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april 22, 2011

Locally Owned & Operated STRATHMORE

Volume 3 issue 16

Strathmore Auto DetAiling

Club Sobeys Car & Truck SpecialS
Car & truck

Reward Program tiReS

Ranch Market on the Trans Canada Hwy waSh 103 - 717 Westlake Road, Strathmore
now Available

Page 5
County roads
in danger
Shannon LeClair
Times Reporter

The weather has been erratic lately, with a heavy

snowfall one day and a fast melt the next, which
Crowther Memorial hosts is creating flooding issues all over the county.
fifth annual talent show “You need to drive with extreme caution, there’s
a lot of washouts everywhere. Almost every road
in the county is affected, some spots with flooding
Page 11 or washouts,” said Gerry Van Ooostwaard, Public
Works Superintendent for Wheatland County.
“The first priority is to figure out which ones are
worse, and then prioritize those based on traffic
flows, and traffic volumes, and firstly divide them
into categories that way.
Secondly take those and fix the ones that are
easier to do first, where you get the most bang for
your buck, and do the more difficult ones as time
and circumstances permit.”
Standard hosts The biggest problem Public Works is facing
annual ladies night right now is the fact that the snow is still melting,
and with the frost coming out of the roads it’s
soft, wet and muddy, making it difficult to get into
Page 19 certain affected areas with heavy equipment. On
April 14 Public Works staff were flagging wash-
outs, and plowing snow at the same time. Three
bridges were also worked on last week after they
washed out against the abutments.
Van Ooostwaard also said there are a number
of culverts where there was so much water, it
washed them out. There is also water flowing un-
der the road, and cutting a trail, which causes the
road to cave in when the water goes down.
Minor hockey closes “Very dangerous situation when that happens.
season with AGM and A big washout across the highway is much easier
floor hockey to see than when the culvert or bridge is under-
mined, so it’s very dangerous,” said Van Ooost-
Visit our Public Works is trying to fix those areas first be-
cause of the danger associated with them. There
are temporary signs up indicating rough roads
Times Fac
and washouts and fluorescent flags to indicate the
page to W
IN Not only are the roads affected, but also some
s! farmers may be as well. Van Ooostwaard said once
Golf Passe the snow melts farmers are going to want to get
out, and get on the land and seeding. In some cas-
es the extreme melt is going to slow them down.
Look on Page 4 for “They don’t need this on top of everything else
Town of Strathmore already being late. So it’s going to cause some
Municipal Notices stress on both them and us,” said Van Ooostwaard.
Contact Us Today! “I think we’re in a situation right now where vir- Celebrating Easter early with tea
tually everyone in the county can get in and out. Betty Blinger – always the life of the party – enjoys her Easter Bonnet Tea along with fellow resi-
403.934.5589 They may have to take the long way or take a de- dents of the Wheatland lodge. Chief Administrative Officer, Shirley Reinhardt inherited a large
tour…but at least they can all get in and out, but collection of hats from her aunts, and is happy to see them being put to good use.
there are some fields that are inaccessible.” Continued on Page 3
Wendi Tashlikowich Photo

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403-815-3774 wishing you and your family a wonderful easter celebration! 403-874-6486
Page 2 • Strathmore Times • April 22, 2011

SAFEblu Thrift sale continues to help those in need

Shannon LeClair able to afford otherwise. for volunteers in October. If you would

Fire & Safety

Times Reporter The United Church women began the like to help with future thrift sales, con-
sale in 1976 and the sale of ‘items with tact either Deen Hymas at 403-934-5803,
ServiceS The United Church held their 35 an-
nual thrift sale this past weekend. From
experience’ has grown beyond expecta-
tions. The aim of the project has been to
Elisabeth Stuiksma at 403-934-3264 or
Lynne Fair at 403-934-4359.
LocALLy ownEd & opErAtEd April 14 to 16, hundreds of people provide sale items to those in need, and
streamed through the church doors to because of this, the prices have barely
Fire Extinguishers find a bargain. changed from what they were over 30
Service & Inspections “We’re just delighted that it still serves years ago.
the same purpose,” said Lynne Fair, an “We just felt that there were people in
Safety Supplies • defibrillators organizer and member of the church. the community who could use perfectly
Safety training • consulting “We’ve had people come to us that good clothes. It started small and has
cor programs have had fire in their home, or that have grown to what you see over the years,”
said Fair.
had some special need and they’re re-
ISnet world ferred to us. Then they get to come and “The need is always going to be here,
and anything that’s left over we take to
921B wheatland trail just help themselves to the things that
403-934-9387 they need to.”
The sale is held twice a year, always
the Drop Inn Centre in Calgary.”
She said they have donated the left
Behind the Golden Hills School division- South side of Hwy#1
the third week in April and October. over items to the Mustard Seed in the The Strathmore United Church was filled with
The date was picked because that was past and the Mennonite Central Commu- people for opening day of their thrift sale, April
Times tidbits 14. Paula Beekman, right, owner of Strathmore
Did You Know? the week family allowance cheques used nity Thrift store. They phone in advance
Kids Daycare, stocked up on some new toys for
Did you know Easter is also known as the movable feast to come out. By setting the sale for the and see who could use the help. the kids with her daughter Courtney.
because the date of Easter changes every year? week after the cheques, it allowed many “We don’t throw it out or anything, it
Easter Sunday can fall on any date from families to be able to buy what they goes to the best people who can use it,” Shannon LeClair Photo
March 22 to April 25. said Fair.
needed, which they may not have been
There were things there for just about
everyone – household items, toys, knick-
Bow Valley College
knacks and a mini mountain of clothes. hosts open house
Spring Fair said sometimes people buy clothes
and never wear them. Or if someone Shannon LeClair
Football passes away, there is a whole wardrobe Times Reporter

Camps of clothes to pass along because they

may not know what else to do with them. Bow Valley College, BVC, will be host-
“Most people come back each day, be- ing one of the first community consulta-
cause a lot of those piles only get turned tions on May 25 at the Civic Centre.
Senior Bantam PeeWee over in a day,” said Fair.
“We’re really, really happy that many
“This is our engagement of the com-
munity and we’ll have four key areas we
Grade 9, 10, 11 Grade 6, 7, 8 Grade 3, 4, 5 families we can see come shopping who want to talk to them about,” said Teri
Carl Seafoot Rob Musselman Doug Klauck need it.” McKinnon, one of three new education
Head Coach Head Coach Head Coach Because of how much the program has representatives hired by BVC in mid- grown, the church counts on the support February.
H: 403-934-6702 C: 403-968-6481 H: 403-983-8424 of other congregations, and members of The idea is for McKinnon, and her co-
C: 403-828-1530 C: 403-830-8424 the community. While the sale may be horts in Cochrane and Okotoks, to help
over for now, they will still be looking residents and employers find education
Equipment & Registration: Apr 26, 27, 28 and training programs within the com-
Camps Start May 2 munity.
Time: 6-8pm at SHS “If we run programming out here, they
2011 Spring Camp Fee: $30 2011 Registration Fee: $30
have to be programs that are going to
Please Note: players must be registered before taking the field. build the community, and we keep talk-
Registration Forms are available on the Website
ReClaim YouR GaRaGe! ing about education as a catalyst for eco-
nomic development,” said McKinnon. mention this ad and receive “But I think it’s the catalyst for com-
munity development as well, because
2 WeeKS* Storage we’re back on that talent retention idea
NOTICE FRee where we really want people to stay,
SCFA AGM (New customers only)
study, and work in Strathmore and that’s
what we’re building.”
*Conditions apply
7 PM April 19 @ Civic Centre One of the key areas that will be
302 Canal Blvd., Strathmore discussed is accessibility, what kind of

Adult Participation 403-901-0522 learning are people looking at. For ex-
ample, would future students want a
Interested in becoming a Football Referee? blended classroom, a fully online class-
Contact: Head Official Donavon Lomenda H: 403- 934-3034 room, or campus style traditional class-
room? BVC also plans to discuss content,

on may 2, the choice is clear resources and sustainability.

“Those will be the four questions we’re
going to ask them about. When we talk
about resources, we talk about existing
community partnerships and alignments

in crowfoot, re-elect
with others. Whether they come inside
the workplace or they come inside the
health force,” said McKinnon.
“It’s going to be really exciting.”
Before being able to provide the com-

munity with what they may want, a needs
assessment and consultations with the

public must be done to determine exact-
ly what the needs are. The open house
begins at 5:30 p.m. on May 25.


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April 22, 2011 • Strathmore Times • Page 3

Join our Facebook Page

Giving what they can to help those in need Joyland Theatre

Shannon LeClair py at the Children’s Hospi-
Times Reporter tal. Originally the boys were
going to donate to cancer,
Two brave students from but he said after that they April 22 - 28
Westmount Elementary decided on the Children’s Anne Hathaway, Jesse
Hospital Oncology research. Eisenberg, Jemaine Clement
School sat in front of the
Rating General
entire school on April 15 to “Chase was just a really
shave their heads for cancer. good supporting friend and MAtineeS Show • 2 pm
Karter Kozma and Chase did it with him. So it was Saturday, April 23
Petruska have never shaved great, because it would be 8:00 pm Nightly, closed Mondays
their heads before, and ad- hard to be the only one up
For Movie Listings 403-934-3057
mitted it was a little scary at here. It was nice that Chase
grew his and joined him,” or visit our websites:
first doing it in front of the
said Lynne Kozma, Karter’s •
whole school.
“At first, and then, once mom. Chase Petruska, left, and Karter Kozma shaved their heads in front of their 114 2nd Ave, Strathmore, AB
we talked, it felt a little bit “Because we’re friends and school on April 15. The boys are donating their hair to Locks of Love and the
better,” said Kozma. I had my hair long enough money they have raised through donations and rice krispy treat sales to the
The boys gave a speech and I was going to do it be- Alberta Children’s Hospital oncology research.
fore, I was going to do it at Shannon LeClair Photo
to the school to inform all

Make a Bear!
of the kids about what they home. Then I heard that he to cut it because he wanted had a goal, and it makes you
were doing. was doing it at school so I to shave it off,” said Tracy really proud,” said Tracy.
“We’re going to give the joined him,” said Petruska, Petruska, Chase’s mom. As of April 15, the boys
donations to the Children’s about why he joined his “I’m just proud that he had raised $2,000 for the
Hospital foundation in Cal- friend Karter. could actually go through Children’s Hospital, and will
gary,” said Kozma. “When he started growing with it because that must continue collecting dona-
Grad Outfit
Kozma said his mom had his hair out, for hockey hair, have been, nearing the end tions until May 6. The boys Gown, Hat &
seen a two-month-old baby for the hockey season, he it was looking a little tough. are also donating their hair mini Diploma
going through chemothera- kept saying he didn’t want They worked hard and they to Locks of Love. $9.99 + GST!

At 1:40 a.m. on March 22 a fire raged through a home at the corner of Briarwood Road and Briarwood Crescent Husky
in Strathmore. Four neighbouring homes were evacuated for the safety of the occupants due to the severity of the
Limited Quantities $13.99 + GST

4-H funday
fire and wind direction. The occupants of the residence where the fire started were not home at the time. A second

128 - 2nd Avenue, Strathmore

The regionalnext to thewas
4-H Funday first, was
held damaged
at the byin the fire.
Civic Center 403-934-6737
Strathmore this year, on April 16. Every year a different
4-H club hosts this event, and 4-Hers from Highriver up
to Olds come to participate in a day full of fun events.

Video Gallery
The day started with a bench show and then followed
with a chili cook off. They then got to participate in differ-
ent sessions, which included crafts and a giant bounc-
er. They had a great turn out of approximately 80 kids.
Shown here: High River 4H representatives.
Across from No Frills

Wendi Tashlikowich Photo - The Old Movie Gallery
f the
ental o
At 1:40 a.m. on March 22 a fire raged through
County warns motorists a home at the corner of Briarwood Road and Movie R
r ’ s wA
of dangerous road conditions
Continued from Page 1 are under water, or where it’s
Briarwood Crescent in Strathmore. Four neigh-
bouring homes were evacuated for the safety of
the occupants due to the severity of the fire and
Tues d Ay, A pril 26T
hr eleAse

washed across the road, and wind direction. The occupants of the residence Easter
Van Ooostwaard will be look- you have to go real slow. You where the fire started were not home at the time. Special
ing into hiring outside contrac-
tors to help and asked people
can get through, but you have
to be very careful, go slow, said
A second residence next to the first, was dam- 403-934-4323 April 22 to 30th ONly!
Buy 4 used dVd for $35
to have patience. Because there Van Ooostwaard. aged by the fire. www.videogallery or Buy 3 used Bluray for $35!
are so many areas in trouble it “I’m sure there’s situations
ay take a bit of time before Pub- we don’t even know about, and
lic Works makes it to your road. there’s going to be a few more Times tidbits
There have been lots of wash- to come.” Origins of Coloring Eggs at Easter…
outs before, but never as many He said people should phone The oldest tradition is to use dyed or painted chicken
as there is this year. There have and let him know if there are All smiles, waiting for the school bus. eggs, but a modern custom is to substitute chocolate
been bridges under water be- any bad areas Public Works Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr! eggs, or plastic eggs filled with confectionery such
cause of the extreme amounts may not know about, especially The snowstorm that blew through Strathmore didn’t affect the as jellybeans. These eggs are often hidden,
of water. if there are no signs or flags al- spirit of this group of kids as they waited for the bus on April allegedly by the Easter Bunny, for children to find on
“Most roads are open, there’s ready put up by the county. Call 14. Easter morning. Otherwise, they are generally
just a handful that aren’t, but Gerry Van Ooostwaard at 403- put in a basket filled with real or artificial straw
Wendi Tashlikowich Photo to resemble a bird’s nest.
there might be sections that 934-3284.

qUiCk lUbe
Tire sale lUbe, Oil, FilTer
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Phone for Pricing! all Makes & Models Welcome.


900 Westridge road, strathmore

Page 4 • Strathmore Times • April 22, 2011

We heard there’s room in...

town of
strathmore COunCil MeeTingS FOR APRil
will be held 20th at 7:30 pm.
Agendas are available on the Town Website
TOWn OF STRATHMORe under Council.


On Sale at the Town Office $40.00
liVing in STRATHMORe?
The Town of Strathmore honors new Canadian Citizens at our Canada
SPRing Day Celebrations. If you are a new Canadian Citizen, living in Strathmore,
STReeT SWeePing and are planning to be in town on July 1st, we would like to hear from
The Town of Strathmore will commence its Annual Spring street you. Contact the Town of Strathmore at 934-3133 and ask for Tammy.
sweeping on May 2, 2011, weather permitting. Please ensure that all We need to hear from you by June 24th, 2011.
vehicles are parked in driveways and do not over hang the roadway. The
cleanliness of our Town depends on your co-operation in keeping roads CAuTiOn: THin iCe
clear of parked cars. Due to the warming weather, the ice on
Street Sweeping signs will be posted in your area to advise that street Kinsmen Lake and other water bodies within the
sweeping will be completed the next day in that particular area. Watch Town of Strathmore is unsafe.
for signs as they will be set out a minimum of 24 hours prior to sweeping.
Please assist the Town by removing your vehicles from the street. Ve- PleASe STAY OFF THe iCe
hicles left parked on signed streets will be ticketed and towed.
Residents can assist the process by sweeping the sidewalk in front of CAnADA DAY VOlunTeeRS
your homes and keeping debris out of catch basins. Citizens are remind- Town of Strathmore is looking for Volunteers for
ed to stay a safe distance from sweepers and equipment and to slow the Canada Day Celebrations. Our first planning
down while passing crews. meeting will be held on May 11th, 2011 at 6:30 pm
The Town appreciates your cooperation. in Council Chambers.


Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 11:00 am to 7:00 pm andFriday and Saturday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.


