current (A)) It only indicates the Ground Fault Current in P0071
2 (Indicates Voltage (V)) It only indicates the Ground Fault Voltage in P0072
Fault F011 – Both the protection and the ground fault current
3 (Fault F011)
indication in P0071 are enabled
4 (Fault F012) Fault F012 – Both the protection and the ground fault voltage
indication in P0072 are enabled

The current ground fault protection operates through the measurement of the ground fault current transformer
current, which is located in the motor three-phase supply circuit.

102 | SSW7000
Protections .
The ground fault current must be close to 0 (zero) if the motor and its connection cables present perfect
insulations. The trip level of this protection must be adjusted according to the used installation.

Figure 15.3: Ground fault detection by current


The ground fault protection by neutral to ground voltage operates through the measurement of the voltage
between a neutral created artificially in the SSW three-phase supply circuit and the system ground.

The voltage in a balanced and insulated system must be close to 0 (zero). It is usually use to detect ground fault
in systems isolated from the earth. The trip level of this protection must be adjusted according to the used

Figure 15.4: Ground fault detection by voltage

1. This protection is effective only at full voltage, i.e., after the motor starting.
2. This protection does not replace RCDs used for human life protection.

15.4. PHASE SEQUENCE [113]

P0830 – 123 Phase Sequence

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Fault F067
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... .... .
∟ 113 Phase Sequence.... .... ....

Its function is to protect loads that can rotate only in one direction. When enabled it only allows tha phase
sequence R/1L1, S/3L2, T/5L3 at the SSW supply line.

If enabled, the phase sequence is detected every time the motor is started.

It is ususally used with hydraulic pump applications, which cannot rotate in the oposite direction.

SSW7000 | 103
Protections .


Its function is to protect the motor thermally by reading its temperature. The temperature is measured through
PT100 sensors.

To be able to use the motor thermal protection via PT100 sensors, it is necessary to use the IOE-04 acessory.

P0866 – Channel 1 Motor Overtemperature

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Fault F101
2 = Alarm A101
3 = Fault F101 and Alarm A101
Properties: CFG

P0870 – Channel 2 Motor Overtemperature

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Fault F102
2 = Alarm A102
3 = Fault F102 and Alarm A102
Properties: CFG

P0874 – Channel 3 Motor Overtemperature

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Fault F103
2 = Alarm A103
3 = Fault F103 and Alarm A103
Properties: CFG

P0878 – Channel 4 Motor Overtemperature

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Fault F104
2 = Alarm A104
3 = Fault F104 and Alarm A104
Properties: CFG

P0882 – Channel 5 Motor Overtemperature

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Fault F105
2 = Alarm A105
3 = Fault F105 and Alarm A105
Properties: CFG

104 | SSW7000
Protections .
P0886 – Channel 6 Motor Overtemperature

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Fault F106
2 = Alarm A106
3 = Fault F106 and Alarm A106
Properties: CFG

P0890 – Channel 7 Motor Overtemperature

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Fault F107
2 = Alarm A107
3 = Fault F107 and Alarm A107
Properties: CFG

P0894 – Channel 8 Motor Overtemperature

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Fault F108
2 = Alarm A108
3 = Fault F108 and Alarm A108
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... .... ..
∟ 114 Motor Thermal Protection .

They program the motor overtemperature protection tripping mode for each temperature-reading channel.

Not used channels must be programmed as Inactive (0). Channels programmed as Inactive show zero degrees
Celcius in the correspondent temperature indicating parameter, P0063 to P0070.

In the event of overtemperature, if the protection is programmed for fault, the motor is deactivated and the fault
message is presented on the HMI. If it is programmed for alarm, the motor keeps running and the alarm
message is presented on the HMI display. The third possibility is the use of both the options, fault and alarm.

P0867 – Channel 1 Motor Overtemperature Fault Trip Level

P0871 – Channel 2 Motor Overtemperature Fault Trip Level

P0875 – Channel 3 Motor Overtemperature Fault Trip Level

P0879 – Channel 4 Motor Overtemperature Fault Trip Level

P0883 – Channel 5 Motor Overtemperature Fault Trip Level

P0887 – Channel 6 Motor Overtemperature Fault Trip Level

P0891 – Channel 7 Motor Overtemperature Fault Trip Level

SSW7000 | 105
Protections .
P0895 – Channel 8 Motor Overtemperature Fault Trip Level

Adjustable 0 to 250 °C Factory Setting: 139 °C

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... .... ...
∟ 114 Motor Thermal Protection. .

They program the maximum temperature level at which the motor can operate without problems. Usually a
value 10 % below the motor insulation class is used.

If the motor temperature reading exceeds the programmed level and the correspondent channel is programmed
for fault, the motor is deactivated and the fault message is presented on the HMI.

P0868 – Channel 1 Motor Overtemperature Alarm Activation Level

P0872 – Channel 2 Motor Overtemperature Alarm Activation Level

P0876 – Channel 3 Motor Overtemperature Alarm Activation Level

P0880 – Channel 4 Motor Overtemperature Alarm Activation Level

P0884 – Channel 5 Motor Overtemperature Alarm Activation Level

P0888 – Channel 6 Motor Overtemperature Alarm Activation Level

P0892 – Channel 7 Motor Overtemperature Alarm Activation Level

P0896 – Channel 8 Motor Overtemperature Alarm Activation Level

Adjustable 0 to 250 °C Factory Setting: 124 °C

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... ... . ..
∟ 114 Motor Thermal Protection...

They program the motor overtemperature alarm activation level. Usually a value 20 % below the motor insulation
class is used.

If the motor temperature exceeds the programmed level and the correspondent channel is programmed for
alarm, the motor keeps running and the alarm message is presented on the HMI display.

The value programmed for the overtemperature alarm activation must be higher than the value
programmed for the alarm reset.

P0869 – Channel 1 Motor Overtemperature Alarm Reset Level

P0873 – Channel 2 Motor Overtemperature Alarm Reset Level

P0877 – Channel 3 Motor Overtemperature Alarm Reset Level

P0881 – Channel 4 Motor Overtemperature Alarm Reset Level

106 | SSW7000
Protections .

P0885 – Channel 5 Motor Overtemperature Alarm Reset Level

P0889 – Channel 6 Motor Overtemperature Alarm Reset Level

P0893 – Channel 7 Motor Overtemperature Alarm Reset Level

P0897 – Channel 8 Motor Overtemperature Alarm Reset Level

Adjustable 0 to 250 °C Factory Setting: 108 °C

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... ... ...
∟ 114 Motor Thermal Protection..

They program the motor overtemperature alarm reset level. Usually a value 30 % below the motor insulation
class is used.

If the motor overtemperature alarm is active and the temperature drops to a value lower than the
overtemperature alarm reset level, the alarm indication will be removed.

The value programmed for the overtemperature alarm reset must be lower than the value
programmed for the alarm activation.

P0898 – Channels 1 to 8 Temperature Sensor Failure Detection

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 1

Range: 1 = Fault F109 to F124
2 = Alarm A109 to A124

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... .... ..
∟ 114 Motor Thermal Protection...

It programs the tripping mode of the failure detection in the temperature sensors. This function detects either
shorted or open sensor.

In case of any temperature sensor problem, if P0897 is programmed for fault, the motor is deactivated and the
fault message is presented on the HMI. If it is programmed for alarm, the motor keeps running and the alarm
message is presented on the HMI display.


This thermal protection has curves that simulate the motor heating and cooling. All the calculation is done by
means of an algorithm that estimates the motor temperature through the true rms current supplied to it.

The thermal protection curves are divided into two groups, the starting curves and the motor heating and
cooling curves:

■ The starting curves, or tripping curves, are based on the locked rotor time that the motor withstands with a
certain current (Figure 15.6). These curves simulate the motor heating in overload situations, i.e., with current
above its rated current and are usually based on the IEC 60947-4-2 standard.
SSW7000 | 107
Protections .

Even with the use of temperature sensors, the motor may not be totally protected during starting or locked rotor
conditions, in which situation, due to the high currents the internal temperatures rise rapidly in a period that the
sensors are not able to respond.

■ The heating and cooling curves for normal operation conditions simulate the motor heating and cooling with
currents equal or lower than the rated value (Figure 15.9) or the cooling during the period the motor stays
deactivated (Figure 15.10).

In the majority of thermal relays these heating and cooling times are fixed and in the order of a few minutes,
protecting only some low power motors.

In the SSW the overload protection is totally flexible, and it can be configured to protect and allow the starting
os special medium voltage motors, which present long starting times and high starting currents.

The Figure 15.5 shows the programming sequence necessary for the correct operation of the overload

108 | SSW7000
Protections .

Figure 15.5: Motor Thermal Class Protection programming sequence

SSW7000 | 109
Protections .
P0835 – Motor Thermal Class Protection

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Fault F005
2 = Alarm A005
3 = Fault F005 and Alarm A005
Properties: CFG

P0836 – Motor Thermal Class Alarm Level

Adjustable 0 to 100 % Factory Setting: 90 %

Properties: CFG

P0837 – Motor Thermal Class Alarm Reset Level

Adjustable 0 to 100 % Factory Setting: 84 %

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... .... ..
∟ 115 Motor Thermal Class. ... ..

They program the motor thermal class protection tripping mode.

■ If P0835 is programmed for fault or for fault and alarm, the motor is deactivated and the fault message is
presented on the HMI when the overload protection reaches the value of 100 % of the programmed tripping
class thermal capacity.

■ If it is programmed for alarm, the motor keeps running and the alarm message is presented on the HMI
display when the overload value reaches the alarm limit programmed in P0836. The alarm indication is removed
only when the overload value drops below the value programmed for reset, in P0837.

