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By :
Dina Try Muliyawaty (211013241063)
Farhan Septian Dwi Syahputra (211013241051)
M. Saputra Maulana Gumilang (211013241058)
Shintia Manasiba Putri (211013241068)
Siti Hairia Amelia (211013241064)



The writer extends special thanks to the God for the blessing and grace for
our group finished writing the task entitled “Report Text About Skimming And
Scanning Technique For Reading” right in the calculated time.
The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by
Mr. Awaluddin, M.Pd. as a lecturer in English, the objective of this research is to
find out the effectiveness of skimming and scanning strategy in improving
students reading comprehension. Data collection technique focus on participant
observation, interviews, and documentation. Skimming and Scanning is the
appropriate technique to find the main idea, key word and content of the text
without read the whole of the text.
Hopefully this paper can provide a broader insight to the reader. Although
this paper has advantages and disadvantages. We as the authors beg for advice and
criticism. Thank you.

Batam, 07 November 2021.



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................1
1.1 The Background of the Analysis..................................................................................1
1.2 Purpose.........................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER II DISCUSION.......................................................................................................2
2.1 Definition of skimming and scanning...........................................................................2
2.2 The Purpose of reading Skimming and Scanning.........................................................2
2.3 Benefit of Skimming and Scanning..............................................................................2
2.4 Usefulness of Reading Skimming and Scanning..........................................................3
2.5 Improving Skimming and Scanning.............................................................................3
2.6 Difference between skimming and scanning................................................................5
2.6 Step to Reading Skimming and Scanning.....................................................................6
2.7 Example of reading text with skimming and Scanning.................................................7
CHAPTER III CLOSING.........................................................................................................8
3.1 Conclusion....................................................................................................................8

1.1 The Background of the Analysis
Skimming and scanning are two very different strategies for speed
reading. They are each used for different purposes, and they are not meant to
be used all the time. They are at the fast end of the speed reading range, while
studying is at the slow end. People who know how to skim and scan are
flexible readers. They read according to their purpose and get the information
they need quickly without wasting time. They do not read everything which is
what increases their reading speed. Their skill lies in knowing what specific
information to read and which method to use. Skimming is a technique of
reading at high speed to find things that are important or the main idea of a
reading. This technique is very useful because we only need to skim and fast
but get an overall and general impression of the reading.
Skimming is reading rapidly in order to get a general overview of the
material. Scanning is reading rapidly in order to find specific facts. While
skimming tells you what general information is within a section, scanning
helps you locate a particular fact.

1.2 Purpose
1. Definition of skimming and scanning,
2. The Purpose of reading Skimming and Scanning,
3. Benefit of Skimming and Scanning,
4. Usefulness of Reading Skimming and Scanning,
5. Improving Skimming and Scanning,
6. Difference between and Scanning Techniques,
7. Step to Reading Skimming and Scanning,
8. Example of reading text with skimming and Scanning.



2.1 Definition of skimming and scanning

Skimming is reading a text quickly to get a general idea of meaning.
Readers mainly read introductions, summaries, bold/italics, bullet points, names,
titles and subtitles, dates, numbers, etc. They were casting their eyes over its
surface – to get a general idea of what it is. This skill means they will get bogged
down and may not be able to identify the general idea because they are
concentrating too hard on specifics.
Refers to looking for general topic or main idea of reading text, and works
best with non-fiction or factual material. Skimming takes place while reading and
allows the reader to look for details in addition to the main ideas. Skimming
involves reading the title, subtitle, headings, the introductory paragraph, the first
sentence of subsequencet paragraphs, key words, graphic elements, and the last
Scanning a text means looking through it quickly to find specific
information. They were casting their eyes over its surface – to get a general idea
of what it is. This skill means they will get bogged down and may not be able to
identify the general idea because they are concentrating too hard on specifics. For
reading quickly.
When scanning, the readers look only for a specific fact or piece of
information without reading everything. Scanning involves checking the
organization, forming specific questions, anticipating clue words, identifying
likely answer locations, using systematic pattern, and confirming the answer. For
scanning to be succesful, the readers need to understand how the materials is
structured as well as comprehend what they can locate the specific information
their need from reading text.
2.2 The Purpose of reading Skimming and Scanning
Here are some of the purposes of someone reading speed or skimming.
- Identify the topic of a text.
- Get so much reference.