The Development Permit for the Discretionary Use listed below has been conditionally approved in accordance with the Town of Strathmore’s Land Use Bylaw.


11/D-030 332 Ranch garden lot 18, Block 13, Plan 0810607 Single Detached Dwelling to be constructed
The above permit shall not be valid until fourteen days after the Notice of Decision has been published. Any person wishing to appeal this decision can do so
by obtaining an Appeal form at the Planning & Development Department of the Town of Strathmore. This form, including the $100.00 fee should be addressed to
the Secretary of the Strathmore Subdivision & Development Appeal Board, 680 Westchester Road Strathmore Alberta T1P 1J1 and is to be received within the
fourteen days.

Notice of Decision published this 14th day of April 2011.

Tammy Henry, M. PL, RPP, MCIP

Director, Planning & Development in Memory of the
136 Alberta Workers
The Development Permit for the Discretionary Use listed below has been conditionally approved in accordance with the Town of Strathmore’s Land Use Bylaw. Workplace injury and
Disease in 2010.
I, Mayor
11/HB-017 47 Second Street lots 24-26, Block 17, Plan 5894P Homecraft/Travel Agency Steve Grajczyk,
Pursuant to the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta, 2000, as amended, and Section 30 of the Town of Strathmore Land Use Bylaw 89-20 as of the
amended, a person deemed affected by the decision has a right of appeal against the decision or against the conditions of the decision. Town of Strathmore ,
Appeal forms are available at the Planning & Development Department of the Town of Strathmore. The appeal form along with the applicable fee of $100.00 Proclaim
are to be addressed to the Secretary of the Strathmore Subdivision & Development Appeal Board, 680 Westchester Road Strathmore Alberta T1P 1J1 and are April 28th, 2011 as a
to be received within fourteen (14) days of the date of this notice appearing in the local Newspaper. Day of Mourning
The above permit shall not be valid until fourteen days after the Notice of Decision has been published.

Notice of Decision published this 21st day of April, 2011. Mayor

Steve Grajczyk
Tammy Henry, M. PL, RPP, MCIP
Director, Planning & Development
680 Westchester Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J1 • 403-934-3133 • Office Hours: M - F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
April 22, 2011 • Strathmore Times • Page 5

Crowther Memo-
rial Junior High held
their fifth annual
Crowther’s Got Talent
on April 14.
Shannon LeClair you nEEd...

Crowther students show off their talent

for a perfect
Firefighters fill the shannon LeClair
Times Reporter
been donated to the Wheatland Food
Bank. There were 150 tickets printed
TAN for Grad!
streets of Standard and it sold out quickly. Out of the 33 grad
The Firefighters were out in full force in Stan- The fifth annual Crowther’s Got Tal- people who signed up to audition, only Mystic
ent took place on April 14. Previously 25 did audition, and from there, 11
dard training this past weekend. Firefighters sunlEss
from Drumheller, Strathmore, Strathmore the school had done Crowther’s Idol for were picked to perform.
Two Sessions grad
Rural, Carseland, Standard and Gleichen approximately three years, and wanted The top three winners all received BundlE
received instructions from Mark Heilman to open it up to allow more talent to gift certificates for varying amounts. grad Minutes and Two
(Chief of Strathmore Rural) and Andy Schul- come in. That was when Crowther’s Sho Blunderfield won first place, Ben
tess (Chief of Standard) on their S300 train- 150 Mystic Spray Tan
Got Talent was born. Scott, Carter Hill and Cyrus Fiori took 150 Tanning Sessions
ing which deals with SCBA (Self Contained second place, and Lane Anderson won
Breathing Apparatus). The firefighters from
“Since then it has worked out re- Minutes
ally well, and every year it seems like third. Start early for best results.
our rural communities are constantly train-
they practice more to get better for the “It’s actually kind of what I thought Special Pricing - Grads, Escorts &
ing and retraining for different potential
might happen,” said Motley, after the Immediate Family Members Only
situations, which include Ropes and Knots, show,” said Terry Motley, organizer and
Search and Rescue and Firefighter Safety. CMJH English teacher. show. “The Hottest
Shown here are firefighters representing the “It seems to be a popular thing, we The talent show is run through the
communities of Standard, Gleichen, Strath- Tanning Place in Town!”
always sell out, and all the money will leadership program, which Motley is
more, Drumheller and Strathmore Rural in go to the Wheatland Food Bank.” in charge of. Students in leadership Vitamin D Sunbeds • Tanning
training with SCBA (self contained breathing Infrared Sauna • Mystic HD Sunless
Over the last two years, the funds helped run, and set up, everything for
Manny Everett Photo raised through the talent show have the show and were also the judges. 510 Hwy 1, Strathmore - Country Lane Mall
HOURS 403-983-1803
Mon - Thurs:
9:30 am to 8:30 pm
Fri: 9:30 am to 7 pm
Sat & Sun:
10 am to 3 pm
Members of the Crown Jewels
of Canada were in Standard on by the sliCe We feature:

April 12, showing off their lovely Fresh and Hot • Lunch 11 am - 3 pm
Easter Bonnets.
Photo Courtesy of Canadian Pizza Unlimited

Crown Jewels still going strong

the Crown Jewels 419 - 2nd Street, Strathmore
403-934-0006 or 403-901-1181
RoseMary Comstock more group presently has a membership
Crown Jewels of 21 ladies. To become a member of
the Crown Jewels it is very simple. Just
The Crown Jewels of Canada began in agree to wear our colours, which are
2009 and is now in its third year and white, red and purple, and when gath-
growing. It is a non-profit group of ered together we must wear something
friends, totally Canadian and proud of on our heads. Most of all, be ready to
it. Ladies are able to share ideas, activi- laugh and have fun together. There is a
ties and make friends across the country small membership fee, which is paid an-
via the web and monthly letters. There nually. Oh I forgot to mention we are
is a “Queen Mother” over all of Canada the senior members of our communi-
and every province has a rep that tries ties! Several members of the Strathmore
to keep in touch with the members of “Dames of Whine & Roses” recently
her province and encourages them to traveled to Standard to enjoy lunch at
participate in joint activities. Each group the Senior Centre. We were sporting our
has a “Queen” who tries to help orga- Easter Bonnets, which were ingeniously
nize and encourage friendship and sup- crafted from flowerpots, baskets and
port for the members of her group. In all things spring! We paraded around
Strathmore, we meet once a month to through the folks gathered there while
share a cup of coffee and plan activi- they tried to decide who had the “Best
ties. We are a sisterhood of jewels who Easter Bonnet.” Needless to say they
enjoy each other’s company. Our Strath- were all spectacular!

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pair of Wrangler branded jeans at time of purchase.
Offer valid on regularly priced Wrangler men’s or women’s
jeans only. Cannot be combined with any other offer.
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See a store representative for full details.

Sale StartS april 25, 2011

Childhood classic teaches kids valuable life lessons
Center Stage, out of Calgary, returned to Sacred Heart Academy on April 14 to perform the beloved
childhood classic Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Eccentric candy maker Willy Wonka granted a
tour to the five children who were lucky enough to find golden tickets. The performance helped teach
the children the meaning of teamwork, self-confidence and self-esteem.
prairie saddlery your one-stop western shop!
Shannon LeClair Photo
Phone: 403-934-4443 Located in the Country Lane Mall on the #1 Highway in Strathmore
Page 6 • Strathmore Times • April 22, 2011 times
for the
If there
were no faith Create your own
there would
be no living.
Easter eggs
Preparing your eggs for dyeing
Before decorating your eggs, you need to
hard-boil them. Place the eggs in a large
saucepan and add cold water; enough to
completely cover the eggs. Place them
on medium-high heat and bring water to
a gentle boil. Reduce heat and simmer
eggs for 9 minutes. Remove from heat
and fill with cold water. The eggs must
be completely cool and dry, to decorate

Make your own food color dye

Combine ½ to 1 tbsp of food coloring with
2 tsp. vinegar in a cup that is deep enough
to cover the eggs. Add water to about the
halfway point, then gently place the eggs
into the cups. Use a soupspoon to place
eggs in the cups to avoid cracking. The
longer they are left in the dye, the darker
the shade. Experiment with different
combinations of colors when you remove
the egg from the dye, pat dry with a paper
towel and place in a holder.
Debbie Murray Crayons Resist Color
FREE MaRkEt Color on the Easter Eggs before placing
Evaluations in the dye. Simple dots, lines, shapes and
swirls are fun and then when you dip the
403.325.0372 • egg in food color dye, the wax from the
crayons resist the dye and your picture will
show through. If you are dying Easter eggs
Easy with little ones and do not want to use dye,
taRt SHeLL Apple Tart the children can simply color the eggs with
½ cup butter 1/3 cup sugar crayon and leave it at that. Give them lots
½ tsp vanilla 1 cup flour of colors and they can design their own
cReam fiLLiNg pretty eggs.
1 egg ½ tsp vanilla
¼ cup sugar 8 oz cream cheese, softened Rubber band designs
Wrap elastic bands around the hard
¼ cup sugar 3 apples, peeled and thinly sliced cooked eggs then drop them in the food
½ tsp cinnamon ¼ cup slivered almonds or chopped walnuts coloring dye. Remove eggs, pat dry with
paper towel and remove rubber bands. The
Shell – Preheat oven to 400. Cream the butter & sugar, than stir in vanilla.
parts of the egg covered with rubber bands
Mix in flour to make smooth dough. Press into bottom of 8” spring-form pan and
press up the sides about an inch. Bake 15 minutes until lightly golden. will not be colored, then once you remove
Remove from oven and set aside to cool. the bands, drop in another color food dye
Filling – Beat all ingredients for the cream filling until smooth. for a really neat affect.
Once shell is cooled a bit, spoon in filling.
Topping – Toss the apple slices with cinnamon, sugar and nuts.
Arrange apples on top in a decorative manner, slightly overlapping
Marbled Eggs
just a bit to cover filling. In a mug or jar large enough to contain
Bake until apples are tender and golden, about 40 minutes. one egg, place 1 tbsp of oil, 1 tbsp of
vinegar and 1 tbsp of food coloring. Add
Do you have a enough water to cover egg, stir quickly
special recipe you with a spoon and drop in hard-boiled egg.
would like to share? Pull egg out quickly and pat dry with paper
Please submit to the Strathmore Times towel.
by Friday noon.
Fax Tracey 403.934.5546 or
email Painted Eggs
Use undiluted food coloring and a cotton
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April 22, 2011 • Strathmore Times • Page 7

Letters to the editor

What is Proportional Representation?

To the Editor How will it be fair? And what is Jack Layton trying to
If you watched the 2011 Federal leaders debate this get at? Well if you go to it is a web-
past week you heard Jack Layton leader of the NDP site that breaks down and explains exactly how the
party say “we need proportional representation.” So election system should work. They want to create an
what is that? It’s called democracy, “it is used to cre- equal effective votes and fair representation at EVERY
ate a government by the people, for the people, of the level of government.
people.” You are taught that in Grade 5 politics. The What is their definition of proportional represen-
current system is a winner-take-all principle. Each rid- tation; the supporters of all candidates and political
ing has one group of voters that wins, those votes parties must be fairly represented in our legislatures
then send an MP to parliament. The other voters in in proportion to votes cast. Political parties should
those ridings have no representation in parliament. have seat in close proportion to their popular sup-
In a federal election about six million Canadians or
just half of those that vote cast a wasted vote. In the
port. None of that sounds at all completely bogus. So
what does fair representation mean to them; to reflect
Flooding in Standard
2004 Federal election a record was set for the low- in the legislatures the diversity of society we must The road was closed for two days just south of Don and Peggy Jen-
sen’s farm West and south of Standard with the thaw and subsequent
est turn-out in Canadian history. The way the voting change the voting system and related laws to remove
snow fall last week.
system is, there is no surprise that 40 per cent of the barriers to the nomination and election of candidate Photo Courtesy of Peggy Jensen of Standard
registered voters are not voting. Since World War I from groups now underrepresented including wom-
Canada has had 15 “majority” governments only four en, cultural minorities and aboriginals.
of which were legitimate majority governments over What can you do to help or to change this and
eight decades. And when I say legitimate I mean actu- make it fair? Well, to start off it can be set up in many
ally held 100 per cent of the popular vote. different ways there are 80+ countries using this sys-
Why is this proportional representation so impor- tem now. You need to check out the website and get
tant? Well, let’s look at it this way for a minute. Do informed! You can not change what you do not know.
you see an equal amount of women in parliament Facts: Countries using the fair voting systems have
Right now there are very few women in parliament. higher voter turnout. Based on international experi-
How about visible minorities? If there are any, there ence, if Canada switched to some form of proportion-
are very few if any at all. Canada is about diversity al representation, we could expect another 1.5 million
and open but yet you see very few minorities serving. or more additional voters to participate.
How can these individuals get their representation in
parliament? Ashley Rodman
So now you’re asking how we can change this. Strathmore

Bow River ice jams

April winter storms have caused major flooding and ice jams on the
Bow River south of Cluny, near the Hidden Valley Golf Resort. A few
of the lots in the area have already been flooded, with more expected
when the snow melts.
Photos Courtesy of Earl Best

Celebrating 12 years of perserverance

Karen Knight which means reinvestment into our community. As
SHS Parent Sponsored Grad Banquet well, with the event being local, parents don’t have
the extra costs of gas, parking in the city and the ex-
It’s been 12 long years to get to this day but, it’s travagant rentals of a limo. At $40.00 per ticket for
finally here….the Strathmore High Graduation. The a wonderful prime rib buffet the cost seems minimal
students, with the support of their families and when compared the average ticket for schools in the
friends have worked diligently to complete 12 years city at $80.00 per ticket for a limited meal. Even if
of school. Who better to celebrate it with…but fam- you drive to the city to go to a nice restaurant, by
ily and friends! The parent sponsored graduation the time you rush in to the city and back, pay for gas
banquet will be held on May 28, 2011 at the Strath- and the meal for four people, it would be more cost
more Family Center. effective to go to the banquet and time better spent
A graduation banquet is a time honored tradition with family and friends than driving on a hi-way.
for the majority of schools in this area. The ban- For that matter, even if you have a BBQ at home, by
quet will give families the opportunity to celebrate the time you buy all the food, prepare it all, cook it
with their child and their friends. They will have the and then clean up the aftermath, you aren’t really
chance to see how friends have grown and matured saving any money or time. This is a day to celebrate
and see where they are heading once school is over. 12 years of hard work and dedication; to enjoy the
Our lives are busy; this occasion gives everyone a friends and family that have helped get that grad
chance to catch up before the next stage in our lives to this point – why waste it with driving and cook-
begins. Students will go away to college, some will ing? Come to the banquet, relax with family and
move away for work or to start families – a new pe- friends, catch up on old times and look forward to
riod begins and this is our chance to reflect on the the future.

past and toast to the future. Tickets available through Julia – 901-1486 and
The parent committee is hosting this event locally Karen 888-8308. Facebook – Strathmore Grads 2011.