P0838 – Motor Thermal Class Operation Mode

Adjustable 0 = Thermal Class and IOE Temperature Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Thermal Class and Thermal Image
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... .. ...
∟ 115 Motor Thermal Class.. ....

■ Tripping class together with the IOE board temperature measurement: It performs the protection in the
starting events and the overload through the tripping class referenced to actual motor temperatures, i. e., the
hot starting times are poroportional to the motor actual temperature. Heating and cooling are monitored through
the motor actual temperatures, originated from the IOE module channels Ch1 to CH6.

With the Thermal Class and IOE Temperature overload operation mode, it is mandatory to use the
IOE module channels Ch1 to Ch6 for stator temperature measurements and the channels Ch7 and
Ch8 for the motor bearing housing temperature measurements.

110 | SSW7000
Protections .
■ Thermal Class together with Thermal Image: It performs the protection in the starting events and the overload
through the tripping class referenced to the motor thermal image. The heating and cooling are monitored
through the motor thermal image.

The thermal image is a motor temperature estimation achieved by means of the thermal modeling, totally based
on the current measurement, using the heating (P0845) and the cooling (P0846) constants supplied by the
motor manufacturer.

P0839 – Thermal Class

Adjustable 0 = Automatic Factory Setting: 5

Range: 1 = Class 10
2 = Class 15
3 = Class 20
4 = Class 25
5 = Class 30
6 = Class 35
7 = Class 40
8 = Class 45
9 = Class 50
10 = Class 55
11 = Class 60
12 = Class 65
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... .... .
∟ 115 Motor Thermal Class.. ....

■ Automatic Thermal Class: the thermal class is calculated automatically, through the hot locked rotor current
(P0844) and the hot locked rotor time (P0843). The thermal class is calculated approximately 10 % below the
motor thermal limit. Therefore, this tripping class is only for the motor protection, not taking into account the
motor feeding electric system capacity.

To be able to use the Automatic Thermal Class, P0839 = 0, it is necessary to program P0843 and
P0844, according ot the data supplied by the motor manufacturer.

■ Thermal Classes from 10 to 65: The thermal class that better adapts for the motor protection can be chosen,
allowing its starting, as well as to protect certain parts of the motor feeding system.

The Figure 15.6 presents the thermal class times according to the IEC 60947-4-2 standard.

To be able to use the thermal classes from 10 to 65, standard, it is necessary to keep the factory
settings at the parameters P0840 = 3 = Class F = 155 °C, P0841 = 40 °C and P0842 = 60 °C.

SSW7000 | 111
Protections .

Figure 15.6: Standard motor thermal classes

The thermal class times for hot starting showed in the Figure 15.6 are valid only for:
P0840 = 3 = Class F = 155 ºC, P0841 = 40 ºC and P0842 = 60 ºC.

P0840 – Motor Insulation Class

Adjustable 0 = Class A 105 °C Factory Setting: 3

Range: 1 = Class E 120 ºC
2 = Class B 130 ºC
3 = Class F 155 ºC
4 = Class H 180 ºC
5 = Class N 200 ºC
6 = Class R 220 ºC
7 = Class S 240 ºC
8 = Class 250 ºC
Properties: CFG

P0841 – Motor Ambient Temperature

Adjustable 0 to 200 ºC Factory Setting: 40 ºC

Properties: CFG

112 | SSW7000
Protections .
P0842 – Motor Temperature Rise

Adjustable 0 to 200 ºC Factory Setting: 60 ºC

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... .... ..
∟ 115 Motor Thermal Class.. .. ..

The factory settings for the parameters P0840 = 3 = Class F = 155 °C, P0841 = 40 °C and P0842 = 60 °C
define the tripping times showed in the Figure 15.6 for thermal classes according to the IEC 60947-4-2
standard. These times are based on the typical characteristics of market standard motors, thus not being
adequate to allow the starting of special motors, which have higher insulation classes, longer starting times with
high currents and a variety of cooling system types.

It is possible to define the operation of the thermal class protection by means of the data supplied by the motor
manufacturer, accoding to the thermal capacity of the used motor, mainly for special motors.

Figure 15.7: Motor temperature regions within the insulation class

■ P0840 defines insulation class of the insulating material used to produce the motor, according to the data
supplied by the motor manufacturer.

■ P0842 defines the motor temperature variation, ∆t, when submited to full load, according to the data supplied
by the motor manufacturer.

■ P0841 defines operating temperature for which the motor has been designed, according to the data supplied
by the motor manufacturer.

P0843 – Hot Locked Rotor Time

Adjustable 1 to 100 s Factory Setting: 10 s

Properties: CFG

SSW7000 | 113
Protections .
P0844 – Hot Locked Rotor Current

Adjustable 2.0 to 10.0 x Factory Setting: 6.0 x


Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... .... ..
∟ 115 Motor Thermal Class.. ....

Through these two parameters, P0843 and P0844, the function for Automatic Tripping Class calculation, P0839
= 0, can be used, according to the data supplied by the motor manufacturer.

■ P0843 adjusts the hot locked rotor time that the motor withstands, according to the data supplied by the
motor manufacturer.

■ P0844 adjusts the motor locked rotor current, according to the data supplied by the motor manufacturer.

Figure 15.8: Motor heating

The Figure 15.8 shows the warming up of a motor caused by a working cycle with several starts.

At the first start the motor is at ambient temperature, thus withstanding a longer locked rotor time (clrt = cold
locked rotor time).

The second start occurs soon after switching off the motor, which was already operating at full load and with
stabilized temperature. Therefore, the available time for a new start is the hot locked rotor time (hlrt).

At the third start, the available time is shorter than the hlrt because of the heating caused by the second start.

However, because of the excessive heating caused by the previous starts, which occurred without giving the
necessary time for cooling the motor, at the fourth start the overload protection trips.

To be able to use the Automatic Thermal Class, P0839 = 0, it is necessary to program P0843 and
P0844, according ot the data supplied by the motor manufacturer.

114 | SSW7000
Protections .

P0845 – Motor Heating Constant

Adjustable 1 to 2880 min Factory Setting: 33 min

Properties: CFG

P0846 – Motor Cooling Constant

Adjustable 1 to 8640 min Factory Setting: 99 min

Properties: CFG

P0847 – Thermal Image Reset

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 0 to 8640 min
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... .... . .
∟ 115 Motor Thermal Class.... ....

The motor heating and cooling times depend on several factors, as its mass, power, total heat dissipation area,
cooling type and room temperature. Therefore, in order to get a thermal image close to the atual motor
temperature, it is necessary to program the heating and cooling thermal constant times supplied by the motor

■ P0845 adjusts the motor heating constant, as showed in the Figure 15.9.

Figure 15.9: Motor heating constant for the nominal current

■ P0846 adjusts the motor cooling constant, as showed in the Figure 15.10.

SSW7000 | 115
Protections .

Figure 15.10: Deenergized motor cooling constant

The motor thermal image value is saved in a nonvolatile memory every time the control board power supply is
removed. When the control board is powered up again, the thermal image is updated according to the motor
cooling during the time the control remained off, by means of the real time clock information.

■ P0847 defines a time to reset the motor thermal image. It can be used to reset the thermal image after a
period with the motor switched off, as showed in the Figure 15.11.

Figure 15.11: Motor thermal memory reset


P0850 – Motor Undertorque

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Fault F078
2 = Alarm A078
Properties: CFG

116 | SSW7000
Protections .
P0851 – Motor Undertorque Level

Adjustable 0 to 99 % Tn Factory Setting: 30 % Tn

Properties: CFG

P0852 – Motor Undertorque Time

Adjustable 1 to 99 s Factory Setting: 1s

Properties: CFG

P0853 – Motor Overtorque

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Fault F079
2 = Alarm A079
Properties: CFG

P0854 – Motor Overtorque Level

Adjustable 0 to 99 % Tn Factory Setting: 30 % Tn

Properties: CFG

P0855 – Motor Overtorque Time

Adjustable 1 to 99 s Factory Setting: 1s
Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS... .... .... ...
∟ 116 Torque Protections..... ....

The over- and undertorque values are adjusted as a percentage of the motor rated torque (100 %).

Undertorque(%) = (100% − P0009 ) Overtorque(%) = (P 0009 − 100% )

P0851 adjusts the undertorque level that the motor can withstand during the period adjusted in P0852, after
which the SSW executes the action programmed in P0850. It can be used in applications with hydraulic pumps
that cannot operate without load.

P0854 adjusts the overtorque level that the motor can withstand during the period adjusted in P0855, after
which the SSW executes the action programmed in P0853.

These functions are active only with full voltage, after the motor starting.

Refer to the section 20.7 for programming examples.

SSW7000 | 117
Protections .

Figure 15.12: Over- and Undertorque trip levels


P0860 – Motor Underpower

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Fault F080
2 = Alarm A080
Properties: CFG

P0861 – Motor Underpower Level

Adjustable 0 to 99 %Pn Factory Setting: 30 %Pn

Properties: CFG

P0862 – Motor Underpower Time

Adjustable 1 to 99 s Factory Setting: 1s

Properties: CFG

P0863 – Motor Overpower

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Fault F081
2 = Alarm A081
Properties: CFG

118 | SSW7000
Protections .
P0864 – Motor Overpower Level

Adjustable 0 to 99 % Pn Factory Setting: 30 % Pn

Properties: CFG

P0865 – Motor Overpower Time

Adjustable 1 to 99 s Factory Setting: 1s

Properties: CFG
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... ... ..
∟ 117 Power Protections.... .. ....

The active over- and underpower values are adjusted as a percentage of the motor rated power (P0404).