- Get to know about writing organization..
- Get the important parts that in a minute.
2.3 Benefit of Skimming and Scanning
Here are some benefits of skimming and scanning.
a. To help the readers become a more flexible reader
b. To explore many pages of a book in a short time.
c. Will help the readers locate the information quickly while making sure the
time wisely
2.4 Usefulness of Reading Skimming and Scanning
Skimming is a technique that allows you to read faster and find out if the
text is worth reading further or not. On the other hand, scanning is a reading
technique used when looking for specific information in a text. scanning is used to
understand the way the material is structured / presented and distinguish whatever
is read, to easily identify the information needed.
2.5 Improving Skimming and Scanning
Skimming — getting the essence from reading material without reading all the
words — boils down to knowing what parts to read and what parts to pass by.
Following are some tips and techniques for recognizing what is important to read
in the act of skimming.
a. Know what you want
Before you start skimming, ask yourself what you want to get from the
book or article under your nose. Think of two or three terms that describe
what you want to know, and as you skim, keep an eye out for those two or
three terms. Aimlessly skimming with no particular purpose can cause
drowsiness, and eventually, sleep.
b. Read vertically as well as horizontally
When skimming, you move your eyes vertically as much as you move
your eyes horizontally. In other words, you move your eyes down the page
as much as you move them from side to side. Skimming is a bit like
running down stairs. Yes, you should take one step at a time, and running
down stairs is reckless, but you also get there faster by running.
c. Think like the author

Every article, book, and Web page is written to make a point of some kind,
and if you can detect the author’s strategies for making his point, you can
separate the important from the unimportant material in the course of your
reading. You can focus on the original, meaningful material and skip over
the material that just supports the author’s argument without advancing it.

Detecting the author’s strategies requires you to put yourself in his place.
Besides noticing the material on the page, notice how he presents the
material. See whether you can recognize how the author places
background material, secondary arguments, tangential information, and
just plain frippery.
d. Preread before you start skimming
Examine an article before you read it. By prereading an article before you
skim, you can pinpoint the parts of the article that require your undivided
attention and the parts that you can skip.
e. Try to detect the main idea in the introductory paragraphs
The introductory paragraphs usually express the main idea, argument, or
goal of an article or chapter. Read these paragraphs closely. They tell you
what the author’s aim is, which can help you decide early on whether the
article or chapter is worth reading in detail.
f. Read the first sentence in each paragraph
The introductory sentence of each paragraph usually describes what
follows in the paragraph. When you skim, read the first sentence in each
paragraph and then decide whether the rest of the paragraph deserves a
read. If it doesn’t, move on.
g. Don’t necessarily read complete sentences
When skimming, you don’t even have to read complete sentences. If the
start of a sentence holds no promise of the sentence giving you the
information you want, skip to the next sentence. Read the start of
sentences with an eye to whether they will yield useful information, and
read them all the way through only if they appear to be useful at first

When you do this, you are scanning. You’re eliminating all of the
information which does not concern you in order to focus on the
information which is most relevant to your needs. Just as you would do
this with a TV guide, it is extremely important to do this within the context
of oet reading. Many questions in the exam will require the ability to
isolate specific bits of information; namely, the ability to scan. In this
article, I will share some tips on how you can approach this skill most
In order to scan effectively, you need to know exactly what it is
that you are scanning for. Think about the analogy above. You cannot
successfully find a TV programme or movie to watch if you don’t know
what time and date you are available to watch it. In the context of OET
reading, this means being aware of exactly what information the question
requires. Let’s look at this question from reading part A of the OET exam
on the topic of fractures, dislocations and sprains. What information do
you need to scan for?
“Which parts of a limb may need extra padding?”
It’s pretty clear, isn’t it? You need to find information about the
different parts of a limb, so you should expect vocabulary relating to the
body, particularly the bones and joints, and you need to find out which of
these parts needs extra support or padding. The fact that padding is
mentioned should indicate that you are likely to find this information in a
text which focuses on treating the fracture, dislocation or sprain. With this
clear idea in your mind, you can begin your search for the information you
h. Eliminate what you don’t need, quickly!
Scanning is often a process of elimination. By eliminating the texts or the
parts of a text you don’t need, you can focus on what you do need much
more effectively.
i. Expect to encounter paraphrasing
Finding the answers to many of the questions in the OET exam requires
the ability to successfully recognise paraphrasing, particularly when it