Mario Prusina Publisher / Editor
Shannon LeClair Reporter Rose Hamrlik Advertising Tracey Rogers Office Manager Jody Schneider Production
Contributors Wendi Tashlikowich, Doug Taylor, Manny Everett

202, 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1Y4 • 403.934.5589 Your Local
Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny, Realtors with
the Calgary
Jody Buckle
Gleichen, Hussar, Indus, Langdon, Lyalta, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass and Standard. We also have various pickup locations
throughout our coverage area. Our 11,500 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright
and reproduction without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited.
Jim Buckle Connection
The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must signed and a phone number included for verification purposes. We reserve
the right to edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close
(403) 325-7347 (403) 560-2652
to its original form as possible.
Page 8 • Strathmore Times • April 22, 2011

Local organization recognized for their contributions

Grade 3 students at West-
mount Elementary School Shannon LeClair
proudly presented a Times Reporter
Audrey So-
cheque for $512.70 to the
roka and
Water School on April 18. Putting time and effort into Cindy Jen-
Fraser Edwards (l), Ethan
raising money for charity isn’t sen ac-
White, Isaak Musselman
something people do to be cepted the
and Matias Santoro. Merit Award
recognized, but sometimes
Shannon LeClair Photo on behalf of
it’s nice. The Children’s Wish
Local school helps provide clean water Foundation held their fourth
Harley and
annual ‘Lighting up Lives Gala’
to those who need it most on April 14, in Calgary and one
Hot Rods
poker run board on April 14. The Children’s Wish Foundation, at the fourth annu-
Shannon LeClair said Kooistra. Strathmore group was picked al ‘Lighting up Lives Gala,’ presented the award to the group, to recognize their
The fundraising efforts by the to receive the merit award. fundraising efforts. Chantal Macleod (l) – Children’s Wish AB & NWT Chapter
Times Reporter
Communications Coordinator, Cindy Jensen, Jason Evanson – Children’s Wish
kids resulted in them raising “The annual Gala is our op-
AB & NWT Chapter Director, Audrey Soroka.
Drinking clean, running water $512.70 for the water school. portunity to recognize the out- Photo Courtesy of Stephanie Moore
is a luxury that isn’t available in “What they raised is going to standing volunteer and philan-
some third world countries, and provide clean water for life for thropic efforts that make wish really good organization,” said “So it’s something that hits
something many of us take for over 102 children,” said Edwards. granting possible,” said Jason Audrey Soroka, treasurer for close to home, it’s been our
granted. The Grade 3 class at The kids were shy, but all Evanson, Chapter Director for Harleys and Hot Rods. choice anyway, because of the
Westmount Elementary studied agreed they had fun and feel the Children’s Wish Alberta “I think sometimes when personal involvement.”
four different countries, their good about helping out so many and NWT. people think of Soroka had been told the
environments and services. Run- people. “We are so grateful for get your old stereotypes, but group was being considered
ning water was one of those ser- The Water School is an inter- the outstanding support it’s average people. All of us... for an award and that was the
vices. national organization designed from events like Harleys and we all love riding for many rea- last she heard until a week and
“So the kids found out that not to provide safe, strategic and sus- Hotrods and the Strathmore sons.” a half before the Gala.
all places have access to clean, tainable water solutions. It was community. Thanks to their Soroka and Cindy Jensen ac- “We’re now thinking, after
running water, so that’s kind of founded by Edwards and Rob- support the AB & NWT Chap- cepted the Merit award on be- being at the event, I think we
a big component,” said teacher ert Dell in 2007 and has helped ter will grant over 120 wishes half of Harleys and Hotrods. are definitely going to try to
Deanna Kooistra. teach hundreds of people. It is this year. Together, we truly are The award recognizes out- buy some tickets every year,
She said she knew Fraser Ed- a three-step program, which in- lighting up lives” standing support of the Alber- because we support that cause.
wards, C.E.O for the Strathmore tegrates sanitation and hygiene “It’s a big boost for us, we’re ta and NWT chapter, both indi- I think it would be good for
Water School headquarters and education by using the water very pleased with it,” said Vince viduals and organizations. The our boards members and other
founder. She asked him to come technology Solar Disinfection. Orme, president of the Harleys award is for people that have people to see where our mon-
in and talk about the water Simply, Solar Disinfection is us- and Hotrods poker run board. been supporting the Children’s ey is going that we’ve donat-
school project. ing a clear water bottle and sun- “The Children’s Wish Foun- Wish Foundation every year. To ed,” said Soroka.
The project teaches African light to disinfect water and help dation has always been a big date Harleys and Hotrods has “What a wonderful cause it
people how to clean their water prevent waterborne diseases. charity for us and that’s our donated over $72,000 to the is, it was so overwhelming. The
so it’s healthy. She decided to The money raised by the kids charity of choice, so we were Children’s Wish Foundation. stories of the children and the
have the kids learn about that as will go towards trainers, materi- quite happy to be able to pro- “We’ve got some friends families that this society has
well, and have a fundraiser. als, basic local resources, moni- vide all that money for them.” that have dealt with them, they impacted, it was just amazing.”
“We sold culturally diverse toring and continuous follow up. The Children’s Wish has one have children, or a cousin, that The Harleys and Hotrods
snacks, which tied into the four To find out more about Water of the lowest overheads is one personally received a wish poker run will be taking place
countries that we are studying School and Solar Disinfection, reason why the board likes to from the Children’s Wish Foun- on July 9 this year, starting
and the proceeds that we made call 888-800-4722 or email info@ support them. dation, and they’re local to with breakfast and registration
went towards the water school,” “It’s a good cause, and it’s a Strathmore,” said Orme. at Underground Performance.

We’ve Got Your TickeT! Town of

STraThmore Where Quality of Life is A Way of Life

BY-LAW # 11-12
Bylaw #11-12 proposes to change the Land Use Bylaw #89-20 by amending
amended by:
1. Deleting “… except where Permitted Use is assigned to Council pursuant to Section 17(1) of this
By-law)” from subsection (1)(b);
2. Deleting “…excepting those followed by the designation (CCL)” from subsection (1)(c);


TickeTs 1.
Deleting subsection (1)(a);

on sale 3. Amending “…in a public Service District (P1) or Direct Control District (DC) or where a
Discretionary Use is assigned to the Development officer pursuant to Section 16(1); TO “…in a
Direct Control District (DC) from subsection (1)(b);
now! 4.
Amending subsection (1)(b) TO (1)(a);
Amending subsection (1)(c) TO (1)(b);
6. Amending subsection (1)(d) TO (1)(c); and
7. Amending “The Council may allow a variance of any or all of the requirements where in their
discretion…” TO “The Council may allow any or all of the requirements for those permits noted
Don’t miss in Section 18(1)…” from subsection (2);

the action in A copy of the proposed Bylaw may be inspected by the public during regular office hours, 8:30
am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday at the Town Office. Please contact the Town Office if you would
like an opportunity to review and provide input on the proposed amendments prior to the Public Hear-
2011! ing.

The Public Hearing will be held at the Council Chambers, Strathmore Municipal Building, 680 West-
chester Road, on Wednesday, May 4th, 2011, commencing at 7:30 pm with procedures in accordance
with the Town of Strathmore Council Procedural Bylaw #07-11 and amendments thereto.

Any person or group of persons, or person acting on his or their behalf, who claims to be affected by
any or all of the proposed bylaws may present suggestions or concerns by making a submission to the
public hearing.

Written submissions to the Public Hearing or the name of any person wishing to make an oral presenta-
tion at the Public Hearing must be received by the Planning and Development Department prior to
12:00 noon on Wednesday April 27th, 2011 as outlined in Bylaw #07-11 and amendments thereto. If
your written submission is not received by this time, please provide fifteen (15) copies for distribution
at the Public Hearing. Each person wishing to address Council at the Public Hearing shall complete
their verbal presentation within five minutes.

Please note that written submissions will become public documents once submitted to the Town, unless
otherwise requested.
Call 403-934-5811 for tickets or Tammy Henry, M.PL, RPP, MCIP
stop by our Office 120 Brent Boulevard Director of Planning and Development
April 22, 2011 • Strathmore Times • Page 9

Chestermere Re/Max hosts yard sale to raise funds for cancer Farm safety
shannon LeClair at all, and what ever people can us at the time of the yard sale,
Times Reporter give for sure is always welcome. camping gear and things for mo- presentation
There’s certainly no set limit,” said tor homes would probably also be teaches kids
Annually Re/Max offices across Eldjarnson. great donations. important
Canada hosts a Yard Sale for the The yard sale will take place May “We’re looking forward to it, we
Cure with 100 per cent of the funds 28. Re/Max Chestermere has part- think it’s a great cause, and it’s nice safety tips
raised going to the Canadian Breast nered with the Chestermere Com- to be able to give back for sure,” Lori Blake was a guest
Cancer Foundation. The yard sale munity Association said Eldjarnson. speaker at Westmount
to be able to host the Since 2005 the yard school last Tuesday.
began in 2005, when Rachael Smith
One seat, one rider is the
held the first sale in her Toronto sale. sale has grown and is
number one farm safety
beach community. “They’ve graciously now a signature fund- rule. She explained how
“For us, it’s our first year, because lent us the use of the raiser for the foun- dangerous a farm can
we’re a brand new office,” said Mi- curling rink for the dation. To date, over be and all the things you
chelle Eldjarnson, with Chester- day,” said Eldjarnson. $725,000 has been need to know to be safe.
mere Re/Max. Re/Max will also raised to aid with Here she demonstrates
Eldjarnson said they are collect- have a booth set up at the yard sale breast cancer research, awareness to the students why you
as well. Eldjarnson said they will and education. should always wear rid-
ing items, but are also letting peo-
ing boots when riding a
ple set up their own tables in their be looking for every day items that To book a space at the yard sale
own spots and make a donation. anyone can use, such as household either call 403-207-1776, or e-mail
“It’s no charge, just a donation. things and furniture. She also said Michelle Eldjarnson at michelle@ Wendi Tashlikowich
So we’re not charging a rental fee since camping season will be upon Photo


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Page 10 • Strathmore Times • April 22, 2011

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at the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. This Offer is not combinable with CPA, GPC, Daily Rental Allowances, the Commercial Connection Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). Limited time offer. Offer may be cancelled at any time without notice. Some conditions apply. Offer available to residents of Canada only. See Dealer for details. ‡‡ Estimated fuel consumption ratings for the 2011 Ranger Sport Super
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Engineers’ Standard J1321) of comparably equipped 2011 Ford vs. 2010 competitive models. Class is Full-Size Pickups over 8,500 lbs. GVWR. ■ Offer only valid from April 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011 (the “Offer Period”) to resident Canadians with a Canadian Costco membership on or before March 31, 2011. Use this $1,000CDN Costco member offer towards the purchase or lease of a new 2011/2012 Ford/Lincoln vehicle (excluding Fiesta, Focus, Ranger,
Raptor, GT500, Mustang Boss 302 & Medium Truck) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). The new vehicle must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford/Lincoln dealer within the Offer Period. Offer is only valid at participating dealers, is subject to vehicle availability, and may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. Only one (1) offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle, up to a

maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford Motor Company of Canada at either the time of factory order (if ordered within the Offer Period) or delivery, but not both. Offer is not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives,
the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP).. Applicable taxes calculated before $1,000CDN offer is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer, see dealer for details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ©2011 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.
April 22, 2011 • Strathmore Times • Page 11

At 1:40 a.m. on March 22 a fire raged through a home at
Corn maze coming to Strathmore
the corner of Briarwood Road and Briarwood Crescent in Strath-
more. Four neighbouring homes were evacuated for the safety of STRATHMORE

the due to the severity
mazeof will
the be
on wind
the east
Times Reporter side of Strathmore, across If you live in the area
direction. The occupants of the residence
from Walmartwhere the fire
and George (Wheatland County, Strathmore
The were
Cheadlenot Lions
homeFoodat the time. A second
Freeman Trail. residence & Langdon) and are not receiving your
next to the first, was damaged by the fire. the project
Grains project officially “We started FREE Strathmore Times
kicked off on April 2. This back in 2007, it was some- Newspaper
year the Lions are hoping to thing the club had always
The Lionettes Divas in Denim took place in Standard on April 15. Yvonne
promote more community wanted to do, and we have in your mail box please
Way (l), TerriAnn Elder, Drew Gregory, Dawn Faubion, Carol Callaghan. Lio-
nettes of Standard with the entertainment for the evening. involvement and are bring- a lot of farmers in our club give us a call 403.934.5589
ing in a feature they think and it just kind of snow-
Manny Everett Photo
will do just that. balled from there,” said Gos-
Ladies night in Standard “We’re going to grow 80 ling.
acres worth of corn, a small He said he had joined
Manny Everett The raffle which part of which will be cut the club that year and was
into a corn maze,” said Matt assigned the chairperson
Denture Clinic
provides a lot of
Times Contributor
the income for the Gosling, Chairperson for the because of his role and Terry Grant Denturist
“Howdy” and a mason jar filled with evening was won project. contacts in the agricultural 403.934.3877
country punch is what greeted women by four women. “The rest of the project industry. He said the in-
when they arrived at the Standard Hall Carol Elias won the will include about 200 acres volvement of local produc- • Complete / Partial Dentures
on Friday night during the local Lionettes sapphire pendant roughly, of barley and both ers, industry partners and
“Divas in Denim” night of entertainment (donated by Jon crops will be silaged for lo- sponsors has been over- • Same Day Relines & Repair
and fundraiser. Adamson Signs and cal feed lots in the area, like- whelming, as far as support- • Custom Mouthguards
The annual Ladies Night was a sold Standard Spray), ly auctioned off. We’re going ing the project.
out with women from Hussar, Gleichen, Lindsay Koole to allocate money to the Ca- “If it wasn’t for other Li- • Custom Night Guards
Rockyford, Rosebud, Cluny, Strathmore won the sapphire nadian Food Grains Bank ons Clubs in our district the
• Natural Teeth Whitening
and Standard. They came out dressed Pendant (donated and local charities as well.” project would not be pos-
in their finest duds and everything from by Encana), Amy They are hoping the sible either,” said Gosling.
Wranglers to swing skirts, ten gallon hats, Christensen won corn maze will be ready in Last year there were only
rhinestone belts and buckles and bunny the $400 Coach time for the Heritage Days 30 to 40 people out, due to
ears were found in the crowd. handbag (donated weekend. Gosling said they the weather, but Gosling
Yvonne Way (President of the Standard by Gregory Har- plan to run it until the silag- said they had about 500
Lionettes) introduced to those gathered, riman and F-R ing/harvesting takes place people out on harvest day
Liz, their honorary member who origi- Ranches) and Mar- around the end of Septem- the first few years. He said
nally came from Florida. Liz the Lion has lis Nielsen won the ber, or early October. The he is hoping they will have
made many trips with the various mem- Sapphire earrings barley will be harvested and a lot more people involved 413 - 3rd St. Strathmore
bers of the group on holidays and has an (donated by En- silaged in early August. this year because it will
entire picture album of photos to prove it. cana). “We wanted to involve the be taking place over more Times tidbits
The evening progressed with an out- The Lionettes community a lot more in weekends, and there will be
this project and the location the maze, which is a good Origins of Coloring Eggs at Easter…
standing meal provided by Kim’s Cater- had another suc-
couldn’t be better for that,” family event. The maze will The egg is a pagan symbol of the rebirth of the Earth
ing out of Strathmore. Throughout the cessful evening and
in celebrations of spring and was adopted by early
evening the ladies had opportunities to are already mak- said Gosling. be a way to make more
Christians as a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus.
bid on silent and live auction items. Lo- ing plans for next “All of the money raised people in the community
cal businesses contributed all the items, year’s event. Keep is going to charity, to one aware of the project, while
as well as the many door prizes that were your eyes out for of either the Canada Food getting to know more about
Grains or local charities.” the Lions and other service
Trinity Lutheran
won that evening. The largest ticket item your tickets next
The location of the corn groups.
Christian Academy
during the live auction was the ever pop- year at this time.
ular flower arrangement from Donna San- 630 Westchester Road,
den-Nelson and Maril Clark, which raised Strathmore, AB T1P 1H8
just over $400 after a bidding war.
TRiniTy LuTHeRAn
Drew Gregory, an up-and-rising coun-
Introducing Strathmore’s Newest
try music artist who recently returned CHRiSTiAn ACAdemy
Family Restaurant and Lounge
from another trip down to Nashville,
provided the entertainment for the eve- is now accepting registrations in
ning. Gregory and one of his hired guns, kindergarten to grade 9 for the
Kevin Love (lead guitarist) wooed the la- 2011-2012 school year.
dies with their country music and their
charm. Gregory has had many opportu- In addition to offering a strong academic
nities presented to him since his return program in a Christian environment
from the States and said that he “is ex- there are many other reasons to
cited to have been asked to be the guest consider Trinity:
speaker at the Standard Graduation at the • Alberta Curriculum taught by
end of May”. He then dedicated one of his where we take pride in making everything from scratch Alberta certificated teachers
original songs that he wrote while travel- • Courses in music, drama, French, art
ing through Texas called Small Town Way. using ingredients from our local suppliers. • College size gym
The crowd kept up the applause for the • Activboards in all classrooms by the
concert and were treated to a couple of
more encores. daily specials end of this school year
• Secure, fenced playground
• Mandatory school uniforms
The FISh IS • Addition of $3500 worth of Christian
WedNeSdAyS To dIe FoR. books to our library this year
nOw Offers $7.95 Pasta Night It is a Blue • Two teachers nominated for
Atlantic Cod provincial Awards of Teaching

full ThuRSdAyS dipped in

our own beer
• Winner of Aggie Days competition in
.25 Wing Night and its not just
the grades 4 to 6 category for
batter. 2010-2011
for adults anymore.
• Weekly chapel and daily devotions

services & FRIdAyS

6oz Top Sirloin Steak $9.95 add a
kids are
• Hot lunch program
• Christ-centered Christmas Concerts
• Spring Theatrical Production