Underpower (%) =
(P0404 − P0010) ⋅ 100% (P0010 − P0404) ⋅ 100%
Overpower (%) =
P0404 P0404

P0861 adjusts the active underpower level that the motor can withstand during the period adjusted in P0862,
after which the SSW executes the action programmed in P0860. It can be used in applications with hydraulic
pumps that cannot operate without load.

P0864 adjusts the active overpower level that the motor can withstand during the period adjusted in P0865,
after which the SSW executes the action programmed in P0863.

These functions are active only with full voltage, after the motor starting.

Refer to the section 20.7 for programming examples.


P0208 – Auto-Reset Time

Adjustable 0 to 600 s Factory Setting: 0s

Range: 0 to 2 s = Inactive
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... ......
∟ 118 Timer Protections.. .. . ....

When a fault occurs, the SSW is able to reset itself automatically after the time set in P0208 has elapsed.

If P0208 ≤ 2 s the auto-reset will not occur.

If after the auto-reset the same fault occurs again thre times consecutively, the auto-reset function will be
inhibited. A fault is considered consecutive if it happens again within 30 seconds after the auto reset execution.

SSW7000 | 119
Protections .
Therefore, if a fault occurs four consecutive times, it remains being indicated (and the SSW disabled)
continuously until the power is cycled.

P0831 – Restart Delay

Adjustable 2 to 999 s Factory Setting: 240 s

Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 32 PROTECTIONS.... .... . ..
∟ 118 Timer Protections. .. ....

This protection works setting a minimum interval after a stop command or after the end of the deceleration, if it
has been programmed, before allowing the SSW to be restarted again.

Figure 15.13: Operation via HMI

Figure 15.14: Operation via three-wire digital inputs (DI1 and DI2)

120 | SSW7000
Protections .

Figure 15.15: Operation via digital input (DI1)

SSW7000 | 121
Read Only Parameters .



In order to facilitate the visualization of the main SSW reading variables, the [08] – Read Only Parameters group
can be accessed directly.

It is important to point out that all the parameters of this group can only be visualized on the HMI display, and
that the user cannot change them.

P0001 – SSW Current

Adjustable 0 to 999.9 % Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ ONLY PARAMETERS....

It indicates the average true rms current of the three SSW output phases as a percentage of the SSW nominal
current (SSW In %).

Accuracy of ± 3 % from 10 % up to 700 % of the SSW rated current.

P0002 – Motor Current (%)

Adjustable 0 to 999.9 % Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ ONLY PARAMETERS....

It indicates the average true rms current of the three SSW output phases as a percentage of the motor rated
current (Motor In %).

Accuracy of ± 3 % from 10 % up to 700 % of the SSW rated current.

P0003 – Motor Current (A)

Adjustable 0 to 6553.5 A Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ ONLY PARAMETERS....

It indicates the average true rms current of the three SSW output phases, in ampères (A).

Accuracy of ± 3 % from 10 % up to 700 % of the SSW rated current.

P0004 – Main Line Voltage

Adjustable 0 to 65535 V Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ ONLY PARAMETERS...

It indicates the average true rms line voltage among the three input phases, in volts (V).
122 | SSW7000
Read Only Parameters .

Accuracy of ± 2% of the SSW maximum voltage (P0296).

The voltage will just be indicated when it reaches a value above 3% of the maximum SSW voltage
(P0296). Below this value it will only indicate 0 (zero).

P0005 – Main Line Frequency

Adjustable 0 to 99.9 V Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ ONLY PARAMETERS....

It indicates the line frequency in hertz (Hz).

Accuracy of ± 5 % of the supply line rated frequency.

It just indicates the line frequency when the voltage is higher than 20 Vrms at power section supply
(R/ 1L1, S/ 3L2 and T/5L3).

P0006 – SSW Status

Adjustable 0 to 14 Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ ONLY PARAMETERS....

It indicates the SSW present status.

Table 16.1: SSW status description

Abbreviated form presented
P0006 SSW Status Description
at the HMI left corner
0 Ready It is ready to start the motor
1 InitTst During the supply line and motor initial test
2 Fault With fault
3 Ramp Up During the acceleration ramp
4 FulVolt It is at full voltage
5 Bypass The bypass contactor is closed
6 NotUsed Reserved
7 RampDow During the deceleration ramp
8 Braking Braking is active
9 FWD/REV During the rotation direction change
10 Jog During Jog
11 DlyP831 During the interval after stopping P0831
12 Gen.Dis General disable
13 Config During the configuration mode:
- Test mode;
- Oriented start-up routine;
- HMI copy function;
- Flash memory self-guided routine;
- There is a parameterization incompatibility;
- safe sectioning.
14 D.O.L. It is direct on line

SSW7000 | 123
Read Only Parameters .

P0007 – SSW Output Voltage

Adjustable 0 to 65535 V Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ ONLY PARAMETERS....

It indicates the average true rms line voltage among the three output phases, in volts (V).

Accuracy of ± 2 % of the SSW maximum voltage (P0296).

The voltage will just be indicated when it reaches a value above 3% of the maximum SSW voltage
(P0296). Below this value, it will only indicate 0 (zero).

P0008 – Power Factor

Adjustable 0 to 1.00 Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ ONLY PARAMETERS....

It indicates the motor power factor.

Accuracy of ± 5 % with at least 50 % of the motor rated current.

The motor power factor will only be indicated when the current is above 20 % of the SSW rated
current. If it is below 20 % of the SSW rated current, then 0.00 (zero) will be indicated.

P0009 – Motor Torque

Adjustable 0 to 999.9 % Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ ONLY PARAMETERS....

It indicates the motor torque as a percentage of the motor rated torque (Motor Tn %).

The SSW has an algorithm for the motor torque estimation that uses the same principles contained applied by
the WEG frequency inverters.

This high-tech software alows indicating the torque very close to the actual value.

Accuracy of ± 10 % of the motor rated torque.

Information regarding the motor rated torque and maximum starting torque are available on the
motor manufacturer catalog.

124 | SSW7000
Read Only Parameters .

In order that the torque be indicated correctly in P0009, all the parameters related to the motor,
from P0400 to P0405, must be correctly programmed according to the motor nameplate data.

1. In order that the torque be indicated correctly in P0009, all the parameters related to the
motor, from P0400 to P0405, must be correctly programmed according to the motor
nameplate data.
2. The Torque Control and Torque Indication can be used with motors of up to eight poles.

P0010 – Output Power

Adjustable 0 to 65535 KW Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ ONLY PARAMETERS....

It indicates the average active power of the three SSW output phases in kilowatts (kW).

The output power will only be indicated when the current is above 20 % of the SSW rated current.
If it is below 20 % of the SSW rated current, then 0.00 (zero) will be indicated.

P0011 – Output Apparent Power

Adjustable 0 to 65535 KVA Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ ONLY PARAMETERS....

It indicates the average apparent power of the three SSW output phases in kilovolt-ampere (kVA).

P0012 – DI6 to DI1 Status

Refer to the section 10.4, Digital inputs [25], at the page 62.

P0013 – DO3 to DO1 Status

Refer to the section 10.5, Digital outputs [26], at the page 65.

P0014 – AO1 Value

P0015 – AO2 Value

Refer to the section 10.3, Analog outputs [24], at the page 60.

P0018 – AI1 Value

SSW7000 | 125
Read Only Parameters .
P0019 – AI2 Value
Refer to the section 10.2, Analog inputs [23], at the page 58.

P0020 – Present Fault

P0021 – Present Alarm

Adjustable 0 to 999 Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ ONLY PARAMETERS....

If any fault is active, it indicates that fault in P0020.

If any alarm is active, it indicates that alarm in P0021.

P0029 – Phase Sequence

Adjustable 0 = Invalid Factory Setting:

Range: 1 = RST / 123
2 = RTS / 132
Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ ONLY PARAMETERS....

It indicates the phase sequency at the SSW power section input.

The phase sequence will only be indicated if the R-S, S-T and T-R line voltages are above 62.5 %
of the motor rated voltage programmed in P0400. Otherwise, invalid sequence will be indicated.

P0030 – R Phase Current

P0031 – S Phase Current

P0032 – T Phase Current

Adjustable 0 to 6553.5 A Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ ONLY PARAMETERS....

P0030 indicates output phase R true rms current in ampères (A).

P0031 indicates output phase S true rms current in ampères (A).

P0032 indicates output phase R true rms current in ampères (A).

Accuracy of ± 3 % from 10 % up to 700 % of the SSW rated current.

126 | SSW7000
Read Only Parameters .
P0033 – R-S Main Line Voltage

P0034 – S-T Main Line Voltage

P0035 – T-R Main Line Voltage

Adjustable 0 to 65535 V Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ ONLY PARAMETERS....

P0033 indicates the R-S true rms line voltage in volts (V).

P0034 indicates the S-T true rms line voltage in volts (V).

P0035 indicates the T-R true rms line voltage in volts (V)

Accuracy of ± 2 % of the SSW maximum voltage (P0296).

The voltage will just be indicated when it reaches a value above 3% of the maximum SSW voltage
(P0296). Below this value, it will only indicate 0 (zero).

P0050 – Motor Thermal Class Status

Adjustable 0 to 100.0 % Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ ONLY PARAMETERS....

It indicates the state of the motor thermal class protection in percentage of the motor insulation class selected.
Being 100%, the fault acting, when programmed in P0835.

The values indicated in this parameter are estimated and depend on the functioning conditions of the motor and
how long it has been in these conditions: stopped, starting and in full regimen. It also depends on the
programming carried in the parameters of this protection, P0835 until P0847.

