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Focus : Listening and speaking

Theme: World of Knowledge

DAY Topic: 4. Step up

Content Standard : 1.1, 1.3

DATE Learning Standards: 1.1.3, 1.3.1 (b)(c)

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

a. talk about the issues in the pictures.
Subject b. listened to a dialogue and complete the form given.
English c. talk about causes and effects of bullying

Teaching Aids : task sheet, text book, pictures

Class CCE/EE: Multiple intelligences, thinking skills.

Activities :

a. Pre listening-speaking:
Time 1. Teacher puts up pictures on the board. (TB page 31)
2. Get the pupils to talk about the pictures.
3. Prompt questions to encourage active participation.
(60 minutes) 4. E.g: What can you see in the pictures? Have you experienced any of these
situations? What can you do about them?

b. While listening-speaking:
1. Tell the pupils that they are going to listen to a conversation between Kamal
and the school counsellor. (TB page 32)
2. Distributes task sheet.
3. Teacher reads the conversation.
4. Pupils complete the form given.
5. Repeat the conversation for the second time.
6. Discuss the answers with pupils.
7. Talk about the conversation.
8. Asks questions.
Example: Why did Kamal go to the counsellor? What did the boys do to
Kamal? Who is Encik Rosli? Can you predict the outcome if Kamal did not
report the incident?
9. Encourage pupils to share their responses.

c. Post listening and speaking:

1. Teacher shows a few examples of anti-bullying message.
2. In groups, pupils write a creative anti-bullying message.
3. Walk from group to group to guide the pupils in their writing.
4. Display pupils’ messages around the classroom.
5. Each group take turns to read their message.
6. Teacher and peers give feedback.
Attendance: Reflection:
____ out of ___ a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to talk about the issues in the
b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to listened to a dialogue and
complete the form given.

c. ________ out of ___ pupils were able to talk about bullying with
Listen to the conversation and help the counsellor to complete the form.

Name : ____________________________

Class : ____________________ Gender : ____________________

Age : ____________________

Problem : _____________________________________________________

Time of incident : ____________

Location of incident : _________________________________

Contact details : _________________________________

Focus : Reading

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: 4. Step up
Content Standard: 2.2

Learning Standards: 2.2.2(a), 2,2,3(a)(b)

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a. read and understand the reading text by identifying the main ideas and
transfer the supporting details into a table.
Subject b. state effect of animal abuse
Teaching Aids: text book, pictures, task sheet, power point slides

CCE/EE: Thinking Skills, Values & Citizenship

Activities :

a. Pre reading:
1. Teacher shows a video of animal abuse.
Time 2. Get the pupils to state their feelings after they watch the video.
3. Teacher poses these questions for discussion:
What can you see in the video? What happened to the animals? What can you
(60 minutes) do to help these animals?

b. While reading:
1. Teacher gets the pupils to read a text. (TB page 34)
2. Teacher asks questions orally to check understanding.
3. Teacher distributes task sheet.
4. Pupils work in groups and complete the table given.
5. Pupils display their tables around the classroom.
6. Pupils walk around the class and compare their answers with their peers.
7. Teacher discusses the answers with pupils.

c. Post reading:
1. Pupils work in the same group.
2. Ask pupils what are their favourite animals or pets.
3. Tell the pupils that if they were to adopt an animal, what would it be?
4. Pupils give reasons for their answers in bubble map form.
5. Teacher conducts group presentation.
6. Allow other pupils to give comments or feedbacks on their friends’
7. Sum up the lesson by emphasizing the importance of loving animals.

Attendance: Reflection:
____ out of ____ a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to read and understand the
Absent: reading text by identifying the main ideas and transfer the supporting
details into a table.
b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to state effect of animal
Complete the table with the given information.

Animal Abuse

Definition :


Types : b.


Effect :


Prevention : b.

If you were to adopt an animal, what would it be? Why? Complete the bubble map below.

Focus :Writing

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: 4. Step up
Content Standards :3.2

Learning Standards: 3.2.1(a)

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a. Use information from the text to write an announcement
b. Create a poster to promote the Tunas Pet Project Special Awareness Fair
English Teaching Aids : text book, task sheet, poster template

CCE/EE: Constructivism, creativity and innovation

Class Activities :

a. Pre writing:
1. Teacher shows a few pictures of pets.
2. Ask the class to talk about pets.
Time 3. Encourage pupils to talk about their own experiences.
4. Get the pupils to read the online invitation. (TB page 36)
5. Asks questions to check understanding.
(60 minutes)
b. While writing:
1. Tell the pupils that they are going to write and announcement using the
information provided.
2. Teach pupils how to write an announcement.
3. Teacher distributes worksheet.
4. Get the pupils to work in groups.
5. Pupils write an announcement.
6. For pupils of lower proficiency, provide words/phrases for them to choose
7. Invite group leaders to read their announcement.
8. Check their answers and provide feedback.

