Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Bonum Commune: Researcher Guidelines

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Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Bonum Commune

Jl. Semolowaru 45 Surabaya 60118, Telp. (031) 5926014

Laman: http://jurnal.untag-sby.ac.id/index.php/bonumcommune
Surel: jurnalhbbc@untag-sby.ac.id


1. Editor Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Bonum Commune accepts articles in Indonesian or the
official language of the United Nations (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and
Spanish). The dominance of grammatical errors and their presentation will be rejected
without first doing the process of the feasibility of the contents of the article. Articles in
the form of business law research. Eligible articles will be selected through a process
without the identity of the researcher by a sustainable partner and editorial board.
2. The procedure for writing articles in the form of research results:
a. Articles contain a maximum of 3 (three) names of researchers. One of the researchers
must take the Bachelor, Master or Doctor of Law Program and/or have a Bachelor,
Master or Doctor in law.
b. The article is typed using Book Antiqua font size 11 (specifically abstract uses size 10)
with A4 paper size (21 cm x 29 cm) and uses the MS Word program. Articles are sent
through the Open Journal System (OJS) at http://jurnal.untag-
c. The top, bottom, left and right edges are 2 cm.
d. The line spacing in the article is 1.15 spaces except for quotations, footnotes, tables,
picture captions and bibliography typed with a space of 1 space.
e. Typing a new paragraph starts at the 6th tap from the left edge.
f. Article length 4,500 - 7,500 words.
g. Page numbering uses Arabic numerals and is placed in the bottom center.
h. Tables or figures are numbered and given a title.
i. Sources of citations in articles use footnotes.
3. Systematics of writing articles in the form of research results using the following pattern:
a. Title
Short, clear and reflect exactly the problem to be raised. In this section may not include
the name of the legislation, place of research and subtitles.
b. Researcher's name and researcher's institution
1. Written without an academic degree, an indication of position and rank
2. Institutional address (agency name, address and zip code, country name)
3. Writer correspondence (electronic mail)
c. Abstract
Consists of one paragraph with a number of words 150 (one hundred fifty) to 350
(three hundred fifty) words and not a summary of the article. The abstract contains a
research purposes, methods of approach, finding and a brief summary of results.
d. Keywords
Reflect the meaning contained in the article and consists of 3 (three) keywords
separated by semicolons (;) and arranged alphabetically.
e. Introduction
Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Bonum Commune
Jl. Semolowaru 45 Surabaya 60118, Telp. (031) 5926014
Laman: http://jurnal.untag-sby.ac.id/index.php/bonumcommune
Surel: jurnalhbbc@untag-sby.ac.id

Contains background issues, legal issues and novelty with similar research.
1. Background of the problem
Provide an explanation of the legal issues that the problems raised for this writing
are considered important and need to be examined.
2. Novelty offered
3. Similar research
The researcher displays a minimum of 3 (three) similar research data and provides
novelty written to each data that has been written so that it can be seen in detail the
research novelty. Similar research data can be traced through data in the form of
scientific journals or the latest research results.
4. Formulation of the problem
Contains legal issues to be examined and the answers sought in the form of
sentence questions or statements.
f. Research methods
Using research methods to answer the problem formulation.
g. Results and Discussion
The researcher shows the results of the study and the results of the study are
discussed comprehensively. The discussion must have a correlation with the
introduction so that the discussion can have fundamental differences with similar
h. Conclusion
The conclusion contains the comments of the answer to the problem formulation.
i. Quote
Direct quotations must be the same as the original while indirect quotations are the
conclusions from certain literature on the opinions of people or other sources using
their own sentences. Direct quotes that are less than five lines long, are entered in the
text and are typed normally using quotation marks (") at the beginning and end of
j. Footnote
Using Mendeley in the style of the Modern edition of the Humanities Research
Association 3rd edition (note with bibliography). An in-depth explanation can be
added manually.
k. Acknowledgments
Given if there are
1. Direct technical help (e.g. supply of animal subjects, cells, equipment setup,
methods, statistics/data manipulation, samples, chemicals/reagents,
analytical/spectroscopy techniques);
2. Indirect assistance (topical and intellectual discussions about the research which
can lead to generation of new ideas);
3. Affiliated Institutions;
Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Bonum Commune
Jl. Semolowaru 45 Surabaya 60118, Telp. (031) 5926014
Laman: http://jurnal.untag-sby.ac.id/index.php/bonumcommune
Surel: jurnalhbbc@untag-sby.ac.id

4. Funding bodies;
5. Grant numbers;
6. Who received the funding (if not the researcher - e.g. a supervisor); or
7. Any associated fellowships
l. References
Using Mendeley, a minimum of 15 references, 80% in the form of research results
published in scientific journals and referenced references are the results of the last ten
years of publication except the classic references used as historical study material. The
researcher may not do personal citations
4. The form of the first person or second person (me, us, we, you, you) may not be used, but
must be made passive sentences. The personal pronouns are replaced using the word
5. For researchers who use data from living things, they are required to attach a Letter of
Ethical Feasibility.
6. The researcher attaches the results of a maximum plagiarism check of 15% (fifteen
percent) with Turnitin as an additional PDF file to the OJS.
7. The researcher fills the Statement Of Manuscript Authenticity as an additional PDF file
on the OJS.
8. The researcher fills the Copyright Transfer Letter and Open Access Statement as an
additional PDF file to the OJS.

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