comes to parts B and C of the OET reading exam. It is not enough to scan
the texts looking for the exact keywords that are used in the questions; you
have to be prepared to recognise synonyms and antonyms of those
2.6 Difference between skimming and scanning
The difference between skimming and scanning reading is presented in
detail below:
- Skimming can be defined as a type of reading in which the reader
reads the text quickly to have an idea of the concepts, subject matter,
main points and gist, without paying attention to excessive details. On
the other hand, scanning refers to a reading technique, in which the
reader moves his eyes throughout the text to find certain keywords that
are in his mind.
- Skimming is a speed reading method, while scanning is a selective
reading method.
- Skimming reading technique is reading a minimum amount of material
in a minimum time, scanning is a method of finding something
- Skimming technique is used with the aim of taking insight into what is
contained in the research material without reading it verbatim.
Conversely, when readers use scanning, they want to know facts,
keywords, or specific information about their needs.
- Skimming is used to get acquainted with text you haven't read. On the
other hand, in the case of scanning, the reader has knowledge of what
he is looking for in the given text.

2.6 Step to Reading Skimming and Scanning

To skim, prepare yourself to move rapidly through the pages. You will
not read every word; you will pay special attention to typographical cues-
headings, boldface and italic type, indenting, bulleted and numbered lists.
You will be alert for key words and phrases, the names of people and
places, dates, nouns, and unfamiliar words. In general follow these steps:

- Read the table of contents or chapter overview to learn the main
divisions of ideas.
- Glance through the main headings in each chapter just to see a word or
two. Read the headings of charts and tables.
- Read the entire introductory paragraph and then the first and last
sentence only of each following paragraph. For each paragraph, read
only the first few words of each sentence or to locate the main idea.
- Stop and quickly read the sentences containing keywords indicated in
boldface or italics.
- When you think you have found something significant, stop to read the
entire sentence to make sure. Then go on the same way. Resist the
temptation to stop to read details you don't need.
- Read chapter summaries when provided.
To make sense of lists and tables, skim them first to understand how
they are organized: alphabetical, chronological, or most-to-least, for
example. If after skimming you decide the material will be useful, go ahead
and scan:
1. Know what you're looking for. Decide on a few key words or phrases–
search terms, if you will. You will be a flesh-and-blood search engine.
2. Look for only one keyword at a time. If you use multiple keywords, do
multiple scans.
3. Let your eyes float rapidly down the page until you find the word or
phrase you want.
4. When your eye catches one of your keywords, read the surrounding
material carefully
2.7 Example of reading text with skimming and Scanning
An example would be when you are reading a news article to find out a
specific piece of information, such as did Congress impeach President
Trump. If you only care about the answer to that question, and are not
interested in the details, you could skim the article.
Scanning refers to looking through a text very quickly to find specific
details. For example, when we are searching for a telephone number in a

directory, we scan the page for the name of the specific person we are
looking for. Reading scanning / scanning for example reading looking for
the meaning of words in the dictionary, reading broadcast programs on
television, reading travel lists, looking for phone numbers in the phone
book, reading menus at restaurants, reading class schedules, looking on
bulletin boards, looking for topics on lists. the contents of a book.

3.1 Conclusion
Reading is important activity in life which one can update the knowledge
or reading is not only a source of information and a pleasurable activity but
also as a means of consolidating and extending one knowledge of the
language. The skill of reading is developed in societies with literacy taste,
enrich vocabulary.
Skimming is a reading technique in which readers read the text rapidly to
find the general topics or main ideas of reading text. Scanning is a fast reading
technique to get information, locate specific information without needing to
read the whole reading text. It means that, skimming and scannning are
reading techniques to make the reader will be easier to understand about
reading text and quickly to get information in a few minutes.



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