c. Post writing:
1. Show a few examples of posters.
2. Pupils work in groups. Each group is given a poster template.
3. Pupils create their posters using the template given.
4. Display posters in the classroom.
5. Pupils do a gallery walk and give comments on each other’s work, highlighting
the parts that they like.
6. Give feedback.
Attendance: Reflection:
____ out of ____ a. _________ out of _____ pupils were able to use information from the
Absent: text to write an announcement
b. _________ out of _____ pupils were able to create a poster to promote
the Tunas Pet Project Special Awareness Fair
You are going to announce the Tunas Pet Project in the school assembly. Using all the information provided on the
online invitation, write the announcement. ****** with guidance

Tunas Pet Project is going to organise an animal fair to ___________________________________________________

________ . Besides that, it also aims to ___________________


The fair will be held at ____________________________ on

__________________________ . It will start at __________ .

______________________________________ can attend the

fair for free. During the fair, you can look forward for activities such

as _________________________________________________


___________________________________________________ .

Among the NGO’s involved are ____________________________


Don’t miss the opportunity to ______________________________

_______________________________. Thank you.

You are going to announce the Tunas Pet Project in the school assembly. Using all the information provided on the
online invitation, write the announcement. ****** without guidance

Tunas Pet Project is going to organise an animal fair to ___________________________________________________














Animal Awareness Fair
Date :
Time :
Venue :
Focus : Grammar

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: 4. Step Up

Content Standard : 5.1

Learning Standards: 5.1.2

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

DATE a. Fill in the blanks with the correct relative pronouns
b. Write sentences using the correct relative pronouns

Teaching Aids: text book, video, task sheet

English CCE/EE: Thinking skills, constructivism
Activities :

Class a. Presentation:
1. Teacher writes a sentence on the board.
2. Get the pupils to read the sentence.
3. Teacher tells the pupils that the words in bold is called a relative pronoun.
4. Introduce relative pronouns to the pupils.
Time 5. Give them some examples and sentences.

b. Practice:
Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronoun.
(60 minutes) 1. Teacher gets the pupils to work in pairs.
2. Teacher distributes task sheet.
3. Pupils fill in the blanks with ‘who’ or ’which’.
4. Discuss and confirm answers with pupils.

c. Production:
1. Pupils work with the same pair.
2. Distributes task sheet.
3. Pupils complete the sentences using ‘who’ or ‘whom’. (TB page 38)
4. Check pupils’ answers and give feedback.

Attendance: Reflection:
1. The school __________ I go to is close to my house.
___ out of ___ a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to fill in the blanks with the
correct relative pronouns
2. The girl __________ is wearing a red dress is my sister.
b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to write sentences using the
3. Mrs Hong is the teacher __________ we met at the book fair.
correct relative pronouns

4. The tiger __________ has been attacking the cows has been caught.

5. The naughty boys laughed at the man __________ fell down the stairs.

6. The police arrested the man __________ I saw break into my neighbour house.

who whom
Complete the sentences using ‘who’ or ‘whom’. You may use the dictionary

1. This is my friend ________________________

________________________________ (who)

2. He is the baker _________________________

________________________________ (whom)

3. Example:
A sculptor is a person ____________________
hero is a person who is the main male character
(who) in a story. (who)

4. Ibrahim is the taxi driver __________________


5. This is the student _______________________

_________________________________ (who)
Focus : Language Art

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friend

DAY Topic: Don’t (from Anthology Of Poems)

Content Standard : 4.1

DATE Learning Standards: 4.1.2

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able

a. recite the poem with actions
Subject b. talk about bad habits
Teaching Aids: pictures, poem template

CCE/EE: multiple intelligences, creativity and innovation

Activities :

a. Recite the poem with actions:

1. Group pupils into groups of 5.
Time 2. Tell pupils, they are going to have a Poetic Talentime.
3. Pupils recite the poem together with actions.
4. Tell pupils to present the poem in their own style (for example: jazz chant,
(60 minutes) rap, dikir barat, pop song, etc.)
5. In their groups, they prepare their presentation.
6. Pupils present their poems to the class.
7. The group that has the most smiling smileys is considered the winner.
Note: When 1 group is performing, the rest of the pupils will be the
judge.They will be given an evaluation sheet to judge the performance
of each group.
8. Ask questions pertaining to the poem.
a. What are the bad habits you have seen people doing in public places?
b. Why should we avoid these bad habits?
c. Your sibling likes to pick his nose in public. What advice would you give
9. Encourage pupils to share their responses.

b. Activity 2:
1. Ask pupils questions about things they are not allowed to do.
2. Suggested questions.
a. What are some of the things that your mother does not allow you to do?
b. What are some of the things that your father does not allow you to do?
c. What are some of the things that your teacher does not allow you to do?
d. Why do they not allow you to do all those things?
3. Write pupils’ responses on the board.
4. Distribute task sheet.
5. In groups, pupils are required to complete the table.
6. Accept any logical answer
Attendance: Reflection:
____ out of ____ a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to recite the poem with actions.
b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to talk about bad habits.
Complete the table below.

Lines from the poem Why?

Don’t scrape your plate

Don’t tease the cat

Don’t pick your nose

Don’t suck your thumb

Don’t scratch your head

Don’t swallow gum

Don’t stick your tongue out

Don’t make that face at me

Don’t wear your socks in bed

Don’t slurp your tea

Don’t touch your father’s records

Don’t touch your brother’s glue

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