Examples of indications of P0050:

■ maximum = 100.0% = temperature of the Motor Insulation Class (P0840);
■ zero = 0,0% = temperature of 0ºC or protection disable (P0835);
■ minimum = X,X% = cold motor = Motor Ambient Temperature (P0841) = (100,0 x P0841) / P0840;
■ nominal = X,X% = hot motor = Motor Ambient Temperature (P0841) + Motor Temperature Rise = (100,0 x
(P0841 + P0842)) / P0840.

Refer to the section 15.6, Motor thermal class protection [115], at the page 107.

SSW7000 | 127
Read Only Parameters .
P0060 – R-U Arm SCR Temperature

P0061 – S-V Arm SCR Temperature

P0062 – T-W Arm SCR Temperature

Adjustable -22 to 100 °C Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ ONLY PARAMETERS....

They indicate the temperature at the SCR arms, in Celsius degrees.

P0063 – Channel 1 Motor Temperature

P0064 – Channel 2 Motor Temperature

P0065 – Channel 3 Motor Temperature

P0066 – Channel 4 Motor Temperature

P0067 – Channel 5 Motor Temperature

P0068 – Channel 6 Motor Temperature

P0069 – Channel 7 Motor Temperature

P0070 – Channel 8 Motor Temperature

Adjustable -20 to 260 °C Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ ONLY PARAMETERS....

They indicate the motor temperature, in Celsius degrees

This function requires the use of the IOE-04 accessory.

P0071 – Ground Fault Current

Adjustable 0 to 5.00 A Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ ONLY PARAMETERS....

It indicates the ground fault current value if the function is enabled through P0825 = 1 or 3.

128 | SSW7000
Read Only Parameters .
P0072 – Ground Fault Voltage

Adjustable 0 to 65535 V Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ ONLY PARAMETERS....

It indicates the ground fault voltage value if the function is enabled through P0825 = 2 or 4.

Accuracy of ± 2 % of the SSW maximum voltage (P0296).

The voltage will just be indicated when it reaches a value above 3% of the maximum SSW voltage
(P0296). Below this value, it will only indicate 0 (zero).

P0073 – Control 1 Voltage

Adjustable 0 to 999 V Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ-ONLY PARAMETERS....

It indicates the power supply true rms voltage at the control board 1, which is responsible for the interface with
the user.

P0074 – Control 2 Voltage

Adjustable 0 to 99,9 Vcc Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 08 READ-ONLY PARAMETERS....

It indicates the power supply voltage at the control board 2, which is responsible for the motor control.

16.2. FAULT HISTORY [06]

In this group are described the parameters that record the last faults occurred in the SSW, together with other
relevant information for the fault interpretation, as date, hour, motor current etc.

If the fault and the SSW power up or reset occur simultaneously, the parameters regarding this
fault, as date, hour etc., may contain invalid information.

P0900 – Last Fault

P0910 – Second Fault

P0920 – Third Fault

P0930 – Fourth Fault

SSW7000 | 129
Read Only Parameters .

P0940 – Fifth Fault

P0950 – Sixth Fault

P0960 – Seventh Fault

P0970 – Eighth Fault

P0980 – Ninth Fault

P0990 – Tenth Fault

Adjustable 0 to 999 Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 06 FAULT HISTORY....

They indicate the codes from the last to the tenth fault that have occurred.

The recording system is the following:

Fxxx → P0900 → P0910 → P0920 → P0930 → P0940 → P0950 → P0960 → P0970 → P0980 → P0990.

P0901 – Last Fault Day/Month

P0911 – Second Fault Day/Month

P0921 – Third Fault Day/Month

P0931 – Fourth Fault Day/Month

P0941 – Fifth Fault Day/Month

P0951 – Sixth Fault Day/Month

P0961 – Seventh Fault Day/Month

P0971 – Eighth Fault Day/Month

P0981 – Ninth Fault Day/Month

P0991 – Tenth Fault Day/Month

Adjustable 00/00 to 31/12 Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 06 FAULT HISTORY....

They indicate the day and the month of the last to the tenth fault trips.

P0902 – Last Fault Year

P0912 – Second Fault Year

P0922 – Third Fault Year

P0932 – Fourth Fault Year

130 | SSW7000
Read Only Parameters .

P0942 – Fifth Fault Year

P0952 – Sixth Fault Year

P0962 – Seventh Fault Year

P0972 – Eight Fault Year

P0982 – Ninth Fault Year

P0992 – Tenth Fault Year

Adjustable 0 to 99 Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 06 FAULT HISTORY....

They indicate the year of the last to the tenth fault trips

P0903 – Last Fault Time

P0913 – Second Fault Time

P0923 – Third Fault Time

P0933 – Fourth Fault Time

P0943 – Fifth Fault Time

P0953 – Sixth Fault Time

P0963 – Seventh Fault Time

P0973 – Eight Fault Time

P0983 – Ninth Fault Time

P0993 – Tenth Fault Time

Adjustable 00:00 to 23:59 Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 06 FAULT HISTORY....

They indicate the time of the last to the tenth fault trips.

P0904 – Current at Last Fault

P0914 – Current at Second Fault

P0924 – Current at Third Fault

P0934 – Current at Fourth Fault

P0944 – Current at Fifth Fault

SSW7000 | 131
Read Only Parameters .
P0954 – Current at Sixth Fault

P0964 – Current at Seventh Fault

P0974 – Current at Eight Fault

P0984 – Current at Ninth Fault

P0994 – Current at Tenth Fault

Adjustable 0.0 to 6553.5 A Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 06 FAULT HISTORY....

They record the motor current at the moment of the fault trip, for the last to the tenth fault.

P0905 – Main Line Voltage at Last Fault

P0915 – Main Line Voltage at Second Fault

P0925 – Main Line Voltage at Third Fault

P0935 – Main Line Voltage at Fourth Fault

P0945 – Main Line Voltage at Fifth Fault

P0955 – Main Line Voltage at Sixth Fault

P0965 – Main Line Voltage at Seventh Fault

P0975 – Main Line Voltage at Eight Fault

P0985 – Main Line Voltage at Ninth Fault

P0995 – Main Line Voltage at Tenth Fault

Adjustable 0 to 65535 V Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 06 FAULT HISTORY....

They record the motor voltage at the moment of the fault trip, for the last to the tenth fault.

P0906 – SSW Status at Last Fault

P0916 – SSW Status at Second Fault

P0926 – SSW Status at Third Fault

P0936 – SSW Status at Fourth Fault

P0946 – SSW Status at Fifth Fault

P0956 – SSW Status at Sixth Fault

P0966 – SSW Status at Seventh Fault

132 | SSW7000
Read Only Parameters .

P0976 – SSW Status at Eight Fault

P0986 – SSW Status at Ninth Fault

P0996 – SSW Status at Tenth Fault

Adjustable 0 = Ready Factory Setting:

Range: 1 = Initial Test
2 = Fault
3 = Ramp Up
4 = Full Voltage
5 = Bypass
6 = Reserved
7 = Ramp Down
8 = Braking
10 = Jog
11 = Delay P0831
12 = General Disabled
13 = Configuration
14 = Direct onLine
Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 06 FAULT HISTORY....

They record the SSW status at the moment of the fault trip, for the last to the tenth fault

16.3. DIAGNOSTICS [07]

P0042 – Powered Time

Adjustable 0 to 65535 h Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 07 DIAGNOSES....

It indicates the total number of hours that the SSW remained powered.

This value is kept even when power is removed from the SSW.

P0043 – Enabled Time

Adjustable 0 to 6553.5 h Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 07 DIAGNOSES....

It indicates the total number of hours the SSW remained enabled. It counts up to 6553.5 hours, and then it
returns to zero.

This value is kept even when the power is removed from the SSW. By setting P0204 = 3, the value of the
parameter P0043 is reset to zero.

SSW7000 | 133
Read Only Parameters .
P0044 – kWh Counter

Adjustable 0 to 999 kWh Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 07 DIAGNOSES....

It indicates the energy consumed by the motor, in kWh. It counts up to 999.9 kWh, and then it returns to zero.

This value is kept even when the power is removed from the SSW. By setting P0204 = 3, the value of the
parameter P0044 is reset to zero.

P0045 – MWh Counter

Adjustable 0 to 65535 MWh Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 07 DIAGNOSES....

It indicates the energy consumed by the motor, in MWh. It counts up to 9999 MWh, and then it returns to zero.

This value is kept even when the power is removed from the SSW. By setting P0204 = 3, the value of the
parameter P0045 is reset to zero.

P0046 – Enabled Fan Time

Adjustable 0 to 65535 h Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 07 DIAGNOSES....

It indicates the number of hours that the fan remained enabled. It counts up to 65535 hours, ans then it returns
to zero.

This value is kept even when the power is removed from the SSW. By setting P0204 = 3, the value of the
parameter P0046 is reset to zero.

P0047 – Maximum Starting Current

Adjustable 0 to 6553.5 A Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 07 DIAGNOSES....

It stores the maximum starting current value. The P0047 value is reset at the beginning of every start.

This value is not kept when the power is removed from the SSW. By setting P0204 = 3, the value of the
parameter P0047 is reset to zero.

It does not record Jog function currents.

134 | SSW7000
Read Only Parameters .
P0048 – Average Starting Current

Adjustable 0 to 6553.5 A Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 07 DIAGNOSES....

It stores the average starting current value. The P0048 value is reset at the beginning of every start.

This value is not kept when the power is removed from the SSW. By setting P0204 = 3, the value of the
parameter P0048 is reset to zero.

It does not record Jog function currents.

P0049 – Real Starting Time

Adjustable 0 to 999 s Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 07 DIAGNOSES....

It stores the real starting time. The P0049 value is reset at the beginning of every start.