Oil changes
allowed. • Full day kindergarten
cluster delicious Crab Legs for an extra $9.99.
11:00am to 9pm To take a closer look at Trinity, please
No appointment required for Oil Changes SATuRdAyS Monday thru attend an oPen HouSe
Call to book Mechanical Services today
1/2 pound Steak house Burgers Saturday. this spring:
monday, may 9, 2011 5:00 to 8:00 Pm

are only $8.95 Thursday, June 2, 2011 5:00 to 8:00 Pm
For further information please call the
134 2nd Street, Strathmore school at (403)361-9631 or visit our
1010 westridge road, strathmore web site at
Page 12 • Strathmore Times • April 22, 2011

At 1:40 a.m. on March 22 a fire raged through a home at the corner of

Briarwood Road and Briarwood Crescent in Strathmore. Four neighbouring
homes were evacuated for the safety of the occupants due to the severity of
the fire and wind direction. The occupants of the residence where the fire
started were not home at the time. A second residence next to the first, was
damaged by the fire. Saying
After 30 years Jim Webber has
said goodbye to the Western Ir-
rigation District, WID. His retire-
ment party was held at the Trav-
elodge on April 15, and people
from all over stopped in to say
goodbye to Webber, and en-
People, young and old gathered at Your Cup, Coffee Shop in Rockyford on April 16, for an Easter joy dinner. He was credited with
Bonnet Contest. First place winner in the adult category Carolyn Madge (l), second place Montana making a lot of good changes,
Evanenko, owner P.J. Roth and judges Faith Shadlich and Dorothy Stinn. and with helping the WID become
Manny Everett Photo
what it is today.
Easter bonnet contest fills Rockyford coffee shop Shannon LeClair Photo
manny everet situation for all involved.
Times Contributor Roth likes to be busy and seems to be At 1:40 a.m. on March 22 a fire
a ‘Jack of all trades.’ Fashion
raged show
through a homebrings out
at the corner
With Easter just around the corner, She has hand-painted all her advertis- offuture beauty
Briarwood Road queens
and Briarwood
Your Cup, Coffee Shop in Rockyford ing signs in and around the area and the
windows in her store, and she also sells
Crescent in Strathmore. Four Pearce,
Isabella neigh-
hosted an Easter Bonnet Contest for kids
and adults on April 16. aprons that she has made herself. bouring homes were evacuated
was proud to
There were some really inventive and Roth said “our one year anniversary is the safety of the occupants due to
participate in a
colorfully creative hats in both catego- around the corner in May and we are the severity of the fire and wind
fashion show

direction. The occupants of theRibbitz

ries. Winners in the children’s category still holding our own. Every day is a that the Local
included; First place to Audrey Howard new situation and we have learned what Business
and Second place to Kalena Scott. In the works and what doesn’t.” residence where the fire started
held were
at the annu-
adult category, First place went to Car- Roth wanted to be able to provide an not home at the time. A second resi-
al Toy Swap. The
swap was held Standard Co-op upgrades
olyn Madge and Second place went to alternative menu to what is currently dence next to the first,atwas Westmount
damaged their systems
Montana Evanenko. All winners received available in Rockyford. Her shop offers
a variety of sandwiches, soup, pies and
by the fire. school this past
Member owned rural store, Standard Co-op, re-
a gift certificate for a soup and sandwich weekend. The
pizzas. She is open for breakfasts as well owners gracious- cently joined the 21st century with an entire store
of their choice, a ribbon and a stuffed
ly donated 10 upgrade of a scanner system and computer. The
bunny. and looks forward to the summer tourist
per cent of their staff and General Manager (under the direction of
Owner and operator P.J. Roth has crowds, especially during such events as the Board) of the store have been working over-
the Rockyford Rodeo days and the One earnings from the
been running a unique and diversified time to get this project up and running. The sys-
toy swap back to
business in Rockyford for close to one Rock concert put on by St. Rita’s parish. the Strathmore tem will allow the store to better track and then
year now. She not only promotes local Roth’s motto is “Nobody walks away MOPS. order products more efficiently for their custom-
artisans and sells their works on con- hungry.” ers. Guy Christie (l) making one of the inaugural
Wendi purchases with the new system, employee Mark
signment but also invites local home Come on out and have a great cup of Tashlikowich
coffee and see what good things come Ebsworth and service technician from AMP Patti
business operators to have open houses Photo Rojek.
at her cozy shop. It is truly a win-win out of our rural areas. Manny Everett Photo

Motorcraft® THE


Renewal for your brakes. Never buy Spring refresher

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even if they wear out due to normal use

Refresh your vehicle with these spring offers from Ford.

You can trust the experts who know your Ford best: Genuine Ford Trained Technicians.
For more details and offers, see your Service Advisor or visit us online.

All offers expire April 30, 2011. See Service Advisor for complete details. Applicable taxes and provincial levies not included. Dealer may sell for less. † Ford Protection Plan is only available for non-commercial cars and light trucks. If an eligible Ford, Motorcraft® or Ford-approved part fails due to a defect in material or workmanship, wear out
or rust through, it will be replaced at no charge as long as the original purchaser of the part owns the vehicle on which the part was installed. Labour is covered for the first 12 months or 20,000 km (whichever occurs first) after the date of installation. Emergency brake pads are not eligible under this plan. See Service Advisor for complete
details and limitations. ‡‡ Excludes emergency brake pads and shoes. Machining or replacement of rotors and drums available at additional cost. ˆ Based on a Ford Fusion V6 automatic that has a fuel consumption rating of 10L/100km in combined city/highway driving (properly tuned), a one-year driving distance of 24,000km and $1.02
per litre for gasoline. Improved fuel efficiency and emission reduction levels depend on model, year and condition of vehicle. ‡ Applies to single rear wheel vehicles only. ¤ Coupon value may only be applied towards the future purchase of any services. Coupon value may not be applied toward previous purchases. Coupon value is in Canadian
funds. Taxes payable before $10 Coupon amount is deducted. Other limitations may apply; see Service Advisor for details.
April 22, 2011 • Strathmore Times • Page 13

Strathmore's 1st Annual

Pet Expo
Saturday, April 30, 2011
10 am - 3 pm Bring ission
Strathmore Civic Centre the F n Item fo
ood B r
120 Brent Boulevard

Quality Dog Grooming and Tail Waggers If a real dog or cat isn’t in the forecast
Dog Walking; along with our proud for you and your family you can build a cat
sponsors, The Strathmore Times, The or dog stuffed animal, pick out it’s clothes
Animal Care Centre of Strathmore, The and you can take that home to enjoy.
Newsy Neighbour, Strathmore Veterinary The goal of the Pet Expo is to raise
Clinic and Strathmore Economy Taxi are awareness in our community of the
pleased to present Strathmore’s First many pet services located right here in
Annual Pet Expo. Strathmore and the surrounding area.
We invite everyone to come and check You don’t have to travel far to get all of
us out. From 10 - 3 pm you will be able your pets needs met.
to meet groomers, pick up some organic For your pets safety, we ask that you do
dog treats and meet our local By-Law not bring your pets to the show.
enforcers. We look forward to seeing you!

Face Painting All Day Spin to Win Wheel

Silent Auction Massage
Draws Celebrity Autograph
Cotton Candy Demonstrations

Strathmore Economy Taxi

Veterinary Clinic strathmore
Page 14 • Strathmore Times • April 22, 2011 April 22, 2011 • Strathmore Times • Page 15

There will be

Doggie iTems available

for sale

your Dog’s
Duds aT PeT exPo!
so stop by my booth.
Think Outside the Classroom
We offer:
Wardrobe! • Team Building Workshops • Personalized Leadership Development Courses
No two designs are the • Team Interactive Youth Programs (proactive & rehabilitative)
same. Pet outfits
Bonnie • Business & Corporate Training Programs • Personal Growth & Development Workshops
& accessories. 403-934-5970 403.519.6765 •

Guiness World Record™ Holder “Your Dog’s Health &

Happiness is our Priority”

Local, familiar & reliable!

Group walks only. Call today for a consultation. Quality Dog
Pick Up & Delivery within Strathmore town limits.
Day, Evening & Weekend Appointments.
Ask about our loyalty program!

Take a Chance at the Spin to Win Wheel

Come and meet Miss Teen Wheatland County “Shelbi Rae Ramsay”

Tailwaggers - Melissa 403-923-8983

Strathmore Veterinary Clinic

The Animal Care Centre of Strathmore
will be attending the Strathmore Pet Expo!
Check out our booth, and enter in our draw
Pet Alert!

Leah Smith
Dog Trainer, Canadian & to win a prize!
American Certified We hope to see you there!
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday

Southpaw K9 Stylist 8:30 am - 5:30 pm

Demo Schedule Pet Expo

Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
After hours emergency
Cara Johnson Professional K9 Stylist (Time includes set up/take down)
services available
Contact: (403) 901-1800
403-324-3955 or visit us on
10:30 South Paw K-9 Stylist / Modern Dog Obedience Training our website at
43 Spruce Lane, Strathmore, AB Clinic 403-934-3311
11:00 Paws Veterinary Services

Face Painting 12:00 Lana Warren Releash Me
The No Preservatives Ingredients you can
Pronounce Dog Treat Company! 12:30 Pawsitive Touch
Spin to Win Wheel

1:00 Strathmore Therapeutic Massage
Silent Auction 1:30 Doggie Duds Fashion Show Come Down to the Pet Expo and

lTd. Make a Bear!

Massage 2:00 K-9 Training and Supplies

Joyland Kitty

Shop & portable

in Bling Jeans, Pearl
Celebrity Top & Flower Sandals

See You
at Pet Expo
Autographs Theatre Puppy

in a
114 2nd Ave, Strathmore, AB
Cotton Candy
Marine Outfit
Vince Piche 8:00 pm Nightly, closed Mondays
Strathmore, AB For Movie Listings 403-934-3057 or visit our websites: 128 - 2nd Avenue, Strathmore
Demonstrations • 403-934-6737
Page 16 • Strathmore Times • April 22, 2011

Smart Phones
Mike Phones
Celebrating 11 years in Strathmore
#8, 55 Wheatland Trail, Strathmore | 403.934.4010

Come in before April 30, and enter our draw for a Blackberry Curve
*Some exceptions apply, please see in store for details.
April 22, 2011 • Strathmore Times • Page 17

It was a fine evening!

Families and community members gathered at Holy Cross Collegiate on the evening of
April 13 for the 3rd Annual HCC Spring Fine Arts Night. After taking time to check out the
food sale table (courtesy of HCC foods classes and parent donations), everyone moved
into the gym to peruse the student artwork covering the gym walls then settled themselves
Hot dog lunch
to enjoy the concert. The program for the evening included Drama 7’s “Rapunzel”, Senior
Drama’s portrayal of the Stations of the Cross, and musical performances by the Grade supports good causes
7 and 8/9 African Drumming classes, Grade 7, 8/9 and Senior High bands and the HCC
Glee Club. The evening ended with special guests - the senior band from Notre Dame The Grade 2/3 students at Trinity Lutheran Christian Academy show off
Collegiate (High River) playing two pieces, followed by a combined performance by NDC their hotdogs on April 15. For the last two years, once a month a special
and HCC senior bands. The NDC/HCC bands will be making a joint trip to perform in the lunch is planned, whether it’s hotdogs, pizza or something else. The
Anaheim Band Festival in May. A huge THANK YOU goes out to all the talented students, students all have an option of participating in Haiti day, by giving $1 to
their teachers and families, the NDC band and everyone who participated in and sup- dress casual. The $1 goes to Lifeline Ministries, and any where from 60
ported this event celebrating HCC Fine Arts! to 75 kids participate each month.
Photos Courtesy of Mary Kruse Shannon LeClair Photo

Hope College
hoping to open fall 2012 A BIG THANK YOU
From the Strathmore Musical Arts Society to
Shannon LeClair ly different than working in everyone who helped make our recent show with
Times Reporter the city, where many people Steve Pineo and his Band at the Travelodge
do their practicum. In a city on April 1, 2011, such a success.
Three board members from hospital a nurse may work
the Hope College board made just in labour and delivery Special Thanks go out to ENCANA and the ALBERTA FOUNDATION FOR
a presentation to county for their twelve-hour shift, THE ARTS as well as the premium table buyers, Ryan & Dan Belanger for
councillors during their regu- whereas in rural hospitals it RYDAN CONSTRUCTION, James Thorogood for TOTEM BUILDING
may be labour and delivery SUPPLIES, and Jeff Kohl for GLOBAL WELL SERVICING.
lar council meeting on April
19. Reeve Ben Armstrong had in the morning and a car ac- Thank you also to our other sponsors: Alex Migallo Oil & Gas Procurement,
heard them speak at a previ- cident in the afternoon. The Aztec Realty - Robert Desjardins, Aris Landscape Design - Wendy & Brian
ous engagement and liked board is looking for spon- Aris, Big “S” Automotive Parts Ltd. - Tyrone Blakney, Boston Pizza - Laurie
the sound of what it is being sors, and the county said they Shannon, Canadian Tire - Randy & Shelley Orford, Capitol Chiropractic - Dr.
planned, and wanted coun- would review the informa- Douglas Reid, Days Inn & Suites - Doug Sholter, Flooring Concepts - Gary

Lions old and cil to have an opportunity to

hear it as well.
tion and give a response at a
later date. To find out more
Bleier, Fortis Alberta - Kate George, Fountain Tire - Bob Vert, Grove Contract
Operating Ltd. - Bob, Linda & Joel Grove, Home Hardware - Perry Banadyga,
Music Centre Canada - Rob Close, Park Auto Repair Ltd. - Todd Rettman,
new gather in Hope College is hoping to
open fall of 2012 in Drum-
about Hope College, people
can go to their website www.
PJ’s Appliances - Lorne & Trudy Grigg, Dr. Terry Procyshen - Chiropractor,
Strathmore Homes - Cindy Chan, Strathmore Station - Peter Kilronomous,
Strathmore heller. The main focus of the
college is to train health care Strathmore’s Florist - Brian & Linda Code, Strathmore Value Drug Mart -
Gordon Morck, Town of Strathmore, Watkins Associate - Lenore
Strathmore has held the annual Officer professionals, which may WADEMSA Stillwell. As always we appreciate our ticket outlets: PJ’s
Training Day for many years now and this sound familiar, but at Hope County council passed a Appliances, Music Centre Canada, Pro-Water Conditioning &
year was no exception. Lions from Nan- College they want to train ru- motion to pay the 2011 WA- Assist Business Centre.
ton to Rockyford (district 37-0) gathered ral professionals to work in DEMSA Fire and Dispatch
at the Strathmore High School for a day of Thank you to Bob Sobol for his capable handling of the
rural health care. requisition. Councillor Glenn Master of Ceremonies duties, and to opening acts
leadership and training sessions. Bill Busst,
Calgary Southridge Lion, spoke to 140 Lion The presenters said it Koester said even with help Doug and Vicki Thurn, and Kirsten Johnson and
members and welcomed the new members. would be unique, because from the province it would guitarist, Andrew Pringle.
Wendi Tashlikowich Photo
working in a rural hospital still leave them slightly in the Thanks as always to Corey Fiske for looking after our website.
emergency room is complete- red.

Quality Dog
grooming STraThmore
moTor ProducTS
is proud to announce
Quality Dog
Kevin Turner

$189 00
grooming would
like to welcome our as their newest sales associate!
new member to
the team.
Samantha Bringing 20 years of automotive
experience to Strathmore Motors,
rossen Kevin Turner
is our new Office Kevin welcomes all previous and
Manager, with + GST new cliental to stop in for a coffee
5 years of Customer Service Experience
and with a business background including
her own business. She’s a perfect fit for
One Furnace & Ducts and some friendly conversation.

Most residential homes without AC up to 16 vents. Strathmore Motors is where

our team to ensure that there’s someone Offer good until June 15, 2011
always there to help with the business relationships and customer
administrative tasks and to make more care are the number one priority.
availability and heighten the overall Let us earn your business!!!
experience which is our number
one priority.
Congratulations and Welcome Furnace Replacement • Repairs & Maintenance • Air Conditioning
Samantha to the team. Certified HVAC Technicians • Plumbing • Duct Cleaning Our Team aT YOur Service! 403.934.4957 403.934.3334

Page 18 • Strathmore Times • April 22, 2011

What’s What’s happening is a free weekly community calendar.

if you are a non-profit group and have a special event you would like to promote, please email your information to or call 403-934-5589 or fax 403-934-5546 and we will include your information on this
weekly Community page. Due to space restrictions, please keep information to a minimum.

Mark Your Calendars for these

Royal Canadian Legion The Hope Bridges Society Strathmore Masonic Lodge #53
For information regarding hall
rentals, darts and crib, please call
Board meetings held the third Tuesday
of each month at 7 p.m. at #3-236-3rd.
meets the first Monday of each
Month at 7:30 p.m. Call Glen at
403.934.5119 Avenue. Please visit our website at or contact us at
403-901-6038. Website:
Special Events.... Cooking TogeTher Program
Strathmore Elks Lodge #491
meets 3rd Tuesday at the Strathmore Adult Competitive Volleyball is a social get together for those 55+ to prepare and have a group lunch
Curling Club 6:30 pm. Steak Supper at Meals on Wheels at Crowther Memorial Junior High in and take home a second portion. Cost is $5.00 per session from
7 pm. New Members welcome. is available in Strathmore. the gym every Wednesday from 7-9 pm 10:00 am to 1:00 pm on Fridays ~ April 29, May 6, May 27, June 3.
Call Greg 403-888-6155. For information or to obtain this service Contact is Lavern Lein 403-934-4646.
please contact Wheatland FCSS at To register call Betty-Anne, Volunteer Coordinator with
403-934-5335. Bridging the Gap at (403) 901-7811.
MOPS Strathmore Regional Victim Services
(Mother’s Of Preschoolers) Society needs community members
Strathmore FASD TasTy, healThy & BudgeT Friendly Program
meet 1st and 3rd Thursdays 9:30am to be Advocates (volunteers).
– 11:30am at the Strathmore Alliance Parent Support Group Training is provided. Contact
is a social get together for those who want to learn and exchange
Church. at the Strathmore United Church. Victim Services through the RCMP information with Greta Kubis, Community Nutritionist.
Babysitting available for ages 0 - 6. For more info call Pam @652-4776. Detachment at 403-934-6552 Sessions are from
For more information call Jennifer at 1 to 2 pm on Fridays ~ May 6 - Meal Planning,
403-934-5799 or visit Strathmore Caregiver Support Group Strathmore Homeschool Familes. June 3 - Weight Management with Medications.
This is an opportunity for caregivers to Any Strathmore and Area familes that Sessions are FREE, but pre-register by calling
Strathmore Parent and Tot Playgroup, find support and benefit from are homeschooling are invited to join Growing Families Society at (403) 361-7216.
meets every Thursday at 9:30 - 11:30 interaction with others in a similar our Yahoo Group. groups.
am. in the Strathmore United Church situation. For more information easTer evenTs aT sT miChael
Basement. For more information call or to register call Amy Yaneza
Tammy at 403-983-7284 or
and all angels angliCan ChurCh
at 403-361-7176.
Healing Rooms, Saturday, April 16, 10:30 am: Join us as we make palm crosses (in-
Ali at 403-934-2089. $1 per child
open for prayer Mondays from 7 to 9 struction provided). April 17: Palm Sunday Holy Communion,
Sunday School for All Ages: pm. at the Harvest Healing Centre at
Strathmore District Health Lord of All Lutheran Church offers 10:30 am; April 21, 7:30 pm: Maundy Thursday Service;
115A-3rd. Avenue in Strathmore.
Services Auxiliary Christian Education opportunities April 23, 8:00 pm: Easter Vigil; April 24, 10:30 am:
Everyone is Welcome.
Meetings are held the fourth Monday for ages 3 years to adult, on Sunday Easter Mass and Baptism. For more information,
of the month @ 1:30 pm, (excluding Mornings. All are Welcome! For more call 403-934-3017 or go to
information please call Margo Sevick Strathmore Full Gospel Church
July & August). Lower level Confer-
403-901-2044 or call the Church Office We’re a Pentecostal Bible based
ence Room at the Strathmore Hospital.
family church that has something for all Band Wars
New members welcome. For more info at 403-934-2374. Strathmore Civic Centre, Saturday April 23. Tickets are $10.
ages. Call 934-2225 or visit
please call 403-934-4436 Doors at 5:00, show starts at 5:30. Call 403-589-8908 for info.
Wheatland Conservation & Wildlife
Strathmore & District Chamber Association (Your local fish & game
club). Meetings – 2nd Thursday every
SENIORS 50+HAPPY GANG, easTer eggsTravaganza
of Commerce General Meeting the second Tuesday of Bow River Alliance Church invites you to celebrate Easter with a free
meets the third Monday of the month @ month, 7:30pm at the Clubhouse. each month at 1:15. For more informa-
7:00 p.m. All members welcome. Call Larry at 403-934-4388 for more Breakfast, Easter service and Easter Egg hunt! Come to the Carseland
tion call 403-901-2377. Community Hall on April 24 at 9:30 for Breakfast, followed by worship
Check web page for meeting information.
location. For more information service at 10:30 and Easter egg hunt for the kids at 11:30.
call 403-901-3175 or Strathmore Musical Arts Society, Free Photos by Creekside photography during breakfast as
Wheatland Rural Crime Watch.
If you love music and musicians and well as egg decorating and a colouring contest. Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each
have a special soft spot for the Blues,
Month. Featuring guest speakers. For For more Information call the Bow River Alliance
you would enjoy being part of this
Come Fly With Us more information call 403-934-4055. group. Call 403-934-4196 or 403-680- Church at 403-934-9337 or Email:
903 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Sqn. 7721 to get on our phone or email list
Meet Wednesdays at 6:30pm at the Strathmore Lions Club and be notifies about meetings and seniors 50+haPPy gang
blue building and Quonset on the meets the first and third Thursday at the upcoming events. Pot Luck April 26th @ 5:30, followed by whist/games.
Ag grounds. Boys & Girls welcome Strathmore Civic Centre at 6:45 pm.
between 12 & 19 years. Kidz 1st Network Parent Link Centre,
For more info call 403-901-2377.
Call Joanna Howard at 403-983-5796 We offer programs for children (0 – 6
for more information.
Strathmore Country Gardens Club yrs.) and their parents (caregivers) sTraThmore’s FirsT annual PeT eXPo
Meetings at least once per month. Saturday, April 30, 2011. Civic Centre 120 Brent Blvd., Strathmore
Strathmore Programs
Tours, guest speakers, workshops and 10 am to 3 pm Everyone Welcome.
HIV Edmonton Stay & Play - Mon. 10- 12,
much more included in a membership.
providing support, education and advo- $20 single, $30 family. Wed. 9:30 - 11:30 and 4:00 - 8:30 p.m.
cacy for those infected with, affected by For more information visit www.strath- Tot’s Time - Continuing Care Facility sTraThmore high sChool
or at risk of HIV and AIDS for 25 years. Mon. 1- 2 ParenTs sPonsored grad BanqueT
Go to or call or phone Linda Pekrul 403-901-0017. Let’s Grow Together- Thurs. 10-12 is looking for Grade 11 Parent Volunteers to help during dinner
toll free 1.877.388.5742. Sing and Play -Fri. 1-3 on May 28. Please contact Janet at 403-934-3517
Rockyford - Let’s Grow Together- or email at if you’re interested.
Free Tree for all New Born Babies
TOPS Take Off Pounds Sensibly Mon. 10:00-11:30
Attention all infants – remind your par-
Want to Lose Those Unwanted Nightingale - Encouraging Development sTraThmore monTessori soCieTy’s
ents to register your birth so a tree can
Pounds?? Need support to reach your through Play - 10:00-11:30
goal? We are here for you!
be planted commemorating your birth
Standard - Sing and Play -
4Th annual ChariTy golF TournamenT
in the Chinook Credit Union Birth For- June 4 at Speargrass Golf Course. Proceeds directly benefit the
We meet every Thursday at est in Strathmore. Registration Forms are Friday- 10:00-11:30
6:30 pm @the Anglican Church. Cluny- Let’s Grow Together - children in the Public Alternative Montessori Program
available at the Town office, Chinook
Contact Melissa @ 403-901-1566 Credit Union and Health Unit. Thurs. 10:00-11:30 at Wheatland School.
or Lynne @ 403-934-4359 All Programs are free. Please call Tournament will be followed by a prime rib dinner, entertainment,
(A Communities in Bloom Project)
to join our journey to a fitter you. 983-0016 ext.3 for program details. silent auction, and prizes for everyone - regardless of golf skill!
For more information please contact Trina Lloyd at 403-901-0516.

Personalized. Natural. Confident

“The focus is on you!”

Wade Klimpke DD www. mybite .ca
April 22, 2011


Inline hockey
now to be held
in Strathmore
Shannon LeClair
Times Reporter

After struggling to find a

venue, Lynne Kozma - who is
bringing inline hockey to the
area - was almost crushed to
hear it wasn’t actually going to

Players Choice Winners work out.

There had been a mix up in
Gleichen, and she received a
call from the Gleichen Agricul-
Strathmore Minor Hockey presented the Play- tural Society president, who
ers Choice Award winners at the annual gen- hadn’t known anything about
eral meeting April 15 at the Strathmore Family
it until seeing an ad about the
Centre. The award, which is sponsored by the
Wheatland Athletics Association, is given to
one player from every team in novice all the way “It all worked out in the
to midget. The award is presented to the player end. Almost better actually,”
that shows leadership, spirit, a positive attitude said Kozma.
and dedication. Each squad votes for a player Kozma had phoned a friend,
on their team to receive the award. While the upset about the situation, and
parents took part in the AGM, the kids hit the said her friend then called
arena for some floor hockey fun.
the town, explained what
Jody Schneider Photos happened, and asked if they
had anything because there

Fore a good cause

were already kids excited and
signed up for the sport. After
hearing the circumstances,
Kozma was granted time at
Mario Prusina Groves. “Our membership (is important)
the Family Centre from 4 p.m.
Times Editor because they support a lot of those local
to 6 p.m. from Monday to Fri-
The Strathmore Golf Club raised mon- In the past, money raised went to-
“I’m glad that it’s in town, be-
ey for future projects, while finding a wards building the deck on the back of
cause if it couldn’t have been I
way to give back to the community, the clubhouse. This year’s fund will be
don’t know what I would have
when they hosted their third annual si- allocated a little differently.
done,” said Kozma.
lent auction April 15. “We’ve got a volunteer committee
“If it’s a success then maybe
The event, which is the golf club’s big- that we developed now, so that’s going
next year they’ll (the town)
gest fundraiser of the year, was estab- to help us … dictate where our portion
keep that (space) for me.”
lished to help enhance the appearance of the funds will go,” he said. “We have
She will be running the U14
of the course and help three local chari- some course improvements. Something
team on Monday and Wednes-
ties that host their yearly tournament at high on our priority list is to really im-
day’s. U10 will be on Tuesday
SGC. prove the entry way. Obviously that is
and Thursday, and she said
“Each year it continues to get bigger something everyone in the community –
will alternate the U8 team.
and better,” said Morris Groves, Assistant whether they play golf or not – drive by,
The program will begin at
General Manager at the SGC. “The mem- so we’re looking to enhance that.”
the beginning of May, and be-
bership base and even the community The next major event for the golf club,
cause it’s right after school,
itself kind of have it on their radar that besides the actual opening of the course,
it will mean no late nights
it’s something that happens every spring. is the 2011 Fore the Kids Fundraiser
for the kids. It runs for two
Even before we post it, people are asking Scramble.
months, with no weekends
‘hey, when is that silent auction?’ This four-person scramble, which was
and no traveling.
“It’s a way to kick off spring – obvi- originally the Cattlemen’s Tournament,
“It’s early enough that even
ously this year, everyone is so tired of will take place Friday, May 20 with a 3
if your kids are in soccer may-
winter.” p.m. shotgun.
be you can still do inline,” said
A portion of the proceeds will go to- The tournament is open to players of Morris Groves, the Assistant General Manager Kozma.
wards Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Chil- all levels and has no golf handicap re- at the Strathmore Golf Club, shows some of the The program costs $160 for
dren’s Make-a-Wish Foundation and Vic- quirements. items that were available at the third annual silent the full eight weeks, and the
tim Services. All proceeds from the tournament will auction on April 15.
Mario Prusina Photo kids will play two games a
According to Groves, the community go toward helping youth in need access
night, two nights a week. To
support for this silent auction is huge. the game of golf. members and $80 for members.
register your children, or to
“Obviously if we didn’t have a lot of The entry, which includes 18 holes Call the Pro Shop at 403-934-2299 to
find out more information, call
the big-ticket items from the community, of golf, power cart, driving range, din- register your team or to sign up as a sin-
Lynne at 403-619-7967.
then it’s tough to raise the money,” said ner and great prizes is just $100 for non- gle, two-some or threesome.
Page 20 • Strathmore Times • April 22, 2011

4 new show homes

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*Gift Card applies to Interior Selections only Cannot be combined with any other offer. Must purchase before March 31, 2011.
April 22, 2011 • Strathmore Times • Page 21

Busy times for

Crowfoot 4-H
Multi Club
Shaylene Magwood
Crowfoot Multi 4-H Club 205 - 3rd Ave. - Hilton Plaza
Strathmore, AB
The Crowfoot Multi had it’s general meeting 403.934.6044
on April 4 at the Crowfoot Hall, with many
people talking about their achievements dur-
ing this year’s public speaking competitions. Water Softeners, Iron Filters
As well covering the basics for your achieve-
ment day board. With an additional meeting & Drinking Water Systems
for those who are participating in the inter-
Canada exchange program. A few of our mem-
bers participated in the Multi species judging
in Strathmore on Saturday, April 9.
On April 12, the archery group started on

Wildfire fun their arm guards, tracing their patterns on to

leather and cutting it out. Then punched holes
into them and ate cake. On April 16 our club Foothills AAA Hockey Association
The U15 Wheatland Wildfires played a close game on Saturday
morning. The Wildfires are part of club basketball that has been participated in the Regional 4-H fun day at the
running in Strathmore for two years. The program began out of Strathmore Civic Center, competing in many Head CoaCH & Team manager
Chestermere, and over the weekend there were teams playing of their competitions, with one of our chilli
in Chestermere, Strathmore and Okotoks. cook off teams placing second, congratula- Now accepting applications for the Head CoaCH
“They’ve always hosted some games here and its just been in tions. position for the following teams for the 2011/2012 season:
the last few years that we’ve had enough kids coming through With many fun activities such as an obsta-
the wildfire program that we’ve started putting teams into this UFa Bisons midget aaa
cle course, bungee cords, sundae making and airdrie Xtreme Bantam aaa
club tournament,” said Kyle Larson, with Strathmore High
School. creating our very own stepping stones we had okotoks oilers Bantam aaa
It was a two day tournament, and there are three age groups for a great time. Our next general meeting will be
the teams: 17 –years-old and younger, 15-years-old and under on May 2 at 6:30 p.m. at the Crowfoot Hall.
Now accepting applications for the Team manager
and 13-years-old and under. Reminder to everyone that our achievement position for the following teams for the 2011/2012 season:
The girls played a hard game and were tied for the majority of day is on May 14, (set up on the 13) so have
the game. With 29 seconds left in the game the Calgary Bas- your board ready with our theme of 4-H goes okotoks oilers Bantam aaa
ketball Academy scored the winning basket. to the library and have your record book fin-
Wendi Tashlikowich Photo ished with your diary completed. Please submit resume and cover letter to:
(please specify if application is for a specific team
or for all teams)
Helping the Attention: Cindy Kunitz

community Email Fax (403) 912-2606

Deadline: April 21st, 2011
On Sunday, April 10 the Not all applicants may be selected for interviews.
Standard 4-H Sheep Club
held a very successful food Applicants selected for interviews will be required
drive with all proceeds go- to bring police checks to the interview.
ing to the Wheatland County
Food Bank in Strathmore.
Thank you very much to all Times tidbits
the residents of Standard for Did You Know?
your generous donations as
well as Sobey’s (Strathmore) In many European languages, the name Easter comes
for donating reusable shop- from the word Passover.
ping bags to use for col-
lecting items. The members

of the Standard 4-H Sheep
Club also made a donation Photo courtesy of
of $200 from their club to the Brenda Palsson
Food Bank. Thank everyone

for your support.