The real starting time is the time necessary for the motor to reach its rated speed. This period depends on the
starting parameter settings and on the load conditions. The time set in P0102, even for voltage ramp, is not the
real starting time. For instance, a motor without load is able to reach its rated speed with lower voltages, and
the P0102 time is the period it takes for the SSW to apply 100 % of the supply line voltage on the motor.

This value is not kept when the power is removed from the SSW. By setting P0204 = 3, the value of the
parameter P0049 is reset to zero.

P0053 – Maximum Current at Full Voltage

Adjustable 0 to 6553.5 A Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 07 DIAGNOSES....

It stores the highest current value while the motor is at full voltage or with the bypass closed.

This value is kept even when the power is removed from the SSW. By setting P0204 = 4, the value of the
parameter P0053 is reset to zero.

P0054 – Maximum Main Line Voltage with the Motor Running

Adjustable 0 to 65535 V Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 07 DIAGNOSES....

It stores the highest line voltage value with the motor in operation.

This value is kept even when the power is removed from the SSW. By setting P0204 = 4, the value of the
parameter P0054 is reset to zero.

SSW7000 | 135
Read Only Parameters .

P0055 – Minimum Main Line Voltage with the Motor Running

Adjustable 0 to 65535 V Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 07 DIAGNOSES....

It stores the lowest line voltage value with the motor in operation.

This value is kept even when the power is removed from the SSW. By setting P0204 = 4, the value of the
parameter P0055 is reset to zero.

P0056 – Maximum Main Line Frequency with the Motor Running

Adjustable 0 to 99.9 Hz Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 07 DIAGNOSES....

It stores the highest line frequency value with themotor in operation.

This value is kept even when the power is removed from the SSW. By setting P0204 = 4, the value of the
parameter P0056 is reset to zero.

P0057 – Minimum Main Line Frequency with the Motor Running

Adjustable 0 to 99.9 Hz Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 07 DIAGNOSES....

It stores the lowest line frequency value with the motor in operation.

This value is kept even when the power is removed from the SSW. By setting P0204 = 4, the value of the
parameter P0057 is reset to zero.

P0058 – Maximum Number of Starts per Hour

Adjustable 0 to 32 ph Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 07 DIAGNOSES....

It stores the maximum number of starts that have occured in período o fone hour.

It has the capacity of storing one start every 112.5 s, totalizing a maximum of 32 starts in one hour. If two or
more starts occur during this 112.5 s period, only one is recorded.

This value is kept even when the power is removed from the SSW. By setting P0204 = 4, the value of the
parameter P0058 is reset to zero.

136 | SSW7000
Read Only Parameters .
P0059 – Total Number of Starts

Adjustable 0 to 65535 Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 07 DIAGNOSES....

It stores the total number of starts executed by the SSW.

In order to be considered a start, the motor must initiate the starting after the initial test, i.e., the line and motor
connections must be correct.

This value is kept even when the power is removed from the SSW.

P0077 – R-U Arm SCR Maximum Temperature

P0078 – S-V Arm SCR Maximum Temperature

P0079 – T-W Arm SCR Maximum Temperature

Adjustable -22 to 100 °C Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 07 DIAGNOSES....

They store the highest SCR temperatures.

These values are kept even when the power is removed from the SSW. By setting P0204 = 6, the values of the
parameters P0077 to P087 are reset to zero.

P0080 – Channel 1 Motor Maximum Temperature

P0081 – Channel 2 Motor Maximum Temperature

P0082 – Channel 3 Motor Maximum Temperature

P0083 – Channel 4 Motor Maximum Temperature

P0084 – Channel 5 Motor Maximum Temperature

P0085 – Channel 6 Motor Maximum Temperature

P0086 – Channel 7 Motor Maximum Temperature

P0087 – Channel 8 Motor Maximum Temperature

Adjustable -20 to 260 °C Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 07 DIAGNOSES....

They store the highest motor temperatures.

These values are kept even when the power is removed from the SSW. By setting P0204 = 6, the values of the
parameters P0077 to P087 are reset to zero.

SSW7000 | 137
Read Only Parameters .

This function requires the use of the IOE-04 accessory.

138 | SSW7000
Communication .


For the exchange of information through communication networks, the SSW has several standardized
communication protocols.

For more details regarding the SSW configuration for operating with those protocols, refer to the SSW7000
Modbus-RTU and Anybus-CC User’s Manuals. The parameters regarding the communication are explained

17.1. RS-232 AND RS-485 SERIAL INTERFACE [131]

P0308 – SSW Serial Address

P0310 – Serial Baud Rate

P0311 – Serial Bytes Configuration

P0314 – Serial Communication Watchdog

P0316 – Serial Interfce Status

P0682 – Serial/USB Control Word

Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....

∟ 33 COMMUNICATION... .......
∟ 131 RS232/485 Serial.... ... ...

Those are parameters for configuration and operation of the RS-232 and RS-485 serial interfaces.

For a detailed description, refer to the SSW7000 Modbus-RTU User’s Manual, supplied in electronic format on
the CD-ROM that comes with the product.


P0686 – Anybus-CC Control Word

P0723 – Anybus Identification

P0724 – Anybus Communication Status

P0725 – Anybus Address

P0726 – Anybus Baud Rate

P0728 to P0750 – Anybus Reading Word # 2 to Anybus Reading Word # 24

P0751 to P0755 – Anybus Writing Word # 2 to Anybus Writing Word # 6

Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....

∟ 33 COMMUNICATION.... ... ..
∟ 132 Anybus.... .... .... .... .. ....

Those are parameters for configuration and operation of the Anybus-CC interface.
SSW7000 | 139
Communication .

For a detailed description, refer to the SSW7000 Anybus-CC User’s Manual, supplied in electronic format on the
CD-ROM that comes with the product.


P0313 – Serial and Fieldbus Communication Error Action

P0680 – SSW Status Word

P0692 – Configuration Mode Status Word

P0693 – Configuration Mode Control Word

P0695 – Value for the Digital Outputs

P0696 – Value 1 for the Analog Outputs

P0697 – Value 2 for the Analog Outputs

Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....

∟ 33 COMMUNICATION.... ......
∟ 130 Status/Commands..........

They are parameters used for the SSW monitoring and control by means of communication interfaces.

For a detailed description, refer to the used SSW7000 Modbus-RTU and Anybus-CC User’s Manuals. Those
manuals are supplied in electronic format on the CD-ROM that comes with the product.


P0220 – Local/Remote Mode Selection

P0228 – Forward/Reverse Selection

P0229 – Source Command Selection in Local Mode

P0230 – Source Command Selection in Remote Mode

Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....

∟ 33 COMMUNICATION.... .. ..
∟ 133 Local/Remote Config. ......

They are parameters used to select the command source.

For a detailed description, refer to the section 10.1, Local/Remote configuration [21], at page 25.

140 | SSW7000
SoftPLC .

18. SOFTPLC [34]

The SoftPLC function allows the SSW to assume PLC (Programmable Logical Controller) functions.

P1000 – SoftPLC Status

P1001 – SoftPLC Control

P1002 – Scan Cycle Time

P1010 to P1059 – SoftPLC Parameters

Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....

∟ 34 SoftPLC.... .... .... ... .... ....

With the SoftPLC interlocking logics between digital inputs and outputs, analog inputs and outputs, and special
logics for starting the motor, among others, can be created.

Figure 18.1: Example of a SoftPLC applicative in the WLP programming software

For more details regarding the programming of those functions in the SSW, refer to the SSW7000 SoftPLC
User’s Manual.

SSW7000 | 141
Trace Function .


The trace function is used to record variables of interest from the SSW (as current, voltage, torque) when a
particular event occurs in the system (e.g.: alarm/fault, high current etc.). This system event, for starting the data
recording process, is called "trigger". The stored variables can be visualized as graphs through the SuperDrive
G2 executed by a PC connected via USB or Serial to the SSW.

The parameters related to this function are presented next.

P0550 – Trace Trigger Signal

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = SSW Current (%) - P0001
2 = Main Line Voltage - P0004
3 = Output Voltage - P0007
4 = Power Factor - P0008
5 = Motor Thermal Class Status - P0050
6 = Output Power (kW) - P0010
7 = Output Apparent Power (kVA) - P0011
8 = Motor Torque (%) - P0009
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 35 Trace Function.... .. .... ....

It selects the variable that will be used as the trigger source for the Trace Function.

This parameter has no effect when P0552 = “Alarm”, “Fault” or “DIx”.

Those same variables can also be used as signals to be acquired, through the parameters from P0561 to

P0551 – Trigger Level for Trace

Adjustable 0.0 to 600.0 % Factory Setting: 0.0 %

Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 27 Dados SSW.... ........ ... ...

It defines the value for comparison with the variable selected in P0550.

The full range of the variables selectable as trigger is presented in the next table.

Table 19.1: Full scale of the variables selectable as trigger

Variable Full Scale
SSW Current 600%
Line Voltage 200% = 2.0 x P0400
Output Voltage 200% = 2.0 x P0400
Power Factor 100% = 1.0 x P0405
Motor Thermal Class Status 100%
Output Power (kW) 600% = 6 x √3 x P0400 x P0401 x P0405
Output Apparent Power (kVA) 600% = 6 x √3 x P0400 x P0401
Motor Torque 400%

This parameter has no effect when P0552 = “Alarm”, “Fault” or “DIx”.

142 | SSW7000
Trace Function .
P0552 – Trigger Condition for Trace

Adjustable 0 = P0550* = P0551 Factory Setting: 5

Range: 1 = P0550* ≠ P0551
2 = P0550* > P0551
3 = P0550* < P0551
4 = Alarm
5 = Fault
6 = DIx
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 35 Trace Function.... .... ... ....

It defines the condition for starting the signal acquisition. The table below describes the available options.

Table 19.2: Description of P0552 options

P0552 Options Description
P0550* = P0551 The variable selected in P0550 is equal to the value adjusted in P0551
P0550* ≠ P0551 The variable selected in P0550 is different from the value adjusted in P0551
P0550* > P0551 The variable selected in P0550 is greater than the value adjusted in P0551
P0550* < P0551 The variable selected in P0550 is less than the value adjusted in P0551
Alarme SSW with an active alarm
Falha SSW in fault state
DIx Digital input (selected via P0263 – P0270)

For P0552 = 6 (“DIx” option), it is necessary to select the option “Trace Function” at one of the parameters from
P0263 to P0268. For more details, refer to the section 10.4.

■ If P0552 = 6 and no DI is configured for “Trace Function”, the trigger will not occur.
■ If P0552 = 6 and several DIs were configured for “Trace Function”, only one has to be active for the trigger
■ If P0552 ≠ 6 and any DI Id configured for “Trace Function”, the trigger will never occur as a result of the DI
■ These three programming options do not prevent the SSW from being enabled.

P0553 – Trace Sampling Period

Adjustable 1 to 1300 Factory Setting: 1

Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 35 Trace Function.... .... ... ....

It defines the sampling period (time between two sampling points) as a 10 ms multiple.

P0554 – Trace Pre-Trigger

Adjustable 0 to 100 % Factory Setting: 0%

Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 35 Trace Function.... .... .. ....

It is the data percentage that will be recorded before the occurrence of the trigger event.

SSW7000 | 143
Trace Function .

P0559 – Trace Maximum Memory

Adjustable 0 to 100 % Factory Setting: 0%

Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 35 Trace Function.... .... .. ....

It defines the maximum of memory that the user wished to reserve for the Trace Function points. The setting
range, from 0 to 100%, corresponds to a reserve request of 0 to 15 kB for the Trace Function.

Each point stored by the Trace Function takes 2 bytes of memory. This parameter defines indirectly the number
of points that the user wishes to store with the Trace Function.

The memory area used by the Trace Function is shared with the memory for the SoftPLC applicative. When
there is a SoftPLC applicative in the SSW, the amount of memory actually available for the Trace Function may
be smaller than the value adjusted in P0559. The indication of the memory amount actually available is done by
the read only parameter P0560. For more details refer to the parameter P0560 description.

As the factory setting, P0559 = 0%. In this case, there is no memory available for the Trace Function, because
the available 15 kB are reserved for the SoftPLC applicative.

P0560 – Trace Available Memory

Adjustable 0 to 100 % Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 35 Trace Function.... ...... . ....

It shows the amount of memory available for storing Trace Function points. The range from 0 to 100% indicates
that from 0 to 15 kB are available for the Trace Function.

Sharing of memory with the SoftPLC:

The memory for the Trace Function is shared with the memory for the SoftPLC applicative.
■ If P1000 = 0 (there is no SoftPLC applicative), it is possible to use all the memory area for the Trace Function.
In this case P0559 = P0560.
■ If P1000 > 0 (There is SoftPLC applicative in the SSW), P0560 will show the smallest value between P0559
and the actual available memory (that will be 100% minus the memory used by the SoftPLC applicative).

In order to be able to use the Trace Function, the user must adjust P0559 to a value different from 0%, and
verify if the value indicated in P0560 is enough. If P0559 > P0560 and the user wishes to use more memory for
the Trace Function, then the SoftPLC applicative must be erased by means of the parameter P1001.

144 | SSW7000
Trace Function .
P0561 – Trace Channel 1 (Ch1)

P0562 – Trace Channel 2 (Ch2)

P0563 – Trace Channel 3 (Ch3)

P0564 – Trace Channel 4 (Ch4)

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: P0561 = 1

Range: 1 = SSW Current (%) - P0001 P0562 = 2
2 = Main Line Voltage - P0004 P0563 = 3
3 = Output Voltage - P0007 P0564 = 0
4 = Power Factor - P0008
5 = Motor Thermal Class Status - P0050
6 = Output Power (kW) - P0010
7 = Output Apparent Power (kVA) - P0011
8 = Motor Torque (%) - P0009
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 35 Trace Function.... .... ... ....

They select the signals that will be recorded at the channels 1 to 4 of the Trace Function.

The options are the same that are available at P0550. By selecting the “Inactive” option, the total memory
available for the Trace function is distributed between the active channels.

P0571 – Start Trace Function

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting: 0

Range: 1 = Active
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 35 Trace Function.... .... .... ...

It initiates the waiting for the Trace Function trigger.

This parameter does not have effect if there is no active channel or if there is no memory available for the Trace
Function (P0560 = 0).

P0571 returns automatically to 0, for safety reasons, if any of the parameters between P0550 and P0564 is

P0572 – Trace Trigger Day/Month

Adjustable 00/00 to 31/12 Factory Setting:


P0573 – Trace Trigger Year

Adjustable 00 to 99 Factory Setting:


SSW7000 | 145
Trace Function .
P0574 – Trace Trigger Time

Adjustable 00:00 to 23:59 Factory Setting:


P0575 – Trace Trigger Seconds

Adjustable 00 to 59 Factory Setting:

Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 35 Trace Function.... .... .... ...

P0572 to P0575 record the date and hour of the trigger occurrence. These parameters and the points acquired
by the Trace Function are not saved when the SSW is powered off.

There are two possibilities for P0572 to P0575 being null:

■ No acquisition was performed after the SSW power on, or;
■ Trace happened without HMI connected to the SSW (no RTC).

P0576 – Trace Function Status

Adjustable 0 = Inactive Factory Setting:

Range: 1 = Waiting
2 = Triggered
3 = Concluded
Properties: RO
Access groups via HMI: 01 PARAMETER GROUPS....
∟ 35 Trace Function.... .... .... . .

It indicates whether the Trace Function has been activated, has been triggered or signals have been completely

146 | SSW7000
Programming Information and Suggestions .


This chapter assists the user in adjusting and programming the types of starting control according to the


Important hints and notes for each control type.

For the correct parameter setting, have the load data at hand and use the WEG Sizing Software -
SDW - available at the WEG wedsite ( If you are not able to use it, however,
this chapter describes some practical principles.

Figure 20.1: Torque and current characteristic curves of a direct on line start and of a Voltage Ramp start

Figure 20.2: Torque and current characteristic curves of a Current Limit start and of a Torque Control start

Some characteristic curves are presented next, with the starting torque behavior according to the load types
and to recommended control types.

SSW7000 | 147
Programming Information and Suggestions .
Table 20.1: Typical staring torque characteristic curves of some loads, with suggested control types
Load Type Control Type Load Type Control Type
Alternative Pumps Screw Compressors

3 Point Torque Control

3 Point Torque Control
Current Limit + Kick Start

Conveyor Belts Axial Fans

Current Limit
3 Point Torque Control Current Ramp
Current Limit + Kick Start 2 Point Torque Control
3 Point Torque Control

Centrifugal Fans
Vertical Sand Mills
Exhausting Fans
Wood Peeler

3 Point Torque Control Current Limit

Current Limit + Kick Start Current Ramp

Piston Vacuum Pump Centrifugal Pumps

Piston Compressors Vane Vacuum Pump

Pump Control
Constant Torque Control 2 Point Torque Control
3 Point Torque Control

Submersible Centrifugal Pumps
Wood Peeler

Current Limit
3 Point Torque Control
Current Ramp

Ball Mills – Ceramics
Hammer Mills

Current Limit Current Ramp + Kick Start

2 Point Torque Control Current Limit + Kick Start

Barley – Starch Processing

Wood Chipper

Current Limit Current Ramp + Kick Start

Current Ramp Current Limit + Kick Start

Cellulose Refiners

Voltage Ramp + Current Limit

Current Ramp

148 | SSW7000
Programming Information and Suggestions .

1. Adjust the Initial Voltage, P0101, initially at a low value.

2. When load is applied to the motor, adjust P0101 so that the motor begins rotating smoothly at the moment
it is started.
3. In P0102, set the necessary time for starting the motor, initially with short times, 20 to 25 seconds, and later
determine the best condition for your load.
4. Program P0110 with a current limit value allowed by your supply line and that delivers enough torque to
start the motor. Initially, it may be set to values between three times to four times the motor rated current
(Motor In).
5. Parameters related to this example:
P0202 = 0, P0101, P0102, P0106, P0110, P0400 and P0401.

Figure 20.3: Starting with voltage ramp

1. With long starting times or with no load at the motor, vibrations may occur during the motor
starting, therefore, reduce the starting time.
2. The P0401 value must be correct, according to used motor rated current.
3. Too low currrent limit values do not provide enough torque to start the motor. Make sure the
motor begins rotating since the moment it is started.
4. If errors occur while starting, check all the connections from the SSW to the supply line, the
motor connections, the supply line voltage levels, the fuses, circuit brakers and disconnect


1. For starting with current limit, the load must be coupled to the motor. Tests without load can be performed
with voltage ramp;
2. In P0102, set the necessary time for starting the motor, initially with short times of 25 to 30 seconds. This
time will be used as locked rotor time if the motor does not start;
3. Program P0110 with a current limit value allowed by your supply line and that delivers enough torque to
start the motor. It can be initially programmed with values between 3 to 4 times the motor rated current
(Motor In).
4. Parameters related to this example:
P0202 = 1, P0102, P0110, P0400 and P0401.

SSW7000 | 149
Programming Information and Suggestions .