Lawn and Garden Sales

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Page 22 • Strathmore Times • April 22, 2011


Lois Emilie

Our Our
sister,sister, our mother,
our mother, our teacher
our teacher and best
and best friend;
Lois Lois
EmilieEmilie O’Keefe,
O’Keefe, of Strathmore,
of Strathmore, AB, died
AB, died peacefully
in her her sleep on April
on April 10, 2011
10, 2011 at theatage
of 72.

Lois Lois was born

was born November
November 30, 1938,
30, 1938, in Wetaskiwin,
in Wetaskiwin, AB, AB,
to Arthur
to Arthur and Abigail
and Abigail Fonteyne,
Fonteyne, where
where she grew
she grew up with
up with
her three
her three brothers.
brothers. She attended
She attended nursing
nursing school
school through
the Misericordia
the Misericordia Hospital,
Hospital, in Edmonton,
in Edmonton, AB, took
AB, took timetime
to raise
to raise her kids
her kids and then
and then returned
returned to work
to work withwith
the the
RCL STRATHMORE BRANCH #10 The Wheatland 4-H District Council hosted a GoodGood Samaritan
Samaritan Society
Society wherewhere she served
she served for over
for over
Mulit-Judging Clinic April 9 at the Strathmore Ag 25 years,
25 years, caring
caring for others.
for others.
Photo Courtesy of Heather Hebbes She isShe is survived
survived bybrothers
by her her brothers Warren,
Warren, DarolDarol and Lorne;
and Lorne;
her loving
her loving children
children Grant,
Grant, Gail,Gail,
ScottScott and Joanne,
and Joanne, theirtheir

fatherfather Charles
Charles Edward
Edward andcherished
and her her cherished grandchildren
Meghan, Jackson,
Jackson, Mackenzie,
Mackenzie, Alicia,
Alicia, Victoria,
Victoria, Keaton,
RylanRylan and Phineas.
and Phineas.

Clinic a success ThoseThose

that that
Lois Lois
that that
her; for
for only
not only
an an
but how
but also also how
Heather Hebbes she inspired
she inspired us with
us with her compassion,
her compassion, empathy
empathy and and
4-H unwavering
unwavering selflessness
selflessness and kindness;
and kindness; alwaysalways
others before
before herself.
herself. She awas
She was a private
private personperson
who who held held
On Saturday April 9, the Wheatland her friends
her friends closeclose and family
and family eveneven closer.
closer. Her Her intense
intense love love
Lady veterans (l): Brenda Stuart-Berry, Bev Brown,
Gwen Dewar, Betty McKay, Yvonne Fawkes,
Irene Allemang and Blanche McArthur.
The Battle 4-H District Council hosted a Multi-
Judging Clinic for members of 4-H clubs
of family
of family
and passion
and passion
her love
her love
for life
of music,
of music,
she shared
all ofallusof us
and singing.
and singing.
of Vimy Ridge in the County of Wheatland. It was held
Abigail and Arthur
and Arthur pleaseplease
take take
youryour daughter
daughter and hold
and hold her her
at the show barn and quonset at the Ag
was fought on April 9th, 1917. Grounds in Strathmore. tight,tight, just
just as as our
she, she,mother
our mother and grandmother,
and grandmother, did with
did with us. us.

On April 9th., 2011, that day was honoured Approximately 23 members with Interment
Interment willheld
will be be held in Wetaskiwin,
in Wetaskiwin, AB,a private
AB, in in a private
by the Legion’s Ladies Auxiliary with a some parents and leaders were shown memorial
memorial withwith immediate
immediate family.
family. Condolences
Condolences can can
dinner and entertainment for the Veterans how to judge. The 4-H members were be made
be made through
through the Wheatland
the Wheatland Funeral
Funeral HomeHome
in in
of the Legion and their spouses. After the shown; Mini horses owned by Cindy Strathmore,
Strathmore, AB, atAB, at
dinner, the servers of which, once again, and Sarah Hunter from Strathmore,
were the students of Strathmore High And And
in theinend,
the end, it’sthe
it’s not notyears
the years in your
in your life that
life that count.
yearling heifers owned by Brad Dundas
School, toasts and tributes were made to It’slife
in your
from Hussar, sheep owned by Marlene It’s the yearsyears
all Veterans, past, present and future, by
and Dale Palsson from Standard. They ~ Abraham
~ Abraham Lincoln
Comrades Gerry van Doorn (Dutch Army),
Bob Stanley (Korea), and John Scheer were also shown how to judge toques, Please
Please join join
us and us celebrate
and celebrate
life –life
buy– abuy a flower
flower for for
(Vimy). Special tribute was made to the luncheon plates and hay. a friend,
a friend, fill an
fill out outorgan
an organ donor
donor card,card,
do a do a good
good deeddeed
or or
female members of our Legion who also Everyone enjoyed a lunch of hot beef
served in the forces, and a 60-year medal donatedonate
to yourto your favorite
favorite charity.
on a bun and salads, which was sup-
was awarded to one of our Veterans,
Comrade James Mercer, for his 50 years
plied by the Wheatland Council. After
membership in the Legion. The evening, lunch, Marlene Palsson, 4-H key mem- thank yous
Deputy District Commander, some of it somber, was enjoyed by all who ber for the Wheatland District explained
Sylvia Westgard (l) and
Comrade James Mercer attended. Thank you, Ladies Auxiliary. to all of the members how to judge us-

(l) the Veterans

Activities Comm
ing oral and written reasons. Each mem-
ber was then asked to give their reasons
to four judges as if they were actually
Thank You
Jack Crawshaw
Kay Vannebo Wa
r Bri de , Ph ylli s Whiteford Wa
and her husband
r Bride,
, Vern
On March 26th, 2011, the competing. Even though it was cold and The family of the late Philippe d’Argent of
Veterans Activities
Betty & Frank Mc
Kay War Bride
terans Ac tivi tie s Co mm ittee Chair. muddy out everyone had a great day.
A.V.B. Greenhouses at Standard would like to
Neiszner the Ve Committee of Marlene and Lorilee Dundas, Key
the Royal Leader for the Wheatland District then express our thanks for the visits, masses,
Canadian thanked everyone for participating and cards, flowers and food during our recent
Legion, gave the volunteers thank you gifts. The bereavement. Thanks for donations made
district is hoping to make this judging in Philippe’s memory.
Special thanks to the caring people from Home
held a “dINNer
workshop an annual event.
for the Legion’s World Care and Rosedale Hospice. The care and
compassion showed to Philippe and his family
War ll Veterans and
their spouses.
was beyond what words could say.
Thanks to Father Krystian Golisz at St. Rita’s
The theme for the evening was
for celebrating Mass, the musicians, choir, the
“The War Brides Are Coming” honorary pallbearers & CWL for the delightful
a play written by P. Gail Whiteford. lunch. Thanks to everyone else who participat-
Ms. Whiteford and the Aspen ed in the mass, eulogy and tribute which were
Aspen Crossing Actors and all special in the celebration of Philippe’s life.
Thanks to those who stayed for coffee
Crossing Actresses put on a wonderful
actors Bryan play about the difficulties war
Smith & Hailey
brides faced after marrying and lunch after the service and shared their
their Canadian heroes and
moving to Canada to be with MOPS memories.
them and their families. An extra special thank you to the staff at A.V.B.
The Legion had a full-house annual
and the dinner was wonder- Greenhouses for keeping the business, which
ful. A special tribute to three toy swap Philippe built, running smoothly; knowing that
of our own war brides was
made by way of cakes Strathmore MOPS held their annual Toy swap Ellen and Eric’s place was with Philippe during
this past weekend at Westmount school. Every-
showing their wedding
photos. The people were one who participated bought their table and were this very difficult time. Thanks for the food and
served their dinner by able to sell children’s toy, clothes and a variety support you offered our family.
volunteers of the Strathmore
High School. A special
of other items. All profits are going to the Strath- You all hold a special place in our hearts.
more MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) program.
Ellen, Eric, Lori, Dominique, Joy, Lucas,
thanks goes out to them. It
nda Knight and was a terrific evening which Lindsay and Gray Jensen took the opportunity to
rn Neiszner, Bre
s, along with Ve
Stella & Quinn
Student server Ve ter an s Ac tivities Committe will not be soon forgotten by shop for new things.
who are the
Jack Crawshaw, those who attended.
Wendi Tashlikowich Photo
April 22, 2011 • Strathmore Times • Page 23

thank yous coming events coming events notice notices
Get your
Dr. Jared Van Bussel re-
thankS and Trade NOW OPEN
grets to announce that he will
be closing his practice at the
appreciation Ads in the
Strathmore Medical Clinic. His
to everyone who times!
last day in clinic will be April
26, 2011. StrathmOrE PrayEr
supported the
thrift Sale april 30 SHOOT FOR notices
Get your
Classified Ads in!
& hEaliNg rOOmS
Come in and be encouraged!
by volunteering,
donating and
10 am - 3 pm
Free Prayer for healing, miracles & restoration.
Every monday 7 - 9 pm.

purchasing items. EvEryonE WElcomE

We look forward to CommuniTy On May 14th, 2011 Cars, Trucks, Boats, RVs, For more information call 403-901-0893
Trips, Renos
serving you again HaLL Registration at 10 am, Play at 11 am or visit us at 115a 3rd. avenue.
3-Person Teams – any combination 403.934.3358
in october. Delicious Concession
All of strAthmore
Strathmore Bake Table Limited to 44 Teams
United ~ $30.00 per team

Prizes Galore
Lots of New Vendors
Fun prizes, as well as a Silent Auction
Donations and prizes as well as “good www. Good fridAy
quality” auction items will be gladly accepted
For further information, please contact;
Get your DArt Shoot, Betty Ann Fountain and
Jenny Schumann 403.934.5119 April 22, 10:30 am
Classified Ads in! Silent Auction, irene Knappe 403.934.2020 hosted by hope community covenant church
245 Brent Boulevard, Strathmore
Come on out & support our Troops & their families!
Call Tracey 403-934-5589 Please bring non-perishable items to donate to the Food Bank

RemindeR SHS Parents Sponsored Grad Banquet
& Safe Grad

Strathmore & District Agricultural Society All payments for
Household Service Agreements
Anyone required to do are due by 4:30pm tuesday, may 3 • 8 pm
Upstairs in the Strathmore Legion
April 29, 2011.
ATTENTION community service For information contact Karen 403-934-6933

WATER USERS please call Allan at the To avoid interest charges, mail or or email

Strathmore Agricultural Society drop off a postdated cheque today Banquet tickets still available contact:
Julia 403-901-1486 or Karen 403-888-8308
As the water season has arrived, we require
all of the stakeholders to provide a minimum at 403-325-0793
of 48 hours notice prior to your planned help wanted
irrigation start up, and 24 hours notice before help wanted
shutting the water off. This gives us enough Town of
time to efficiently add or remove water from
our canals which allows us to provide the
STraThmore Where Quality of Life is A Way of Life

users with the best possible service while

enabling us to manage the water more MUNICIPAL CLERK
efficiently. Please call to order your Production Assistant (Summer Student) Competition #TOS2011-019
water on and off. Your cooperation is
Strathmore Plant The Town of Strathmore is a vibrant and progressive community
greatly appreciated.
with over 12,000 people, located on the Trans Canada Highway
Ferus Inc. specializes in the production, storage, supply and transport of
22 minutes East of Calgary.
Brian Sander, Water Master 403-325-0493 liquid nitrogen and liquid carbon dioxide for the energy industry.
Jeff Maude (Chestermere) 403-899-4638
We are looking for a dynamic and highly motivated individual to join
Don Brownlee (Carseland) 403-899-4641 The term of this position will be from May 2011 to August 2011. the Administrative Team. Reporting to the Deputy Chief
Joey Mordy (Strathmore) 403-325-4601 Administrative Officer, the role of Municipal Clerk will appeal to a
Wes Sproule (Rockyford) 403-325-4640 Ferus has an immediate opening for a Plant Assistant at our Strathmore
liquid nitrogen production facility. All duties will be performed in a safe, strategic thinker who thrives in a challenging environment.
Pat Smith (Gleichen/Cluny) 403-325-4642 environmentally friendly & cost effective manner. We endeavor to be leaders in municipal sustainability, and encourage
Eric Beingessner (Crowfoot) 403-325-4639 our employees to help us achieve excellence.
• Assist in general maintenance work as required
• Wash Equipment
• Work independently and as part of a team The successful candidate will be required to have:
• General Plant and Yard Maintenance • Comprehensive background in Municipal Government
• Ensure correct environmental and safety practices are adhered • 5 years Municipal experience in a similar role

to and upheld at Ferus facilities • Post secondary education in a related field
• Currently enrolled in a two year Diploma program or working t • Experience in Bylaw and Policy Formation
owards a Degree.
• Superior minute taking skills
Requirements: • Excellent knowledge of Municipal Council/Board procedures
• Ability to understand and follow detailed instructions • Must be willing to work on a flexible basis, as some evening work
• Valid Class Five Driver License is required.
We are Your • Clean Drivers Abstract
• Strong interpersonal and communication skills
• Own transportation
“Locally owned • Ability to work in a team setting
• Strong communication skills Salary:
& operated” • Depends on Experience and Education
If you are interested in working in a positive and dynamic environment,
• Comprehensive Benefits Package
WeekLY NeWspaper Please email your resume by April 25, 2011
to or fax 1-888-879-6125 • Local Authorities Pension Plan
• Health & Wellness Policy
Total Market Coverage Please reference: Ad #STR – 0411 - SSPA
Candidates without a post secondary education in Municipal
11,500 HOUSEHOLDS We thank you for your interest; however, only those applicants
considered for the position will be contacted. Government and 5 years in a similar role will not be considered.
through Canada Post.
Covering Strathmore, If you are looking for a challenging and rewarding career opportunity,

Check Us Out
Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny, please submit a complete resume to:
Gleichen, Hussar, Langdon, Linda Nelson, Deputy CAO
Lyalta, Indus, Namaka, Town of Strathmore
Nightingale, Rockyford, 680 Westchester Road

on Facebook!
Rosebud, Speargrass & Standard. Strathmore, AB T1P 1J1
403.934.5589 (please quote the competition number in the subject line)

www. Closing date for applications is May 6th, 2011

Page 24 • Strathmore Times • April 22, 2011

help wanted help wanted livestock livestock for sale for sale
RED and BLACK angus bulls Pool Table – 91” x 37”. Ex- 2008 Hyundai Tucson
for sale. Yearlings and 2 year Will your cellent shape, complete with GL, burgundy, automatic,
Stella-Jones Canada Inc. olds. Semen tested and deliv-
next calf rack and all pool cues (12 47,000km. Air conditioning,
ered. Call Mardy Skibsted at cues). Pool & snooker balls. CD player, keyless entry, power
is now accepting applications 403-934-2571. crop top the $350.00 O.B.O. Call 403-934- brakes, power mirrors, power
for entry level positions for Full Time
market??? 6732. steering, power windows,
its Carseland Lumber Facility. hotel maintenance Check Us Out tilt steering, cruise control,
350 large round hay bales HEATED SEATS, power locks,
supervior on Facebook! for sale. First cut, mixed hay. child safety locks, rear window
Interested applicants may fax Up to $18.50/hour. help wanted $65/ton. Call Doug 403-934- wiper, tinted windows. Sporty
a resume to (403)934-5880 Please submit resume to
3394. ride with loads of room, great
Driver/Laborers re- handling and fantastic fuel
Attn: Ron or email to 350 Ridge Road,
quired. Must have class 3/ Get your economy. Excellent condition,
Strathmore, AB T1P 1B5 Classified Ads in!
or fax (403) 901-0016
Air. Contact Craig at 403- yearling Call Tracey $17,900. Call 403-934-4969

533-3838. 934-5589 and leave message.