Figure 20.4: Starting with current limit

1. If the current limit is not reached, the motor accelerates to full speed immediatelly.
2. The P0401 value must be correct, according to used motor rated current.
3. Too low currrent limit values do not provide enough torque to start the motor. Make sure the
motor begins rotating since the moment it is started.
4. For loads that require a higher initial starting torque, the kick start function, P0520, or the
current ramp can be used.
5. If errors occur while starting, check all the connections from the SSW to the supply line, the
motor connections, the supply line voltage levels, the fuses, circuit brakers and disconnect


1. For starting with current ramp, the load must be coupled to the motor. Tests without load can be performed
with voltage ramp.
2. Use this control type for starting loads that require a high initial starting torque, as conveyor belts for
3. By starting this type of load with a fixed current limit, it can be observed that the motor takes some time to
start rotating and then accelerates rapidly.
4. The solution would be programming an initial current limit to overcome this resistance and start moving the
motor, and then programming a current limit value that keeps the acceleration up to the starting end.
Therefore, it is possible to improve the starting smoothness.
5. In P0111, set the current value necessary to start moving the motor.
6. Adjust P0112 initially with 10 % of P0102 (20 s) = 2 s, and later increase it.
7. The motor must start moving as soon as it is started.
8. In P0110, set the current limit that keeps the motor accelerating.
9. Parameters related to this example:
P0202 = 4, P0102, P0110, P0111, P0112, P0400 and P0401.

Figure 20.5: Starting with current ramp and higher initial value

150 | SSW7000
Programming Information and Suggestions .

1. If the current limits are not reached, the motor accelerates to full speed immediatelly.
2. The P0401 value must be correct, according to used motor rated current.
3. Too low currrent limit values do not provide enough torque to start the motor. Make sure the
motor begins rotating since the moment it is started.
4. If errors occur while starting, check all the connections from the SSW to the supply line, the
motor connections, the supply line voltage levels, the fuses, circuit brakers and disconnect

SSW7000 | 151
Programming Information and Suggestions .

1. For starting with current ramp, the load must be coupled to the motor. Tests without load can be
performed with voltage ramp.
2. Use this control type for starting loads that present a lower initial starting torque, as fans or exhausting
fans, or to smoother the initial starting current.
3. By starting this type of load with a fixed current limit, it can be observed that the motor begins the
movement accelerating, and then it stops.
4. The solution would be programming a lower initial current limit only to let the motor begin the movement,
and then, gradually, increase the current limit until the starting end. Therefore, it is possible to improve the
starting smoothness.
5. In P0111, set the current value necessary just to start moving the motor.
6. Adjust P0112 initially with 75 % of P0102 (20 s) = 15 s, and later increase it.
7. The motor must start moving as soon as it is started.
8. In P0110, set the current limit that keeps the motor accelerating.
9. Parameters related to this example:
P0202 = 4, P0102, P0110, P0111, P0112, P0400 and P0401.

Figure 20.6: Starting with current ramp and lower initial value

1. If the current limits are not reached, the motor accelerates to full speed immediatelly.
2. The P0401 value must be correct, according to used motor rated current.
3. Too low currrent limit values do not provide enough torque to start the motor. Make sure the
motor begins rotating since the moment it is started.
4. If errors occur while starting, check all the connections from the SSW to the supply line, the
motor connections, the supply line voltage levels, the fuses, circuit brakers and disconnect


1. For starting with pump cpntrol, the load must be coupled to the motor. Tests without load can be
performed with voltage ramp.
2. The starting parameter settings depend very much on the hydraulic installation type, thus, it is always
convenient to optimize the factory settings.
3. Verify the correct motor rotation direction, as indicated on the pump frame. If necessary, use the phase
sequence protection, P0830.

152 | SSW7000
Programming Information and Suggestions .

Figure 20.7: Centrifugal hydraulic pump rotation direction

4. Adjust the Initial Voltage, P0101, so that the motor begins rotating smoothly at the moment it is started.
5. Adjust an acceleration time long enough for the application, i.e., which allows a smooth pump starting,
without exceeding the necessary. Long programmed acceleration times may cause vibrations or
unecessary motor overheating.
6. Always uses a pressure gauge in the hydraulic installation to verify the proper behavior during the motor
starting. The pressure increase must not present oscillations and must be as linear as possible.

Figure 20.8: Manometer showing the pressure increase

7. Program the deceleration voltage step only when in is noticed that there is no pressure reduction at the first
instant of the deceleration. The deceleration voltage step can improve the pressure decrease linearity.
8. Adjust a deceleration time long enough for the application, i.e., which allows a smooth pump stopping,
without exceeding the necessary. Long programmed deceleration times may cause vibrations or
unecessary motor overheating.

Figure 20.9: Manometer showing the pressure drop

9. It is common that the current increases at the end of the deceleration time, at this point the motor requires
more torque to keep the water flow reducing smoothly. However, if the motor has already stopped and
remains enabled, the current will increase considerably, and to avoid this, increase the value of P0105 up to
the ideal value, so that as soon as it stops the motor stops it is disabled.
10. Program P0810, P0811 and P0812 with current level and time that prevent your hydraulic pump from
operating without load.
11. Parameters related to this example:
P0202 = 2, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0104, P0105, P0106, P0400, P0401, P0810, P0811, P0812 and
SSW7000 | 153
Programming Information and Suggestions .

Figure 20.10: Starting with pump control

1. The P0400 and P0401 values must be correct, according to the supply line voltage and to the
used motor rated current.
2. If there are no pressure gauges in the piping system, water hammer effects can be observed
at the pressure relief valves.
3. Notice that sudden voltage drops in the supply line cause torque reductions in the motor,
therefore, keep the supply line characterisitics within the allowed limits of your motor.
4. If errors occur while starting, check all the connections from the SSW to the supply line, the
motor connections.

20.6.1. Constant Torque Loads (P0202 = 3 and P0120 = 1 point)

1. Adjust P0121 with the percentage of the motor rated torque that is necessary to set the motor+load group
in motion.
2. In P0102, set the necessary time for starting the motor, initially with short times of 25 to 30 seconds.
3. With the torque control it is possible to start the load smoothly and with short starting times, due to the
good speed acceleration linearity.
4. Parameters related to this example:
P0202 = 3, P0102, P0104 = 0, P0120 = 1, P0121, P0400, P0401, P0402, P0404 and P0405.

Figure 20.11: Starting with constant torque control - 1 point

20.6.2. Loads with Higher Initial Torque (P0202 = 3 and P0120 = 3 points)

1. By using this control type, a very smooth and linear acceleration ramp can be obtained, being it a good
solution for starting conveyor belts.
2. With the use of the load curve, the starting torque for each of the P0121, P0123 and P0122 points can be
adjusted 10 % to 20 % above the starting torque, and the times in P0102 and P0124.
3. An instrument can also be used for measuring the speed during the first start, making sure the desired
acceleration or speed curve are met.
4. If there are no load curves available, a method similar to the one described for current ramp can be used. It
could also be used the torque limit, P0120 = 1, for the first starting attempts, and then improve to this
control type.

154 | SSW7000
Programming Information and Suggestions .
5. Parameters related to this example:
P0202 = 3, P0102, P0104 = 0, P0120 = 3, P0121, P0122, P0123, P0124, P0400, P0401, P0402, P0404
and P0405.

Figure 20.12: Starting with quadratic torque control, 3 points, higher initial load

20.6.3. Constant Torque Loads with S Speed Curve (P0202 = 3 and P0120 = 3 points)

1. With the use of the load curve, the torque of the initial and the end starting points can be adjusted 10 % to
20 % above the load torque, and the ontermediate point, P0123, 30 % to 40 % above the load torque.
2. Keep P0124 between 45 % and 55 % and set P0102 according to the required starting time.
3. An instrument can also be used for measuring the speed during the first start, making sure the desired
acceleration or speed curve are met.
4. If there are no load curves available, but there is the certainty that the load torque is constante, the torque
limit, P0120 = 1, can be used for the first starting attempts, and then improve to this control type.
5. Parameters related to this example:
P0202 = 3, P0102, P0104 = 0, P0120 = 3, P0121, P0122, P0123, P0124, P0400, P0401, P0402, P0404
and P0405.

Figure 20.13: Starting with quadratic torque control, 3 points, constant load

20.6.4. Quadratic Torque Loads with S Speed Curve (P0202 = 3 and P0120 = 2 points)

1. With the linear torque ramp, a speed curve very close to an S curve can be obtained, as long as the
quadratic loads are not very accentuated.
2. With the use of the load curve, the initial starting torque, P0121, can be adjusted 10 % to 20 % above the
load torque, and the end starting torque, P0122, 20 % to 30 % above the load torque.
3. If there are no load curves available, the next suggestions can be followed:
- adjust P0121 with the torque that is necessary to set the motor+load group in motion;
- adjust P0122 with 110 % to 130 % of the motor rated torque;
- initially set short times in P0102, 10 s to 15 s, and later determine the best value.
4. Parameters related to this example:
P0202 = 3, P0102, P0104 = 0, P0120 = 2, P0121, P0122, P0400, P0401, P0402, P0404 and P0405.

SSW7000 | 155
Programming Information and Suggestions .

Figure 20.14: Starting with linear torque control, 2 points, quadratic load

20.6.5. Quadratic Torque Loads with Linear Speed Curve (P0202 = 3 and P0120 = 3 points)

1. With strongly quadratic loads, an intermediate point can be adjusted to improve the starting speed curve
2. With the use of the load curve, the torque for all the points (P0121, P0123 and P0122) can be adjusted 20
% to 30 % above the load torque, and P0124 set with the starting time percentage for the intermediate
3. If there are no load curves available, program initially linear torque control, P0120 = 2 points, and later
adjust the intermediate torque and time.
4. Parameters related to this example:
P0202 = 3, P0102, P0104 = 0, P0120 = 3, P0121, P0122, P0123, P0124, P0400, P0401, P0402, P0404
and P0405.

Figure 20.15: Starting with quadratic torque control, 3 points, quadratic load

20.6.6. Quadratic Loads with Higher Initial Torque (P0202 = 3 and P0120 = 3 points)

1. With very accentuated quadratic loads presenting very high initial torque, an intermediate point can be
adjusted to improve the starting speed curve linearity.
2. With the use of the load curve, the torque for all the points (P0121, P0123 and P0122) can be adjusted 20
% to 30 % above the load torque, and P0124 set with the starting time percentage for the intermediate
3. If there are no load curves available, program initially linear torque control, P0120 = 2 points, and later
adjust the intermediate torque and time.
4. Parameters related to this example:
P0202 = 3, P0102, P0104 = 0, P0120 = 3, P0121, P0122, P0123, P0124, P0400, P0401, P0402, P0404
and P0405.

156 | SSW7000
Programming Information and Suggestions .

Figure 20.16: Starting with quadratic torque control, 3 points, quadratic load with higher initial torque

20.6.7. Hydraulic Pump Type Loads (P0202 = 3)

Starting (P0120 = 2 or P0120 = 3):

1. First, read the Starting with Pump Control steps, section 20.6.
2. If the pump control does not fulfill your application needs, or if you wish to have a better performance
control, use the torque control.
3. With the linear torque ramp and quadratic loads as centrifugal pumps, a speed curve very close to an S
curve can be obtained.
4. With the use of the load curve, the initial starting torque, P0121, can be adjusted 10 % to 20 % above the
load torque, and the end starting torque, P0122, 20 % to 30 % above the load torque.
5. Even using the load curve, a fine-tuning at the application is recomended. Suggestions:
- Adjust P0121 with the torque that is necessary to set the motor+load group in motion;
- Adjust P0122 with 110 % to 130 % of the motor rated torque;
- Initially set short times in P0102, 20 s to 25 s, and later determine the best value.

Figure 20.17: Manometer showing pressure rise with linear torque

6. If the load presents a higher initial torque, use the quadratic torque control (P0120 = 3 points).

SSW7000 | 157
Programming Information and Suggestions .

Figure 20.18: Manometer showing pressure rise with quadratic torque

7. The main objective in both cases is to keep the pressure ramp as linear as possible, increasing gradually
and without any type sudden oscillation.
8. As described in the pump control section, a pressure gauge measuring that pressure is always necessary
for the optimization of the settings.
9. Parameters related to this example:
P0202 = 3, P0102, P0104 ≠ 0, P0120 = 2 or 3, P0121, P0122, P0123, P0124, P0125 = 1, P0126, P0400,
P0401, P0402, P0404 and P0405.

Stopping (P0104 ≠ 0 and P0125 = 1):

1. In most of the applications it is only necessary to use constant torque, P0125 = 1, to stop the pump.
2. This method is applied for not very high water columns.
3. P0126 can be initially adjusted with the same value as P0121, if this value is correct.
4. P0126 must also be adjusted so that when the pump stops the motor does not remain energized for a long
5. A gradual pressure decrease must be observed while stopping the pump, without any abrupt oscillation,
especially when the retention valve closes at the stopping end.
6. Parameters related to this example:
P0202 = 3, P0102, P0104 ≠ 0, P0120 = 2, P0121, P0122, P0125 = 1, P0126, P0127, P0400, P0401,
P0402, P0404 and P0405.

Figure 20.19: Hydraulic pump stopping with constant torque, 1 point

Stopping (P0104 ≠ 0 and P0125 = 2):

1. Linear deceleration torque, 2 points = linear.
2. This method is applied for high water columns.
3. P0126 can be initially adjusted with 10 % to 15 % below the P0121 value, if this value is correct.
4. Adjust P0127 so that when beginning the pump stopping, the pressure decreases gradually, without any
abrupt oscillation.
5. P0126 must also be adjusted so that when the pump stops the motor does not remain energized for a long
6. Parameters related to this example:

158 | SSW7000
Programming Information and Suggestions .
7. P0202 = 3, P0102, P0104 ≠ 0, P0120 = 2, P0121, P0122, P0125 = 2, P0126, P0127, P0400, P0401,
P0402, P0404 and P0405.

Figure 20.20: Hydraulic pump stopping with linear torque, 2 points

Stopping (P0104 ≠ 0 and P0125 = 3):

1. Quadratic deceleration torque, 3 points = quadratic.
2. This method is applied for high pressure water columns.
3. This control is used when it is difficult to keep the pressure decrease gradual, without any type of abrupt
oscillation, especially at the beginning of the deceleration.
4. The best way to adjust it is based on the starting curve, setting the 3 points 10 % to 15 % below.
5. P0128 can be initially set at 50 %
6. Adjust P0127 so that when beginning the pump stopping, the pressure decreases gradually, without any
abrupt oscillation.
7. P0126 must also be adjusted so that when the pump stops the motor does not remain energized for a long
8. Parameters related to this example:
P0202 = 3, P0102, P0104 ≠ 0, P0120 = 2, P0121, P0122, P0125 = 3, P0126, P0127, P0128, P0400,
P0401, P0402, P0404 and P0405.

Figure 20.21: Hydraulic pump stopping with quadratic torque, 3 points

9. If the load presents a higher initial torque, use the quadratic torque control (P0120 = 3 points).

Figure 20.22: Manometer showing pressure fall with torque control

SSW7000 | 159
Programming Information and Suggestions .

1. The main objective of the stopping torque control methods is to keep the decrease of the
pressure ramp as linear as possible, decreasing gradually and without any abrupt oscillation at
the beginning, at the middle, or at deceleration end.
2. As described in the pump control section, a pressure gauge measuring that pressure is always
necessary for the optimization of the settings.
3. Notice that the constant torque control works for the majority of the applications, that it is
simple and easy to program.


For the sake of simplicity, all the under- and over- protections of the SSW2 are adjusted as a percentage of the
motor rated values.

20.7.1. Undervoltage and Overvoltage Protections

These functions are normally used for the motor protection.

Initially, the following information is necessary:

1. Motor rated voltage adjusted in P0400, motor nameplate information;
2. Voltage tolerance withstood by the motor, motor catalog information. It is normally -15 % to +10 % of the
rated voltage.

Setting example:
Motor rated voltage of 4160 V.
Voltage tolerance of -15% to +10%.
P0400 = 4160 V
P0800 ≠ 0
P0801 = 15 %
P0804 = 10 %
Therefore, when there is a voltage drop greater than 15 % in the motor supply voltage, regarding its rated
voltage, the undervoltage protection will trip. When there is an increase greater than 10 % in the motor supply
voltage, regarding its rated voltage, the overvoltage protection will trip.

20.7.2. Underload Protection

This protection is normally used for detecting dry pump, but it can also be used for the detection of loads
beneath the minimum allowed value.

It can be configured, according to the user needs and knowledge, as Undercurrent, Undertorque or
Underpower. All these functions present the same form of protection, however, Undertorque and Underpower
are more sensitive and detect both current and voltage variations.

Undercurrent setting example:

Motor rated current of 100 A.
There is a normal load oscillation of ±10 A in the motor current in this application.
With no load the current drops to 60 A.

As a percentage:
There is a normal load oscillation of ±10 % of the motor rated current.
There must be a drop of 40 % of the motor rated current, to be considered with no load.

Undercurrent (%) =
(P0401 − P0003) ⋅ 100% => 40(%) =
(100 A − 60 A) ⋅100%
P 0401 100 A

In order to assure the no load detection, the undercurrent detection must be programmed between 10 % and
40 % (e.g., 30 %).

160 | SSW7000
Programming Information and Suggestions .
P0401 = 100 A
P0810 ≠ 0
P0811 = 30 %
P0812 = 1 s

Therefore, when there is a current drop greater than 30 % in the motor current, regarding its rated current, the
protection will trip.

The same sequence demonstred above is also valid for the Undertorque and Underpower protections, but
programming the values and parameters for the respective function.

20.7.3. Overload Protection

It can be configured, according to the user needs and knowledge, as Overcurrent, Overtorque or Overpower. All
these functions present the same form of protection, however, Overtorque and Overpower are more sensitive
and detect both current and voltage variations.

Overcurrent setting example:

Motor rated current of 100 A.
There is a normal load oscillation of ±10 A in the motor current in this application.
The motor service factor (S.F.) is 1.15.

As a percentage:
There is a normal load oscillation of ±10 % of the motor rated current.
The motor is able to withstand a 15 % overload, according to the service factor, S.F.

Overcurrent (%) =
(P0003 − P0401) ⋅ 100% => 15(%) =
(115 A − 100 A) ⋅100%
P0401 100 A

In order to detect a heavy load, the overcurrent protection can be programmed above 15 %.
P0401 = 100 A
P0813 ≠ 0
P0814 = 20 %
P0815 = 1 s
Therefore, when there is a current increase greater than 20 % of the motor current, regarding is rated current,
the protection will trip.

The same sequence demonstred above is also valid for the Overtorque and Overpower protections, but
programming the values and parameters for the respective function.

SSW7000 | 161
WEG Drives & Controls – Automação LTDA.
Jaraguá do Sul - SC – Brazil
Phone 55 (47) 3276-4000 - Fax 55 (47) 3276-4020
São Paulo - SP – Brazil
Phone 55 (11) 5053-2300 - Fax 55 (11) 5052-4212

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