Positions available, crimi-

SUMMER STEP STUDENT Local cattle marketing firm currently nal record check, first aid for sale real estate
and certification in day care
Wheatland Housing Management Body is has an opening for a part-time required. Drop off resumes Darcy &
office Michelle Welsh
currently seeking a summer student for yard at the day care. 309 2nd Ave.
maintenance and general labour for the
Strathmore, AB.
Wheatland Lodge and Seniors Self Contained
Units. Applicants must be at least 14 yrs. of (minimum 24 hrs/week) featured properties of the week
age, self motivated and able to work on their help wanted Cozy fully developed 4 bed-
own. Rate of pay $14.00 hr. 35hrs per week. Responsibilities will include financials room home with over 2400
Start date June 27, 2011. (A/R, A/P), payroll, and other Full time sq ft of living space. Lots
Drop off resumes Attention: general office duties. Cooks of extras and a garden-
ers dream for a back yard.
Shirley Reinhardt CAO, Wheatland Lodge
Preference will be given to applicants with $13/hr, minimum Quick possession. $343,700.
76 -2nd St, Strathmore AB
excellent computer skills including MS 3 years experience
MLS C3461356

Word & Excel. MS Access, payroll/benefits Bring the kids and the pets,
experience, and knowledge of the cattle Part time & full time this fully developed home can
Counter Sales & Yard Person handle them all! Five bed-
to Start ImmedIatelY industry are also definite assets. RestauRant seRveRs, rooms, 3 baths. New laminate
Pub baRtendeRs, Pub seRveRs floor. Gorgeous fenced back
If you like people, sales and the outdoors, we are Please send resume on or before
looking for you. Eagle Lake Landscape Supply $8.80/hr, experience an asset yard with hot tub. Call now!
is hiring for the following positions: may 2, 2011 to: MLS C3462861 Don’t miss out. $334,900.
- Counter Sales Manager Apply to
- Yard Person 149A Orchard Park Road, or in person between 2 pm & 4:30 pm emelia
We are a new Strathmore, AB T1P 1R8 Holmgren RealtOR
Landscape Supply centre
located just off of 84th
Fax #: 403-901-1939
Thank you to all who apply - only those
help wanted Cell:
Fax: 403-934-6409
Street SE, Calgary. Email:
considered for an interview will be notified.
Send resumes to
Residential One
Real estate

Featured ProPertieS
Custom feedlot & farming
operation looking call nonie
for full-time employees
We currently have seasonal openings at our Wheatland Pioneer Ag Business HARDWOODS- TILE

Centre located in Strathmore, AB. Competitive wages including O.T OPEN DESIGN

and other Benefits. Just Listed

Reporting to the Crop Input Manager, these positions are responsible for
Valid driver’s licence and a good call nonie
deliveries of dry fertilizer, chemical and seed to local customers. Other
responsibilities include truck inspection and maintenance, unloading and attitude a must. High school $327,700
loading of crop input products and yard maintenance. The ideal candidates diploma an asset. 4 BEDROOMS
will possess a valid Class 3Q License and be able to work flexible hours 3 BATHROOMS
including evenings and weekends. Driver’s Abstract to be provided. Send resumes to: FULLY DEVELOPED
Facility Assistants contribute to the safe, efficient and profitable operation of Box 2409, Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3
a crop input facility. Specific responsibilities include the quality assessment
and agronomic support and assistance in the sale of crop input products
and services; the operation of facility equipment and controls; inventory
Fax (403) 934-6133 call nonie
management and control; and excellent customer service. BACKING ONTO PARK
Interested candidates should apply in-person, or fax their cover letter and STraThmore Where Quality of Life is A Way of Life 4 BATHROOMS
April 30th,
resume before, April 15th,2011.

Richardson Pioneer Division – Wheatland
Box 2086, Strathmore, AB, T1P
T1A 1K1
1K1 Fax: 403-934-4475 call nonie
Only applicants under consideration will be contacted. Richardson International
values diversity in the workplace. Women, Aboriginal People, Visible Minorities
and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply and self identify. Competition Number: TOS2011 - 018 MEDIA RM - EXERCISE RM
Requirements: HARDWOODS
G 18 years of age FULLY DEVELOPED

We’re committed to keeping you informed of developments G A current CPR level C award call nonie
G A current Standard First Aid award
that affect you at work and at home. G Experience with cash handling 2800 SQ FT OF EVERY
G Experience with computers WALKOUT
From business and economic news to social and political changes, G Any other qualifications are an asset BACKING ONTO
G Shifts will include evenings and
the Strathmore Times keeps you on top of what’s happening weekends
LIKE NEW........

in our community. G Starting wage is $12.53 per hour call nonie

If you’re not reading the Strathmore Times, Those interested in applying should $149,900
submit a complete resume to: FRONTS ONTO PARK
you’re missing out on a lot. 2 BEDROOMS....LARGE LIVING RM
Linda Nelson, Deputy CAO EAT IN KITCHEN.....WHY RENT
Town of Strathmore
403-934-5589 • 680 Westchester Road nonie hall agent

Strathmore, AB T1P 1J1
Email: 403-934-3382
(when emailing please quote the position
title in subject line)

strathmore Closing date for applications

is April 25th, 2011. 106 - 304 - 3rd avenue, Strathmore
April 22, 2011 • Strathmore Times • Page 25

shared accom rentals rentals rentals

Roommates to share 4 2 bdrm furnished bach- Upper duplex one mile 2 bdrm condo/apartment
bdrm house. 2 rooms avail- elor, includes all utilities from Strathmore, 2 bdrm, including washer, dryer, dish-
able. Finished basement with along with bedding, dishes N/P. $1000/mth + utilities & washer, gas fireplace & 2
entertainment system, laundry etc. $975/mth and month-to- $1000/ D.D. Upper duplex parking stalls. N/S, N/P. Avail-
facilities, fenced yard with month rental available. D.D re- in Strathmore, 3 bdrm, N/P, able immediately. $900/mth +
deck & fire pit. Lots of parking quired & N/P. Clean and comfy, N/S. $1000/mth + utilities utilities and + D.D. Call 403-
Call Lorna Phibbs on corner lot. Available May
1. $600 & $700/mth, utilities
responsible working tenants
only. Call 403-936-5541 or
& $1000/D.D. Wood burning
fireplace in both rentals. Ref-

403-874-7660 to Buy or Sell! included. Call 403-830-8460. 403-615-5678. erences required. 403-934-
Available immediately, fur-
nished bedroom & common
area with microwave, bar
call lorna
67.09 call lorna brand new bungalow,
view of countryside
Roommate 416 sq. ft. cottage. 14 500 sq ft office space, Main fridge, & 32” TV. Includes 3

km East of Strathmore. Street in Strathmore, frontage. piece bath. $500 a month inc.
acres $351,900
2 large bedrooms, 2 Clean & well cared for. Available immediately. Call util. $550 sec. dep. Ph.983-
West of Strathmore. full baths and over Radiant heat flooring. N/S, 403-901-8727. 2725 or 921-5082.
Road to be con- 1400 sq ft of devel- Share an N/P. Monthly rate $750.00,
opment, upgrades
structed. Industrial
throughout. acreage house includes utilities. Call 403- Single person for small 3 bdrm townhome with
Parcels. 934-3219. semi furnished house, 8km finished basement, 6 appli-
MLS C3450431 10 kms north of
south on Hwy #817, N/S, N/P. ances. 1.5 baths, NS, available
Strathmore. Rent $625.00, security deposit immediately. $1200/mth. plus
call lorna don't miss out! call lorna
Inexpensive rent. $625.00. Available May 1. utilities. First months rent is
120 acres!
brand new bun- Phone 403-934-4407. free with lease, small pet ne-
galow Call for details gotiable. Call 361-0018.
1720 sq ft new bunga-
$289,900! 403.968.9211 CHINOOK III. 2 bdrm $900/mth
Hiway frontage. Cultivated land. or 1 bdrm $800/mth. +DD re- Furnished Home For Rent,
Maple throughout.
quired. Heat & water included. available immediately. 3 to 4
Hardwoods. Surface rights income.
real estate No pets. Call Jane at 403-934- bdrms, 3 Bath, all appliances,
6896. large back yard, backs onto
call lorna you may never call lorna sellers bonus to park. Pets negotiable, N/S.
see this again!
Executive 1915 2 1/2 storey
new owner $137,500
Seller will pay six months of 1381 sq ft Bungalow Strathmore Responsible adults only. Refer-
ences may be required $1300/
pad rental to help your move
home. Multi color hardwoods.
4 bedrooms on second floor. go easily! This beautiful 2006
home is a steal at that price!
3+1 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, hardwood, mth. plus D.D. & utilities. 6 mth

Retail Space
2 bedrooms or bonus area on
third. 12.4 treed beautiful acres 3 large bedrooms, 2 full baths,
open concept and backs onto
new carpets and tile, theatre room, – 1 yr lease required. Call 403-
in park like setting.
games room; two gas fireplaces. 390-2331.
for Lease
Irrigation, good well and so park! Perfect home to start the
much to offer! $599,900 new year!
Must be seen to be appreciated! Spacious 2 bdrm apart-
call lorna call lorna 1500 ft2
strathmore 46.56 # 40 Hillview Drive, Good access to
ment available June 1. 2nd
floor downtown location. Only
$209,900 acres
$875/mth + power and D.D.
Highway #1. Kitchen
Great 3 Bdrm
Bilevel, Basement
Adjacent to strathmore. $365,000.00 facilites available.
Open plan, vaulted celilings, 6
appliances and gas fireplace.
Development, Green Subdivision potential For further information, please call 403-861-6258 or Adults only, N/P, N/S. Call Rita
Space at Rear. or great investment. (403) 901-6036 or (403) 901-5254
403-870-4356 at 403-934-5000 ext. 111.

call lorna beautiful bricK call lorna Get your Classified Ads in!
11.9 acres
$288,000 Call Tracey
Paved Circle Drive
Lots of Trees
Industrial 403-934-5589 Directory
Walking Distance to all rezoned west
Attached Double Garage
of Strathmore carpentry
call lorna call lorna brand new
ranch villa!
turn Key operation $283,800
Manager in Place 3 bedrooms,
3 baths,
Retail Outlet. 28 Contracts double garage
Priced at $375,000 Wildflower Ranch
Strathmore Acreage $895,000 Custom Carpentry
call lorna brand new call lorna
slashed! * 7.54 Acres & Renovations
$352,900 $155,000 * BEAUTIFULLY maintained 1640.4 sq. ft.
1420 sq ft bunga-
Tons of friendly people!
Guest Suite! Great second bungalow with fully finished Carmon Wiebe
3 bedrooms, floor location! basement Ph. 403.901.0884 c. 403.710.2165
2 baths, SW deck with views.
hardwoods Newly decorated. * NEW Kitchen, NEW Windows & NEW
Doors are only a few of the upgrades
call lorna call lorna * 24X32 Barn with wood floor & stalls carpentry
buy yourself ranch estates!
a home & $92,900 * Lots of outbuildings for your 35 years experience

business! Huge country equipment & toys
3200 sq ft
commercial building. kitchen. Backs
on soccer field.
Last use a pub.
Living at rear.
Priced at $269,900 Retire here!
call lorna call lorna Finishing • Painting
views, trees!
main floor
Fred Gienger 403-968-3733 Decks • siDing
4.22 acres $173,000

$199,000 Large unit. No Job to Small
Pole shed. Walk in shower. Exceptional Work at Affordable Prices
40 gal well. Great kitchen. Hayley’s
1/2 mile to pavement. South patio. Feature Property Kelly franKs 403.533.2169
call lorna its all here! call lorna Hayley Poirier 403-934-2001
just listed! catering
$349,900 $349,000
Loads of oak. Raised bungalow.
5 bdrms, 3 baths. 1400 sq ft.
Cambridge Glen Hardwoods.
location. Hillview location.

116 Aspen Creek CR $379,900

Gold Standard
call lorna $419,900
4.77 acres near
call lorna 3.09 acres &
small shop “BEAUTIFULLY upgraded home,.Loaded w/ features..
Langdon. OPEN CONCEPT. feature gas fireplace, vaulted ceilings..
Irrigation for Garden
1400 sq ft bunga- Shop for your Hobby SUNSHINE eating area. BIG BRIGHT windows give you a
low. Double & sin- Or just country liv- great view of the LANDSCAPED (Japanese inspired)
gle garage. ing!! backyard & large 2 tier deck. There are Hardwood &
Mountain views. Slashed $185,000! ceramic floors..3 bedr. Detailed ceramic finishes & Lin Walker / Owner

call lorna
upgraded fixtures in all baths.. Laundry is up or down,you
choose...Downstairs- family rm/MEDIA rm, bedr,office 403.324.6641
hay horse lov- call lorna brand new
$689,444 ranch villa!
9.65 acres. Minutes to $294,120 Your Running
Langdon. 10 minutes to Realtor
Calgary. Riding arena
Double garage, 2+1
with lighting. bdrms, 3 baths, frpl
5 stall barn ++ (Wildflower Ranch) Canyon Creek (Strathmore) Feeding all of your senses
Page 26 • Strathmore Times • April 22, 2011

Professional Directory
day care general contractors painting rental equipment

Marv Poettcker Lar-Don

RentaLs Ltd.
Iop row ltd. “Your Light Construction & Garden Equipment • Trenching
Newborn to Kindergarten Specializing in Insurance Claims Painting Pro” New & Used Equipment • Sales & Service
Your Complete Exterior Finishing Company Painting since 1975 Echo Power
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Continuous Eavestroughing • Windows & Reroofs
Licensed & Accredited Charitable Organization (Inside / Outside)
Aluminum and Smart Board Batons Residential • Light Industrial • Commercial
Cell: 403-968-9211 • Work: 403-934-4334 co-alta Holdings
Fax: 403-934-4422 • Email: O 403.901.1137 15 Spruce Lane, Strathmore
403-934-5139 • fax 403-901-6265 Bus: 403-934-3727 Fax: 403-934-3849
For a FREE QuotE Call tom C 403.880.3299

general contractors furnace & duct photo / video Check Us Out

on Facebook!
Handy Kinda Guy trailer rentals
• Painting • Plumbing
• Small Renovations
• Decks & Fences
Furnace Replacement • Repairs & Maintenance
Air Conditioning • Certified HVAC Technicians Strathmore
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dennis j seibel
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• General Maintenance by the day, week or month
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Call BoB 403-861-7822 403.934.4957 403.901.5472 .
Jeff: 403.804.3070 Jody: 403.999.5937
general contractors metal roofing piano tuner
117 Orchard Way, Strathmore. AB
Piano Tuner -Technician
window cleaning

Steel • Steel • •Aluminum
Aluminum Aluminum • •Copper
• Aluminum
Copper Copper• Copper 30 Years of ‘Noted’ WIndoW ClEanIng
Metal Roofing • Custom Flashings • Accessories by Roy Chester
Metal Roofing
• Custom
RoofingRoofing Flashings
• Custom• Custom• Accessories
Bay A, 1115 - 48th Avenue S.E.
• Accessories Piano Service!
• Accessories Bus: (403) 279-2766
Calgary, Alberta T2G 2A7 Fax: (403) 770-2277 Kathie L. Zakresky Power Washing • Window Cleaning
Bay A, Bay A, 1115
Bay -A,48th
1115 - 48th Avenue S.E.Avenue
1115 - 48thS.E.
S.E. Bus: Free: Bus:
Toll (403) (403) 279-2766
279-2766 Bus: (403) 279-2766
Residential • Commercial • Interior • Exterior 1-866-279-2766
Calgary, Alberta Alberta
2A7 T2G
T2GCalgary, 2A7 T2G 2A7
Alberta Fax: (403)Fax: (403) 770-2277
770-2277 Graduate
Fax: (403) of The Hal T.M. Lyne School of Piano Technology 1981
770-2277 Toll Free: Toll Free: 1-866-279-2766
1-866-279-2766 403.934.5477
Toll Free: 1-866-279-2766 Eavestrough Cleaning & Repairs
Spider Control
mobile repairs plumbing Roy Chester 403-520-1974

PLUMBING waste disposal

Plumbing done Right

Waste Disposal & Port-A-Potties
Toilets, Tubs
or Taps
Mobile RepaiRs call us fiRst!

general contractors
& FabRication 403-629-9010 Serving Strathmore, Drumheller & Areas
Whole Home mortgages real estate 10B Bayside Place, Strathmore, AB

Tina Scott water well drilling

We make your house a HOME 403-901-5388
general Contractor / Handyman
“Constantly Selling
More Real Estate”
Drilling Co. Ltd
Specializing in: Canyon Creek (Strathmore)
• Painting • Water Well
• Basement Development Drilling
• Family Rooms • Pump Systems:
• Kitchen Reno’s mufflers renovations / repairs
Supply, Install & Repair
• Bathroom Reno’s
• Play Rooms • Water Conditioning
• Tile Work Equipment
• Laminate Flooring
Renovations, RepaiRs
• Hardwood Flooring
• Plumbing
& ConstRuCtion 403-934-4271
Greg Wilson Basements, Bathrooms, Custom Sheds,
• Light Electrical
• Deck & Fence Repair 153 Orchard Park Road,
Custom Counter Tops & Beyond
Interior & Exterior • Residential & Commercial
Call Today for a FREE ESTIMATE Strathmore, AB FRee estimates Serving the rural Community
403-934-5707 403-629-9010 for 58 yearS
April 22, 2011 • Strathmore Times • Page 27

Robert Strathmore & area 24 HR. REAL ESTATE HOT LINE 403-934-5533
934-5533 "The Sign of experience"

CaLL robert & taMara CaLL nonie CaLL Shauna

Huge Yard in CaLL JiM or Jody gorgeous Home!
$239,900 waLkout

Keith aspen $369,900 great priCe!! bungaLow -
Garrioch • Cathedral Ceilings
$229,900. Only 3 years New!! OPEN $393,000
Over 1250 SQ Ft. UPGRADED Immaculate with 1491
403 and Large Windows 3 Bedrms & 2 Baths
WALKOUT sq.ft.. 3 bdrms,
• Huge Yard and Deck...
333-8411 RV Parking
Huge Corner lot & Dbl.
2 full baths
Attched Garage 3 season sunroom
• 3+1 Bedrooms/ Top Quaility Thruout !! APPLIANCES NEW Too many extras to
MLS C3456605 Heated Garage Quiet Community BE THE FIRST OWNERS mention

La Shaun CaLL robert & taMara CaLL JiM or Jody CaLL nonie CaLL Shauna HiLLview estates
Land near
briar CresCent
beautY! $179,000
3 Bedrm & 2 Full Baths
$174,900 $379,900
RENOVATED Over 1800 sq.f.t.
Upgrades and Extra's
850-4593 • 5.93+/- Acres Galore. New Shingles and 2 BEDROOM of living space
HARDWOODS 4 bdrms, 3 full baths
• Good Well Siding. YOU OWN !!!
Huge Fenced Lot, Large NEW CUPBOARDS Luxurious owner's suite
• Great Building new Deck. Private Setting & DETACHED GARAGE Walkout on 3rd level
MLS C3468312 Sites PIE SHAPED LOT to yard
Sheila Gorgeous Landscaping

Bassen CaLL robert & taMara CaLL ChantaLe

CaLL JiM or Jody big bang for CaLL Shauna
gardener's paradise
403 $289,900 Your buCk! in roCkYford
• Huge Lot... 75x160
Rockyford $139,900
1100 Sq Ft Bungalow
just Listed Gated Community,
Upgraded home
Overlooking Soccerfield
• Terrific Downtown 2 Bedrms & 2 Baths across from park
Beautiful 3 Bed, 2 Bath, 2+2 bdrms, 2 full baths.
Location Zoned R3 Paint, Tile, Carpeting Open Concept, Vaulted Original hardwood
Jim • 4 Bedroom Home Front Deck & RV Parking Ceilings, Covered Deck, floors. Single
Buckle MLS C3465345 with Full Basement Huge Lot, Attached Garage MLS C346562 Immaculate Condition! detached garage
325-7347 CaLL robert & taMara CaLL JiM or Jody CambriLLe Cutie CaLL ChantaLe CaLL Shauna aCreage witH
gated CommunitY aduLt Living guest House
$129,500 2 + 1 Bedrms. Gorgeous at it's finest! $367,000
• 22x24 Detached Garage Upgrades. Dream Renovated home on 10
Top floor end unit with acres near Standard
• 1216 Sq Ft Kitchen. Oak, Granite,
Jody of Living space
SW view. 2 Bed 2 Bath 1200 sq.ft. guest house
Hardwood. Fresh Paint,
Buckle • Beautifully Maintained Fully Developed. Double and Den. 2 Heated partially finished
40x60 shop
403 MLS C3468017 • Enjoy Full Deck plus Patio Garage, Big Yard. MLS C3451768 Parking Stalls. Solarium 20x60 barn
CaLL La Shaun just in time for goLf CaLL niCoLe perfeCt famiLY CaLL ChantaLe fuLLY deveLoped witH CaLL traCy wHY rent!
speargrass viLLa waLkout , potentiaL
Home suite $339,900! affordabLe
Nicole Backs to golf course. ENOURMOUS LOT BACKING 3+1 bedrooms. 3 full baths. Living $47,000!
Upgrades, hardwood, ONTO GREENSPACE Open concept with Show of owners pride. This home
Cordes granite. Large oversize THREE BEDROOM, upgrades. Mother-in-law is freshly painted throughout.
403 garage. Massive deck THREE BATH suite potential. Infloor heat, A pleasure to show! Bright and
spacious, 2 bedroom, 2 baths,
up & down. Bonus CALIFORNIA CLOSETS underground sprinklers
901-5855 MLS C3464887 package to buyer. MLS C3464526 $349,000 MLS C3456448 and more. MLS C3450472
fenced yard and parking pad
for 2!

CaLL La Shaun upgraded, fuLLY CaLL niCoLe CaLL ChantaLe upgraded, funCtionaL CaLL traCy fuLLY finisHed
up & down
deveLoped, 1/4 aCre
Lot $428,800!
new Listing bungaLow $434,900!
Open concept with vaulted $189,900!
Beautiful home with loads of 160 Acres - Pasture and Hay. ceilings over 1566 sq ft on the
Well maintained home,
403 main level with fully finished
room 3+1 bedroom. 3.5 bath Completely Renovated Home. Hip Roof Barn. basement. 5 bedrooms, 3 bath, 2+2 bedrooms, 2 full
934-5533 formal dining, landscaped,
Fenced yard backing to park!
Perfect Horse Set-up. Many Outbuilding. 2 fireplaces, upgrades baths, open concept, all
throughout, the list goes on!
MLS C3469369 Call for list of upgrades Beautifull Mature Yard MLS C3440756 Ready for a new family. MLS C3462464 on 3 lots, totally fenced!

Debbie CaLL La Shaun baCks to green CaLL debbie $329,900 CaLL traCy 3 aCreS, fuLLy fenCed,
spaCe witH brigHt
waLkout $357,500!
Completely renovated
5 bedroom, 1420 sq
we Can HeLp hoMe, 3 Car garage

You find
Easy communte to Calgary &
852-5923 Fully finished. Backs to ft Bi-Level on a Strathmore. 3 bedrooms,
greenspace. 2+3 bedrooms corner lot with a 2 baths. Open concept with

Your dream Home!

plus den. 3 full bath. Main double attached large family room. Fenced &
floor laundry. Bright walkout heated oversize cross fenced. Horse shelters.
MLS C3467410 to landscaped yard. MLS C3462058 garage. MLS C3466776 Oversize triple garage.
Hall CaLL La Shaun brand new Condos, CaLL debbie owner motivated! CaLL ron beeeutifuL House CaLL traCy fuLLY deveLoped
403 CentraL LoCation $170,900! priCe reduCed This 2 story home shows like a bungaLow sHows
934-3382 Abe Fehr Condos 2 bedroom, $154,900 dream. Tastefully decorated, new owners pride
2 baths, 6 appliances! perfect for
Immaculate, tastefully
S/S appliances. Newer oversized $219,900!
first time buyers or looking to double garage with heat. New
decorated condo. Why rent Large country kitchen,
down size! Walking distance to all when you can own! Corner shingles, new hot water tank,
your needs, shopping, parks, etc. new flooring. New counter top 2+1 bedrooms,
fireplace, bungalow style,
Why rent when you can own, 2bdrms, oak cabinets, all and kitchen fixtures. A price to 2 full baths, built in 1972,
Chantale come see for yourself! appliances including washer/ make you smile $214,900. totally renovated
Hill MLS C3451266 Starting at $170,900! MLS C3464541 dryer included. Cal Ron Kaechele 403-934-1097 MLS C3469591 from inside out!
CaLL SheiLa CaLL debbie CaLL ron CaLL Lorna
325-3860 beautifuL exeCutive
Home! $539,900
$89,000 Home sweet Home!
Incredible bilevel with five
just Listed!
Double oversize (24x24) bedrooms. Neat as a pin
gorgous 2 storeY
Over 4000sq ft in total this Home
has everything! 5 Bedrooms, heated garage, large Features finished basement, new 1896 sq ft
3 baths, Huge Kitchen and eating corner lot, interior windows and much more. Backs onto park.
Ron area, seperate dining room, 2 family
rooms, living room, hardwood,
renovations started... Large lot with RV parking.
Great Hillview
Kaechele lots of potential. No maintenance on deck or
infloor heat, airconditioning,
Located in quiet exterior. $344,900 location.
403 triple car garage, security rollco
blinds and so much more! MLS C3465612 community of Mossleigh MLS C3462987 Cal Ron Kaechele 403-934-1097 $369,000.
CaLL SheiLa fabuLous CaLL debbie CaLL ron baCks on to Lake CaLL Lorna brand new
immaCuLate $244,900 Beautiful 2 bedroom condo in
townHouse! This 2 Storey has a
Strathmore Lakes Estates. Walk

Paul $239,900
out to patio, large deck with
gas BBQ hookup. All appliances.
ranCH viLLa!
This newly painted 1221 sq ft total of 4 bedrooms $294,120
Kautz home is perfect and waiting
& 4 bathrooms!
Fully developed basement with
just for you! 3 bdr, 2 1/2 baths,
gas stove, additional two Double garage, 2+1
403 Immaculate inside
bedrooms. Large family room.
all appliances, fully finished, Vacant - take fast possession bdrms, 3 baths, frpl
875-4166 MLS C3459854
garage, etc, and located near
MLS C3463280 and out. $279,000
(Wildflower Ranch)
schools, shopping and parks. Call Ron Kaechele 403-934-1097

CaLL SheiLa $269,900
Immaculate 3bdr home in a quiet
CaLL nonie
$209,900 CaLL ron virtuaLLY
CaLL Lorna
$35,000 +
culdesac! Over 1400 sq ft on a pie
shaped lot this home features oak
2.63 acres - house, shop,
garage, guest cabin. inventorY
A river runs by it.
403 cabinets, loads of counter space,
kitchen open to living area leading 2 BEDROOMS Trees and hills encompass it. Includes training,
875-1170 out onto newly painted deck.
Large master bedroom, 2 full baths
2 BATHROOMS Sprinkler system waters it.
Shop business could sustain it.
all shelves, racks,
and 2 half baths, den, single car
UPGRADED FLOORING Hot water boiler heats it. cooler, great
$475,000 buys it.
garage, etc You must see this one! TITLED INDOOR PARKING Call Ron Kaechele 403-934-1097 location!

Shauna CaLL SheiLa perfeCt for CaLL nonie CaLL ryan CaLL Lorna
on tHe pond! brand new
extended famiLY -
$85,000 $379,900 bungaLow
Spacious 1370 sq.ft. home 2 BEDROOMS 1400 SQFT $349,900
3+1 bedrooms, 3 full baths Walkout Home.
Professionally developed HARDWOODS Brazlian Cherry Hardwood Over 1400 sq ft.
suite for family only. BRIGHT LIVING RM Floors. Dark Oak Cabinets.
View of the country.
Centrally located with large Call Ryan for more
LARGE LOT Hardwoods.
Tracy back yard. information 403.875.1170

for aLL mLs Listings visit our website


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Page 28 • Strathmore Times • April 22, 2011

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3.7L I-5 cyl. automatic trans. 2.4L I-4 cyl. 5-speed auto, 5.7L 8 cyl. automatic trans. yr. Finance payments based on 84 mo. term. All 5.7L 8 cyl. automatic trans. 3.5L V6 4-speed automatic, 2.0L I-4 cyl. automatic trans.
rebates to dealer. **Payments based on biweekly
with 90,557 kms. #13051A with 68,445 kms. #12940 with 51,285 kms. #1118406A payments. GST not included in any prices or with 89,650 kms. #1118657A with 30,218 kms. #13055 with 70,510 kms. #13080
$0 doWn $0 doWn $0 doWn payments. †Some exclusions apply, see dealer for $0 doWn $0 doWn $0 doWn
$22,988 or $183 b/W
$10,988 or $101 b/W
$24,888 or $230 b/W
oaC** details. Vehicle images are for illustration purposes
only, actual vehicles may not be exactly as shown. $23,988 or $191 b/W
$16,998 or $120 b/W
$8,888 or $86 b/W

139 East LakE Cr, airdriE

6 Minutes north of Cross-iron Mills 1 877 429 8593
CliCk - Buy - save

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